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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10527622 No.10527622 [Reply] [Original]

didn't eat meat yesterday and haven't had it yet today, so I wanna see how long I can keep it going
what are some meals I can cook that are both veggie and low carb/carb free?

>> No.10527624

Man I eat meat every day but I probably shouldn't but chicken ain't really meat to begin with.

>> No.10527627

american chicken is water and hormones thats true

>> No.10527642

you just going meatless for a while, or vegetarian, or full on vegan? it makes a difference in what we rec you

>> No.10527645

As a vegan I can tell you that it really helped me setting up a cheat day early on!

>> No.10527648


>> No.10527655

veggie but no eggs, seems redundant to eat chiccen embryos imo (to be honest)
nah no cheat days
just gonna aim for a solid week

>> No.10527667

best advice I can give you is to remind you that veggies are great when cooked properly. and if you're like me you were raised in a house where veggies weren't considered done unless they're mush. that's just wrong and nasty. it's why so many folk think they don't like vegetables

>> No.10527690

vegetables are fine but i'm not sure what to cook that is low carb and not just a bowl of green stuff

>> No.10527698

mushrooms, tofu, that's about all I can think of that's not meat, not a carb, and not green stuff

>> No.10527733

by green stuff I mean a bowl of salad
also don't like tofu, tastes like shid

>> No.10527784

It's redundant to eat eggs because you just realised what eggs are? That's some retarded logic right there

>> No.10527790

> It's redundant to eat eggs because you just realised what eggs are? That's some retarded logic right there
no retard, its pointless to eat baby chickens if you choose not to eat meat as they're basically one and the same tee bee aich (imo)

>> No.10527873

Most eggs aren't fertilized. It's just birb caviar.

>> No.10528294


>> No.10528348

>buy eggs from store
>put under warming lamp
>grow chickens
>chickens give me all the eggs I want
>take that, Big Cock

>> No.10528402

this but unironically

>> No.10528453

>also don't like tofu, tastes like shid
learn to properly cook and season it and it's fine.

>> No.10528476

Just eat what you normally like to eat and replace the carbs and remove meat. Bread you can replace with cauliflower bread. Pasta replace with zucchini noodles. Make a loaf of seitan for protein if you don’t want to be a soyboy and get mantits.

Veg and vegan diets are much easier if you don’t add even more restrictions. Unless you’re setting yourself up to fail.

>> No.10528641
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>> No.10528689


>> No.10528737

That's weirdly hilarious

>> No.10528742


>> No.10528750
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>> No.10528758

You posted the other responses from your browser.

>> No.10528762
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>> No.10528771

>both veggie and low carb/carb free?
Mushrooms. And most non-starchy vegetables. totally carb free vegetables is hardmode. but you can go a long way with nuts, perhaps olives, avocados.

That kid isn't vegan, he's just an asshole. What is it with some people feeling the need to spin bad behavior into something "cute", instead of condemning it for what it is.

>> No.10528774

> bl*ck
> vegan
they die without chiccen

>> No.10529013

Eggs you buy at the market aren't fertilized so they aren't embryos. Hens lay eggs regardless of whether they've been getting it on with a rooster. Can you imagine what a nightmare it'd be if people bought eggs that could turn into little chicks running around in your refrigerator?

Eat the eggs, man

>> No.10529030

eggs are aweful for your health, so why would you eat them if you are trying to eat vegan for health purposes?

>> No.10529136

ate belly pork with new potatos and green beans

>> No.10529391

>there's only one other person on 4chan
Insufferable faggot