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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 750x951, 5DCCE8F1-5A94-4058-AB45-5D7EEA6DD689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10356281 No.10356281 [Reply] [Original]

>mixing and preparing food in a bare sink
is this like a black thing or something?
never seen someone mix food in a sink in my life.

>> No.10356283

Thats p gross desu. Gotta hide this thread cause im eating

>> No.10356287

your sink is just a big bowl with a drain attached
efficiency at its finest

>> No.10356291

As long as the sink is clean and sanitary it's ok
But I see black skin so I guarantee it's not

>> No.10356294

yeah well my baby has shit, pissed and puked in the sink, pretty sure i’ve pissed in it before.
and yeah you can sanitize it, but you can also sanitize and disinfect a toilet but you still wouldn’t eat soup out of it.

>> No.10356305

so you dont wash dishes in that sink anymore because your baby infected it?

>> No.10356312

no I have a dishwasher

>> No.10356321

Why not? If the toilet was cleaned and sanitized it is 100% perfectly okay to eat out of

>> No.10356328

she assures us in the video that the sink is clean.

>> No.10356345
File: 2.81 MB, 800x450, Niger cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks dont know what clean is
A whole continent are eating bugs for food

>> No.10356351

are you implying that pigs are bastions of cleanliness?

>> No.10356355

like a toilet

>> No.10356357

Who ever said that? Pigs are dirty animals why do you think we cure most forms of pig we consume?

>> No.10356361

>bugs can't be clean
>only black people eat bugs

>> No.10356372

I have this thing called, "soap" and one called, "bleach". I use those to clean the sink before doing food prep that involves the sink. Now go away, fake /pol/.

>> No.10356379

every single grocery store deli/bakery i've worked at in the south does this
literally every food lion and krogers does this. i'm not joking.

>> No.10356384

how the fuck do you wash dishes? soak it and put it pack in the shelf?
rumors go one could use a brush/sponge and flowing water. but who am i, posting stupid comments on this mongolian carpet weaving board.

>> No.10356387

first world nations eat plenty of food that was "unclean" once
pigs roll around and eat their shit but put on your plate as prosciutto you stop caring about that

>> No.10356395

>waste hundreds of calories swinging a pan around to catch bugs
>when you have a fucking CHICKEN wandering around your hovel

It never stops making me chuckle.

>> No.10356408

>I don't realize I'm an irrational germophobe: the post

>> No.10356415

Because we go through extensive processes to clean their nasty ass meat. Point is these shitskins would rather harvest the bugs probably infested with HIV and Malaria than ever learn how to grow their own food or raise livestock because it's easier. And then when they realize this system is unsustainable they ask the US for help because they can't fucking provide for themselves and would rather run the only white people keeping them alive out of their countries

>> No.10356420

what a shallow world view you have

>> No.10356426

>1 person does it
>"why do all black people do this"

fucking wh*toids

>> No.10356428
File: 33 KB, 800x445, SHALOMSHALEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit I can't refute anything
>better just insult him and his intelligence
Your nose is showing kike

>> No.10356434

Is that Aunty Fee?

>> No.10356436

>flowing water
You do know we're heading for worldwide water shortages unless people like you get their shit together, right? Cape Town is just the beginning.

>> No.10356438

why would i waste my effort on someone who obviously has no intention on listening

>> No.10356445

>pretty sure i’ve pissed in it before.
I'm not shocked by someone pissing in their sink. What confuses me is how you know it's a possibility but aren't able to confirm that you did it.

>> No.10356448

>from bugs

>> No.10356454

pissing in the bathroom sink is a bit nasty but understandable. Pissing in the kitchen sink is pretty bad. Anyway, he was probably drunk and the sink smelled of piss when he woke up

>> No.10356456

Boy, you need to take a step outside and talk to actual people, /pol/ has rot your brain.

>> No.10356462

I have drunken hazy memeories of me pissing in my kitchen sink but can’t remember if it was all my old house or my current one since the sinks are identical
the brain is a conundrum

>> No.10356467

You know what I was wrong
Ten seconds on Google showed me you can't contract HIV through mosquitos

>> No.10356473

Talking to actual people is what drove most people to /pol/. The idea that /pol/ is what turns people racist is fucking retarded when it's real life experiences that turn people racist and /pol/ just happens to massage these ideas.

>> No.10356475

what if the mosquito JUST bit a guy with HIV and then I IMMEDIATELY smash the mosquito and stick its dead body up my butt hole which has a lot of tears in it from vigourous anal sex?

>> No.10356487

I mean i guess that could work but why would you do that to yourself anon?

>> No.10356489

I piss in the trash bin when I'm wasted, and don't realize it until I get a good whiff.

>> No.10356494

you know you can filter your sewage and it's 100% safe to drink again? you need very little energy for all of that, too.

>> No.10356497

>Water shortage
>when over 70% of the planet is covered in water we can filter into drinkable water

>> No.10356500

I accidentally pissed in the kitchen sink without looking first, and it turned out to be full of chicken. Luckily it was already in the sink so I gave it a nice rinse and it was good.

>> No.10356519


not who you responded to, but /pol/tards are literally incapable of rational discussion

your arguments aren't based on any logic or fact.

We don't cure all types of pork before consuming it. Pork is not inherently dirtier than other types of meat. If you assume it's because you think they eat their own shit then that's an argument based on unfounded evidence.

>would rather eat bugs than raise livestock because it's easier
>because it's easier

how's catching millions of tiny flies easier than raising chickens

they do it because it's an additional source of protein. It's the same as Canucks making those maple syrup popsicles or Nordics eating preserved herring. Your infantile disgust at the practice is the only dividing line.

>> No.10356547

>cure MOST forms of pork
And yes pork is inherently dirtier than most forms of meat why do you think most religions banned it back in biblical times? Because you got sick attempting to consume it because they're filthy
>how's catching millions of tiny flies easier than raising chickens
You have to raise those chickens for long periods of time before they yield any gain
They can go outside and catch shit tons of bugs in a day how is that not easier?
>infantile disgust
Sorry where I'm from we don't eat the things that drink our blood and eat our shit

>> No.10356560
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>eating a chicken when you could eat its eggs every day
>highly nutritious and plentiful due to the massive amount of bugs for the chickens to eat

>> No.10356562

>hundreds of calories
Maybe 100, and bugs are loaded with protein which is fairly calorie dense. Let's not forget they're mosquitos so they probably have some blood in them too

>> No.10356568
File: 17 KB, 333x459, when someone says you african american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you is saying

>> No.10356581


so pork is dirtier than most forms of meat because religion said so? wow that's a very solid argument anon. You can also get sick eating most forms of raw beans and you can get sick eating raw chicken. So... your arguments lookin a bit thin there.

my point about the bugs is that they harvest them because why the hell not? it's literally free food. They can raise chickens/goats and eat free bugs from time to time. I don't see the issue. You're not gonna contract any diseases from creatures that eat pollen and shit. No, they're not horseflies.

>drink our blood and eat our shit

they're not mosquitoes. and pigs don't eat our shit, they're mass farmed and live off of processed corn shit. Idk, fuck i'm not a farmer and neither are you. back it up with evidence and get back to me. Otherwise, you're full of shit.

>> No.10356583

It's China that's running out of water. They're polluting too much of it and not cleaning it.

>> No.10356600

Don't forget some bugs have actual fat in their bodies. And if you're farming the insects instead of just catching them you can ensure a yield of a certain quantity instead of wasting time

>> No.10356634

>because religion said so
Religion was their government back in biblical days
They LITERALLY made those laws so their entire population wouldn't die from food illnesses
>because why not
Shit dude why do we farm anything or raise livestock when there's so many bugs around for FREE food
>they're not mosquitos
And I wasnt talking about pigs you retard I was talking about flies WHICH THEY DO EAT
A huge part of Africa is COVERED in fertile soil ripe for farmland but blacks would rather kill and rape each other over farming and providing food for their starving and ever growing population. And frankly the only one whose full of shit is the retard that would stand up for subhumans while they destroy the world our ancestors conquered for the sole intent of passing a better world onto their descendants. And that better world definitely didn't include dark skinned monkeys

>> No.10356648

whats the difference between dead hookers and pig shit?
idk either but pigs will happily eat both
t. pig farmer from british columbia

>> No.10356652 [DELETED] 

whats the difference between dead hookers and pig shit?
idk either but pigs will happily eat both
t. pig farmer from british columbia

>> No.10356747


>they literally made those laws so people wouldn't die from eating pork

so you're applying the circumstances of 2000 years ago... Today. when we have iPods and shit. U serious bruh? Back then it was legal to have 10 wives and they chopped ur hand off for stealing. That doesn't factually back up anything besides the fact that ancient laws were founded on a unique set of circumstances pertaining to that specific time and place.

>why do we farm anything or raise livestock when there's so many bugs around for FREE food

a mixture of tradition, an established livestock processing system that turns corn into flesh VERY efficiently, and lack of need.

people from wealthy western countries aren't forced to eat anything that isn't handed to them shrink-wrapped in plastic and styrofoam from multinational companies. More importantly, we have taboos against doing these things that come from religion, tradition, other human and social constructs.

>flies eat shit

nah, i'm good. horseflies eat shit. dungbeetles eat shit. Those flies in the video? Nah.

oh and fyi, just because the title says something doesn't mean it's 100% fact! Don't believe everything you see on TV, kid.

>reeeeeeeeeeee i hate niggaz!

>> No.10357067

Whose applying circumstances from 2000 years ago? I literally told you we can eat pork now because we now know how to do so without getting sick you fucking mong. You're the retard that even brought up pigs.
>tradition and established processing systems
>hurr they arent mosquitos theyre flies blacks dont eat mosquitos

>> No.10357080


>> No.10357247

itt magical thinking faggots

>> No.10357284


>niggers lack

yea that's my point. it's not because they're lazy or they like getting aidz.

i actually don't even know what you're arguing about anymore.

they're mayflies btw.

>> No.10357341

When my mom made a chicken dish, she had raw chicken pieces placed in the sink. The sink was sanitized before hand, and my mom was anal about making sure dishes were washed if they somehow fell in the sink with the chicken. We of course sanitized the sink again after we were done.

That's how we did it in our family. Both my parents have Master degrees so I guess it was an education thing.

>> No.10357386

The sink is typically the dirtiest part of the house, for any house.

>> No.10357438

OH God that's fucking gross... This is why I never eat food prepared by anyone but myself.

>> No.10359634


Do you know what agriculture is?

>> No.10359960

Nibba, my entire state is an aquifer. Water shortage is a problem of geology and logistics.

>> No.10359975

I've never seen a black person so this, must be some really ghetto shit

>> No.10360914

dirtier than your toilet or your moms vag?

>> No.10361011 [DELETED] 


>> No.10361090

So you don't actually know anything about them because that's where 90% reside

>> No.10362076

I was smart enough to be born white, american and smack dab in the middle of one of the largest deposits of fresh water in the world anon. I don't give a fuck if shitskins can't manage to take salt out of water to save their lives. I'm taking three bubble baths a day with fresh clean water for each bath.

>> No.10362098

LOL fucking cuck!!!

>> No.10362106

>if proto-jews said pork is dirty it must be true!

Anon, stop being a dum drum and eat your easter ham.

>> No.10362134

Yes. Do you know how to take advantage of nutrition that's literally flying in your face all day?
You have the common western aversion to insects. They don't and learned to take advantage of it.

>> No.10362138

Desalinization is a very energy-intense process.

>> No.10362140

Those look more like lake flies, bud. Not mosquitos.

>> No.10362194

>do you know how to take advantage of nutrition that you're literally walking on all day?

t.Haitian mud cookie master race

>> No.10362201

>85% of whites dislike or just tolerate mayo

>> No.10362209

Quick question. What will weebs do when blacks discover umami?

>> No.10362233

>doesn't know how to use the big fireball in the big blue thing that goes up to his advantage.

No wonder you people eat mud cookies.

>> No.10362263

my parents did this to make thanksgiving stuffing

you could smell the noxious gasses coming out of the fucking drain

>> No.10362269

you expect anything different from a nigger?

>> No.10362292

is this how nigger "people" eat?

>> No.10362305

None of you live real lives though, you come to 4chan because you're losers. You go from a lack of experience to assumed experiences which isn't any better.

>> No.10362317

>thinks everyone else is a loser because you're a loser


>> No.10362346

>you come to 4chan because you are losers
so why are you here? don't kid yourself. you are just like the rest of us.

>> No.10363101

I am black and let me tell you buddy that shit looks disgusting as hell
A fucking bowl does just fine, this is an abomination

>> No.10363114

Pigs are actually pretty fucking clean animals, they just happen to also not mind rolling around in mud.

>> No.10363124

>pork is inherently dirtier than most forms of meat
What's it like to be this stupid

>> No.10363160
File: 52 KB, 720x492, batunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about beverages in the tub?

>> No.10363181

Black people make their own rules and break them at will.

They're like women, except much more violent and much more unintelligent. Let the kill themselves off and avoid eye contact and wear a condom if you really have to fuck one of them.

For the roody poos present:
Obba dooba doba dooo youze racist ba do ga be do be we wuz kangz pol plz gtfo

I hope that translation was helpful.

>> No.10363201

>pointless racebaiting on /ck/
This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.10363293

Lot's of restaurants thaw and prep food in the sink.

You clean and sanitize the sink you dunce. It's a stainless steel environment with clean water intake and a drain beneath, thus potentially the most sanitary environment in the kitchen.

>> No.10363314

It's pretty gross but as long as i'm not the one eating it then let them do what they want in their own kitchen. It's also a bad idea to do this if you use any oils in your marinade.

>> No.10363379

i don't have a lot of counter space and i have a super narrow kitchen so can't put a table in there. i use my sink if i make a large batch of something. there's a thing called bleach and soap.

t. white midwestern person

>> No.10363380

Goddamn, niggers are the fucking worst.

>> No.10363444


>> No.10363554

You poor child, you have no idea how unsanitary that drain is.

>> No.10363560

True say.

>> No.10363578

check mate atheists

>> No.10363598

A toilet is rather inconvenient to eat out of, plus I generally don't have my meals in the bathroom.

>> No.10363604

german toilets have a shelf for easy mixing

>> No.10363609

you block the drain

>> No.10363632

I think the running theory is undercooked pork could infect people with trichoniosis or some such germ so religions moved to make it an impure meat for religious reasons

>> No.10363662
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>he's never had potage de toilette
plebs, the lot of you

>> No.10364008

Im white so is my mother she does this... she does this in the big sink... (where we wash clothes, draps etc) she is otherwise a clean freak... she thinks she is cleaning the chicken... she washes it there and then adds vinegar... that shit kills me man...

>> No.10364017

I actually would like to taste crickets, I've heard its actually tasty

>> No.10364871

Chocolate covered crickets taste just like kitkats but the chocolate is better

>> No.10365168

When I was in boot camp I was told to clean a toilet so well my drill instructor could eat out of it. I cleaned that fucker and he made me watch as he inspected it, sat on the floor, and then ate his food off of a plate inside the bowl.

>> No.10365895

I would eat a patty of that in a heartbeat. Actually, with a Bengali friend, I almost began a grasshopper farm. We decided against it because we didn't want to be know as those two guys who sold grasshopper meat to the Africans.

>> No.10365956

Sometimes I forget that people like you actually exist. There's being racist every once in a while, or at least knowing when its applicable, and then there's you.

>> No.10366051

Are you one of those who throw away clothes rather than washing them "because it doesn't get clean" after incidents similar to what your sink experience?

>> No.10366158

>protein calorie dense
nigga its the same as carbs, fat is more than twice as calorie dense

you dense fuck

>> No.10366278

Where exactly are you from? Lithuania?

>> No.10366464
File: 971 KB, 750x1334, 71A72ECB-C8E5-4334-9433-B7C4D21F4DA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10366666

blacks lack like half of the frontal lobe, their decision making isn't the best

>> No.10366710

Don't feed it, it's pointless.

>> No.10367139

It's more like 100%, dig deep enough and you'll find water .
(with the exception of bedrock)

>> No.10367149
File: 122 KB, 2045x1150, balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compromise, also great hangover cure.

>> No.10367456

Satanic Quints don't lie

>> No.10367751

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.10367759

This has to be bait.

>> No.10367814


>> No.10368119

1-we were eating por since the celt and chinese domesticated and selected them.
2-the jews created these law to have one more excuse to not trade fairly with their neighbor.

>> No.10368276

It's a fucking sink. It's one step up from a toilet. It's where you dispose of the filth you create in the kitchen. I would not put food in my sink, even after cleaning it.

>> No.10368287

No, I'm black, we don't do this.
>inb4 nigger
We play with the uniform we're given.

>> No.10368835

"bugs are loaded with protein"
yeah for their size
its not enough to sustain a human though, thats a lie.

>> No.10368980

>hundreds of calories
this is what amerifats actually believe

>> No.10369246

Don't you dispose of "kitchen filth" in your rubbish bin (traysh cayn for Amerifats)?! Oh, forgot you have those "garbage grinders" in your sink in The States, my mistake, sorry lmao

>> No.10369412

Aunt Fee is the only person who've i seen do this shit. Seeing one black person do something doesn't mean it's a black people thing faggot.

>> No.10369431

if he cleaned it first it's really no different than a stainless steel bowl.....but I doubt he did

>> No.10369432

I'm not an American, and I don't have a garbage grinder. I just do my dishes.

>> No.10369439

>euros still don't have 1960's-era technology

>> No.10369817

>being affraid of whites so much the word is taboo by your local shaman to avoid hallah's bad fortune
you just don't make that shit up

>> No.10369840

don't see what's wrong with this, seems pretty efficient.

>eat bugers
>eat eggs

>> No.10369889

Because he's someone who peruses a Vietnamese Badminton forum.

>> No.10370750
File: 345 KB, 600x786, washed_cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It's a black thing.

>> No.10370773
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>> No.10371399

fuck no its not a black thing.

>> No.10371441

maybe they would smell better if they ate less garlic salt, just a suggestion.

>> No.10371445
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>> No.10371455

Yeah but it's a better option than having no water

>> No.10372011

>yeah well my baby has shit, pissed and puked in the sink

What the fuck? Why is nobody acknowledging that this is not normal?

>> No.10372042

Sounds normal. People bathe their very young children in the sink sometimes.

>> No.10374101

i recognise you, go back to spamming nigger on pol

>> No.10374109

>hundreds of calories
>swinging arm
Something tells me you don't know how to do a push-up

>> No.10374116

What the fuck do you think nuts work the same way? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.10374121

Damn people actually do this don't they. It's a black thing isn't it.
Disgusting mentality.
I would never prepare food in the sink under any circumstances.
I'm going to hide the thread as well.

>> No.10374128
File: 1.95 MB, 1004x10000, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NBM here. I always thought that was a white thing, because I've only ever seen white people do it.

Same with wearing your shoes on your bed and saying "axe" instead of "ask". I live on Long Island for the record

>> No.10374139
File: 650 KB, 1535x1650, shart in mart in the land of designated shooting streets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigs aren't clean. pic related.

>> No.10374198


>> No.10374850

well then just don't put shit you want to eat down your drain... hard to get out of there anyway.

>> No.10374994


I wonder how low your IQ has to be to get such a simple worldview and yet feel enough confidence to share it.

>> No.10375041


You sound extremely childish.

>> No.10375074

She's dead now so the moral is don't prepare food in the sink

>> No.10375422

that's pretty normal m8 babies are gross.

>> No.10375527

It's only a matter of time before your dumbass is going to be eating insects so get ready.

>> No.10375542

So it's better to smell like wet dog instead?

>> No.10375544

>is this like a black thing

Some people do it and some don't. Depends on person.

>> No.10375929

Mexican here.
Crickets are common here. Fried, they taste like animal food. Its the taste of high protein. It's meh for me but I can understand why someone would like it.

>> No.10375937



>> No.10375950

Nobody has been able to get salt ouf of water in a sustainable and afordable matter fucking idiot. Sounds simple but it isnt.

>> No.10376209

I guess it can be acceptable only if
- the sink has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized
- it's something that it must be cooked later
- you don't have any other choice

>> No.10376218

>washing chicken with soap

>> No.10376239

What's the vid?

>> No.10376242

Yeah I'm with this guy. Trouble is would be hard to effectively sanitize a toilet because of the bending pipe bit.

You can sanitize a sink no probs though.

>> No.10377240

This. Maybe it's a clean-freak thing.

>I've had shit in my fridge so no fridge in the world is safe for food anymore
You being a fucking revolting human doesn't make my sink any less spotless.

>> No.10377247

It's a fucking meme/joke. What do you think the scissors are for? Cutting germs off?

>> No.10377350 [DELETED] 

>the absolute state of soylent boys

>> No.10377355

I wonder how sparkle ng clean your brain has been scrubbed and washed to not see the plainly obvious

>> No.10377359

I do, that's why I hate them lol you fucking nigger sympathizer that probably lives in Vermont

>> No.10377364

Cutting wings and legs off.

>> No.10377373

Why are you on /ck/ if you've never even prepared a chicken to the point you think house scissors are going to cut through meat and bone?

>> No.10377374

Black people smell like greasy hangover shits, steatorrhea if you want to get technical. So I'm ok with wet dog.

>> No.10377378

You must be a gigantic pussy. I cut through a penny with scissors once. Plus, you go through connective tissue, not bone.

>> No.10377400

>House scissors can cut through pennies you just have to be stronk reeeeee
Yea, a ball-peen hammer will take down a skyscraper too, stop being a bitch and using demolition crews.

>> No.10377406

african chickens are mammals

>> No.10377410

those are niggers who obviously are too stupid to buy poultry shears

>> No.10377420

>M-muh niggers
Is this how bad autism is these days? Someone jokes about preparing a chicken with scissors and fucking soap and it's taken at face value? I thought it was just not being able to read faces/voices to tell something was a joke

>> No.10377446

Are you some liberal cuckold or are you just this ignorant to the shit blacks do? It could be a joke but you can never be so sure with them.

>> No.10377454

>Not being autistic makes you a liberal
Holy shit

>> No.10377463

being a nigger lover sure does

>> No.10377468

But spooks have nothing to do with a brain malfunction that makes (you) incapable of knowing what a joke is.

>> No.10377525

>Talking to actual people is what drove most people to /pol/.
No, being ostracized from stormfront did that. Then the 2016 elections caused a flood of Reddit users to flood not just /pol/ but the entire board. Great job ruining this site even more, idiots.

>> No.10377526

>people known to be retarded and do illogical things, posts an image of them self doing something illogical
>hurr you’re autistic for not realizing it was a joke this time
Kys, coon

>> No.10377532

So you're claiming that your particular brand of autism means that nobody but white people can joke around you?

>> No.10377541

So is OPs image a joke too? Kill yourself, nigger.

>> No.10377549

>it’s clearly a joke! Blacks aren’t that dumb
Anon...look at the blacks in South Africa. They’re taking away farms from the people who feed them.

>> No.10377557

You're showing your autism again, it should be very obvious to a normal brain what is an isn't a joke. Ameritards are goat

Black has nothing to do with not knowing what a joke is. I could give a fuck if niggers are building statues of slave owners

>> No.10377563
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, 1522035356084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more.

>> No.10377572
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But anon you're the one frustrated. Is this you failing at emotions again? I'm enjoying picturing you spaghetti out at someone jokingly saying "Oh yea I prepare my meals with soap and scissors"

>> No.10377576

>>mixing and preparing food in a bare sink
>is this like a black thing or something?
>never seen someone mix food in a sink in my life.
Might happen in a professional setting in the absence of giant metal mixing bowls for large batch work, but in a home, it is likely that drain had bacteria of dangerous levels. But, she didn't infect a surface of her house with chicken juices, and she was thawing the frozen chicken with running water at the same time, if I recall.

This woman, Auntie Fee was videotaped by her grandson/nephew or whatever he was...she was a giver who put together food for growing boys who seemed to congregate at her house after school or when aimless. She was a good soul, RIP. What made her funny wasn't so much her actual recipes, but her thrift and frugal ways and most of all her HILARIOUS foul mouth when not finding her word in the instructional videos where she was asked stupid how to questions by her nephew. I am sure the nephew pushed her buttons on purpose, and sadly, these videos were made in the first place to capture the legacy of a loved person and her food. Too soon to leave this earth, but I bet he's glad to have these videos now.

>> No.10377624

Here's a goodie in her new remodeled kitchen that youtube success bought. She talks about how people judge each other's mac n cheese at gatherings or potlucks, judged for cheapness "not enough cheese". Hahah. I love how she was making things "for the kids!" with such anger. She would get all riled up from the stupid questions or corrections that the filming son would interject.


>> No.10377650


do americans really let their babies crawl around their kitchens and shit, piss and puke in their sinks?

>> No.10377701

Blacks have everything to do with this. They're why this thread was posted.

>> No.10377705

It has nothing to do with the joke. OP posted asking if something was a blacks thing, which it isn't even.

>> No.10377721
File: 55 KB, 460x341, 269CC5BD-65A2-4E98-886C-8ECB9386B600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t use the sink to do that shit because it might make my food taste like fucking soap

>> No.10377726

>which it isn’t
Ass mad coon detected

>> No.10377744

>being ostracized from stormfront did that
uh I don't think that little meme shit site explains forechins traffic influx, but it makes your dainty little sensabilities feel better so continue to cover your eyes and ears and ignore the reality around you

>> No.10377753

Are you this triggered I mentioned your special snowflake condition that you haven't even read the thread?

>> No.10377758

There's no burden of proof to say it isn't a black person thing. Stereotypes exist for a reason, Treyvon. Maybe you don't do it, but enough of your people do.

>> No.10377759

glad to see all of the fag's donations are going to this

>> No.10377769

The only person acting like a nigger is you Dindu. go read the thread. The only nigger besides you is the faggot letting his kids shit in his kitchen

>> No.10377772

black ""seasonings""

>> No.10377777

All Lawry has 90% of the time is salt, paprika and garlic. The rest are covered by the massive salt pile.

>> No.10377782

>go read the thread
>black people eating bugs
>black people taking pride in using garlic salt and pepper on all their food
>you spending a few hours defending black people
You sure proved your point here, nigger. Also it is very common for people to give their babies baths in sinks.

>> No.10377794

>Defending black people
>Schooling a nignog on a Lithuanian baking school forum
Top kek. Bug eating and over seasoning aren't jokes, they're amusing stupid things. Washing food with soap and cutting it with scissors is, if you don't have a social disorder, a joke. The OP had nothing to do with black people, nor does washing food with soap. Understand?

>> No.10379382
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, poison-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>scrub and rinse thoroughly

>add in bottles of everclear

the alcohol they put in that tub is a stronger germ-killer than the scrubbing bubbles you use to clean it.

the worse part is that people put these chemicals in their bodies willingly