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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10096252 No.10096252 [Reply] [Original]

Am I a manchild for eating this at 22 years old?

>> No.10096260

No, you're a manchild for caring enough about what anyone else thinks to make a thread asking this question.

>> No.10096261
File: 3 KB, 125x104, peprat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait whats the difference between Kraft macaroni and cheese and kraft dinner?

>> No.10096263

Came here to say pretty much exactly this.
OP stop being an externally validated faggot, then and only then will you cease being a manchild.

>> No.10096269
File: 2 KB, 110x124, slowjak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in reality OP is probably just lonely and was hoping someone else like him existed who enjoyed kraft dinner

>> No.10096270

This is true. I do wonder if it's shittier than it used to be, or if I just remember it with childhood nostalgia. I bought a box on a whim, and even spruced it up with heavy cream instead of milk, and it was still bland as fuck.

>> No.10096274

Country of origin. It's Kraft Dinner in Canada. Same exact product otherwise.

>> No.10096284

Macaroni and cheese you can eat anytime.
Kraft dinner is only for dinner.

>> No.10096289


Let me simplify your life, dick. Elbow macaroni is Kraft fucking DINNER. Take a cup and a half of elbow mac and cook it until its well hydrated. Grate a half stick of cheddar cheese into a bowl, toss in enough cornstarch to turn everything white.

Drain that elbow mac and put in a tablespoon of butter at least and a measured amount of 2% milk. after that's hot slowly stir in your grated, cornstarch coated cheddar. Then add milk until it's perfect Mac And Cheese.

Works every time, flawlessly.

>> No.10096345

They changed it to appeal to a broader of autistic kids and soccer moms afraid of flavor.
They either did or do still offer the original as 'bold' or something like that.

>> No.10096348

You dont know how to cook

>> No.10096358


I KNOW you don't. But enjoy your shit food. It's fun watching you kids fuck up every form of food.

>> No.10096363


Sorry, here you go, bitch


>> No.10096389

No he sounds like a leaf and will die in a snowbank.

>> No.10098103

Possibly, more likely you are just a palatelet who got ruined early on. Let me guess, baby boomer parents who couldn't cook? Basically the only time you got something even remotely close to edible was fast food, frozen dinners, and kraft mac and cheese?

>> No.10099762
File: 29 KB, 367x275, Daiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over faggots, the best is coming through

>> No.10099766

>dairy free
its time for you to go anon

>> No.10099776

Looks like a slop of SHHEET

>> No.10099794

No, you're just a child

>> No.10099802

I love it too, OP. I buy two boxes and use the noodles from only one and both cheese packets. then I cut up hotdogs and mix it in. I'm 26

>> No.10099813

Yes. You should at least be eating Annie's by now. The aged cheddar one with shells.

>> No.10099824

Try dumping pasta sauce or chili in it. A can of chili or chef boyardee will work. Fried peppers, onions, and bacon are also good. If you’re going to eat it, might as well make it decent.

>> No.10099846

You're a manchild for not eating the whole grain version of that

>> No.10099944
File: 7 KB, 259x194, modesty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the perfect food
it's in the Bible and the Koran

>> No.10100203

Verse and Surah?

>> No.10100236

if at the age of 22 you can't make cheese sauce over KD then ya probably

>> No.10100286

Adding cheese wiz helps

>> No.10101690

It's quick, easy and cheap. When I worked in a hostel in a ski town nearly everyone ate KD and 2min noodles prob 5 days a week to save money. (Then spend $80 a night in bars).

>> No.10101694

Apparently they taste sightly different, and the American one calls for 4 spoons of butter instead of just one.

>> No.10101713

>No, you're just a child

What do you mean by this? I know men in their 30s/40s who cant cook/clean/wipe their own asses.

>> No.10101719

No I'm 21, and it's still one of my favorite fast food/junk food meals. Easy 1200 calories for when you're sick, and need to just get something down. This, and Kraft Single grilled cheesies are god tier for QUICK meals.

>> No.10101734

Yeah. If you're gonna eat chemical cheese garbage at least get shells and cheese.

>> No.10101738

At 22, unless you're able to support yourself with a job making 50k or more a year;you're a child.

>> No.10101741

I never cared for Kraft mac'n'cheese. The cheese powder has no flavor at all.
And BTW, why are people so obsessed with the personal lifestyle preferences of adolescents? I see middle-aged people use ready-to-eat foods rather than cook an actual meal and yet nobody cares.

>> No.10101746

What about middle-aged drunks who can't go for more than one hour without pissing themselves?

>> No.10101772

That's called addiction, and disease anon, and we don't call those things people

>> No.10101784

Wtf is a stick of cheddar cheese.

>> No.10101795

I call bullshit. Theres people in their 40s/50s who make less than $50,00/year eating canned foods/MRE meals, yet they're called survivalists,

>> No.10101857

you forgot the eggs, and that recipe has evaporated milk.

>> No.10102010


>> No.10102038


380 grams.

>> No.10102816

I eat it and i'm 35 and make 95k a year.

My cousin eats it and she is 40 and makes 110k a year.

I don't understand the faggots in this thread, sometimes when I want mac and cheese every now and then I don't want to put $25 down for ingredients when this 1$ box gives me what I want.

>> No.10102826
File: 59 KB, 520x520, kraftdeluxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10102828

Wrong. Masculinity is conservatism. Conservatism is an adherence to social norms, because the stability of society is valued above all else.

Where OP goes wrong is in not instinctively understanding these norms. It is good that he is at least trying, he is doing the best he can despite an obvious disability, but he will never quite be a man.

>> No.10102844
File: 38 KB, 329x355, krafthomestyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks YOUR path*

>> No.10104507

>Conservatism is an adherence to social norms
>The social norm is to be a soyboy

Seems about right

>> No.10104581

it's not chocolate milk.

>> No.10104589

Basically is these days. People are trying pretty hard to make it cease to exist at all.