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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10189832 No.10189832 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a soyboy cuck or Alpha Chad?

Hint: Soyboys put their ketchup to the side

>> No.10189840

>act like an idiot


>> No.10189841

soiboys want every reason to put their phallic fingers in their mouths after getting it coated with ketchup

>> No.10189881
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>> No.10189895


>> No.10189910

i don't like getting sauce all over my fingers

when the sauce is kept to one side i can grab any chip cleanly and dip it in the sauce, so that way i can control how grubby my fingers get as well as the amount of sauce i get with each chip. i have full control. so that makes me the clever alpha.

op's backwards logic is just retarded.

>> No.10189928


>> No.10189936

Both are soyboy cuck tier. The Alpha Chad does not use any condiments.

>> No.10189977

Use a fork like an adult

>> No.10189991

>finger food

>> No.10190035

soyboy cucks (OP) care about how they do things, alpha chads just do it

>> No.10190040

I'd want the one with mayo, please.

>> No.10190067

It's not finger food when it's covered in catsup retard

>> No.10190121

So don't cover it in ketchup then. Duh.

Do people always have to do your thinking for you?

>> No.10190151

ah, the soyboy deluxe

>> No.10190159

>>act like an idiot
That was how the virgin/chad meme worked before being bastardized.

>> No.10190161

I fucking hate /fit/. Now /ck/ has to deal with the stupid soyboy shit everyday.

>> No.10190163

No ketchup

I'm trying to eat food not candy

>> No.10190179

Or I could just use a fork?

>Like, why are you cooking that ramen? Don't you know it's finger food if you keep it dry?

>> No.10190200

If being a chad means liking soggy fries then I'd rather be le soyboy.

>> No.10190205

>anything other than salt on fries
how fat are you?

>> No.10190208



don't you have bongs to bing

>> No.10190242
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Ramen isn't finger food because technically it isn't even food.

>> No.10190249

This post gave me cancer

>> No.10190250

The secret is to cover the fries with the topping and then pick it up by the parts of them that aren't coated, like someone with motor coordination.

>> No.10190252

The Virgin Ketchup-with-Fries Eater
The Eats-Fries-Drenched-in-Yellow-Mustard Chad

>> No.10190253

You already are a faggot, so...

>> No.10190255


but what if I want a fry without ketchup? what then? I want the illusion of choice, not slavery.

>> No.10190258

Do you carry a fork in your pocket for such times of emergency? Or do you live a disposable™ lifestyle?

>> No.10190271
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do you line up your chips first? or is everything just a pile of randum sloppiness?

>> No.10190277

>eat top layer of chips
>all the sauce is gone too
>no sauce left for chips on the bottom
checkmate disorganised people

>> No.10190303
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>tfw putting ketchup on the side of your steak and dipping it

>> No.10190312

I'm used to my fries being a tasty mess because of poutine so right for me too

>> No.10190318
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>> No.10190334

That's a waste of potatoes. I only eat them boiled.

>> No.10190346

Segregation is the only correct answer.

>> No.10190677

Right with a fork.

Hate me.

>> No.10190707

So you think it's alpha to eat like a fucking animal?

>> No.10190715

Ketchup in general is a soy boy ingredient. Malt vinegar is the chad fry topping.

>> No.10190763

>wanting soggy fries

>> No.10190769

Ketchup? You're mad.

>> No.10190776

>can I get a large pepperoni pizza, please, but keep the sauce separate. Thanx!