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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 887 KB, 1592x880, ipafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10322249 No.10322249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he drinks IPA

>> No.10322256

Your image is all wrong, OP. Soyboys can't handle the bitterness of IPAs. Instead, they drink beers like PBRs or stouts.

>> No.10322264

Only soyboys drink beer

>> No.10322266

>muh crafty overly expensive le hop explosion IPA xD

>> No.10322271

>I cant afford any good beer and only drink bud light, the post.

>> No.10322279

>defensive soyboy discovers that maybe being a soyboy isn't such a bad thing after all
Embrace the soy, soiboi

>> No.10322284

soybois drink pumpkin spice beer.

>> No.10322287

Nigga, I drink trappist all day. It's a fraction of your overly expensive crafty soyboy IPAs.

>> No.10322289

>lag IPA
Sierra Nevada is better, but lag is good shit

>> No.10322300

lol that's literally the second gayest beer after pumpkin spice.

>> No.10322305

>>1032230 0
>literally God's beer
No (you) for you.

>> No.10322309

>made by monks who are abstinent men who sleep together

>> No.10322312

True saints.

>> No.10322315
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>drinking expensive raisin water

>> No.10322320
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>> No.10322325

soyboys believe that masculinity involves drinking bad tasting beers and growing beards

>> No.10322332

>more hops automatically makes beer better
Soyboy detected

>> No.10322335
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>> No.10322344

I enjoy IPAs but my taste buds are different than most people with their little babby taste buds.

>> No.10322346

Post favorite beers to trigger autists
>Coppertail Unholy American Tripel

>> No.10322348

longtrail double bag.

>> No.10322356

But it's cheaper than your hop juice.

>> No.10322359

I've never paid over 2$ per beer with an ipa, or most beer I drink really

>> No.10322376
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I guess your country just sucks at making or importing beers. Because I've never paid more than that for most of my trappistes.


>> No.10322418

Where do you live? Since a bottle of orval in the states is about 5$

>> No.10322472

why the fuck does this shit show up in google before the International Phonetic Alphabet

>> No.10322492
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>not drinking the superior hefeweissen bier

>> No.10322523

I don't know, man. Those soyboys think their hop extracts can actually compete with real beers.

>> No.10322535

that's because you haven't tried a beer until you have drank a German/Austrian/Czech/Irish beer

>> No.10322536

>IPAs are a soy beer now
Since when?

>> No.10322540

Aww shut up. IPAs are fine, you tasteless faggot.

>> No.10322542


>> No.10322556

I miss Munich so god damn much. Feels good to know that I'll move there next year.

>tasteless faggot
That's your beer's problem. Maybe you should learn how to balance hops and other ingredients instead of just throwing a bunch of those and ask non sensincal prices.

>> No.10322569
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Moved to Linz in January, literally have wasted hundred in beer so far, in my free time I just go from town to town trying the beer, you're gonna have a period where you are in literal heaven and nothing can make you unhappy

best so far has been just outside hallstatt, called Hallstatt beer, better than any beer i've had in munich, pic related

>> No.10322572

>he drinks at all

>> No.10322579

I only drink IPAs because of the higher alcohol content. If I'm not going for a cheaper one like Sierra Nevada Torpedo, I'm going to buy one from a local brewery to support the local economy. Also, ever since I started drinking IPAs, all of the standard beers I used to drink taste like water and don't even get me buzzed.

To play Devil's Advocate, though, it is technically incorrect to drink an IPA soon after it's brewed, if you read the history of why it was invented.

>> No.10322581

IPA is great you fucking bitch boy.
I bet dollars to donuts you are a skinny little bitch whose never had his life anywhere near danger.

>> No.10322590
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>t. pic related

>> No.10322606

Allagash tripel
I wish I had some RIGHT FUCKING NOW instead of all this Guinness I stole from a party

>> No.10322616

Blatantly false. Soyboys drink IPAS specifically because they think the bitterness makes them manly. Same reason they grow the beard.

Also part of the reason they may like it is because it raises their already high estrogen, reminding them even more of soy.


>> No.10322631

IPAs aren't inherently bad, it's just that they have an extremely high ratio of bad/mediocre to good since every "craft" project consists of clueless retards dumping hops and wacky extra ingredients into the pot since they assume an overwhelming hop taste will cover up their poor technique.
They're associated with soy because of soy's obsession with "craft beers" and a caricatured idea of masculinity that revolves around pretending to like unpleasant things, such as paying 12 US dollars to drink Limited Edition Ultra Sriracha Hop Bomb 666 brewed in some dude's basement while chastising others for enjoying bland everyday beers.

>> No.10322659

honestly most of the time im drinking its to get drunk so i almost exclusively drink rolling rock. granted im in college. if im at a restaurant or something ill usually get a mild ipa or an amber ale. dont care about what other people drink just drink your own beer lol. although i do really disagree with the stupid gimmicky shit especially when people are "experts"

>> No.10322663

The best part is that all those countries, except Ireland, love hops and make loads of pale lagers

>> No.10322665

>not drinking the highest abv beer you can in order to maximize efficiency of getting drunk

>> No.10322683

Germany and Austria's thing is 100% weiss beer, other the lighter beers are lagers, but not at all pale and very hoppy.

Czech Republic you got me on, but their pilsner is really fucking good

>> No.10322694

since the craft market was oversaturated by totally tropical ipa shit.

>> No.10322704


>> No.10322719

IPAs are full of phytoestrogens and give you soytits

>> No.10322808

Odd that the art of manlicunts never co-opted stouts despite being their being DARK and HEAVY. Cunty stout people are more the kind to sit around in plaid shirts thinking they're special for overpaying for a limited release.

>> No.10322819

>Paying absurd prices for a couple more abv
By that logic everyone should be eyeballing Everclear when they want to get intoxicated

>> No.10323055
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>honestly most of the time im drinking its to get drunk so i almost exclusively drink rolling rock.

My niggah

>> No.10323067

>everclear to get intoxicated
autism made me do it, and i like it.

>> No.10323069

I hate the taste of hoppy beer

>> No.10323074

Lmfao soyboy detected

>> No.10323229

If I want to efficiently get drunk I'll just buy a cheap bottle of vodka.

>> No.10323234

This thread is full of autism.

>> No.10323240
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Yes, I do. And I neither have a beard, nor do I eat soy.
What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.10323256

I drink IPAs because they have a really high alcohol content and they don't taste as shitty as malt liquor.

>> No.10323259

An average IPA has 6-7% alcohol. That's not that much.
Double IPAs have up to 8.5%, which is a bit better, but again, not that much. Some Belgian ales have 13% or more, and stouts regularly beat IPAs when it comes to alcohol content too.

>> No.10323265

Beer is what responsible men drink because the amount of time it takes to drink it lessens the effect meaning you can still function.

Turning a traditionally working-class drink into the object of hipster elitism is just sad though.

I will never understand people who are alcoholics and drink mostly beer unless spirits are taxed especially harshly where they live.

>> No.10323271
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>wow, he doesn't like beer

>> No.10323278

most drop down 10/10 drunks i've seen almost exclusively drink beer because it's the only way to even sort of function while drinking all the time. If they drank liquor they'd be out of a job and money in no time

>> No.10323281


10/10 drunk here, you're a retarded hick who has no idea what you're talking about, and probably never realized that someone you know has been drunk on hard liquor for your entire life.

>> No.10323282

You're retarded

>> No.10323285

Yeah, I remember tramps in England would drink two drinks exclusively: special brew and white cider. But this was because they were homeless and because spirits were heavily taxed. When it comes to people with actual means who don't live in massive alcohol-tax countries, I can't see how they would decide the best route is to drink litres and litres of beer when they can afford drinks with are far less bloating and pack more of a punch.

>> No.10323294

>He doesn't like a niche style of beer that has recently become a meme and oversaturated the market
>He must not like beer at all

Whew lad

>> No.10323303

>what are helles lagers

>> No.10323304



Just fuck off. Your bait is retarded as fuck.

>> No.10323313

Overly saturating your beer with hops to the point it's 1500 ibu and calling it an IPA to cover for your shitty brewing is a recent phenomenon. I don't know why this makes you insecure or butthurt nor do I care

>> No.10323322


The IPA craze ended like 10 years ago. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10323336

Mate I'm a bartender at a pub with 50 taps and a quarter of them are IPAs, which is no surprise because they make up a quarter of the market. I know what I'm talking about.

And on top of that, it's a common trend now to make regular pale ales extremely hoppy without the corresponding bitterness, which can put some people off.

Again, it's fine if you like them, but just because not everyone has a penchant for septuple dryhopped bitrex infused IPAs doesn't mean they don't like beer at all

>> No.10323365

>t's a common trend now to make regular pale ales extremely hoppy without the corresponding bitterness
>extremely hoppy without the corresponding bitterness

Yeah, you have no clue what you're talking about. All the good IPAs that are still around are so because they balance out the hops with malts - the two main ingredients in beer - which is what makes the IPA the perennial patrician choice, and the mark of a master brewer.

>> No.10323373

Ahh I see you're just trolling. Carry on then

>> No.10323387


>gets btfo
>resorts to calling the other anon a troll

If your pub really has 50 taps and you are in any way in charge you should probably start looking for a new gig.

>> No.10323398

>moves goalposts
>makes strawmen
>talks about IPAs but isn't able to comprehend the difference between hoppiness and bitterness
If you aren't trolling I pity you

>> No.10323409

>He drinks beer instead of Sambuca or similar liquers.
How does it feel to drink by acquired taste?

>> No.10323436

>10/10 drunk here
>calling other people retarded hicks
whatever you say you fucking drunk

>> No.10323475
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I've never had an IPA that was better than any bland lager. It just tastes too much of hops, it's like food with too much salt. Its popularity doesn't make sense. Now I love belgian ales and trappists, which are often very sweet. They seem like they would suit soyboys better but I guess they can't handle the alchohol (8-14%). Pic related is the best beer I've ever had, it's so sharp yet rounded taste and extremely refreshing yet deep and strong (10%).

>> No.10323487


You've lost the plot, kid.

>> No.10323488

Estrogen riddled. Literal soymilk of alcoholic beverages

>> No.10323620

Fuck off retards.

>> No.10323673

I used to drink craf beers all the time but somehow I just drink lagers most of the time now. My favorite are Coors Banquet, Hofbrau for when I go to my local Weiner restaurant, and Sapporo for when I go eat ramen or Japanese curry or shit

>> No.10323695
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>mfw all the beers i like are for alpha chads and all the beers i dislike are for soyboys

>> No.10323699

Only significant in more hoppy beers since phytoestrogens are present in female hops which are used in large quantities in beers like IPA but very little in stouts.

That said, phytoestrogens have not been proven to be biologically active in humans, I would worry more about dairy which has actual mammalian estrogen which is the same as what's produced in the human body and IS metabolized by humans.

>> No.10323703
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>ctrl+f 'soy'
20 results

There is only one type of /ck/ threads that is worse than beer threads - vegan ones.

>> No.10323726

Here in the UK, its marketed as a niche product when in fact everyone and their mother is brewing it, and every single one does things like:

>give them stupid names
>add ridiculous 'secret' ingredients and methods
>have irritating quirky descriptions on the labels
>more often than not taste like soapy water
>expect people to pay a fiver for a CAN

I don't care if you've repurposed the black box from MH370 into a hopper or name it after some humourous place you went on your gap year or hand blow every single bottle from recycled church stained glass windows, 90% of the time it's liquid tripe. The only people who drink it here are people who are too scared to order a pint because they think it's what racists do.

>> No.10323738

Stouts > IPAs

>> No.10323760
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I do like IPAs but my favourite beer is Pacifico. Simple but effective

>> No.10323777

Picking or excluding any one style of beer is pleb tier, someone with taste & class will enjoy the merits of all styles and not make silly childish claims like "German Weizens are better than Flemish Oud Bruins"

>> No.10323780

It's quite telling how many insecure, projecting, feminine boys who can't handle hops are accusing IPAs of being soyboy tier

>> No.10323793

Nope it is, >>10323726 sums it up very well why. Criticizing rampant faggotry isn't projecting insecurity

>> No.10323795
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How nu-male is homebrewing /ck/?

I already know the answer but i enjoy making beer 4-7x cheaper than what i would buy it for. Australian beer tax is aids.

>> No.10323801

As evidenced by the thread, as long as it isn't an IPA then its not nu-male

>> No.10323818


>citing a dumb bong as any kind of authority on beer

Jesus christ, dude. Where did it all go so wrong for you?

>> No.10323836

>drinking massively overpriced, FLAT peyote flavoured dishwater infused with essence of pencil shavings (solely for the perceived image) is the pinnacle of beer drinking

o i am laffin

>> No.10323913
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hops and barley contain estrogen just like soy.

This soyboy meme is retarded, especially in a place where people should know what the fuck is in food.

>> No.10323919

It isn't nu-male, it's redneck.

>> No.10323929

there isn't soy in nintendo switches either, that's not really the point of the meme

>> No.10323946


>the point of the meme

Care to explain the meme to someone who doesn't frequent the shit boards? Everyone I know drinks craft beer, but I've never seen a nintendo anything since the late 90's, and don't know anyone who has. It just seems like flyover projection to me.

>> No.10323972

have you heard of tall poppy syndrome? crab in a bucket syndrome?

soyboy/numale is the inverse of that complaint. waah waah someone enjoyed something slightly different from the mediocrity I force myself to enjoy every day, that means his secondary sex characteristics must be lacking in potency

>> No.10324000

I have yet to find an ipa that I enjoy. They all taste like pure hops or like nothing at all and at that point Id rather just drink a pbr or something. I enjoy darker beers mostly but I just pretty much everything as long as it tastes good.

>> No.10324015


Agreed. This is one of the top tier choices in beer.

IPAs blow

>> No.10324038

I'm honestly impressed that some (((people))) ITT would actually defend IPA when you can find much better beers such as Rochefort, Westmalle, Orval, La Trappe or St. Bernardus around. Price wise, I bet that they aren't as expensive as those soyboys crafty hop juice.
Hell, even German weiss are cheap and a much better option.

I guess those people defending it are just burgers with no beer culture getting cucked by whatever is mainstream at the moment.

>> No.10324042

how many fucking /pol/ memes can you jam into one post, fuck

>> No.10324067

Enough to make the IPA drinkers a.k.a. soyboys mad.

>> No.10324078

It's /pol/ retardation, neckbeard/open mouth selfies = effimate males = cucks = numales and since effimate means low testosterone and high estrogen eating any food containing phytoestrogens makes you a beta numale. Therefore soy and beer are bad and the term soyboy. I think that nintendo thing just came from some pics/videos on social media. Needless to say all of that is just retarded bullshit.

>> No.10324093

The most numale thing fucking ever is giving any sort of a shit what anyone else drinks.

>> No.10324106

>neckbeard/open mouth selfies = effimate males = cucks = numales and since effimate means low testosterone
>eating any food containing phytoestrogens makes you a beta numale
it's the reverse that's what you all miss
no it's blind ipa worship culture, has zero to do with beer or even craft beer

>> No.10324141

>it's the reverse that's what you all miss
Nah they say it both ways. Beer is made with hops which are very high in phytoestrogens so that also plays into this retardation. Doesn't come up that often but I've seen it quite a few times here. More so on /fit/ because alcohol itself lowers testosterone.

>> No.10324146

I only got to try a sip of that beer once, my friend received a bottle as a gift. After trying it I immediately regretted I didn't have one, it was so damn good

>> No.10324167

A lot of triples and quads are so "heavy" that casual drinkers probably won't enjoy them. I can drink a (very rare) good IPA like water, whereas something like St Bernardus will take me an hour to finish a glass because of how strong it is (both alcohol and flavor).

>> No.10324315
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Overpriced craft beers are a core aspect of the chubby balding bearded nu-man's lifestyle

>> No.10324322
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good 'ole Mr. Reliable coming through

>> No.10324460

Didn't say it didn't exist dumbfuck, Americans make wheat beer, but we don't drink a lot of it and we aren't known for it

>> No.10324466
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kill yourselves virgin manlets

>> No.10324500

>he hasnt gone through the everclear phase yet

>> No.10324511
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drinking beer is for soyboys.

real men drink spirits.

beer is full of yeast-active estrogen by default, and if you're having IPAs you have all the hops estrogen ON TOP of that.

also it objectively tastes bad 95% of the time anyway. The soyest of drinks.

>> No.10324525

Its a damn shame.

>> No.10324626

Depends on the area. Wheat beers are super common in the Midwest summers. Same with lots of pale lagers. Ya know, because most people are of German descent here.

>> No.10324631

Phytoestrogen is not estrogen.

>> No.10324693

Growing up in the midwest means if you drink IPAs you are a fucking hipster soyfag.

I moved to Cali for grad school and lagers/ales/wheat beers all the go tos in the Midwest are basically non existent. It’s either learn to like IPAs or don’t drink beer anymore. This state is consuming me, rather than me it

>> No.10324694

soy does not contain estrogen.

>> No.10324722

Alcohol itself has like 78432786324 times the effect of your "yeast-like estrogen".

>> No.10324740

Unless if it's from soy.

>> No.10324779

but will never beat the american light beer no matter how german those fuckers are, that's a fact, and as a guy who has lived in Austria, most people drink either a lager(not pale) or a weiss bier

>> No.10324796

if you're really desperate for some non ipa and don't mind paying a premium, you could buy it online, but expect to pay double the price because shipping

>> No.10324870

New glarus out sells bud light in wisconsin. I'd argue Minnesota and Michigan both have similar trends as well, but that's just from what I see, not any real data unlike wisconsin

>> No.10324871
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>> No.10325519


You know that triple and quad IPAs are a thing, right? Triple IPAs are probably the best all around style out there.

>> No.10325523


He was just bullshitting. You can get any style in California.

>> No.10325603

>he drinks beer

>> No.10325712

As long as you exercise regularly you shouldn’t have to worry about growing tits and having a dick that doesn’t work.

I would love to drink drink an IPA because I like exploring different kinds of beer in general, but I broke my nose playing baseball as a kid. The trauma fucked up my olfactory nerve, and that bitter hop taste that everyone else loves just tastes like soap to me.

>> No.10325858

Source in the manga is Parasyte: The Maxim if anyone was wondering. The dub of the anime was actually decent.

Also, if you have a balanced diet, work out, drink in moderation, and all the other healthy person shit you’re supposed to do you shouldn’t worry about the minuscule amount of estrogen in the beer you had with dinner. It’s not like your shooting HRT into your dick.

>> No.10326127

Schneider Weisse Tap 7 for cheap beers.
Trappiste Rochefort 10 if I want to pay a bit more.

>> No.10326143

At least you moved where you belong. There's nothing worse than a flyover liberal

>> No.10326150

Who /IBA/ here

>> No.10326161
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>Not drinking the true Patricians beverage

>> No.10326191
File: 134 KB, 600x900, birra_del_borgo_lisa_light_italian_session_ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this light italian session ale. It's almost like an IPA but goes down smoother.

>> No.10326207
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>this triggers the ipacuck

>> No.10326275

Being 'into' craft beer is definitely a reddit/numale activity - sorry to break it to you

>> No.10326296

>thinking anyone "can't handle" an ipa
>I must be a big tough man and not a soiboi because I can handle an ipa

>> No.10326298

>come home from stressful day at school
>eat slice of homemade sourdough dipped in olive oil
>drink glass of wine
>all worries melt away
Who /roman/ here?

>> No.10326307

It's a purely consumptive hobby just like video games, it's why it elicits disgust naturally. Real men create things.

>> No.10326324
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>> No.10326372
File: 232 KB, 1024x919, pabst-blue-ribbon-pbr-beer-online-1397100558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's PBR. The best cheap beer that still tastes great!

>> No.10326380

>real men create things
like men who brew their own beer?

>> No.10326451

>tfw no bars i go to ever have Busch light

>> No.10326461

Perfectly acceptable hobby but to say your hobby is to simply consume beer is stupid.

>> No.10326502

People consider drinking a hobby? I'd label it an interest but definitely not a hobby

>> No.10326556

a Triple IPA has nothing to do with a Belgian Tripel.

>> No.10326618

The best beer is still Kellerbier. No matter what kind of beer you drink, it becomes better when you drop the filtration

>> No.10326825
File: 133 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most normie beer you can get in eastern canada certainly not hipster or soy or whatever this stupid meme is

>> No.10326854
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>i refuse to drink bud light

>> No.10326861



>> No.10326873


based lightbeer bros

>> No.10326906

Hell yeah!

>> No.10327429

>shitting on heineken
How dare you?

>> No.10329256

This thread makes my fucking blood boil.
IPAs are not for 'soyboys' or 'numales', they are for seasoned hoppaholics who can appreciate the subtle intricacies of hopps. Go drink your bud light horse piss and leave the good craft beer to the adults.

>> No.10329263


>larping this blatantly just to bump your own thread

>> No.10329273


>based lightqueer bros
ftfy buttercup

>> No.10329276
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>tastes great

>> No.10329284

Dumb fucking meme you got there

>> No.10329344

This. IPAs are effin delicious

>> No.10329471
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>> No.10329666
File: 59 KB, 411x300, ukip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink IPAs because I like the bitterness. I've liked bitterness my whole life. My favorite juice was grapefruit juice as a kid.

And are you seriously calling Nigel Farage a soyboy? He's a top lad my friend.

>> No.10329697
File: 8 KB, 349x321, 1513854638310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink all beers but I prefer IPA's because they are objectively better.

>> No.10329749

Imperial stouts, porters, dubbels and tripels are all better you drongo

>> No.10329758

Imperial stouts, porters, dubbels and tripels are for neckbeards.

>> No.10329787

You're a fucking idiot if you think stout is a shit beer. Get a head check you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.10329822

I agree with this. My normie friends drink ipa. Most people I see drinking stouts and shit are loner neckbeards.

>> No.10329831
File: 41 KB, 600x410, 1449064287386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips

>> No.10329876

Not very. While there's a tonne of nu-male and faggot brewers out there who start with all grain kits. If you've ever searched for homebrew videos then you'll know exactly the type I'm talking about.

It's pretty normal to brew your own. My local homebrew store round the corner only has one of these types on the payroll and the rest are men in their mid to late 40's up to a nice chill guy in his 60's.
I'm still brewing from kits just now and occasionally do some BIAB stuff on my cooker. I got into it because I wanted to simplify my beer delivery system. Brewing at home means I'm not constantly buying beer at a premium price elsewhere, not having to deal with recycling/binning a bunch of glass every week and all I have to do in return is clean a bucket and move 20~L of water and sugar every week or two. I'm not brewing to try and make the perfect beer, I don't give a fuck about fancy bottles, labeling or perfecting a recipe; I just want a nice cheap, pint with minimal effort that I can share with my buddy when he comes over to play games/watch a flick.

Wouldn't mind having a nice 40L boiler, but I'm worried that once I own it I'll have a craving to start eating sausage.

>> No.10330006


>> No.10330010

T. You mostly just drink heffeweisens and brown ales because you can't take the bitterness of hops or the intensity of porters

>> No.10330016

I think lagers are better than ales desu. Usually cheaper and way easier to drink for some reason. The only thing ales have over them is the ageing aspect for some styles
>inb4 ageing is a meme
It's not. It entirely depends on the abv and style of beer though.

>> No.10330022

>opinion of a soyboy whose nation lost a war against unarmed birbs
Just off urself m8.

>> No.10330027

aging isin't a meme with beer, you nailed it though, it only works with some beers, but no where near the affects that aging have on wine and scotch

I can drink a shit ton of lagers, but can never get through more than a couple ales, they're just heavy and more of a snack drink than a get fucked up and enjoy yourself drink

>> No.10330032

>Share with my buddy when he comes over to play games/watch a flick

I don't think you need to worry about a boiler making you start craving sausage m8...

>> No.10330051

>seasoned hoppaholics
This post screams of soy

>> No.10330069

Pretty much so the NEETs who frequent /pol/ can feel better about their own shortcomings by illuminating the shortcomings over others. What I think is stupid about it is how many connections they'll make based on a set of 15 pictures that hasn't changed.

>> No.10330832
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Corona Extra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Corona Extra. Nothing yells spring and summer better than cracking a couple of these open with some lime. Refreshing, light taste in a recognizable bottle. Some of my greatest memories are drinking some of these and fucking my blonde hair, blue eyed girlfriend with my mexican cock. Corona Extra, find your beach.

>> No.10330922

I only see them drinking ciders.

>> No.10331007

Are you fucking joking? The only people I see drinking IPAs are soyboys and pseuds. Just look at the fucking labels on IPAs, they're always le ironic pop culture references or weed references or LE BITTER HOPPYNESSSS XD shit with cutsey faggot art.

Seriously neck yourself you IPA drinking cuckold.

>> No.10331024
File: 1.88 MB, 3024x4032, breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fav

>> No.10331115

>Drinks IPA, therefore cuckold
That's a stretch even for projection.

>> No.10331118

Bit rude desu

>> No.10331160

>tfw IPA gives you the shits for days

>> No.10331175

Bongs invented IPA so it isn't hipstery for them to drink it.

>> No.10331190


Bongs also invented English but that doesn't mean they know how to speak it.