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File: 46 KB, 600x400, spaghetti sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10102479 No.10102479 [Reply] [Original]

i want to make god tier spaghetti and meatballs

>> No.10102514

>5 tbsp butter
>2-3 cloves garlic
>handful of fresh basil
>~1 tbsp of minced fresh oregano
>1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
>half an onion
>28 oz can of good quality whole peeled tomatoes
>parmesan rind of you have it
>salt to taste

Saute the garlic, crushed pepper, and herbs in the butter then dump in the tomatoes, onion and parmesan rind. You can either puree the tomatoes beforehand or smush them against the side of the pot with a wooden spoon. Simmer for about 90 minutes. Take out the onion before serving

>1 lb ground beef. 85/15 is best.
>4 oz good quality ricotta cheese
>4 oz freshly grated good quality parmesan
>1 cup breadcrumbs
>1 egg
>2 tsp garlic salt
>dash of Worcestershire

You can fry these before putting these in the sauce but I prefer to just poach them right in the sauce and slow cook them. You can also use a combo of italian sausage and ground beef but I prefer just beef.

>> No.10102530
File: 39 KB, 789x934, literally my moms spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual god tier coming through

its my italian moms/grandmas spaghetti and its worth it

>> No.10102536

>Take out the onion before serving

>> No.10102539

Heres my sauce recipe

>1 onion, cut into large chunks with a blunt knife
>2 tins of low salt tomato sauce
>1 gallon of oil (thats where the flavour is)
>salt and pepper

>add oil (thats where the flavour is) to pot on medium heat
>dump in the onion chunks
>add tinned sauce
>cover half the pot with salt, the other half with pepper
>scoop out all the oil if you want, but not too much because thats where the flavour is

>> No.10102542

>meatloaf mix

>> No.10102548

You can use all beef too but I figured that was self explanatory. I personally use just beef. I will update the recipe to reflect this now thx

>> No.10102557

You don't dice the onion, you just cut it in half and throw it in. I guess you can dice it but I've always just tossed it in whole

>> No.10102560

>You don't dice the onion, you just cut it in half and throw it in
interesting. at that point why not just use onion powder?

>> No.10102566

Marie, I was hoping you died.

>> No.10102572

I've never used onion powder, you could sure try it. But I like to eat the onion after I pull it out

>> No.10102573

If you don't know what that is, it's either half pork and half beef, or one third each pork, beef, and veal. It does give it a different flavor which some people prefer. I dunno if you can buy the packages with each meat already together in stores anymore, don't really hear about people using that much now.

>> No.10102577

It's half pork and beef in one package where I live.

>> No.10102580

You need to roast your tomato in a ceramic dish for about 5 hours. You need to make brown. Choose the brown.

>> No.10102597
File: 52 KB, 1024x683, pennette-rigate-adv-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads we've got some good sauce and meatballs recipes in this thread now what kind of pasta do you use?

My favorite is pennette

>> No.10102646
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Fucking dropped

>> No.10102919

My family recipe is to get three big things of ragu traditional add half a bottle of bbq sauce

Usually makes enough and has a nice sweet flavor

>> No.10103005

better to dice, fry until brown, boil with sauce and then put everything through food mill.

>> No.10103013

Use penne pasta, angel hair is garbage.

>> No.10103020

These guys know what's up.

>> No.10103022
File: 486 KB, 550x911, 1501370298594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angel hair is garbage.

>> No.10103050

meat sauce > meat balls
prove me wrong

>> No.10103064

I've substituted beef mince for kangaroo mince in all of my spaghetti. It's cheap, healthier and tastes practically the same. Although that probably isn't possible if you're not in Australia.

>> No.10103075 [DELETED] 


>> No.10103085

You literally can't. You can make it well, good even, but the dish can never be amazing. There's not enough going on

>> No.10104169

Spaghetti and meatballs. That has got to be one of the most retarded combinations I have ever heard of. Just make a proper Ragu Bolognese.

>> No.10104243

boiled potato
fried onion
allspice aka myrtle pepper
mix that shit up and fry it it's p. good

>> No.10104249

>saute the herbs
i seriously hope that's a joke, basil gets ruined if you do that

>> No.10104326

I generally try to avoid posting non-constructive criticism, but that looks incredibly mediocre.

Maybe try using more seasoning and actual tomatoes.

>> No.10105287

but it looks so cool

>> No.10105296

the meat from the ribs and meatballs and the fact that it simmers for 3 hours gives it the flavor

>> No.10105748

>simmers for 3 hours to give it flavor
This. Making spaghetti sauce is like aging wine (just on a different timetable obviously)

You need at least 3 hours to allow the acids to break down and the aromas to get in there. A 90 minute spaghetti sauce will taste like shit compared to the same thing that was simmering for 3 to 4 hours.

Italian cooking is a marathon, not a sprint.

>> No.10106991

I hope so.

>> No.10107289

Get an anchovy and mash that fishie up into the sauce.

>> No.10107369

Swaghetti and memeballs

>> No.10107382

cook the sauce the night before

>> No.10107393


Woefully. Underseasoned. Okay for basic quantities, I guess, but where are your herbs (oregano, bay leaf), white wine, chilies, etc?

>> No.10107397

as someone who has made tomato sauce for pasta for a decade, i finally discovered what makes it taste the way it should: it's the tomatoes. if you use regular tomatoes, even canned, your pasta sauce will lack that punch that is characteristic of really good sauce. you really do have to get canned italian tomatoes/san marzano tomatoes. that's what gives sauce that unplaceable, but amazing, flavor. if you have ever bought Rao's tomato sauce, it'll give it that same taste that Rao's has.

the tomatoes are the most important. everything else is fluff.

>> No.10107456

it's a tomato sauce, there's no reason to remove the onion since the flavor is strong and the onion won't over power

>> No.10107585

Looks like a big slop of sh*t.

>> No.10107630
File: 797 KB, 280x210, GreedyOptimisticHarborseal-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry guys, these are all cute, and some of you have the right idea, but no
you'll need an immersion blender, or a large vitamix, or patience, knife skills, and intuition for this one
blitz tomatoes and everything delicious into a puree, roast in the oven until the top is black
really, burnt
shortly after, add just enough of the freshest herbs you can find, chopped very fine with a very sharp knife, and basically a handful of salt
wa. la.

variations include caramelized onions, confit garlic and requisite oil, roasted peppers, mushrooms you can't buy at a super market, reggiano rinds, braised proscuitto ends, and fine sherry. Although personally I consider these a key part of everything delicious.

>> No.10107739

I use two cans of San marzano tomatoes
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 sweet onion, diced
A few good leaved of basil, to taste
Oregano, to taste
Tomato paste/pureed sun dried tomatoes
Cayenne, to taste
Olive oil

Start that shit with a large sauce pot, a bit of olive oil set to medium heat, them I add the onion, and cook till it caramelizes slightly, then add the garlic, tomatoes, half a can on water, basil chopped finely, cinnamon, oregano, nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste, tomatoes paste, and about a tablespoon of honey, let it simmer for about an hour
After that, I process it in an immersion blender till it gets to a nice smooth consistency, add it back to the pot and cook for another hour, usually I'll add meatballs at this step, and let them cook together
Also only pork meatballs, sometime pork and lamb, or pork and veal
It's alright, better than any Jarred sauce

>> No.10107923

>using butter

You already failed

>> No.10107947


A good amount of olive oil in a large pan
Saute 2 cubed onions and 2 pieces of garlic
Add dried chili Flakes
Add 3 Cans of Pelati Tomatoes or very good fresh tomatoes
Add oregano, a bit of paprika powder and salt and pepper
let simmer for at least an hour, preferably 2 hours.
Add water if needed, but we want a relativly thick sauce


Put grinded Beef and Grinded Pork in a Bowl
Add finely minced onion, parsley and garlic to it
Add a fuckton amount of grinded parmesan to it (about half the weight of your meat mixture)
add an egg or two
a bit of breadcrumbs
olive oil
salt and pepper, chili flakes if you want
if you want, some leftover pesto from yesterday (only freshly prepared)

Form some balls
fry in a mixture of sunflower abd olice oil till golden brown
add half of them to the sauce, serve the rest as it is to the table

Dont use spaghetti, use penne!

>> No.10108034

Put a bunch of fresh basil and Italian parsley in your meatballs.

>> No.10108055
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get ready everyone. Grandpa Gipepe is about to tell us about how you are supposed to use olive oil for everyfuckingthing. Even for frying.

>> No.10108067

Real talk though, tomato sauce has to be the most overrated and overhyped italian food ever to exist. I mean, even Ragu, which is basically what it's based on, is very good, but not exactly a flavor explosion. And that's not even getting into the meatballs.

>> No.10108122

im not saying that, but for a good tomato sauce, olive oil is pretty important

>> No.10108138

Nope. Butter is better than olive oil.

>> No.10108139

Shit recipe

>> No.10109156

The point of that recipe is to be plain
idk why people are shitposting about it when everybody I know irl who has had it loves it

>> No.10109165

sounds like a good recipe except for the

>> No.10109175
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x750, 1515719431637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immersion blender
>add it back to the pot
Why would you take it out of the pot when the point of the immersion blender is so you dont have to transfer it

>> No.10109516

The steps for making the sauce seem off to me. Surely you want to add the paste before the tins of tomatoes because you want to cook off the rawness of it.

Also needs more onions and garlic.

>> No.10110424

I pulled a retard and though I was putting it in a food processor, don't do what I said it's dangerous

>> No.10110441

Those are optional, Iike the flavor, but It's not necessary, cinnamon brings out the tomatoes flavor though

>> No.10110449

That is by definition not spaghetti you turd.