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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 843x768, swrsUdc_bBz9GOK1fh5E3QPvyweeh_ajhnDyIyur1cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10593393 No.10593393 [Reply] [Original]

What European country has the best street food?

God I want to try that breakfast roll

>> No.10593404
File: 21 KB, 385x460, hotdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a Danish hotdog, though.
This is.

>> No.10593410

one time I bought a langos at work and my faggot boss got all pissy that I didn't offer to get him one. he wouldn't have eaten it, he couldn't have eaten it because of heart problems, but he was still furious that I didn't return the favor of him pestering me to eat with him by offering to grab a langos for him.

>> No.10593419

interesting story :)

>> No.10593540

Holy shit bacon eggs and sausage on a sandwich? How novel! You definitely can't buy that literally anywhere.

>> No.10593541


>> No.10593546

They all look great except that disgusting currywurst.
>ruin a great sausage by submerging it in ketchup mixed with curry powder
Krauts should have been nuked off the face of the earth, not the based japs.

>> No.10593551

In krautland, beer is food, and food is garnish

>> No.10593556

Take it form a Dutchman, kapsalon is a bit overrated

>> No.10593573
File: 314 KB, 1024x768, e9df0d58666ab4bb4920b68ede8d2c74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is 'street food' supposed to mean? Is it made on the street and/or eaten on the street?

I'm a brit and would not consider fish and chips to be street food. Of the top of my head there's nothing british i'd consider street food. I don't think we, or many other European countries have a culture of that, unlike pic related.

>> No.10593576

Jambon beurre

>> No.10593582

>Is it made on the street and/or eaten on the street?

It's the type of food eaten by drunks when the pubs kick everybody out, and they stumble to the first place open on the way home.

"drunk food" is more appropriate

>> No.10593583

fill me in on this zapiekanka

>> No.10593591

>spoils nothing
This site has so many faggots...

>> No.10593597
File: 50 KB, 540x477, 28393757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a 1 meter long baguette with sausage, ham, over easy eggs
>for breakfast
what the fuck

do europoors actually eat all this shit? this shit makes burgerland look passable

>> No.10593603

The Polish one looks interesting

>> No.10593609

>ketchup in currywurst
found the pleb

>> No.10593640

Not every day but if you're looking to have a fry up when out and about on a weekend then yeah.

It's a rare treat/bit of a splurge, unless you do manual labour (e.g. construction work) in which case you might have them semi-regularly just as a way to fill yourself up from the early morning until the afternoon reliably.

>> No.10593666

Breakfast rolls are amazing when you are hungover

>> No.10593696

That mess was invented by Berlin so of course it's a waste, Germany has far better streetfood
>Everything your local bakery or butcher sells which can be eaten raw

>> No.10593717

hmmm I love me some Mettbrötchen

>> No.10593874

>pirozhki instead of shawerma

>> No.10594093

Do eurofats really eat that shit???

>> No.10594283

Mexico of course /thread

>> No.10594298

When done properly, nothing can beat this shit.

>> No.10594300

>people dont occasionally have large breakfasts

>> No.10594333
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>> No.10594344

Looks like a lazy pretzel.

>> No.10594366

As a construction worker, I can't agree more.

>> No.10594380

That's not asia.

>> No.10595462

It's a smaller baguette, like a footlong if even that.

>> No.10595706

I've seen your story on ck before. I think I just remember it because I love langos.

>> No.10595712

Asia is not in Europe.

>> No.10595779

French kebab made of horse meat is great!

>> No.10595951

The vast majority of our cuisine doesn't remotely hold up compared to mainland Europe, but high quality fish and chips has to be up there

>> No.10596548

>circular pretzel

>> No.10596879

That shit is for labour workers who want a reliable source of energy. Carbo + protein.

>> No.10596916

Take a loaf and cut it lengthwise, top it off with sone mushrooms cheese ham etc and put it in the ocen to toast it all. Once done put ketchup on it but the kind that tastes like tomato paste

>> No.10597041

Sounds tasty except the ketchup part lol

>> No.10597114

Zapiekanka - the best thing is you can have anything on it and dress it in any sauce you want, there will be this crunchy, warm and fluffy bread contrasting with fresh delicious ingredients. The basic one contains mushrooms, ham and cheese + ketchup and is delicious on it's own. I want a zapiekanka now.
I think I'm just hungry because I would eat everything from this map.

>> No.10597321
File: 140 KB, 1000x666, Crazy-Fries-from-Belgium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belgium and the netherlands
belgium got them fries
the netherlands got them croquette
no european countrey can compare
hands down

>> No.10597337

what about toast sandwich

>> No.10597346

>toast sandwich
>street food

>> No.10597368
File: 44 KB, 736x492, im frog posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgerland look passable
nope, you're still the fattest

>> No.10597369

idk what you wacky brits eat
you bastards eat vinegar for breakfast

>> No.10597386

Places that tend to have huge breakfasts tend to either not have lunch, or to only have a light sandwich/something small to coast them over to dinner.
It's bigger, but it's just one of the two daily meals, adding up to a daily consumption that's still inferior to the average American afternoon snack.

>> No.10597389

>Italian street food
>Street food

As if anyone makes those as "street food" and people regularly buying them on the fly.

>> No.10597400
File: 12 KB, 385x278, AliensCapone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best France has to offer is ham sandwich
>Ireland's contribution is just a full English placed into a baguette

>> No.10597413
File: 113 KB, 1024x683, E57E6D15-3291-413E-B04D-B6E78EAF7031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing a Buzzfeed tier infographic

>> No.10597417
File: 45 KB, 320x256, smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually replying to a troll

>> No.10597423

>cunts have 1 street food each

>> No.10597426

>jambon beurre

doesn't that mean "ham arab"

>> No.10597432

Beurre is butter anon, where the hell did you get "Arab" from

>> No.10597453

whoever made this has mental problems or has never been to Europe

>> No.10597465

Churros are fucking anazing too. Dunno how “bocadillo” got in for spain but not glorious churros.

>> No.10597480

Do Americans really have bacon and eggs and sausage on a sandwich available everywhere they go?

>> No.10597493

I can't speak for others but as a lifelong New Yorker it came as a surprise to me recently that people in other places consider bacon egg and cheese to be some kind of exotic, NYC-specific delicacy and moreover, a fashionable new trend worthy of people getting butthurt over

All this time, I just assumed people ate it everywhere and it was just a normal, timeless, unremarkable breakfast food

>> No.10597507

lmao who considers it like that, it's trash tier
they probably said it not to hurt your feelings since you were tearing up

>> No.10597515

People actually think that? Haven't mankind been eating some combination of eggs and pork meat for breakfast for the last 1000 years or some shit

>> No.10597519

This is exactly what I mean by the inexplicable butthurt. It's an egg sandwich and look how mad you are
I mean, you'd think so, right? But apparently there are even meme chains now like "egg slut" out west that push these things as though they were some kind of obscure ethnic delicacy

>> No.10597543

Has to be the Bifana, had them when l went to Portugal on holiday, absolutely top tier

Notable mention to Gyros and Currywurst

l dont think breakfast roll is that unique to lreland, but it can always be counted on to fill you up nicely.

>> No.10597576
File: 50 KB, 550x413, frituur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually a combination of muslim streetfood with ours
here's what actual dutch and belgian streetfood is like
kapsalon is pretty tasty though

>> No.10597651


>> No.10597684

My favourites are Krabbenbrötchen and Matjesbrötchen.

>> No.10597758

I mean, just because some of the ingredients were initially foreign doesn't mean the final product is. Potatoes didn't originate in Europe either, and yet a lot of this 'European street food' has them.

>> No.10597789

What the fuck is that long thing? Looks like a very solid turd.

>> No.10597827
File: 57 KB, 800x534, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a frikandel. Mechanically separated meat mixed with flour and spices, boiled, then fried.

>> No.10597907

Ketchup thats sugary just sucks

>> No.10597918
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, mitraillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some french influenced belgian streetfood.

>> No.10597928

Jambon beurre isn't "street food" it's "poverty working class" food.

>> No.10597946

>everyone thinks that the egg mcmuffin is some kind of exotic, nyc specific delicacy

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.10597953

sweden should have had that räksallad&mos thing
also porilainen a shit

>> No.10598249

every story is a good story if there's a lángos in it

>> No.10598308

there's nothing british i'd consider food
i hate british """""cuisine""""" so much

>> No.10598317

it's a lot better than the common americuck diet consisting 16 hours worth of snacks + soda.

>> No.10598327

Italy - speducci, arancini, frito misto, pizza

Greece - tiropita, spanakopita, gyros, souvlaki

France - Crepes, bertillon ice cream

Germany - Nuremberg brats, currywurst, German style doner

Netherlands - herring, lekkerbeks, stroupwaffle, bitterballen, lamajoun with sambas, and shitty stuff like kapsalon and frikadel

>> No.10598332

>Shart in mart detected

>> No.10598350

I'm actually hungarian

>> No.10598391

d o n e r k e b a b

>> No.10598416

Do Europeans actually deep fry sausages?

>> No.10598466

the kapsalon is not a representative streetfood for dutchies imo , I would go for the real dutch snacks aka frikandel speciaal , kroket and kaassoufle

>> No.10598482

kapsalon is turkish junk , doner and pizza are super bad but the shops stay open for the drunks .

>> No.10598511

Belgium has amazing street brauts,waffles,and croissants. All throughout the town there is amazing street food

>> No.10598522


>> No.10598539

I've got family in ireland, i've never heard of a breakfast roll being an Irish thing, also, get jumbo sausage and chips rather than fish and chips, you won't regret it.

>> No.10598544


Pick one

>> No.10598556

Yeah, faggots like you.

>> No.10598558

You can argue whether Belgium ought to be a country just fine (it oughtn't) but you can't deny that at the moment it is one.

>> No.10598566

Feed yourself then, dipshit, you're on the cooking board.

>> No.10598567

It was a thing during the boom when builders would be in the local convenience store during the morning buying them.

McDonald's even does one - http://www.mcdonalds.ie/iehome/food/more_food/breakfast/breakfast_roll.html

>> No.10599209

>that fucking arrow from turkey to germany

>> No.10599230

How long has the McMuffin been available? How is this considered novel in anyway?

>> No.10599268


god knows how many you misspelled from the other countries

>> No.10599274

this is so obviously made by some clueless amerifat

>> No.10599669

Technically both frikandel as well as frikadel are correct ways to spell it. Even if almost noone uses frikadel and it sounds stupid too.

Also kapsalon is only good if you're really drunk.

>> No.10599688
File: 349 KB, 1024x575, 6346590325_8b66dd20ce_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zapiekanka goes best after vodka

>> No.10599785

fucking plebs, actual patrician czech food is a bramborák, smažený sir or roast chicken

>> No.10600054
File: 67 KB, 749x313, DSCN8530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Danish hot dogs are overpriced everywhere, and is being fased our for other fastfood. I would pay $1.6 for a hot dog, but most places they cost more than $3.6.
If you buy Steff-Houlberg sausages in the supermarket, they cost $0.48 each.
You can eat 7.5 Steff-Houlberg sausages for every 1 complete fastfood hot dog.

>> No.10600116


Must suck to be you

>> No.10600583

I dont get it, those are supposed to be british foods, or wtf?

>> No.10600657


>not Doner

>> No.10600741

Use less (expensive) chives and add more meat.

>> No.10600809
File: 2.07 MB, 360x199, 1525477856187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That photo is a fucking hipster, overpriced bullshit stuff that you get at the music festivals/posh joints.

A real zapiekanka is sold in the same obscure joint/van that is there for years, its a poor student fast food. A good mushroom paste, a nice ratio between the paste and cheese and the perfect combo of crunch on the outside and the almost garlic bread-like softness on the inside.

Meat is optional but i always get a plain version while visiting my Mama and Tata in Poland.

>> No.10600826

>Jambon Beurre

So a ham and butter sandwich? That does not sound very appetizing.

>> No.10600980

This is a reaally shitty picture.

For instance, Italian food varies so much region to region, it is stupid to suggest there is just one prevalent street food.

For instance, in Florence, it would be panini and tripe sandwiches, but in Venice, it would be ciccheti.

>> No.10601003

Thought the French were supposed to be food crazy? Literally pieces of ham on bread. Woooooow!

>> No.10601748

35cm long piece of bread toasted with cheese and mushrooms, optionally add whatever.

I have tried 8 of the things listed in that image and its the one Id prefer. Also it costs around 8zl, which is about two dollars I think

>> No.10601753

It probably tastes alright but why does all Dutch food look like literal shit?

>> No.10601756
File: 1.38 MB, 2816x2112, kibbeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever retard made this should neck themselves, kapsalon is drunk food eaten somewhere inside after one in the morning. Preferably with a plate underneath to catch all the debris you'll inevitably spill everywhere.

Kibbeling, herring and onions, oliebollen and poffertjes are actual streetfood and 100% Dutch as well.

>> No.10601760

>battered fish served with tar tar sauce
hello fish and chips

>> No.10601761

Because we consider churros to be either breakfast or something you get on a whim, but not an actual food

>> No.10601817

>no chips or other side dishes
>very thin and different coating of batter
>heavily seasoned afterwards
>variety of sauces to choose
>almost exclusively eaten as streetfood
They're suprisingly different considering that they have same ingredients, eaten by two culturally similar countries hugging the same little sea.

>> No.10602891

why do euros type like this? it’s the same faggy enlightened tone every single time. sometimes i think it’s an american teenager trying to larp because he hates america so much

>> No.10602907

Type like what? Standard capitalization and punctuation? I honestly don't understand why flyovers think sounding like an educated adult is some kind of attack on USA #1.

>> No.10602941

Anons who can't into grammar or capitalization are typically underage fags who learned to type on their iphones. No reason to take them seriously.

>> No.10602949

I live in Manhattan stupid nigger
>looking to
>fry up
>out and about
>fill you up
none of these words or phrases are used regularly and were intentionally written to sound """intellectual"""

>> No.10602960

The post in question is actually of impaired readability on account of a few pieces of omitted punctuation. I'm not complaining, just saying.

>> No.10602965
File: 106 KB, 750x563, parking4u-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of these words or phrases are used regularly and were intentionally written to sound """intellectual"""
Are you one of those kids who does "show time everyone" and says "at least we're not robbing and stealing" when people get annoyed?

>> No.10602991
File: 65 KB, 607x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the trumpet dude's face on a low income housing complex named after Jefferson?

>> No.10602993

if you consider those phrases to be "fancy" I feel sorry as fuck for you
and I'm not even a native speaker

reminds me of a time when I was travelling with a Canadian, Australian and American and only the Aussie understood some completely basic stuff like "do you reckon"

>> No.10603002

tried this vile shit lately, it's like fucking fried paper. although actual paper would probably have more taste to it

>> No.10603006

what are you even talking about you schizo

>> No.10603024

Ok ah speak mo common and not so intalechul soas u can undastand me. Ah axed u a question niggah. Is u one of those kids who does "show time everyone" and says "at least we're not robbing and stealing"?

Or is u the kind who stops me on the platform to axe me fo sum uh dem benjamins and says u supportin ur basketball team?

>> No.10603042

>yfw it was manhattan kansas and anon doesn’t get any NY references

>> No.10603167
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>> No.10603174

this is actually more coherent than the shitty enlightened eurospeak

>> No.10603178

It's fucking shit. Why take all these great individual snacks and combine them into a mushy mash. Such a waste.

>> No.10603205
File: 44 KB, 620x436, greggs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldnt call fish and chips street food, it's mostly eaten at pubs these days at a cost of £10~ depending on the place.

For english street food I'd opt for the almighty Greggs steak bake, very portable and at a cost of £1.40 you cant go wrong really. Fuck anyone who tells you a chicken bake is better

>> No.10603215

lol, if youre from volendam or 60+ maybe. Otherwise it's all frikandel, kroket and patat met/speciaal

>> No.10603216

>being this assravaged that an Irishman types better than you do
I mean it's pretty embarassing but still, this is too much.

>> No.10603399

"Mitraillette" is the best.

>> No.10603510

Sounds like you've never seen 5 billion kids pour out of a fried chicken shop after school, greasy boxes in hand.

>> No.10603602

Fries get all soggy, everything tastes like cheese and you don't even taste the salad. Also it's about 1200 kcal, who the hell can even eat that much in one sitting, a construction worker maybe.

>> No.10603632

This is everywhere in america....i prefer sausage, egg n cheese but thats just me

>> No.10603650
File: 22 KB, 800x800, tvoritko-na-parok-v-rozku-presto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love the simplicity of Czechs and Slovaks

párok v rožku - literally just a hot dog inside a bun

>> No.10603655

Yes...thats called a pig in a blanket...

>> No.10603706

>Americans mistake the USA for "literally anywhere" the post
life does exist outside of your country, you know that right?

>> No.10603977

it is in slang tho lol

>> No.10604014

If I'm not mistaken Pig in a Blanked is assembled, then baked.

When making Párok v Rožku you literally just drill a hole in a bun and stuff a hot dog in in.

>> No.10604028


>Seeing Americans behind every post
>Nothing wrong with the post

>> No.10604094

French ham is amazing, french butter is great, french baguette is amazing. Do the maths. ingredients so good you literally don't need anything else.

>> No.10604104

Known as a “French hotdog” in Denmark

>> No.10604109

There's no "street food" in France, only tourist traps play of pretend. If you are French you don't eat in the street like an animal, and you certainly don't do it outside of the 3 meals of the days. It's even more strict with drinking. See someone olding a botter or a can in the street? It's a first gen immigrant.

>> No.10604134


So basically everyone is outside with cans and bottles then?

>> No.10604185


The fuck are you talking about?
You have bakeries everywhere with pastries, various sandwiches, paninis, pizzas, croque monsieur and that's where most French people eat for lunch.

>> No.10604231
File: 65 KB, 604x604, 604x604_759016799820480512_773291328688259072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkey, IMO.

It even colonized the rest of europe via doner kebab

>> No.10604241

Saucisse-en-cage in french speaking Switzerland

>> No.10604250

no, and no. you don't eat there. You buy and eat at home.
And you certainly don't snack on that.

>> No.10604256

Budapest during the Christmas and New year holidays.

>> No.10604257


You can eat in a bakery if there is room or you can eat on the street, at work etc. I don't know what you're on my man

>> No.10604261

>get btfo
>y-your just butthurt

>> No.10604294

Looks like chips, gravy, battered sausage and scraps. Basically, standard chippy affair here in england.

>> No.10604328

>he hasnt established a personal friendship with his favorite hotdog vendor so he can get discounts

>> No.10604336
File: 200 KB, 200x200, LightImaginaryArrowcrab-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet ireland took the baguette just to spite bongs

>> No.10604370

same in poland.

but parok w rożku sounds much better,

>> No.10604385

>implying poland exists

>> No.10604391

HUSARIA will kill you, buddy.

>> No.10604543

Italy, South Italy in particular.
heard Asian(except for Japan) street food is also High tier

>> No.10604880

Watch a lot of french arab gay porn eh?

>> No.10605078
File: 741 KB, 1600x1200, Klobása_s_chlebem_a_hořčicí.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the better example of czech street food is this

>> No.10605216

that's not fucking hranolky with cheese. it's just poor people kielbasa.

>> No.10605295

Apart from 'splurge' all those words and phrases are basic English. I'm not a native speaker and even I know this Paco.

>> No.10605313

Dated English more like, nobody uses these terms unless they're 70.

>> No.10605317

Isnt the doner kabab from berlin?

>> No.10605342

>an american teenager trying to larp because he hates america so much

>> No.10605360

Nigga, do you live in Maaskantje? I've yet to visit an average Dutch city which isn't littered with both permanent and mobile fishmarkets, often right next to the central station. Utrecht and Holland Spoor, for example. Markthal has like three. Hell, a fishstand is the first fucking thing you see when you step out of Leiden Centraal. They're hardly rare or archaic, you've got a shitton of new Moroccan fish shops popping up everywhere.

>> No.10605375

no we dont, looks like you believe memes you absolute child

>> No.10605608

>mfw this pic has no food for my country

it sucks being a countrylet lads

>> No.10605697

I've seen a lot of people of all ages and dialects use them. Just because they don't appear in your local variant of ebonics doesn't mean they're Tolkien tier archaic.

>> No.10605712

"fry up" is specific to the Isles

>> No.10605778

Thanks for the distinction and the humble way to put it. I was just pulling your leg really.

>> No.10605829
File: 613 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

battered sausage and chips is a british classic
classic poor person's food

>> No.10605912

T. mohamed

>> No.10606105

ketchup with curry spice is the real invention here
and it goes well with fries and that type of bulk sausage

>> No.10606111

>tfw most of these are just bread with meat in them

>> No.10606150

there's also cabbage and carrot pirukas (it's a generic term for filled pastry)

>> No.10606685


> speducci
> frito misto
fritto misto