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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10113625 No.10113625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cooking is for fags.
Real men let their women cook and if they are single (rare when you're alpha) they eat at the restaurant.

This is an informative thread. Any replies to this thread will be futile as what I stated is a fact.

>> No.10113631

Hi Maddox, still going with that late 90s edginess?

>> No.10113633
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Except that men are better at cooking, so joke is on you.

>> No.10113635

>relying on a woman to provide a basic need
name one thing more beta
you actually cannot, even if you tried

>> No.10113641

Imagine being this much of a cuck that you have to post this >>10113625

>> No.10113650

>best chefs/cooks are men
>somehow cooking is for women

>> No.10113701

I'm glad this thread reaffirmed your fragile masculinity.

>> No.10113785

>letting women be anything more than a moist hole
This is how feminism happened

>> No.10113806
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Go back to your containment board virgin

>> No.10113822

>strawman: the post
You don't understand the soyboy meme; I implore you to go back to r*ddit, or better yet do the world a favor and put a bullet in your brain.

>> No.10113827
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yeah, i'm gonna trust a woman to cook those steaks i spent $30 on

>> No.10113829
File: 31 KB, 288x316, 1406201976170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really shows that this site is full of 15yo /pol/acks memelords when you see so many people defending this forced dead meme.
>inb4 i'm a leftist soy eating faggot

>> No.10113830

You throwing out "strawman" like a fallacy faggot just proves my point. This isn't an argument. You're a faggot. You're a virgin. You're fat. Kill yourself.

>> No.10113901

>you don't understand the soyboy meme
I'm dying, lmao. Does it take a high IQ? You're absolutely right, OP is a faggot underage virgin edgelord.

>> No.10113909
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>> No.10113960


>> No.10113969

Heh. Nothing personnel, kid

>> No.10113976

gay parades are fun desu

>> No.10113987

Facebook is down the hall and on the right.

>> No.10113995

found the soyboys lmao

>> No.10114010

Sure, grandpa, yes yes..... now, don't forget you have to take your pills now, and if you have any problems like getting stuck on the toilet agsin, push the red button on the wall and assistance will come help you.

>> No.10114011
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>> No.10114045

Not those anons but holy shit lmao this is the definition of cringe.

>> No.10114056

Specialization is for insects.

>> No.10114150

Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long long time.

>> No.10114269

You are right OP

>> No.10114302


Half the guys on the left id still call soyboys. Wtf is wrong with that guys mandible on the far left? He looks weird

>> No.10114315
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>> No.10114321

>allowing a woman to cook
Not on my watch

>> No.10114329
File: 239 KB, 700x695, 1517678308325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss the old days when people would just call eachother nigger and faggot and be done with it instead of just forcing retarded memes

>> No.10114336


>> No.10114337

Fuck off nigger. Saged.

Captcha: calle nigger

>> No.10114345

Real men also live at home, and have mom pay for rent and utilities. Any other answer will be regarded as being incorrect.

>> No.10114350

