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10528339 No.10528339 [Reply] [Original]

What foods have the most vital vitamins?

I'm especially looking for fruits or vegetables.
My plan is basically to eat a couple fruits/vegetables at lunch to get my daily intake of vitamins/minerals (mostly vitamins).

I already take vitamin D and Omega 3 as supplements, but I don't really eat many fruits/vegetables atm, so I'm a bit short on that department.
If possible I'm looking for one fruit/vegetable to have it all, or maybe a couple.

I heard that spinach contains a lot of vitamins, so maybe that is a possibility to maximize profit.
I also know that pepperfruit contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as other things.


>> No.10528350

The answer is kale.
Shame it tastes like shit.

>> No.10528354

I wouldn't eat spinach every day in large quantities. It could lead to kidney stones.
Instead of taking an Omega 3 pill, why not just eat a can of sardines or kippers every couple of days?

>> No.10528361

Kiwi is one of the best sources of vitamin C

>> No.10528369

I agree, but maybe there are other options that come close?
Maybe if I combine more fruits/vegetables?

Hmm, is there any downside to the Omega 3 capsules? Might switch to actual fish once I run out.

>> No.10528386

>is there any downside to the Omega 3 capsules
More expensive than just eating fish and I've heard nutrients are better absorbed from real food rather than supplements.

>> No.10528459

If the leaf is dark green, it's probably mineral-rich. General rule of thumb.

>> No.10528487

If you really want to get the most nutritional punch from your fruits and vegetables, find a way to eat these on a daily basis:
Cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli and cabbage
Berries, particularly blueberries
Avocados (yep, you fucking heard me)
Red and orange peppers
Mushrooms (skip the standard button variety and go for mainly Asian varieties or wild western varieties) and ALWAYS eat mushrooms cooked, not raw
Lemons, zest and juice
Pineapple, kiwi, and papaya (essential enzymes)
Leafy greens (skip the lettuce and spinach, and go for other greens like arugula, cress, endive, kale, chard, collard greens, mustard greens, escarole)
Celery (helps control blood pressure and full of fiber)
Sweet potatoes or orange squashes like butternut and acorn squash
Fresh herbs
Walnuts (technically not in the vegetable/fruit category, but exceptionally good for you. You only need to eat the equivalent of 4 walnuts a day to reap their health benefits)
And then add whatever other fruits and veg you like in there along with those .

>> No.10528519

Quite an impressive list I gotta say.
I will look into these, but initially I was thinking about eating maybe 1-3 different fruits/vegetables a day to get the most vital vitamins, so you could understand this a bit much.

What combination of these fruits/vegetables/nuts would you say give the most significant benefit? As in which one would impact me the most if I started eating it everyday.

Do you eat all of these everyday?
and if you do, what change have you noticed since you began?

>> No.10528573

I TRY to eat some of all those every day, but I don't always get there. Some days it's just not possible. And that's fine, you just want to strive for a good balance of those, and find ways to work them into your meals and snacks. And yes, I have noticed a difference in how I feel (better energy, better digestion, etc) and how I look (skin, hair, etc).
Out of that whole list, the most important (and easiest to incorporate into your diet) would be the cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, red and orange peppers, onions, garlic, and the berries. And then work in the others where you can. If good digestion is important to you, really try to work in the ginger, pineapple or papaya, and lemon. Those are digestive powerhouses.

>> No.10528588


The absorption of the omega 3 isn't as good, plus there's a possibility that your body is allergic to taking it in capsules even if you're not allergic to omega 3 in general.

>> No.10528589

Thanks a lot, and you're right my digestion could be better. I'll try to work in your suggestions

>> No.10528602

>vitamin D supplements
Why? Just stand out in the sun or drink some fortified milk.

>> No.10528608

You're very welcome! And good luck with it, I hope it helps, it's amazing what a difference it can make when you streamline your nutrition.

>> No.10528612

Some people can't get into the sun longer without burning themselves like me.

>> No.10528619

I like the taste of kale. I usually eat lacinto kale, briefly sauteed in butter with a squeeze of lemon juice and some salt.

>Just stand out in the sun
That only helps a little. You have to be outdoors all the time in order for it to make a real difference.

>> No.10528622

There's not always sun in northern europe, and milk is not healthy

Do your farts smell worse than they should with all the kale?

>> No.10528624

Depending on where you live and your general health, some people are naturally more vitamin d deficient than normal, and sun and milk won't cut it. The more you weigh, the more vitamin d deficient you will be, because it's a fat soluble vitamin.

>> No.10528650

Is it true that frozen veggies carry more vitamins than fresh? I was always told that because they're frozen soon after harvest the vitamins decay less.

>> No.10528657

Technically yes, unless you buy your vegetables from a locally supplied market or farmer's market.

>> No.10528659
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If anything I would say it's because they're harvested when ripe and flash-frozen rather than picked green and then shipped for weeks.

Vitamin "decay" sounds fucktarded.

>> No.10528671


>> No.10528681

I eat liver paté everyday

>> No.10528682

Not really that much, but frozen veggies are the shit

>> No.10528684


Well 5 days a week really..

>> No.10528741

Pale monster

>> No.10528986

As a ketofag, I have pared down a very short list of the most powerful produce for vitamins and fiber content, from which I eat two servings a day. I eat a lot of cream, butter, eggs, and fish, so these things round everything out for me:
Pumpkin Seeds
90% Dark Chocolate

>> No.10528999

Thank you. I'll have a look into your suggestions

>> No.10529096

there isn't that much of a sun here at Tierra del Fuego

>> No.10529165

There’s so much we don’t know about nutrition that the best answer is to just eat a large variety of different vegetables. The nutrition you see on labels barely scratches the surface of all the chemicals your body needs to work at an optimal level

>> No.10529174
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Vegetables of the allium and the cruciferous brassicaceae families, berries, and walnuts.

>> No.10529195

I was basically going to post this. I cant think of a vegetable or berry (or really any fruit) that's "bad" for you. I mean, if you eat nothing but brocolli eventually you will become malnourished, but it's still really good for you. The only thing I can think is that fruits tend to be high in sugar, but again, balance and variety is key.

>> No.10529209


well that's no fun :(

>> No.10530768

The answer is Kale and Blueberries

>> No.10532342


>> No.10532345
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>> No.10532413

Yeah when you fall into the trap of trying to maximize nutrition by eating exclusively superfoods you end up missing lots of other important stuff from foods you wouldn’t consider particularly nutritious (like antioxidants in grapes for example)

>> No.10534652

Fermented foods for some reason adds additional nutrients that weren't originally there. Not to mention they are also great for gastro health.

Mushrooms like wild and Asia are also great for you.

Small fish like sardines are also packed full of nutrients and have minimum mercury levels.

>> No.10534961

>is there a miracle food
no, you have to eat a plethora of healthy food daily

>> No.10535050

This shit is poison.

>> No.10536848

Not OP, but this is a pretty good list, thanks the info.

I've been cutting all of this out of my diet because it makes you smell like ass.

>> No.10537049

dont buy curly kale and dont eat it raw. Problem solved.

>> No.10537088

You are based.