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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 522x380, 8125u-nM4NL._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10398202 No.10398202 [Reply] [Original]

Someone say somethin bout deenz?? Cause im dyin to know what /ck/ pic related thinks of

>> No.10398212
File: 2.55 MB, 600x336, 1522773603651.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead of asking for other's opinion of em, you offer a new way to whip up a tin or fresh deenz?

>> No.10398219

Must be new to cooking or beta af

>> No.10398231
File: 336 KB, 1500x1086, 40AC6F6F-D4B3-4B66-8CB7-150D438156F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s fancy smoked oysters. The best tinned seafood.

>> No.10398242


>> No.10398282

Ocean prince is pretty low tier. It's the value brand version of Crown Prince. Sardines aren't all the same species, and the ones in the cheaper cans such as Ocean Prince are often quite large and tough, more similar to herring. The best sardines are the ones that are called "brisling", and are very small and delicate.

If you're looking for someone else's opinion, this site is worth checking out. Guy has reviews of dozens and dozens of sardine products. Pretty based.


>> No.10398297

Yeah, i noticed when i opened the can, only 3 fish in one, all large with spines guts and stringy shit.
My buddy introduced me to them and i loved em, they were skinless, boneless im pretty sure and a lot smaller. I never got the brand name though.

>> No.10398340

how do you eat that shit? You must like them rads eh?

>> No.10398361

>put on toothpick
>put into mouth

wa la

>> No.10398372

They taste any good?

>> No.10398379

No accounting for taste, but I think smoked oysters are pretty delicious, yeah. You could put them on crackers or bread too if you wanted. And don't worry if you don't like fresh oysters, the smoked ones are a completely different texture and flavor.

>> No.10398387

i love fresh oyster, is there a big difference?

>> No.10398394

I’m not a feral yet, but they go great on a saltine with some hot sauce.

>> No.10398408

Yea, a huge difference. About as different as a pickle and a cucumber. But I like both, I was just saying that because fresh oysters turn some people off.

>> No.10398409

Just made a sardine melt as a late night snack. Easy and tasty.

>> No.10398416

Fresh are better. Canned are usually from Chinese sewers.

>> No.10398420

are they just saltier?

>> No.10398438
File: 330 KB, 1500x1088, 81LqOzMJN7L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned unsmoked oysters are pretty gnarly, but the ones that are smoked and packed in oil are great. I wouldn't really compare fresh to smoked, it would be like saying a pork chop is better than a sausage. They're not the same experience at all.

I think these ones are pretty widely available, and they're from South Korea, not China.

>> No.10398445

What is the difference between the chinese and others like Thailand or Korea?

>> No.10398446


>product of China


>> No.10398465

Where can I get North Korean canned oysters?

>> No.10398468

Less dioxins

>> No.10398552

I dunno about oysters, but you can do North Korean style clams on your own. Put a bunch of clams in a tray, douse them in gasoline, then light that shit on fire.

>> No.10398786
File: 460 KB, 1024x683, 8651913530_142a9562d1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Korea
>Having excess cooking gasoline

>> No.10398861
File: 1.34 MB, 1152x1715, 20180404_025746-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, deenz thread!
Just found pic related in the cabinet - deenz in mustie along with bonus kippers and some smoked oysters. What am I in for boys?

>> No.10398964

Quit destroying the ocean

>> No.10399075

eat them mustard bois first, you wont regret it.

>> No.10399081


>> No.10399110

we are all gonna die anyway. why not enjoy some good ol' deenz bud?

>> No.10399131

You guys are lackin the culture that goes with deenz, listen to this!

>> No.10399690
File: 1.54 MB, 2576x1932, 20180404_054525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone familiar with this brand? I've gotten their green curry with basil and really liked it but the Asian market was all out of it, so I got this and a can of ginger mackerel to try.

>> No.10399697
File: 69 KB, 640x640, bonelessdeenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a tin of these with some rice with some hot sauce and soy sauce, very nice.

>> No.10399703
File: 1.98 MB, 2576x1932, 20180404_055203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks ugly but it tasted really delicious. The whole kaffir lime leaves were a nice touch and the sauce was really good. The fish was firm and meaty. I'll definitely be buying this again.

>> No.10399774

Chinese sourced bivalves though.

>> No.10399775

he already told you, chinese sewers

>> No.10399922

Big sardines are shit and if you eat them you have shit taste.

Brisling sardines are smaller, and actually taste good. Make sure the tin says brisling sardines. Also avoid the Chinese ones if you can.

>> No.10400051

What the hell is up with /ck/ and forced memes? Seriously, no one cares about your attempt at meme'ing. Saged and hidden.

>> No.10400497
File: 87 KB, 960x960, 1493350470163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing - sardines fall under what's known in America as "traditional foods," aka real food the average normie wouldn't even fathom consuming. That also means it's full of tons of vitamins and minerals that Americans don't get in their diet anymore (like organ meat and cultured vegetables; look into Nourishing Traditions/GAPS Diet stuff if you wanna know more), especially if they're the type that spends their time sitting around shitposting all day. I am personally thrilled that 4chan would take any kind of interest a traditional kind of food like this, especially one so nourishing.

>> No.10400505


>crown prince

people be looking at me like i'm crazy spending $10 bucks for deenz

but they don't know how it be

>> No.10400517

I'm a King Oscar man myself. Any thoughts on this brand? I'm liking its quality so far but I'm not sure if there's anything else I should try in its price range.

>> No.10400518

>$10 for a can of sardines
what the fuck anon

>> No.10400535
File: 515 KB, 809x459, ScreenShot2016-05-20at5.25.20PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deenz are around 5 bucks a tin (i think it's like 25 fishies in a tin tho)

so I buy two tins.


this, deenz posting is also inherently immune to viral marketers unlike cancerous sip-posting that thankfully died out.

and even if viral marketers do come into these threads, i say good for them. I find it honestly hilarious that sardine companies would find a niche demographic in a bunch of chantards. Maybe they'll start targetting the NEET/anime/alternative lifestyle in the future. Could be fucking funny. Kind of like subaru stealth-targetting the LGBT community in the 90s.

>> No.10400544

>Deenz are around 5 bucks a tin
Oh, that's more reasonable.

>I find it honestly hilarious that sardine companies would find a niche demographic in a bunch of chantards.
I'd buy sardines with cute anime girls on the packaging. Iwashi-chan will give me her vitamins and omega-3 and keep me strong and healthy.

>> No.10400552

>find some weird looking parts in boneless skinless deenz
>havent eaten any since
how do I stop being a faget

>> No.10400558

>5 bucks a tin
What shithole do you live in? Even ordering from fucking Amazon is cheaper than that

>> No.10400568


they're double packs/two layer

>> No.10400574


>tom yum sauce

beware the MSG

>> No.10400578

>le msg boogieman
fuck off idiot

>> No.10400581


>wanting flavor additives to disrupt the pure taste of deenz

i may be idiot but u r faggot

>> No.10400589

I only eat sardines in olive oil, but nice try you're still gay and stupid.

>> No.10400596

I get the same thing from the same brand for less than $3

>> No.10400652

>being such a brainlet you can't handle more than one flavor at once

>> No.10400672


>he wants his 9000 taste buds to be split over two competing flavor profiles

>> No.10400750

What's the matter white boi? Scared of a little seasoning?

>> No.10400774

whats the difference between deenz and 'chovies?

>> No.10400783

Anchovies are smaller and much stronger tasting, more of a condiment than anything. Deenz can be the protein of a meal in their own right

>> No.10400948

Fuck sardines.

>> No.10400975

I eat them in gay sauce

>> No.10401221

there's already salt in them idiot do you extract that too

>> No.10401369


>thinking salt and msg are the same

salt is salt

msg is literally savory extract

u don't need it, white boi

>> No.10401407

fuck you too

>> No.10401421

>soybean oil

>> No.10401433

Pretty much this OP... you need to get the ones with olive oil. They're more expensive, but they're better. Much better.

>> No.10401492

>white boi


>> No.10401502

Are you guys raiding /lgbt/?

I mean, /deenz/ are good and all but it's just cruel to say that sardines will fix our masc bone structure tbHON

>> No.10401518

>been eating sardines for years
>haven't been on /ck/ in months
>decide to check it out today
>deenz are a meme
Not sure if I'm okay with this or if I hate it.

>> No.10401552

salt is a flavor additive so you aren't allowed to have it

>> No.10401553

lel /ck/ doesn't have enough of a userbase to raid anyone.
/deenz/ threads do pop up all over the place though, i've seen them on /r9k/ and /pol/ before

>> No.10401559

Really? This board seems to be faster than others at times.


>> No.10401568

Dude, shut the fuck up. That's like the last brand that isn't Chinese. Mum's the word.

>> No.10402016

King Oscars are great, but try the polar ones with the clear top or in the glass jar if you like (real) smoke flavor. They are fucking good.

>> No.10402289

Bay Harbor In Water wins for me in the smoky sardine category. I was worried I wouldn't like them at first since I always get my sardines packed in oil (thinking the oil helps preserve them better and mitigate any fishy flavor), but they were just fantastic. Great, rich smoky flavor.

>> No.10402318
File: 47 KB, 522x327, wild deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon is pushing these, any good?

>> No.10402341

Whatever you say, boss ;)

>> No.10402360

Can you eat whole deenz right from the can, or do they need some prep?

>> No.10402372

They're ok. I'd get them if the price was good but I wouldn't go out of my way for them.

>> No.10402382

I typically eat them straight from the can but you can put them on bread, crackers, etc. They're also good fried up with eggs. They're super versatile.

>> No.10402385

I hate those. Tough in texture, bitter extra virgin oil for no reason, and they're not even actually smoked (they have liquid smoke added).

You can see that their packaging is all about appealing to the ecologically conscious crowd, which is fine, but if you want something actually tasty look elsewhere.

>> No.10402407

About 2.20 a can

Fair review. I'll probably just actually go down to the grocery store and see what they got.

>> No.10402449

those are under 2 dollars a can at the grocery store near my house.
i like the ones with lemon juice.

>> No.10402646
File: 50 KB, 512x448, 34945-Plok!_(Germany)-1459361332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a NameFag

>> No.10402774


>> No.10402898
File: 235 KB, 1024x576, deez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I just bought pic related. What fucking chemicals are in my /deenz/ that cause birth defects and reproductive harm? Is this referring to mercury? I know California is full of cucks and now Starbucks has to have cancer warnings on their coffee, so these are still safe to eat, right??

Beach Cliff is based. Very happy with everything I've had from them.

Good price and I'd pick them up for that. They are like $2.40 at Walmart near my house. Polar kippers (my all time fav) are like $1.30

Where'd you get them anon? Asian grocery? I've never seen them at my normal /deenz/ stop.

>> No.10403039

>Is this referring to mercury?

>> No.10403196

>Where'd you get them anon? Asian grocery?
Yeah, there's a big Asian supermarket in my town. I could spend days wandering the aisles, shit is cash.

>> No.10403272
File: 51 KB, 381x200, 200_s (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try deenz
>really like deenz
>eating all kinds of sea critters
>realize i've never tried anchovies
>huh these must be like small deenz right?
>chew into one
>huh that's not half ba-SALT

>> No.10403281

Keep in mind Calicucks make Starbucks put that label on their coffee.

>> No.10403300

With the standard salt-cured fillets, you're supposed to use them as an ingredient, not really eat them on their own.

White anchovies are good though, and can be eaten straight.

>> No.10403326

white anchovies are absolutely top tier, i like them better than /deenz/ and i'm a deenzboi

>> No.10403348

yeah man, even including them in recipes, I rinse rinse rinse. excellent on pizza, in moderation.

by the way, these >>10398231 are also very very great on pizza. just rinse them a little bit to get any grits off of them.

I realize that, which is why I'm not so worried about mercurified deenz. Arizona bay when?

>> No.10403396
File: 122 KB, 982x755, w-Fishstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercury is barely an issue with sardines, as they're extremely low on the food chain. It's the bigger predator fish that have dangerous levels of mercury due to bioaccumulation.

That warning may not have been about mercury at all though.

>> No.10403407

It's about the mercury, cali is going fucking nuts with anything that can be considered even remotely dangerous. They do warn chicks to limit their sardine intake while pregnant just for the mercury risks.

>> No.10403670
File: 771 KB, 400x225, 1514070846398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went out and got King Oscar and Beach Cliff. Which should I try first? Gonna eat em on rice with lemon bc I'm hungry.

>> No.10403691

>>Eating and or drinking from alumin(i)um products

>> No.10403715

Try the King Oscar first so you know what deenz are supposed to taste like, then try the beach cliff so you understand why it's worth paying the extra dollar for the good stuff.

>> No.10403723
File: 11 KB, 222x222, 199464-75x75-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for the good stuff OP

>> No.10403728
File: 41 KB, 616x462, 1505147593732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plain in Olive Oil are the best

>> No.10403754

'ere we go!

>> No.10403774


>with lemon and rice

very nice.

>> No.10403781
File: 565 KB, 147x154, 1499992557283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not frozen
would you perchance like some deenz with your salt?

>> No.10403786
File: 302 KB, 1500x1015, 81Jh2+c5XDL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's health to the Pope, may he live to repent
And add just six months to the term of his Lent
And tell all his vassals from Rome to the Poles,
There's nothing like pilchards for saving their souls!

>> No.10403794

i’ve only ever eaten kipper snacks, how do they compare to the flavor of a “deen?”

>> No.10403799

you don't buy them boneless do you anon?

>> No.10403927

They were good! I'll try the beach cliff tomorrow. Will probably end up buying more King Oscars, though. Should make a good work lunch.

>> No.10404180

It makes me happy when people discover and enjoy deenz.

>> No.10404416
File: 72 KB, 907x778, 1519939884736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me how to eat these
Is it okay to eat everything in the can?
Should the ones in oil be rinsed first?

>> No.10404422

Love the Deenz but recently began noticing the fish poop and its putting a damper on things.

>> No.10404653
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x3024, 480DE754-9B12-4D2F-9774-2C6F551DB94F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Popped my /deen/ cherry last week. I cook for a living and love offal of all sorts, raw fish/shrimp/scallops/oysters/etc, anchovies, shit like pickled mackerel and salt cod but ‘deenz were never on the radar

>sweat minced garlic/chili flake/parsley in a little olive oil, drain the deenz and throw them in til theyre hot, hit with some pepper and salt, throw in asparagus at last minute cause i had some
>fry two eggs in unwashed ‘deen pan
>lay deenz and shit over rice, hit with some tamari and a squeeze of lemon juice
>layer eggs, finish with sriracha

It was mad good my dudes

>> No.10404657
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 6F1A6E85-4F1B-4E48-A830-01AA809263C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10404678

You can dump the entire contents of the can directly in your mouth if you want. No special prep is needed. The oil is just extra calories (and flavor), so do whatever you think best. But if you're gonna cook with em, definitely don't rinse or drain anything. Use the excess oil in the recipe.

>> No.10404922

That sounds great, dude

>> No.10404970

>Deenz are around 5 bucks a tin
Jesus Christ, I get double layer KO for $2.30 apiece. Sorry about your deenz misfortune.

>> No.10404977

You can pepper to taste or just eat 'em dudes plain. And the fish is safe 'cause they're low on the food chain.

>> No.10405011

I prefer the plain olive oil ones, too, but the jalapeno ones are pretty good as a change of pace.

Not much a fan on jalapenos in general though. They'd probably be better with a different pepper.

>> No.10405013

>>sweat minced garlic/chili flake/parsley in a little olive oil, drain the deenz
>not sweating the veggies in the deen oil

>> No.10406034


Sounds delicious, anon. Hope you stick around and post more recipes. I'll be sure to try this one. Godspeed.

>> No.10406039


I do live in a expensive area (La jolla) actually probably one of the most expensive areas in the world

not that i'm trying to show off, i'm broke like a joke.

>> No.10406497

Can I pan fry deenz?

>> No.10406503


I drained them first cause i wanted to eat some plain and didnt really know what i was going to do with them, but yes thats what i thought of after the fact

>> No.10406799
File: 653 KB, 1019x1026, 20180404_145416-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10398861 here. I lost my deenginity yesterday eating the mustie bois with scrambled eggs, and things went way better than expected. They looked weird, and I expected them to taste like skin, but they didn't - just a mild pleasant fish taste (the mustard sauce was really mild too, and it helped cut the fishy taste). Not gonna lie, I was nervous about a few stringy-looking bites, but once they were in my mouth I didn't feel anything. I was expecting to freak out about weird textures the entire time, but each bite was smooth and enjoyable. They tasted amazing with the scrambled eggs. I was full for hours and my body felt keen and powerful afterwards. All in all, 8/10, ready to buy more!

>> No.10406939

I want to get into deens, so I bought pic related. Has anybody tried to throw them in a pot with a brick of ramen?

>> No.10406944
File: 44 KB, 450x450, eb3d8988-c93b-49cf-9586-1ba12fcaea52_1.8b1d82c98682e12a8d52b8425df65f46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related.
Fuck me.

>> No.10406946

ayy wsup deenbro, del mar here

>> No.10406987


>> No.10407051

Haven't tried it personally but they'll probs fall apart if you give it a stir. Flavor should be great, don't know about texture tho. Try it!

>> No.10407067

I just got back from the store with a tin of King Oscar's.

How has such a cheap, delicious, and filling food been hidden from me for so long? I've always thought of canned fish as a relic of the past, but not anymore.

Thank you, my /deenz/ brothers.

>> No.10407069

put the deenz on top after the ramen is done
if you want to stir something in for flavor use some anchovy - but if you do this skip the flavoring packet because chovies are saltbombs

>> No.10407074

i've never had deenz before. what do they taste like? do you eat the bones? can you cook them into anything? are they delicious by themselves?

>> No.10407117


>> No.10407257


>> No.10407303
File: 41 KB, 1075x395, soyboy deenboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you supposed to eat the PEPPER in the deenz can?

>> No.10407322 [DELETED] 


>del mar

ayy rich kid

cache me outside howbow dah

>> No.10407364
File: 103 KB, 768x512, tapatio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10407377

Ah, just like momma used to make.

>> No.10407445


enjoy your omega 3's, brother.

>> No.10407509

Yes, it's a great way to prepare deenz

>> No.10407669

/ck/ got me eating deenz
I was a vegetarian before that for 2 years but i decided to try deenz
Then i realized they are just fucking sardines I dont have empathy for fucking sardines so i continue to eat sardines

I guess i'm a bit hypocritical but i'm not claiming that i'm perfect

>> No.10408283

Why do you feel hypocritical? Plants can exhibit reactions to damage and are certainly interested in self-preservation. It makes a lot more sense to not want any unnecessary suffering of life, but if you are going to draw lines, you may as well draw them with mammals as their behavior is far more nuanced and empathetic than pretty much anything else.

>> No.10408293

Try oysters too. Even Peter Singer said it's ok to eat them.

>> No.10408444

You're a pescatarian. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10408483
File: 10 KB, 244x242, whatcostanze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't get over the smell. I want to like them. But I can't figure out a good way to eat them.

I'm thinking about starving myself for 24 hours and then eating some deenz.

>> No.10408496

>But I can't figure out a good way to eat them.
Put them in your mouth, chew, then swallow.

>> No.10408506

Yeah but they're gross plain.

>> No.10408640

Do you like sushi? Drizzle them in some Kikkoman.

>> No.10408692

>browse /ck/ occasionally
>not really a seafood guy
>see /deenz/ threads every now and then, think nothing of it
>two days ago
>decide to click on one out of boredom
>casual atmosphere, sense of camaraderie
>last night
>have a fucking dream where I go out and buy a can of sardines
>never had a sardine in my life
It ended before I could eat them. What the fuck does it mean? I've had a can of sardines laying around for years from an old theatre production and I'm really tempted to eat them. They're probably expired but I don't care anymore. The deenz are in my dreams.

>> No.10408711
File: 1.61 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_1359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the deenz in question
best by Aug 2016
this is the first dream I've remembered in months, too

>> No.10408744

That's the primo shit. If try them and don't like them, you'll know for sure that sardines aren't for you.

>> No.10408789

with a saltine and a few drops of hotsauce.
i actually really like them this way, but don't like the texture or the idea of them plain or how ever they come in the cans.

>> No.10408792
File: 2.87 MB, 4096x2304, The King of Deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny you say that, because I just bought pic related tonight on my way home from work.

Let's open them up?

>> No.10408806

post results

>> No.10408810

do it. i'm interested.

>> No.10408834

deenz dreamer here, I'm going to pick up a fresh one from the store so I have something to compare with.

>> No.10408841
File: 2.81 MB, 4096x2304, Just some marketing but damn are these good deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These actually say "The best for you"
>for you
on the back

>> No.10408849
File: 2.91 MB, 4096x2304, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, here we go

>> No.10408856

Hurry up and post deenz, faggot.

>> No.10408861
File: 2.13 MB, 4096x2304, Ktsssch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unwrapped and Tapped

>> No.10408868
File: 2.39 MB, 4096x3072, Major Tom dot mp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of goodness these look tasty

>> No.10408877

Fuck i wish i had some deenz right now

>> No.10408880

Don't wanna sound like a shill, but King Oscar is always reliable and high quality

>> No.10408881

i'll be damned!
eat some. saltine and hot sauce.
promise they're still good.

>> No.10408884

nice filename too, btw.

>> No.10408891
File: 1.92 MB, 4096x2304, Bare Fish on Saltine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now listen, guy. You'll hear a lot of /deenz/fags talking about Saltine crackers, see pic related. That's fine, and that's great. It's hip, it's cool (DESU for me, it's Club Crackers).

>> No.10408908

They're damn good on club crackers.

They're also really good on those pretzel crackers that are pretzel on one side and cracker on the other. I had them with some herb and garlic goat cheese on those once and god damn fuck my ass, the sharpness and sourness of the goat cheese cut right through the fattiness of the deenz.

>> No.10408924
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This little diddy has piqued my current slampiece’s curiosity in ‘deenz. She dislikes hot sauce but I’m working on that.

God bless anon’s baritone voice and soothing cadence.

>> No.10408926

club are good too, but i never have them in the house. also, i find the butteryness takes away from the oily fish flavor, rather than promoting it like with crab.

>> No.10408934

also, thanks to you for taking the time to make photos for this thread.
i'm another person that usually doesn't click on the sardine threads, but did from boredom tonight after i got fat and happy on steak.

>> No.10408961
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u got dat mang

my brother, I'm club for life. it's the perfect cracker, with anything I'm saying to you. With crab dip, with straight butter on them (as my father taught me), dipped in chili, or whatever. mm dang dem Club crackers are nice.

guy, you can drain your /deenz/ or just eat the straight out the can. pic related. by the way, I'd say that your 1st rememberd dream in months is pretty significant. /dreemz/

>> No.10408965

At the store and they only have spicy KO so I can't do an exact comparison. It's also twice as expensive as the other brands. How's Brunswicks?

>> No.10408975
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I'm gonna try that. goat cheese is GOAT.

Holy shit, exactly 100 replies apart, checked. anyway, I'm happy to post pics.
Now, pic related - you may move into /eating/them/straight/out/of/the/can territory, but until then, I'd suggest your little scrumptious fishies on crackers with either of pic related dashed upon them. You can't beat lemon with fish, and the cayenne (for me) is such a perfect mix of taste and spicy.

>> No.10408976

>hot sauce
>homeless sauce
pump and dump

>> No.10408977


Sprin for the good shit. Make sure theyre the brislin deens and not the large ones

>> No.10408980

Brunswick's is OK. Stay away from Ocean Prince.

I always suggest Polar kipper snacks ($1.33 where I'm at), so tasty

>> No.10408987

nothing wrong with ocean prince

>> No.10408988


I know, dude..

Disliking hot sauce is almost a dealbreaker, but my plan isnto just stary sneaking it into all food when i cook til she acquires the taste

>> No.10408993

Then at least stay away from the ones in water. Not a big fan.

>> No.10408998

deenz in water are shit in general.

>> No.10409031
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smell like shit too.

anyway, lets wrap this up.
pic related
You put a /deen/ on a fork, dip the tail in cayenne and the neck in lemon pepper, and munch that shit down.

I love you assholes

>> No.10409116


>> No.10409119
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Finally home, working up the nerve

>> No.10409129

My mom bought deenz all the time when I was a kid. Longtime deenz lover here. Nice to see others picking it up

>> No.10409130

>in mustard
don't do it anon

cracked pepper are good though, if a bit strong

>> No.10409133

Is this you, dreamer?

>> No.10409134

Let's fucking do this.

>> No.10409151
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Its definitely a fish.
Yep. It doesn't look anything like the ones in the dream. Makes sense.

>> No.10409153

My mom never bought deenz, or even really taught me to cook. I had big deenz when I was younger, and I fucking hated them.

But I started watching Good Eats in uni to learn to cook, and Alton Brown was talking about how brislings are totally different, and I trusted him and bought a tin.

>> No.10409158

I've never gotten the black pepper kind. You don't actually eat the whole peppercorns, do you? I don't know how this works.

>> No.10409162

theres' neither rules nor guidelines. maybe mouthful-of-sardines knows?

keep going...

>> No.10409165

Of course not, they're fucking peppercorns.

>> No.10409178

Phone is being a fuck and won't let me take pictures anymore. Had one plain and the texture is fine but the peppercorn flavor is too strong. Not in love but I may try it with some crackers and condiments. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.10409213

it's good man. Try the plain king oscars with olive oil (no pepper or hot sauce, tomoato or nothing). You are well on your way.

>> No.10409220

Told you it'd be strong. The plain olive oil ones aren't as intense. Try the peppercorn ones with some bread.

>> No.10409270

>buy sardines
>accidentally get the kind with capers
No deenz for me tonight.

>> No.10409277

Haven't had those, but capers are pretty good.

>> No.10409418

Now that is just retarded, plants dont feel pain

>> No.10409441

if i like tuna, will i like deenz?

>> No.10409519

Sweet, my deenz obsession might be helping my transition. I keep ko stacked.
>In before post feet

>> No.10409534

You would probably enjoy the skinless and boneless versions, they're very similar to tuna in texture. The whole sardines are pretty different, softer in texture, more noticeably fishy in flavor, and with skin and bones included. Which isn't to say you won't like the regular whole sardines, but to start out with you might prefer the skinless/boneless fillets.

>> No.10409971

you can totally eat them, after soaking in the oil for so long they are very mild and tasty

>> No.10410224
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I dont usually hang out in deenz thread just browse occasionally but am dedicated eater. Just been wondering if anyone ever eats these wonderful mackerels? I cant even get it where i live but always stock up when i go to fancy grocery out of town. They are my favorite.
Otherwise my go to is King Oscar.

>> No.10410231

Oh man, I love deenz and I am a pepper freak, but have never seen the two together like this. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for these.

>> No.10410312

who knows the best entry level deenz and with what?

>> No.10410332

These are really good >>10408792 and I'm pretty sure that you can find them in most stores. I would suggest just eating them straight out of the can with a little cracked pepper. You can also put them on a cracker with some hot sauce, if you'd like.

>> No.10410579

What this guy said, but I also like to sprinkle some lemon pepper

not this brand, but I do like mackerel.

>> No.10410588
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Just picked up two cans of Bar Harbor Smoked Sardines with Jalapeno, three cans of King Oscar Mediterranean Mackeral, two cans of Wild Planet Sardines in Olive Oil, four cans of Chicken of the Sea Lightly Smoked Sardines in Oil, two cans of Chicken of the Sea Smoked Oysters, and four cans of RainCoast Sardines with Chili & Lime.

This is going to be a fantastic week.

>> No.10411015

lads I just got some brunswick deenz in soy oil, first time.
even though i'm dutch I normally hate fish but I bought a can for the meme.
I opened the plastic and the fish smell is so strong I don't have the will to open up the package...
what should I do with them once I open em?

>> No.10411018

>soy oil
throw em out lad

>> No.10411030

don't make soy jokes to me or my son ever again

>> No.10411034

Those wild planet are the tastiest sardines I've tried. I wish I could find some smoked oysters that aren't a product of china. I used to eat those alot until I learned food products from china are literally poison.

>> No.10411063

food from china is fine.
if it can be sold in your home country, then it probably passed western regulations.

china has a cultural value, if you buy the cheapest product on the market you're gonna get fucked over for something.
when my wife and I were working in China, we bought some bottled water at the lowest price (3 cents a bottle or something like that) and it had sediment in it and it tasted like hell.
then you buy the still cheap 8 cent bottled water, and it's completely fine, we even did tests on it it was 100% fine.
that's just one example but all chinese products work like that, and they don't export the shitty quick buck products.

>> No.10411086

Just a different marketing slant.

>> No.10411123

is no joke hans

>> No.10411129

>soy oil
>chinese poison

>> No.10411223

t. chinese scammer

>> No.10411482


>> No.10412023

what do you guys do with your deenz besides eating them right out of the tin or in pasta? that's all i've ever done. i'm wondering if there are some good breakfast/egg ideas.

>> No.10412211

Look up fisherman's eggs. I haven't tried this yet, but I'm planning on making it soon.

>> No.10412246

They go alongside almost anything. I eat them with eggs or just slam one on a piece of pizza and go to town.

>> No.10412247
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1440, 20180406_152515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this for lunch at work. Hot rice, fresh squeezed lemon, peppercorn medly grinder, and some kikmoman terriyaki.

New favorite lunch desu

>> No.10412282

That looks like a sloppa shit but I would eat it.

>> No.10412962
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Aight niggas, I allowed the hype to get to me.
got me some /deenz/. Got 2 diff brands and 3 flavors - in oil, louisiana sauce, and tomato sauce
Can't try them now because i just ate lots of pizza for dinner, but i'll post when I try them

>> No.10413373

Hey guys I don't want to be rude, but sardines make me want to vomit.
How do I prepare them so I can work my way towards eating them straight from a can? I tried blending them with some greek yogurt and oil but I can't eat much of that either.
On hand I have some sardines in water, if that helps.

>> No.10413381

>sardines in water
Those are shit, get the ones in oil at least, if not mustard or some other sauce.

>> No.10413394

Would adding mustard help?

>> No.10413397

in my experience the ones in water are less firm, have no texture and just crumble. The oil I guess helps preserve them. I love oil and smoked :)

>> No.10413407

In my experience the ones in water are much stronger tasting. Maybe try making a recipe from them like pasta con le sarde. The ones in oil are more mild than tuna fish from what I've had.

>> No.10414106

I lost my deenginity recently and was expecting them to be like canned tuna, but the other anon is right- tuna has a much meatier texture. deenz fall apart in your mouth and I would describe the texture as more... mushy than anything. was kinda disappointing desu :/

>> No.10414152
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>> No.10414632

I love reading deenz virgins' first experiences.

>> No.10415509


>> No.10415744
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>> No.10415821

They taste great on cracka ass crackas topped with your favorite hot sauce

>> No.10415909
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Rice and deenz is a top tier lunch, I have the ones in tomato sauce and mix it all up, good shit.

>> No.10415934
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Are there really adult humans on this planet who have never eaten sardines? What the fuck? Did you just not have parents or what?

>> No.10417190

Do you think Agent Cooper likes deenz?

>> No.10417236

Hoping to find those ones at Meijer when I go next week. They look tasty from the pics I've seen

>> No.10418206
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Were your parents sardines?

>> No.10418228

I grew up with a chest freezer full of venison and beef we got from farmers we knew. Canned meat of any kind wasn't really a thing for us.

>> No.10418477

I get the ones in the oval cans. They usually come packed in tomato sauce which I rinse out with cold water. I eat them with cheese and crackers. 2 usd for 16 oz. Love those things.

>> No.10418517
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deenz motherfucker

>> No.10418617
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Help me out here. I love me some deenz, but the one time I tried smoked oysters I couldn't even finish the can. What brand should I be buying and how should I be eating them?
>Pic related, the shit-tier oysters I tried on crackers.

>> No.10418649

I usually substitute oysters for tuna in tuna salad. Delicious smokey little oysters, add a couple extra dashes of hot sauce, and it makes the ideal seafood salad sandwiches.

>> No.10419467
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, 785DC60D-A885-40C1-B12B-22246059B091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, ive almost perfected my deenz and rice meal. It was legitimately a 9/10 on the flavor scale, and i think it almost hits peak levels of flavor (things can only taste so good). Texturally its perfect as well.

>olive oil in cold pan, add shallot and red pepper flake, add like a tbsp of garlic once shallot is sweated, throw in ~2 cups of cut up kale
>once pan is nice and hot and garlic is starting to brown de-glaze with shao-sing cooking wine, add some tamari and sambal and your deenz (oil drained)
>hit with pepper and let reduce until a thickened sauce has formed
>lay over brown rice w quinoa, squeeze ~2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice and finish with sliced scallion
>fry two eggs, lay over top finish w pepper and sriracha

Was mad good. Texturally the kale and quinoa offset the relatively homogenous textures of deenz/egg/rice and the flavors pop exquisitely.

>> No.10419487

>that many separated yolks
Watcha up to? Baking? Dressing? Mayo? Aoili? Saving them for something later because you needed the whites for eggwhite omelette faggots and you couldn't get them in the frozen cartons?

>> No.10419493

Deenz kino.

>> No.10419532


It was at work a while ago, i think it was for a 2x batch of pasta dough. It was an entire flat, 30x and not one broken. Felt real good.

>15x yolk, 250g flour, 2 tbsp olive oil, add water or flour to adjust consistency as needed

Its a great workhorse pasta recipe. We were also using the whites for huckleberry souffle with a big ol spoonful of white chocolate icecream and huckleberry gelee

>> No.10419539


I should add, i think it will be perfect the next time i make it because i will use lime juice instead of lemon and then cilantro and either mint or basil to finish the deenz/kale/sauce mixture.

>> No.10420654


Sardines are gross.

>> No.10420674

ur gross

>> No.10420711

Never tried them. They look too disgusting.

>> No.10420721

Sad that you won't taste and feel something (i.e. eating) because of seeing it. Foregoing two senses because of an unrelated sense. Pathetic. Begone from /deenz/.

>> No.10421100
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Never thought I'd post in a deenz thread boys but nobody else in my life appreciates this

clearance, 80 cents each. Brunswick not my brand of choice but at 80 cents fuck it.

>> No.10421104

Just passing through, glad to see so many deenz-heads on the thread - and now I know what I'm making for dinner tonight

>> No.10421116

I've never had their sardines but their kipper snacks are dope.
Rock on, dude. Lots of deenz bois here.

>> No.10421512

Can you imagine being this much of a manchild?

>> No.10422830

deenz are the only /ck/ meme I actually participated in. Thanks for that, lads.

>> No.10422842
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Best way to deenz.

Drain out shitty oil
Add in good oil
Sea salt
Red pepper
Slices of lemon
Broil for ten min in can

Pretend you are in Spain

>> No.10422900

I like to plop a tin of them into a salad with parm and ceasar dressing and whatever other veggies I have. Deenz in oil work best for this.

>> No.10423115
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Opened a can of brunswick. King Oscar is MILES ahead of this brand, but at 80 cents its still bomb.

Lemon and EVOO drizzle, I was ahgaoing at bite one. Also pepper.

Looks okay, Im on budget so I wouldnt toss the oil. Contrarily I save empty anchovy glasses with the left over oil for pasta.

>> No.10423652

Just had a tin of King Oscar. Holy shit, these are fucking delicious. They blow out all the other sardines I've eaten by a fair margin. Too bad they're a bit pricy.

>> No.10424260

Yeah, just ate a tin of Wild Planet in oil with lemon. Lightly smoked, of course. Spread on thin, toasted whole grain bread, with some red hot on top. Tasty desu.

>> No.10424408
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Trying out every available flavor of deenz, they only had the fillets for this one.

>> No.10424414
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They good

>> No.10424665
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How do you guys feel about anchovies? I usually eat them straight with beer. The Ortiz cost more than I wanted to spend, but I've read great reviews on them, and was surprised to find some near me.

>> No.10424707

This is from a sewer in china.

>> No.10424721

>King Oscar is MILES ahead of this brand, but at 80 cents its still bomb.
I have some new brunswick deenz, I'm not sure they are really sardines, they seem to be a different kind of fish, bigger and paler.

>> No.10424754

Had a tin of John West /deenz/ on buttered toast with a light drizzle of Kewpie mayo on top for lunch today. Delicious. The vinegar in the mayo is a perfect compliment to the sardines.

>> No.10424840


Kewpie mayo is like a cheat code to flavortown

>> No.10424878
File: 3.71 MB, 2911x2268, 20180408_235924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I posted in the wrong deens thread

>> No.10424890

Broil hi or lo and top or bottom rack? My shit gets hot and I worry it'd just splatter everywhere, sounds tasty

>> No.10426426

I'm hungry. Post your best deenz recipe that ISN'T straight out of the tin or fisherman's eggs.

>> No.10426490

Straight outta the tin BUT you put hot sauce on it

>> No.10426548

Mash a few up with a fork, spoon in some cream cheese and chives, spread it on a toasted bagel or toasted breads of your choice.

>> No.10426561

Add them to cold noodles and fish sauce

>> No.10426568

I put it on high on the top rack. It won’t splatter if you haven’t overfilled the can.

>> No.10426632
File: 2.08 MB, 800x450, deenz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10426938

>sour cream
Mash sardines (get the ones in oil) in a bowl, add some sour cream to make it creamy. Lay out flat bread, spread butter evenly, spread sardine mixture on top.

If your flat bread is really thin put sardines inside like a wrap and then bake. If your flatbread is thick then do it like a pizza above.

Bake for 10-15 mins at 180c. Enjoy.

>> No.10427286

These are genuinely my favorite threads on all of 4chan. So much positively and brotherhood.

Thank you based deenbros

>> No.10427299

no homo tho

>> No.10428501
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Reading this thread made me want to eat some deenz but I just had dinner so I'm not hungry again yet.

>> No.10429056
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>> No.10429064
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>> No.10429312


tomorrow, lad..

i am going to pound that pussy like a pugilist.

>> No.10429510
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, bumble-bee-sardines-in-mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, just the best deenz coming through

>> No.10429605

pee wee doesnt respect deenz

>> No.10430550


best of the meme diets imo

>> No.10430666

Those are literally my go-to senpai, especially the mackerel, I would have shit my pants if I saw that deal

>> No.10430701

mix into rice with mayo and egg

>> No.10431463
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Coworker gave me this, said he had it laying around but wasn't gonna use it. What am I in for, lads?

>> No.10432352


>> No.10432379
File: 200 KB, 500x300, deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf knows my unhealthy passion for deenz,so she offered me pic related. Pretty fancy brand in her country apparently and I have to say, they are gorgeous.

>> No.10432436
File: 44 KB, 500x500, anchovyfillets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite deenz but close; got a pack of anchovy fillets that look like pic related, not like any anchovies I've seen before (used to them being much darker). Do they have a different flavour? Recommendations?

>> No.10433223

>dutch and can't stand fish smell
do you not eat maatjesharing?

>> No.10433226

my favorite way to eat them is mixed up in rice with salt+pepper

>> No.10433229

my favorite way to eat them is mixed up with rice and some shredded dried seaweed, salt+pepper, and sometimes a little mayonnaise.

>> No.10433238

i wouldnt eat deenz packed in highly acidic stuff like tomato sauce. it causes leeching from the can liner (BPA/BPS) that is bad for you.