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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10396969 No.10396969 [Reply] [Original]

Al/ck/ Thread
>How bad did booze fuck your life edition

>> No.10397011

not too bad
freaked out my wannabe alcoholic friends who think alcoholism makes them cool

>> No.10397014

kill all sinners who drink alc*hol

>> No.10397019
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>not al/ck/ sanctioned maymay

>> No.10397021

the good news: i made rent
the bad news: i borrowed all of it

>> No.10397027

Figured this one sent more of a message to the edition

>> No.10397032

Pretty bad. I spent every part of Easter drinking by myself. It's horrible and isolating to have this condition,and it's starting to get really physically painful. But my life's fucked anyway so my motivation to stop is poor. I'm 35 with a dead end job and no friends or family. Going to try and stay dry for a few days until I go on another weekend bender. Alcohol is my only friend and its a shit friend.

>> No.10397037


did I axe you?




>> No.10397038

i feel ya man, been on an 8 months bender and cant stop myself from going more than 2 days sober. i just get so damn bored

>> No.10397054

so i cut way back now i'm spending a lot on food, which i guess is better.

>> No.10397062

Yeah boredom is a big reason. I really need to keep myself occupied otherwise I hit the bottle

>> No.10397077

So fellow al/ck/s, what did you do to get yourself free from this cycle?

>> No.10397080
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>> No.10397088

the only time i'm really diying for a drink is when i drink a lot. if i make it through a few days i'm fine. maybe not real /alc/ those hangovers though man, really bad for a day our so.

>> No.10397092

When I manage to have a break, staying away from al/ck/ threads is always a significant part of giving up. Posting here just helps sustain the habit.

>> No.10397099

I got laid off 7 months ago (not booze related) and haven't been looking for work, just been drinking every night.

>> No.10397105


Kek. I drink regardless of which threads I'm in or boards I'm posting on.

>> No.10397106

How badly did booze fuck up my life....
Well....Here's what I USED to have before I became an alck

>literal 9/10gf
>190k dollar 3 bedroom condo
>1 impala SS
>1 diesel F250
>made 81k a year only working 4 or 5 days a week
>family cared about me
>had hair (alcoholism causes baldness)
>had no criminal record (been arrested 3 times for public intox and once for DUI)
>had over 100k in the bank plus 401k and IRA's

Now I have literally none of that, Just a dead end job washing rental cars at Avis. A shitty small apartment and a piece of shit ford focus thats on its last leg, And I'm struggling just to keep those things.

>> No.10397108

I've started going to AA. I'll get out

>> No.10397110

>those shakes
I feel like thats part of my problem, i come here to see how bad its ruining others lives and works for a day or so then i just crave and get a bottle cause everyone is talking about drinking. Also cause of boredom, video games doesnt interest me anymore, i got into woodworking and built a badass bookshelf but it was so much damn work i dont really want to do another project

>> No.10397120

what'd you do? surely you can get a job like that in another place if you apply enough, seems like dui's are extremely common, it was only once so it isnt like its terrible.

>> No.10397127

sorry anon, a lot of people are living pay check to paycheck.

>> No.10397132

I worked for Boeing.

Nope...ANY alcohol or drug related offenses (even some domestic violence shit) and you are immediately shitcanned from working for them.

The have very strict hiring requirements and do background checks three times a year on current employees.

You can't have drunks or drug addicts working on commercial aircraft

>> No.10397134

how the fuck did it go that way

>> No.10397139

alcohol, I lost it all because of alcohol.

and money for alcohol

>> No.10397143

Ah, im sorry man. I hope you find a better place in life soon, just takes dedication and a goal

>> No.10397147

Fucking hell man. That's really sad. Except for the DUI, I have no respect for people who do that shit repeatedly. But I'm sorry all the same.

>> No.10397167

yeah but why did you become such a raging alcoholic if your life was so great?

my life sucks and my drinking still doesnt ruin it

>> No.10397171

Yea the DUI was shameful.

I hate drunk drivers too, But I made that mistake only once. Now I won't sit behind the wheel even after half a beer. But apparently being drunk in public is a big deal where I live...An not even slurring and falling down drunk. Just drinking alcohol and smelling like it and people will call the fucking cops on you.

I live in the bible belt, What should I expect...Right?

>> No.10397179

I drank a lot in college and it kind of progressed. Then my brother killed himself and I lost it...He was my best and only friend and I just couldn't handle being without him and my alcoholism got a lot worst. Then before I know it after 6 years I lost all that....

>> No.10397226

The government cancelled my AustismBux because I stopped checking my mail and the postal service started returning my pay stubs. The sad thing is that I am more upset about running out of booze than of being late with my rent.

>> No.10397255
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Fucked a dude in the ass (first time), no condom, a week and half ago while completely wasted. Woke up scared shitless, went to doctor, got PEP. They told me I can't drink alcohol while on the drugs, but I am anyways.

>> No.10397265

i kissed a guy while drunk
learned i wasn't gay

>> No.10397269

What's PEP? Also how/why did you fuck a dude? are you some kinda faggot?

>> No.10397272
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I've never had gin before but I might be going to a bar that serves a shitload of gin, what's a good thing to get?

>> No.10397277

Man that sounds like you got fucked over with those kinds of charges. I dunno how it works in your state but cops can be bastards and that's why I tend to drink alone. Been thrown in the drunk tank once, that was enough for me. I hope you get back on track.

>> No.10397301


>> No.10397307

youre probably not gonna like it, tastes bad IME, only one i could stand was the bramble

>> No.10397318

Whats so funny, chump
got a story on how you ended up there?

>> No.10397328

I'm guessing he meant this.

>> No.10397402

Sobered up after drinking away whole fucking easter week, police wants to bust me for some drugs or shit because former roomie was a cunt and gave some speed to them after i Went massive fucked up.

Man i cant sleep over this shit. Im gonna get so shitfaced whatever happens afterwards

>> No.10397428
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1.75l anon here
>working new job happily
>getting along great w/ co workers and manager (classic kitchen banter)
>all smoke dude lmao together (including manager)
>nobody gives a fuck if you’re <30 minutes late BOH
>I’m relatively handsome and have customer service experience from other jobs
>manager (to be noted was a server, got hired and had worked for two weeks prior to hiring me) decides he wants to have me start working FOH as well as BOH (separate schedules, of course)
>crush it
>I’m stellar at the job
>FINALLY get Benz after a taper
>working BOH and when we’re on (manager, three other BOH employees) mention that I’ve been talking slower
>don’t feel like explaining the whole situation
>say I had a long night partying and apologize
>manager says it’s no biggie, he used to pretty “back in the day” (the fucker is 31)
>says just go home and sleep it off
>next shift (FOH)
>ten minutes late
>get call “don’t even bother coming in”
>”dude I’m in the parking lot.”
>”don’t bother, I need more reliable people.”

>> No.10397439

Report them for DUDE if they're part of a major company.

>> No.10397462

Apparently 10 mins late FOH is unacceptable. I came back at closing to apologize like a fucking man, and he just bitched about what a shit day they’d had. If I had the gall I would’ve told him it was because he turned me down, but instead I told him I wasn’t there to beg for my job back, but instead apologize like a fucking man would. I thanked him for the opportunity, shook his hand, and told him I’d like to buy him a beer one day.
I was employed for like three weeks.
What’s up with y’all?

>> No.10397468

Nah, I’m not that kind of guy and the place was a sinking ship anyways.

>> No.10397547

not much, just continuing my 8 month binge, burnt most of my friendships for always being trashed when hanging out and being obnoxious, only makes me do it more cause im so fucking bored now. Wish i could smoke weed but i gotta keep clean cause i might go back to warehouse work since it pays better. But cant decide if i just want to go back to being a line cook and have a more flexible schedule since im in school.
I got a choice to be poor as fuck and have it kind of easy for the next for years or go back to a warehouse and go back to doing nothing but work and school every minute of my freetime

>> No.10397555

same boat as you. lot of us out there.

>> No.10397596

Started drinking wine and beer instead of rum, whiskey and vodka. Then after a week or so i started smoking weed with a few beers. Then just the weed.

Been a few days since i smoked, gonna buy some more tomorrow. It's cheaper for me too. With alcohol i like to get shitfaced till i can't walk anymore, but with weed i'm content with just laughing my ass off while playing games or watching vids.

>> No.10397599

Today marks 14 weeks, or 98 days sober for me. Worried sick about the possible damage done, I did it to myself but God do I regret it.

>> No.10397644

how long/heavily did you drink for?

>> No.10397657

apparently it was a biggie. shouldnt be late. ever. show up drunk if you must, but at least be on time.

>> No.10397661

nice. good job so far.

>> No.10397696

I'd say about 6 years. Early on I would binge hard on liquor, last few years was 4-6 5.9% beers a night. I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm small, 5'2 and about 110lbs.
Thanks anon.

>> No.10397717

man youre thin, how old are you? im 210 and dont even look that fat, 5'10

>> No.10397723
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Keep it up man, sometimes it needs to get that bad before you get the push to do something about it

>> No.10397727

also only 21, been drinking nearly everyday for 8 months, wish i could quit

>> No.10397728


I just want to date a nice girl whos' stripes and bangs are both horizontal. artsy girls are heavven.

>> No.10397731
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>6 years since she left me

>> No.10397734

I was used to BOH and dude lmaoing with my manager, I didn’t expect that coming. Plus, it’s not like I did it on purpose. But, fuck it. I’m actually more sober than ever, I’m happy about that.

>> No.10397745

It's been over a year for me and I'm still not ready to be close to anyone else.

>> No.10397746

5'2" 110lbs isn't thin, that's just a normal BMI.

and you are fat

>> No.10397751

I dont think thats right, muscle ways heavier than fat

>> No.10397753
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It never gets better.

>> No.10397755

weighs* fuck im drunk

>> No.10397757
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It's only been 4 months this friday
does it really never get better?

>> No.10397761

Not that bad all things considered. I have drank so excessively in the past 10 years and I've never gotten in real trouble because I stay out of the way for the most part and out of public when I'm really drunk.
Health is taking a hit, had to have a hip replacement likely because I drank so much, though it can't be exactly determined. Avascular necrosis. Was very bad but I'm lucky to have an even hip joint again.

>> No.10397766

you must be a body builder, otherwise you're obese

>> No.10397768

guys, only you can make yourself happy. Take the ambition to do something you love, travel to a country once a year, fuck the prostitutes. pussy isnt something you want to ruin your life over
I've been with the same girl for 7 years, from 14 till now. her mother is deciding she has to move in with her because of her fibromyalgia and she broke up with her boyfriend. Her 19 year old sister is coming with too. I dont think i want to deal with it. i just want to finish my engineering degree make fuck loads of money and travel the world at this point cause i dont want to deal with this shit the rest of my life. Do what makes you happy.

>> No.10397771

Either you find someone else or you slowly lose something inside of you. Your heart grows tinner while your skin grows tougher and you just dont give a fuck about girls/relationships anymore.

>> No.10397774

kinda, i bike and board alot. Also lift weights when im trying to get sober. I dont eat much cause of this binge so i guess that helps with it

>> No.10397789

I just want to go back to being a NEET watching cute dancing girls and collecting unemployment after getting fired from the job that turned me into a full blown alcohol.


>> No.10397798

It only doesn't get better if you don't reset your brain chemistry. You do this by doing whippets and fucking fat women.

>> No.10397806

I'm pretty sure I'm about to fail out of one of the best universities in my country because of my drinking. So I guess it hasn't fucked my life up yet, technically. But I'll know in a month if it has.

>> No.10397810

you realize you are the only reason you are the way you are? want to be a neet and be an alcohol. So be it. want to go out and fuck those japanese girls, do it. if you got the drive for it.Youre the master of youre own destiny

>> No.10397821

stop dude. finish your degree and be an alcoholic afterwards if you want to be. Ive had to drop two classes cause of my drinking this semester and wasted a few hundred bucks just from that. Who knows, maybe if you learn to abstain it'll open your eyes to see what you can really do with yourself. What Uni you go to?

>> No.10397833

Alcohol didn't

But eating all these tasty foods that are bad for me really affected my weight and my health I'm trying to lose weight right now but it's very difficult when you're a fat slob

>> No.10397839

I'm fucking 36, sport. I have a JD (International Trade Law) and invested in ETH in 2015. I never have to worry about money for the rest of my life. No hobby, no amount of travel, no trivial one night stand can give me the happiness I had when I was with her. And let me tell you... She was fucking crazy. Straight up "I'll slam my head on the corner of the kitchen sink and tell the cops you've beaten me if you don't give me what I want." kind of crazy.
But the moments in life I was completely fulfilled was with her.

>> No.10397843

Been depressed for 25 years and the spark has kind of gone out a bit. Most I can manage lately s sleeping twelve hours, working, and being less blackout drunk than usual. I was full of pep and free when those cunts fired me.

>> No.10397856

i know it sounds easier than it does, but youve got to really move on. Find someone who will treat you better than that cunt. Im socially awkward as fuck but i am will to put myself into situations to try to improve myself and fix it. if not fuck it. ill travel the world. scuba dive, visit the sahari, do something that makes this life worth living rather than spend it moping over some pussy.

>> No.10397914

you can, but sometimes it comes down to this>>10397723

Its really about how much motivation, and will power you can muster up, as well as you view of existence, but It would most definitely be for the better. You are still in your early 20's, and could always change you ways If you really wanted to. I mean you really have to want that shit.

>> No.10397932

I know, thats my problem. i cant smoke weed and i always give into cravings. i feel like i can be a better person without it but i get so bored being sober, i live a block away from a gas station that will sell booze till 12, by this time im trying to go to sleep and i cant and have been up for more than a day so i just go and buy beer to help it. Zquil, benadryl, melatonin hasnt ever helped me. i think ive suffered from insomnia since i was a teen and weed was basically my medication and once i had to stop it became booze. I was prescribed ambien for awhile when i went sober for 2 months and it mad me feel like shit every day i woke upI guess i just have to get myself to really want to get out of this hole. but i always fall into the same cycle it seems.

>> No.10397936

What causes your depression? We're here if you want to talk

>> No.10397942

Good for you man, i wish more people would set us straight, but it is afterall only up to us..

>> No.10397968

I'm just sick of waking up and having to pretend I give a shit. Started when I was younger and I just felt like shit and anxious all the time. They put me on ssris for a bit, which was fucking awful. Told them the main problem was my horrible anxiety and that's what should be medicated if anything. Nope here's your ssris. Have fun being a zombie. Quit those and did some nice partying through the 90s. Had a lot of fun. Hit my 20s and all my friends fucked off. No gf and shit. Cycles of depression and mania. Manic phases were great actually. Drank daily since I was about 23 though it only got bad towards the end of my 20s and beyond. Now my liver hurts and I don't give much of a fuck and am just doing the slomo totally-not-suicide most people are doing here.

>> No.10397973

guys guys I had my first non liquid shit in a month, I think I'm gunna make it

>> No.10397983

Enjoy this life while you can man, you'll regret it on your deathbed from cirrhosis. Travel the world, do some cool ass activities, hike a beautiful mountain dive and see the gorgeous oceanlife that we are slowly killing. Dont let it be the end

>> No.10397999

coulda just take a couple metamucil tablets

>> No.10398017

>Travel the world, do some cool ass activities, hike a beautiful mountain dive and see the gorgeous oceanlife that we are slowly killing.
yeah cus it's that easy

>> No.10398026


>> No.10398028

if you know how to save, yeah.

>> No.10398031

>Wish i could smoke weed but i gotta keep clean cause i might go back to warehouse work since it pays better.

what shitty country do you live in where you get drug tested for warehouse work? man, the only thing that would keep me going if I had a shitty warehouse job would be weed. serious

>> No.10398032

The U.S. of A.

>> No.10398038


you can't be serious. really?

>> No.10398055

ton of corporate places test. Sadly

>> No.10398060

pretty normal if you're near and/or using machinery. it's a liability thing

>> No.10398070

i have worked many, many jobs in canada. all over. not once have i been tested. everyone would fucking fail....lol. no joke

>> No.10398077

They all do. It's fucking insane. And it doesn't even work because everyone is fucked up on pharmies and other heinous shit that washes out of your system in 3 days.

>> No.10398083

Dude I can't even manage to feel good about everday shit and stop drinking. Climbing a mountain and diving is a bit out of my league right now. Also no money because work at home tech job that pays about tree fiddy.

>> No.10398086

psh, i just buy fake piss off ebay to pass them, i only smoke the good mary though

>> No.10398101


its not that bad for me if I don't drink, I'm a bender type of drunk. If I'm sober for a few days, I'm fine. If I have 1 drink or sometimes 2, I am fine. But get a third drink on my lips and then its next month and when I am hung over as fuck that is when I want to drink the most. Lost a few jobs that way.

>> No.10398118

im also a binge/bender drinker. i like going a number of days without. helps you feel healthy again, clean up, get some food in ya. then a few days of 24/7 drinking to escape. i never understand the day drinkers who sip whiskey all day long and maintain a slight buzz. that seems... weird.

>> No.10398141

Quit 4 weeks ago after doing nothing but drink for 3 years every night. My legs and arms were literally wasting away..did some weights 1 week after quitting and got gassed after 3 minutes. Couldn't move my arms or legs the next day, wanted a drink and couldn't even get out of bed to get one. Lucky because 3 weeks later I'm still going with weights and somehow haven't had a drink. Not going to last tho

>> No.10398152

It seems weird until you practice it enough, then it becomes normal

>> No.10398159

its only not going to last because you are letting it not. keep strong man. power through it. dont fall into this terrible cycle again

>> No.10398182

I'm you on a smaller scale
>Hot gf who everyone wanted to fuck
>Good group of friends
>Best friend is the best guy I ever met
>Leave high school for college
>Start drinking more
>All me and my gf now do is drink cheap alcohol and sleep
>She gets a job, I don't
>I waste my life away drinking whilst she slowly stops drinking so much
>I become a fat disgusting looking slob
>She cheats on me
>She's now happy, I'm still a mess years later
>Best friend slowly decides he wants nothing to do with me
>Other friends just drift away

I fucked up so bad and the thought physically pains me each day. Its unbearable sometimes but I'm trying to progress. Alcohol is fucking sickening to me yet I can't help drink it.

>> No.10398214

I smell a liver smell when I piss

>> No.10398269

Im you on an even smaller cake
>19, on a 7 month binge
>every social group i go to with my hs friends im always wasted and dumb
>went to friends going away party cause he was leaving for the marines basic training. Get black out drunk, his family and family friends are all cops and firefighters.
>end up dancing embarrisingly drunk with a firefighters wife. We end up kissing he pulls me over apparently and sits medown and bitches me out.
>I talk to my friends dad i guess too afterwards, telling him i have a problem with alcoohol.
>wake up in one of my friends that is a girls car, puked on her seats and floor
>still get driven to his afterparty, almost the whole time im quiet and in shock of what ive done, cause ive had a gf for 5 years at the time.
>No one really contacts me after that.
Ive tried to make plans with them but they all pull an excuse, one dude even said he had jury duty. All i have is my gf of 7 years and i think im going to end this too, cause i dont want to live with her needy mother my whole life.
I love her but her mom takes advantage of her so much, and now shes moving in with us cause she broke up with her bf and cant take care of herself
I want to travel the world make most of life. this is misery in the beginning. Only sad part about traveling is doing it all alone, which i will be.

>> No.10398276

actually, i think we are on a pretty similar sized cake. Only us can make us happy, remember that anon, follow your goals and do them. before its too late

>> No.10398353

what does liver smell like?

>> No.10398362


>> No.10398401

kind of like piss

>> No.10398451

a drink a day keeps the bullet away my dudes

>> No.10398487

or brings them closer...

>> No.10398519


I don't really give a shit about gun control one way or the other (I like plinking and used to be in the riflery club), but I know for a fact that it would be a terrible idea for me to have a gun in my house.

>> No.10398530

yeah, only reason why i havent bought one. i dont trust myself to put one in my head on nights like these

>> No.10398533
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>tfw turning 21 soon

>> No.10398539

kill you're self dumb phoneposter

>> No.10398633


>> No.10398637
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>> No.10398655

>Kek. I drink regardless of which threads I'm in or boards I'm posting on.
or which website you're on, apparently

>> No.10398660

I just recently started getting the shakes with hangovers. What does that mean? I haven't increased the amount I drink in a while, but it could just be everything taking its toll?

>> No.10398664

>you’re self

>> No.10398676


I drink when I'm doing things that aren't internetting. What's your point?

>> No.10398692

I'm commenting on your reddit spacing

>> No.10398695


>reddit spacing

Your a retard.

>> No.10398698

no u

>> No.10398726

coming down off a huge bender, bed is so comfy

>> No.10398755


Bed is a living hell, but getting out of it is even worse.

>> No.10398811
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it's the slow drag till dawn. always the same re-run on tv.

>> No.10398829


Download Bojack. That shit's rewatchable forever.


>> No.10398835 [DELETED] 


>> No.10398953


Pretty much made me fuck up things with a really great woman and also prevented me from doing well earlier on in my education although I managed to fix things eventually

>> No.10398981

Get comfier blankets

>> No.10398983


No matter how nice the blankets are they're still going to smell like me.

>> No.10398987
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Just get into streaming media? Not sure I'm catching your drift?

Also, fuck you for making me google if this guy has been in other shit. He could've had no dialogue and still be understood from facial expressions.

>> No.10399004

i've only had 10 beers over the course of three days now (0, 6, 4). that's, like, socially acceptable. i feel like i might get a proper night's rest tonight, the past two have been miserable

the amount you drink is certainly one factor, but so is the cumulative effect of regular use. alcohol is a GABA agonist, and GABA is the body's main inhibitory neurotransmitter. prolonged use causes your body to produce significantly less of it. also, alcohol directly damages nerve tissue, which causes spasms (among other things)

>> No.10399100

Some good news for me then!
Wonder how much i fucked myself on an 8 month binge every day, sometimes taking a max of 2 day breaks in between. Hope i didnt fuck my brain that bad, i want to get off this poison but it is my only source of relaxants, twisted world. Why isnt weed legal to not cause these things among violence in the general public? Government is fucking twisted

>> No.10399107

lol story pls

>> No.10399115

If I had a gun I would've shot myself years ago

Why can't euthanasia be legal? Who's it hurting?

It's not legal because of everyone elses own selfish moral standards

>> No.10399123

it isnt illegal unless youre a felon in the u.s/
If thats the case get a buddy who isnt a fuck up to pick one up for you, all it takes is one bullet buddy:)

>> No.10399135

It's illegal if you have been involuntarily hospitalized as well.

I don't have any friends, Like literally not one. And my brothers wouldn't buy me a gun, I've asked at least 6 or 7 times

>> No.10399205

after five years when you realise it's never going away, that's some grim shit

>> No.10399216


I'm in the same boat. I looked her up twice since then. Once 2 years later, only to see that she got married and pregnant with the first guy she met online 6 months after they'd met. Then 6 months ago, only to see that she was lecturing at Harvard, on a subject that I literally explained the philosophical background of to her.

>> No.10399295

such a tune, shit

>> No.10399501
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On easter I manage to not go to jail and dodged a DUI. I was in a car accident that wasn't my fault. Car tried to pass me in a no pass zone while I was making a left into my neighborhood (US roads btw). Got hit by the idiot going 45mph. Sheriff came and asked if I was drinking towards the end of police report. I replied "two beer about a couple hrs ago" i lied I chugged pic related before leaving my house. Tells me to take off my glasses and says "look at me". He then does the pen test. I PASSED it. I didnt realize how much shit I got away with til i got home. Dont drink n drive. Not worth it.

>> No.10399525

>tfw my latest trick is drunkmessaging shitloads of people then deleting the conversations so I have no idea what the fuck I've been saying to people


>> No.10399614
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>> No.10399622

why take it outta the bag man, does it not come in a nice box setup with a tap and all?

>> No.10399628
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I mean the bag comes in a box, you just take the bag out of the box and suck mother's milk straight from the source.

>> No.10399631

holy fuck i just realised how i've been getting bruises on my shins - playing 'guitar' on them while sitting cross legged on my bed. shit's been bugging me for ages. legs shredded

>> No.10399635

seems like alotta effort taking the cunt outta the box, hi from perth btw

>> No.10399638

When it's about half empty you pull it out so you can squeeze the top of the bag and make it spray out more quickly.

>> No.10399644

I got through two goon bags on monday night. I've never been so ruined on wine. You strayans know how to live

>> No.10399660

haha nice i have a $9.95 box of wine on the floor of my room and i only break it out when i am super wasted but feel like drinking more and have nothing decent left. When i bought it i must have downed a couple of liters, woke up at 4am with a screaming headache. thank the non existent lord i had some codeine within arms reach or i would have killed myself

>> No.10399661

how big were they? and what quality? a few dollars will define how suicidal you are the next day or two

>> No.10399669

2l for a fiver, pretty bad shit. I'm feeling suitably raddled and inside-out now

>> No.10399682

same here, $9.95 for a 4L but fucking bottom of the fucking worst barrel shit. it actually states on the box that it is a 'wine product'. my old man took one look at the ingredient list and just said good luck. i only hit a few glasses at max in order to pass out, drinking only that shit fucks you up hard. good luck!

>> No.10399706
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>it actually states on the box that it is a 'wine product'
Oh fuck. I just noticed that the shit I'm drinking is exactly that. Makes me think of pic related.

>> No.10399723

and that's why it's so cheap, so when you get that suicidal headache you go back any buy another. then the game

>> No.10399730
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It takes a village

>> No.10399733

just get a job
I did and drink less and better stuff now
although the shifts work so that every once in a while I get sat+sun free, work on monday and then get tuesday-thursday free right behind, so yeah it's boring and I indeed drink much during those

>> No.10399739

ha by bottle of voddy is about that full, not even slightly pissed. either my organs are fucked or i'm tapping that third of gentleman jack i have left

>> No.10399744
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People here keep asking me what my favorite beer is. Guess what, it's PBR!

>> No.10399758

I buy this shit cuz it's cheap and it's alcohol. I don't post on these threads usually. I'm just really really drunk.

>> No.10399763

also, your organs are fine. get off the liquor for a couple weeks. everything restarts.

>> No.10399777

I've started putting a little weight back on, I think that'll be what makes me quit again. I've worked hard to stop being a fat fuck, I don't want to go back to that. Funny how all the nightmarish chaos of being a pisshead isn't enough to put me off but the idea of walking around all self-sonscious getting pitying/disgusted looks from people again does it

>> No.10399791

oh i know that more than anyone else here, i should be dead at least 4 times over. i'm 30 y/o too. it was the two bowls of curry and rice i made that i had for dinner prior to drinking that did it. it was just so fucking delicious though. don't worry i'll get there. You're right though it's fucking amazing what the human body can tolerate. miracles in space

>> No.10399850

dude get pneumonia, like proper fucking pneumonia. do it right and not only do they give you morphine but they cut your lung up and then put you on fentanyl and ketamine for 2 weeks. you also lose 20-25KG's and get hot nurses and food brought right to your bed. go lick some bus railings mang

>> No.10399860

yo what brand is it? i've got Golden Oak Medium Dry Red @ 9.5%

>> No.10399888

I can't do hardcore binges anymore, it's too hard on me physically and mentally. I just drink a 6 pack throughout the day, and then get a heavier feeling from wine at night and just do that everyday.

>> No.10399892

Based pbr poster.

>> No.10399908
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w-what did it used to do before?

>> No.10399921

>tfw never talk to anyone
>tfw look forward to AA meetings just to have some company for a bit

I feel weirdly guilty for enjoying it when people are pouring their guts out but its like a nice concentrated shot of human contact

>> No.10399936

>mfw speak no one except cashiers
>mfw sober me(i take 2-3 day breaks these days) starts t dream about the ppl in the tv shows/films i watch
> mfw it's ok

>> No.10399976

>quit drinking for 2 weeks
>my memory actually becomes worse instead of better

science can't explain this.

if it was previously like any other shredded cheeses I've used, it hardens when heated instead of becoming gooey like most would expect.

>> No.10399981

you should go to a support group for testicular cancer victims.

>> No.10399994

kek I was expecting AA to be like the support groups from Fight Club. it's actually a lot comfier

>> No.10400007

I've had Golden Oak before. The one I have now is Sovereign Point: Classic Dry Red

>> No.10400053

Has anyone got any experience of using naltrexone? I'm pretty much out of ideas but I don't like the idea of more meds, I'm already on some pretty brutal antipsychitics

>> No.10400061

It's like you know when buy it, drink it, but you don't care. Then you thin we're on a rock floating through space and the whole universe will explode one day so what does it matter? then you think of your family and friends(if you have them). then you buy it anyway as it's always better than all that shit when you're on

>> No.10400071

Everyone at the AA I went to were boomers

>> No.10400075

friendos what's a good absinthe that I can readily find in the US

>> No.10400118

cos they're soft ass faggots, go hang with the homeless ppl in your city/town - really, better people, better stories, shitloads more fun

>> No.10400189

So I called in sick and am drinking and feel like shit and my fiancecomes home in 7 hours and I know I’ll be drunk as fuck when she gets home. What do I do? I was going to bake bread to make it look like I’m in control

>> No.10400199

you had a pain so bad only booze would cure it? you took a day off cos fuck the man? tell her you needed some time to yourself to reconnect with the man that fell in love with her. luck.com

>> No.10400216

Drinking too much beer, and eating with it. Result is, that i am fat, but i am unsure if i would not get just as fat on something else if i did not drink beer. Beides that no bad effects that are in range "fucked up".

>> No.10400704
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Why there are so many 'weedposters'??
Get out with your shitty herbs, I prefer to die at my 30s and yellow that being a dumb idiot all my life.

>> No.10400716

something similair almost happened to me
some cunt in a suburo tried to take a left across a lane of traffic with my giant pickup in the way, signals as she started doing it

some people expect people to get out of their way around here

>> No.10400722

just maybe
you should stop drinking?

>> No.10400725

I unironically only drink PBR or weaker (busch) now aside from the occasional vodka shot and my life is about 10x better

>> No.10400796

What did you drink before?

>> No.10400853

I just ended up drinking oceans of whiskey right over it with no effects at all. It didn't work for me, but I have heard it really does help for others in curbing cravings at the very least.

>> No.10400868

way more vodka and Bud Ice, Icehouse, Natty Ice, Olde English, sometimes Four Loko

>> No.10400888

bcos we/i've done weed man, then i did meth, then xtc, then weed agin , then booze. haha nah i mixed them all the whole time. and i just paid as fucking taxi to bring mr a lathe pepperoni pizza, garlic brread and 4L of coke to mix with a bottle of my olds mands whisky. so yeah tough times i guess?

>> No.10400904

>olde english
my nigga

>> No.10400943

went out and bought some new kitchen knives and fresh food instead of booze. going to have another serious crack at quitting because I'm fully hitting the skids again now and I'd rather die than go back to the way things used to be. wish me luck lads

>> No.10400973

I got sick at least 10 times in one year and then noticed that I was gaining weight rapidly.

Been about 2 months sober after 4 years and it feels great. The first 2 weeks were the worst possible time I have had in my life.

>> No.10400990

>Been about 2 months sober
same here and it feels miserable to me

>> No.10401018

kick it brother, nice fuckin work

>> No.10401020

everyday i think about drinking

what helps is working out at night to help me sleep better

>> No.10401028

try chasing people in the park

>> No.10401040

>3 weeks sober
>lost 15 lbs
>buying gun tomorrow

>> No.10401046

what gun?

>> No.10401061

get a KSG

>> No.10401063

do it faggot, but seriously, kill everyone ut you, then you

>> No.10401075

fuck me i just googled a ksg and fucking came over the specs etc, sex.com

>> No.10401087

aw comon drunk cunts where you all from?

>> No.10401163

Not really an alcoholic but I like drinking

I've been an escort and sold some things for booze

>> No.10401179

tits or gtfo whore

>> No.10401256

I'm a male

>> No.10401264

I got black out drunk on cheap rum (Kraken) and apparently called my
Mom and 2 brothers who I’m not that close with and told them I wanted to kill myself. Apparently they came over and we ate dominos and played video games but I don’t remember any of that

>> No.10401275

Done that before

My dad tried beating me up for it

>> No.10401289

Your family sounds based.

>> No.10401312

Yeah that was cool it was just uncomfortable the next morning talking about it sober and like I said we don’t really talk much

>> No.10401339

this got me right in the feels. I hope things look up buddy

>> No.10401340
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>tfw haven't drunk in 3 months on accident
Have I finally escaped the alcohol meme?

>> No.10401356

how to not drink on accident?

>> No.10401367

I was moving and forgot to bring my big ass bottle of vodka with me. I didn't feel like going to the store to get more and said fuck it. Now I really don't feel the need to drink.

>> No.10401485

Kraken is not cheap rum, senpai

>> No.10401544
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Had to leave university due to fucking up my kidneys. I lost weight, and I still looked and felt fat, even though my BMI was 17.1 - there was no full length mirror, so I had to rely on a webcam for "bodychecks".

The worst part is that I got decent grades up to this point, but I became ill due to my ED and self-harm. My immune system turned to shit, and I couldn't work at all. The only friends I made during this time turned out to be toxic (one had an ED - it wasn't even their fault) and I let it get to me instead of appreciating their kindness - I had to cut contact. I was a turd sandwich, so I drank more than I could handle at times. I blacked out once in the first year, and I felt like I fucked up my social image for good. I have yet to recover from that. The other blackouts occurred when drinking alone.

At least I quit smoking since I'm living in my mother's basement again.

>> No.10401555


You asked for help, in your own way - that's a good sign :)

>> No.10401585

God damn port and sherry are delicious.

>> No.10401599

Are you a broad?
Otherwise, how did you and everyone else have eating disorders?

>> No.10401608

only a grl would assume people would know ed means eating disorder and not erectile dysfunction, also checked

>> No.10401618

Heavy exercise late at night when I'd usually be craving hard for a drink.

>> No.10401619

True. I used to have a bulimic gf though and she would use it a lot. that and "ano," "marker foods," etc.

>> No.10401700

I used to be borderline anorexic until I started drinking, 12 beers a day really sorted that out quick though

>> No.10401764

Yeah, same. I'm 5'10 or 11 and I was 135 in hs. Got /fit/ in college and was about 165-170, and then heavy drinking and depression got me to 220.
Down to 210 right now, but I'm still drinking fairly heavily

>> No.10402072

Anons I need help. I'm stuck In a cycle. I can quit for about five days, then drink for a day or two and then quit for another 5 days and so on. How do I break the cycle?

>> No.10402096

naltrexone may help
replacing alcohol use with another vice may help, although it's not necessarily a long-term solution
if you tend to drink on certain days, e.g., the weekend, try planning other activities during that time that would prevent you from drinking
splurge on something besides alcohol, like food or something

averaging five days sober a week is really good, though. i'd love to be able to get to a 5/2 schedule, then maybe i'd feel like a normal human

>> No.10402193

I'm quitting today. I don't even drink that much but it's every day and fucking up my job search. I'm sick to death of doing tech support for absolute retarded white people and fuckstains who don't speak goddam english. Fuck the 21st century in its ass with a broken whiskey bottle.

>> No.10402213

How does Naltrexone actually work? Will it stop me from blacking out?

>> No.10402286

>How bad did booze fuck your life
booze didnt fuck my life, i fucked my life

>> No.10402290

had doctors say your liver tests are bad, stop drinking

>> No.10402331
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Yeah pretty much this.
Except I have fatty liver, which isn't directly alcohol related. Got levels down from 178/522 now

>> No.10402409


my liver levels werent even as bad as your pic but i still got sent for an ultrasound and got diagnosed with fatty liver
the human body is a wonderful and shitty thing

>> No.10402438
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These were my starting levels. Apparently they can get like 3x worse until you're in cirrhosis iirc

>> No.10402548


>> No.10402825


Well it might be killing me, but other than that not too badly.

>> No.10403076

r u a gril?

>> No.10403101

What are we calling sober though? Like I went 5 days with out getting hammered for the first time in 4 years. Today I had 2 fingers of vodka, am I still "sober?"

>> No.10403143

Have any of you tried designer benzos from those places where they sell "research" chemicals?

>> No.10403188

Etizolam sounded pretty scary so no. Got enough problems already.

>> No.10403201

OhMod has been my go to for fast and cheap US domestic etizolam for years, but they just recently closed off member registration due to more demand than they can keep up. They say sometime soon previous members will be given invite links for new member to sign up, but new members will only be able to purchase via bitcoin for at least 45 days before their account is vetted.

>> No.10403214

i think it fucked up my pancreas and insulin and gave me type 2 diabetes.

i'm not fat. i don't drink soda and largely avoid simple carbs. i have no family history of diabetes.

i just don't know.

>> No.10403238

thinking of going to a bar bros

>> No.10403270

The worst part about drinking every day is the liquid shits, god my asshole gets rubbed raw due to all the toilet paper wiping. I have a hard time telling if my alcoholism has gotten to the point of shitting blood, or if it's just my asshole bleeding from all the wiping

>> No.10403335

Go, but only if it's less than 5 minutes away. I actually live right behind a movie theater, and then right in front of the theater is a good bar that isn't shit. I'd be fucked if I wasn't so tired from drinking for 10 years. I just can't do that much anymore even though I live right next to some of my favorite shit.
You can still go if it's far, but why not get an uber or a lyft or a taxi or something that way.

>> No.10403338

its just a bad idea. i looked into it. steady supply of benzos just means benzo dependency on top of your alcohol dependency. fight them one at a time. not together.

>> No.10403360

its called having 3< drinks and knowing how to drive without giving any probable cause

>> No.10403373

Well shit man I mean I do that same thing, I don't know what kind of guy I was talking to and wanted to recommend someone to be safe when I don't know anything about them.

>> No.10403389

i try to be careful, plus my motor skills dont start to go until i'm blacking out
i've recently had enough close calls to take it easier, though

>> No.10403401

Take one massive shit a day, hop in the shower and clean right after. My ass hasn’t seen toilet paper in a year.

>> No.10403514

i need a gf.

>> No.10403523
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Well day five no drink April is coming up, I don't really like anything, but I don't really care much either. I'm trying to exercise and whatever, but I've noticed girls literally leave me and my phone alone when I'm not drunk, so that's a dickjob. I feel like I'm losing the plot here.

>> No.10403530

no you dont

>> No.10403536

prove it

>> No.10403540

prove why you need one

>> No.10403546

The entirety, mental issues in my teenage years were before. It's not the alcohols fault ever, it's our decisions.

>> No.10403557

i have sexual needs

>> No.10403570

get a hooker

>> No.10403580

you've got two hands
go to nevada, or thailand

>> No.10403586

I crave intimacy

>> No.10403595

you can get intimacy from guys

>> No.10403605

>went to family get together last night for my moms birthday
>whole family is there
>end up drinking too much and dropping too many redpills
>by the end of the night I was red-pilling my aunt on Hitler and government conspiracies

Every fucking time.

I should know better than to drink around family....

>> No.10403614
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it's too tense. i wanna chill with a gril before doing sex on her. with a hooker it's all rushed and stressful. all grils leave me though because i'm a retarded alcohol.

>> No.10403648
File: 1.96 MB, 200x150, Andre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you post underage r9k heroin girl?

>> No.10403651
File: 91 KB, 960x719, 11225080_976458029168292_5693936721132914257_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my country, a friendship is only considered truly sealed once you have shared a bottle
>Love gin and its complex flavours to death
>Champagne is the nectar of gods
>Socialize the fuck out in Japan around alcohol with people in their 30s to 50s
>In general always love myself a good drink
Booze has been nothing but great for my life, and unlike what the green text would imply I actually have it in moderation apart from periods where I just binge the fuck out

If I didn't have huge stretches where I basically don't touch a drop of alcohol though I'd be worried

>> No.10403707

man, when I'm sober I seriously want to punch my wife on her damn face
when I'm drunk I just see her as a child and politely ask her to leave me alone

>> No.10403711

so is that "Japanese business men drunkenly sucking each other off" meme true? nice

>> No.10403713
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tfw no qt azn gf

>> No.10403719

so i've decided to cut out mixers because i'm too old to be a pussy
rum, whisky or vodka?

>> No.10403732
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This is literally how I see everyone

>> No.10403746


>> No.10403757

Literally just go to Asian
>inb4 I'm fat
I know plenty of beautiful chicks who end up with fat ugly cunts all over the world, it can happen mate

Japanese businessmen and getting drunk is a real thing
Japanese 40 something year old women getting drunk is actually a bigger (and beautiful) thing once you get out of the ultra-urban zones like Shibuya or Ginza

Can relate

Flavoured rums are very flavourful (as is par for the name) and you can make them yourselvess
Whisky is rich and subtle, you'll find some herbal ones too
Vodka is for kids and ruskies

Hookers are 90% of the time not worth it and you will know there's literally no emotional connection

Best of luck on getting better anon, hope you pull through

>> No.10404082

hey haven't been here in a while just wanted to remind you that i want to fucking die

>> No.10404103

i had too many drinks tonight and im mad yet again because i want to leave the united states

luckily i bought 6pack so i wont be mad for long

>> No.10404108

fuck you vodka is for drunks, i dont like scotch hangovers but its my #2

>> No.10404127


Hang in there, anon. Trump will be gone soon.

>> No.10404137

no he won't, you overestimate the intelligence of us. plus, the damage done by the election won't be undone, and its not trump's fault. its our insane left + the insane right's fault. im not white, and my favorite white people rn are the people in montana, who don't treat me weirdly

>> No.10404139

where do you want to go?

>> No.10404164

I just broke up with my 7 year girlfriend, my highschool sweetheart drunk. I want to kill myself

>> No.10404169
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>alcoholic 10 years
>have sex with girlfriend bareback a week ago
>think nothing of it
>now her period is late
>I was drunk as fuck during the time and she's convinced the kid will have a problem because of this
what do

>> No.10404177

Vegas, for school and then work
Canada to live later, i lost the compulsion to drink there. I hung with a lot of australians in canada, so probably Australia. IDK, i need to travel before i know, but i really don't like a lot of my fellow americans anymore, not all of them, but a lot

really tired of liberal white girls trying to relate to me, its fucking disgusting and i'm going to start being openly hostile about it

>> No.10404196


>was drunk as fuck during the time and she's convinced the kid will have a problem because of this

The only problem the kid will have is that it's father is an alcoholic.

>> No.10404201

sounds good. I've thought of leaving too. Not sure where I'd ho though. Thought about Norway or Iceland. Most likely won't happen. Time for another shot....

>> No.10404207

yeah my shame for america outweighs my pride for america

>> No.10404219

The only way the infant would be affected by alcohol is if the mother drinks alcohol while it's in gestation. The baby may still come out retarded since you're both god damn potatoes.

>> No.10404220

mine as well. this place has been circling the drain for years. I've become a minority here and my way of thinking is....outdated I guess. For lack of a better word.

>> No.10404230

i'm a mulatto who looks and may be significantly native, considering people asking me all the time
i'd probably be a lot happier in the south

>> No.10404240

fuck the south

>> No.10404252

fuck washington state more, i've been to the south a decent amount
definitely a rougher place to live, but at least it doesn't drive me crazy like this place does

>> No.10404253

Thanks for these posts, bros

>> No.10404257

I agree. Been to Washington for work a few times.It's beautiful but the people fuck it up.

>> No.10404271

i'm gonna go for a cigarette and go on a massive rant because i'm drunk!
you dont even know the half of it lol

>> No.10404286

be sure to post rant. I don't smoke so i will drink more and wait. that's what I do now...drink and wait

>> No.10404321

so WA, people are more passive aggressive then any canadian could be, for 1. and people here seem to be dishonest to relate to you, especially after they know you. i've found some people are incredibly honest here, but a lot of people especially my generation will lie about fucking anything. like i tried up to meet with a dude who called me his best friend once and instead of getting a straight up know i got strung along for days
my mother lived here for 20+ years and my step family from her has lied to me, completely taken advantage of my not-caring and my money, and now acts afraid of me because i don't think anyone here has called them on their bullshit.

my stepbrother owes me a couple grand of the top of my head. I got settlement money as a kid so i told my mom she could live in my place while i was living in CO at the time. I come back visiting off a whim from a tour of the southwest and suddenly I owe people money from things that i didn't hear about

I come back, sign over $25000+ worth in a couple automobiles, and still, i got shit. I tell them to leave, i get disowned. My stepbrother was acting cool at the time, and then would go around telling people shit i'd paid for was HIS, enough to where my sober roommates were giving him shit before i did because I try to hold my retarded tongue now.

He randomly tells me my mom and his dad are coming our house party which nobody 40+ should be at, and I tell them to leave, and both him and my stepdad shove me around

I haven't talked to them since, and he fucked off to florida. That's very tangential, but fuck man
also the traffic in this state is disgusting. people here need to honk and call other drivers on their shit more

UGH, im opening another beer

>> No.10404336

cut all ties. That's what i'm doing. I will spend my life alone rather than deal with that sort of bullshit. Hard to let the money go though..i know

>> No.10404351

It's my birthday now and I'm prob gonna end up killing half a fitfh of scotch just to fall asleep.

Cheers bros

>> No.10404354

i dont let the money go. I am the money. I was awarded it in a settlement for E.Coli from jack in the box, that's the stupidest fucking part.

i didnt specify earlier but my mom had been talking about selling her place for a while so when i wanted to move to colorado I told her "sell it and move in my place till u find an apartment or something."

I need to call my sister and tell her because she's been unnaffected by this thankfully. i dont even need to cut ties, they don't talk to me anymore

my alcoholism has been probably detrimental, but this shit didnt happen because of my alcohol abuse

and i'm not even that bad anymore, compared to a few months last year

i'll drink the 4 beers i have left with u!

>> No.10404356


also we were never poor, always middle class

>> No.10404361

jesus christ not jack in the box, odwala, in 94

>> No.10404425

in 2014, there was a study correlating a father's alcohol use with FAS. i didn't look into the details, but it may be something you would want to study. with that said, FAS has traditionally been associated with the mother's alcohol intake. the study seems to be very correlative, not causative, but that isn't to say it may be causative. it's worth looking into. i hope the period comes, but best of luck with whatever happens if it doesn't.

honestly, it sounds like a problem with specific people moreso than the location. i live in WA, and i very much understand the passive-aggressiveness complaints, but assholes are assholes through and though, and your step-brother and step-dad both sound like cunts not worth associating with. be wary of letting people take advantage of you just because they're family. lucky people get to love their families and be loved back, but ultimately, you don't owe your step-family shit.

happy birthday breh

>> No.10404430

i (>>10404425) missed this post. seems like you learned your lesson the hard way but are in a better place now.

>> No.10404459

Am I an alcoholic if I need 2/5-1/2 of a fifth of whiskey every night to fall asleep? I dont get the urge to drink during the day, I just feel like rewarding myself at night for all my days work. But now it's reached the point where if I dont drink at night, I cant fall asleep.

I feel like being an alcoholic means needing to drink all day, but I just need it to fall asleep. If this is alcoholism, is there a way to taper off? A couple nights ago I tried to fall asleep with just 2 glasses, and I ended up getting out of bed and drinking more just because I couldn't sleep.

>> No.10404501

IMO washington breeds assholes, i was one too for a while, but then i got real. i'm a little antisocial when i'm sober
i do meet a lot of people who are real but then try to relate to me too hard, that's probably my own neuroses though.

BUT i lived in colorado for a year, and a sunny climate does actually make me happier, ironically, because washington's weather is aeshetic as fuck

>> No.10404505

CO is sunny? (or sunnier?) i wouldn't know, i've only been there for layovers. i guess it does seem like a place that really has all four seasons.

>> No.10404516

that sounds like alcoholism, even if it's functional, because you're compelled to drink to live properly

drinking to sleep is also bad because it reduces your sleep quality

>> No.10404527

what do you mean by sleep quality? I sleep like a baby after drinking 1/2 a fifth (and rubbing one out) vs drinking less, and I can still wake up on time. if i dont drink enough then i cant sleep on time meaning I cant wake up on time. How do I fix this?

>> No.10404542

something about it waking you up periodically

"Science Facts"

you should do some searching on it though, I don't have deep knowledge of the effects of alcohol on sleep

>> No.10404567

i'm at a good 5 drinks a day right now. it will probably have to go down to 0 because i'm broke as fuck, -$400 in the bank, but at least i feel like i have some semblance of control over my drinking.

alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep you get, which is the sleep stage most associated with rejuvenating the mind and body. your muscles lose all tone and there are to-date unexplained neurological benefits as you experience vivid dreams and your brain's oxygen intake substantially increases. lack of REM sleep is associated with what you normally feel when you wake up groggy and unrefreshed-- irritability, anxiety, lethargy, brain fog, etc. alcohol also causes sleep disturbances like the rebound effect which explain why you sometimes wake up at 5 AM, unable to fall back asleep

>> No.10404609

Try clonidine

>> No.10404625

what if i like the vivid dreams

>> No.10404634

then drink less??? less alcohol = more REM = more vivid dreams

>> No.10404659

i thought he meant nightmares
withdrawal nigthmares + trazodone = mindfucks

>> No.10404715

you should be happy, i've never really had a lot of money. well i got this check for 10 grand once. but i wasn't very good with money then.

>> No.10404731

i totaled this sports car and just went and got another, so i guess i was doing ok.

>> No.10404905

When I was unemployed for 6 months I think I drank like twice the entire time. Now that I'm working again right back to once every couple weeks.

>> No.10404996

thats not me you fucking asshole, ive never been in an accident

>> No.10405297

my dad was doing coke, alcohol, and marijuana when he got my mom pregnant and I'm no meming pretty smart and good looking, just an alky

>> No.10405361

I reckon I've lost 5kg because I haven't drunk any beer in 3 weeks.

>> No.10405470

I had a terrible nightmare last night, and I think I'm done with drinking for good.

Let me preface what I'm about to say that I'm not religious in any way, my family isn't either. My upbringing was entirely secular.

In my dream, I was surrounded by other people. A demon was ripping off their flesh, crucifying them, and setting them on fire.

I expected the people to die, but they wouldn't. They just kept crying in anguish.

The demon went to me and said "it's your turn, but drink this first". The glass he gave me was obviously some sort of alcohol. I pleaded with him and said I didnt want to suffer. The demon was indifferent to me.

I was hopeless, but managed to turn my head away. When I did, I was back home, a safe place, and I felt the power of Christ all around me. I collapsed in relief, then I woke up.

I now understand that my only way out is by accepting the Lord and washing myself in the blood of the lamb.

>> No.10405671
File: 264 KB, 369x524, 1503956604070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept all night. it's 10:30 am and i went to bed at 10:30 pm. what do?

>> No.10405748

idk, the hangovers got so bad, i just quit. mostly. maybe you get horrible hangover you quit too?

>> No.10405880

You'll be back next week.

>> No.10405972

I scored 60 on one/both tests and i panic quit
i was drinking 8-10 pints everynight for about 3 years and soon as blood test said that i just said yeah im out
even drinking more than two nights a week now makes me nervous
>why did you quit?
>fear. Im now terrified of drinking beyond normie levels. Hell, even normie levels makes we want to go back to the docs for more liver tests

>> No.10405985

>poo next day after a few drinks
>it was black and oozed out like a soft scoop ice cream you get from the ice cream van
>oh god oh god oh god
>next poo is normal and so is everyone after
>im ok then i guess?