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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10520718 No.10520718 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm tying to turn my life around and I need to start cooking my own meals. The problem is I'm a poorfag. I have maybe 30-40bucks a week to spend on groceries. I'm also needing to lose, around 1800-2000 Cal diet. Is it possible to have the means to learn to cook decent or at least healthly, meals?

>> No.10520749
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>a food scale for $15
>discipline though i sense this might be lacking in your case
good luck

>> No.10520764

What kind of rice and chicken? Raw or pre cooked? Do I need to know how to skin fat or grissel or whatever it's called? Also fuck you, I'm doing something about it so fuck off and save your insults for Fatty's that deserve it.

>> No.10520857

Rice will go a long way and you can get 7 big ass chicken breasts for about $10. You can use 2 of them to make a big thing of stir fry rice and chicken that should last you most of the week and you should still have about $20 left over to spend on veggies.

>> No.10520871

>i need to start cooking my own food
>should i get pro cooked chicken?

what do you think?

>> No.10520877

I think I don't know what I'm doing and trying to learn so fuck off

>> No.10520882

How do you cook rice and chicken? What materials are needed? Any good guides?

>> No.10520927

Most people on /ck/ don't even cook so you're not going to get a whole lot of good advice here. If you really don't know fuck-all about cooking check out the various works of Alton Brown, he's very good at presenting information, he emphasizes techniques not just recipes and he covers everything from classic French cooking to basic stuff like eggs & hashbrowns.
As for shopping, $30-$40 a week for a single person is perfectly doable as long as you stay away from premade/packaged foods. You're trying to learn to cook, so why buy premade stuff anyway. There's lots of good websites on how grocery shop on a budget, you shouldn't have any trouble finding info.
The thing I would hazard is don't just run out and buy a bunch of groceries you don't know what to do with. Draw up a list of some simple dishes you'd like to try and cook and THEN go grocery shopping. This will help you stick to a budget and avoid wasting food.

>> No.10520939

>Doesn't cook
Tf m8.

Anyways, thanks for the info. That will help.

>> No.10520958

prepare the rice beforehand. Get a big old frying pan or wok, oil it then slice up the chicken breasts and make them any way you want in the pan. When the chicken's cooked, dump in a little more oil and whatever sauce you're going for with some veggies. Fry them for a little then dump in the rice and mix everything up and fry it together. The keep it in a big bowl or whatever you might have and just reheat servings of it as you need it.

>> No.10520972

What I have done in the past is rice and beans. I found a simple black bean recipe and made a 8lb batch, split them into containers and froze them. I unfreeze a container as I needed it. Each batch lasted around a month as I only ate it for dinner. I cooked up rice as I needed it.

Average cost per meal came out to be 50c-75c.

You can do this anon. It is doable.

>> No.10520984

How often did you contemplate putting a shotgun in your mouth after eating the same thing night after night for months

>> No.10520989

Nobody said you had to eat the same thing. Make many bulk recipes. Alternate between them.

>> No.10520998

Ok ty, will give it a try
The whole actually cooking process intimidates me. What kind of oil do i need?

>> No.10521002

Welcome to 4chan. Most people on /ck/ don't cook, most people on /o/ ride the bus, most people on /fa/ dress like shit, etc etc.

>> No.10521012

chicken is a meme, pork and fish are often cheaper by weight at azn grocers. chicken is heinously expensive and surprisingly hard to cook for what it is, i dont know why amerimutts constantly recommend it, but then again, amerimutts think ramen noodle packets are cheaper than a big bag of pasta and a big bucket boullion powder so maybe amerimutts are just retarded. same for the beans meme, beans are also very pricey because of both ethnic food and meme food taxes.

to make good rice, get a big sack of plain-ass parboiled dry rice and put it in a normal-ass pot that you have a lid for. fill the pot with a between 1.5x to 2x the volume of rice as water. give it a stir. set it to high heat. then as soon as it's reached a boil, set it to low and leave it uncovered until some of the water is gone. cover the rice once the water level gets to the level of the rice. check the water level by stirring; the top should be moist but the bottom should be outright wet.

err on the side of using less water at the start than more; you can always add more water, but it's difficult to take water away

stir frequently throughout this whole process.

make sure to put a blob of oil in the base of the pot to prevent rice sticking to the bottom

>30-40 bux groceries
not a horrid budget. don't think of groceries as being a weekly or monthly thing since some thigs will last longer than others. but even starting from nothing in your first apartment, to set you off you could get a 15$ big bag of rice, some cuts of frozen white fish for literally 2.99/kg and then spend the rest on assorted produce. a couple bucks' worth of onions and green onions, a couple eggplants, etc. produce goes fast though and choosing what to get is mostly a matter of seeing what's on sale or at least in season

>> No.10521015

That's depressing

>> No.10521023

Ok thank you europoor.

>> No.10521032
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o b s e s s e

>> No.10521054

Cant handle the bantz europooor? Can dish but can't take it.

>> No.10521057

Yeah, I spend way too much time here...

>> No.10521125
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>explain how to make rice
>amerimutt gets triggered

>> No.10521170
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read a book nigger

>> No.10521186

pig out

>> No.10521610

probably a neutral oil (vegetable/canola something like that). It's generally good to have on hand at least a neutral oil and an extra virgin olive oil for different recipes. Sesame oil is great as well especially for asian dishes but generally more expensive.