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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10253494 No.10253494 [Reply] [Original]

is there a fool-proof way to cook good rice?
whenever I try, I end up with rice mush.
what are the big do's and dont's

>> No.10253507

Do, buy real rice. The kind that comes in large bags and isn't par-cooked.

Do, buy the right kind for the job. There are several kinds of rice. Soak overnight and briefly steam the rice for sticky rice. Do not rinse.

>> No.10253509
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eat oatmeal instead anon

>> No.10253515

/fit/, please

>> No.10253525

Boil water in pan
Throw in rice
Put fire little lower when it starts to boil again, put on lid
Wait 8 minutes
Get rid of the water
Add salt and stir
Keep lid on for a few minutes

>> No.10253539

Minute® Rice

>> No.10253749

Boil water, throw in rice, cover, turn heat on low

>> No.10253783
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wash rice beforehand.
DONT mix it after you put it in the pot.
Cover and dont fucking touch it until 20 minutes has passed.
Once 20 minutes passes, take it off the heat but dont uncover it. Let it steam the rest of the way for at least 10 minutes.

BOOM perfect rice.

>> No.10253788

this but also soak it for 30 minutes

>> No.10253790

>Add salt
ahhhhhhh what are you doing!!

>> No.10253802

Buy a rice cooker. Even the cheap $10 ones make rice better than any stovetop method.

>> No.10253831

>Rice to cold water ratio 1:1.5
>Wash and rince rice until most starch in cleared (2 bowlfulls maybe)
>pour washed rice in cold water (e.g. 1rice cup to 1,5 cup of water
>cover and set heat on max.
>once boiling, reduce to med low (3in electric)
Cook until small homes between rice appear and no bubbles come out of them

2 extra tips
>if adding stuff, do it before cooking, like spices, salt, veggies
>never, NEVER open lid when its cooking

>> No.10253851

just get a rice cooker lol

>> No.10253927

1:1 rice to boiling water ratio
don't wash the rice
fry a pair of minced garlic gloves for a minute
add the rice and fry for another minute
add salt, pepper, boiling water and close the lid
put the pot on a stove-top toaster on low heat
cook for 20 minutes

>> No.10253966
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Forgot that bit. Indeed a wash and a soak are necessary for good rice.

>> No.10253980

>cook rice in water for like 15 minutes
>pour it into a siv and steam it for like another 15 minutes in the same pot.

>> No.10253988

What water ratio for sticky and jasmine? Soak all rice why?

>> No.10253989

fucking retard cant even cook rice properly holy shit you westeners are the epitome of failure

>> No.10253991


Follow the directions that came with our rice cooker.

>> No.10254007

It should say the ratio on the bag senpai

>> No.10254052

>eating rice
what are you? chink?

>> No.10254082

Get a rice cooker

>> No.10254085
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>> No.10254100

Given that he doesn't know how to cook good rice OP shouldn't be chink

>> No.10254117

Rinse rice in strainer
2 cups stock 1 cup rice
medium heat
thats all, congrats. Dunno why everyone saying all this weird shit. It will come out damp, let it sit for a few mins and its good enough for fried rice

No need to store in fridge
No need to season water/stock
No need to buy rice cooker (I used one for two years, was fine but more expensive than a pot, less versatile, more cleanup)

>> No.10254128
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>he cant cook rice therefore he must be a chink

>> No.10255366

1.) buy japanese rice cooker
2.) never have this issue again

>> No.10255405

Depends on the rice:
Short grains usually need only a 1:1 ratio of water;
longer grains need the 2:1 ratio.

>> No.10256040


>> No.10256057

Buy a rice cooker. They're like 20 dollars.

>> No.10256066

Yes. It's called uncle bens boil in the bag.

>> No.10256240

lmao bro, no offence but if you can make a simple batch of rice you shouldn't be cooking at all.

>> No.10256258

>bring a pot of water to a boil
>toss in your rice and boil it like pasta
>boil until it reaches your desired doneness
>drain rice in a mesh strainer and serve

>> No.10257036

> heat a small amount of oil in pan
> put rice in pan, tossing to make sure that it is highly covered in oil
> keep on heat about 3 min on med-high
> add 2 cups water per 1 cup rice
> reduce heat once rice starts to boil
>serve when it's done (depends on the amonut)

>> No.10257042

>Wash rice until it isn't cloudy when water is in it
>Put it on the stove on high
>Once you see water boiling turn it to low
>Cover and wait

you end up with rice mush because you dont wash it btw

>> No.10257045

Buy a small rice cooking industry, they're only a few hundred thousand. Perfect rice every time and they store easily in a small industrial park.

>> No.10257054

Electric rice cooker

1 button push, rice is fucking ready in ~30 minutes.

>> No.10257123
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here's how i do it, and it always comes out really good
>get one cup of jasmine rice into a pot
>add 1,5 cups of water
>put it on medium heat until it starts boiling, keep it under a lid
>when it starts boiling add a pinch of salt and a bit of butter(around half teaspoon, maybe more if you like it)
>turn the heat to really really low and keep it under a lid for another 20 minutes
after this the rice should've absorbed all the water - you should not have to drain it at all. If there's still water, you fucked something up.

>> No.10257156

Call your local Chinese joint and pickup a pint or a quart and it's done.

>> No.10257164

This is like trying to tell someone how to heat up a tv dinner. I've done it 200 times and I'm _fucking done_ It's retard simple. I will look up the link again but honestly, fuck all of you.


You don't need the tin foil, all you need is the ratios, 15 on, 15 off, fluff. Tell everyone else who buy rice cookers they're retarded.

It's like people who think about breathing and get obsessed.

>> No.10257222


Unironically the best answer. There's a reason why the Japanese and Chinese - two huge markets in rice consumers - prefer these appliances at home over manual hob cooking.

>> No.10257263

>not making superior Persian rice
>not nom-ing on delicious tahdig
No hope left

>> No.10257327

Get a rice cooker. No method of cooking rice in a pot can replicate the precise pressure that a rice cooker gives to make the perfect rice.

>> No.10257347

step 1: buy a rice cooker
step 2: never look back

>> No.10257351

i have a ricer cooker and i still can't figure it out

>> No.10257363

Quite often found at garage sales along with the Fat Blaster 2000 and a plethora of "like new" home gym equipment and Ikea bits and pieces.

>> No.10257369

you nigs are missing out on perfect rice every time

>> No.10257403

Where in the deep south is this?
I've had quite a few rice cookers and the cheap ones can only make good rice if you make the amount they're optimized for (basically filled to capacity)

A good one though will make good rice in any amount

>> No.10257419

I make perfect rice everytime in my busted old sauce pan.

OP, rinse the starch off, add water then cook. If it's mushy, use less water. If it's crunchy, 20 minutes of steaming is a slow but sure way to get it perfect.

>> No.10257420

Not a good one. Shitty rice cookers do it worse than anything you can do with a pot. Bottom gets all burnt even if you add extra water, it just cooks it all away because it's a piece of shit.

>> No.10257430

>Bottom gets all burnt even if you add extra water,
That's just a defective one, probably caused by a warped coil or a damaged thermocouple. They're supposed to switch off when the water is gone, assuming the mechanism is intact this should happen reliably every single time. Whether or not the actual rice turns out well is a whole other issue (the problem with those cheap ones is they can only go full blast or switch off hence why they only make good rice when you're cooking a ton of it)

>> No.10257436

They say the simplest of things can be the hardest to do properly.
Underestimating the difficulty of making a good pot of rice is a mistake on your part.

>> No.10257442


Really good video about how to find the right amount of water to rice to use. Also wash the rice if it you don't want it to be gloopy.

>> No.10257451

just read the instructions on the packet mate, wtf do I need a video for. it's really not that hard.

>> No.10257468

pick up phone
order rice
pay the little man when he arrives
perfect every time

>> No.10257486

It's like baking bread, or sharpening a knife freehand

/ck/ babbies discover that it's physically possible for them to do, and all of a sudden they're god's gift to cooking. especially since there is no independently verifiable mechanism for evaluation (not even self-evaluation), so we're expected to believe that some neckbeard posting reaction images is better than Murray Carter or Peter Reinhart

>> No.10257613

>Eating rice that isn't parboiled
So you're getting almost 0 nutrients from it. Might as well just eat a bag of sugar.

>> No.10257636

Don't listen to the retards just follow instructions on bag.
Or. If you are that retarded just put the rice in a big pot and fill it with water add like a cup of rice and boil stir alot taste the rice to check if it's cooked strain and wash with cold water once it's cooked

>> No.10257646

But rice is delish by itself unlike sugar.

>> No.10257655
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>it buys rice that comes with instructions

>> No.10257667

The actual rice to water ratio will depend on the quality and size of your pot. A thick pot with tight fitting lid will simply lose less steam during cooking and retain heat longer.

For white rice (whether long grain, basmati, jasmine, or arborio), I do not rinse my rice. It removes nutrition. I use a 2qt or 3qt pot with tight lid for serving 2-4. I know from my pot that I can do the same thing each time, since I've tested it. I cup dry rice to 1.75 cups of cool water, pinch of sea salt. I bring to boil lid-on, remove lid, and once and only once, I completely stir up grains from laying on the bottom, replace lid, reduce heat to lowest setting, and set an alarm for 20 minutes. At 20 minutes, I simply turn off the burner and leave the pot there for gas/induction ranges, or remove to a cool burner for a coils range. Set alarm for 10 minutes, and during this 10 minutes is usually when I might cook the rest of my dinner. Important! Do not lift lid until 10 minutes is up. Fluff with fork and serve. It is always perfectly done, slightly sticky because I didnt rinse.
Sometimes when making my rice for a latino main, I'll add a glug of olive oil to the cooking water, and a garlic clove or a diced onion. It will be separate, and it's the way I also cook rice for intended leftovers.

>> No.10257674

>implying people on /ck/ are cultured

>> No.10257749

people suggesting a definitive time and a water:rice ratio are retarded becaue not all rice is equal. short grain white rice like jasmine will cook much faster than a long grain brown rice. the latter also need to be soaked while the former doesn't.

the best thing to do is read the intructions on the bag and use that as a starting point. if it's too firm then use a bit more water next time and/or cook for a bit longer.

rice cooker shills will flood these thread with shitty confusing advice so that people get frustrated and buy a unitasking meme device. but chances are you already have all that you need to make delicious rice.

>> No.10257773

I love autistic threads about making the simplest fucking things

Someone make a thread on how to fry an egg

>> No.10257784

that looks like over cooked jasmine. try a longer grain like basmati if you don't like "mush". it's less glutinous, so therefor less sticky.

>> No.10257792

turn down the heat to low after it starts boiling.

let it simmer for ten minutes and then put the lid on take turn the heat off. let it soak up for a few mins

>> No.10257793
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If you can't even cook normal rice right then get and cook parboiled rice, parboiled rice is impossible to mess up.

>> No.10257802
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I was wondering what took so long for this to come up.

>> No.10257908

Because the instructions on the packet are typically not very good, and the premise of this thread is that cooking rice requires more information than is on the pack. Watch the video, it's pretty interesting

>> No.10257934

cook it for 15-20 minutes, don't add too much water and wait until it evaporates

>> No.10257935

i watched on hooktube so i didn't add to the view count on youtube


rice isn't gourmet and i'm not charging six hundred bucks to put raw fish on it like the jap yoda guy. so if it's a bit over or under done i'll survive. i don't want to have to do calculus to figure out how to cook a grain.

>> No.10257960
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>> No.10257961

Yes, what's important is after it starts boiling, turn the heat down to low and put the lid on. You want the steam to do the rest. The rice will expand properly. Make sure you stir occasionally.

>> No.10257977

put stove on medium and let water boil there, rinse the rice and put it on the water. turn the heat on low, close the lid and forget it for 20 minutes.

>> No.10258037

wash the rice first you retard

>> No.10258133

As a Thai, this so much. Cheap rice cookers may stop working easily but they'll still cook great rice hassle-free.

>> No.10258141

The easiest thing to do is make toast.

>> No.10258240
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>> No.10258440 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna sound like a bitch ass nigga for this, but holy shit rice cookers are no meme. I grew up making that shit in a saucepan on the stove, like two decades of stovetop rice. Around that time started dating a crazy fujoshi weeaboo chick and she was all up in my shit "y'all need a rice cooker cause of superior Japanese culture folded over 9000 times." At first I was like "fuck this chink noise" but then I copped an old one someone was giving away at a yard sale. First time I used that fucker daaaaaaaaaaamn it makes some good fucking rice. Like primo shit even using cheap whatever from the white people's supermarket.

Poor National rice cooker finally died on me so I went full soyboy cuck faggot and bought a Zojirushi Isaac Asimov I Robot electronic brain fuckery thing that gets here next week. Gonna be some sweet-ass rice, I tell you what.

>> No.10258964

Buy a rice cooker, rince rice until water is no longer cloudy and then the volume of water in the pot should measure up to the first knuckle of your thumb.

>> No.10259076

isn't rice just empty calories

>> No.10259162
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Buy a Vietnamese bride. $6000 is a big investment but it can cook other things too besides rice.

>> No.10259166

Rice cooker, just under 2 parts water to one part rice.

>> No.10259581

Wash and drain rice, put into a bowl
Add 1.25 to 1.5 cup water per 1 cup rice (might need adjustment for particular types of rice), salt and just a little bit oil, stir lightly
Cover with a loose fitting lid or put a plate on top
Put in microwave, set on full power and cook for 7 - 10 mins
Take out, stir again
Microwave for another 5 - 7 mins
Take out of microwave, fluff up with a fork, eat

Take ou

>> No.10259589

I don't understand why people feel a need to put rings or arrows on pics like this.

>> No.10260657

People like their rice in different ways so no fool way to cook it exsists. However if u like it fluffy and tender (not clumpy) there is a fool proof way.
Will need a good 3-4 qt.pot with tight lid.
Most rice is dirty and may have moderate levels of arcenic and crap so i do wash mine.
For brown rice i add about an inch of water on top of the rice
For white about 1/2 an inch
Salt to taste and a sprinkle of EVOO
Bring to hard boil & turn to med heat
Let almost all water evaporate turn to low heat and cover for 15/30 minutes depending on rice used.Enjoy it.Fool proof rice.

>> No.10261414

Turned out great. thx anon

>> No.10261443

Japanese short grain rice

>> No.10261514

I was using way too much water on my rice

>> No.10261551

Wash rice until the water runs clear. Let the rice sit in the water for a while afterwards if you wish. What this does is get rid of loose rice dust that's broken off the grains, the starch in the dust is what makes your rice mushy, it's like if you put flour in it.

For short grain rice, heat up an equal amount of water as you have rice to the boiling point, add rice, lower heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes or so. Cut the heat and let it sit on the stove for another five minutes.

>> No.10262500

Add butter and salt the bottom

>> No.10262513

fucking face palm man if you can't cook rice wtf can you cook, the answer is nothing.

>> No.10262603

Anyone who thinks a pot is as good as a rice cooker doesn't eat rice very often. I eat rice 6-7 days a week because poorfag and the convenience of a rice cooker makes it superior. I don't want to babysit a pot and worry about it burning if I walk away for too long. A rice cooker cooks to perfection and then holds it there for an hour.

>> No.10262617
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also if you live in a cramped apartment in seoul or tokyo there is no way you're going to have the dream kitchen with like sixty different burners. you've got a 1 or 2 burner induction stove and you usually need that for something that can't be automated.

>> No.10263006
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it's how it says to cook rice on the package and it works, though I use some butter instead of olive oil

>> No.10264231

If it is too mushy you are probably overcooking it. You should use less water or take it out of the water sooner

>> No.10264536

mhmmm this oatmeal will pair well with my chicken curry....

wow sushi with oatmeal...

thanks anon!

>> No.10264574

Spic here. I eat rice pretty much every day, and a pot IS as good. I'm not saying rice cookers aren't useful, but we just don't use them very often.

>> No.10264593

This is the way. The only way to fuck it up is to stir the rice too much (we "turn" it over about halfway through the process, but you don't really want to agitate the rice too much), or to use too much water. A good rule of thumb is to look at the package directions, then use way less water and/or more rice. It should be just a little above a 1:1 ratio.

>> No.10265209

Use less water or buy a rice cooker, I eat a lot of rice everyday and it is handy when you just want to set it and forget it.

>> No.10265896

What does /ck/ usually add to their rice as a stand alone meal? I'm trying to base my diet around rice, beans lean meats and such but the bulk of my calories come from rice, it's hard to eat 1200 calories of plain rice twice a day

>> No.10265948

You can add turmeric, cumin, cayenne, etc. Literally anything.

If you're trying to boost your calorie intake then don't forget about sweet rice pudding. Add sugar or cinnamon sugar instead of salt, plus fruit and ice-cream, etc.

>> No.10265974

> I don't want to babysit a pot and worry about it burning if I walk away for too long.
What? I put some rice and water in a pot, wait till it boils, then cover it on low heat for 20-35 minutes with a timer (depending on the type of rice) I can then just walk away or do whatever the fuck I feel like, come back when my stove is beeping at me and have some rice. It's really fucking easy

>> No.10267497

I honestly thought of them as memes, but my roommate got a decent rice cooker and it comes out good Everytime.

Also good for reheating foods.