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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 365 KB, 573x445, white people cooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10294140 No.10294140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do white folks be so scared of a little salt & spices?

>> No.10294142

snowflakes melt when exposed to heat

>> No.10294145

A want to taste meat, not pajeets asshole

>> No.10294153
File: 202 KB, 724x603, 1501748654102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are niggers and spics such dumb assholes.

>> No.10294161

Eyeglasses are a yellow invention...

>> No.10294165


>> No.10294167

lel you're falling for their bait now. Nice /pol/, nice.

>> No.10294170

transistors were invented by an african american buddy so computer is a pretty stupid thing to credit to one race . try again

>> No.10294173


Silly white boy. Niggers invented errthang, don't you know?

>> No.10294174

*he improved it not invented

>> No.10294177


OP is not wrong you know. White people food is bland as shit.

>> No.10294181


>White people raped & pillaged the Earth for spices
>white folks be so scared of a little salt & spices

Which is it?

>> No.10294184



>> No.10294194

>>White people raped & pillaged the Earth for spices

More like shitskins were all too happy & eager to trade their wothless backyard plants for white people's gold & jewlery.

Seemed like shitskins were making a killing scamming dumb white tourists throughout history.

>> No.10294195


>has highest blood pressure
>has highest obesity rates
>has highest chance of diabetes
>has highest chance of heart disease

Black cuisine is just salt on top of salt on top of salt. No culture.

>> No.10294197

It's okay to be jewish.

>> No.10294199
File: 10 KB, 941x114, whitepeoplesex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"we wuz inventerz n shiet"

A black person could say the same thing about the human invasion of eurasia, doesn't change Africa being shit.

And your history doesn't change the downward trend of the west, which necessitates many white men fading into obsolescence (due to the upward trend of Asia).

>> No.10294205

i'm white and i like curry and foods with lots of spices but sometimes i also like simple foods too. like if you roast meat properly it can taste good with just a bit of salt, but it's okay to season it more sometimes too.

also just adding a ton of spices can be pretty bad if you don't know what you're doing and add too much, or if you're using old and flavorless ones.

sometimes i like a chickpea curry made with 7 or 8 different spices, sometimes i like chickpeas just with butter, onions, salt, and vinegar. both are good. i'm making chickpeas tonight, probably gonna do a curry.

i've never seen a black customer at an indian buffet i regularly go to although a black guy works there.

does anyone remember that scene from scary movie when cindy got a phone call and the person was saying "seven days" like from the ring movie, but it was cutting out and cindy thought the person said "(someone's) gay"? that was pretty funny.

>> No.10294207

>you have to be black to recognize facts

murican logic

>> No.10294211

>people bought spices and then just handed them out freely
they sold them to make a profit dumdum

>> No.10294213

>for white people's gold & jewlery.
I get the feeling you don't know very much about colonial history anon.

>> No.10294224
File: 92 KB, 827x751, civ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10294225

t. asian masculinity activist

>> No.10294226


Pretty sure this is one of those mutually-exclusive things, unless you're implying that white people did all of this to hunt down and eliminate spices in some kind of proto-culinaricidal mania. Like some kind of kitchen Nazis or what-have-you, hellbent on destroying the residents of Flavortown with fire and conquest.

Is that what this is? Lambasting the entirety of Europe for something an Austrian did, but this time it's about cooking?


>Show up in a new area
>Brought plenty of staples, like purple carrots and potatoes
>Tastes kind of dull
>Locals won't talk
>What the hell, why not, let's use this weird-smelling sprout over here to make these lame-ass potatoes taste better while we wait for the locals to warm up to us

>> No.10294229

>More like shitskins were all too happy & eager to trade their wothless backyard plants for white people's gold & jewlery.

This. Pajeets gonna scam ya, in any century.

>> No.10294237

So you guys are saying white people are so dumb that anyone can scam them?

>> No.10294240
File: 93 KB, 470x470, Chinafrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And your history doesn't change the downward trend of the west, which necessitates many white men fading into obsolescence (due to the upward trend of Asia).

We literally OWN those niggers & their resources now. African Niggers fucking love chinese now.

>> No.10294244
File: 952 KB, 310x310, 'Merican Woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you guys are saying white people are so dumb that anyone can scam them?


>> No.10294248

What a shitty thread.

>> No.10294256


Have you met a millenial aged white liberal tourist? They'll believe any shit you make up and tell them. They gullible as fuck. lol

>> No.10294272

Their corrupt politicians love china, the people will turn against them soon enough once they realise all china is doing is building infrastructure in order to move the wealth/resources out of their countries (again).

What does that have to do with white people being scammed all throughout history?


>> No.10294284

Go away /pol/ I'm trying to enjoy my time on /ck/

>> No.10294301

White boi here. I think that the meme "white food is bland" is a bit overdone, we usually drown our shit in garlic and salt. I personally can't handle heat at all though, I just start sweating immediately and feeling uncomfortable when something is to spicy. Spiciest I'll go are jalapenos. There are men in my family who pretend to like spicy food though, I'm just not sure whether they genuinely enjoy it or whether they're just trying to prove to others how hardcore they are.