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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10202705 No.10202705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>medium rare steak

>> No.10202723

mind blown

>> No.10202727

This doesn't make any sense, soyboys don't eat meat.

>> No.10202729

A thread died for this.

>> No.10202790

That thread was shit and on the verge of dying anyway

>> No.10202798

Like your mom.

>> No.10202815

t. orders it well done, just like his brain

>> No.10202822

I'm well done with your shit, mother fucker.

>> No.10202837

I hit close to home?

>> No.10202839


why is med rare a soyboy meme now

>> No.10202846

You hit close to homo when you were born.

>> No.10202852

swing and a miss. You're bad at this.

>> No.10202856
File: 19 KB, 500x590, 1483889496739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well-done steak

>> No.10202865
File: 27 KB, 720x720, 1484009916973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should actively replace shit threads with even shittier ones
You're what's wrong with this board.

>> No.10202879
File: 40 KB, 645x729, IMG_0537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>well-done steak

>> No.10202880

Because anon don't you know?
If you don't like it it's a meme.
If someone disagrees with their a cuck.
If someone does something you don't they're a soyboy.

>> No.10202910

this whole thread
why you fuckers cook your beef? just thin slice with a little salt and pepper. course this only works well with lean beef like tenderloin but it's fanfuckingtastic

>> No.10202912
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>american meat is so shitty that they're forced to eat it raw
If it doesn't taste good well-done you just have shit meat goblino

>> No.10202926

>dumb europoor doesn't like to taste blood in his meat
stupid faggot. Back to bread and beans for you

>> No.10202934

What have soyboys got to do with it? I was implying that the meat was making him sprout facial hair. The steak is making a man out of him.

>> No.10202957

Made him need glasses too

>> No.10202973

Myoglobin isn't blood you subhuman troglodyte.

>> No.10202989

>ordering anything but medium-well


>> No.10202993

Doesn't work that way retard

>> No.10202998
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Well done is only good if there's hella saus and it's hella thin, otherwise you're basically turning a peace of beef into a pork chop. I didn't pay $475 for a fucking pork chop!

>> No.10203032
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>Hates steak so much you need to cook it to shit and slather it in HP to stomach it

>> No.10203044

I dunno why I crack up every time I see that image.

>> No.10203058

It's /pol/, as always.

>> No.10203356
File: 16 KB, 201x250, joyboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like my steak dry and dependent on a1 for flavor