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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10021784 No.10021784 [Reply] [Original]

>overrated fast food thread
Ive been living in Texas for 8 years and I still dont get whats so good about pic related

>> No.10021799

let anthony bourdain explain


>> No.10021803


Zaxbys is salty bullshit and they only sell tendies type shit, not real fried chicken.

It sucks.

>> No.10021822

All fast food is overrated in that it's called "food".

>> No.10021908
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>tips fedora

>> No.10021916

>samurai jack
I'm not the fedora tipper, hon.

>> No.10021948

For me, in n out always felt like the place you were compelled to like just because other places didn't have them around. Not sure how it's like with you guys and White Castle or something. Speaking of White Castle there's one opening in somewhere in LA County should I go try it out?

>> No.10022084

Because you're used to that Whataburger trash

>> No.10022128

>Ive been living in Texas for 8 years
You didn't see the "we're full" sign?
>You've got to go back

>> No.10022202

All fast food is overrated, it's universally vile.

>> No.10022220

You seem like it.

>> No.10022256

>le someone calling me out on my disgusting eating habits is a fedora tipper post

>> No.10022267

Ahh there you are. the faggot who has nothing better to do on a sunday than post an in n out thread. few more hours until your five guys thread too faggot? You dont need to get whats so good or so bad about it. its fucking subjective. if you dont like it, dont eat it you fucking autist.

>> No.10022280

This post gave me aids. I really like it!

>> No.10022327


No self respecting Chef eats fast food, but then again Anthony Bourdain was a heroine addict so it checks out

>> No.10022333

As someone who moved to a state with a bunch of them here I can agree.

>hear about it all the time by caliposters
>finally get it, super hyped because damn it's cheap
>get one normal get one meme'd up animal style and all
>dig in
>normal double double is okay nothing too fantastic about it
>get animal style which is okay but still meh
>friends wanted to know my reaction to my first bites of it
>tell them it was okay but nothing special
>"Wow maybe you had a shit one, they are amazing anon"
>go back to another one, same exact reaction
>well anon their <insert food market bullshit everyone from california repeats>

It's okay for a quick burger or something but not even close to amazing

>> No.10022402

Stop thinking of it as a restaurant. Its common place fast food here. That means Del Taco Wendys McDs etc tier. You arent going to get a 10 dollar amazing burger for 3 dollars anywhere. In n Out is cheap simple and consistent and that's whats makes them amazing.

>> No.10022416

I'm from rural indiana and even here, White Castle is bottom of the barrel dogshit.

>> No.10022491

Thread is about overhyped food which n and out is

>> No.10022520


>> No.10022549

As someone who's lived in California his whole life, I remember being excited as hell when one got opened up a few miles away from me. Nowadays, though, I've been around the country and world, I've tried burgers in a lot of states, and I can tell you that In-N-Out is nothing more than your average chain burger place. Like, it's good if there's no line and you're in the middle of nowhere and fast food is your only option, but there's always a line. I'd much prefer something like Dick's Burgers in Seattle than In-N-Out.

>> No.10022597

Chik-ful-a is definitely overrated.
>tasteless factory farmed white meat, injected with 10% saline and chemical preservatives, soaked in pickle juice for an hour, breaded with gmo flour and factory farmed eggs and deep fried in gmo corn oil served on an HFCS gmo chemical bun
But tbf, that's pretty much all fastfood.

>> No.10022619

Again, the way it's raved and bragged about so hard that makes it overhyped for what it is. The thread is about that. The way most people post about it is acting like it is the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.10022628

mickie d's trash, but i like their breakfast.

>> No.10022644

spotted the soyboy

>> No.10022645

Calcuckians have no taste

>> No.10022666

in n out would be ok without the onions. i made the mistake of saying "yes" to those the other day. huge piece of onion on my burger. overpowered the whole thing.

>> No.10022668

>i have never worked in a restaurant.
We know.

>> No.10022680

You are full of shit, they use peanut oil. And all modern food is genetically modified. In most cases, the original versions of food are unrecognizable today. Never speak I'll of Chik-fil-a.

>> No.10022684
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>> No.10022774

>maybe you had a shit one

no self respecting cali fag would say that. we all know in n out is best for it's consistency.

>> No.10022802

yeah i guess not except for us having all the best food in the fucking country if you dont count bbq

>> No.10022807

Live in arizona, went to one in cali, same meh burger.

T. Anon confirmed for never leaving cali

>> No.10022821

i grew up in new york, spent a lot of time in florida and arizona, and am currently living in hawaii. CA has the best food

>> No.10022831

>hasn't been to texas, north carolina, or Oregon

>> No.10022841

i've been to both texas and oregon, most of the US actually, i was just listing places ive spent long periods of time.

>> No.10022843

Are american fast foods (I mean the meme ones like Five Guys and whatever OP was posting about) much better than McDonalds, Burger King and KFC? Here we only have either the international ones, kebabs and hipster overpriced burger places.

>> No.10022852

Things like In-and-Out and Cookout are alright. Five Guys is overpriced wannabe restaurant food or the bastard child of a sit down and a fast food that inherited the higher costs and the shitty food.

>> No.10022875

What Im saying is thats not the case though. At least not here in Cali. I've never actually met someone who will equate an In n Out burger to a quality burger. Only of people who come from outside of cali, claim they've heard its the best burger on the west coast and proceed to shit on it because they got their hopes up for just a normal burger.

In n Out is popular no doubt because again, its cheap and consistent, but that popularity seems to be mistaken as restaurant quality.

>> No.10022984

local chains like in n out are often much better than the national chains and are usually a similar price.
5 guys is "fast casual", which is about the same quality of local chains but for restaurant prices.

>> No.10023032
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Definitely the most overrated shit. I work around a bunch of commiefornia fags who treat this place like it's the sistine chapel in restaurant form
>"It's okay, I don't get the hype"
>my fucking face when

>> No.10023043

that's just California hyping itself up to try to get someone else besides California to give a fuck about California