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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10345840 No.10345840 [Reply] [Original]

Sunday gravy

>> No.10345863
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>> No.10345864

not enough cheese/10

>> No.10345868

Way too much, fatty.

>> No.10345869

Nonna isn’t finished yet I’ll post pics after I stuff my face

>> No.10345870

yes. just like mom used to make

Apply yourself, OP

>> No.10345877
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>way too much
my typical bowl of spaghetti has almost triple the amount and im skinny

>> No.10345881

>having a delicate little girl metabolism

>> No.10345890

I'd start with the eggroll then hit up the slice of bread before diving into the loops for desert, proceed to eat the candies and marshmallow (mint?) before a nice nappy.

>> No.10345896

Looks goat af! I'll post my thai tom yum goong soup using chicken when I cook it in a couple hours.

>> No.10345900

are those home maid meat balls?

>> No.10346022
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Tried to recreate a breakfast from a local place, blue cheese butter on sourdough with dill mushrooms and caramelized (kinda, got impatient) onions.

>> No.10346051
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Korean tacos from a local food truck

>> No.10346058

*tips fedora

>> No.10346286

Looks more like some NYC hipster thing.

>> No.10346293

Wow, you must be really gay.

>> No.10346301


>> No.10346373

the dill looks really good,

>> No.10346385
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I told you not to cum in the meatballs son

>> No.10346404
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im on a diet

>> No.10346582

literally me, i just come on this board to look at pictures of food for the sake of dopamine

>> No.10347082

why are threads about actual cooking always dead?

>> No.10347146
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Muh half assed dinner

>> No.10347148
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>home maid
wtf are you into, anon?

>> No.10347167


ma niggas

>> No.10347189

I decided to go fuck it and really fucked up. Ground beef, stewed tomatoes, tomato paste, heavy cream and grated Parmesan with macaroni pasta. I used thyme, paprika, s+p. It tastes sweet.

Just going to commit sudoku now.

>> No.10347200

Because (most) people that can cook don't feel the need to take pics of their food and put it on retarded image boards

>> No.10347263
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Tom yung goong with chicken and some shrimp I found in the bottom of my freezer. Was really nice as we had a cold front move through.

>> No.10347331

The red-yellow-green arrangement of the food along with the warm lighting to tge left and the cool lighting to the right make the thumbnail look like a rainbow dinner.

>> No.10347428

It probably tastes sweet because stewed tomatoes usually have added sugar. But overall that sounds fine. What's the problem?

>> No.10347521
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Meatloaf w/ roasted asparagus, sautéed kale and shiitakes, micro basil garnish. Tasty AF

>> No.10347544
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20180325_205315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helped to butcher some roosters today so along with yesterday's leftovers we had an organ extravaganza. Chx livers and caramelized onions, bacon-wrapped chx hearts, beef kidneys in shiitake mushroom sauce, and collards.
Omg never had killed-today liver before, it was so so good.
Dessert was a slice of angel cake, blueberries and goat milk


>> No.10347567

Shit man, that’s good stuff. I had liver right out of the goat onto a grill once and it was a transcendent experience. Fresh organs are the best, I’m jelly.

>> No.10347648

It’s just average, I would prefer a little more acidity. But I’ll know for next time.

>> No.10347888

That's a little much dill dontcha think?

>> No.10347963

hah, the dill is mixed in with the mushrooms

>> No.10348762

made miso soup for midnight snack