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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10138295 No.10138295 [Reply] [Original]

recent poorfag here, i picked up some chicken drumsticks for 2.76 and i've never cooked drumsticks before, only breasts since i've never been in a situation where i've had to cook them.
assuming i have all decent spices and oils, what can i do to jazz them up a bit? i have some onions and rice i might fry up with it.
thanks 4 listening

>> No.10138306

Do whatever you want with it. It's chicken, dumbass.

>> No.10138377

fuck you too faggot

>> No.10138383

Drumsticks can be baked a lot like chicken wings. Rub them with a bit of oil and your preference of spices, then bake them at like 400F until the outside starts to crisp and the meat pulls off easily.

>> No.10138456
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cheers m8

>> No.10138985

Bake, or you could seer in a pan and finish in the oven

>> No.10139037

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>File: 1507082431850.png (225 KB, 880x882)
I like to fry my drum sticks on the stove with spices and oils or fry them up and dip them in a cream cheese/sauce combo. Cajun and cream cheese melted is the best. It taste like a giant wing at wing night