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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 500x287, parm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10264935 No.10264935 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk parm

I can get the real stuff from Italy for $22/lb. No thanks. What's an acceptable alternative?

>> No.10264964

Use another aged cheese? Even Sam's Club has some both domestic and imported wedges for between 8-14 USD lb.

I'm a manchego fiend myself. I've got something called surchoix? from Wisconsin I haven't opened yet.

>> No.10264981

Or parmesan that isn't from Italy
dumb shit
>inb4 salty yuropoors crying about foreign versions of their cheese

>> No.10264983

Don't eat cheese, it's an animal based foodstuff.
Animals raised for consumption are responsible for 14%-18% of global CO2 emissions.
Did you know that there's an acceptable amount of blood in milk? Milking cows have been bred to develop large udders, they suffer if they aren't milked in a while and the milking process can be physically damaging to result in the presence of that blood I talked about. Did you know that dairy calves are separated from their mothers at an early age? This hurts both the parent and the infant.

>> No.10264993

go away, this thread is not for you
thanks for not recommending a brand, real helpful

>> No.10264996

Pecorino, Gran Padano?

I like in UK so it's all legit/affordable hehe

>> No.10265003

Have you not heard of vegan cheese ? They milk the little tiddies of skinny vegan chicks and make cheese from the powdered milk that comes out. no amnibles are hurt.

>> No.10265006

Any decent supermarket has a cheesemonger that wraps it fresh, jackass

>> No.10265011

again, not helpful

>> No.10265015

OP really didn't discuss a brand

>> No.10265025

>milk is a blood from cow and amnible

>> No.10265046

choke on your kraft sawdust and die

>> No.10265106

I think we can assume the goal is not to replace parmesan cheese but to lower the price, so a name brand somewhere between kraft sawdust and DOP parm is what we are after

>> No.10265113

Our tasty meals > Their suffering

>> No.10265401

Go starve then, faggot.
Google shit for yourself instead of acting like a haughty autist.
Fucking retards

>> No.10265415
File: 36 KB, 600x600, locatelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10265996

Kerrygold dubliner cheese, it's the shit.

>> No.10266023

>/ck/ thread
>OP is autistic
Woah, shocking twist!

>> No.10266032

just go buy a fuckjhuge wheel from some Wholefoods, they all have a display somewhere

>> No.10266034

>be me italianfag
>can have all the parmigiano i want

>> No.10266044
File: 7 KB, 191x188, 1520554297746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can get the real stuff from Italy for $22/lb
no need, kraft™ is just as good!

>> No.10266046

Nigga you can literally get wedges from fucking target, they may not be reggiano but it'll get the job done

>> No.10266048

I'd rather be white and just pay a bit more for imported parmesan vs. being Italian

>> No.10266051

Fuck yeah

>> No.10266058

>Le 56% thinks he's white

>> No.10266074


>> No.10266078

poor American raised on a chemical diet detected

>> No.10267802 [DELETED] 

my kroger has affordable parmigiano reggiano that has never failed to deliver the flavor i'd expect.
it's pretty grate.
i also get pecorino romano some times since those cheeses last so long in a fridge, i never run out of quality cheese grating/shaving hard cheeses.

>> No.10267879


>> No.10268351

This is why vegans are so hated.

>> No.10268362

you only use it as a spice though, it's like bitching that a pound of black pepper is expensive

>> No.10268534

can i freeze a block if i dont actually use it all that often and then just grate the frozen cheese?

>> No.10268550

Just buy the real thing, are you poor or something?

>> No.10268621

kill yourself, faggot

>> No.10268921

grana padano is almost the same and cheaper

>> No.10268922


>> No.10268926

Whiter than you, Joseppi.

>> No.10268935

You can get a Wisconsin parmesan. Not as good, but cheaper.

>> No.10268939

It doesnt taste the same

>> No.10268941


>> No.10268981

rub some on your taint, if you bleed, it is good quality.

>> No.10269446

every time i see this i get a bit of a chub going

>> No.10269470

you're barking up the wrong tree in the wrong thread my dude

>> No.10269491

Just get the Trader Joe's parmesan wedges. About $5 a wedge and tastes fantastic.

>> No.10269495

my nigga. i could eat a tub of that shit plain

>> No.10269500

they have better food in Italy


>> No.10271780

>they have better food in Italy
You gotta be fucking kidding me. Muh tomatoes and pasta, two ingredients robbed from S. American and chink peasants? Italian cuisine is a joke and there obsessive consumption of pasta is literally a form of slavery. It puffs up their cheeks like grotesque masks on a fountain and nails them to the chair, gorged and stupefied, apoplectic and gasping. Italians are not only pathetic they are not white.

>> No.10271851

You're not going to get exactly the same taste for a lower price, genius.

>> No.10272924

Ive got nipples
can you milk me?

>> No.10272932

The "pasta came from China" meme is a fake story created by a Canadian spaghetti company. Pasta most likely evolved from couscous dishes.

>> No.10273288
File: 242 KB, 608x1161, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerimutt claiming europeans from a region that was instrumental in forming what we now call western culture are not white
not sure if I should laugh or cry

>> No.10273308

t. ameritard

>> No.10273602

>parmesan that isn't from Italy

And drink OJ made with Real Florida Oranges from cali? Eat cereal with California Raisins grown in France? Drink Champagne from grapes grown in Chile? Oh you want a coke? Here, I brought you a Pepsi.

Fucking use the real names for things you dense cunts.

>> No.10273609

>What's an acceptable alternative?

Grana Padano is a similar cheese that actually tastes a bit better but is less famous and therefore sells a bit cheaper.

Otherwise, I'm sure there's a local hard cheese you can get that ain't bad.

>> No.10273658

I love those movies

>> No.10273766

it's cheaper because it can be produced all year long so there is more offer,
parmigiano can only be produced in a certain period of time

>> No.10273776

sick meme and all but thats the kinda shit that needs to stop, gotta band together to protect what little is left agaisnt constant assault and tthis shit ain't helping

>> No.10274836

that's what I do, though you should cut it into smaller pieces first