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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10035564 No.10035564 [Reply] [Original]

>eat papa johns or taco bell
>feel incredibly happy, no matter how shitty my day was it's instantly saved
>weigh self in the morning
>get sad

>eat anything that isn't papa johns or taco bell (usually home cooked food counting calories)
>feel incredibly disappointed because it's not papa johns or taco bell
>get sad

>eat papa johns or taco bell, but count calories and make sure to eat small portions of it
>incredibly disappointed because it just makes me want to eat double or triple portion to feel satisfied
>either end up binging and feel good now and sad later or just get really sad

>skip meals to save money and calories to gorge on papa johns or taco bell after a day or two of not eating
>literally every second of my life is consumed with pain because of how fucking bad I want to eat
>end up eating like 4k calorie meal anyway and undo any benefit from fasting for a day


>> No.10035649


>eat anything that isn't papa johns or taco bell (usually home cooked food counting calories)
>feel incredibly disappointed because it's not papa johns or taco bell

Do you just have the most busted ass dumpster palette on the planet, or what's your deal?

>> No.10035663

I've made like 50 different recipes from budget bytes and nothing even remotely comes close to fast food. Sure the taste can be there, but not the instant comfort and happiness

>> No.10035672

If you're serious, then you have an actual psychological condition and need to see a fucking doctor instead of posting wojak memes on 4chan.

>> No.10035674

budget bytes is the problem there, OP

>> No.10035680

What is the doctor going to tell me? Stop eating papa johns and taco bell. So then the number of things that I have to look forward to in life go from 2 to zero

>> No.10035685

>be fat
>don’t go to the gym
>eat fast food

>> No.10035693

The gym is for building muscle and fitness and marginal weight loss if you're already watching what you eat. An hour of heavy lifting or running is complete undone by eating a few burritos

>> No.10035694

>comfort and happiness
So you're saying that the things going on in your life have made you so uncomfortable and sad that the only fix is to shovel garbage in your face, right?

It sounds like you're trying to change by fixing your diet, but that alone isn't going to do it. Time to hit pause and discover the shit that's made you so unhappy and address that on top of fixing your diet.

>> No.10035698

I hope you are posting from a mental hospital right now. I'd actually be worried about someone as delusional as you being out in the world.

>> No.10035707
File: 27 KB, 279x400, whiteguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exercise, nigger. You can burn off a nacho bell grande with just 1 hour on a resistance bicycle. It sounds like you have zero muscle mass with your shit metabolism; start lifting.
t. I was a fatfuck and now I can eat taco bell 4x a week no problem

>> No.10035712

I know exactly and specifically all of the things that make my life miserable and what I need to fix it. Virtually every problem I have is either totally out of my control or fixable on a time scale of many, many years and thousands of hours of effort.

Actually specify what I said that was incorrect

>> No.10035725
File: 142 KB, 1221x1007, killyourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effort is hard
Dying is easy.

>> No.10035740

>saying my problems will take years to fix means I haven't already spent years working on them

why do humans have to be like this

>> No.10035802

I hope you figure something out. It sounds like your issues are much more mental and habitual based than food. Finding other pleasures in life can be a wonderful thing if you look at it in an exploration, adventure like sense.

For what it is worth, you are consuming food that is engineered to taste as acutely pleasing as possible. I believe the theory that you have been blunting your taste buds with fast food and need to take a break from eating that kind of food for a while before you can taste just how good something like a vegetable tastes like. It will not be an easy process, but if you can get through it, every meal can leave you with close to the same feeling, but in a much more nutritious way.

>> No.10035804

>>effort is hard
>Dying is easy.

Black Lives Matter.

>> No.10035808

Haha, you're so full of shit.

On the first read I thought you actually came here for help, but after reading your replies I can see that you just wanted some attention for your pity party. Literally every response you've made has been some excuse and I have no time to waste trying to help those who refuse to help themselves.

>> No.10035813

You sure didn't mind wasting your time typing all that shit up to feel smug and superior

>> No.10035819


What a colossal monument to self-pity and learned helplessness.

Eat healthier!
Try some exercise!
Go to a doctor or get outside help!
Address some of the other issues in your life!

Starting to see a pattern? All this time you're spending destroying your body and creating excuses for your failures is doing nothing to improve your circumstances.

>> No.10035830

Don't post this, I have diabetes. I might die.

>> No.10035839

just fast all day and have dinner at like 9pm. drink 2 pints of water before eating to trigger the "full" reaction earlier into your binge.

>> No.10035851

Cutting my losses after attempting to help someone that only responds with excuses and a victim complex makes me smug? Hoo boy...

Can you say projection?

>> No.10035911

You need help from a mental health professional, not a cooking board. I'm being serious here.

>> No.10035918

u cant tell someone who doesnt have the willpower to stop eating let alone fast lol come on

>> No.10035926

I can definitely relate to this OP. There was shit I used to enjoy in life other than food, now it's my single focus in an otherwise empty day. I sometimes go to sleep way earlier than I need to just because I have nothing to do and want the constant desire for food to go away.

>> No.10035946
File: 84 KB, 640x480, prabhas_640x480_81493811760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a god.

>> No.10035974

Same story for me with alcohol. Although if i run out of alcohol then i just start eating like a madman instead. I used to be happy with playing video games then going to sleep feeling content but now all i do is get home and try to kill the pain before another hateful day of wagecucking. Fuck i wish there was something more to it than this.

>> No.10035988

This is the biggest load of bullshit ever, I bet you're one of those idiots that believes the "1 bar of chocolate takes 5 hours of running to burn off" or whatever meme comparison companies make

>> No.10036002

You need hobbies my man, or a job that you don't hate.

>> No.10036027

You can actually look up how many calories you burn doing various exercises. I ran 4 miles this morning and it can easily be undone by a good doughnut. Your basal metabolic rate burns off most of your calories for most people, exercise doesn't burn that many unless you exercise all day.

>> No.10036044

>exercise doesn't burn that many calories
your exercise is faggy and you should feel bad for being faggy.

>> No.10036098

Suffering is universal, but not infinite. Spend your suffering on exercising, and not on mental anguish. If you make your body suffer through running, your mind will suffer less in my experience
Also vinegar tasters maaaaaan, try to find value in all experiences, even those we usually see as negative

>> No.10036194

I like your outlook. Glad you post on /ck/.

Got a recipe for vinegar taters?

>> No.10036672

>eating food to deal with feelings

This is the definition of food addiction.

>> No.10036869

>tfw haven't eaten for 75 hours

fucking lmao, feels good to have infinite willpower

>> No.10036890

Exercise means nothing if he's only eating too much taco bell
I mean, you can have an all fast food diet if you exercise a lot, but you can't have too much fast food for every meal and still keep off the pounds with exercise
Exercise only does so much

>> No.10036909

You should try fasting for a week. It makes a bowl of plain oatmeal taste like pure Heaven.

>> No.10037223

t. methhead

>> No.10037344

Really the best thing for people like you to do would honestly be to finally kill yourself you pathetic fag

Amerisharts need to be exterminated

>> No.10037472

Excersize does so much more good for your body then just burn calories. You can stay fat and still improve your body and after that start losing weight.

>> No.10037482

Don't tell him what to fucking do

>> No.10037484


>> No.10037489

God loves you anon. Try slowly weaning yourself off of junk food. If you drink soda already, stop this instant, and drink water instead. If you crave salty/fat flavors eat nuts/and or seeds instead.

You can do it man, I believe in you.

>> No.10037500

i mean I'd try to tell you to get better but you've most likely already reached adulthood and are already a lost cause
seriously though if two forms of fast food are the only things that make you remotely happy i think you know what you need to do

>> No.10037501

>eat food the day before
>weigh self in the morning
>implying weight even fucking changed
Hey dipshit, you don't just GAIN weight from eating a shit ton of fast food, you GAIN weight from CONSISTENTLY eating a shit ton of fast food. You're just another delusional fucking fatty.

>> No.10037502

>I ran 4 miles this morning

Lol bullshit

Meandering on the treadmill for 20 min before quitting doesn't count.

I know you're lying because if you could run 4 miles just like that, you would be in shape.

You would have to run a SHIT LOAD, to be able to easily knock out 4 miles, and that effort to get there would make you fit.

>Running also does so much more for your body than simply burning fat

>> No.10037512

then don't eat the fucking donut, also calories burned depends on the intensity of the workout not the distance.
go take a mountain hike or go backpacking, weight will fall off fast

>> No.10038267

Let's take bets on how fucking fat OP is
I'd say 280lbs (127 kg)

>> No.10038283

like destroying your knees

>> No.10038289

Get help you fucking turbo-sperg, that or fucking kill yourself so I don't have to see your shitty fucking posts anymore.

>> No.10038296

I don't know why you think I'm fat because I responded to that guy. I ran 4 miles again this morning, not a treadmill. I also know exercise has lots of benefits other than calorie burning.

My only point was exercising doesn't make up for a poor diet. And unless you are dragging around 400 lbs, exercising burns surprisingly few calories

>> No.10038360

Health thread on /ck/ oh hell yeah
Op if you really can't stop eating fast food you should just limit how much you eat I say try only eating it once twice a month
Also what are some nice foods that can help me cut back on calories I wanna slim down a little

>> No.10038372

The vast majority of people prefer the taste of fast food to home cooking unless they're rich and have access to the absolute best things. Its not something to go to a doctor about, its how the food is designed.

>> No.10038506

There's a difference between preferring a taste and getting a huge dopamine rush which you'll feel miserable without. OPs like stage 5 addicted and needs an intervention

>> No.10038815

>reasons like a fatty
>wants us to believe he's not a fatty

>> No.10039076

Just buy some msg, lol

>> No.10039084

try exercising

>> No.10039284

Stop projecting, anon.

>> No.10039325

lol are people really this addicted to fast food? I haven't had it in months and whenever I do get it I usually end up disappointed in how meh it actually is compared to what I was expecting

>> No.10039343
File: 261 KB, 913x1001, 3ab34937748b54067a630d0b5c76ee5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so sick of these threads

>> No.10039352

just form an addiction to hot sauces and spicy foods
the bad thing is you’ll be addicted to spicy food
but the good thing is you can just put hot sauce on anything and it’ll be instantly delicious

>> No.10039358
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1513738717511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of you.

>> No.10039381

I'm glad I'm not addicted to food so it greatly reduces the chance of me becoming fat. And don't get me wrong I don't even have anything against fat people.
I am an alcoholic though so I didn't really come out unscathed from the addiction roulette.

>> No.10039398

>fatty accusing people of projecting
>being defensive if you're not a fatty

>> No.10039400

the thumbnail of that pic made me think it was a buff dude making farting noises in his armpit and now I am disappointed.

>> No.10039405

I knew this fat guy once, he would get so fucking amped up whenever a visit to Taco Bell was on the table it was crazy. Eating Taco Bell to him must have been like doing meth or something. He was also literally addicted to weed though. The guy wanted to eat fast food every day.

>> No.10039414

Life sucks, deal with it or die.

>> No.10039423

You burn more energy being alive the time it takes to run 4 miles than you do running 4 miles

>> No.10039532

Not true at all. Going to the gym regularly turns your metabolism up and causes your body to burn up the calories and convert it to muscle.

Go 4-5 times a week and dont eat like a complete pig and you will be fine. Hell eating stuff loaded with carbs fat and protein is benefital when lifting constantly.

Your body is like a fire and you have to keep throwing wood on it to keep the fire burning and the wood is food.

>> No.10040157

>eating stuff loaded with carbs fat and protein

No offense, but you sound like someone in their late teens/early 20s who has yet to learn the importance of diet. Yes, exercise has a myriad of preventive health benefits and ideally everyone should do it. But you simply cannot out train a bad I diet.

Think about how efficient the human digestive system is versus the theoretical "most effective" training program out there. There is no contest.

>> No.10040188

Yeah this body weight is a mix of diet, genetics and exercise. Diet being over 70 percent the contributing factor with the other two filling the rest. I dont have a source sadly but if you get off bro/mom science I'm sure you could find something.

>> No.10040192

This OP you can still eat your shitty food if you work out hard enough. Typically you should want to change your diet but you sound like a lost cause OP

>> No.10040227

Work out rather than diet. Running burns tons of calories so you can eat what you like more often without gaining weight.

>> No.10040276
File: 27 KB, 328x328, OZNUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just end it mate. you're hopeless.

>> No.10040493

I understand the guy you were replying to was exaggerating. But you ended your post with broscience and are now saying that "you cannot out train a bad diet" is broscience while making the same point I was trying to make, that it is 70% diet?

Sounds like we are on the same page, but it would be beneficial to OP and others if we were more clear.