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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10047255 No.10047255 [Reply] [Original]

What does everyone want to drink?
>A craft beer!
>A vodka cocktail!
And now that the children have ordered, what will the adults be having?

>> No.10047261

Virgin pina colada

>> No.10047266

I'll need to see your ID, sir.

>> No.10047275

A bloody mary made with goldschlager instead of vodka and garnished with a hot dog straight from the package

>> No.10047280

White wine for me, since I'm either a closeted european male (male) or a Jersey housewife.

>> No.10047294

This thread is dumb.
That being said, either beer or a gin caesar, with extra hot sauce.

>> No.10047302

Will that be an IPA with extra soy?

>> No.10047317

Rakija, and if you don't have any then fucking make some.

>> No.10047331

one can of your finest Dr Pepper sir.

>> No.10047344

What's wrong with craft beer?

>> No.10047354

It takes money from hard-working corporations and puts it in the hands of some leftist nobodies

>> No.10047360
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it attracts a certain clientele

>> No.10047366

The biggest, cheapest, strongest beer they have

>> No.10047371

No, it'll be an 8.5% pilsner, you fag.

>> No.10047382

>Your Steel Reserve madame

>> No.10047387

>steel reserve
Not even gonna bother Googling that.

>> No.10047390

it's a drink for black people who aren't tough enough for st ives

>> No.10047393
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what is the alt-right drink?
i want to be cool

>> No.10047399

A Coke.

>> No.10047415
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>> No.10047417

Dark rum, neat

>> No.10047433

"""dark""" rum, ok schlomo

>> No.10047463

Double whiskey, one cube of ice.

>> No.10047501

Four bits bourbon, one sphere of ice

>> No.10047517
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>> No.10047561


>> No.10047580

>A vodka cocktail!
>grabs lukewarm vokda in bottle
>it's a cocktail or something

>> No.10047634

Hipsters think it attracts hipsters so it isn't original.

>> No.10047639

And old fashioned and a dark stout.

>> No.10047640


Two shots of their good bourbon and beer. Preferably a red ale. Then it's scotch eggs while I smoke. Fucking comfy

>> No.10047661

margarita. rocks & salt.

>> No.10047704

any quality rum is amber, you are a pleb

>> No.10047740
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>now that the children have ordered

>> No.10047751

Hating on craft beer for being hipster is the new hipster trend. I had a mate who used to love ales and craft beer. Now he criticises people for it because it's for hipsters. This is true pretention

>> No.10047758

A Shiner, longneck.

>> No.10047759

Craft beer is for craftsmen.

>> No.10048163

Organic hibisuc tisane in a wine glass

>> No.10048204

A good pint of scrumpy.

>> No.10048222

Gin & tonic bruv
always a good choice

>> No.10048301

A Dark &. Stormy or something else with dark rum.

>> No.10048304

Stopped drinking

>> No.10048312

daj mi da presječem

>> No.10048317

>I'm not gonna enjoy something because some other people enjoy it too!
insecure af

>> No.10048438

ill have the malbec

>> No.10048442


>> No.10048569

A Pornstar Martini.

>> No.10048673

40oz of malt liquor

>> No.10048681

craft cum?

>> No.10048699


Jameson neat for me. Or a long island, assuming they know how to mix a good one.

>> No.10048716


>> No.10048723

drink whatever you like

>> No.10048750
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Gin tonic

>> No.10048767

none of those factory farmed fags for me no sir

>> No.10048780

That is exactly what I imagined. Real adults don't give two fucks about how """""mature""""" sounding the order is to others.

>> No.10048805

>i let stereotypes about the people i politically disagree with influence what i enjoy

You faggots are more pathetic and cucked then the "soyboys" you cry about. Grow up.

>> No.10048806

lol at the absurd association of vodka cocktails and craft beers, the two opposite sides of the spectrum, from teenage girl drink, to normie man drink

>> No.10048813

My man

>> No.10048817

A handle of vodka drank alone in a dark room with only the computer monitor illuminating my sad expression.

>> No.10048895


They're all idiots from /pol/, they're the only ones who are obsessed with this kind of shit. They're ruining this website.

>> No.10048898

I'll take a vodka cranberry

>> No.10048905

A virgin screwdriver.

>> No.10048907

>manly men vs girly men & children alcohol meme

When you tell me about your liver, pancreas, and stomach cancers, I'll celebrate by drinking another tall glass of ice water.

>> No.10048914

shirley temple

>> No.10048923
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Hue runs in my blood

>> No.10048927

give me some fucking whiskey and then let me rot

>> No.10048941

Gin & Tonic

>> No.10048957

>Drinking a certain kind of beer makes you a child

Godddamn are you fucking stupid

>> No.10049038
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Funny how it's memelords and other undesirables concerned incessantly with maturity. Almost as if they're underage or something...

>> No.10049060

Scotch. Neat. Well, either that or a Smirnoff ice.

>> No.10049064

For me, it's the Moscow Mule, the best alcoholic drink.

>> No.10049188
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red wine with cola

>> No.10049425

why do crafties get so triggered when you explain to them that their beverage is for numales?

>> No.10049516

Daily reminder by 1880 there were more than 4800 microbreweries in the US. The hardscrabble men who wrested a nation out of wilderness drank craft beers. Their women would be able to break you in half like a matchstick, you pussfag. Stick with your feminized adjunct pisswater and leave craft beer to the real men.

>> No.10049518


>> No.10049521

>The hardscrabble men who wrested a nation out of wilderness drank craft beers
They drank nasty "whiskey" flavored with tobacco and other nastiness

>> No.10049708

Because you idiots never give any argument as why it's for so called "numales".

You know, other than memeposting and calling them soyboys. Typical low IQ /pol/edditor type responses.

>> No.10049716

Vodka Tom Collins

>> No.10049770

Then who was drinking the beer 4800+ microbreweries were putting out? It sure as hell wasn't women except for trollopes and whores.

>> No.10049786

People in established states and settlements. The frontiersmen drank the cheapest swill they could get drunk on

>> No.10049845

Mountain men, sure, but they were little more than savages themselves. It was the homesteaders and pioneers who tamed the wilderness, not the rotgut swilling fur traders.

>> No.10049868

I'll have one glass of your finest baccardi razz and monster mixed together, good sir.

>> No.10049870

I'm confused. What is a "normal" beer to drink?

>> No.10049881

Where would someone surrounded by wilderness, with the closest settlement being a frontier town, get craft beer from the settled East coast? The more accessible liquor on the frontier was cheap, watered down alcohol colored to look like whiskey, and flavored with shit like snake heads

>> No.10049913
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One Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, please

>> No.10050004

Those frontier towns supplying the homesteaders pre and post civil war had bars that brewed their own beer numbskull. Think Dodge City in the late 1860's.

>> No.10050073
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>drinking cocktails
there is a spirit that can do anything a cocktail can without being absolute garbage

>> No.10050221

And it was cheap swill. They weren't drinking IPAs with orange peel and coriander

>> No.10050273

Too bad for them, Blue Moon is good. Not an IPA though.

>> No.10050326

>REEE stop having differant opinions than meeeeee!
People like you have decimated any kind of reasonable discussion on this website. Go back to rebbit where you can maintain your precious safespace by banning anyone who expresses wrongthink

>> No.10050434

>this coming from a group of people who scream and cry and call people soyboys and present no reasonable argument whatsoever when they find out they like something they don't

The most ironic post I've seen all day. It's unbelievable how self unaware you retards are.
Go back to /pol/eddit.

>> No.10050481


>> No.10050605

How do you know that, are you a time traveller? The only existing original recipe for a steam beer, ubiquitous among hundreds of brewers in CA in the late 1800's certainly with their own take on it, is Anchor Steam. Get better faggot, you don't know what pre prohibition microbreweries were brewing except that it wasn't feminized adjunct pisswater. Back in those days, you had to be a man, not a wannabe man drinking bud light and brandishing a popgun 'cause I have small uhh....hands.

>> No.10050793

Hopefully you got a blood red BAR-S dog for asthetics.

>> No.10050836

>Doesn't want cancer or tumors
>Drinks ICED water

Find me ice water outside of winter, in the wild. Shit isn't natural. That why we got so many cancers now. Alcohol and ancient man have always coexisted. Ice water outside of frozen wastelands hasn't.

>> No.10050902

they already make millions, besides small breweries aren't exactly "craft beer" but small industries, craft is when you do it in your garage with no sense of organization.

>> No.10050918

gtfo to pol and die Virgin for once and all
fucking incels I swear

>> No.10050935

anything you like is fine
You are an idiot if you actually care about what your avarage low testosterone /pol/tard thinks.

>> No.10051403

>picking anything other than water
Water is the only acceptable choice

>> No.10051421

>actually admitting that you are unfamiliar with steel reserve

>> No.10051423

based and underrated post

>> No.10051425
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A chocolate milkshake.

>> No.10051433

The absolute state

>> No.10051449

there's literally nothing wrong with craft beer, OP is just a mental midget who can't do things he associates with people he doesn't like.

>8.5% pilsner
>he doesn't know what steel reserve is
man imagine being this dumb!

>> No.10051456

you can either drink disgusting mass produced pisswater, or be a hipster craft beer drinking faggot.
-t /pol/

>> No.10051462
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>beer is either cheap swill or IPAs with orange peel and coriander
what a vivid and rich world you live in

>> No.10051479

A dirty gin martini. Bombay Sapphire.

>> No.10051555

keep spouting the same nonsensical shit, moron

>> No.10052578

Well yeah, how are they supposed to be edgy and new wave of they agree with you?
Gotta go against the grain even if it makes you look retarded.
Look at that jumper fad shit that went on for like a month.

>> No.10052643

>new wave
holy hell go to bed gramps

>> No.10052655

howdy ill have a shiner bock

>> No.10052660
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>> No.10052675

My only problem with craft beer (at least in the PNW) is their fucking obsession with IPAs.

No I don't want to drink water and dish soap God damn it.

>> No.10052731

>8.5% pilsner
I'm interested

>> No.10052737

>And old fashioned and a dark stout.
my nigga, but isn't "dark stout" redundant?

>> No.10053277

Bring me the beer list and an appletini, please.

>> No.10053356

cheap bourbon

>> No.10053380

Is gin & lemonade soy-tacular?

>> No.10053404

Wow, imagine being so dumb as to believe that everyone is an American.

>> No.10053421

pear cider and a wet pussy shot please

>> No.10053446

second that

>> No.10053465

Imagine being so pathetic as to not be an American.

>> No.10053473
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>> No.10053486
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>> No.10053495

Is that Andy?

>> No.10053522

We could probably get along. Do you like ski-ball or buck hunter?
Runny yolks or hard boiled scotch eggs?

>> No.10053535
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A perfect martini the way the fancy bartender wearing suspenders with a handlebar mustache at that well renowned bar on Jones st. makes it. Also a glass of Caol Isla and a bottle of Einstok to finish out the night.

>> No.10054127


>> No.10054954

that word....i do not think it means what you think it means

>> No.10054979

>projecting this hard

>> No.10055037

Nothing so long as it's not from Minnesota, Illinois or New York.

>> No.10055043

This is a WWW background for SDT.

>> No.10055634

>thinks MN craft beer is bad
them's fightin' words

>> No.10055863


>> No.10056916
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Pic related, jotted it down for a coworker from a recipe at my old job. It's a volume bar/restaurant and it's slow as fuck.

>> No.10056932

why did you pick those three seemingly random states?

>> No.10056938

>I am drinking wine like my grandma, look at how cultured and mature I am

>> No.10056959

Bottle of blue moon beer

>> No.10056973
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A Sazerac. Made with Cognac

2 oz Cognac
.25 oz simple syrup (Non-Refined Sugar)
4 dashes Peychaud’s
1 dash Angostura
splash absinthe to rinse the glass.
lemon to garnish

>> No.10057078

Five ounces of syrup? Jesus fucking wept.

>> No.10057085

Sounds right, I’ll prolly be driving.

>> No.10057104

I have 4 booze ordering modes:
If I'm about to have a meal, I get a cocktail, either a sour or some dry thing like a martini or negroni.
With food I nearly always drink wine: red with meat and white with fish like my dad taught me. So red. Spicy reds are my favourite so Malbec or Zinfandel/Primtivo or sometime Syrah/Shiraz.
If I've eaten I feel bad about calories and I'm full, so whisky. I like highland or Islay malts; Oban to Cao Ila to Lagavulin.
If i'm getting drunk the first drink of every day is the most interesting beer/lager I can find, I ask the barman or judge by the dumb can/bottle. For the rest of the day I drink tequila (which is criminally underrated), shit ale and vodka sodas.

>> No.10057137


>> No.10057190

Ah. I see now. Thank you, anon.

>> No.10057198
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You know, I'd probably just go for a ginger brandy or a nice glass of rum. It's all I really know. I should probably start experimenting with cocktails and such.

>> No.10058176
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>> No.10058195

How fucking new are you that you think you're special for knowing where that line came from?
Fuck off, man.

>> No.10058269

>>A craft beer!

Well since I'm only going enjoy what I'm allowed to enjoy just hit me with a gin and tonic.

>> No.10059026

Sparkling water, please.

>> No.10059528

liberal tears

>> No.10059548
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>> No.10059593


>> No.10059786
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Mai Tai

>> No.10059819

Still water, fuck the sparkles.

>> No.10060430

a boilermaker

>> No.10061334


>> No.10061348


I don't think most bars sell malt liquor although I've never actually tried ordering it. It's just that I've never actually seen it in a bar.

>> No.10061364

Lemon drop-
Fuck you, I order vodka when I want to get just tipsy enough to enjoy being around other people. It's alcohol, plain and simple.
...Old Fashioned, I guess?

>> No.10061370

Milk please

>> No.10061380

Love me some rusty nails.

>> No.10061381

A peppermint tea for me

>> No.10061442
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Alcohol is degenerate anyway. Might as well have a rum and Pepsi.

>> No.10061466

Hemingway Daiquiri, if the bartender's competent
Otherwise double bourbon, 1 rock

>> No.10061525

lol... why did you post a pic of the bar at Harvard & Stone on /ck/? really a fun bar desu.

>> No.10063349

They don't have that at bars

>> No.10063409

At first, I thought you just meant that dark rum was neat.

Do you have a list of special/house cocktails? I'll have a margarita, on the rocks, if not.

>> No.10063415

>I'll have a margarita
ok mom

>> No.10063732
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now we're talking

>> No.10063773

What ever makes me feel good for the night. Cheap beer, vodka, bourbon

>> No.10064375

At least I didn't go full-mom and call it a "marg."

I'll have a long island, instead. More bang for my buck

>> No.10065520

moms only drink frozen ones
rocks margaritas are patrician

>> No.10065546


>> No.10065549

Lol wtf.

>> No.10067487

Ikr haha omg

>> No.10067706


>> No.10067747
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Cranberry juice

>> No.10067788

Ochawari onegaishimasu.

>> No.10068057


>> No.10068143

Don't knock it till you've tried it.

>> No.10068185

then you live in a shit country and why would we care what you had to say?