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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 550x413, potato-chips-in-a-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10426386 No.10426386 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10426388

Fat fuck.

>> No.10426390

Is this the putting-fries-on-the-burger-patty of sandwiches?

>> No.10426404

But those are crisps. Chippy sandwiches are delicious but that's not what you posted.

>> No.10426442

It adds a crunchy, salty element to the sandwich that it'd likely lack otherwise

Let's not start this.

>> No.10426458

Those look like crisps though.

>> No.10426534

imagine being so primitive you call food on the name it sounds like when you eat it hahahhaahahah bongs

>> No.10426542

I've been doing this for years.

Great way to improve subway.

>> No.10426547
File: 95 KB, 634x476, 3C422C6900000578-0-image-a-1_1484789317914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans are so fat they cant even wait to eat their sandwich before eating fried crisps

>> No.10426550

People use different words for things? Holy shit!

>> No.10426578
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x2308, 479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use someone elses language
>fuck it up
>defend the fuck up instead of correcting yourselves


>> No.10426585

Remember that when you hear a nigger talk.

>> No.10426595

>someone elses language
Uh, it's my language. I am English.

>> No.10426599

>using chips when good lettuce does the same thing

>> No.10426601

I figured this out when I was in preschool.

>> No.10426602

good lettuce tastes like potato and salt?

>> No.10426608

>wholemeal bread
>salt n vinegar chips
>bbq sauce

>> No.10426614

OP was talking about the crunch. If you want potato and salt, you could just make potato bread. Extra salty.

>> No.10426620

But what if I want lettuce AND potato chips?
Just look at the OP image. There is some lettuce already on the bottom fampai. It wasn't enough.

>> No.10426626

do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.10426631

No shit, my point was
>just use lettuce
is pretty fucking dumb, and not at all the same level of crunch and especially not the same flavor.

>> No.10426654

Not really. If I dont want to add more shitty carbs to my shitty carb ridden sandwich, lettuce is a great alternative for some good crunch

>> No.10426670

Why are you so racist? Sad.

>> No.10426675

those aren't chips

>> No.10426691

I like putting the "baked" chips on my sandwiches because they lay flatter so they're easier to layer on the sandwich.

>> No.10426698

They are in countries that actually matter

>> No.10426705

>use someone elses language
>fuck it up
>defend the fuck up instead of correcting yourselves
t.britbongs who have never heard of OE

>> No.10426721

Baked cheddar ruffles are god tier on sammiches

>> No.10426729

Fucking yeeeeeessssss

>> No.10426744

>320 million call them chips
>A paltry 64 million get mad
Checkmate Bongolians and Bongoloids

>> No.10426750
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1521244584473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10427438

don't be a glutton

>> No.10427441

literally came here to post this

>> No.10427470

>Not cheetos or especially flaming hot cheetos

You have come to learn, but have yet to experience true enlightenment my friend. Kettle cooked chips are your next step, but pringles are the way of the forsaken.

>> No.10427495

would rather toast the bread and throw other fried shit inside of it

>> No.10427498

Salt and vinegar kettle chips on a tuna sandwich are godly.

>> No.10427503
File: 200 KB, 334x483, doritos-nacho-cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer doritos on my sammies

>> No.10427520

Depends on the sandwich. I have made a sort of taco abomination by crunching up jalapeño cheddar Doritos and stuffing it inside pizza pops. It was pretty fucking good but I was also pretty fucking high. It’s hard to find anything that isn’t pretty fucking good when you’re high...

>> No.10427531

This is why you're fat

>> No.10427547

>putting a few chips on a sandwich makes you fat
No one is putting a family size bag of chips on their sandwich. Go be retarded somewhere else. Fucking minilets...

>> No.10427549

we did tell you, in third fucking grade
everyone did

>> No.10427563

You're wrong

>> No.10427565

tortilla chips are also really good, sandwiches are just so plain without that delicious crunch you get from chips

>> No.10427567

girls in elementary school bullied me for this, dirty cunts

>> No.10427570

No, you’re wrong.

>> No.10427577

I didn't even state anything you fucking imbecile. Are you even capable of whiping your own ass? Dumb fuck.