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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10246964 No.10246964 [Reply] [Original]

>Creamer, anon?
>No thanks
>Wow....okay then, aren't you so cool...

Why are people like this? Just because I don't want creamer in my coffee doesn't make me some try hard fedora tipper. It just doesn't do anything but make it sweet, and if you have sugar already you don't need the damned creamer.

>> No.10246970


I literally don't know anybody who drinks coffee any way other than black.

t. don't work a wage cuck office job

>> No.10246977

>Large black coffee. thank you
>-coffee machine noises-
>so .. uuhh do you want milk in that?

literally every time

>> No.10246981

Creamer? I don't even know her

>> No.10246990


Eh, she's pretty cute, but also looks like a shut in nerd. I'd go bareback on the first date.

>> No.10247013

yeah I doubt you'd catch anything from her
OTOH she might go crazy and demand to have your babies, so be careful not to ejaculate inside her vagina

>> No.10247129
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Sorry fellas, she's taken

>> No.10247148

coffee is actually better cold without creamer or sugar. The bitterness clears the palate and helps food taste better.

>> No.10247152

>muh bitter ashes
Stop drinking illy. Good coffee should be consumed on its own, with a clean palate.
If you're drinking "creamer" you're drinking trash coffee, so you have no room to judge.

>> No.10247179
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This. So much.
I moved to Netherlands some months ago and ordering coffee has become a chore like I would never think was possible.
The service is always very friendly and (tries to) be helpful, but for some reason they can't get the idea of "no sugar no cream" (they always put it on a tray next to coffee regardless) or different sizes.
Last time I spelled it for them like "two espresso shots in a mug, and fill it with hot water" they brought me 2 espressos, in 2 cups...and a separate mug with the damned hot water.
Am I being trolled?

>> No.10247182

"Cafe americano"

Wow that was hard

>> No.10247189


This. Its a drink known by that name all around the world.

>> No.10247202
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>I moved to Netherlands

So...you moved to, Hell?

>> No.10247203

I just don't want added calories or sweeteners in my caffeine delivery vehicle, if some ironic counter-pretentious cunt has a problem he can go cry in his own coffee

>> No.10247210

...you really thought I'd go to such lengths describing exactly what I wanted if the most simple, intuitive solution did the trick when I first tried it?
Anons these days, I swear

>> No.10247220

It's standard to get creamer and sugar included, but no one will mind if you do not use them. Where are you from originally and what province did you move to?

>> No.10247225
File: 26 KB, 487x274, 7187191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's in fact pretty... cool.

>> No.10247254

I have never ran into that situation before, my coworkers don't seem to care.

>> No.10247270

everything can be explained by the fact that you are fourteen and your peers are fourteen.

>> No.10247287

next time just poor the coffee on them

>> No.10247306

>Order coffee
>They do not serve it with milk
What the fuck is wrong with Americans? I believed they loved milk and milk products.

>> No.10247311

Well, i see why she wears an oversized fedora now.

>> No.10247316

She has one of those faces that only looks normal from the the side. Also can we round up everyone who wears a fedora and just gas them already.

>> No.10247317

>Winning life by spending time on 4chan instead of having a job

>> No.10247323



We all die, and there's no bloodstains in real life, dum dum. Or are you a drumpf fag who has a perverse sense of happiness/fulfillment?

>> No.10247346

>be at a restaurant in the US
>order tea
>get cup of sugary brown syrup with 80% melted ice
>"What's wrong?" Americlap waitress asks.
>feel stupid for a second but can't blame burgers for their retardation "Uh... Hot tea?"
>waitress is repulsed, "What the fuck did you just call me?"
>get sued and found guilty for sexual harassment
>all because a thot thought she got called "hottie"
Why don't Americans know what tea is?

>> No.10247353

we're not big tea drinkers over here we usually throw it into the harbor

>> No.10247361

We drink Iced Tea, a luxury beverage from the American South slave days slave wranglers would sip on it to taunt the slaves, in the USA a cold beverage is a sign of luxury and comfort because when it's hot outside it refreshes ones hot body. It doesn't get hot in England, so I understand the cultural differences.

>> No.10247366
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I'm a northerner and I drink hot tea
But it's actual tea, not that garbage they drink in England

>> No.10247405

>consuming caffeine products

>> No.10247477

That's cool, I'm not a fan myself, hot tea always tastes like pee to me but cold tea with lemon is my enjoyment

>> No.10247487

>hot tea always tastes like pee
I've tasted my own piss and I made a girl pee in my mouth once (ok maybe several times)

Anyway I have never tasted tea that tasted like that. Which tea are you referring to?

>> No.10248152
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Meh, I think she's kind of cute.

>> No.10248496

You are under a misconception. Cold beverages cause your body to warm itself. If you want to cool down in hot weather, choose room temperature or hot beverages.

>> No.10248622

How'd you get them to do that?

>> No.10248642

>actual tea
clarify that one

>> No.10248653

Sounds like you are misinformed friendo. Cold icy water can absolutely help lower your core temperature when you're overheating, though when you're purely trying to remedy dehydration then room temperature (or even a little warmer) water is good.

>> No.10248688

This isn’t believable because any waitress would automatically know you’re a faggot if you order hot tea in a restaurant unless you were having sushi.

>> No.10248711

The other guy is actually right. Tho you might feel a cooling effect at first, your body will actually work to warm itself up, and that will end up making your core temperature hotter than it was before.

>> No.10248730

yes, this is the joke i was looking for
glad i scrolled down before posting my own shit version

>> No.10249331

In the shower

>> No.10249725
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>room for cream and sugar?
>no thanks, I drink it black

>> No.10249734

Wow so alpha

>> No.10249796

Fucking lel

>> No.10249802

No they love soy and soy products.

>> No.10250301

Cuz black coffee is for beta wannabe tough guys and try-hard """foodie""" types.

>> No.10250480

creamer has no place in my coffee

>> No.10252015

not him but everytime I ask for an americano I still get asked if I want milk. Once in syarbucks the barista put milk in it automatically. I wasn't about to queue up again so I just threw it in the bin

>> No.10252019

Lots of people want it. It's the same as being asked if you want sugar. There is of course a huge difference between an Americano with a splash of milk and a full on Latte. Maybe you could even try it sometime.

>> No.10252032

I'm pretty sure starbucks doesn't put cream or milk in americanos or drip coffee unless a customer specifically goes out of their way to ask.

>> No.10252034
File: 7 KB, 248x187, Angie4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my starbucks order didn't come out in accordance with my refined epicurean tastes
>so I just threw it in the bin
/ck/ NEETs having a fit over fast food again
never change

>> No.10252039

Why not just get a flat white? I think it's people just trying to sound fancy
They do in England
>sigh and throw it in the bin=having a fit

>> No.10252052

Nigger what. As a Dutchy I've never had this ever. Probably in Amsterdam and they think you are a tourist. I always get my coffee black.