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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 640x714, EBT Accepted at Burger King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10324641 No.10324641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So in California, you can use your EBT card at almost any Burger King, Jack in The Box, Taco Bell, or El Pollo Loco.

KFC, Pizza Hut and other restaurants are lobbying hard to participate in the program as well, and will likely be approved.

Is this the right thing to do? Feed our uneducated, unskilled, semi-illiterate population the worst junk foods possible? It's not like these EBT users have the sense to order yogurt or a fruit cup.

Is this just a case of the poverty pimps perpetuating the cycle?

>> No.10324647


Below is a list of all California "restaurants" participating in the EBT Calfresh program. They are all literally garbage fast food joints.


>> No.10324655

It's like you should stop voting for shitbag politicians or something.

>> No.10324659

Considering this program is only for homeless people who are 60+ years old, I don't think it matters very much that we're feeding them Subway or Pizza Hut. Is this really something to worry about?

>> No.10324661


Stop voting for sociopathic politicians lookinv to ethnically replace you just to ssecure a larger voter base

>> No.10324668


Did you even read the link? It's for all California EBT users, mostly the poor & homeless. The 60+ senior users are a small fraction of the users.

>> No.10324675

>EBT users are all homeless seniors

Lol, most people on EBT are young, black, and perfectly capable of working but just don't want to. Go look up videos on youtube of people buying cans and bottles of soda on EBT, dumping the soda out in the parking lot, then returning the bottles and cans for the nickels to buy cigarettes.

>> No.10324678

It would be perfect if they could just have heart attacks and die with (some) dignity, but we also like to spend our tax dollars on their healthcare when they become landwhales, which is extremely expensive.

>> No.10324683

I have ebt right now due to a broken foot. That is fucking disgusting. Why are shitskins so retarded?

>> No.10324699

It's already too late.
Most young people in America are "minorities" because white people don't shit out 20 kids to collect welfare.

>> No.10324706 [DELETED] 

You should see the line at the ATM on the 1st on the month in Compton

>> No.10324712

>Is this just a case of the poverty pimps perpetuating the cycle?

Yes. Feed them all junk food, so when they become obese, diabetic, and full of disease, the politicians can turn around and blame white people for the epidemic.

That's how you keep them in line and voting for you.

>> No.10324713

On the first of the month if you accidentally end up forgetting and going to Walmart you are completely fucked so you should just leave unless you don't mind being stuck behind a line of 10 with multiple overfilled carts.

>> No.10324719

Why do food stamps cover anything but the basics any way? Meat, produce, and rice. You want anything else, fucking buy it yourself.
Should just abolish SNAP and let the niggers, spics, and trailer trash starve. We'd all be better for it.

>> No.10324720

>hate boomers
>realize when they die things are only going to get worse because they make up the white middle class population
I can't believe these fucks destroyed the world so bad that even their finally dying is going to ruin it

>> No.10324721

Well there's lots of obvious cynical things that could be said about this. The most positive thing I can think of would be that at least those chains are readily accessible to the people who rely on this on this kind of aid and those same chains at least tend to employ people in the local community.

If we really wanted to make a good faith effort to make this sort of idea work though perhaps the best we could strive for is to specifically license businesses owned by members in the community rather than franchisees living miles away in an upper middle class suburb and the cooperate office. This would atleast keep the money we're giving away circulating within the community one extra step and give some of these people a clearer career path to self sufficiency.

That all said it's fairly obvious no amount of monetary aid is ever going to make some of these folks feel the need to take care of themselves. So realistically we're still going to need to enforce self care by either:

1. Tying access to aid money to a persons physical health... though this is both to some extent subjective and kind of a catch 22


2. Only licensing "healthy" institutions/opening up government run cafeterias to use the aid money/vouchers at. This still doesn't track what people actually eat in them or illicitly trading their vouchers for other good elsewhere though and adds significantly more management overhead for the state.

I don't think entirely pulling out of the aid game is realistic either because completely outside of ethical concerns the cost of policing a population that's going to suddenly struggle to meet basic food needs would be massively expensive probably in excess of the current programs.

So pick your poison I guess?

>> No.10324724

They should take the money EBT offers and use it to setup eateries that offer free service to the needy, and only serve healthy food. It'd more cost effective in every way.

>> No.10324729

They don't care about cost effect or health, they give all the shitskins gibs so they will vote for them. .

>> No.10324733

>Tying access to aid money to a persons physical health..

Holy shit, you know how illegal that would be?

Like tying somebody's health insurance to their health.

>> No.10324747


I didn't mean for either of those options to sound appealing and I suppose I should have spelled out the implicit third option of continuing business as usual? But yes I understand that would be extremely coercive, undesirable, and not legal under current statute.

>> No.10324748

Considering how California is the "progressive trend setter" for the rest of the country, get ready for wide spread "EBT for Junk Food" programs all across america.

>> No.10324763

>Is this the right thing to do?
No but then again most of them don't deserve the money you'd spend to give them healthier food.

>> No.10324769


Some people at least are trying to sound the warning that the economic costs are these programs "as is" is literally worse than nothing. Whether that means trying to improve them somehow or dropping them though hardly seems settled.


>> No.10324770
File: 34 KB, 620x465, jamie-oliver-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets call in Jamie!
He'll do to those blacks what he did to the kids!

>> No.10324777

So sad that the food revolution didn't even stand a chance, I loved that show. Thanks Mrs. Obama.

>> No.10324783
File: 110 KB, 367x380, 1451404892193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a black father staying around

>> No.10324792

>Is this the right thing to do? Feed our uneducated, unskilled, semi-illiterate population the worst junk foods possible?

>> No.10324804

nope, not the right thing to do, it would only be acceptable if their healthy options were cheaper than the bad stuff

>> No.10324810

nah man, that's the older brother from a different father

>> No.10324815

Define education, what public and most private schools are pumping out is pure brainwashing propaganda, that can hardly be called an education.

>> No.10324822

I don't feel like such programs should exist at all. Since they will not go away, you should only be allowed to purchase cost-efficient and nutritious items with EBT so they have incentive to get off it. I'm talking vegetables, rice, beans, cheap meats, ect. If they want their addictive junk food or to eat lavishly, they can go get a job.

>> No.10324833

I agree with you and wanting to eat lavishly is for fools.

>> No.10324865

>tfw you're footing the bill for kickbacks to fast food chains courtesy of your scumbag politicians

>> No.10324876

Eating healthy is not expensive . It's a drawn out meme. Healthy living and proper budgeting is an education issue.

>> No.10324886

For all the shittalking about flyovers that they do, California's food culture consists mostly of drive thrus and walk up windows.

>> No.10324894

You must realize that food box programs already were implemented in the 30s and 70s and were remarkably cost ineffective and borderline discriminatory.
Plus as I'm guessing you're an underage b& /pol/fag whose parents buy you junkfood I'm curious why you'd advocate for a socialist government program

>> No.10324907

>I'm curious why you'd advocate for a socialist government program

And I'm guessing your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

>I don't feel like such programs should exist at all.
>I don't feel like such programs should exist at all.
>I don't feel like such programs should exist at all.

>> No.10324912

It's already a monumental, horribly inefficient program rife with fraud, whether or not fast food companies get a sliver doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. They are businesses and the object of a business is to make money, not be some puritanical free market advocate.

Don't get mad at McDonald's for playing the game, get mad at the government for buying and allowing them to play the game in the first place.

>> No.10324918

>you should only be allowed to purchase cost-efficient and nutritious items with EBT so they have incentive to get off it. I'm talking vegetables, rice, beans, cheap meats, ect.

1) How the hell are you going to enforce anything like that? You see EBT users already buying stuff, turn around, and sell it for pennies on the dollar so they can use cash to buy other shit. This is literally impossible to enforce.

2) You'll get called a "racist" for even suggesting a controlled diet program

>> No.10324921

No shit, evidenced by how much in and out is pushed. no other regional fast food chain anywhere is pushed like it

>> No.10324927

>2) You'll get called a "racist" for even suggesting a controlled diet program


>food box programs already were implemented in the 30s and 70s and were remarkably cost ineffective and borderline discriminatory

Honestly, I have no idea how the same food box being sent to every fucking recipient equally as "discriminatory"

>> No.10324945
File: 199 KB, 1000x795, 470ea259b48dd02373219e1929124659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California would be a paradise if they just got rid of all the god damm freeways, replaced them with bicycle paths (e-bikes banned of course), banned tract housing and lawns, and laid down a bunch of passenger rail.

The less efficiently used residential areas of silicon valley should be bulldozed and replaced with the fruit orchards that used to stand there, and all those sprawling tech campuses should be put in high rise towers designed by ARC Studio and other renowned Asian design firms. Bulldoze all of the sporting complexes and replace them with orchestra pits. The concertmasters would be paid on the same scale as today's overpaid sports stars. Human habitats would be built up around the major transit nexuses such as San Jose Diridon Station. Motorized transport would be largely limited to emergency vehicles and food deliveries to neighborhood markets. A small number of autonomous rideshare vehicles would be permitted and access would be controlled by voucher, not money. You could increase your voucher supply by various means such as more effective separation of recyclables, reduced meat consumption, and choosing to live in a smaller space.

Also, to maintain social mobility, a randomly selected number of white children would be bussed into the higher performing Asian majority school districts in order to inspire them and show them that it's possible to succeed without begging for handouts. Remember white people: just because your friend went to college doesn't mean he's got "white guilt" or whatever.

>> No.10324946

>1) How the hell are you going to enforce anything like that?
There's already things you can't buy with EBT. You just expand that to everything that's not produce, meat, rice, etc.
>You see EBT users already buying stuff, turn around, and sell it for pennies on the dollar so they can use cash to buy other shit. This is literally impossible to enforce.
Fraud is a separate issue from what EBT should cover, which was the point that the anon you're replying to was making - that it should only cover basics.

>> No.10324979

>You'll get called a "racist" for even suggesting a controlled diet program
Bitch and moan all you want but poverty and race are inextricably tied in america. It's a political statement when white politicians call for an overhaul of welfare because of "cadillac queens". Not ford queens, not chevrolet queens, but cadillac queens. Then they'll talk about the "urban environment" having a higher proportion of people on food stamps or welfare. It's really not subtle code.

>> No.10324991

>"cadillac queens". Not ford queens, not chevrolet queens, but cadillac queens.
You don't know car brands very well do you. This is why you misunderstand the reference. You're going to explain that you do because you've seen hip hop videos on mtv, but you'll be wrong.

>> No.10324994

Oh please, just look at IQ tests that show that whites are genetically inferior to asians, commit more crimes, and don't even care about higher education, no amount of bussing will change that. But I guess I'll be labelled a "racist" if I even bring that up

>> No.10324999

>race and poverty linked
not as much as illegitimacy rates. if blacks kept their own damn house in order 90% of their problems would go away

>> No.10325005

Pretty sure rap videos didn't exist when reagan quoted cadillac queens but ok

>> No.10325015
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, nipdust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites are genetically inferior to asians

>> No.10325021
File: 40 KB, 409x409, tumblr_obnmysmU4T1v0pigno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for paying your taxes Normie wage cucks tick tock tick tock

>> No.10325024

Sorry Cletus, I'm guessing the factory wouldn't hire a high school dropout

>> No.10325028

It's interesting how and when threads dissolve into racial and political debating.

>> No.10325031

>muh 105iq chinese
Do you really think this average counts the 90% of them that live out in rural areas on $2/day? The ones over here perform somewhat better because we cherry pick their best out of their country. It's not like hispanics where it's a free for all with immigrating here.

>> No.10325033

I know you are larping but wageslaves and gov assisted NEETs are morons.

>> No.10325035
File: 789 KB, 3072x1728, nigel-farage-donald-trump-gold-e1479996269461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not their fault, they're a product of their environment. If we stopped coddling them, telling them that they're entitled to a six figure salary pushing buttons on the steel-bashing machine on the factory floor because MUH FAMILY VALUES MUH JEEBUS MUH GUNS MUH BIBLE, and promising magical solutions like "build the wall" or "trade wars are easy to win", then some of them might be motivated to improve themselves. They just need better role models. A white version of Lee Kuan Yew, instead of these low class thug role models with their tacky gold and disdain for knowledge.

>> No.10325040

>It's interesting how people behave like they usually do.
You must live a really interesting life there champ.

>> No.10325041

True. Let's just get rid of welfare entirely. Then it's not racist.

>> No.10325043


In California, it's a one party system. We literally have no choices when it comes to voting.

>> No.10325046

Because it's inexorably linked to everything in the US now, and it should be. The US is basically fighting a second civil war but it's not violent because everyone's well off.

>> No.10325049

>make California (mainly just Bay area, because everywhere else is bumfuckville) into some bizarre socialist vegetarian paradise for Asians
This post is off the wall. Go to Tokyo for your fantasies

>> No.10325053

Shitskins would rather destroy civilizations, it's in their nature.

>> No.10325056

It's not violent because one side is heavily armed and well disciplined and the other side is Democrats.

>> No.10325057

Gb2 r/asianmasculinity you dumb hapa

>> No.10325064
File: 138 KB, 640x416, gridlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernity would look pretty bizarre to a hunter-gatherer in the Great Rift Valley. Likewise, the nightmarish cager dystopias that many people take for granted in this day and age will look barbaric in a few centuries.

>> No.10325069

>the government shouldn't be able to tell the people what to eat
>except when it should

>> No.10325071
File: 66 KB, 1000x600, becky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cumskins love to bleat about "meritocracy" as long as it's only them vs the slaves they brutalized and oppressed for 500 years.

>> No.10325076

nobody cares about california outside of california.
those son of a bitches deserve everything that's coming to them.

>> No.10325077

good point

>> No.10325090
File: 745 KB, 2000x1335, rlPWUuU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hong kong
So cultured, much modern, wow!

>> No.10325092

>thinks humanity has centuries left
bubba, pls

>> No.10325102

With the companies and tax payers fleeing in droves, the state will eventually collapse. After a few decades, it will be a fat juicy pussy ripe to pluck.

>> No.10325113

At it's peak slavery was under 2% of Americans
Nice b8 tho

>> No.10325114

Going to the government for food stamps is or should be tantamount to saying "I can't feed myself and will die without your help". That's the complete opposite of some busybody telling a family of 4 making $100k perfectly capable of taking care of themselves what they should eat

If I give you money to help you out you're damn right there should be stipulations involved. Only an idiot would surrender his money and assume the best. If I don't give you money then not only do I not care what you do, I have no right to know either.

How do you idiots conflate the two?

>> No.10325118

I am a La Creatura, asians are shitskins too.

>> No.10325127

>It'll be great if we just change all the reasons why California makes money at all and do a shit ton of expensive stuff which will rely on high tax and regulations to work and won't work anyway because criminals don't respect the law and you'll degrade anyway because of the low quality of the people living in California outside of the yuppie enlcaves you want to remove.

>> No.10325134

>Implying Common Law isn't the greatest way of organising a free and prosperous society and that countries that move away from it don't go to shit.

>> No.10325136

>Latonaquini-sha, my daughter, you are of gibs now
>Will you buy staples of rice, potate and chicken with vegetables
>Or 8 McChickens™ the best fast food sandwich™ a day
>fuckin wypipo is why i iz 400 lbs and poor as shieeet

>> No.10325137

He's a twat and should be ignored.

>> No.10325141
File: 281 KB, 1200x900, Middle_Hill_Residentional_View_201504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10325142

Because most of the people in California on EBT aren't white. So it's racist.

>> No.10325149
File: 19 KB, 403x312, yes please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first of the month
All rise for the welfare anthem


>> No.10325152

White Europeans are literally the only races in the world who have voluntarily abandoned slavery and pushed for equality.

>> No.10325160

My local burger king has a huge WE ACCEPT EBT sign it makes me sad to look at

>> No.10325164

Food stamps are an agricultural subsidy they are not meant to feed people. It does not matter how they are spent a lobster fisherman deserves the same chance to get the money as a wheat farmer.

>> No.10325168

that sounds sexy as fuck.

>> No.10325170

This song is hilarious, no one is proper thugging on food stamps, government agents busting down your door and the politicians stealing your money via taxes is proper thugging.

>> No.10325172
File: 25 KB, 530x298, whiteonly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pushed for equality
Separate but equal, right cleetus?

>> No.10325175

>Is this the right thing to do?
No, and it will only solidify the poor, and minority vote to the Dems who want these groups to be completely dependent on the state.

>> No.10325182

food stamps are a democratic spoils system meant to buy and entrench votes don't fool yourself

>> No.10325192

It works too, dumbass trailer trash/shiskins.
"Dat nice man 'gon keep givin' uz gibz ifen wez vote fa him!" "Get yo black ass in they tyrone and vote!"

>> No.10325193

Fucking liberals are cancer. California, along with those other liberal shitholes like NY and CT, deserve to go broke.

>> No.10325205

I have lived in Chicago and have met more Commiefornians than any man should meet in his entire lifetime. I see liberals, women and shitskins as cancerous parasties, until they can prove otherwise that is my stance.

>> No.10325210

Bullshit, everyone knows they buy the store brand cans and resell them for profit or they simply shoplift and return items. Returning cans for a credit doesn't pull in enough money fast enough to get cigarettes. Hell, most of them simply sell their food stamps for quick cash before doing any of this.

>> No.10325211

You all willfully walked back onto the plantation after we told you not to and now you are back in chains bitching at the people who tried to free you while praising your enslavers, again.

Black people are fucked

>> No.10325214

lol if we didn't want you to be equal, you wouldn't be.
if we wanted you to stop existing, you would.
all the memes in the world doesn't change that, lad

>> No.10325222
File: 75 KB, 666x499, zr62o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a black person could possibly know about the Jim Crow system
>history books are a Chinese hoax
I guess this guy was right >>10324994

No amount of busing can change your attitudes towards education

>> No.10325245

Nobodies more poorly educated than blacks, guess who is the strongest base for democrats?

>> No.10325258

>I have lived in Chicago and have met more Commiefornians than any man should meet in his entire lifetime.

Chicago is a shit hole that is about to go bankrupt. Hell, the entire state of Illinois is basically bankrupt.

Chicago may be just about as liberal & "progressive" as California. And yes, they are one of the top welfare states in the nation.

>> No.10325262

I know most normalfags are absolutely retarded and can't seem to wrap their heads around this concept but here it is. Unless you educate yourself you are most likely being fed some bullshit.

>> No.10325269

I left for many reasons, will never go back, will most likely never see my grandparents or uncles ever again that live there.

>> No.10325275
File: 62 KB, 836x960, 1521627040142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP claims the poor are fat but in reality it's the rich being fat

>> No.10325277

I'm not American, I'm British; we spent millions and used huge numbers of ships to eradicate slavery and under English law, everyone was equal. So no. The US is the outlier.

>> No.10325302


Most of my family left and we brought our small business with us. Fuck Chicago.

>> No.10325305

on one hand, it's cheap, and we are feeding them. on the other hand, this food is unhealthy as fuck, and can cause some awful health effects. I think at that point, choices turn into opinions and are no longer facts

>> No.10325315

>tfw not a hunter-gatherer

>> No.10325317
File: 89 KB, 416x300, segregation1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobodies more poorly educated than blacks
Is that supposed to reflect well upon you people?

>> No.10325336
File: 56 KB, 626x382, tmp_26210-2017-Cadillac-XT5-1011-626x3821665241298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every person I've known who has section 8 and uses EBT has owned a Cadillac suv.

Food for thought.

>> No.10325339

>whites are genetically inferior to asians

This is what tickets actually believe.

>> No.10325345

good goy

It's not too late

>> No.10325351

>Is that supposed to reflect well upon you people?

Nope. We give blacks every single opportunity and then some to "earn" good grades. He'll we're at the point where we hand out "A"s to blacks for taking "ebnoics" as a class.

Add that to all the affrimative action, letting in unqualified blacks, and quotas for hiring unqualified blacks. etc.

America has more social programs & Affirmative Action programs for blacks more than ANY other race.

It's not our fault blacks don't value education nor have the discipline to study hard. I've literally hear blacks accuse Math, MATH, as "racist" as an excuse for their own inability to learn.

>> No.10325356 [DELETED] 

chink, you want me to post the countless webm coming from china ? You are sub-human, the asian are superior to nigger is a meme

>> No.10325366

>500 year old slaves

Please provide an example and use evidence for your claim that slaves live in America today.

>> No.10325384

How much Yoruba do they speak at home? Are they animists? Do they run around in loincloths? How long have they lived here?

Oh, that long, hmm. Maybe it's less "black culture" as it is "American culture" mixed with rampant, systemic racism.

When a child grows up a criminal, normal cultures blame the parent. In this case, the "parent" is you.

>> No.10325399

>In this case, the "parent" is you.

>> No.10325412

Nigger go back to worldstarhiphop with your own kind, you'll feel at home

>> No.10325417

See >>10325222

>> No.10325419

I pissed of Ghost from TCR from making a "splice" of him singing this song.

>> No.10325420

Your queen wears a hijab so as not to offend the muslim ruling class

>> No.10325446

>'ports havnt been reclassified to a vegetable
>Old English isnt a bread product
Get those two and youll have totally cut out the middle man for EBT fraud

>> No.10325447

They need to make EBT cards only work at places that serve
>Avocado Toast
>Korean BBQ
>Vegan Baked Goods

I like most of this stuff but I would really love if the bleeding hearts actually had to mix with the people they "care" about

>> No.10325453
File: 40 KB, 505x489, black parenting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10325463

>here let me show this Asian what a good job we did by posting examples of how badly we fucked up
Preaching to the choir, but, thanks I guess.

>> No.10325480

Haven't heard that in ages, Crossroads is the only one widely remembered by them. Hmm, who are you?

>> No.10325484

Why is it that incestuous overtones are so common during black family gatherings?

>> No.10325485


>> No.10325493

>inb4 the pic of daddy nig fingering his daughter at the father's day picnic

>> No.10325497

>Offering welfare recipients the option to buy fast food on ebt means they are forced to buy 3 McDoubles a day instead of groceries
Racism of low expectations desu senpai

>> No.10325500

White Mother remarried to a black man and his Uncle had raped him and multiple throughout the family. They never said shit and he tried it with me during visits. Deleware is stuck in the 80's btw, Newcastle/Wilmington specifically, why do dollar stores need metal detectors and guards? Female and at least my feet aren't dead.

>> No.10325505

Don't forget...

>The pic of the Negress laying in the middle of the floor with her legs spread exposing her cooter to her entire family at christmas

>> No.10325516

despite the memes, that, child sexual abuse, and homosexuality are far more rampant with blacks, it's just completely closeted and not addressed.

>> No.10325526

allows eligible homeless, disabled, and/or elderly (ages 60 and above)

It’s not for ALL users. Homeless don’t have a stove to cook on or a microwave to heat that frozen food in... that’s whom it’s basically geared towards, (remember, EBT specifically bans the purchase of hot, ready to eat food).

>> No.10325537

Yeah because governments are really good at saving money...

>> No.10325540
File: 75 KB, 470x480, 1490664857154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mama complex because no father and seeing their mother being whore and shitting half brother

>> No.10325549

alot of butthurt in this thread

>> No.10325555

Here is the end of this debate or whatever. The reason why fast food joints and take out food from restaurants need to be accepted by EBT is actually simple.

Not everyone that has food stamps has a stove or kitchen or is allowed to cook in their rented rooms or apt.

Case in point. I live near a few old folks homes. They do not have stoves in their rooms. They are also not allowed to have a hot plate, I think the most they can have is a microwave. But there is a whole food near the homes and they buy hot pre-made food at the end of the day when whole food marks down the hot food bar down to 4 or so dollars a pound.

>> No.10325559

Stay triggered, taxcucks.


>> No.10325563

4chan's userbase is getting older; they are starting to pay taxes.

>> No.10325567

Slavery, most people seem to like it.

>> No.10325569

>I am horribly poor
Yeah I sure am """jealous"""

>> No.10325581

>I am horribly poor
That's not poor, if it is then we have solved poverty.

>> No.10325588

This man is right, I make $1,000 a year, if you can't feed yourself you just need to die.

>> No.10325595

>Running water, electricity, access to abundant food and choice of entertainment
American poverty is 75% of the worlds upper class. Our lower class has a fucking obesity epidemic

>> No.10325597

$65 out of 100 in taxes goes to the military...

>> No.10325604

Good, At least i'm benefiting from it.

>> No.10325609

>$65 out of 100 goes to the pockets of politicians, their masters and their lackeys.

>> No.10325623


>> No.10325630

Nobody cares about the proles

>> No.10325634

>you're not enjoying that cheap gas our military brings to the US.

>> No.10325640
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Learn what discretionary spending is, brainlet. That's what you're talking about.

>> No.10325646
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>> No.10325648

Those aren't the proles though, those are the parasites. Proles are the working class that pay taxes and help support these societal vampires.

>> No.10325649
File: 145 KB, 1003x915, discretionary_spending_pie,_2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're wrong about that too, btw

>> No.10325650

Thats federal taxes, its like 20% at most, and considering it pays for a shitton of R&D, personnel education and creates tons of employment most Americans dont care as much as they should.

State taxes can be better or worse depending on where you are, california skims an extra 13% off your income, NY takes 8.8%. you get most of it back in tax returns unless youre income is in the millions. These taxes pay for benefits and they fucking suck because of how volatile they are compared to federal taxes. You niggers can fuck off about taxes until you own a home and the local school decides it needs a new football field so your mortgage payment goes up $50 again

>> No.10325656

We don’t import gas, it’s made here...

>> No.10325661

Combining social security, labor, and unemployment seems a bit arbitrary.

>> No.10325663

Lobbying. Back when I worked as a cashier I'd say 95+% of crab legs and lobster, and ~80% of shrimp at my store were purchased with EBT by fat black people. Then later in the day you'd see generally hispanic mothers with bags under their eyes purchase actual necessities with WIC.

>> No.10325666

we increase our world supply and the price goes down.

>> No.10325669

So separate them. 33% is still 33%. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.10325679

This does not include many military-related items that are outside of the Defense Department budget, such as nuclear weapons research, maintenance, cleanup, and production, which are in the Atomic Energy Defense Activities section,[15] Veterans Affairs, the Treasury Department's payments in pensions to military retirees and widows and their families, interest on debt incurred in past wars, or State Department financing of foreign arms sales and militarily-related development assistance. Neither does it include defense spending that is not military in nature, such as the Department of Homeland Security, counter-terrorism spending by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and intelligence-gathering spending by NSA.

>> No.10325683

The problem is that as bad as the government is at distributing prepaid debit cards, it's fantastically worse at the real, extraordinarily complex logistics of shipping food everywhere. EBT needs reform and serious fraud enforcement but boxed food will be even worse.

>> No.10325686

Are you always this angry? I was just making an observation m8

>> No.10325687

Not if the fuel is at the wrong location.

>> No.10325707

So add a few percentage points for all of that. Still a bit short of 65%, innit?

Assumed you were the redditor I was replying to and I don't like stupid. Sorry if that wasn't you.

>> No.10325723

Take a third of that budget and the just fuck that shit up because it is getting siphoned to cocksuckers pockets, 'murica is being drained like the soviet union was. Rome 2.0.

>> No.10325724


>> No.10325729

military welfare queen detected

>> No.10325731

Just another guy passing through looking at a graph

>> No.10325735
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This is what Commiefornians actually believe.

>> No.10325741

I don't dispute that the U.S. spends way too much on the military. Cut 90% of their budget, idgaf. I'm just refuting the lefty talking point that they're the biggest driver of deficits and debt. Taint them, it's the new deal and great society shit.

>> No.10325742

$886 billion spent on military.

>> No.10325757

I have the strangest boner.

>> No.10325762

I am South Korean (actual Korean; not White English teacher). Why do you ask?

>> No.10325765

$70.9 billion Spent on SNAP (EBT).

>> No.10325773
File: 679 KB, 300x194, 1426044912627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what

now this I know :)

>> No.10325779

A very basic thing that can be done is to make it a photo id or something akin to it. Even doing that very basic, sensible thing will get extraordinary blowback somehow because there's a substantial amount of users that dont use it to purchase food or all of it. They will cook up somehow, some way that it is discriminatory and half the country will believe it.

>> No.10325797

well the military has bought a lot of world stability over the last 70 years, and no little meme incursions in the middle east are a spit in the river compared to what would have been the fate of the world if the us didnt exist post world war 2. not to mention technological advancements and being a glorified jobs program

meanwhile snap just keeps people fed at best

>> No.10325816

>well the military has bought a lot of world stability over the last 70 years

Do American's really eat this?

>> No.10325825

And they have destabilized some areas too.

And is it so terrible to feed some of our fellow countrypeople? At least with the money being spent locally, it helps to provide some low skilled jobs as well.

>> No.10325837

It's terrible to keep generations on welfare, yes. Terrible for them and everyone else.

>> No.10325846

Holy shit, fuck that image.

>> No.10325864


>> No.10325871

You think that if you take away their welfare they’re suddenly going to be the one to discover a cure for cancer?

>> No.10325891

I don't care if they cure cancer or sweep floors.
Work or starve.

>> No.10325899

Literally ant people.

>> No.10325900

They must love you at the VFW and the Clan rallies...

>> No.10325901

CT is going down the shitter fast, everyone I know (myself included) moved after college. There's no work at all - all the jobs are in NYC, the Boston area, or further down the coast. The big cities like Bridgeport and New Haven drive the votes, keeping shitty politicians like Malloy and Murphy in power, who do absolutely nothing about it.

>> No.10325924

>dat edge dough

>> No.10325941
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>the only way to know about a place is to be from there
You'd think complaining about the dystopian cager thing would be a clue, but I guess if you live in a trailer park it seems preposterous that people even have passports let alone have more than a vague notion about what multiple different places are like and how they compare to one another

>> No.10325961

Its not everywhere it's in Los Angeles county and only for people with disability and the elderly

>> No.10325966

Hot damn, u cosmopolitan af, bro

>> No.10325980
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>> No.10326008

The scary thing is that under the wise leadership of the sophisticated, soon the class war will emerge, chopped and screwed by desperate capitalists into also being a race war

>> No.10326021


Who has a problem with lawns?

>> No.10326022

I see, you're just a dumb tourist.

>> No.10326025

keeping telling yourself everyone that disagrees with you is some fat redneck living in a trailer park while you post more epic in and out threads

>> No.10326057

>Goes to some country for a week
>Never leaves the tourist zone
>Deals with only the top 2% of people in sterile environments
>Spends 500x what the normal citizen does while hes there
>Conflates this experience with how the country operates
This is the majority of people who think they are "cultured" from travelling. Most tourists are dumber as a result of where they visited then if they never set foot in it

>> No.10326066

>San Jose
>tourist zone

>> No.10326071
File: 165 KB, 1032x774, 1427065910590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see liberals, women and shitskins as cancerous parasties
Same. This is me getting ready to purge the parasites.

>> No.10326101

do at least 1 compound exercise daily. jesus christ...

>> No.10326174

I train with the blade daily

>> No.10327457

What the fuck happened to Burger King? The Whopper and Double Cheeseburger in that pic looks really huge.

>> No.10327479

>What happened to burger king.
They decided to just fuck their shit up about 10-15 years ago and they haven't been the same since.

>> No.10327504

Nowadays only the Whopper Jr tastes good. The Chicken and all the other sandwiches have gone to shit. I'm still mad they got rid of the Big King.

>> No.10327534

You're right, its very wrong.
We shouldn't be paying them at all, soupkitchens are available for the lower class.
50 pounds of rice can be had for less than a days work, fuck out of my taxes.

>> No.10327543

Hamburgers aren’t why people are fat. Ordering two hamburgers is healthier than ordering a hamburger and fries. It’s the sides that make people fat.

>> No.10327550

>Heart disease is the number one killer in america
>government program promoting unhealthy junk food diet
>health sector costs tax payers a ton of money
>now we will have even more heart disease, diabetes and cancer
Just image in a few years.

>> No.10327946
File: 29 KB, 382x385, IMG_5931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise that the old burger king logo is the same as the hungry jack's logo
really causes my synapse to prolapse

it's evolution desu, the retards who go overboard or can't handle fast foods will tend to die early and so have a lower chance of reproduction. heart disease will be a thing of the past in a few generations looking at the way things are going, and we'll have a disciplined, healthy population.

>> No.10328015

Well, we've got a glut of unskilled workers whose stressful poverty-stricken lifestyle results in higher insurance costs, a greater strain on social welfare programs, prison and legal system costs, and a depressed minimum wage.
Killing them asap is a valid strategic option and this is a PC way to do it.

It is morally reprehensible, however, and will make the lives of these citizens worse. You can get 2-3 pounds of chicken for the cost of any fast food meal. Two big fucking bags of salad greens. A selection of fruits and vegetables. Four pounds of pasta.
This, of course, assumes that the individuals in question would make healthy and efficient choices. They also have the option of buying supermarket trash food.

>> No.10328647


>> No.10328768
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>> No.10328861

>implying we're not seeing signs like this specifically excluding whites on college campuses now.

The Left want the separation more than anyone else. They call it safe spaces.

>> No.10329301

more like defeat
it's already over
the future is several IQ distributions lower and a burnt orange color

>> No.10329671

So what? There's a reason they're poor and illiterate. They're fucking DUMB. Intelligence is largely determined by your genetics. Let the uneducated dumb masses consume shit food and do the shit jobs.

>> No.10329683

I mean if they can use it at some fast food restaurants, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to use it at others. If I was one of the ones they couldn't use it at I'd be kind of eager to get in on it too.

Though I think Pizza Hut is pushing it. Ordering pizza is wasteful if you're on that kind of budget.

>> No.10329687

How do you plan for that to go about? This isn't Atlas Shrugged Ayn.

>> No.10329722

I did, but then I got called an evil racist sexist bigot