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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 679x960, kimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10081078 No.10081078 [Reply] [Original]

So is kimchi good ? I have never tried it . and what do you eat with it ?

>> No.10081084

shiiiiit whatever you want boy
tastes kinda like real good tomato sauce not even lyin

>> No.10081090

Yeah kimchi is the shit. It's good in omelettes, quesadillas, fried rice, by itself, and a hundred other ways. Never made it myself but I've always wanted to

>> No.10081113



>> No.10081131

try not to burn out on it i used to love kimchi but then i put that shit on everything for a few months and now i can barely stand the smell

>> No.10081192

It's basically like sauerkraut with lots of garlic and chili peppers, not quite like the real thing but close.

>> No.10081205

>It's basically like sauerkraut with lots of garlic and chili peppers
also, often made with fish paste or shrimp paste, right?

the kimchi I've had smelled revolting, and tasted great.
the disconnect between smell and taste was new for me.

>> No.10081542

Korean food is shit.

>> No.10081568
File: 130 KB, 500x359, kimchee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also, often made with fish paste or shrimp paste, right?
you wouldn't notice it is overly fishy though, it's only providing the salt and umami, sort of the way thai or vietnamese fish sauce is nearly identical to soy sauce in taste, color, saltiness. There's only a hint of seafood.

OP, kimchee done well will have the fermented quality of a half-sour kosher pickle...that flavor. It's less vinegar pickly and more half sour fermented style pickles. Often it is just a side condiment served to enhance a few bites or two of a bowl of rice and meat. It provides a good amount of chili heat, as well as cabbage and pickle flavor. Other vegetables can be used for fermenting...my favorite are radishes and green onion. It's harder to find without a really good asian grocery making it onsite by a grandma somewhere. Craft cooking to say the least.
Pic is a beef and rice bowl with the various garnishes of green onion, egg, etc, and some kimchi to enjoy with it.

>> No.10081604

I pan fry it with eggs for breakfast. It's great.

>> No.10081851

t. tastlet

>> No.10081857

Tastes pretty good, makes yer burps taste like regret for a few hours

>> No.10081862

>also, often made with fish paste or shrimp paste, right?
just a bit
i.e. i am allergic to shrimp but have never had a reaction to kimchi made with shrimp paste

>> No.10082179


>> No.10082557
File: 220 KB, 752x500, Cucumber Kimchi .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it but im also a gook. just go to a korean bbq near your area, theyll most likely have lots of dif kimchi for you to try. most of my american friends really like pic rel, whihc is cucumber kimchi since it reminds them of pickles lol

>> No.10082573

>shovel knight secret boss

>> No.10082596
File: 95 KB, 500x600, God Wills It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can eat anything with it, or eat it as a sidedish.Top your brautwurst with it.


>> No.10082858
File: 33 KB, 318x633, 1501704706440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I weren't white ▬ The thread ▬

>> No.10082874

>you're only allowed to eat and enjoy foods that are associated with your ethnicity
go fuck yourself

>> No.10082915

It tastes like wilted cabbage dipped in beer. Not good raw. I haven’t cooked with it though, don’t know if that would change things.

>> No.10082922

If you enjoy the taste of raw sewage give it a try! Fucking weebs here swear by it lmao.

>> No.10082932

It's fermented cabbage seasoned with chili, garlic and anchovy. If you have trouble with pickled foods or slight fishy flavors you could find it repulsive. Some folks do. It's also incredibly popular, increasingly beyond traditional Korean cuisine. Unless you're a picky eater type chances are you'll like it.

>> No.10082956

Trust me, you gotta cook it before eating it. I put my pan on high heat and burn it to get rid of the smell.

>> No.10082959

also adding that ifs god tier when grilled with korean bbq. you let the kimchi steep in the pig fat of some samgyupsal and its incredible

>> No.10082969
File: 347 KB, 318x633, 1508570861077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when your order kumchu (literally just sauerkraut with chili) from fucking ESTONIA. You suffer from an ethnic diversity inferiority complex


>> No.10082974

Thanks, I’ll give it another shot. I still have a whole jar minus two forkfuls in my fridge atm.

>> No.10082985

it's korean you inbred slav fuck

>> No.10083011
File: 347 KB, 318x633, 1514050988536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's korean
Every culture in the world has fermented cabbage or its equivalent

Atsara in the Philippines
Curtido in El Salvador
Dill pickles in eastern and central Europe
Kimchi in Korea
Kiseli kupus in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia
Киceлo зeлe in Bulgaria
Silage, a feed for cattle
Suan cai in northeastern China
Tsukemono in Japan
Brovada in Northern Italy

is a result of a racial inferiority complex

>> No.10083032

how is any of that fucking relevant you retard child
we're talking about spiced fermented cabbage, whatever name you want to call it by, nobody is weebing out like you're so desperately trying to convince yourself

>> No.10083039

Go back to pol you fucking idiot

>> No.10083040

>spiced fermented cabbage
its called kinchi you autistic fuck
only cums from korea

>> No.10083046

just don't reply you faggots

>> No.10083049

I don't find the smell bad at all. I'll eat it straight from the jar in front of the fridge

>> No.10083077

иди нaхyй дeбил

>> No.10083082
File: 347 KB, 318x633, 1511022807995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat true protein fortified authentic nippon ramen from japan ▬ The thread ▬

>> No.10083084

Japanese make kimchi nabe and it is heavenly. I don’t particularly like kimichi on it’s own but as a base for babe it is god tier.

>> No.10083109
File: 347 KB, 318x633, 1487412886591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last picture
because this thread is literally the embodiment of this picture

>raw fish on rice - height of culinary talent

>> No.10083119

>comparing ANY bona fide food or cuisine with shit
Found the nigger.

>> No.10083973

dont like stinky food and just hot food,
they have not umami, just hot one.

>> No.10084806

Kimchi is pretty good. It's also really cheap and easy to make in bulk.

>> No.10085074
File: 18 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took a year off of school after my sophomore year to teach english in korea. i was placed in sunchang which was a smaller town way out in the boonies (the school i taught at was k-5 grade and only had 20 students total). i'm korean so i didn't feel totally out of place, but all my family were in seoul and i rarely visited them. in my first week i was walking home after catching the bus from school and a random halmuni (grandmother) approached me and asked me if i was new. i'm tall so i stand out, but was kind of surprised she talked to me. i told her i was from america and was here to teach english, and she lit up thanking me for coming all that way to help the kids out. she took me into her house and fed me a really nice meal with all homemade banchans. she told me her grandchildren were all around my age now and how its been a while since shed seen them. she said her husband passed away not too long ago and she spent her days just cleaning the neighborhood around. after i was finished, she packed me up two bags of cabbage kimchi and scallion kimchi and told me to come back anytime for a homecooked meal or more kimchi. i was so fucking thankful i nearly cried. but my dumb ass also forgot to memorize where her house was in relation from my apartment and i never got to go back. i also couldnt tell what she looked like among all the other halmunis in the neighborhood so for all i know i just passed her by tons of times without even saying hi kek. hope she's either well or gone to a better place

>> No.10085167

God you are a faggot, I'm a /pol/ man myself but jesus christ it's ck man keep it food related.
Kimchi is good shit. Just enjoy it.

>> No.10085191
File: 47 KB, 720x684, Sodomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a /pol/ man myself

>> No.10085631

I wish it went the way of hummus and became popular in the USA so the price would go down. The ingredients are cheap and it's fairly quick to make, but the demand isn't there. I can only get it for like $6-7 a pound in my area. I want to try to make some, but I probably wouldn't eat enough to warrant going through the fermentation process.

>> No.10085645

It's easy as shit to make and will last months in the fridge and will stay fresh enough to make soups and stir-frys with for a year. Home-made is also WAY better than store-bought, even the stuff from Asian grocers.

>> No.10085654

do you have a good recipe? and is there a way to substitute korean peppers for other ones? I don't have access to them without having to order online.

>> No.10085663

Not him but here's a pretty simple recipe that I've used before.
Not sure about replacing the korean peppers but.

>> No.10085668

thanks! I'll give it a shot.

>> No.10085675

I just used the first one to pop into google and added a few things I had around; like 6 crumbled hatch chilies, some crushed dried miniature shrimp, and 12 grams of nori. Also, I used brown sugar instead of white.


>> No.10085679

Kimchi CURED my stomach problems. I almost had to go to the hospital because everything I ate was coming out whole, undigested, like 3 hours after I ate it and one bite of kimchi literally fixed my stomach.

>> No.10085691

i had it a few times
it tastes like pickles
whats the point?

>> No.10085694

Dude just report him, he's straight up just spamming.

>> No.10085697

They gave you old white people kimchi? Also, kimchi is fermented so...