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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 877 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180508_213732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10571681 No.10571681 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of ketogenic diets?

>> No.10571688

A garbage choice for most but appealing to those that don't have the self-control to limit processed carbs and sugar in a normal diet. Most who adhere to it do it improperly leading to even more health issues.

>> No.10571689

useful if done right. IF.

>> No.10571692

I think they're dumb as shit and ultimately unhealthy.

>> No.10571700

I think it's better to improve on a normal diet that gives you nutrients all humans eat and look for, rather than being neurotic about sugar or flour and accepting liver/kidney failure as a risk of your chosen excuse to not eat less and move more.

>> No.10571701
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>eating veggies, meat, nuts and fruit leads to health issues

>> No.10571707

>a lack of sugar and flour leads to liver and kidney failure


>> No.10571710

0/10 reading comprehension.

>> No.10571711

Want to lose weight? Eat less calories. Was that hard?

>> No.10571716


>> No.10571717

Ketosis might. So yeah, taken as a strict logical proposition, it could. Don't be so rash, Anon.

>> No.10571722

I think like mit things that people cultishy cling to, there's an aspect of good advice that's drowned in a lot of bullshit and misinformation. Yes, protein and fat are essential parts of the human diet, but you don't need to completely eliminate carbs to be healthy. You just need to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise.

>> No.10571733
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if there's a gateway to becoming the übermensch then it's keto and fasting. carbcucks will be servants in the empire of ketokings.

>> No.10571753
File: 16 KB, 480x360, sv3rigeflatearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no nutrients in plants.
Vastly inferior to a primal diet as it still includes unnecessary v*getables and cooking (destroying) food.

>> No.10571759

>There are no nutrients in plants
Thanks, I needed a good laugh today

>> No.10571767

>no nutrients in plants
I can't tell if you're stupid or you're just baiting with a no-effort troll.

>> No.10571769

Good thing God makes cows fat as a reward for turning all that grass into poop.

>> No.10571787
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You literally do not digest any of it, you are not a cow. Plants do literally nothing for you except release glucose into the bloodstream.

>> No.10571825

Stop, my sides can't take it.

>> No.10571838

Nice non-argument you shit, there's a reason we can thrive on a diet consisting 100% of meat but not on a 100% plant one.

>> No.10571878

Millions of Indians and Buddhists disagree with you. I don't know who the people in your pics are, but I'm pretty sure you're either trolling or just proselytizing like a bitch.

>> No.10571885

Seriously, I'm in stitches. I can't take anymore

>> No.10571886

There are literally zero (0) of those cultures that eat a 100% plant based diet. And even then, those countries are still full of functionally malnourished, ugly diseased manlets.

>> No.10571890


/ck/ is the worst /r9k/ board

>> No.10571896

Oh my God, stop. I can't breathe.

>> No.10571897

Good thing vegans die after a month of veganism.

>> No.10571902

They can survive a good while because they still have their own bodies to eat, but there is absolutely no way to thrive on a vegan diet. Nor a vegetarian diet for that matter.

>> No.10571925

You do eat carbs on a keto diet, just not the high amount that's usually in most food.I get my daily amount of 20g from veggies. It's more filling than bread.

>> No.10571948

Holy shit, funniest thread all week. Thanks /ck/.

>> No.10571973

I'm gonna disagree with you on vegetarian diets. I think they can be very healthy if eggs, dairy, and occasional fish are eaten. You can still fuck it up by eating too much sugar and highly-processed garbage though. People always get all defensive about the titles of their favored diets, but when you take a closer look at what each individual really eats those classifications seem nutritionally arbitrary.

>> No.10572024

It's good to get rid of as much refined sugar as possible, but it's fucking stupid to go out of your way to remove all carbohydrates from your diet.

if you want to cut down on "carbs," just make sure that whatever you're eating has protein in it because protein makes you feel full, thus making you crave fewer carb-based foods which generally don't fill you up. Also, use whole-grain flour whenever possible.

>> No.10572055
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It's fun because I can make shit like bacon wrapped ground beef covered weiners.

>> No.10572060
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These are nice.
Mixed the ground beef with a beaten egg, garlic powder, chilli flakes, oregano, pepper and some fresh grated parmesan.

>> No.10572188
File: 22 KB, 480x480, boogie2988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that

>> No.10573192

>There are no nutrients in plants.
god tier bait

>> No.10573195

shit picture, but gonna try anyways.

>> No.10573196

its an excuse for fat people to eat more fat

>> No.10573393

They're all indigestible. You are not a cow.

>> No.10573398

Your mum is.

>> No.10573866

>eating fat makes you fat
>listening to music makes you a musician
>watching television makes you a movie star

>> No.10573892

eating empty calories makes you fat including fat and sugar
take keto
cut out fat, increase protien, only get carbs from vegetables and you have weightloss too
heck the fucking hippy who ate 30,000 big macs eats two big macs a day and some fruit and water and barely eats 1800 calories a day

>> No.10573910

Great way to lose weight fast but not very healthy.

If you do keto don't do it for more than 2 or 3 months.

>> No.10573922

why is the earth not spinning in his example?

>> No.10573934

There's a vast difference between digesting something (what we do to plants) and dismantling something into its basic building blocks and reassembling it into something completely different to meet all of your nutritional needs because you're physically specialized to eat grass (what ruminants do to plants).

Just because we don't break down and repurpose cell walls like cattle doesn't mean we don't break cell walls open and get the nutrition that plant cells hold.

>> No.10573937

yup, lots of “vegans” eat mostly bread. im almost definite tgat i eat more vegetables than the average vegan

>> No.10573940

it's gay shit for retards who are scared of bread but too young to remember what a failure Atkins was

>> No.10573942

if that were true all vegans would die in a matter of days. i get what youre saying and agree that meat is more easily digested and has nutrition that you cant get from plants, but you are taking it to a ludicrous extreme.

>> No.10573948

Do Americans Really Think This Way?

>> No.10573954

If it was easy, there wouldn't be nearly as many obese people.

>> No.10573961
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>what a failure Atkins was
Hope you know that everyone says Atkins was right and he was demonized by the FDA and all their paid off cronies along with the media. They were still going off the fat causes you to be fat meme they got sold and only recently have they agreed it's due to sugar and refined carbs.

>> No.10573962
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Unfortunately yes, but you don't have to capitalize every word in a sentence.

>> No.10573974
File: 83 KB, 645x614, 1516144903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat carbohydrates ever and I have no ill effects. I just graduated with a 3.8 gpa

>muh brain fuel

>> No.10573978

Man, I remember my parents doing the Atkins thing hardcore years ago, they bought books, Atkins-branded food, all that shit. Now the keto diet is all over /ck/ when I routinely saw people making fun of Atkins before. It's interesting.

>> No.10574057

That would be doing it properly, so not what he's talking about.

>> No.10574640

>source: my ass

>> No.10574672
File: 160 KB, 800x614, hurtalittle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a general rule of thumb, anytime 4channers get absolutely booty blasted by someone asking about something there's probably something good about it.
I'm some Auschwitz looking manlet so I don't really need to diet but I worked with two different guys that were able to lose 15-20 pounds a month from doing it. It has a very simple premise. That's why it's easy for people to stick to. I think there are very few people who do it for any reason other than losing weight rapidly besides Joe Rogan.
All there wojak posters ITT are just lard asses who have to justify their being fat pieces of shit

>> No.10574684

That's because the Atkins doet is done in phases. First phase is basically keto and then they introduce more carbs into the diet. That's why it fails people.

>> No.10574714

Carnivore diet is the only respectable way to do keto.
Vegan keto is kys tier.

>> No.10575887

look up insulin resistance and sensitivity, and metabolic syndrome

>> No.10575898

I think he's being serious lel.

>> No.10576014

Bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers on the grill is super delicious.
I go off keto once every few months for special dinners out, but when I do I keep more mind what I shovel in my mouth and I make cheating worth it.

>> No.10577146
File: 49 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Power Ranking:

Zero Carb Carnivore > Keto > Everything in between > Veggie > Mentally Ill Vegan

At least garbovores can enjoy their carbage as it kills them. Pretentious plant-eaters are the worst. Bitch, fuck off with the salad. Stop pretending you enjoy consuming indigestible plant matter with close to zero nutrient bioavailability.

90 carb free days will rapidly improve your body composition, whether you're a skellington or obese. Both ends of the spectrum are equally malnourished. It's not about numbers on a scale. It's about nutritition and health. Even the weakest, flabbiest, skinnyfat estrogent can conquer his sugar addiction, cure his mental illness, rapidly improve his body composition, balance testosterone levels, and reverse gynecomastia among many other benefits.

If all you beta bitchbois memed ZERO CARB CARNIVORE half as hard as you memed onions, we would solve the masculinity crisis and literally save the world. We're under constant ideological and chemical assault through (((media))) and (((agriculture))) and (((pharmaceuticals))). Meat is the best medicine. Too many people force themselves to exercise when they're severely malnourished, leading to inevitable injury and failure. Just fucking chill out for a while, eat meat, drink water, and get fat adapted. Once you begin to heal your energy levels increase naturally and you'll be motivated to exercise without forcing anything.

>> No.10577371

How many ignorant people in this thread? I cant count them all!

>> No.10577609

Lost 50lbs on keto without regular gym visits.

Probably helps that I'm part Alaskan native.

>> No.10577613

official power ranking:
people who eat whatever they want in moderation > people who follow specific diet ideologies > people who preach specific diet ideologies

>> No.10577624
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>having a relationship this bad with food

>> No.10577640
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Every time I take a break I regret it. Carbs give me the worst headaches now.

>> No.10578277
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>limit processed carbs and sugar in a normal diet
I mean, that's literally all that keto is -- a normal diet, with strictly limited carbohydrates. You can eat absolutely anything you want on keto, as long as you don't eat more than 20g of net digestible carbs per day.

>> No.10580077

>and reverse gynecomastia
prove this and I'm sold

>> No.10580086

>You can eat absolutely anything you want on keto
That's a lie, I have a big stomach and I can eat easily 3 to 4k calories a day.

>> No.10580103
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I think that whether keto or not, the secret to good health is eating when you need to.

I only get hungry maybe twice a day. I think that people shouldn't eat when they're not hungry.

When you're not hungry, you have lower stomach acid, stuff gets less digested, and bacteria in your gut have more to feed on. This is bad because bacteria are bad, and the "good" bacteria are only good insofar as they stave off the even worse bacteria.

This is very bad with animal protein, because it feeds very dangerous (putrefactive) forms of bacteria. You can sort of get away with it with sugars and carbs, which feed only mildly harmful bacteria (fermentative).

If you only eat when hungry, you fully digest everything, and the only bacteria that thrive are benign cellulose-eating ones.

>> No.10580115

Mongoloids are fat adapted HUNTERs (and fishers)

white "men" are milk-drinking sissies who love carbs so much that they literally died off in droves if they couldn't digest lactose.

>> No.10580126

Its stupid as fuck.
Tried it for like 2 months and realized all the best foods have some sort of bread it in. Yeah have fun eating eggs and bacon every morning, I'll be eating that with hashbrowns and oatmeal.
If you really want to lose weight just put the fork down fatty

>> No.10580132

Sometimes it is
If a certain way of eating makes it easier for someone to restrict their calories, who cares?

>> No.10580194
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>> No.10580203

Yes especially when you have sugar cravings or your blood sugar is all over the place. Keto really regulates that, and for most people it's really hard to control the blood sugar coaster.

>> No.10580208
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>> No.10580218

Keto dieters are focused on going into ketosis, so they don't necessarily believe that having like 75-100 g carbs a day is unhealthy. They just want to burn fat as quickly as possible. Eating so low carb for me eliminates food cravings, but when I'm done losing weight I'll probably incorporate a larger variety of vegetables in my diet, but I'm still going to stay away from going back to how I was eating before.

>> No.10580256
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>> No.10580263
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>> No.10580276
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>> No.10580284
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>mfw sami/norwegian
Best of both worlds

>> No.10580286
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You're in the denial stage, don't worry, you'll get over it soon. See pic.

>> No.10580289
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>> No.10580297
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Accept reality and move on with life.

>> No.10580298

says the increasingly nervous pink man, worried about the rise of China, globalization of Mongoloid culture, and now the unification of Korea.

>> No.10580305

I almost feel bad about having to get you reality checked since I use your people as slave labor to get cheap electronics and goods.

>> No.10580308
File: 45 KB, 1330x600, chinahistory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rise of chinkna
There's a reason mongoloid means retard.

>> No.10580317
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>from the makers of wewuzkangz comes...

>> No.10580318
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>> No.10580327

>no arguments
>keeps posting cherrypicked pictures of golddiggers with millionaire chink entrepeneurs

Address what was posted or I'll stop replying, eurasiantiger.

>> No.10580330

U mad white bois?

>> No.10580349

>asians have the lowest test of any other race
>we are supposed to believe women from other races who are wired to select masculine traits are heads over heels with effeminate soy consuming asian "men"
Something doesn't add up, let's look at real life statistics

Yeah, I thought so.

>> No.10580478

Good things aren't easy, you fatfuck.

>> No.10580495

americans are not white.

>> No.10580504
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Does not look healthy when you see the people who are on it. They have that gaunt look like a 4 pack a day for thirty years smoker.
Photo is before and after this questionable diet.

>> No.10580631

>asians have the lowest test
Wtf? The samurai were the toughest warriors comparable to the plains indians the world has ever seen. The plains indians were beaten by simply the ant like crawl of the weak, pale illegal immigrant and the samurai by a concerted effort between the axis powers (with nazis developing the bomb for the west). Consider yourself btfo you lice ridden barbarian.

>> No.10580710

If you don't eat highly processed garbage it's pretty great. Still need to calorie restrict to lose weight. It's not magic.

>> No.10580746
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, 1519780730958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The toughest, bulkiest and tallest warriors were the nords. I don't know what you're smoking you fucking monkey.

This is how strong your warriors are when faced with the White Master Race.


>> No.10580891

I have no idea what you're referring to, but I already did.

The european race, a subset of caucasoids, is being succeeded by a bigger brained, higher IQ, less aggressive, more organizationally capable race. As the Mongoloid racial groups gain an economic edge over the west, soft power inevitably results. Both of these process are already well underway.

Female preferences (apart from height and some objective facial traits) are simply the result of social-status conditioning, everyone knows this. Mongoloids have the edge in facial masculinity (wide face, jaw, cheekbones etc), and a slight disadvantage in height, which can be easily attributed to the huge calcium consumption disparity between East and west. When a man is portrayed as desirable, his desirability increases irrespective of his actual physical being. Obviously, the lion's share of media revenue is currently from western media, but the reversal of that trend is abundantly clear.

Racial disparities in romantic preference are simply the same dynamic, but on a group, rather than individual scale.

The whites see the writing on the wall, and the more susceptible of them (IE: the ones who require artificial status in order to thrive) are trying to do something about it, but to no avail. You see, europeans are basically just depigmented arabs. It's even in your DNA.

>> No.10580901
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>>asians have the lowest test of any other race

This is a falsehood. whites have the lowest T of all races, except perhaps Indians. Although I do wonder how much of the Indian low T is due to the complete vegetarianism that so many of them practice.

T levels are Black > Asian > white.

E levels are Black > white > Asian/Mexican

>> No.10580914
File: 78 KB, 3072x1152, ADMIXTURE_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot to link my autosomal plot.

The average "white" is anywhere from 30-70% arab in origin. Since the posters on this board are of anglo-german descent, it would be roughly ~35%, unless they belong to the 10% of white americans who carry additional African ancestry.

Fascinating stuff.

>> No.10580915
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>This is a falsehood. whites have the lowest T of all races, except perhaps Indians. Although I do wonder how much of the Indian low T is due to the complete vegetarianism that so many of them practice.
This is literally on pair with the black nationalist movement.
Literal ugly brown chinks living in a fantasy world.

>> No.10580955
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>> No.10581007

So according to that chart, asians have more t than literal negroes.

Sure thing boss. T is correlated with penis size, why do asians have the babiest dick of them all? Something doesn't add up.

>> No.10581032

Very effective for burning body fat, but the key concept of it is sending your body into a state called ketosis. This condition is very common in diabetic patients, and is really hard on the kidneys. Doing it for prolonged periods can have some pretty harsh effects, especially in the elderly or those with a history of kidney problems.

>> No.10581037

apparently ketogenic diets open up conversation that prevents "different races" from communcating without prejudice clouding judgement. wew. c'mon guys. we're one goddamn humanity

>> No.10581071

>dumbass tries to associate his shill diet with muh racialism despite the fact that Atkins was a globalist cuck who was descended from Russian Jews

>The great-grandson of Russian-Jewish immigrants on both sides, Atkins grew up in Dayton, Ohio, to which his family moved in 1941.

>> No.10581075

i despise keto faggots. just eat a balanced diet, restrict calories if you want to lose weight. get a hobby if you can't stop shoveling food.
did you read my post?

>> No.10581081
File: 40 KB, 408x450, 1508817782319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur durr keto diets are redpilled
>it's totally redpilled to shill a russian jew's opinions as fact bro

did you read mine?

>> No.10581097

turns out im illiterate and smashing the keyboard randomly jeez i hope something along these garbled characters gets through. i love dicks

>> No.10581144
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>butthurt gook spamming citation neededs

>> No.10581174

The same nords who relied on barley and rye and dairy for sustenance?

Daily reminder the Inuit IQ is a max of 91. That's about what you're getting when you go keto. Max IQ of 91.

>> No.10582930

Oh, no...

>> No.10583075 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, zooey23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Keto has nothing to do with how many calories you eat, just what type. You won't lose weight eating 4000 calories unless you're already a disgusting hamplanet, but you'll still be following a ketosis-maintaining diet.

>> No.10583084
File: 42 KB, 530x378, ywirnb5umn501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Keto has nothing to do with how many calories you eat, just what type. You won't lose weight eating 4000 calories unless you're already a disgusting hamplanet, but you'll still be following a ketosis-inducing-and-maintaining diet.