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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 480x360, Grandmama's Cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10177488 No.10177488 [Reply] [Original]

So my father just had his birthday and we had dinner at our grandma's house. I just can't believe how bad her diet is: meat dishes for everything and butter on top.

She's about 68 years old and very old school: won't listen to shit I tell her and thinks she knows everything.

How do I convince her that her 'tradition' of cooking animals is wrong? Not only wrong, but horrible for her health and my father's health?

>> No.10177503

>How do I convince her that her 'tradition' of cooking animals is wrong? Not only wrong, but horrible for her health and my father's health?

The best thing to do is constantly nag on them about it, like facebook peta messages, and always boast about how you don't eat meat.

>> No.10177513

This. And never use the word "meat." Always call it "dead [whatever animal it came from]"

>> No.10177541


the answer is simple, anon....you need to eat that pussy. Grandma's LOVE having there pussy eaten out. If you are good enough you might be able to convert her that way.

>> No.10177548

Honestly, cook dishes for them that are more than just a big pile of meat. It can either be simple but filling side dishes or simply dishes where the meat is more of an ingredient. The key is not to tell them they are doing things wrong but help them make their own decision to cook different things.

The worst thing you can do is to try and make them stop eating meat, everyone turns defensive and double down on their standpoint when confronted.

>> No.10177552

>The best thing to do is constantly nag on them about it,

I do this! lol I nag her all the time, but she just laugh's it off.

It's at the point where her laughing at me is more insulting than her choice of eating meat.

I really want to put some laxatives or something in her next pork stew to teach her a lesson, but I know she'll just think the meat is bad and go right back to eating it next time.

>> No.10177561

>everyone turns defensive and double down on their standpoint when confronted.

Yeah, she once called me racist for making fun of her fatty/oily cooking, and I'm her fucking grandkid!!! lol

>> No.10177573

You know that holds just as true for you. Me telling you that you are just a troll pretending to be the worst kind of stereotypical rabid vegan will most likely make you attack me even if you're the worst troll around and we all know it.

>> No.10177588

Call them out on their hypocrisy.

>> No.10177679

Go stand in your grandmother's front yard surrounded by a bunch of peta signs, scream and yell every anti meat slogan you can think of, the take off all your clothes, imitate an animal going to slaughter, slather yourself in pig's blood, and roll yourself up in plastic wrap like a supermarket steak, then just lay there braying like wounded cow and wait for her contrition. That'll teach her a lesson.

>> No.10177683

>b8ing on /ck/

>> No.10177689


Is your grandma actually black or is that just a random pic? If she's black, forget it. She'll be happier dying early than listening to you.

>> No.10177713


She's black. I'm half black. I'm not trying to convert her cooking because of her heritage. I'm trying to convert her because murdering animals is wrong and some cultures aren't as "enlighten" or sensitive over the subject as other educated cultures.

Ok. Forget the fact that she's black. forget about race. It's irrelevant here. How would you convince your dumb white redneck family that they are living life wrong?

>> No.10178270

fucking racist stop appropriating her culture you bigot

>> No.10178272

>Rabid mulatto vegetarian activist

Your white half was a mistake. You wouldn't be like this if you were entirely black.

>> No.10178277


Nobody is stealing her cooking or culture. She can still maintain her culture while learning how to be a better human and not killing animals.

How does trying to help somebody make me a bigot?

>> No.10178283

This is the only correct solution.

>> No.10178293

Sounds like a beta thing to do vegetarians /vegans will always be betas

>> No.10178296

>It's at the point where her laughing at me is more insulting than her choice of eating meat.
Beat her.

>> No.10178299

How are you not doing the exact same thing as her acting like you know everything

>> No.10178301

Because as a animal murderer she is wrong.

>> No.10178493
File: 244 KB, 2000x2000, bait quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread

>> No.10178514

He's fucking 60, you think switching to some bullshit fag diet is gunna do him any good at this point?

>> No.10178588

Why not? People can expect to live until 80. Living to 100 is increasingly less uncommon. 60 simply isn't old age anymore.

>> No.10178606

What about fish instead of meat

>> No.10178758

Maybe you should continue to insult her "unenlightened" nigger culture.

>> No.10178768

>How do I convince her that her 'tradition' of cooking animals is wrong

But it isn't wrong. Sounds to me like you're planning to lie to your sweet old grandmother.

And that makes you a dick, dude.

>> No.10178773

Stop your cultural imperialism white man. You will oppress the black race no longer.

>> No.10178789

Nice bait thread.

>> No.10178801

>meat dishes for everything and butter on top.
there is literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.10178828

Nice anti-vegetable thread, fuckboi.

>> No.10178833

Make whatever vegetable you cook taste good. When you make burgers, use dried up patys and awesome vegetables and bun.

>> No.10178843
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You're such a fucking faggot
Get the fuck over yourself and let people live their lives, nigger.

>> No.10178846

That's because you're half white, Obama.

>> No.10178935

Basically this desu.
Show her how to make cornbread with no butter, beans and rice with sausage, or sweet potato pie without milk and eggs.
Help her to learn that food can taste just as good without meat and dairy.

>> No.10179075

Social ostracism. Don't speak with or interact with anybody who eats meat until they convert to your religion.

>> No.10179096

I cant tell if bait or if you’re really that retarded.

>> No.10179097

This is nothing but bait.

>> No.10179399

>almost 70 years old
>doesn't listen to her faggy grandchild who tells her she did everything wrong the last 50+ years
oh wow what an uppity cunt

>> No.10179404
File: 38 KB, 499x449, Laughing Bara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will probably outlive you
>has more life experience than you
>"How do I convince her that her 'tradition' of cooking animals is wrong?"
I heard levity increases lifespan too. In that regard I should thank you for helping me as well; I got a hearty laugh.

>> No.10179419

All things kill

>> No.10179420

assuming for a second this isn't bait (which is a big assumption), you're not going to be successful unless your grandma is easily swayed (which apparently she isn't)
I can almost guarantee she will cite the fact her mom/dad/uncle/whoever ate this exact way and lived to be 85 or some shit, and she may well turn out the same way-- or she may have a coronary tomorrow, the older someone gets the harder it can be to predict their health beyond the general decline
people often fall into one of two groups, the ones that are bolstered by agreement and the ones that are bolstered by disagreement, sometimes they even fall into both groups, but either way it can extremely difficult to get people like that to change their minds about anything important

>> No.10179424

The same way you convert vegans: you don't.

Let people live their lives and make their own choices: coming to a conclusion/revelation on your own is infinitely more rewarding than some soyboy shoving their misguided beliefs down your throat.

>> No.10179426

this is the most likely way, introduce healthier meats, and if that works, introduce fake meat
although you probably won't be able to get rid of meat altogether

>> No.10179439
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>> No.10179560


>> No.10179907

How about let yourself be cooked and eaten like the cattle you are?

>> No.10180020

I actually swapped over to a no meat (but dairy included) diet as part of my first Lent and it's actually not as hard as I imagined; you can still even get shitty fast food as a vegetarian.

That said, I don't care if people eat meat themselves.

>> No.10180283

OP please do this.

All militant vegetarians please also do this.