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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 800x800, 261733-Mountain-Dew-1ltr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10047579 No.10047579 [Reply] [Original]

Americans, please describe the flavour of this beverage in ten words or less.

Thank you.

>> No.10047581


>> No.10047586

It's literally just carbonated syrup and marketing.

>> No.10047590

Elephant sperm

>> No.10047592

Pure sugar and citrus and shit

>> No.10047593


>> No.10047598

It's like lemon-lime soda except much more sweet and less tart.

mtn dew spiked lemonade is soo fucking good and i hate how they discontinued that shit

>> No.10047604

Pretty much this.

It still has a citrus flavor, but without the "bite."

>> No.10047621
File: 149 KB, 858x718, MISTERDEWED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way chill and ready to hang.

>> No.10047627

first few sips are crisp citrus, rest is sugary ass

>> No.10047631

lemon lime diabeetus

>> No.10047637

Recalling when you could drink half a 2liter bottle in one swig, before the carbonation was added

>> No.10047643

Carbonated grapefruit lemonade. Also ruins all flavors of food.

>> No.10047644

Imagine Sprite with way more sugar and Call of Duty

>> No.10047650

Taste like extreme sports pissing in your extremely gaping asshole

>> No.10047652

at my local Taco Bell they still have Spiked Lemonade.. it's so good.

>> No.10047671

Sweet battery acid.

>> No.10047675

Horse piss and lime

>> No.10047696


*high fructose corn beetus

>> No.10047716

do you also "correct" people if they just say salt and don't specify the exact type of salt used?

>> No.10047741

What exactly do you think fructose is?

>> No.10047770

Sprite but more american

>> No.10048228

Sugary piss.

>> No.10048236

what "flavour" mean?

>> No.10048238

a beverage to supplement your Doritos

caffeinated orange drink , dyed green and caffeinated.

>> No.10048246

tastes green desu

>> No.10049194


>> No.10049199

acidic sprite

>> No.10049223

They imported some of that shit here in my country. Tastes like a very gay and overly sweet """"""lime""""""" Uncle San's enema.

>> No.10049228

Nothing like the US version. That's UK dew. Tastes totally different. It has that nice British flair of making it taste neutered and bland like every other British food/drink.

>> No.10049236

Syrupy drink that makes you infertile. Goes great with Doritos.

>> No.10049247

Makes sense, since britons are not savages who use bizarre and tribal measures like the volume of 40 paradise birds craniums or the weight of a tibetan homossexual peacock.

>> No.10049253

Carbonated citrus-flavoured sludge.

>> No.10049261

>whtsup chad dude tastes like durian jon clearner

>> No.10049270


At least Americans seem like they spell things phonetically instead of writing a word out like the name of some inner city niglet first grader.

>Ayo Litre, get yo lil black ass>>10049247
over here, nigga

>> No.10049337

>do you also "correct" people if they just say salt and don't specify the exact type of salt used?


>> No.10049347
File: 2.68 MB, 400x225, 1503691894763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientifically forumulated, ideal for majority foods follow up max consumption.

>> No.10049348

Whoa, you sound obsessed, obese boy. What's the matter? Are you jealous that any british street has more history than your entire country? Or is that you can't stand beautiful victorian architecture, while you live in a prefabricated matchbox that tries to emulate greek pillars with pieces of wood?

>> No.10049414

>That's what I said! Sodium chloride!

>> No.10049417

Die uh beetus in a bottle

>> No.10049420

Nectar of the GODS

>> No.10049506

Bubbly sweet coins

>> No.10049520

the homosexual agenda: bottled and carbonated

>> No.10049522

Heavy lemon lime

>> No.10049573

How do you know how elephant sperm tastes like?

>> No.10049616
File: 158 KB, 478x463, 1509496781299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said, as he proceeded to defend his shitty little island with details that are irrelevant to the thread

>> No.10049636


>> No.10049685

Stock dew is mediocre, you need to get the code red addon to make it good.

But it's pretty smooth, in terms of soda, unlike Coke and Pepsi.

>> No.10049689

That's why you drink the can in 3 gulps. No time for it to lose that crisp citrus flavor.

>> No.10049806
File: 89 KB, 400x225, mountain-dew-is-honey-dew-flavored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is a honey dew recipe you goddamn fucking idiot.

>> No.10049817

>code red
Opinion discarded

>> No.10049830


>> No.10049833

Citrus drink.

>> No.10049853


>> No.10049856
File: 294 KB, 300x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's throwback

>> No.10049861

Sugary piss

>> No.10049869

Fucking kek

>> No.10049897

Lime soda. Sweetened.

>> No.10050020

Citrus and piss

>> No.10050124

But I like the cherry flavor. It's the best I can get in Canada anyway, since Baja Blast doesn't exist here.

>> No.10050328


It taste like Mountain Dew.

>> No.10050396

>It’s ok HFCS is the exact same thing as sugar
I bet there are at lest two mobility scooters parked outside your home and they both have shart-stained seats.

>> No.10050401

7up is way better. its crisp, its clean, and its good mixing it with other sodas.

>> No.10050417

Obsession, McChicken, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, "do americans really __________?", and flavorings.

>> No.10050426


>> No.10050459


Carbonated aftershave

>> No.10050498

Lemon + Lime + Orange
It's great, don't believe all the contrarian posters in this thread. I've never met a person in real life who claimed not to like it, that'd be like saying you hate the flavor of vanilla ice cream.

>> No.10050562

It's gamer fuel/emergency chaser flavored.

>> No.10050574

Staying up all night with friends in middle school

>> No.10050603

citrus cola

>> No.10050746

Its been a euro a bottle for years here in Ireland with the same bottle of coca cola costing minimum 1.50

Its also has more sugar and less carbonation than any other soft drink on our market, making it dangerously chuggable, but that chugability is the main reason I occasionally get a bottle.

>> No.10050767

Mountain dew flavored

>> No.10051164

>not sucking elephant dick
What are you, gay?

>> No.10051418

tastes like extra sugary sprite to me

>> No.10051686

Explain why corn syrup is somehow worse than sugar.

>> No.10052307

They have spiked lemonade at taco Bell

>> No.10052326

>Whoa, you sound obsessed, obese boy. What's the matter? Are you jealous that any british street has more history than your entire country? Or is that you can't stand beautiful victorian architecture, while you live in a prefabricated matchbox that tries to emulate greek pillars with pieces of wood?

Hahaha new pasta

>> No.10052340

Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.10052353

Do I have to watch Rick and Morty to come up with posts as deep and thoughtful as this?

>> No.10052390

carbonated diabetic piss

>> No.10052474


>> No.10052496


Vaguely citrus, but heavily mellowed / sweetened by HFC.

>> No.10052505

Big slop of shit

>> No.10052530

>please write our next slogan for our upcoming ad campaign for free
>fucking 100 replies
Why is /ck/ so shitty?

>> No.10052591

green grape

>> No.10052693

Tea is literally boiled leaves

Beer is literally fermented grain

You can say anything bluntly to give a negative spin on it, how about you come up with something original?

>> No.10052696

Lemon lime gimmick

>> No.10052894

Sugary water from a steep, rocky terrain