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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1024x767, School-lunch-b-1024x767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10475623 No.10475623 [Reply] [Original]

I envy the Japanese. Look at their school lunches!

>> No.10475626

>rice with stew
>some dried stuff
Not exactly spectacular

>> No.10475632

1. There's a Japanese food thread already
2. If you envy children in the Japanese school system you don't know anything about the Japanese school system.

>> No.10475634

compared to burgerland its great

>> No.10475636

American school lunches are managed at too high a level to be effective
Too much waste and bloat trying to deliver shit product across the nation

>> No.10475646


>> No.10475651


>> No.10475657

My US school actually offered far more fruit and veg than that.
Didn't stop us from eating the spicy chicken sandwiches at the sammich cart doused in hot sauce in the "senior only" outdoor court before smoking weed and cancer leaf in the parking lot.

>> No.10475660

Free food damn

>> No.10475677

I dont envy the japanese.
Look at their suicide rates!

>> No.10475681


>> No.10475683

That said the nip chili stew or whatever looks pretty fucking good.

>> No.10475689

They call it """curry""" even though it's not at all curry.

>> No.10475696

I used to be employed at a Japanese public school in the boonies.

Every mon, wed, and fri would be rice days while tues and thurs would be bread days. They always had a "balance" of food, with some days being more so than others. It was actually pretty good on average except for the days when I would get the pregnant fish. Not a fan of those white egss those bitches have.

It was super cheap as well. I think I paid like 2 bucks US per meal. Would snag extra bread for breakfast the next day. Only prblem is I put on weight because of all the carbs. Lost it all when I went back home, but the meals were pretty alright. Better than what I got in school when I was a kid.

>> No.10475708

who cares

>> No.10475710

I'm not a weeb and still think the Japanese are one of our greatest allies. They can call their chili whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.10475728

The question is does Japan subsidize meals? Half the minorities in my school got free meals.
Plus sysco sucks and has a chokehold on the market.

>> No.10475748

The fuck is the stuff on the bottom left?

>> No.10475758

It’s always cold by the time you get to eat. The kids serve it and take ages, then everyone has to wait for them to read out the menu and say itadakimasu.

>> No.10475761
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>he didnt get the free lunches

>> No.10475859

What kind of fag didn't bring their own lunch to school

>> No.10475871

Just like my Japanese animes.

>> No.10476007

Don't have to talk down on yourselves, bongs, we get it.

>> No.10476012

Carbs, carbs, mostly protein that's difficult to digest by humans. Side of sugar.

Unless we're talking Dutch, French or Italian food is just going to be dooooog shit. Maybe even then.

>> No.10476019

Not really, it's almost nutritionally identical to the American equivalent.

>> No.10476025

People who weren't afraid of letting other kids know that their mom loved them. What? She did and my lunch didn't taste like a basted rat asshole.

>> No.10476053
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Goddammit, if you know anything about their culture; it is a fucking nightmare. It's highly refined and extremely Asian-centric. It's actually smart again to say you're Canadian in Asian countries.

The culture shift is huge in China now. They blame the west, and primarily the US for everything their broken economy cost them. As usual, it's the UK and Aus fucking around, having a laugh and us having to put up with this shit. UK tourists are borderline terrorists in a visit to other countries. You always say you're Americans too. Well played but it's not going to last forever, gents.

>> No.10476059

why are you here again you weeb faggot

>> No.10476060

did anyone here like there school dinners as a kid?
i went to a christian primary school and the meals were fucking nice
first time i ever try butterscotch was in primary school and i've never looked back

>> No.10476074

>he got fed better than this 1st-9th grade till he could get a shitty job @ 16 to eat off campus

Well look at Mr. Fancypants, here! Did mommy have the time and money to pack you hand made lunches every day? Never had to eat fucking goulash and salsibury steak on free lunch, then? White rice with brown gravy? No?

School lunches are shit the world over. Doesn't mean they shouldn't have to be better here, now.

>> No.10476075

>you will never have a local suicide forest to finally end it all in
Why even live?

>> No.10476084

I think they could be, and I get it. Problem is, most people aren't going to like the portions. Dedicated to body weight, need under dietary necessity or anything else.

People are fucking morons who will wonder why the other person got more celery they don't need.

>> No.10476092

Chinese culture is shifting to blaming the West for all their problems? What is it shifting from, exactly?

>> No.10476098

Lack of rhino penis?

>> No.10476100

Immense optimism and love for the future. It had to happen. Every culture goes through this. It's just very strange to see it for maybe the seventh time, in a country that's done it many times before. China is still a really cool place. I'd still prefer northern Japan any day.

>> No.10476128

Well, they can take comfort from the fact they turned Australia into a useless quarry in the process. We don't do anything with our raw resources anymore. We just send it to them and let their industries develop instead.

>> No.10476132

What the fuck are you even on about you mongo

>> No.10476149


>> No.10476158

you're a retard

>> No.10476167


>> No.10476187

I really feel bad for astraya with how shitty your government is

>> No.10476199
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>> No.10476237
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Not over yet mate. We control not just the land, but a massive portion of ocean surrounding it. Ever wonder why we control such a huge NAVY? We're not polite at all about it.

>> No.10477380

ANYWHERE that's not Africa is better than Burgerland. I don't see how they expect a kid to make it through the day on what they feed them. Prisoners eat better.

>> No.10477407
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taught english in korea for half a year ages ago. taught at a tiny elementary school in the countryside, total student pop around 20. was an afterschool program but i went in early every day to eat their lunches, fuck they were good

>> No.10477421

Why would you care about school lunches? You have to be 18+ to post here, bud.

>> No.10477423

>As usual, it's the UK and Aus fucking around
the fuck? the chinese effectively took control of the australian economy, they're literally the jews of our country. Fuck you gook, and fuck the west

>> No.10477470

Did not think I'd live to see the day someone would be appreciative of our food but it makes me happy, thanks

>> No.10477506

Any forest is a suicide forest if you're crafty.

>> No.10477587

I worked in Japanese schools for two years.

the lunches are tasty if youre ok with plain and unappealing flavor profiles, such as fish, fish stock, fish roe, plain white rice, etc.
theyre not if you expect something super meaty and obscene, in which case your better off going after work to eat something like this

>> No.10477592

>no fruit
This must come from a super poor county or something. They were always pushing fruit and veg on us at my school, even if the food was shitty for the most part.

>> No.10477596
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its pretty fucking basic. like the shit in sloppy joes except not sweet and more pasty. flavorless and not at all spicy like an indian or southeast Asian curry. more of a cover for potatoes and carrots that are eaten with plain white sticky rice, which is actually the basic filler in most meals.

>> No.10477639

My high school was better because you could sneak a few chicken patties in your hoodie pockets while the lunch ladies weren't looking.

>> No.10477656


He's right, though. Lunches were better when schools managed their own individual meals, and had actually staff to prepare and cook meals.

The federal and state "nutritional" requirements mandated districts across the country to buy specific types of food that OH GOLLY GEE is only sold by a few distributors that just HAPPEN to donate alot of money to political campaigns (see Michelle Obama's "healthy food" campaign that actually decreased nutrition).

Once again big govenment forcing requirements on a diverse nation of 300 million people for the benefit of 3 corporations fucked everyone but said corporations.

Same thing happened with prison meals and food in the military.

>> No.10477682

>waaa mommy :'(
make your assblast less evident.

>> No.10477715

>bean sprouts in piss
>seaweed with zucchini slices
>spicy cabbage lasagna
>beef gristle
>served on a prison tray
why do people larp pretending to enjoy third world scraps?

>> No.10477733
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pack your own lunch retard

>> No.10477809
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you stupid nigger I would have your back except japan is rich as fuck and just about everything public is better made, cleaner, and maintained than in America. the only ridiculous thing is how theres no trash cans anywhere since you are expected to carry your own trash all the merry fucking way home.

>> No.10477850

Yeah they don't even flick their fucking cigarettes in public, they have portable ash trays

>> No.10477851

Japanese food is so fucking bland and sterile and Korean food relies too much on peppers and kimchi to try to make anything passable

>> No.10477856

Why tf they serving u in dog bowls

>> No.10477880

blame your state's government not the federal government. they're the ones who decide the vendors they're the ones who cut corners on school lunches.

michelle obama asked you to eat more vegetables and exercise and you tards act like she's slapping cheeseburgers out of your mouth

>> No.10477913

Lol we don't even have school cafeterias from where I am from, just a convenience store inside the school.
No, not Africa, Eastern Europe

>> No.10477950

EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned this from 4chan tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even went to my local Japanese restauraant owned by Chinese and Koreans and it was just awful!!!!

>> No.10478035

ok gaijin

>> No.10478048

That's not really better than a burger and a piece of fruit
The problem with most school lunches is not really the ingredients but the people making them can't cook

>> No.10478050

>Eat more veggies!
>Don't look at me when I cram another cake in my face and wash it down with some fried chicken, I know better then you do.
Gee, wonder why people never listened to her.

>> No.10478070

Whenever i see a confused American tourist trying to ask for directions I lie to them and have a laugh when they. Thank me and walk away in the wrong direction

>> No.10478099

Asians beside japanese and koreans are incompetent to develop infrastructure and decent industries. They instead develop ways to lie to their clients and pretend their products are not shit.

>> No.10478147
File: 117 KB, 1024x576, 171012111407-kobe-steel-scandal-grows-00010022-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese people don't lie

>> No.10478149

She installed an organic garden which the white house chefs used at the white house to show you retards what real food was. Then fatass drumpf plowed it up and planted a mcdicks billboard.

>> No.10478233

Where did you go to school?

>> No.10478257

This honestly checks out, why don't they just make not shit products and stop lying, clearly they are at least smarter than burgers and even we can sell a turd in a taco

>> No.10478270

This is why I am just getting piss drunk if I ever go to Japan, I know what you let each other get away with, everybody in the world thinks its hilarious how you are so fake to each other it drives people to suicide and you still wont stop.

>> No.10478280

Kimchi is good though, how else are you supposed to eat cabbage? I hate western coleslaw.

>> No.10478291

You are drunk allright

>> No.10478342

Australia and NZ were sold out by traitor governments. Foreign investors can't do shit to your economy without cooperation from your government ... and natural resource exporters don't need to care shit about the opinions of the WTO if they make good trade agreements (ie. not "free trade" agreements).

The narrative that western countries like Oz/NZ "need" foreign investment is because foreign investment goes hand in hand with foreign immigration. You were too white and the Chinese jews could only do what they did because of the real jews and good goy.

>> No.10478356


Curry stew with rice is cheap and easy to make. Some fruits in syrup from a can. Boxed juice.

What is there to envy?

>> No.10478370

Fuck off you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10478374

Looks like a big ole slop o' shit

>> No.10478401

You make it sound like she's fucking Tom Bombadil. Who gives a shit if she hired some fruits to plant a garden on the Whitehouse grounds. Not even the fucking students like the crap they were serving because of her.

>> No.10478467

Lol, time to change your tinfoil hat it smells like you've been working up a sweat with your seething.

>> No.10478704


>> No.10478716

Asians made it so it's superior to your filthy western food.

>> No.10478746

Back when I was in high school, seriously it was some kind of meat and some kind of potato everyday. There was pasta on tuesday, and there was always the choice of pizza, so some kids literally had pizza every day they went to school. Very small amount of fruit or other vegetables.

>> No.10479247

>randomly shit your pants over what japs call curry
>I'm the one that's mad

you're a retard

>> No.10479250

I don't believe anyone asked for your life story, loser. Fuck off back to redit

>> No.10479291

Is this why they're midgets?

>> No.10479340

How are you still in school anon ?

>> No.10479469

no its why theyre not hamplanets

>> No.10479529

too bad that poster seems really dumb

>> No.10479829

>Asians beside japanese
gis kobe steel

>> No.10479842
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, 1524094547066.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but no butts either

>> No.10479861

no tits man. the two years I was in japan I got super thirsty for big tits, and I still remember the first fake tits and makeup ho I saw in line at the bank when I was back in the u.s.
didn't talk to her or nothing but I felt so excited to be around tits again.

>> No.10479864

>forced to eat rubber nuggets and grease every day
>punished if you refused because it would be a waste of 'food'
can confirm, anything would have been better. it's no wonder we're so fucking fat

>> No.10479867

>Gyrating Skeleton.webm

>> No.10479868

>punished if you refused because it would be a waste of 'food'
Literally nobody gets punished. Maybe scolded, but never punished. They can't fucking forcefeed you.

>> No.10479951

See >>10477880 you tard gobbler.
It's your red state legislatures that hire prison food contractors on the cheap (with not so subtle election donation kickbacks thrown in) for the schools. Michelle, bless her heart, recommended and suggested better and more wholesome school foods.

>> No.10480706
File: 127 KB, 659x697, 1444701561612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice with pungent non-spicy curry stew
>Hamburger without the buns, served with rice
>rice with raw egg
>Rice balls with seaweed and some fish in it
>fried chicken without sauce, mayo or soy optional
>grilled chicken skewers in a sugary sweet soy sauce
>Okonomiyaki, sweet sauce on top
>Takoyaki, with a sweet sauce and fish flakes
>Shredded bork or beef with rice and a sweet soy sauce
>Japanese noodles in a fish broth with egg, seaweed and something deepfried with

This is legit what Japanese eat 90% of their meals, there is such a lack of variation. Sometimes they eat grilled fish, Sushi or Ramen, but each of these dishes are eaten less than once every few weeks, they also near never eat outside of their own cuisine.

There is a lack of spicy, savory, garlic, tomato and smokey flavors in their foods, so as a foreigner you will crave more variation. Have lived here for 4 years now.

>> No.10480809

>Prisoners eat better.

Know how I can tell you've never been to prison?

>> No.10480814

Curry they eat all the time, but eating takoyaki and okonomiyaki often seems more like a you thing, long nosed mr. Gaijinsan.
Do you pan taberu every day in your home country?

>> No.10480823

>There is a lack of

Don't lie.

>> No.10480839

Mushyrice, dog food stew, canned fruit and... well idk what that is.

Youre delusional or sarcastic

>> No.10480842
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>shredded bork

>> No.10480962

thank mrs skellington

>> No.10480973
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>Shredded bork

>> No.10480987

>punished if you refused because it would be a waste of 'food'
No one has ever been punished for refusing to eat you lying weeb nigger

>> No.10481020

stop drinking nigger
dont go to japan faggot

>> No.10481026

yeah but look at their nigger demographics

>> No.10481049

>lusting for tits
>being a literal manchild in a stunted mental state where he still wants his mother to nurse him

>> No.10481061

the yurocuck FEARS the Nippon

>> No.10481065
File: 202 KB, 963x658, 1479261035783_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are South Korean school lunches like

>> No.10482195

I’d say show tits, but you obviously don’t have any, jealous roastie

>> No.10482204

>stunted mental state
>the evolutionary sex drive
Wew. Stay virgin.

>> No.10482226
File: 202 KB, 1600x1200, school-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to the land of the free and the home of the brave.
>We feed our children literal garbage.
>Jesus will save them

>> No.10482631

huh? that pizza looks alright and theres an apple in your picture. were you being like ironic?

>> No.10482643

apples provide almost no real nutrients. They are just simple sugars. By all means they are much healthier than a candy bar, but that is far from a nutritional lunch.

>> No.10482692

Cabbage rolls

>> No.10483715

>apples provide almost no real nutrients.
Found the brainlet, lads.

>> No.10484435

lmao I'm a fuckin American and 95% of school lunches were just processed shit, or just pizza
it was so bad my high school just outright didn't have lunch. at all. they had a cafeteria and everyone went there but it was packed lunch ONLY

>> No.10484470

Japanese people have conned everyone into thinking their cuisine is great just because they exported ramen and sushi.

Guess what, everything else they eat is A) comprised of the same 6 ingredients or B) a mistranslation of another mistranslation (e.g. making the whitebread recipes of G.I.s even more whitebread). If you want to eat lightly flavored fish broth and rice, or dishes that make Betty Crocker seem authentic, move to Japan!

>> No.10485175

t.mutt with go'za
Such original wow

>> No.10485184


Yeah, but to be fair, they do a lot with those 6 ingredients.

>> No.10485213

>1% Milk


>> No.10485597

I had free school lunches for 13 years and I have to say it was decent quality, varied in both dishes and food groups and filling.
Faggots still complained though, but what can you do?

>> No.10485644

Because little Richard is a fattie

>> No.10485702

Most michelin stars are situated in japan alone.

>> No.10485851

Where I went to school you either went to the school cafeteria to have the one imposed meal of the day, or went home. You weren't allowed to bring your own food unless you had to follow a specific diet because of allergies or something.

>> No.10485856

is this in the US?

>> No.10485863

Nope, frogland of baguettes. I feel like it's a 50/50 thing here.
In high school people dif whatever the fuck they wanted, though. Most of my lunches from 10th to 12th grades involved buying a sandwich in a bakery and going to a bar to eat it with a beer.

>> No.10485872
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>tfw no good lunches as a kid

>> No.10486028

Japs are slimy asians too, they're all about public 'face' and appearing to look good, honne and tatame. But behind your back they'll backstab you or talk about you while never giving you a direct answer or conclusion. Parents disown their kids for making them look bad by being a single mother or other shit. In fact, I think I read a story a few months ago about a late 30s mom who LEFT HER INFANT outside of some shop in Roppongi so she could slut it up.

Japan had a big economic boom in the 80s, like the US did in the 80s, and a recession afterwords in the 90s that was so significant they call the 90s the Lost Decade. The effects of that time are still alive

>> No.10486276

Not enough protein for me

>> No.10486280

Plenty of other races do that exact same shit.

>> No.10486484
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>> No.10486508
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Also >>10477407.

>> No.10486514

How old are you, OP? Under 18 or something?

>> No.10486810

>no fruit
There's ketchup right there. It might even be extra fancy.

>> No.10487219
File: 360 KB, 1024x767, how japanese look at their school lunches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ameritards see

what the nips see

>> No.10487236

Ah, the legendary Tuscan milk.

>> No.10487905

Do you even Maremma, bro?

>> No.10488241
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>> No.10488262

>boiled spinach
>rice with weevils(?)
>organ meat
>some other kind of pickle

>> No.10488477

wow this is embarrassing

>> No.10488519

These school lunch comparisons always conveniently leave out the fact that so many American students eat for free/very low cost
Growing up in Canada we had pretty good food at our cafeteria but it was also like $12-15 a meal

>> No.10488543


>> No.10488566

if only shed gain weight shed be perfect
shame about her having anna

>> No.10488572

>recommended and suggested better and more wholesome school foods.
Yeah like pizza (the vegetable).
Sorry sweetie, but that knuckledragging chimp made a lot of children see through your lefty lies.

>> No.10488581

women """"""""""humour"""""""""""""

>> No.10488583

>You make it sound like she's fucking Tom Bombadil.
Fucking suave.

>> No.10488603

Sugar lobby

>> No.10488643

Actually, I agree.

>Be in HS
>First year I was there we had some bomb ass food. Spicy chicken patty, chicken bits with tater tots, good pizza, good green beans and broccoli, basically anything good and holy in sustainable proportions
>Sophomore year the 'healthy' initiatives start in the area
>School goes from serving said bomb ass food to serving rubber """"beef""""" patty with slice of processed cheese product and stale whole wheat bun, mealy mashed potatoes, gross mozzarella sticks (replacing the good ones that had those bumps on them), and sad, limp, and likely mass produced canned veggies

I stopped eating lunch during school. I had a cool teacher that had a secret back room to his classroom so I would hang out there and fuck around or occasionally do some homework during lunch hour. I went to McDonald's or other fast food placed after school instead.

tl;dr don't bother reading my blogpost and fuck Michele Obama

>> No.10488705

Actually a lot of the prison food contractors also provide food for schools. But prison food in America is as bad as it gets; I've heard a few stories of prisoners being fed the same beans every dinner for several months to a couple years

>> No.10488723
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I would only say this if I am Chinese/Indian/Vietnamese/Thai
other than those countries Jap food is pretty flavorful

>> No.10488827

>*sea mustard soup
>*rice with corn kernels
>*stir-fried pork w/ some veg & octopus minor
>*sautéed zucchini

>> No.10488850

Japanese food is like British food; they didn't have any good spices locally so they built up an empire.

>> No.10489017

shit chang,
I didn't know japan was part of china.
you should stop dreaming and start enjoying smogland

>> No.10489040
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>> No.10489055
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And like both countries they lost their empire quite pathetically and they still suck at using spices and they still make bland food

>> No.10489109

not even a jap school lunch

>> No.10489127

This. They only eat jellied donuts

>> No.10489288
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nah, Japs have soy sauce and MSG (which objectively tastes great) and tons of other stuff. Also a focus on much fresher and better quality ingredients via farming practices.

britain literally has ingredients. Japan has Kobe beef, what does the UK have?

>> No.10489302
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>Unless we're talking Dutch, French or Italian food is just going to be dooooog shit


>> No.10489324

>soy sauce
From china.
chemical that appears in many foods, a modern scientific discovery; not an innovation of a particular country

>> No.10489343
File: 296 KB, 650x902, japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glutamate was discovered in Japan, and MSG was invented there.

>> No.10489348

>being proud about cheating on food

>> No.10489353

I was lucky to escape school before the sheboon got her way. I miss when wed get chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a roll. Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes, gravy, and a roll were awesome too. Pretty much anything the school served with mashed and gravy was great.
I think the saddest thing they tried to pass off was snack wraps that were just a chicken patty cut in half and on a tortilla. Luckily there was always a salad bar that had stuff on it (also where the gravy was)

>> No.10489356

Yes, cheating on food is a better accomplishment than literally accomplishing nothing. That's the point.

>> No.10489357

MSG is a natural chemical compound that occurs in many foods. Japan isolating it and using it in food first doesn't mean their culture owns it.

>> No.10489365

Rather do nothing than cheat, in my opinion

>> No.10489371

Okay, then nobody has any claim to anything, ever. That's the logic you're using.

>> No.10489388

Where /how do I find the japanese food thread? I am new here...

>> No.10489397

I ate it. Don't bother searching for it

>> No.10489994
File: 227 KB, 630x966, leltigre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like yum!

>> No.10491304

Yikes there goes my good mood. Pretty sure he's also Dutch himself.

>> No.10491902

>That milk
How the fuck could people drink that stuff? Like holy fuck every time I drank it it made me feel nauseous but I never had a problem with store-bought milk. Is it something in the school milk? Anyone else feel this way? I can't be the only one.

>> No.10492128

>>Don't look at me when I cram another cake in my face and wash it down with some fried chicken, I know better then you do.
She never did that shit, though, and if she did, it was obviously in moderation (something Amerilards know nothing about). Unlike the current president and his family, none of the Obamas were ever overweight or obese.

>> No.10492136

The pizza = vegetable thing was by reagan.
Goddamn, /pol/aks are fucking stupid

>> No.10492138

>red sugar
>green coated in sugar
>white sugar coated in cheese
>lowfat milk

USA will pay one day for what they caused the world.

>> No.10492285

Saying that a natural compound found and utilized across the world is property of a cuisine because a Jap scientist broke it down is retarded. By that logic alcohol is a Medieval Arab invention.

>> No.10492485

Michelle was comfortably chubby sometimes (maybe water retention when she was raggin') but nowhere near the level of obesity of our clown in chief and Barack was toned af.

>> No.10492507

Definitely. I loved milk as a kid but that shit at school was often room temperature and had a noxious flavor and almost chalky texture. I think it might have been the packaging.