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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10157465 No.10157465 [Reply] [Original]

Making 'burgers In N' Out style for my cooking party.

How am I doing?

>> No.10157480

What is that?

>> No.10157483

Never post in this forum again.

>> No.10157503

I am impressed that your pan handle cover matches the food you are cooking. You are the Van Gogh of /ck/. I hope your burgers are delicious.

>> No.10157512

>fruity looking pot holder
Grab a side-towel you fruit.

>> No.10157521 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10157527

looks shitty just like in n out. good job

>> No.10157540

What's going on with the yellow stuff? You gotta cook the patty before putting cheese on it.

Also, that beef doesn't look fatty enough to be in n out style. Pretty sure they're using 25/75 or something along those lines.

>> No.10157548


I set the fire alarm off in the dorm and everyone had to evacuate

>> No.10157554

>not using your cum sock as a pan holder

>> No.10157555 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157557 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157558


Thanks, kev

>> No.10157563

nice trips

>> No.10157599


>> No.10157608 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157613 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157623 [DELETED] 

>statutory rape

>> No.10157642
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>> No.10157645

Did it taste like in n out?

>> No.10157648

dude you fucked up so bad. That burger looks edible, nothing like in n out

>> No.10157657

you forgot to put an excessive amount of thousand island sauce on it

>> No.10157661 [DELETED] 

Roll it

>> No.10157683
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 20180216_201503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat, I think I made my patties too thick. I got the animal style onions right for sure though :)
I did put some on the inside, still have some left over

>> No.10157687
File: 1.11 MB, 4032x3024, 20180216_201533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to clean up

>> No.10157700
File: 1.53 MB, 303x184, 1517677685942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks bretty gud
>That burger looks edible, nothing like in n out
See gif

>> No.10157708

What's it like to be so bitter that you'll monitor a thread to make anti In N Out posts? There must not be much to do in Ohio

>> No.10157720

I'll admit that I'm looking for opportunities to hate on in n out if you admit that you're purposely seeking out any negative posts about in n out so you can counter them.

>> No.10157735

>not making gravy from the meat juice

>> No.10157743


Dorm furniture :^)

>> No.10157754

Not necessarily, I came in here because I knew OP was baiting and I wanted to be mildly upset for the day, and I wasn't disappointed

>> No.10157758 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157779

Is this a party of one?

>> No.10157783

Name fagging :^)

>> No.10157784

you genuinely like in n out and are irritated that I don't. furthermore you believe that having cheap ground beef and potatoes is some magical privilege you coasties have.

I'm jealous of california's legal weed, their mexican food and asian food. Those things are what makes the coast desirable. Not shitty, cheap thin patties of ground beef and fried potatoes. We actually have plenty of that in Ohio, thanks, and we do it better than you. Now stop eating fucking cheap burgers when you live in a place that has actual good food.

>> No.10157785 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157787 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157792 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157799 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157821 [DELETED] 

Man this feels like a classic right here.

>> No.10157840 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157849 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157853 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157854 [DELETED] 


>> No.10157931 [DELETED] 

30 (>>10157930) GET

>> No.10157937


>> No.10157938 [DELETED] 


>> No.10158340 [DELETED] 
File: 795 KB, 245x168, 1517462173014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckn russel

>> No.10159793 [DELETED] 


>> No.10159817 [DELETED] 

rollin for russel

>> No.10159818 [DELETED] 

rolling for 00

>> No.10159824 [DELETED] 

>illegal twerk

>> No.10159868

I was just googleing that

>> No.10159923

That's from bongland. Need a twerking license before you can twerk.

>> No.10159936 [DELETED] 


>> No.10159940

Clean your fucking pan

>> No.10159942 [DELETED] 


>> No.10160058
File: 21 KB, 629x494, g3668cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's gonna happen but we'll see.

>> No.10160140

Why don't you make like Van Gogh and cut your ear off

>> No.10160174


what’s up anon. 614fag here. Hungry as shit myself but waiting to eat at work

>> No.10160183

nice meme FOS faggot enjoy your local foods of pine needles and dog dicks and whatever landlocklets eat while shit posting on a Cambodian Basket Weaving Forum

>> No.10160319

in n out are smashed burgers though.

>> No.10160330

you can tell someone is a failure in life if they have an electric stove

>> No.10160365

Is that cheese?

>> No.10160373

mustard you flyover idiot

>> No.10160384

Not a mutt friend. Who the fuck puts on the sauce while it's still in the pan? Also if you're using that much mustard why have a burger at all? It's not like you're gonna taste the meat like that.

>> No.10160385

>Van goh's starry night

I'm sorry, what? What an uncultured opinion on one of the greatest known pieces of art in history.

>> No.10160389

>a potholder is art
Fuck off fruit.

>> No.10160407

>Jealous of californian food
Californian here, You're not missing anything other than johnny rockets and 50's style diners. Our fast food is just the same as everyone else, and our asian food is cheap panda express tier.

>> No.10160410

Yeah my first thought was mustard too, though why he's putting mustard on it while it's still in the pan is beyond me. He's probably brain damaged.

>> No.10160414

>I'm going to purposely pretend i'm ignorant of the mistakes in my own post and counter it with a non-disclaimer

Nice try sherlock. This has nothing to do with potholders. Just admit you didn't know the signifigance of what was on the potholder and you might save some face.

>> No.10160415

>This has nothing to do with potholders
Yes it does fruit because it's literally a fucking potholder, ya fruit.

>> No.10160420

>Pan handle cover
The fuck is this shit? Just hold it with your hand,by the grip. are people seriously this scared of burning themselves?

>> No.10160421

a mustard-fried patty is an essential aspect of the in-n-out animal style burger

>> No.10160437

No. It isn't. The kitchens are open and it's very easy to know this isn't true

>> No.10160441

>mustard-fried patty
God you are dumb.

>> No.10160447
File: 40 KB, 445x599, 445px-Thomas_Paine_rev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conversation in question was about what was on the potholder. not about it being a pot holder "Ya fruit". You said and I quote: ">fruity looking pot holder" This implies you have no idea what the signifigance of the artwork on that potholder is. If you did know, which evidently, you did not. You would know it was the Starry Night, painted by the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh in 1889, a very prominent and impactful piece during the renaissance era of arts and sciences. To call it "fruity" just shows your laughable amount of ignorance behind the history and meaning of the subject. It was a very important doccumented piece of artwork that has been praised for centuries now, So the idea of it being on a common household potholder is not far fetched. Because, evidently,. Some people actually have a love for the arts, and a modicum of class in this world to appreciate such a thing, where as you, ignorant neanderthal jestingly mock it by calling it "fruity." You could have easily just asked in this thread about its signifigance, but instead you took the time to make an absolute fool of yourself, (in which I apparently have to point out) in front of all these anonymous patrons, all because you couldn't be bothered to care.

But please, do continue to astonish me with your stupidity. I'll gladly go all day with you if it means outing you for the colossal waste of brain cells you really are.

>> No.10160457

No, it was an argument about using a potholder vs a side-towel you fart smelling fruit.
I don't give a shit if the sidetowel was a jackson pollok original, ya fruit.

>> No.10160459

INO PT'r here, Yes it is. We use mustard on all animal style burgers, be they turkey, or beef. You fry it one side plain let it cook, then add mustard to the uncooked side, flip and grill that, the mustard bakes right in. I have to wipe the grill down every single time I make one.

>> No.10160462

What a fucking faggot. Take a moment to think about how you just posted to this to fucking 4chan

>> No.10160464

">A potholder is art"
Never once was this brought up. art is on the potholder, not "THE" potholder. Again you show a disturbing lack of reading comprehension, (and of your own post I might add.) You now try to shamefully scapegoat your failures by switching the subject, claiming you were never talking about the pot holde,r when clearly, you were. Your own words are your own downfall. Isn't the archival system just wonderful? Now you can relive all of your mistakes and possibly learn from them. Though for you, I have my doubts you'll gain a single iota of redemption from them... What a pitty.

Scared of a little paragraph anon? Complex words make you cower in fear? Get over yourself.

>> No.10160467

You googled jackson pollock didn't you.
He wasn't covered in your High School ceramics class.

>> No.10160473

You said a potholder was cultured art, ya fruit
You forgot you said it in between sniffing your own farts.

>> No.10160485

>Petty assumptions.
Boy, I'm pretty sure I predate you by thirty years minimum. Don't you start rapping on my age just because you've run out of ammunition for an argument you started, and apparently can't even finish. Saddening really. I expected better from someone so defiant and clueless.

Are we incapable of differentiating our own posts anon? I believe it was: >>10160389 who said "A potholder is art" Funny. That anonymous number doesn't correlate to me. See the little (you) next to that post? I wonder what that could possibly mean! and heres a tip kiddo: Only you can see that (you).

>> No.10160491

Again remember this isn't an art board, it's a cooking board. Your "art" discussion is off-topic, please stay on topic and talk about the potholder, a tool used for cooking.

>> No.10160513

And your deflections are just as off topic. Alright, since you can't seem to digest simple concepts, lets break this down so baby can read it:

">Fruity looking pot holder"
This implies you anon, called the potholder in question fruity. you didn't like its design so you ignorantly insulted it.

>"I'm sorry, what? What an uncultured opinion on one of the greatest known pieces of art in history"
My own counter on your response. This is, mind you, about the "fruity" potholder. I counter by calling you out on your defamation of a famous art piece, and what is your response?

>">a potholder is art"

I mean, can we seriously just take a moment to take in how ignorant this response is? Like seriously. You didn't adress the question, you didn't even try. You just decided to go with a low-end bait post in hopes someone would agree with you. What on earth here ever said "The potholder is art"? Learn to read for all our sakes please.

>> No.10160522

>called the potholder in question fruity
You fucked up, and didn't see the sidetowel comment( a better cooking tool used by chefs), that's the source of your ignorance.

>> No.10160542

>and didn't see the sidetowel comment
It's a non variable. You said it and I never once brought it into the equation beause it's irrelevant. You're so fixated on this "Side towel" despite it having nothing to do with the argument. The argument was based solely on your defamaiton of Van Gogh's work. You keep trying to deflect to your earlier post, which has nothing to do with the topic chain. This is utterly pathetic anon, did you just have your first high school debate class last week?

>> No.10160553

Look at this moron now fending off four people to uphold his intelligence. I can't imagine needing to validate myself this hard, in such an embarrassing way

>> No.10160565

>The argument was based solely on your defamaiton [sic] of Van Gogh's work.
Nope, never happened. Dementia?

I said potholders are fruity and to use a sidetowel.
You're a fartsmelling old boomer who learned about a well known painter and assumed I was talking about the art. Reread >>10157512

>> No.10160580

>2 clearly defined anons is apparently 4 now
Anon, math isn't your strong suit.

Are you seriously this obtuse? You've got to be kidding me. What part of "THE ARGUMENT" don't you understand? Your first post is not THE ARGUMENT. Every post following after is.

Good god man you're daft.

>> No.10160592

So you are admitting going on about art when the topic never was about it. I understand you have an age related cognitive disorder. I feel sorry for you old man, but you might see a doctor.

>> No.10160616

I want to fucking gag

>> No.10160619

>Topics don't shift when new discussion arises
Yup. you're obtuse. And here you are rambling about medical conditions as your defense. Absolutely pitiful anon. such a shit performance, and a terrible closure to boot.

>> No.10160624

ya got em good

>> No.10160633

>ranting about art after quoting a post about potholders vs sidetowels on a food board
Go shout at the moon you old fool. Nobody was talking about art until you wanted to "show off" unrelated knowledge. Did you ever find the wikipedia page on Jackson Pollock? Have your grandson show you.

>> No.10160816

Dude, he's btfo of you numerous times and everyone can see it. Now go clean your false teeth and stfu.

>> No.10160827


I'm pretty sure they make what's called a "smash burger) where you take a ball shaped piece of ground beef and smash it into the pan with the spatula. Of course they use a flat top but most people don't have one of those in their kitchen.

So terrible.

>> No.10160887
File: 52 KB, 657x527, 0DB82663-81D3-4AD6-9BA4-77866F6013CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not giving each patty a quick jab in n out with your erect penis before grilling like they really do at as part of the secret recipe
come on anon step it up