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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 534 KB, 3000x2000, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10431391 No.10431391 [Reply] [Original]

Mom here. So, my kiddos everyday want the same thing for lunch, "ham sandwich on white bread with mustard" for my 7 year old and "salami sandwich on rye with mayo" for my 10 year old, and of course my husband keeps these foods stocked despite my suggestion not to. They never want to eat the kinds of lunches I want to make them, pic related, what should I do? How do I get them to eat better?

>> No.10431409

Don't be a cunt let them eat sandwich's

>> No.10431410

>make them weird lunches
>they trade them for other lunches at school
>other kids will become woke and it will make them popular
>deactivate sexual protocol if your husband is a bitch about it

that's what happened when my father was a kid anyways

>> No.10431413

this faggot is better at being a mom than OP.

>> No.10431416

My parents packed my lunches and made dinners and said if I didnt want it I could starve.

>> No.10431422
File: 48 KB, 600x600, ! 1509460660800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeding your kids cancer

>> No.10431425


Trying to trade lunches will get you detention and your parents called

>> No.10431432

>believing images on 4chan with less than reputable sources

>> No.10431433


>mfw my parents had to stop doing this because i chose to starve
>school calleing home worried i didnt eat anything for weeks
>gave me snacks from that one room they kept the lunch foods in

>> No.10431435


Well the sulfites in cured meats are a carcinogen but I doubt the macro maker fully understands that

>> No.10431440

fuck off reddit

>> No.10431444


>denying reality because you can

>> No.10431445

Post your milkers mommy

>> No.10431446

idk if you can, kids are kids. If you did the standard feed your kids mac n cheese and hot dog and baby food for the whole first part here, you are already fucked. I was a very picky eater growing up, one time my mom forced me to eat green beans and I literally vomited. Nowadays I eat absolutely everything and food is my ultimate passion. I don't know if you can control a kids picky diet, you just gotta hope they turn around at a certain point. I do think a good amount of varying babyfood would help, it just makes sense. Also roast your fucking veggies. Don't give your kids shitty ass boiled/steamed veggies.

>> No.10431460

I wish my parents consistently did that but I guess a chose to starve the few times they attempted it.

I basically became self-aware in my late teens and deliberately forced myself to eat things I hated to become >>10431446

>> No.10431488

In my experience, most of the time a person won't eat X is because X was poorly prepared. Up your cooking game.

Of course if you're dealing with picky eaters the you're just fucked. Picky eaters aren't born. They're created as children by parents who don't serve them enough variety when they are very small.

>> No.10431502

They're probably eating pussy daily I think they'll be ok

>> No.10431513

>>deactivate sexual protocol if your husband disagrees
>using sex as leverage on your husband
This right here is to wreck your home 100%.

>> No.10431534

literally all women do that

>> No.10431543

No. Otherwise all men would cheat, divorce, beat them or become dead inside.

>> No.10431553

>the women around me don't want sex as often as I do
this says more about you than about women.

>> No.10431558

Fuck off roastie

>> No.10431571

>lists every possible outcome in a marriage

>> No.10431612

I know there is a 98.5% chance this is bait but, those foods aren't terrible if they're paired with plain sugarless applesauce or something and also you fucked up by not introducing them to those foods sooner. My wife's 4yo eats salads with gorgonzola, vegetable juices, zoodles, shrimp curries, sweet potatoes, etc. The only thing he won't eat is mushrooms. You need to enourage a good palate from day one. Of course they're only kids for a short time so just let them eat what the fuck they want once in a while. Sometimes he just wants a mozzarella and ketchup sandwich and I make it knowing at least they ate something and they'll remember you cared. Plus you can razz them about it later in life.

>> No.10431615

is this really a thing now?

>> No.10431620

Just make it. You're the adult, they're the developing children that can barely figure out 2+2.

>> No.10431632

Stop buying bread

>> No.10431647

They want something they can eat quickly and go play, don't give them some fucking cold ass flavourless weeb shit.

Rotating BLTs, turkey, roast beef sandwiches etc etc will cause a lot less strife and still have them eating varied foods.

>> No.10431664
File: 111 KB, 660x990, Fluffernutter-Sandwich-3-Ways-IMG_6965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was a kid all I wanted for lunch was fluffernutters but my mom would always make me fucking peanut butter and APPLE jelly sandwiches and the fucking bread would soak up the jelly and get all weird and hot in my cubbie so I would curse her existence for being so poor she literally couldn't put me on the hot lunch program at school even though that food was trash too and was basically just ellios pizza or fish sticks

but now I'm a cook at a famous restaurant and I eat organs and brussel sprouts at home without a hint of irony so, you do the math.

>> No.10431670

>dont feed your kids a well balanced diet! Shit them up with refined carbs and hormone and antibiotic ridden meats!!!

>> No.10431671

Do you live in California?

>> No.10431672

You don't get it, I keep trying to teach them how to use chopsticks and speak Japanese and they just yell "I WANT A FORK, IT MAKES MORE SENSE" and say "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAPAN"

Their father treats it as if it's normal.

>> No.10431678

senpai pls

>> No.10431681

the absolute STATE

>> No.10431689

There is a ifference between a balanced diet and fucking weeb shit. OPs pic is weeb shit I wouldn't take that shit to work as an adult, let alone make my kid eat that cringfest in school. Just make them some pumpernickel/ whole bread with massive pulled pork and homemade dip with roasted carrots as a sweet snack or shit like that. Don't make them freaks because their mother is so bored that she fucking needs to imitate fucking japs.

OP you're a faggot even if that's not bait. Get real and stop making your kids be as autistic as you just because you fucked up their early taste development. And I can confirm, most people hate specific foods only because their mothers were to stupid to prepare them properly.

>> No.10431694

Stop being such a easily manipulated female.

>> No.10431696

Pokemon was a mistake.

>> No.10431697

>My wife's 4yo

>> No.10431704

You have some fucking problems, my friend.
What did your mommy do to you?

>> No.10431715

I can't even remember what made me not a picky eater. All I know is that mom used to make me eat at least a spoonfull of whatever felt unusual but I don't feel that had any effect on me realizing certain food was better than I thought.

I think it either came with age or I just stopped thinking about individual pieces in a meal so it basically tasted less and I stopped caring since it was what was served and I was hungry. Felt bad complaining in anyway, including saying nothing but leaving stuff on the plate after finishing.

>> No.10431718

I agree with these guys. You're trying too fucking hard. Kids are whatever. As long as they're not eating like 60 lbs of food each day and getting fat, just let them take to lunch what they'll actually eat. Your shitty bento containers are embarrassing and they just want to be normal kids.

Don't turn lunch into a chore at a point in their lives where they need to actually be eating to grow. Like mentioned, they'll just trade this shit away or go hungry because kids are weird.

>> No.10431724

I'm looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (that's Japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (that's Japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (Korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i don't want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.10431727

there's some black comedian who has a bit like this

the world is cruel because when you're a kid, all you want is fried chicken breaded in oreo crumbs, but when you're old enough to actually make it, you can't stand that kind of shit anymore

>> No.10431733

Women are psychotic cunts. Why do you think there's so many faggots now?

>> No.10431738

>not killing yourself because you realized you're actually made of meat

>> No.10431745

Maybe if you went to school in a fucking concentration camp.

>> No.10431751
File: 253 KB, 1600x900, allison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP you're a faggot even if that's not bait.
You, I like you.

>> No.10431758
File: 10 KB, 386x291, 1414035509191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let your husband walk all over you. If you are the one preparing lunches and you don't want the kids eating this stuff, he should not be buying it. Tell him not to and explain why, or you will be forced to throw it away.

>> No.10431774

Probably as it could easily be exploited by bullys who force the kid to trade a good lunch for some godawful mess the bully brought.

>> No.10431780

>every outcome except the ones where the marriage continues happily
Maybe you understand that using physical affection as leverage is an awful treason?

>> No.10431782


>> No.10431783

>cursing your parents for being poor
You were a jew from this early? Though fluffernutters are excellent.

>> No.10431793

>my wife’s son

>> No.10431830
File: 26 KB, 192x191, Oh+god+my+sides+just+ripped+off+_f350c1cd067c560578cda0cab9aee4eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10431839

The answer is Secret Aardvark hot sauce

>> No.10431844


>> No.10431859

when everyone else is eating pizza? Ya bro

>> No.10431862

shame on you fucking faggot. I grew up kinda poor in a pure upper class middleschool/highschool, you're clearly scum. You mutts disgust me with your pathological cult of money.

>> No.10431875
File: 69 KB, 495x625, 1522470387920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every outcome except the ones where the marriage continues happily

>> No.10431877

With allergies and people needing specific diets, I could see a school doing this. Especially with that BS "we don't want the one kid with legit celiac to feel singled out" mentality.

It is just as likely they would do it because they are sick of psycho moms calling up ranting about how some other kid gave their precious little baby half a sandwich and it had meat, actual meat in it, and now little Timmy doesn't want to eat his gluten free turkey substitute anymore.

>> No.10431879

ok you little bitch I hated it THEN because it sucked and kids were mean but I appreciate the fuck out of my parents now, untwist your panties cunt
I grew up 'poor' in the richest state in the union, you ain't special kid

>> No.10431883

Good question OP. However, I don't think the /ck/ is really qualified to help you with the boggle. I suggest you upload several photos of your children on /b/. I'm sure your fellow, trustworthy, internet comrades in /b/ will give you wholesome and valuable input.

Kind regards,

>> No.10431894

I still spit on you for being an ungratedful little prick THEN.
>grew up in a broken home so now is a jaded fuck

>> No.10431913



>> No.10431918


Modern schools might as well be fucking concentration camps

>> No.10431923


My gf will leverage specific kinds of sex but not sex outright. Because shes not a bitch

>> No.10431934


Its definitely bait but, those foods aren't even really bad period. Most of the nutritional aspects of those meals are only detrimental to sedentary lardasses, with actual short term benefits if you're actually active.

>> No.10431947

>an ungratedful little prick
Dude you just described like 90% of kids (and sadly like 75% of teens and young adults). Kids get a bit of a pass because they honestly don't know any better. I grew up poor in a single parent household (my dad got killed in a factory accident), and there were times when I was angry at my mom because she couldn't give me the same things the other kids had. I realize now she did the best she could, and I appreciate the fuck out of her for it, but the world looks very different when you are 6 and all the other kids are calling you names.

>> No.10431952

lol kill yourself cunt

>> No.10431982

why are you throwing all this excuse shit at me? Even at 6 one day the teacher made us all explain what our parents jobs were, but my parents just lost their jobs at the time. Never at any point did I lower myself to resenting my parents instead of the little scum who acted as if I was a literal monster born from freeloading bandits. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

>> No.10431998

What benefit do you get from LARPing on the internet?

>> No.10432020
File: 63 KB, 1072x804, 188653462235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fucking watching anime, what kind of a kid wants to eat fucking rice and broccoli for fucking lunch? You can make healthier sandwiches or some shit but if you wanted your kids to eat rice at school and not get bullied for it you should have banged an oriental.

>> No.10432025

What benefit do you get from dismissing a genuine memory I'm telling as a lie? Comforting yourself in thinking all children are entitled little cunts like you were?

>> No.10432031

Why are husbands always fucking retarded. Always trying to spoil the fucking kids instead of giving them what's good for them, in this case an actual fucking pallette. So now your stupid fucking kids will have upset stomachs, and lactose intolerance and probably diabetes because they refuse to eat something that isn't carb loaded or filler meat mixed with water.

>> No.10432043

>t. soylent salesman

>> No.10432046

Children will still love and live with an abusive parent. They are dumb.

>> No.10432047

Are you retarded? Lactose intolerance is genetic and her weebshit meals are a fucking embarassment.

>> No.10432055
File: 1.00 MB, 246x185, 1519192316474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you lived with an abusive parent I may understand and am sorry for you. I have to acknowledge I was really fucking lucky regarding parents.

>> No.10432057

>>thinking it matters what kids *want* to eat
>>thinking kids won't get bullied regardless of their lunch options

>> No.10432060

Get back in the kitchen and make some fucking sandwiches

>> No.10432079

It doesn't, OP already fucked herself by conditioning the kids to eat sandwiches and now suddenly she wants to be the hip progressive and make their kids carry around a box of fucking rice all day, ever had cold fucking rice? It fucking sucks. Just figure out something healthy and convenient instead of do a complete 180 and basically bomb your own fucking squad with a gook landmine.

>> No.10432098

>Comforting yourself in thinking all children are entitled little cunts like you were?
Nah, I dislike that I thought that way at all, but I do understand why I did so. The only comfort I take in it is that I only did it on occasion and in general wasn't an additional burden on my mother when she already had so much on her plate. If you legit were able to go through a similar experience (sounds like yours might have even been worse in some ways) and never once lash out at your parents, that is truly impressive.

Also there are like at least 4 people in this reply chain.

>> No.10432110
File: 11 KB, 150x174, officespacemb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh look, a lunch thread
>let's make it... a RACIST lunch thread
kek, bigoted white trash are really too stupid to realize how ignorant they look.

>> No.10432119

How was that racist? He made some really good points, and I think you had a hard time countering them, so you played the race card.

>> No.10432127

>Just figure out something healthy and convenient instead of do a complete 180
This. Your fist step should be to try to broaden their sandwich horizons. Then go from there.

>> No.10432135
File: 42 KB, 400x323, watcat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how was that racist?
>bomb your own fucking squad with a gook landmine

>> No.10432142


>Assuming they're white
>Being so racist
Blacks and Mexicans are the most racist people you'll meet these days guy

>> No.10432147

Make fun of them for being fat. They'll change their own eating habits.
Still don't get it was is the rice part?

>> No.10432172

>defending racism by saying others are more racist

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you, pal.

>> No.10432182

So are you an actual Asian who is truly offended by the word "gook"? or just one of those white person that gets outraged because someone said a racial slur that doesn't refer to you?

>> No.10432194

Is this the power of autism?

>> No.10432200

Yup, just a whitey that loves to outrage

>> No.10432206

Autism truly is a superpower

>> No.10432232

So tell the school to fuck off when they call you.

>> No.10432250

Now that's bigoted, bro. Why you gotta assume? You know there are actual autistic people out there who will get hurt by your comment, right? Be a bit more sensitive to them, will you

>> No.10432266

Hey reddit, how's it been?

>> No.10432359

Anons. No one gets bullied for the lunch they eat. The cool kids didn't bully you in school because of the lunch you ate, they bullied you because you were losers.

>> No.10432590

They have tons of money. Hard not to. I hate their guts tho

>> No.10432697

>Children will still love and live with an abusive parent.................They are dumb
They are NOT dumb. It is PERFECT instinctual survival. Without society, children and animals biting the hand that feeds them may cause death, through active or inactive action.
Do you think adults are dump for not rebelling against oppressive governments?

>> No.10432714

You have never witnessed a happy marriage after five years, you only think you have. Talk to some married couples individually, without the other spouse around. You'll thank me for this advice unless you're already married.

>> No.10432746

Nah, they'd rather go back to a crack head who can barely feed and house them rather than go to a different environment. Love is strange that way.

>> No.10432809

>Otherwise all men would cheat, divorce, beat them or become dead inside.


>> No.10432841

>source: some vegan with a background in nothing

>> No.10432855

>hey'd rather go back to a crack head than go to a different environment.
Rightfully so, for all they know, they could end up dead in the claws of a well mannered organ harvesting gook, cannibal spook, or god forbid a jew.

>> No.10432919
File: 38 KB, 487x449, 1522014892247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>accuses someone of coming from a broken home
>appeals to a cambodian landmine forum for ways to subvert husbands efforts to care for children

Maybe you should actually talk to your husband and come to a mutual agreement about what your kids eat instead of making a thread on 4chan.. and maybe consider that your husband isn't wrong for making them sandwiches?

Your kids probably don't like that food because they just want to eat the same thing as everyone else and fit in. That's pretty normal behavior for a kid that age who is trying to figure out how to integrate with the rest of the world socially. If you want to make a healthy meal like that, make it for dinner where your kids can both be supervised, and see that eating it is a normal and healthy thing.

>> No.10433399

Depends on the school, if its some broke hood school, they probably could give less of a fuck since they probably don't have the resources and fucks to give. Some suburban elementary school with helicopter parents out the wazoo and their little special boy/girl's dietary needs for some obscure condition will probably enforce it since they don't want to get the living shit sued out of them.

>> No.10433422

>soft nigger faggot
kek. oh noes! eating all this delicious meat raises my risk of cancer from 5% all the way to 6%.

>> No.10434366

no, not in the slightest

>> No.10434386


>> No.10434417
File: 205 KB, 475x356, 1499982149771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only women who bring nothing besides their holes to a relationship and have nothing else to leverage

>> No.10434545

Start feeding them what you want them to eat at breakfast and dinner, and if they like it, make it for lunch. Maybe try introducing new vegetables and meats into the sandwiches to ease the changes.

>> No.10435573

fucker why do you post this in every thread?

>> No.10435612

>8yo spouse still happy
Anon, you might just pick shitty people to fuck with.

>> No.10436227

I feel bad for you if you really mean it.

>> No.10436230

Retard, I'm the one who insulted the guy for being an ungrateful kid, but I also shit on OP's retarded nip lunch boxes.

>> No.10436235
File: 40 KB, 333x232, 1446129322121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... most 3d women, anon.

>> No.10436238

Because with an increase in population, communication, and sexual awareness the gay populus is becoming more noticeable?

>> No.10436239
File: 405 KB, 750x678, 1515636237989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-trust me all women are useless whores, i'm an expert h-haha

>> No.10436255

That looks like some bonafide soy shit.

If you want your kids to become chad; you should make them eat Army MREs.

>> No.10436272

One guy said all women use sex as leverage (true)
Another said most women don't bring anything else to the table (also true)

You're not one of the exceptions, now go find a condom to poke holes in so you can trap "your man" for life

>> No.10436273

>an online store for "health products"

I'm not trying to say processed meats are good for you, but come on now...

>> No.10436274

Sorry, got it wrong, they sell mason jars. But same deal.

>> No.10436276

>implying I'm a woman
>most women don't bring anything else to the table (also true)
Keep spouting retarded shit I'm pretty sure your /r9k/ friends will be really proud of you

>> No.10436279

You can post your dick for all I care, you're still a woman and a twat

>> No.10436285

That's how you make fat amerimutts that are afraid of any other food than what they already know which is like 4 dishes and a sandwich
OP try to find other kinds of foods they may like thats easy to make

>> No.10436287

>i'm wrong but i'll still be retarded
Not surprising

>> No.10436300

>I'm totally not whipped guise! If you disagree you're a lonely neckbeard!
Let me guess, she was your first

>> No.10436308

Eww, salami with may? Just put that one down. Hi

>> No.10436333

This. Parents always had me trying new stuff while most of my friends were afraid of anything that wasn't a frozen pizza or hamburger. I now outcook any of them.

>> No.10436347

Your kids are a lost cause if they don't like that.

>> No.10436359

do u wanna be my mom instead that shit looks decent senpai

>> No.10436370

the source is the WHO which classifies red and processed meat as a carcinogen

>> No.10436378

What isn't carcinogen?
To get cancer just from processed meat, you'd probably have to eat 2kg a day.

>> No.10436392

Please post milkers

>> No.10436393

>implying I'm not single
You could keep projecting and embarrassing yourself, or you could stop this shitfest. But you wouldn't be an /r9k/-tier weeb if you had a brain right? Sure keep groaning about "muh 2D".

>> No.10436400

Nah fuck off, decent various meals doesn't mean retarded nipshit. No sane person thinks a ton of white rice with a few grams of vegetables and aa pinch of meat is a good school lunch. OP needs to get the weeb slapped out of her fat face.

>> No.10436408

gtfo nigger

>> No.10436410

Don't worry if you defend the honor of the fairer half they'll eventually repay your kindness coins with sex
>muh 2D
That was someone else, lady

>> No.10436448
File: 54 KB, 380x499, 51hyOtCl34L._SX378_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming this isnt bait, the Just Bento cookbook is a great reference. It has timelines to follow so each item is cooked and cooled in enough time so as to not die of the old salmonella

>> No.10436538
File: 2.24 MB, 330x166, 1518411862485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't >>10436235 then you're just an attention-hungry kid.

>> No.10436626

Honestly most of the "dumb ass decisions" schools make are because of parents being retarded and/or litigious.

The PTA was a mistake.

>> No.10436703

You might want to pay closer attention to your partner. This isn't me trying to be judgrmenal orbargumentive or contrarian or a troll. I'm telling you with 100% honesty that I've found after a certain amount of time, if one person is still happy in the relationship, their spouse is unhappy and wants out. Most of the time they are good at keeping this a secret until it starts to chip away at their morals.

No need to feel bad, guy. Taking an honest look at married couples and talking to them individually saved me a lot of trouble.

>> No.10436723

fuck off weeb

>> No.10436752

looks good, I feel bad for the kids not appreciating something like that, woah.

>> No.10436757
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1522260668279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course because the anecdotal evidence you collected during your extensive research is a clear proof happy marriages don't exist.

>> No.10436776

It was enough for me. Not trying to change anyone's mind with anecdotes, just advising that people get out and do some """""extensive research""""" of their own. By which I mean sitting down with some of the married people you know, separately, and asking them if they're still happy.
Don't really know why I'm trying to help people on here desu, since you all just want to be argumentative smartasses.

>> No.10436973

Shut up fatty

>> No.10437817

Anon, I can asure you my spouse is happy. Not everyone is too retarded to find someone to have a fulfilled marriage. We know each other for 15 years, have both the same strong values and long time goals and a good sex life. If there is a problem, we openly speak with eacht other instead of throwing tantrums or bitching. "keeping it secret" is the most retarded thing someone could do and is a sign of not beeing ature enough for a marriage in the first place.

>> No.10437858
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 17554257_286660671770512_3671690743493894871_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interview people with leading questions to confirm my world view
You don't try to help people, you try to push your narative because you're one of those unable to differentiate or alread divorced/ unhappy because you chose to marriage someone you didn't really knew. Misery loves company, which is why divorces try to subconciously disrupt happy marriages through infusing such bad ideas into the spouses.

You need help yourself.

>> No.10437895

Get them to try new things on weekends when it’s not as big of a deal if they skip lunch

>> No.10437906

hubby here. give me my kids back

>> No.10437923

Why do you need to be happy all the time?

>> No.10437936

Everything you assumed about me in your post is wrong.
>never been married
>I'm a positive person when it comes to positive situations
>don't lead with pointed questions
>usually don't even have to ask anything, they eventually start bitching about their spouse

>> No.10437944

Fuck off with this retarded shit "mom"

>> No.10437958

Sounds like you're fun to be around when people just suddenly start bitching about their life to you on a scale that you want to generalize. Most people unhappy in their life have nobody but themselves to blame. Bitchng about it to anybody else but ones spouse is low character and a good sign of said lck of self-resposibility. Next time tell the bitch to shut the fuck up and tell her husbnd .

>> No.10438022

>Don't really know why I'm trying to help people on here desu, since you all just want to be argumentative smartasses.
You're not helping anyone you fucking retard, you're just being a cynical jackass.

>> No.10438128

Never in my life.

Sucks for you. Been living with mine since 2011-- I'll tell them rudely what I don't like about them, and I get the same treatment. We grow or we get over it. I really don't know why so many people get married in the first place, it's not for everyone. Steady relationships are too stable for some unstable people.

As for OP, those kids are totally old enough to help make food. I was an awful picky eater until I got to help make food and test ingredients out with little nibbles. Have your 7 year old wash every vegetable and help the 10 year old cut. Make them both stir the cooking things and have 7 serve it into the final containers. It won't be instant, but they'll feel pride whipping it out and saying "I made this" to at least themselves.

>> No.10438411
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>I want my kids to be raised on Japanese culture because I watch too much anime
>bento boxes kawaii =^m^=

>> No.10438496

>Shit them up with refined carbs

Yes indeed, there's nothing wrong with white bread. They have a pancreas, they can deal with a bit of sugar. Also give them milk and dairy products, it makes them grow up tall.

>> No.10438532
File: 9 KB, 210x230, steamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the explanation Dr. Faggot.

>> No.10438602

there are a lot more factors than >>10433422
ya fucking idyot. and you don't have a fucking clue what the percentage level this increases risk of getting cancer when you live on this shit 3-5 times a week or more . keep it up til ya 50 beyotch and ya know what might happen. im not against meat, really


ya gota eat ya vagies.

>> No.10439106

exactly this. based dog

>> No.10439225
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>tfw pizza the night before
>mom packs cold pizza for lunch

>> No.10439238

adopt us mommy

>> No.10439261

tell your kid that you're not a fucking restaurant and they'll eat what you make for them. Mothers in 2018, i swear

>> No.10439295

post bob

>> No.10441081
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>> No.10441096

Kids want simple foods. You can't change nature. Just wait some years, and then they'll ask for other stuff.

>> No.10441185

>weaponising sex
That's a great way to ruin your marriage.

>> No.10441189

Just make it, if they don't apreciate it let them make their own sandwiches, they probably won't make them, because they expect you to make everything. They will not have another option more than eat your tasty mommy food.
Or just tell them to eat and shut the fuck up

>> No.10441193

Know how to cook

>> No.10441210

In about 3 years or so, you should have them more adventurous in their school eating. Keep in mind they have a grand total of 30mins minus the time to get to the cafeteria, minus the time they're told to clean up, minus the time to walk back to class. Lunch isn't some glorious joyful thing as in your youth. It's good they take their lunches in the first place versus lose more time standing in a line. It is a little fuel to break up the monotony of studying.

Start making the breads better. For the white bread kid, buy really good country white that is thick and delicious. Have a snack besides the sandwich, and don't expect them to eat it, but that if they are a "little more hungry" it's available. This snack should be enticing. A fork and a container of cold fruit salad. A homemade jello with fruit and nuts. A pudding you made. A slice of brownie. A bar cookie with icing on top. Second grade? They're babies. they like pink cupcakes, not carrot sticks. This kid will get used to quality and open the palate more from what you serve at home. Use language at home to turn them off to the low effort foods "this pizza is like cardboard, I like the crust from the brick oven at Luigi's down the street." Plant the objective food critic in your kid.

For the 10yr old, same plan, but you actually cook with this one, getting them involved, and then pack some of their leftovers. Make meatloaf sandwiches on Saturday from last night's leftovers and show the joys of having different lunches, because they had it first at home. And, when you pack a damn good brownie, give them two, one to share with their friend too. Friends will exclaim how they wish their mom made a lunch for them. You go up points through friend's compliments. This kid might get criticism for elaborate lunches from friends. A sandwich isn't going to bring much attention from jealous or bullytype friends. They start being nice to each other again by 8th grade, but it'll be a long road.

>> No.10441242

Everything gives you cancer. Why don't you stop worrying and just enjoy things.

>> No.10441251

Basically this. I use to eat alot of fruits as a child because my parents didn't buy me candy bars except very rarely. Same thing with vegetables. I never had a problem with broccoli or brussel sprouts though some ways they cooked bell pepper did not sit well with me for the most part i ate decent food. about the only junk food they let me have regularly that i'm addicted to now is cupped ramens. You really have to start from a good base.

>> No.10441302

Try self made oat cookies and carrot or paprika sticks with dip.