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10358811 No.10358811 [Reply] [Original]

>crippling loneliness edition

>> No.10358828

Stop harming yourself friends

>> No.10358850

You arent the police of me!!

>> No.10358870

There are people who care about you if you'd just let them in.

>> No.10358875

You're not my friend I don't have friends.

>> No.10358888
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>that guy with the sideways pics
#2 out of 3 for tonight. Gotta moderate since I (now) have 26$ to last till Monday night.

>> No.10358901

I walked to my mailbox (I live in a condo and the mailboxes are near the clubhouse) while drunk last night.

I guess somehow got the attention of a cop and he asked if I was OK.

I said I'm good and he said "dude you must be hammered, I can smell liquor on you from here". I said no I'm good, I'm just going to get my mail real quick.

He offered to drive me to my mailbox then drive me home because he thought I was too drunk to be walking. The dude even walked me inside to my couch and then saw a lot of my empty handles and a piss jug. He said "you sure your ok man? you know there's help...". I swore I was OK because at this point I thought he was going to arrest me because he's concerned I may die or kill myself even though I was really not that drunk.

He made me call my oldest brother at 1 fucking am on a Monday morning to see if he could come over and watch me.

Maximum humiliation. Been drinking the feels away since he left

>> No.10358902

fuck anxiety

>> No.10358913

>smoking indoors

pig disgusting

>> No.10358915

Pigs are such assholes. Fuck the man.

>> No.10358926

they cant stop this viscious cycle, only i can, and thats what it is. a cycle. i wish i could stay on the right path, maybe i will one day. But so far i abstain, i crave, i give in and i fall into the same trap. I wish i could smoke weed but my job wont allow it.

>> No.10358937

Not true. Everybody I knew turned their backs on me after I was charged with possession of child porn.

>> No.10358943

>not my place
>I don't smoke in mine
>judgemental free thread
>fuck off
Dude don't even stress about being humiliated. It just shows that there are random people that care. He could have been a sick and got you for drunk in public. But sounds like he had genuine concern. (especially with a piss bottle)

>> No.10358947

Yeah fuck that guy for caring about his well being. What’s your problem?

>> No.10358951

Wanting to quit is a major part of winning so you are somewhat there. Now having the will to keep on the path is the rest of the battle.
Having support around you helps maintain morale and keep you off. Keep trying and NEVER give up on yourself.

>> No.10358957

cops are bros, man, they actually do care and are cool guys if you're just decent back
i've gotten rides home from being passed out in public from cops, rides home after arrest for DUI,
LOL cops came to do a welfare check on me one time at home and the place looked the same as yours, there were several hundred (literally, i counted later) empty beer cans just laying around on floors and countertops

>> No.10358961

Started taking some mild, legal uppers and I've completely lost the urge to drink, it's pretty great.

>> No.10358962

I appreciate that the guy cared, But It humiliated the fuck out of me to call my brother (who works 70hrs a week) to come watch me until the cop left.

My brother wasn't happy

>> No.10358969

>LOL cops came to do a welfare check on me one time at home and the place looked the same as yours, there were several hundred (literally, i counted later) empty beer cans just laying around on floors and countertops

What'd they do/say?

>> No.10358972

That part I understand completely. Just don't let it overflow and fuel your drinking. We'll find any reason to drink. But family should definitely be the last because that reason will last forever.

>> No.10358973

like what? hexen?

>> No.10358974

couldnt you have just said "no"
like what the fuck is he going to do, being drunk in your home isnt a crime, you werent being disorderly or rude or anything. id have more loyalty to your brother than to the cop

>> No.10358981

they said, "you drank all of this over how many days?" with an astonished look
i managed to convince them i was fine and just needed to sleep it off. i've been in the hospital for being less drunk though. it was pretty bad but they went away without too much hassle.

>> No.10358985

I'm not sure....

I know for certain if a cop feels you are a danger to yourself or society he can arrest you and hold you until sober or involuntarily hospitalize you. That's why I didn't say no and I was polite to the guy (plus he was polite to me).

>> No.10358990

i think if they feel like your life is in danger they have the authority to step in and call an ambulance, even if they have to handcuff you

>> No.10359005

They do.

>> No.10359011

EC stacks. I know that coke/adderall/etc makes me not drink, but I didn't want to spend the money/risk of dependence. So this seemed like a good option.

>> No.10359013

>drink a beer in your home
>patrolling cops see you and reason that you're hurting yourself
>kick down your door and handcuff you
>call an ambulance to come get you
>concerned neighbors watch as cops drag you into an ambulance
>you're left with the $1000+ ambulance bill plus whatever the fuck the hospital charges you
>plus tip


>> No.10359029

you're not very good at writing that type of greentext.

>> No.10359030

>ride bike drunk in britbongland
>get DUI

>forget to renew TV license
>get arrested

>get arrested for using a knife to put butter on toast
>get acid sprayed in your face by a mudslime
I'll take the ambulance bill.

>> No.10359052

And they don’t need a warrant to enter your property

>> No.10359060
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>> No.10359083

Yes they do.

Unless they suspect someone is being harmed either by yourself or someone else, They cannot enter your property without a warrant.

They can knock all fucking day if they want, But you don't have to open the door if you are not hurting yourself or others.

They can only enter property without a warrant if they are invited in or they suspect someone is being harmed inside

>> No.10359090

>suspect you are hurting yourself inside
>no warrant

>> No.10359094

>what is probable cause
>what is reasonable suspicion

They just can't say "hey I think this dude is killing someone lets kick in the door". They have to actually see you beating someone ass though the window or hear people screaming to go in

Read a book

>> No.10359099

>crippling loneliness edition
Get yourself out there on whatever social scene you can cobble together and meet/date as many girls as you can. Sooner or later you'll find one who will drink with you and turn a blind eye to your addiction as long as you're nice to her.If you find her attractive run with her. And NEVER treat her like shit. It can be done. Been doing it for the last 20 years.

>> No.10359101

Seems pretty unethical to drag someone else down with an addiction.

>> No.10359102

>tfw no alck gf

How did you find her?

Were you just open about your drinking?

>> No.10359154

>And NEVER treat her like shit

this part is optional if your goal is to get laid with hot, young women
in fact that whole post is really generic women's health-tier advice

>> No.10359156

Fucking that much of a loser to screenshot your own post.

Just drink yourself to death. And if you wake up, play in traffic.

>> No.10359163

the fuck is up your ass? i wish i came up with the normalfag patrol post

>> No.10359202

I manage my addiction. I have no intention of it totally dragging me down.
You find a girl who is into what you're into. Being into interesting shit helps narrow things down. So if you're not into interesting shit fuck you. Beyond that it's just a matter of being the most interesting guy in the room who isn't a total asshole.

>> No.10359204

i don't think people understand what treating women like shit really is

>> No.10359223

You can't green text right.
>it's brief
>it's short
Not run on sentences. After all the years I'd have thought you'd get the hang of it.

>> No.10359224

the difference is between treating her like shit compared to how you "should treat a lady" and treating her like shit compared to how you should treat a human. women don't know what they want.
hint: it's not to be treated as an untouchable princess.

>> No.10359230

It's a funny post that really makes you think. Exquisite satire.

>> No.10359238

>hint: it's not to be treated as an untouchable princess
no shit dummy, they also don't like being ignored

>> No.10359249

The only person laughing is me. And not for that reason.

>> No.10359308

>they also don't like being ignored

yes they do. nothing will get a woman to be all over you harder than you talking to another girl while out in a bar/clubbing type situation. not cheating on her, but just talking/noticing. women love getting dressed up to appear hotter than anyone else, they're competitive. once they know they may not be the hottest piece of ass out there they get their nails done, do squats, buy new clothes...all the things women love to do.

>> No.10359336

Remember that you're a hollowed out shell with no sense of joy. Your opinion on the subject of humor is irrelevant.

>> No.10359394


>> No.10359412

all i know is my roommate thinks i hate her because i'm not super social when i'm at home

>> No.10359470

>being sent abroad tomorrow
>been on for 4 months

At this point i'm going to fuck it all up
I mean I could kill myself but i'd be still fucking it all up
Either way i'm fucking it all up

I never wanted to do the rope but I have no gun so I guess i'm doing the rope, couldn't fix myself in time, it's over now, bye fags, enjoy your shitty indonesian art forum, go fuck yourself, all of you.

>> No.10359485

quit being so vague. if you're going to write a diary post just do it.

>> No.10359490

no please dont

>> No.10359500

well you're not dating your roommate now are you?

also why the fuck would you room with some needy cunt?

>> No.10359514

fuck no
and she's sharing a room with her BF, idk what her problem is

>> No.10359528

>You must be white.

>> No.10359538

oh i get it now. so she has a bf and is upset you don't pay her enough attention?

what do you think that means?

>> No.10359544

She's an emotional vampire unused to autists.

>> No.10359573

i don't think she's the crazy manipulative i-need-all-male-attention type, she might have anxiety or some shit
i also have been told by a lot of people i'm pretty attractive, so maybe she just doesn't know how to deal with someone not being into her

>> No.10359646

bet if you gave her a compliment that wasn't blatantly hitting on her she'd be all over you. something like "oh you like xyz band? or i like your t shirt" any woman that is desperate for attention from men other than their boyfriends are pretty easy targets.

>> No.10359669

Jesus Christ, are you me.

He's right about those women being easy to fuck btw

>> No.10359689

yeah, but i'm not trying to be the one to fuck up other people's relationships, thats some other niggas job

>> No.10359690

yeah, we're the only two people that know how to get insecure chicks to fuck us, it's a heavy cross to carry

>> No.10359694

hey, you didn't reveal that she had a bf/was your housemate until i was already going into it

>> No.10359702

I'm smiling reading this. Ever had girl leave a shit stain on your gut from the fox tail butt plug erupting and then splattering on your belly button?

>> No.10359709

yeah, i should've specified

>> No.10359716

>Ever had girl leave a shit stain on your gut from the fox tail butt plug erupting and then splattering on your belly button?

i hate it when that happens

>> No.10359717
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no, i'm not a degenerate furry.

>> No.10359729

All right, have you ever eaten a strawberry or pickle out of a girls pussy? Or injected your own cum into a girls ass from your mouth?

>> No.10359739

>that bag of dog food
You don't think that...

>> No.10359740

no, been branded and waterboarded tho

>> No.10359745

Anybody sober here? I want to get help and want to know if anybody who made it through reads these threads. I've had one beer in the last 48 hours and can't sleep for shit. I just want to pass out.

>> No.10359748

paced breathing m8

>> No.10359759

Being branded must suck, but waterboarded.... I think that's a next step level of degeneracy. Had wax poured on me, and when it rolled past my armpit, that was enough for me. Whats waterboarding like?

>> No.10359774

i read a post in the thread that made me cry and i didn't alcohol tonight like i usually do

>> No.10359782

A lot of people in these threads are way far gone...

Keep it up if you can, anon.

>> No.10359788

friendly reminder that if you find a full brown bottle of whiskey that you don't remember putting there and the seal is broken, it's probably filled with urine.

>> No.10359791

Dear God...

>> No.10359825

waterboarding isn't that bad. even if you watch the insex/kink videos the girls are fine. obviously when actually done as torture it's different, but isn't that the same with everything? choking is fun in the bedroom and horrible irl...same diff

>> No.10359837

i think every decent person that posted here is dead what the fuck is this thread

>> No.10359845

Scroll to the top of the page and the title of the thread will be come apparent. Got anymore brain-busters?

>> No.10359853
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/alc/ threads are unironically dead during the week and after 9pm west and east coast america.

it's like no one is actually an alcoholic

>> No.10359858

I don't think I'll ever understand this type of fetish, whereby you're flirting with the idea of rape or pain or violence, yet disgusted by the real thing. And I wouldn't say in that vanilla, but my fetishes are more straight forward.

>> No.10359859

Yeah, you're probably right. I just remeber Kaj Larsen from when Vice was decent getting water boarded and he folded in seconds. Didn't seem fun in that aspect.

Fuck you, faggot. This is a thread about our own degeneracy. Embrace it, and post your own.

>> No.10359870

Thanks anon, I'm trying. I really am
Im 21 and been on a 7 month binge, drunk everyday. I don't get crazy withdrawals when I abstain for a couple days but boredom gets to me and I'm back at the same place. These stories kinda scare me sometimes, because I can see myself being in their shoes if I don't quit, it makes it a ton harder when the 24 hour gas station a block away gives me my beer whenever i want cause they see me so much regardless of the curfew hours for it. I guess I need to work on my will, cause it's pretty damn weak with that booze dealer a walk away

>> No.10359884

who says i'm disgusted by the real thing?

>> No.10359895

Oh fuck I never noticed that before

>> No.10359905

Not the same guy, but same thing, honestly. If you enjoy that sort of sexual orientation and openness, there are places for you.

>> No.10359936

i dont see why people took it that far when there's spanking

>> No.10359940
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>someone has been hiding whiskey bottles full of piss in my apartment for years

>> No.10359941

thanks for telling me that bars and okcupid exist

>> No.10359951

IME Okcupid sucks for hooking up. Napolean said some about quantity being a quality all on its own. Tinder is better, you just gotta deal with sperm bank adds on facebook after you've jerked off for the 4th time in a day.
And the data collection. But that's happening right here and now.

>> No.10359961

really dude? fuck off. the policeman saw him into his sleep and made sure he was OK, then left without issue. that's a bro-ass cop in my book.

>> No.10359972

you're welcome, faggot.

>> No.10359982

you dont have to have a faceberg in order to have a tinder anymore
you do have to deal with incredibly flaky bitches though

>> No.10360002

I don't need a facebook for a tinder account now?


>> No.10360014

It's crazy. I have legitimately been talking on and off with this woman on Tinder for over a year. I think she may have finally given up on me over some silly shit I accidentally sent. It was so embarrassing and unintentional, but it probably seemed intentional to her. Even worse.

It's probably for the best. My ex and I aren't going to get married, but she helps me and I appreciate her a lot.

>> No.10360024

>legitimately been talking on and off with this woman

But you still haven't hit it?

>> No.10360063

of course not. what woman goes on a hook up app and chats for more than a day?

>> No.10360080

Fuck her dude. You easily can.

>> No.10360097

no, i haven't. i should have, but it seems the opportunity has passed. a bit bummed, she seemed really cool, but it's ok. plenty of fish in the sea, right?

>> No.10360118

>talking to a tinder slut for over a year and she still hasnt given up the pussy

m8 youre like her plan Y if her plan A, BC men etc dont work out. not that that's a bad thing, but you probably shouldnt give the slightest fuck about her opinions on your texts or anything
i seriously hope you at least got a handjob or something out of this

>> No.10360129

Nah, he just needs to ask her if she''s kinky.

>> No.10360130

Lads, I found out recently that a love whiskey. I drank 2/3 of a bottle of Jack tonight and didn't black out or nothin. It's bad
Why in god's name would you talk to a broad for that long with literally no payoff

>> No.10360143

Kek how did that happen? Have to do time?

>> No.10360160

I thought having an old friend over, he would recognize and expose my drinking problem. He started taking shots by 3pm. We put him to bed three hours ago spouting gibberish. I guess he won't be a problem

>> No.10360187

i should clarify. i matched with+talked to her about a year ago, then rematched with her and started talking to her last month. it's not going anywhere, but it's not like i spent an entire year talking to this girl. she's very low on my list of priorities anyways. pretty and seems to be funny, though

>> No.10360198

if you want to enjoy whisky, you have no place drinking jack. there are better, cheaper bourbons (like evan williams) and a fucking slew of better whiskies priced slightly higher.

>> No.10360202

the best timeline

>> No.10360210

Fuck, I wish i could fuck a girl right now. Who virgin here?

>> No.10360215

is this the 28 year old virgin checking in again??

>> No.10360216

No, 26 year old virgin here.

>> No.10360219

24 y/o borderline autist, alckie, pale, skeleton manlet here. only 6 more years before the real magic happens

>> No.10360220

thank god, that guy is fucking insufferable. carry on

>> No.10360235
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I wish an gril would put her giney on muh benis ;_; having a gril squelch fish-smelling mucus from a disease-strewn, blood-queefing orifice is so much more fun than it should be.

>> No.10360236

I'm a very heavy drinker, but if I start before 8pm, it's nap city.

>> No.10360268

That feel when u have no more booze and you know you will wake up a brutal hangover. Im scared and don't want to feel the fear anymonre

>> No.10360272

Valium and weed would have me sorted in minutes if I was in this situation.

>> No.10360274

if youre coherent enough to type out that post then youre able to go chug a bunch of water and prevent that from happening

>> No.10360286


>> No.10360290

That feel when you run out of booze and you know that your going to have a hangover. The fear is driving me to madness

>> No.10360311

Shit i didnt mean to repost the samething. Im drunk, eh

>> No.10360352

so you're so drunk you typed the same thing twice perfectly?

>> No.10360397

I wish I could provoke someone to kill me, yet I keep making "friends". And I carry guns at all times. I need to start hanging out in englewood bars and throwing the nigger word around.

>> No.10360415

dude if you really wanna die then go and shoot up a church or mosque or whatever you disagree with

>> No.10360429

you've got guns, just kill yourself. wish I had a gun.

>> No.10360448

I have my mom to think about if nothing else. I watched my grandma bury her son and it was painful, and I think if my mom had to bury me it might kill her. She calls me every couple of weeks to check in, and if I dont answer she worries something has happened. I'd rather wait either until she dies or make it so there's no way she can put it on herself.

>> No.10360497

in what kind of world are you living where hangovers are prevented by water? i think you might be in the wrong thread

>> No.10360499

So? If you're dead your mom doesn't exist anymore. It do not matter.

>> No.10360521

The guilt of what I'm leaving behind is enough. I also have high hopes of getting it together within the decade I estimate my mom has left.

>> No.10360541

shit man sorry - that hit me in the same place as you feels. i'm just waiting until they al die so i can end it, but that fucks my only brother over and leaves him alone> sure he has a wife and child but i get it. bring on WW3 xx

>> No.10360542

Thankfully I don't like the taste of alcohol. I had a beer for the first time in over a year the other day and only had a few sips before I emptied it down the drain. I don't know how you guys drink that stuff. Not only does it taste bad, but it physically feels like you're poisoning yourself, which you are.

>> No.10360549

then fuckoff.com

>> No.10360610

dude i get that. i'm calling this the money decade so i can retire by 40 but it"s goona take miracle at thi stage. rock on though man x

>> No.10360651

>tfw you had 6 months sobriety
>tfw you extremely unexceptionally were let go from your job due to out-sourcing
>one bottle of vodka won't hurt
>series of mistakes

So now I'm jobless, ashamed, broke and I agreed to meet with my sponsor and I got nothing but regret in my heart. At least I got laid the other day.

Wish me luck boys, cuz I thought I hit rock bottom, but I'm pretty sure it's only gonna get worse.

>> No.10360664

where you live bro? remember there's always a bottom of the bottom, which is problematic as you think this is the bottom but there's another bottom and then you really start thinking and then you realise we're all fucked so fuck it and then the road to fuck begins. welcome son.

>> No.10360703

where you live bro?

>The rest of your post
I think you're right. It's only gonna get worse. Personally I'm hoping a plane will crash into my house while I'm in it, because I don't really wanna kill myself, because family and people that love me etc

It sucks to be loved.

>> No.10360712

>Welcome home, son.


>> No.10360717

Water, with some pickle juice or salt kept me alive for a long time. If you've got picklejuice, drink that until you're sick of it. Then drink water until you're sick of it.

>> No.10360719
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>tfw got laid off monday
>crack open a cold one at 0700 instead of working

how much longer

>> No.10360729

i don't mean to cliche the shit outta this but: HUNTER S. THOMPSON shot himself in the head when he had enough of all this shit - so man have you had enough of findng out what happnes next? cos that's when i'm killing myself - when i don't care what happens tomorrow - not to me, but to us - but good luck man. i hope you do what you feel is right, thjat's all we have. live forever

>> No.10360732

I've been unemployed for 9 months, drunk, and living comfortably. How much you got in savings?

>> No.10360735


i see your point and raise you this:


>> No.10360739

fuckin brilliant.

>> No.10360746

Honestly, whatever fuckin tastes amazing is what your body needs.

>> No.10360748

how much money do you have and where do you live?

>> No.10360750

>Too weak to kill myself, too weak to stop drinking.

At least I've been lifting weights, because when you're not eating you start looking decent.

>> No.10360757

BTW texas - hi from Australia - and isn't that awesome - how you can type and so can i but on the other side of the world - yet here we are. fuck man to be alive today is beyond brilliant in historical terms. so you wanna die? - take some pissbags out while you do it. seriously man - kill some shitbags -what have you got to lose - you wanna die right?

>> No.10360764

You gotta 903 area code, bro?

>> No.10360775

in the short term sure, but i;v ejust come off a 10 year bender of everythng and 8 weeks later i can sleep fine etcc and get wasted erry day. so it can be done. you just goota have the balls to break through daily abuse - so yeah i'm drunk now - but i wasnt yesterday - and there's a goal in iteslf

>> No.10360776

i get it now. yes, and thank you. and yes i did

>> No.10360779


a lot. i'm thinking about hiking the appalachain trail or something to clear my head. i do have the time and money for it.

>> No.10360788

sweet idea man but are you coming back from the mountain trip is what i', sure he was reaaly asking?

>> No.10360789

Fucking do it man. I wish I had traveled more instead of getting drunk everyday and pissing away my money.

>> No.10360795

>i'm thinking about hiking the appalachain trail or something to clear my head

yeah you aren't going to do that

>> No.10360798

I've finally come to terms I'm going to die an alcoholic, Probably by my own hand too.

>> No.10360823

yeah mang - i'd rather die at the sweet hand of narcotics - but fuck yeah why not? - well you could pop down to any asian country and fuclk thier finest whores for the price of: the $square root of fuck all. but really man, don't do it -we're he're, with you, in spirit and shit.

>> No.10360828

lasted 6 days then, drank 10 beers last night... every 5-6 days this happens. i need help breaking the cycle anons....

>> No.10360848

You're only drinking 10? You're fine man.

>> No.10360864


>> No.10360871

Fuck nigga, you living in Austin or Round Rock? Go fuck some pussy from 6th street.

>> No.10360885

Chill out roody poo; wanting to die can be metaphorical in many applications.

Not trying to be a tough guy on the internet, but sex isn't particularly hard to get. Plus 6th is pretty low tier and potentially underage pussy (I also fuck men and please don't suggest 4th)

>> No.10360898

Then lie to the people you meet on dating sites about if your employed.

If you want to keep having easy sex. That's my experience at least.

>> No.10360906
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even doing half of the AT would be more worthwhile than sitting at home doing none of it.

>> No.10360947


I'm nowhere near a "chad", but I can swagger into a bar and generally walk out with a man or woman much better looking than me and fuck them or when it comes to boys have an amusing threesome.

Apparently I have very beautiful blue eyes. Again not bragging or being a tough guy on the internet, but sex is not hard to find.

I prefer masturbation; the towel doesn't expect me to cuddle afterwards.

>> No.10360993

It's cheating if you're picking up men anon.

>> No.10360994

yeah man you're right - cos i don't tell myself to die every six seconds wheni'm sober but it's all subjective thanks your your input - but to mr roody poo, btw nice reference - how and what are you doing man?

>> No.10361000

i love you anon x

>> No.10361022
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There is a lot of blood in my shit. I binge drink vodka like 3-4 nights in a row and around night 4 I get blood in my shit the next day. It's usually just the first shit of the morning, not the rest of the day. The obvious answer is to stop doing the thing I know is causing it. On a day where I have vodka to drink at the end of the day, I'm pretty okay knowing I'll get to it. On days without it, I'm so depressed. I don't feel like I enjoy anything but alcohol anymore. I just don't have any reason to do anything but drink.

I don't know.

>> No.10361030

Is it in your shit, or from your asshole?

>> No.10361034


My asshole I'm pretty sure. I have a hemorrhoid that bursts from time to time on the inside when I wipe too aggressively or something. It's very pink, not dark at all.

>> No.10361038

You're good man. When you start seeing coagulated blood in your shit though... real talk. Time to sober up.

>> No.10361042

rock on brother - or die - your call. but if you decide to hang on untl the end presents itself - the you're with us al - cos we're all at the end together - but you're drunk - and so shall we be - but you had the right idea first - so man what i'm tryna say is - if you havn't got it by now - you nevre will ... xxxx

>> No.10361047

blood - ass - ah i call bullshit

>> No.10361062
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4th day sober, wish me luck.

>> No.10361064


Thanks for the assurance.

>> No.10361087


>> No.10361089

Sweet, well just like your alcohol use, there's no way this will get out of hand.

>> No.10361095


>> No.10361101

I've been sober for 2 years. Did't start reading these threads until a few months ago

>> No.10361110

On the HST topic, read the book his son wrote, Stories I tell myself. It depicts Hunter's alcoholism pretty graphically. Hunter's image was he was kind of a hippy acid head sort of guy, but in reality he was just a hopeless drunk.

The description of his last ten years of life wasn't pretty. Constantly shitting himself, drinking in bed in the hospital, having to have alcohol iv'd into him during surgeries or he'd die, not to mention that after '75 or so his writing basically went completely to shit because he couldn't get his drinking under control.

>> No.10361236


>> No.10361239

Tfw waiting for the liquor store to open

>> No.10361240

sorry bro but i:m fuckin maggot drunk but the mere fact that you know what i mean makes me die alright.

>> No.10361246
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Mfw open 24 hours

>> No.10361250

K. Well I'll just pretend that was coherent. Very interesting.

>> No.10361326

Posting this live from the courtroom hall waiting to plead guilty to
>causing a disturbance
I spent New Years eve in a cold bare cell that smelled like piss.

>> No.10361359

please tell me you're currently drunk too

>> No.10361367

I've stolen so many laser rifles from this chick and sold them back to her.

>> No.10361407

no one reaches out to me though. i always have to be the one to reach out to them. don't they realize that someone in my state can't reach out?

>> No.10361412
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>> No.10361422
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>three months without alcohol

Hrmprh. Will go at least one more.

>> No.10361438

So they're supposed to drop everything in their lives and deal with your unpleasant drunk ass?

You're the one that needs help, kinda by definition you're the one who should be doing the reaching out. It's sort of how it works.

>> No.10361445

no you won't.

>> No.10361452
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1458650641431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrmprh yes I will.

>> No.10361478

Depression, physical pain, crippling anxiety, and loneliness is literally killing me.

I really wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.

Life just isn't made for me

>> No.10361553

Yeah that was me too. You just have to give up all hope. Just accept that life will never get good and every day will be painful. I used to drink because some part of me hoped it was possible to feel good, even for a little while. It catches up with you. Life is pointless misery and little else. Been sober 2 years. There is no remedy for our situation but death. But that is pretty scary, so just get on with living and see what happens. The nightmare never ends, but it's possible to stop crying about it and move on.

>> No.10361557

6 pack of Rolling Rock acquired for afternoon sippery. Vodka for tonight for evening drunkery.

>> No.10361586

Wow, that's a very unique condition. I'm most every other single fucking person on the planet doesn't go through and just like fucking deal like it like an adult.

>> No.10361778

how easy is it to subtly drink from a hip flask in public without being noticed

>> No.10361783

Way easier to just put booze in a pop bottle, color code it to match the booze color to the pop color

>> No.10361848

Beerfags, how do you do it? I normally drink clear spirits, Ive had 6 beers last night and had the most violent gas and incendiary shits in the morning, then came the watery runs. Srsly, you guys, what the hell?

>> No.10362002
File: 1.35 MB, 2016x1512, rsz_20180328_140354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing doggo for a walk and stealth drinking vodka.

Comfy af

>> No.10362131

What makes that sickly sweet smell that winos have?
I can smell it on my fingers

>> No.10362299

Just got out of court 500$ fine for trespassing I'm shaking like a leaf from all the stress and the beer hasn't hit yet

>> No.10362374

You'd be surprised how many drunk guys will take it up the ass. Seriously, again I'm not some stud, but a lot of guys will take it up the ass, even after describing their proclivity for vaginas. For the record I always, especially when they're drunk make sure I confirm that they are consenting and when they don't I go sleep on the couch or the floor if I have to.

Thanks boo. I've got a seat all warmed up if you wanna sit down.

Al/ck/ related; sponsor cornered me and offered to spot my rent and detox. I'll let him know after I sponsor this 6 pack of tall boys (I've been looking for a nice bridge to jump off of).

>> No.10362385

Quit fingering winos.

>> No.10362416

post temp email, I'd be more than glad to shoot the shit with you bucko.

>> No.10362606


>> No.10362715

I just shit my pants in the middle of the grocery store lol

>> No.10362733

Towards the end of my alcoholism, I couldn't drink beer at all. I drank mostly spirits and wine, but beer just made me flat out sick. Not sure what it was, I wouldn't even get drunk, just felt sick and woozy. I used to slam some beers back in the day, I don't know what happened.

>> No.10362754

I'm a leaf but I can relate to this but with knives. For EDC I ditched the k-bar at 21, ditched the buck knife at 25, now I just carry a box cutter for work.

When you don't fuck with people they don't fuck with you, ever. A good attitude has let me go unharmed through school, jail anda whole bunch of rough job and campsites both in the northwest and northeast.

>> No.10362798

>new years eve 2018
>bar crawling
>shit I'm too drunk for 11:00 something is gonna go wrong
>get into cab
>as I'm starting to black out he's trying to tell me that this weird looking house is the address I gave him
>walk right in the unlocked door and pass out on the couch
>come out of blackout handcuffed in the back of a police car
>first thing I do is tell the female police officer staring at me that she's pretty

>> No.10362799

Used to think I didn't experience loneliness until someone told me it's not about dispair the absence of other people, rather not being able to be in my own company without getting blasted. That really opened my eyes. Never had issues turning down a drink around others, just would get bored and do it by myself. Had face that fear and get a social life. Bombed and looked like a total sperg a couple times but it was worth it. Now I make it a point to get out BEFORE those urges hit me.

>> No.10362807

>sponsor cornered me and offered to spot my rent and detox
shit sponsor tbqh

>> No.10362855

He's been sober 23(24?) years and he see's something in me and has money to blow.

You're not technically incorrect, but he's a good man; plus he considers me a good friend, for whatever misguided thought process.

Either way I'm probably just gonna jump off a bridge.

>> No.10362861

>tfw sober for 3 years
>dr says I can probably stop taking my antabus
>fuck up immediately and start drinking again every day
>fast-forward to this afternoon
>go to dr's for ear infection
>she comes close to me to look inside my ear and smells the alcohol
>anon have you been drinking? how much are you drinking nowadays?
>uuuuuuuuuuuuuh s-sorry
>panic and tell her the truth
>tfw now im going to the clinic and restarting my antabus on friday
i dont know, i guess i just...dont actually want to quit drinking? being sober is so boring and depressing and nothing is fun, even though im on a shitton of antidepressants/antipsychotics and other meds i just honestly cant see a reason to keep living if i cant have the prospect of getting drunk at least sometimes (as pathetic as that sounds)
sorry i know this post was pointless I guess I jsut needed t vent. anyone else /reluctantly getting sober/ here? i dont wanna sudoku bc my family would probably be upset even though i barely see them

>> No.10362916

>>first thing I do is tell the female police officer staring at me that she's pretty
ahahahahahah nice

>> No.10362986

I'm one of those odd free who was immune to antabus. Neither blocked the effects, nor did it make me very ill when I drank on top of it. Just slightly queasy like when trying to read in a moving vehicle.

>> No.10362993

You can eroticize any strong emotion. The threat and production of pain elicit strong emotions

>> No.10363022

It is almost 5pm,. I have had a lot do drink by normie standards and cannor drive. I have not anticipated my inability to get druk. What should i do. just wait?

i really want more alcohol

>> No.10363048

drive to the store anyway. if you have a functional iq you should be able to drink a half handle and still be a safer driver than 90% of the sober morons on the road

>> No.10363057

just drive, pussy

>> No.10363061

I am not risking a DUI, fuck you for even suggesting such adeg

>> No.10363065

then drink hand sanitizer you pussy bitch

>> No.10363105

don't do it nigga, you don't want to go through that.

>> No.10363110

>go back to AA after trying it round NYE
>finally manage to speak up a little
>people are really cool, have some conversations afterwards
>feel like I'm doing the right thing
>leave meeting and immediately make a beeline for the nearest shop and buy a bottle of shitty imperial

what the fuck, man. I made some nice curry when I got home anyway

>> No.10363115

Just get an Uber to the alcohol

>> No.10363118


Fuck you faggot, you must not know how much a DUI costs. It's just wage slaving you.

>> No.10363119

how far is it?

>> No.10363141

small steps lad

>> No.10363154

only people that get pulled over get a DUI you fucking moron

>> No.10363172

A block or two

>> No.10363177

take off your shirt and sneak out on your bike

>> No.10363187

why didn't you walk there and back in the time it took you to farm (you)s for a bit?

>> No.10363191

You can get a dui on a bike tho. I’d rather just walk. Stop breing malicious

>> No.10363199

cops dont hassle the shirtless

>> No.10363207

Yes they do

>> No.10363225

Yeah I'm glad I went back at least

>> No.10363227

prove it asshole

>> No.10363240

take your shirt off right now

>> No.10363244

no.... you first

>> No.10363247

Fuck off you douche

>> No.10363428

Just got back without a problem.

>> No.10363439

walked? and what did you buy?

>> No.10363442

another 6 16oz Miller lites. These will get me there

>> No.10363451

>Just get an Uber to the alcohol
How do you afford this?? Do your parents help you?

>> No.10363453

see my idea of two blocks is like a 5 minute stroll, have I got that totally wrong?

>> No.10363457

Maybe it was more than 2 blocks ( it probably was) idc there though. Idk how long it took me maybe 10 minutes actuallyt

>> No.10363458


>Miller Light

Dude what are you fucking on? Getting drunk on Miller Light?? Just buy some Aristocrat.

>> No.10363463

man, i had no idea that was even a thing. guess im just too pussy to try drinking on it, especially since i alredy have liver damage and dont want to risk becoming a vegetable. Aare you still taking it? how are you finidning things? if you dont mind my asking

>> No.10363465

>Being into interesting shit
But the thing is that I have given up on all my interests. I introduced my ex girlfriend to a lot of shit, then the bitch left, I haven't had a girl since, and lost all sense of my self worth. Its not all because of her though, but the bitch pulled some fucked up shit.

>> No.10363467

I guess im a light weight. And the 6 pack of miller light im buying is actually 9 beers, so 18 in total

>> No.10363471

should i confess to my parents that i am depressed? what are the pros and cons

>> No.10363508

how uptight are they that you would have to 'confess' that?

>> No.10363532

It never ends, I need something but what?

>> No.10363549
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Tonight is my B day fellow bums. I cant get all wasted. But I would like a suggestion on what to sip on mein brethren. Looking at a pint and a cupla shots. Max $20.

>> No.10363552

>cops dont hassle the shirtless

Explain your logic

>> No.10363558

>people ITT who don't do anything except drink
Functional alcoholism best alcoholism

>> No.10363563

i don't want to function

>> No.10363564

ask the fuckin cops dude

>> No.10363572

Not uptight at all

>> No.10363620

what's the problem then? Genuinely asking, I didn't mean to sound snippy m8

>> No.10363661

I guess there is no problem at all. I just feel anxious about telling them such a thing

>> No.10363694

well you didn't ask for my advice but here it is: don't approach it like a confession, approach it like you've identified a problem and you want them to help/stay out of the way as needed. You won't gain anything from breaking down and spooking them begging for help. If you really need to break down and beg for help do it with someone you especially trust, not your whole family.

>> No.10363807

It's 1:10, I have to wait until 6am until the shop opens and I have like, 2 cans left. Dreading this wait lads.

>> No.10363815

My dad was a cop. Also he's currently dying of alcoholism. Whadayaknow

>> No.10363828

I was a cop. Alcoholism is rampant in LE. The afternoon shift is commonly known as the 4 to 4 shift (get off at midnight, close the bars at 0400).

>> No.10363834

Wouldn't try it, it's pretty rare. Something to do with your receptors already being so fucked up that the antabus just can't block it. Wasn't on it for long, was kind of a waste.

>> No.10364119

You're an asshole

>> No.10364344

yeah they're pretty notorious for it in my city, too
every three months or so a cop gets in the news for getting a DUI, and i guess the cop bar is a really fucking rowdy place

>> No.10364399
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Been drinking so long, so much, and apparently enough everclear that regular hard liquor goes down like nothing and it's difficult for me to tell if a mixed drink even has alcohol in it or not. Any other anons experience this?

>> No.10364426

is it really that bad to call an Uber to get alcohol

>> No.10364429

so this is the power of alcoholics

>> No.10364488

That is cash you could have used for more alcohol.

>> No.10364491

i like to hurt women emotionally because i dont feel anything

>> No.10364497

That is casj oi copid; jav assjted om kaoi;l

>> No.10364542

i called a taxi to take me a mile to the store to get a 30 pack on christmas eve one time

>> No.10364552

how should i feel when askingf the same thin and sober

>> No.10364586

was a bit drunk and tried to sleep 3 hours ago. wasn’t drunk enough and i’m still awake.

>> No.10364724
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Can you enjoy a 355ml can of beer daily without getting fat or fucking up your liver?

>> No.10364728

A can a day is not that harmful and could even be beneficial I believe.

>> No.10364763

You show those roasties anon

>> No.10364839
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i'm not that guy but its pretty sound logic. Whats a cops biggest fear? Some dude with a gun. How you gonna conceal a gun without a shirt on?

The opposite is true of pants tho

>> No.10364899

should i call an uber to buy me more beer

>> No.10364905
File: 232 KB, 1024x919, pabst-blue-ribbon-pbr-beer-online-1397100558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm...to be honest. It has gotta be PBR for me!

>> No.10364921

how to get

>> No.10364984

should i call an Uber to get moroe

>> No.10365011

How to get PBR? Just go to any beer distributer and pick up a cheap pack of the greatest beer on earth!

>> No.10365030

I haven't had a drink today

My heart is pounding and I feel sick

>> No.10365036

happy birthday.

id just get a decent beer. or dry cider.

and put a ca

>> No.10365042

candle in that ravioli. you deserve it

>> No.10365058

few taper beers throughout the day would fix that

>> No.10365063

One time i choose th3 mental hospital rather than the homeless shelter. It's much better you get an actual bed better food and a few days before they realize you're faking it

>> No.10365083

It's actually pretty common to get a DUI on a bicycle in the US. I worked with a guy from Kansas who knew a guy that got a fucking DWI on a horse.

>> No.10365084
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>leaky gut

Intentional permeability is fucked, literally shit in my blood.

>> No.10365118
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>tfw was on the borderline of alcoholism
>drank every night to a good buzz, but not blackout
>if I went out with people, that got shot in the ass and I was punch drunk retarded wasted
>got a good job, with stricter hours, that I really enjoy, and have to be mentally present at, this year

I've cut myself down to the point that I don't get raging hangovers or anything during the week, and don't black out. I don't really get hangovers, with the 5-8 drinks I have, either, anymore. But I do still find that I'm stuck in a cycle. I get home from work, and start drinking beers and liquor, and stay up kind of late. This causes me to go into work later than I want to. Which causes me to stay later to make my 8 hours (and also take longer lunches because I feel totally down and shit), which feeds back in: I come home late, and just want to cook dinner, and start cracking brewskis.

I want to start a week fresh, and start going to bed an hour earlier, and go into work an hour earlier, to cut into my psychological drinking time I've built up over 4 years. But I fucking hate Sundays. Have you ever tried to drink sober, on a sunday night, after a long weekend? I play in a band on the weekends, so I can't even just opt out to reset my weekend sleep schedule. I have to be up until 3am.

How do I break this final cycle, anons? I haven't lifted since I started this job, because I've been so busy with it. 3 months in, I finally said fuck it, and ordered a home gym of equipment off amazon. Just weighting on the half-rack to come in, and I'm going to set back up. Lifting was my biggest cut-back inspiration in the past. Any other tips that will break that cycle of "come home late, want to seize your free time, moderately drink it away until way later than you expect, rinse lather repeat?" I wanted to be asleep 40 minutes ago. Ten minutes ago, I got a glass of gin (instead of beer like I was drinking tonight), to kill a little more time and have more free time.

>> No.10365124

have you ever tried to sleep sober*, I meant

>> No.10365127

Makes sense to me. Horses can be extremely dangerous when mishandled.

>> No.10365150

does uber eats for beer work

>> No.10365172

so i just woke up and it appears as if blackout drunk me has: drunk a bottle and a half and an unknown amount of chocolate liqueur - i have also mixed JW black with lemonade and balsamic fucking vinegar. There are also two bottles of Caesar salad sauce on my floor - i don't know why. hole in wall from putting the tv into wall(no idea) room trashed. no calls about jobs. lucky i am alones

>> No.10365186

Sounds like a good time, nobody got hurt. Solid, anon! Report back when you do the classic blackout piece-together. any hints from your internet history? That's normally what helps me.

>> No.10365197

I just went to Walmart and got some beer

I already feel better

>> No.10365218

cheers man. so i haven't performed this well in years - and given the black label was open and half full. i'm back on it. unemployment is fucking great. nah my internet history when that wasted only consists of youtube music, it's more the aftermath of the area that gets me

>> No.10365224

nice mang - i just went and got 4 bottles of mixers. cheers

>> No.10365230

fucking weird isn't it - the feeling of having vs not having it. before you've even taken a sip that feel.

>> No.10365237



>> No.10365244

>I'll give you a big tip if you buy me a beer.

>> No.10365252

Im just taking uber to a gas station

>> No.10365254

call a taxi to your house - ask him. profit?

>> No.10365261

$10 to gas station FUCKING 2 blocks away bullshit

>> No.10365262

reporting back - i am bruised all over my left side. arm. shoulder etc - must have walked into a few doorways. still cannot explain the bruises under my calf though.

>> No.10365268

hey man convenience economy - walk if you like

>> No.10365272

You wanted something to drink in the fridge but picked up the ranch instead dropped that shit went back picked another one dropped that shit again pissed off, went it's all the tvs fault fucked it up but it bounced off the wall and fell on you now you're bruised up and beaten by a tv so you decided to go to bed

>> No.10365297

god i hope so that sounds awesome

>> No.10365312

what about the under leg calf bruises?

>> No.10365320

If it was a crt you just popped a blood vessel lifting it up from you. if not you were picking up the tv and you slipped and landed on a ranch bottle or somthin.

>> No.10365334

i haven't laughed this much in ages - thanks anon! what you up to man?

>> No.10365343

Drinking some fermented limoncello i found in the back of the pantry

>> No.10365345

brilliant. how's that tasting?

>> No.10365349

Old lemons.

>> No.10365375

the things we do. where you lemoning?

>> No.10365411
File: 1.81 MB, 300x225, Lemons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In front of the lemon tree to watch out for lemon whores.

>> No.10365442

fuck i could go for some lemon whores - any lookers?

>> No.10365445

I wouldn't get with lemon whores they're all sour cunts.

>> No.10365450


>> No.10365499

so what sort of whore would you get with?

>> No.10365519

A liquor whore.

>> No.10365526

right place, wrong time. nice punctuation by the way

>> No.10365604

im gonan take off on you peons

>> No.10365620

i concur

>> No.10365624

Im smoking moon rocks

>> No.10365628

and to the moon ye shall fly sir

>> No.10365641

OK stop replying to me

>> No.10365651

nice set up

>> No.10365657


>> No.10365669

yes it was

>> No.10365673

never was the same

>> No.10365677


>> No.10365682

Wha the fuck are u talking about

>> No.10365688


>> No.10365696

Your giving me a headache

>> No.10365701


>> No.10366101


>> No.10366207
File: 46 KB, 450x489, cocaine_bear_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize that you can empty all the horrid things you think you've posted on normie media into an Uzbek Fermented Yak Milk Thread
Does anyone else wake up sometimes the next morning thinking you've posted something terrible but actually blown some fuckers the hell out?

>> No.10366214

hi you, are you me?

>> No.10366220

woke up still drunk and didn't do anything wrong last night, nobody got hurt. Now I'm blasting songs and relaxing


>> No.10366232

yeah mang me too. rock on son. what you drinking?

>> No.10366238

horrible tramp vodka with diet coke. I'm not proud

>> No.10366244

yeah proud and here don't mix well. If it's any better i drank JW black with lemonade and balsamic vinegar last night

>> No.10366249

why the vinegar?

>> No.10366258

not sure, but i think drunk me thought black label and lemonade did not match so it needed to be enhanced by something. may explain why there are two bottles of Caesar salad sauce on the floor

>> No.10366261

clearly you have some food-based issue that works entirely outside your drinking. just try not to wake up covered in dressing you weird fuck

>> No.10366264

nah i just love vinegar, been sipping from the sweeet lips of them vinegar bottles for years. sucking lemons, etc - sour shit makes my day. the salad dressing i still cannot explain, i have not consumed any of it, but it has risen from thr fridge to my room. both bottles.

>> No.10366267

you have thoroughly entertained me

>> No.10366271

circles. there's half a sausage in the glass i was using last night. i have not eaten it. yet

>> No.10366288

eat it you shit, eat it

>> No.10366293

nah man i don't want to pickle the evidence

>> No.10366299

lads I'm well into a binge and feeling fucking incredible. I just want to grab everyone I know by the scruff of the neck and tell them everything is awesome.

>> No.10366307

everything is awesome man - hold up - you still speak to people?

>> No.10366331

I'm so done up, I just remembered I have some weed as well

>> No.10366341

I too am done. Six ways into next week. Who forgets that shit? Amateur.

>> No.10366364

Picking up the pieces the next morning

>> No.10366367

give us the run down

>> No.10366375

Drunken snapchats. I don’t think they were that bad tho, just like me dancing. And I think I have a date with a girl next week lol

>> No.10366377

lol what did you do

>> No.10366381

yeah son - what makes you think you have a date next week? surely if she's down it's tomorrow

>> No.10366385

One of the most fucked up things in there was when he flat-out told his son that if he had to choose between paying for his tuition or buying whiskey and cigarettes, of course he'd buy whiskey and cigarettes.

Imaging being the guy though, his livelihood pretty much depended on him being an addict. What a shit way to go through life.

>> No.10366386

Got a girls number on tinder and she said it would work next week. I’m not getting my hopes up

I think my sister suspects ive been drinking during the week which is not a good thing. I sent drunk snaps

>> No.10366390


>suffocating from the fumes of thr exhaust

>> No.10366399

Dude dont

>> No.10366400

what's it like having to get girls off the tinderwebs?

>> No.10366401

don't wut

>> No.10366402

It’s nice but also a little depressing.

>> No.10366403

man we're all just robots machining around in a body. one time only deals. take every one you can

>> No.10366417

nah man fuck those sluts hard.

>> No.10366431

I’m trying to dude

>> No.10366433

me fucking too bro

>> No.10366437

bus station malevolence

>> No.10366438



>> No.10366446

ya dead mang

>> No.10366451



>> No.10366460


>> No.10366493

someone make a new thread

>> No.10366498

yes now do it

>> No.10366507
