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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.20 MB, 3264x1836, 20180119_000733_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10008712 No.10008712 [Reply] [Original]

I gotta get all these fuckers sliced over the course of the shift. Honestly my least favorite part of the job.

Nightly discussion question: what do y'all feed your sourdough starters? Do you just throw in some of whatever is around? Do you have it strictly regimented?

>> No.10008743
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Pretty good crumb on these boys

>> No.10009108
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repetitive work is so comfy

what is your favorite music to slice bread by?

>> No.10009178
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Why do people want their bread pre sliced?

>> No.10009187

That's some handsome bread, please treat it with care

>> No.10009196

Thanks for making this thread.

My soughdough starter is growing, but no bubbles yet. Hopefully we'll get some activity tommorow.

>> No.10009301
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I just finished a sough dough pizza for dinner tonight.
My family love it so much we didn't even eat leftovers.

>> No.10010892

you're supposed to put the leftovers on the pizza dingus

>> No.10011768
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How 2 beguette?

>> No.10011845

How do I get einkorn to trap gas and have a nice crumb like that and not go flat?

>> No.10012976

Day 2 of soughdough starter. Bubbles are beginning to form.


>> No.10013042
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>> No.10013172

Last time I checked my bakery they had machines for slicing bread. And I see no problem with that.

>> No.10013248
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Trying to make this recipe some anon posted last thread.

I'm a bit skeptical but I figure I'll just fuck things up until I get it right.

>> No.10013370

anon who posted that recipe here. How's it going? I can answer any questions you have. Don't knead it too much!

>> No.10013389

is it really necessary to remove half of the starter and add more flour and water over and over when making starter? what if i just mix the flour and water and let it sit until it's bubbly?

>> No.10013402

what the fuck is this thread

why do you have so much bread and why do you care about it. why are u calling them ur "boys"

>> No.10013410

The reason to discard (or use) half is because the yeast doubles every day. So you can either double the size of the starter or discard half. If you do nothing and don't feed the yeast, they'll starve.

>> No.10013412

You remove half to allow room to grow, if its a large enough container you could just add double and remove none

>> No.10013439

We love bread here.

>> No.10013496

I had my first attempt at garlic bread. it tasted alright but i was wondering if there was a better way to go about it than melted butter and garlic powder

>> No.10013535

Use real garlic instead of the powder

>> No.10014227

When I had a starter I didn't want to waste flour by throwing it out and I didn't want to have to bake bread every single day so I had a cycle where I used it to make bread every few days. I would use most of the starter on day 1 and since there was only a little bit of starter I would only add a little bit of flour and water. On day 2 I would add a little more, and on day 3 I would add even more, enough so that it would be around the original amount. I read some people say feeding it too little could be bad and I think doing it this way I fed it less than its own weight every day, plus I eyeball all of my measurements when it comes to feeding, but it always turned out fine.

>> No.10014723

Yes u can keep the starter in the fridge and only need to feed it once a week which is comfy. Just take it out a few days before you make bread.

>> No.10016622


>> No.10016646

>>roast whole peeled garlic cloves in a little butter until very soft
>>spread some unsalted butter on toasted sourdough
>>spread a roast garlic clove or two over each piece of bread like butter
>>sprinkle some kosher salt
>>maybe throw some parsley on it to make it look nice
>>maybe some chili flakes too for fun

More effort than powdered garlic bread or grocery store bullshit but you'll eat this and love yourself.

>> No.10016664

Anyone have a pdf copy of Flour Salt Yeast Water?

>> No.10017027
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muh starter today

it's growing!

>> No.10017118
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we making bread boys. Using this recipe. Substituted regular vinegar for "white wine vinegar."

Rising starting now

>> No.10017127


Most of those loaves are going to restaurants as bread to use for sandwiches, so it's easiest for them if it's already sliced.


It varies a lot, but I've been into some Midwesterny Emo-y shit recently like Mom Jeans and Dads. Also venturing into more pop-punk territory with The Menzingers.


Never worked with Einkorn dough before. My girlfriend is has some dietary restrictions including wheat, so maybe I should try to bake a loaf and report back.


We got a slicer, but it's still a pain to get ~40 some loaves sliced and bagged when you have other things you need to be doing on the shift.

>> No.10018687


>> No.10019178
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Been rising for a few hours now. Preheating oven.

>> No.10019277

baking now

>> No.10019282
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>> No.10019440
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out of the oven. Cooling

>> No.10019452

looks kinda dry

>> No.10019517
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Friend loans me "The Bread Baker's Apprentice." Is this a good book?

>> No.10020502

Isn't that basically the Bible? Scan it for us

>> No.10021183

Depending on who you ask, Flour Water Salt Yeast by Forkish might be the Bible.

>> No.10021217

That's a great book, but everything is made in a dutch oven. It really only covers that style of bread making. But I don't think you will go wrong with either of those books, since they both cover the basics.

>> No.10021246

I own both of these books and they are both excellent. I make the overnight white bread from FWSY regularly. The BBA has a lot of good recipes and techniques, but holy shit the herb-oil focaccia bread is amazing.

>> No.10021368
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Got a pretty good turnout on this Challah.

>> No.10021844

Looks great anon!

>> No.10021877

Very good. You shouldn't give it back.

>> No.10023291

i've got a few starters. i feed three of them either AP or bread flour, whichever i've got on hand. the other one is a rye-fed offshoot of one of 'em. i always measure the ratios, though to keep 3 of them at 100% hydration and one of 'em at 65%.

>> No.10023356

How are your starters supposed to smell? Mine smells kinda funky...

>> No.10023388


That looks nice. I love it when the shit I'm supposed to be a pro at turns out exactly how I wanted it to (which it usually does, just saying, there are always variable that can fuck up your best effort).

>> No.10023436

mine smell pretty much like you'd expect -- yeasty. if i've gone too long without feeding them, there might be a tangy-sour smell from the hooch, but that disappears after feeding.

>> No.10024889
File: 2.95 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180121_203158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine smells tangy sour and not bubbling anymore. I hope I didn't kill it.

On the plus side, this brioche turned out well. I took the recipe from the BMA.

>> No.10025346

>a whole family fed by this little piece of pizza

almost forgot that this isn't the poor peoples food thread

>> No.10025436
File: 9 KB, 233x200, Whats+the+name+of+this+frog+i+heard+him+and+_5790afd2de04ef69bad5f631cc7a9178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only living on bread and butter.

>> No.10025443
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nothing better than a comfy late night bread bread

>> No.10025452

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymdssZOAx3Q

>> No.10025521

This song is one of the worst things I've ever heard. What kind of people actually went and listened to this crap and clicked like on the video?