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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 900x1200, DSC_239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10227556 No.10227556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I ordered 6 sandwiches and this stupid cunt was mad that I made her do her job. kek

>> No.10227564

What a qt3.14. Stop being mean to women, incel.

>> No.10227568

I was ordering food for my wife and our friends, you tasteless permavirgin.

>> No.10227569
File: 162 KB, 1462x1462, 1479797361134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toast that roastie some more and order another set of 6

>> No.10227570

Yeah that RBF is real cute.

>> No.10227574

Complain to her manager.

>> No.10227573

order toasted roast beefs

>> No.10227576

You just know she only works at that demeaning minimum wage hell-hole is to get money to finance her fentanyl habit which is the only thing that distracts her from her meaningless existence in middle-America

>> No.10227577

>I ordered 6 sandwiches
you're a fat guy

>> No.10227579

You have neither a wife or friends. Neck yourself.

>> No.10227584
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>> No.10227585

>invents some people out of nowhere
>nothing personel son

>> No.10227586

Which trailer park was this Subway in?

>> No.10227591


>> No.10227594

Kek @ the butthurt roasties already coming out of the woodworks to defend one of their own

>> No.10227596

Timestamped shoe on head pics of wife’s cunt and arsehole or your’re lying, looser.

>> No.10227598
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>> No.10227613


Regardless, you're pathetic for seeking validation from complete strangers online.

Enjoy your sandwiches.

>> No.10227615

It's in the Dallas/Fort Worth area
I called and she pretended that nobody else was working so I called back a hour later and got one of her coworkers to give me the owners number and I made a direct complaint to him. He said he's been having attitude problems with her for weeks lol

>> No.10227618
File: 70 KB, 209x155, LaughTillCryChair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people genuinely upset at op for ordering sandwiches

>> No.10227620

*tips* m'lady

>> No.10227623

I hope she's still on probation so she can't collect unemployment.
Such is the life of a wagecuck/toastie roastie

>> No.10227627

she's gonna cum onto your burgers

>> No.10227628

Her hairline is a disaster.

>> No.10227630

>buys food at Subway
>thinks he’s better than people who work at Subway

>> No.10227636

Not OP but subhumans who """""work""""" at Subway are the lowest scum on earth.

>> No.10227637

(~~Sandwich Artist~~)

>> No.10227651
File: 7 KB, 320x180, frien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 sandwiches?

>> No.10227653
File: 450 KB, 535x592, subslut1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no respect for any girl that works at Subway.
I've pumped and dumped so many of them and they almost always turn out to be single moms.

>> No.10227657
File: 371 KB, 399x478, subslut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example this dumb slut put out on the first date and then she thought I actually wanted a serious relationship with her.

>> No.10227665

Lack of collarbones is a sign theyre chubby

>> No.10227680

Anyone who works fast food or retail. If you're in your twenties and still working a trash job you're not someone I want to associate with.

>> No.10227688

>That snaggletooth
Huh I guess some do look like fangs, for once anime didn't lie to me

>> No.10227708

post more
also ask her about the spyro picture

>> No.10227720
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>> No.10227732

Literally why else would someone order 6 subway sandwiches

>> No.10227743
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do autistics really perceive her making an "angry" face when really that's just a blank face most people in fast food have while they're concentrating on doing their jobs? Or making six sandwiches for the fatties who harass them by sticking a phone in their face?

Autism is so terrible, creates situations that aren't even happening.

>> No.10227745

Enjoy her spit in your food

>> No.10227760

Massive poorfag detected

>> No.10227779

>I was ordering food for my wife and our friends
feeding your team of bulls so they can go all night with her?

>> No.10227788

>taking your wife and friends to Subway

I bet she's paying, faggot

>> No.10227796

Haha, very funny asshole. I guaranfuckingtee you I get laid more then you do and part of being in a loving marriage is acquiescing to your wife's demands. Again, not that you would know anything about that you permavirgin AUTIST

>> No.10227797

Maybe they're just astounded at the unbelievably boorish behaviour of running around taking photos of people without their consent?

>> No.10227801

I just jerked off while imagining fucking her behind the counter. There's something about that face which makes me want to see her orgasm.

>> No.10227807


>> No.10227816

That roastie got a hairline like a fuckin 14th century vampire hunting high wood elf.

>> No.10227823

Somebody got up on the wrong side of his mothers womb when he was born

>> No.10227825

Cute. She's even got her name on a necklace to make it easier to flirt with her. Love a girl like that.

>> No.10227831
File: 25 KB, 415x292, 1461423284318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of being in a loving marriage is acquiescing to your wife's demands

>> No.10227837
File: 491 KB, 634x901, 1439084528893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you, OP?

>> No.10227846

thats a typical white female in the year 2018. better get your shit together and marry her.

>> No.10227862

Show wife's benis she pegs you with ;)

>> No.10227886

does't this constitute a "personal attack"?

>> No.10227894

Public space isn't safe space you dumb cunt.

>> No.10227943


There is nothing wrong with her hairline you fat neckbeard virgin loser morons. That is what a normal womans hairline looks like but you wouldnt know that because yourve never been with a real woman and you never will.
This entire thread is fucking disgusting and it makes my blood boil seeing you opeices of shit saying these disgusting and hateful things.
What if that was your mother or your sister? Would you still call her a slut? Having sex on the first date doesnt even make a woman a "slut" you stupid fucking incel.

>> No.10227956

t. Hamplanet sandwich artist

>> No.10227960

just some friendly advice, you'd get a lot more (you)s if you delivered that bait with some degree of subtlety

>> No.10227964

Roastie in a hormonal moon sync rage detected.

>> No.10227969

Not her, but she's right about the girl in the OP's pic hairline being normal. I'm 19 and her hairline is similar to mine

>> No.10227974

Dude likes his subway. Can't say I blame him.

>> No.10227981

Hey bud, she's not gonna fuck you because you anonymously defended her on the internet. Mmkay sweetie?

>> No.10227992

Incel neckbeard detected

>> No.10227995

Her hairline is worse than most men. That would be considered receding. It's probably her natural line and isn't actually receding but she has unfortunate genetics.

>> No.10227996

same fag.

same fag
kys both of you

>> No.10228014

Big deal, she likes sex and when shes single and wants it she goes and gets it. Whats wrong with that? much better than wishy washy masochists who want but act like their buddhists or something and suppress themselves because of “morals”

>> No.10228026

Sex is for procreation, the propagation of the species, the greater good. This idea that somehow it’s all about you, and your wants, and your desire, is at the heart of what is destroying western civilization both spiritually and literally.

>> No.10228036

lmao virgin

>> No.10228044
File: 40 KB, 500x375, baby butt aid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an absolute disaster of a thread

>> No.10228049

Yeah, those people and their self control. A bunch of fucking losers who refuse to get on the consumerist treadmill.

>> No.10228143
File: 52 KB, 720x960, 1518656687239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big deal, she likes sex and when shes single and wants it she goes and gets it. Whats wrong with that? much better than wishy washy masochists who want but act like their buddhists or something and suppress themselves because of “morals”

>> No.10228164

Angry incels, the thread

>> No.10228172

ITT: mad roasties and soyboys getting btfo lmao.

>> No.10228174


>> No.10228189


>> No.10228203


>> No.10228209
File: 300 KB, 1584x864, tsoyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10228217

^ ^ seething

>> No.10228232

Ought people to stop having sex now that the world is overpopulated

>> No.10228251

The world isn't overpopulated. The third world is.

>> No.10228252

ITT: white knight faggots argue with /r9k/ faggots over who's got the smaller penis. saged and get off my fucking board. you all waste enough space irl, stop wasting it here too

>> No.10228262

Wendy looks like hell.

>> No.10228267

Sage isn't a downvote, retard.

>> No.10228286

Post bepis plz

>> No.10228290

Never realized there were so many holes on /ck/ Learn something new every day.

>> No.10228311

It's been obvious for years now.
The fact that hardly anyone on this board can actually cook is a testament to that.

>> No.10228324

Hi, you seem to be new here

>> No.10228335

What’s your opinion on the McChicken? And should I eat it with ‘cha or ‘vark?

>> No.10228339

That's why announcing sage is a bannable offense you stupid redditor.

>> No.10228341

/ck/ is majority female

>> No.10228346

It's 33% soyboys, 33% roasties, 33% funposters, and 1% idiots earnestly discussing cooking and food on a Sri Lankan shadow puppet forum.

>> No.10228352
File: 795 KB, 245x168, 1519191864995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this reddit

>> No.10228357

XY female majority, anon

>> No.10228359

It's just that the roasties and soyboys sound exactly the same.

>> No.10228363

forced meme

>> No.10228372


>> No.10228376

Dude ive banged your wife. Its nothing to be bragging about.

>> No.10228380
File: 98 KB, 800x800, 1519746366699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i will never eat this fresh

>> No.10228396

I made a girl cry at a Subway in Scottsdale, AZ.
I came in 20 minutes before closing and she started complaining about having to work alone and close by herself. I told her I didn't bitch and moan when I did 2 tours in Iraq I just did my fucking job like I was paid to do. That shut her blubbering mouth-pussy up real quick, but after she rang me up she ran in the back sobbing.

>> No.10228399

The nicest girls in retail and foodservice I've met were working at subway. No clue why.

Very friendly, sweet, telling jokes, etc. Some were a bit overweight but one was a real cute redhead.
I'm a big guy with a lot of hair, so I don't usually get that at other places.

>> No.10228406

I should do this, nobody dares question someone claiming to be in the military. Should probably do a little research though on the off-chance I meet someone actually in the military.

>> No.10228408

OP... When this sort of thing happens and you feel complaining to the manager will not resolve your problem you let rhe worker make all 6 sandwiches... maybe change your mind on one or two... add a 7th sandwich. Then once at the register simply cancel the order and tell her why.

>> No.10228410

go on...

>> No.10228439

Dude, she’ll usually let you do anal.

>> No.10228444




>> No.10228451

I look forward to seeing you in a future stolen valor beat down video

>> No.10228456

I normally don't condone stolen valor but if it's for the sake of putting a cunt in its place I don't mind it as much. Just don't wear the uniform, that's one of the most disrespectful things you can do.

>> No.10228460

>implying a most likely part time job at subway is enough to fund an opiate habit

>> No.10228465

It is if you don't ring things up correctly and pocket the difference.

>> No.10228467

Stolen Valor is only applicable if you legally try to benefit from it with fake clothing, ID, badges, etc. Merely claiming to be military but not proving it isnt against any laws.

>> No.10228477

when i was shooting dope i'd spend about 100 dollars a day

>> No.10228484

based on what? because she has her name on her necklace? isn't that a bit of a stretch?

And how is it easier to flirt with her with what you said?

>> No.10228489

Can you get a job in the military doing some data entry or some stupid bullshit for like 6 months and leave?

>> No.10228491



>> No.10228497

>6 months and leave

>> No.10228505

that's not how the military works, retard.

>> No.10228507

What would the absolute minimal thing a person could do to say "I was in the military"? I'm honestly just curious now.

>> No.10228509


join the USAFR or Air Guard

>> No.10228510

A lot of college students around that age have to take those jobs because they're the only ones that will work with their class schedules.

>> No.10228518

Usually not that much of a stretch. She'll have done it before.

You can address her by name while gesturing at her necklace and smiling ingratiatingly. It's an easy icebreaker.

>> No.10228534

I always thought that the hardest, shittiest job in the world was something like landscape laborer, roofer or coal miner, but apparently it's being a """sandwich"""" """"artist"""" at Subway.

Because on the rare occasion I go there, to any of the different locations I've gone to, the woman making my sub is always a total bitch.
I'm always polite and my order is always simple, but without fail the lululemon-wearing single mother behind the counter is always a cunt about having to do her fucking job. Sorry for having the gall to ask you to make a sandwich at the sandwich shop you chose to work at princess.
I fucking hate that place.

>> No.10228544

Eat somewhere else, fatty

>> No.10228546


>> No.10228560

I used to work at subway. The girls would always bitch as if making sandwichs was hard. Shit takes no time if you actually try. It was even less acceptable considering our store was dead 90 percent of the time. It was okay though the customers hated them and would tip me instead of them.

>> No.10228567

>No, I said I wanted cheese, not that synthetic orange stuff.
>That is not toasted. That is charred. Proper toasting should lend only a whisper of crunch to the bread.
>That carrot does not look up to my standards. Make me some freshly grated.
>I said a smattering of olives. You just applied a slather.
>Do not hold the sauce bottle at so sharp an angle. The sauce distribution ratio will be all wrong.

>> No.10228580

>a smattering of olives
Fucking kek

>> No.10228606
File: 66 KB, 1366x768, Hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that my boi Hemingway?

>> No.10228610

I thought /ck/ was 10% cuck, 20% shill, 15% concentrated American swill, 5% roastie, 15% soy and 100% reason to stop posting here, goy.

>> No.10228622

Close, it's more like
>Hi, can I get a foot long oven roasted chicken on Italian
>(In a bitchy voice) Toasted?
>No thanks
>(Still being a cunt) Cheese?
>Pepper jack
>What else do you want.restingbitchface
>Lettuce, onion, tomato and just a little bit of green pepper
>Plops on tiny bit of lettuce and tomato, some onion, and six handfulls of green peppers
>What else?
>That's all thanks
>Enjoy your sandwich as she hurls her gloves at the trash can
>Y-you too

It's a pretty simple fucking order. I don't need attitude with my subpar sandwich. Sorry you hate your miserable life, try going to college.

>> No.10228628

A subway thread with nothing but shitposting and no one has posted that furfag subway image yet?

>> No.10228646

This. This so much.

>> No.10228693

I'm the one person in this thread who hasn't had a bad experience

oh wait, that one time in the strip mall. Two workers. One was being bitchy. one was being nice.

Besides that, they've been nice and friendly without being cringeworthy friendly.

>> No.10228706

>cringeworthy friendly
This is worse than being bitchy. Having a conversion is find but for the love of god don't force me to talk to you.

>> No.10228881

>6 subway sandwhiches
>all for his fatass
most likely desu

>> No.10228889
File: 734 KB, 798x526, 1519429918718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of being in a loving marriage is acquiescing to your wife's demands.

>> No.10228894

>all that money for piercings, tattoos and fake lashes
>no money to fix her fucked up teef

>> No.10228899

kek, loser.

>> No.10228912


Top fucking kek. I'm married and my wife has never demanded anything of me other than filling her with my seed when I'm balls deep in her. You can bet of she demanded anything off me I'd drop her. Unlike you fucking cucks, normal successful marriages work based on people being partners who can agree and work together on stuff, and when they disagree they see each other's viewpoints and find an agreement.

Good to see Tryone and your lady let you have internet in your shed though.

>> No.10228917

>big talk on the internet
Even more pathetic than husbands lying to each other in the pub.

>> No.10228966

>bitches and moans to a min wage employee about how he didn't bitch and moan during a job that he chose to do for financial benefit but somehow makes him a hero because muh patriotism

>> No.10228985
File: 51 KB, 335x595, 1507492488296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck the military! they get incentivized to do their job! fucking parasites! they should be like me and contribute nothing to society!

>> No.10229002

Is that what he was saying, or are you borderline illiterate?

>> No.10229013

If he's ex-military it's not unlikely.

>> No.10229018

No, don't say his name!

>> No.10229021
File: 118 KB, 614x768, 1507492053392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck the people who protect my freedom to criticize them!

>> No.10229022

Absolutely nothing wrong with incentives, but my point was that the incentives exist. Don't play the hero card when the reality is that you took the job for the financial benefit. You may not even realize the humor behind "defending" your country just to be able to talk down to someone of said country

>> No.10229032
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>> No.10229048

I can guarantee you this post came from a chubby chick who works retail who is a known buttslut and dtf.

>> No.10229056
File: 61 KB, 577x577, 1477966642578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that whole kit
>has ever even been in the same country as conflict
No. Just. No.

>> No.10229070

I can't wait until CPT. Bone Spur starts WWIII and you get what you deserve.

>> No.10229086

>concentrating on doing their job

Wew yeah lad it requires so much concentration to make a sandwich lmao holy shit

>> No.10229097
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Hemingway?

>> No.10229165

Thank you so, so much for your service.
He served 2 tours in Iraq and none of you have done anything worthwhile for this country or any country. Fuck off, you have zero room to talk until you're even a modicum of his league.

>> No.10229178

Everyone I hang around that went over to play in those shitholes would never say that shit and play that card and would probably think he's a behind the line faggot

>> No.10229188

Excuse me, but I participated in multiple protests against pointlessly risking the lives of our troops in wars that had nothing whatsoever to do with our nation's security. If anything, he should be thanking me.