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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10068101 No.10068101 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, what are some good staple foodstuffs that
>have good nutritional content
>are relatively inexpensive
>solid shelf lives
>wide range of cooking applications

I'm looking to better budget my monthly grocery shopping expenses / trips. Trying to stock up on bulk staples at the beginning of the month that will last me a few weeks.

Already have
-dried beans / lentils

Any help is appreciated!

>> No.10068111
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doesn't have to be vegetarian either, I'm open to using frozen / canned meat or fish, as long as it doesn't taste like shit

>> No.10068125

how magnanimous of you, OP.

>> No.10068167

Dirt cheap and great source of protein, iron, and vitamin A

>> No.10068193

Canned fish are really a great option, anchovies, mackerel, sardines, can be thrown in with so many things and keep forever. Frozen fish is another good one, again they're healthy, versatile and long lasting. I'd also recommend having ground meat of a low fat content, pork, lamb or beef mince again can be used in lots of different dishes for chilies, burgers, meatballs etc, and can also be frozen.

>> No.10068798
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Root vegetables like turnips, parsnips, and beets in addition to just potatoes. Lots of minerals, and they store just as well as potatoes if you keep them dry. Try shredding some turnips and mixing with shredded potatoes for hash-browns. Lots of ways to use them.

>> No.10068852
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If you are in the northern hemisphere, squashes are often really cheap during the harvest season, and you can prep them to store for up to a year. Look for tasty varieties like hubbards with a lot of "meat." Save the seeds, let them dry for a while, then fry them for a delicious snack.

>> No.10068897

Why doesn't /ck/ have a sticky?

>> No.10068937

too politically incorrect to advocate one method of cooking, or support one branch of spices over the others. its just not ... i guess "politically correct" in today's climate.

>> No.10069058

No one can really decide on anything, and too many variables. Where do you start? What techniques do you follow? What do you prioritize? Say, supposing I'm going from "idiot who only knows how to cook instant ramen" to "good enough to the point where they can come up with their own dishes". How do I teach this guy things like braising, deglazing, properly cutting and dicing food, deboning, making stock, learning how to marinade, how to properly spice something, baking, making soup, or really anything at all without being boring or stepping on certain toes?

I'm thinking of writing the big /ck/ guide to learning how to cook without breaking the bank, but I'm still figuring out how to do it day by day without screwing up.

>> No.10069129

Honestly not a bad endeavor, Godspeed anon. Personally I'm shit at processing vegetables so I could use cutting techniques and other methods for processing. Most of it is just fiddling around and personal preference but its still would be nice to learn about the ways that you can cut veg up.

>> No.10069153

just make it open edit and let the community submit their own entries like how wikis are supposed to work you mongs. Lookat /g/'s wiki for example. If you think there's variety in food, you'd be surprised at the sheer variety of operating systems, programming languages, specs, web browsers, smartphones, apps, chinkshit, and ricing options. and they make it work.

Point is you don't have to indivually author each article, just have a server hosted website with mods quality-checking open entries to stop abusers. In particular the home page itself should just be a place that has general info and useful links like "absolute cooking basics", "poorfag cooking", "big slops of shit recipes", "deenz: the guide", "sips illustrated" "Jack's YouTube channel", "sponsored fast food recommendations", "helpful images and user guides", "other resources" and then maybe an IRC to coordinate mods. Once that's set up, a mod can sticky from there and you're golden

fuck now you got me thinking and I should do this myself. meh.

>> No.10069166

oh and an eggs and breakfast article. Yeah just shit /ck/ regularly talks about but in wiki form for people to reference instead of keeping like 10 archived tabs on the same topic ffs

>> No.10069248

Both fair points, honestly. I'll get to it. But on the other hand I have no idea if people will actually go for it.

>> No.10069292

I think as far as a game plan would go, the priority would be on just reserving an external domain (example: cookingwithck.com) and having the site actually be hosted. from there a wiki framework can be constructed so that the site looks like a wiki. now that there is an admin, you will need mods and an IRC to manage content together so at this point you will need to maybe shill for /ck/ oldfags to help manage your slop of shit website. last are the article themselves: they don't have to be full polished and published articles with authors. just have some links to title pages and blank pages for people to fill in as I wrote on >>10069153 maybe just write what you know and others can edit to refine it.

other title link ideas: the al/ck/ guide to alcohol, tools and appliances, 5-minute meals, etc.

fuck if I wasn't phoneposting away from home I could have done like half of the 1st step by now

>> No.10069319

The only practical /ck/ sticky would have one line:
>Welcome to /ck/. Now fuck off back to your own board.

Trying to create a sticky that wouldn't devolve into US vs Euro shitposting is impossible. It can't be done.

>> No.10069336

just have different sections "for burgers" "for bongs" or maybe different links altogether for the same content "american breakfast" "brit breakfast". more content is never bad

>> No.10071335
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Thanks for the recs.

Yeah I'm surprised there's no type of sticky for this board, alot of threads just cycle through common question topics