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10040020 No.10040020 [Reply] [Original]

>been in a Crohns disease flare up for over a year
>cant drink alcohol
>cant eat dairy
>cant eat chocolate
>cant eat red meat
>cant eat spicy foods
>cant eat whole grains
>cant eat fiber
>cant eat raw vegetables
>If I do I'm in the bathroom for 30 minutes with extremely painful pressures

fuck intestinal diseases

>> No.10040053

i've had some painful shits.

the stomach cramping hurts so bad that for a moment you think grabbing a gun and just killing yourself is a good solution. non-existence is better than a painful shit.

>> No.10040064

damn anon what can you eat then?

>> No.10040066


>> No.10040077

eggs fish and soups basically

>> No.10040083
File: 30 KB, 500x500, fag total.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried probiotics and prebiotics?

eat something with active cultures, then a fiberous food to gives them a medium to grow (fruit, veggies, etc).

>> No.10040099

>Fag -e

Never has a product been so appropriately named.

>> No.10040103

i get the best, most pleasant bowel movements thanks to my morning breakfast of yogurt and berries

>> No.10040163

i wish. im lactose intolerant. can i even eat yogurt?

>> No.10040181

Depends on how sensitive you are. I’m sure there’s lactose free yogurt out there just like there’s milk. I’ve had lactose milk it’s pretty much the same so yogurt probably tastes the same too

>> No.10040191

Just buy some lactaid pills.

>> No.10040207

Have you ever been to a qualified medical herbalist?

>> No.10040376

Found out a girl I was dating had chrones and promptly dumped her. I want a healthy woman to bare me healthy children and ain't dealing with her being in the shitter all day long. Sucks you have shit genes op get better soon.

>> No.10040420

I took lactose tablets and I was able to deal with dairy well, despite being lactose intolerant at the time. Give it a shot, anon, they are cheap and can be found at Walmart, Target, and other stores like that near the pharmacy.

>> No.10040430

I know what you guys are talking about i have a few 60tablet boxes. I found that taking two when eating daily still gives me gas later just more controlled gas. Unfortunately with my crohns gas destroys my insides and causes me so much pain

i feel you man, imagine having painful shits 5-6 times day every 2 hours, just when your ass starts to feel better from the last shit it starts all over again. this is what I;ve dealt with for over a year. im starting Stelara next week, hopefully it works, everything else so far hasnt done anything

>> No.10040592

I take Viberzi, it might help you. It really only relieves the diarrhea, but combined with donatal for stabbing pains and the levsin sublingual tablets i manage okay sort of. I really only eat rice, potatoes, siggys vanilla skyr yogurt bc cant eat meat too much anymore. I'm on a lowfodmap diet bc i cant handle sugars. If i decide to go out to eat i always take a Heather's Peppermint oil pill well before eating. Peppermint tea is pretty great too. I particularly like Mint Majesty.
Hope this helps my dude.

>> No.10040673

I had to get my ileum and six inches on either side surgically removed, because it had gotten to the point where I could become fatally septic. After that, and a dose of Humira every ten days, I'm pretty much in remission and can eat mostly whatever I want now though I still stick to a rather healthy diet.

>> No.10040686


>> No.10040798

I've passed out from the pain a few times, some scary shit (literally).

>> No.10040808

I did that once, because I herniated my testicle

>> No.10040886

Other fermented foods like kambucha and kimchi have probiotics as well.

>> No.10041040

same thing happened to me. I almost feel bad for it but I just don't want to deal with that

>> No.10042144

Fuck off with your pussy year. I went through 5 years of ulcerative colitis before it went in remission. 4 years of which I had no health care.

>> No.10043450

Did the same thing with a girl when she said she had beetus, for the same reasons. Friends called me a Nazi because I mentioned genetics. I just want healthy children. fuck me right?

>> No.10043511

I’ve been in a flare for 4+ years. A week ago I started an all meat diet and it’s the only thing that’s helped me.

>> No.10043514

Get hookworm, supposedly a couple of the guys in your gut will help bring your immune system back in line.

>> No.10043516

Crohnsbro here.
I had my guts ripped out. Ileostomy. Technically reversible, but will probably never happen.

Listen, if your surgeon suggests an ileostomy, you need to consider it FAST. I waited too long and took too much damage to my long intestine, reducing the chances that I'll be able to get it restored in the future.

>> No.10043517

After this thread I ain't complaining about my IBS no more. It's really nothing compared to IBD

>> No.10043535

>can't sit without pregnancy cushion from all the surgery
>also incontinent from above surgery, have to wear effectively adult diapers
>also on humira, 1/weekly which needs to be kept refrigerated
>also have to carry stoma appliances with me
I can't travel without bringing a whole suitcase of fucking medical supplies with me

>> No.10043545
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>have an IBD panel because I've been having cramps/ diarrhea for a year
>comes back "positive" on the crohns panel but it's so minimal the doc says we shouldn't do anything unless it's still bothering me 3 months from now
>it was, so I get a colonoscopy
>comes back negative
>6 months later the symptoms have mostly gone into remission
>2 years after I had a bad bout with food poisoning
I'm 99% sure I had post infectious ibs from eating chipotle. NEVER eat there.

Also, crohns bros I understand what bowel prep means now, I feel you. Shit was murder on my asshole.

>> No.10043548

Drink kombucha. It should help. I'm sorry about your condition anon that sounds fucking awful.

>> No.10043593

I mean it's worth a try

>> No.10043596

all clinical trials point towards a temporary relief from symptoms, rather than a permanent solution towards the autoimmune shit

>> No.10043601

I have a golden butthole and can literally eat anything I want with no discomfort ever, but I get fat unless I nearly starve myself presumably because of how good my digestion is. Still, I'd rather be me than you.

>> No.10043609

at least you don't have groats disease

>> No.10043610

>rather be farucka blueberry girl from Willy's wonka than a skelington chained to a turret. I can "roll" with it.

>> No.10043615

Better that than head pigeons

>> No.10043670

I have Celiac disease but I can still eat most the shit in the OP. Fuck Crohn's.

>> No.10043781

I have a meeting with the colorectal surgeons on monday actually. an illeostomy was suggested to me a few months ago but not as a mandatory decision, my crohns is severe in the last inch or so of my rectal area and spotty up the desecending colon. I really dont want a bag for the rest of my life

>> No.10043788

>tfw might have a hemorrhoid

>> No.10043792

>shouldve used preparation H

>> No.10043799

>shouldn't have let all those cocks up his ass

>> No.10043878
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>tfw heliobactor pylori
>constant acid reflux and gas
>bouts of shortness of breath
>feels like I've been punched in the gut for years
>constant halitosis no matter how many times I brush
>constant discomfort and fatigue
If any anons out there have even mild symptoms like this, please, ask your general practitioner for a h. pylori test before it's too late. It's a simple breath or stool sample test but they need to be looking specifically for this. It's one of the few rare bacteria that can survive and thrive in the stomach. This shit is known to cause ulcers and is linked to increasing the chance for cancer.

Thankfully it never got that bad but it was kicking my ass. Couldn't bend over, exercise, eat acidic things tomatoes or oranges without burning, eventually anything salted or spiced and I was developing IBS symptoms when I finally decided to go to the doc.

The good news is that this shit can get cured with a ton of antibiotics while on a ppi, you'll be miserable while on treatment but I've been feeling so much better after it's unbelievable.

>> No.10043881

You'll do the same thing as I did, I know.
I know it sounds bad but sooner rather than later is going to make it more likely that you CAN get it reversed. If you wait until it's inevitable that you need one, it's likely inevitable that you'll never get rid of it.

(not a doctor)

>> No.10043889

were you the same bag guy from the last thread a few weeks ago?

if not, how was your experience of the procedure? how was the recovery?

>> No.10043906

Mm, nope, don't remember that, but there are a few of us here.

Keyhole surgery, so 3 minor flesh wounds but internal damage makes it very difficult to e.g. sit up for a bit. When I first tried to eat, I got excruciating cramps for the few couple days as my gut tried to figure out wtf was going on. Surgeon told me that was unusual, but sorted itself out. Getting used to the appliances took no time at all, it's just the inconvenience of not being able to e.g. lie on my front that's irritating.

>> No.10043909
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My example is anecdotal but I try and share it when I see these threads.

>been in a ulcerative colitis flare up for over a year
>cant drink alcohol
>cant drink coffee
>cant eat dairy
>cant eat chocolate
>cant eat red meat
>cant eat spicy foods
>cant eat whole grains
>cant eat fiber
>cant eat raw vegetables
>If I do I'm in the bathroom for shitting blood

I stopped doing what was giving me all the stress (Working 12 hour days at a shit job, and found a new one). And I stopped taking any advice from my doc who wanted me on all sorts of meds (Not just steroids, which actually helped).

I started cooking for myself, specifically foods with garlic, onion, olive oil. Things that caused my stomach great discomfort, but not physical harm (Nuts, popcorn are still a no-no). I went back to coffee. I went back to old eating habits. I started eating pasta with cheese. I started eating pizza. It was all gradual over the course of maybe five years, but I can eat things I couldnt when I was a kid.

Just trying to say there is hope, hang in there and try to change things. Dont be scared of discomfort, as long as its not physically going to kill you. Just keep trying things anon. Probiotics, kimichi, pickled foods, fermented foods - organ meat especially liver. Legitimate bone broth, its meming but its good for you. Indulge in seafood (I have a shellfish allergy so that was a no go for many years, but I worked past it and can eat them now too - still cant get CT scans because of the iodine but I can eat anything.)

While genetic, digestive problems like this are the easy to keep dormant with a healthy lifestyle.

fucking brutal man, they didnt give you steroids or anything?

>> No.10043922

I know you don't mean it but suggesting that a "healthy lifestyle" would have saved me from 30+ rounds of surgery and lifelong disability is pretty fucking bullshit. Severity varies per individual regardless of lifestyle.

>> No.10043952

No for sure, I didnt mean to say it did in all cases. Extreme ones there is just no helping. I will say though that a huge amount of people suffering from these digestive issues are not the extreme cases, and changes in their life via diet or stress relief will help them a lot!

>> No.10044028

what about the first few hours/days in the hospital afterwards? are you really hooked up to stomach pump and catheter and all that stuff? i hear the first few days are the roughest

how about living life and being social, swimming, physical activity, etc?

>> No.10044362

>>been in a Crohns disease flare up for over a year
16 years here. Last flare was around 2010, but things are starting to slip back a bit.

>>cant drink alcohol
I can. But drinking enough to get drunk has unpleasant consequences.
Bloody consequences.

>>cant eat dairy
>>cant eat chocolate
I can. Lower fat options make things easier.
Take (semi)skimmed instead of full.

>>cant eat red meat
Red meat is vital for me. It contains precious protein which is really important for rebuilding all the stupid damage.
The fat however is bad, and does bad things. The leaner the better.
Also, cooking is important. Rare meats will trigger bullshit, but well cooked ones won't.
Really suprised anyone with crohn's would ever be triggered on meat tho.

>>cant eat spicy foods
Capsaicin is my kryptonite. Even the tiniest bit will make me housebound for a few days. And it's everywhere. Companies have started using it as a food colouring in a ton of things, and it's starting to get really hard to avoid it.

>>cant eat whole grains
>>cant eat fiber
>>cant eat raw vegetables
Fibre is shit. It just fucks up your insides. Doesn't matter if it's cooked or not, fibre is fibre and will still mess with you.
Onions are one of the worst for me.

Root veggies are cool tho - they're made of starch rather than cellulose so they have almost no fibre.
Same goes for strawberries, banana, and peas.

>> No.10044527


>> No.10044542

i don't know if you are still around OP but there is soy yogurt, and coconut milk yogurt (both are non-dairy and delicious, albeit expensive)

where are you from?
Silk brand in USA is soy yogurt
So Delicious in USA is coconut milk yogurt

Alpro in Europe has soy yogurt

you can also make your own yogurt if you have the dedication

probiotic pills at the pharmacy are fucking expensive, yogurt is the better alternative

>> No.10044782

I cant handle soy very well for some reason (soymilk bothers me but almond milk is ok for example) so I'll look for the So Delicious brand next time I'm out. thanks for the heads up

>> No.10044831

>cant drink alcohol
>cant eat dairy
>cant eat chocolate
>cant eat red meat

Well maybe that's for the best, it'll help you to keep a healthy lifesty-

>cant eat spicy foods
>cant eat whole grains
>cant eat fiber
>cant eat raw vegetables

Ok, I'll admit your life sucks and I feel bad for you.

>> No.10044853

have you considered getting a poop transplant to fix your shitty microflora?

>> No.10046085

Raw meat diet dude. Or if you’re too much of a pussy, just regular carnivore diet.

>> No.10046532

Look up LDN. It´s the best remedy we have for Chrons/IBS etc. right now

>> No.10047373

Have you tried helminthic therapy?

It cured my IBS, and I hear it works for some Crohn's patients.

>> No.10047955

>Raw meat
One of the worst things you can eat. Meat needs to be cooked otherwise the gut can't break it down and extract the protein properly, which means you're not getting the full amount of nutrients you could but it still takes same amount of energy to process. You gon' get tired bro.
And because it's not been digested properly you're gonna get cramps and nasty shits for at least a couple of days starting the day after you ate it.
AND, since crohn's is auto-immune based it's almost guaranteed that part of the treatment will be an immune suppressant of some kind, you'll get fucked over from anything that might make you ill. Which IS an increased risk from raws regardless of whether you belive it or not.
Not worth taking the chance. It puts you in a no-win.
You either keep taking the meds to keep the crohn's under control, but let whatever it is run amok and you get ill.
Or you stop taking them to let your immune system fight the thing, but then the crohn's does it's stupid self destruct bullshit and you get ill.

More trouble than it's worth. Raw meats are not your friends.

>> No.10048057


Raw meat is fine you get all the nutrients as cooked the only thing cooking does is help with chewwing if its cooked you spend less time chewing which means more time for gathering or hunting or marking more cave babies. Its literally why ancient man learned to like cooked food and why we have a space program.
As long as you chew it properly its fine you just have to get used to the taste and texture and all that chew wing and the biggest thing is the mental part. Your brain will say m gonna get sick so you will.

>t. Not a paleo fag

>> No.10048120

>fit bird at work talks about food all the time
>it's her main conversation point
>never see her eat anything substanial
>learn she has Chrons
>no spicy food, nothing raw really, no aliums, no dairy, no booze, no red meat
>she eats bland meals and snacks
>realise why she talks about it so much
>just want to cook with her but know that it'll be an ordeal

I feel for you man, food is one of the most enjoyable things and not being able to just eat what you want must be hell

>> No.10049251
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I had bad digestive problems. When I went to the doctors for an unrelated infection, he gave me antibiotics. After the finishing the medicine, my digestive problems lessen/went away so I'm thinking the digestive problem was actually a bacterial one. I'm taking probiotics now which seems to be helping. Digestive Advantage is a little miracle.

>> No.10049369

Avoid gluten and read up on the FOD-map, that should help you quite a bit.

>> No.10049403

>gut can't break it down and extract the protein properly
my first week on the diet i ate ~12 lbs of meat and gained 11 lbs. Digestion is working at 90% efficiency and you're gonna tell me my gut "can't break it down"? Just lol at your life dude

>> No.10049484

>Avoid gluten and read up on the FOD-map, that should help you quite a bit.
I don't have Chron's but i do have the beginnings of IBS or prediabetic, or I just irritate the hell out of my body by needing Aleve each day for nerve pain and arthritis. The low FODmap foods are entirely helpful. I can tell you the meals I have with them will cause some healing within 3-4 days.

I, too, always do experience perfection when I'm on a tetracycline class antibiotics, but not so much augmentin. I do down the yogurt drinks for a few days, along with the pills afterwards. Probiotics when I remember. But, my magic pill is Nexium. If I'm off of it a couple of days, the diarrhea will return.

For me, the low FODMAP foods aren't an elimination diet like they propose, but just food I turn to for a few days if I've had a bout of food poisoning or some symptoms. A dinner of basic rotisserie chicken or a steak, steamed brown or white rice and green beans, salad of some cucumber slices with makoto dressing, and a breakfast of oatmeal bars, banana, hot tea, and I'm nearly back to normal. Meat based diet works for me. I'm fine with gluten if it's wrapping some chicken salad, or a roast beef diet. As soon as I'm doing a mostly vegetarian meal where flavors are were mostly introduced with salads, onion, garlic, beans, ugh, symptoms. Hope you feel better anon.

>> No.10049841

>entirely helpful
That's nice to hear. I'm not a big fan of supplements, but it is very advisable to take zink, calcium, vitamin a and d as supps in your/OPs situation. Zink helps to support your epithelial tissue immensely and inflammatory intestine issues are responsible for lots of calcium loss -> calcium. The vitamins are helpful for your overall situation, especially when it comes to countering those inflammatory processes in your particular situation. I hope you'll get better, stay strong bro.