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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9989078 No.9989078 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ General


>> No.9989095

Was quitting 15 days ago
made it a full 24 hours
Drunk right now

>> No.9989104

who else /wino/ here?

>> No.9989107

im so fucking hungover

>> No.9989109

I'm trying again from today. It's 6.30am here. Fuck just typing that makes me start to think "can't wait to drink tonight after work".

I'm not going to make it am I

>> No.9989112
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If you need to talk or whatever, join us. Even if you don't get a response right away, there are people present and you at least have someone to talk to.

>> No.9989116

Sort of. I’m trying to avoid vodka, so I’ve been getting through craploads of Chardonnay. My god there’s always so much glass to bin.

>> No.9989156

Just joined. Gonna idle for a bit. Anyone remember that one website that people could watch youtube videos together and chat? Had a bunch of custom emoticons. Used to hang out in the cannabus channel.

>> No.9989219

Just got back from third meeting, it'll be a month since I drank tomorrow. Still finding it surreal and frankly pretty terrifying to think about never drinking again. It's almost like when someone dies and you keep remembering at odd times that that's it forever, you're not just between visits. Keep starting to convince myself I should have one last blowout to say goodbye but fuck it, nothing's ever going to change that way. Just trying to forcefully remind myself of all the evil shit I said and did last time I went off the rails every time I start putting my shoes on to run round to the shop. Pretty brutal all round desu

>> No.9989226

>My god there’s always so much glass to bin.
Box wine. Get on my level
Don't they have those 3L boxes where you live?

>> No.9989229
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Stop drinking.

>> No.9989236

put it in the subject or fucking kill yourself you pathetic faggots nobody wants to see your whiny depression blog

>> No.9989242

i don't have a hoe

>> No.9989243

fuck you

>> No.9989246

Yeah but they’re too sweet. I only drink wine (for health reasons, not being pretentious) if it’s at least 13% abv. Casillero del Diablo is great, 13.5%, dry as a bone and only £6.50 from a pricey corner shop.

>> No.9989249


>> No.9989250

I drink red, not white and you should too

>> No.9989251

N’aww, who’s a pwecious wickwe babby then? Yes you are! Yyyess you are! *pinches cheeks, ruffles hair*

>> No.9989262

No al/ck/s should drink red, anon. The congeners are savage.
I drink Chateauneuf du Pape occasionally, but if I drank 4 bottles every day I think I’d kill myself just to escape the pain

>> No.9989293

that's the healthy part of being a wino though
maybe I'll take your advice

>> No.9989297

Listening to this and getting comfy with a $10 liter of whoknowswhat for


>> No.9989307


>every single thing about this

the (((music))) industry must pay

>> No.9989314

Had you not heard that before?

>> No.9989316

There was an alck room once a while ago. I saw 4 users total over a few days, back when it was spammed over every thread.
It never was truly alive but it's dead now.

Set a filter and never see a al/ck/ thread ever again. Settings, top right of the screen.

>> No.9989337

i hope he does a lil peep

>> No.9989353
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>> No.9989359

>newfag can't filter

>> No.9989669

Were you trying to say "wittle" while hiccuping?

>> No.9989703

Finally got to that point of the night where I say to myself "fuck conservation I want to be warm." And I crank the thermostat to 110°. Feels good right now.

>> No.9989770


>> No.9989827

15 days sober. Honestly don’t know why I drank everyday for the last 20 years. Just made me feel like shite

>> No.9989866

>Casillero del Diabl
My nigga
Going to get a bottle of that tomorrow now you have reminded me. We have so much good cheap wine here, a bottle of red a day is actually what started me down this path

>> No.9989961


>> No.9990166
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Fuck off

>> No.9990410

Has anyone here experienced low test from drinkiing? How much did you drink? Did you ever go back to normal? What was your age at the time?

I binge drink several times a weak. I always looked like a pussy but lately I've been noticing that I'm losing hair on my calves and my semen volume is low.

>> No.9990455

Bruh, look at this dude

>> No.9990514

No, I can be a productive member of society without stopping. I just won't drink as much as I used to, which I'm not, and considering this has been my third day in a row without drinking clearly I've regained control of my drinking since the holidays. I look forward to drinking tomorrow.

>> No.9990568

Decided to give alcohol a break for a bit but a doctor told me that because of how long and how hard I've been hitting it sobering up could give me a seizure which is a little terrifying. Will tapering down reduce the risks or should I just go cold turkey?

>> No.9990588

What kind of doctor just tells you to keep drinking or you'll die, then offers no other advice?

>> No.9990592

I've always found that sketch to be genuinely terrifying

>> No.9990601

Well the reason I went in was for high blood pressure and of course he asked if I drank and how much so I gave him the truth and that I was thinking of quitting. He didn't tell me that I should continue, he just wanted to make sure I was aware of what might happen. I should have asked these questions when I was there but it was such a wakeup call I didn't think about it at the time

>> No.9990604

I just barfed then spewed oil out my ass all over it. How's everyone else doing?

>> No.9990616

>no cigarettes
>no alcohol

What do normal people do when they have free time? This is boring as fuck

>> No.9990623

I'm smoking weed right now since my stomach and asshole aren't doing so hot atm. I don't feel bad though. Glad I got that out.

>> No.9990626

Are you a blonde girl from 1995?

>> No.9990630

Anon, these are called hobbies

You must cultivate these if want to leave a lifestyle of alcohol and recreational drug abuse behind you.

>> No.9990636

I wish. Things were better back then.

>> No.9990647

>Anon, these are called hobbies
So what, I just google "list of hobbies" and then pick something to do to occupy my time? If this is it I'm fucking out.

>> No.9990649
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go to school, work, sleep, type on cell phones, bang their qt gfs

>> No.9990656
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I live in VT and my insulation is kinda shitty. I'm at 55F to save money and wearing a tshirt, dress shirt, quarter zip, hoddie and a furry hat. I really wish I could get warm.

>> No.9990657

As if. Just joking with you by the way.

>> No.9990664

Take a shower and do your laundry if you haven't in a while. Really helps to warm up.

>> No.9990671

That is a real struggle. I was just talking about in my garage. The house is always warm, even though shit insulation and being a hundred years old.

>> No.9990678

>So what, I just google "list of hobbies" and then pick something to do to occupy my time

Think about what you want out of it, and then find one that fits your lifestyle and interests.

My current hobby is Magic: The gathering. Having regular tournaments which force me to get out of the house (2-3x a week at this point) and interact with new people on a regular basis has been extremely healthy and helpful and a good way to occupy time/thoughts.

Also I get to be competitive and there's an element of gambling in tournament play so there's a lot of good psychological reward on top of the thinking required to play the game.

It took me many months to figure out this is what I wanted to do with my time after realizing I needed a hobby to occupy my time, but wasn't sure what would be a good fit. Just introspect a bit and do some research.

Do you want something a bit more social?

>> No.9990681

thinking about a life without booze is what always fucked me in the past. It really is much more manageable if you stop torturing yourself by thinking of the years ahead and instead just focus on the only time that really matters, the day you're in at the moment. one day at a time my nigga, you can do it if you think in small increments of time.

>> No.9990698

I switched from alcohol to chicken schnitzel

>> No.9990710


Also, it helps to get a new, obsessive hobby to take the place of booze.

Think about it this way. Booze used to be your hobby. You gave it your time, attention, and money.

What hobby doesn't love your time, attention and money if you want to excel at/enjoy it?

>> No.9990718

Hey same, you can ghetto rig insulation, close the doors and have areas of the house that are at different temperatures, etc.

For instance, I do everything in my bedroom, which is just the smallest room I have with the least outside walls, which is probably at around 60. The other room I have that is basically a kitchen/living room actually has a thermometer in it, and reads at around 53-55. The bathroom is extremely poorly insulated, I've basically called it a loss and leave it at around 40, and take fast shits. Also, if I want to take a shower, I turn on the water, go to my bedroom and take off my clothes, and then get to the shower just as the water starts to get hot. If you're sitting down get blankets, built a kotatsu if you want/need to, etc.

>> No.9990732

Take up home brewing

>> No.9990738

just taper bro. look up HAMS method

>> No.9990760

i don't really grow chest hair but the couple of times i've stopped drinking for a couple of weeks i notice a few little hairs growing, no jokes
fucking gross but interesting
my dad has a hairy bear chest

>> No.9990765

Glad to seem I'm not the only cold drunk. I do everything in my "computer room" which is the 55 do to the electric oil radiator I'm using. My bedroom is cold enough to see my breath but my aunt gave me a heated blanket for christmas which has been my single favorite gift I've ever received. Do you have any problems with your pipes freezing?

>> No.9990793

>tfw work does drug testing

>> No.9990828

Thanks anon, that helps a lot

>> No.9990904

sounds jewish

>> No.9990922

The only way drinking will lower your test is if you are drinking beer with a very high hop content. Most of the shitty cheap beer we drink doesn't have enough of anything in it to do that. But I don't know your situation.

>> No.9990933

No problems with pipes freezing, I don't think it's ever dropped below 32 inside for anywhere near long enough. Also I'm pretty sure running any kind of warm water through the pipes cleans out any frozen bits pretty fast. If you don't give a fuck milsurp is your friend, you can get warm durable shit for almost no money. Also remember that your body needs to consume energy to heat itself, if you're cold all the time you're going to end up spending more on food anyway, so you need to make sure to keep your body warm, even if your house isn't or you're wasting money anyway.

>> No.9990945

Just buy an infrared space heater with a thermostat built in. They aren't horribly expensive to buy or more importantly, they are expensive to run.

>> No.9991042

Good call on the surplus stuff. I've got this surplus blanket my dad used to use before he died. It's thin but silky and has no airflow. Thanks for the links, I'll load up on some more of that stuff as soon as I don't have to keep paying for oil. Next winter will be different, that was my resolution.

A buddy of mine has one of those. I like how quickly they pump out heat but I just can't afford it right now.

>> No.9991332

>poncho liners

Ma nigga

>> No.9991461

Best way to crush 16oz cans quietly?

>> No.9991480

You don't. Just hide them and crush them at a better time. Hiding your drinking, anon?

>> No.9991563

why do you need to do it quietly?

>> No.9991603

what are you even doing here

>> No.9991616
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Put them all in a tightly-tied trash bag (to the point where there’s no noise when you swing the bag around) and throw them out at 5 in the morning. By the way everyone knows

>t. bedroom drinker

>> No.9991627

Nothing about these threads implies we have to hide who we are. You're obviously new based on how try hard you are.

>> No.9991632

i spent a good number of weeks replacing wine with shots, and it was going good. i wasnt getting drunk as fast, i wasnt going out driving to taco bell as much. but it eventually caught up with me, im now going to taco bell just as often. i just now dumped out about $20 worth of beer i bought earlier. i said i was going to stop drinking for a solid month until the super bowl...

>> No.9991688
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>lost my wallet for the first time
>my dad's literally going to yell and kick the shit out of me when he gets home

I'm not fucking kidding

>> No.9991747

everyone loses their wallet at some point, it takes a day to fix it.

>cancel your cards/tellyour bank they're lost
>go to the dmv and get a new license

lame that you lost whatever cash/rewards cards you had, but nbd

>> No.9991908


>> No.9991950


>> No.9991990

Forgot about this song


>> No.9992086

I never knew the name before. Thank you anon

>> No.9992251

they played this shit nonstop

>> No.9992261


>> No.9992300
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I started by drinking vodka from a glass and drink glasses of vodka. Someone explain why shots are alckie tier and not just some pathetic faggot LARPing as a degenerate piece of shit like me. Asking because noticing more people IRL and social Internet shit associating shots with alcoholics like they don't just fucking chug it.

>> No.9992439


>> No.9992487
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>gf kicks off because drinking so much
>leave house because fuck this noise
>go to crackhouse, rekt on smack
>walk to get more with some junkie
>fucking police car
>I’ve been reported missing, they pull over
>junkie bolts through hedge
>they’re suspicious so search me
>in cell for 7 hours, nicked for possession of class a
>get ‘home’, now with 5 bottles because fuck this life
>no sleep but feeling tipsy, about to get other-level wasted
>she’s not speaking to me, likely to be made homeless today, awaiting court appearance
Well, that escalated quickly. Guess I’m soon to be a homeless, alcoholic convict awaiting prison.

>> No.9992608

I'm drunk as fuck. I made this thread.

Kill me.

>> No.9992615

Vining is a legend on /k/, pretty funny stuff really.

As for drinking, yesterday was my third day sober in a row, feels fucking good, and looking forward to drinking tonight. I'm actually feeling like I could probably stay sober again today/tonight if I REALLY tried, but nah, I've been a good boy. Come 4PM I'm gonna hit the booze, and it will be glorious. Wondering if I'll go for 20% wine or get some rum. I miss my rum, been having this cost-effective strong wine for a few weeks.

>> No.9992616
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is it really so hard to cut down? for a while i was drinking almost a whole bottle of vodka a day, now I just force myself to write down each shot I take and just stop after like 5. you can do it anons. Be strong.

>> No.9992620

And yup, police called. Now sitting here trying to chug as much as possible without throwing up, before I’m kicked out. Fuck me, girls are delicious and all, but I’m sticking to hookers from now on.

>> No.9992623

34 hours without a drink

My head feels so foggy

>> No.9992646

sorry anon

>> No.9992702

Thanks anon.
Isn’t so bad. 24% battery charge, banned from driving, over 150 miles from the only other place I can stay, but I’ve got loads of booze and enough money to gtfo here. Guess I’ll clink my way to a hotel, sleep for a million hours then get on a train. I think I’ll mail this now-ex-gf a pic tonight of my dick inside a girl (hooker) half her age.

>> No.9992707

Alot of people here are subhumans. Not even alcoholics. I've been to the chatroom. People were scared of me because i was drinking beer 4 evenings in a row. Far from my worst when i used to drink 1L of vodka per day in 2016, even today im drinking 0.7l of whiskey and 3 beers. Most people here are subhumans at drinking. But they think they're alcoholics.

I also dislike how yo guys cry about "boohoo i suffer from alcoholism i cant do nothing"

Personally im drinking 0.7L of vodka per day in 2016 everyday but i know my reasons. I know why I drink and its not "Alcoholism". I had better days i stopped but i still suffer with some stuff and have to drink. People who blame "alcoholism" are the funniest idiots to me.

>> No.9992719

Nice. Reminds me of being 13 and playing runescape. Good days

Same lithuanian alcoholic from above btw

>> No.9992725

I know there are some really serious alcoholics posting here but i'd say the majority are children at drinking, children thinking theyre cool and alcoholic. That's just sad desu lol

>> No.9992767

underage gtfo

>> No.9992777

Just ignore it dude.

>> No.9992786
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I have no choice but to obey these digits

>> No.9992800

Fake, staged - saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, called the Fire Department, called pizza hut, called the USN, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI. called the CIA, called Interpol, called the KGB, called the USMC, called the USAF, called the Royal Air force, called MI 6, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called NYPD, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called David Cameron, called every Governor of every US State, used my time phone to call Winston Church hill, As well as Hitler, Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Montezuma, ever Caesar, and Gilgamesh, called US Army, called British Army in every era, called every phone sexline, called papa john’s, called the US Coast Guard, called my State Senators, called my Senators, called every republican in the US, called Dr. Who, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords, called the State Patrol of ever state west of the Mississippi, called all of my local news channels, called Star Fleet, called The Sun, called The national enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called the Ghostbusters, called ever free mason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of ever city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada.

>> No.9993019

I drink lots of beer but regular beer not the hipster beer.

>> No.9993054
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Just bought this bottle.

>> No.9993096

shine on you crazy diamond

>> No.9993097

Woo! 3 days sober before today, just braved a storm of wind and freezing rain that stung my face like tiny BBs, got some AWESOME deals resulting in almost 40% off almost $80 of groceries (spent less than $50), now I'm having a delicious leftover meal I got from a church group I've been going to who have been very good to me despite my situation. Gonna get LOADED tonight during this blissful storm! I LOVE IT! FUCK YOU, MOTHER NATURE! YOU'LL NEED MORE THAN THIS SHIT TO STOP ME! Next stop... LIQUOR STORE!... after I finish this meal which is basically my breakfast.

>> No.9993112

This is my 2nd day sober.

i was on a beer taper then fucked it up when i was down to 2 beers by drinking 15 beers and a bottle of wine.

Now cold turkey... hopefully the tapering sort of reset it? No shakes or anything yet just very very dizzy all the time.

>> No.9993129

Damn, I'm jelly, looks amazing and must have been super expensive. 500ml (roughly 16oz) of 50% liquor would definitely get me drunk, but I don't think that's the purpose of that unless you're just some rich SOB who can afford to throw away expensive stuff like that, which I can respect. Not because I admire wasting money, but in a truly capitalist society when you make great amounts of money it generally means an intelligent and hard worker who provides lots of products/services that people like or at least need. Socialists hate the rich, capitalists should admire and be thankful of them. It is the rich that provide jobs to people to improve their lives.

>> No.9993146

Yeah japanese whiskey is really underrated imo. It cost like 400Kr.

>> No.9993217

What even is that, are you in Kazakhstan or something?

>> No.9993229
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>> No.9993230

FUCK YEAH! Down to the store and back, sweating like a God damn pig and was damn near completely out of breath by the time I got up the second hill, that doesn't typically happen but with all the snow, it's a lot harder. Got myself a big bottle of strong rum and a big bottle of 'strong' wine, should be good on booze until near the end of the month if all goes well! God damn, such an intense work-out, it's like an intense fucking high! I feel AMAZING!

>> No.9993236

Oh, Swedish, sorry I don't know much about middle eastern currency.

>> No.9993256

Multiple European countries use kroner. How are you (presumably) over 18 years old without knowing this?

>> No.9993271

>How are you (presumably) over 18 years old without knowing this?
I guess he's American.

>> No.9993273
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ayo das racis

>> No.9993288

Hey, me too. I'm new to whisky so I have no idea what I'm in for.

>> No.9993302

I don't know, never really something I needed to know or something I happened to read about and thought it noteworthy enough to put to memory.

I'm not American, but I hope to become one in time. Dat 2nd amendment is too tasty to pass up and living in Trudeau's Canada has shown me how weak out 'Freedom of Expression' is in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The 1st amendment seems to be a lot more solid, especially when coupled with that blessed 2nd amendment. The Founding Fathers were geniuses. Trump cares about the American people, Trudeau cares about virtue signalling and being nice to brown people and ISIS goat-fuckers... I'll take Trump any day of the week, happily, and if his next 3 years are like his 4th, ESPECIALLY if he gets that wall built and that travel ban, I will happily vote for him if I'm able to.

>> No.9993377


The fuck? Are you even allowed to report someone missing if they've only been gone for a matter of hours?

>> No.9993389

Lately I've been drinking whiskey and ginger ale, but all of the whiskey I have is expensive and wasted on this. What's a good >$30 per handle whiskey?

>> No.9993434

If i had a drink every time i felt like having a drink i would drink every day. Thankfully i have a girlfriend who cant control her alcohol intake which makes it so i dont want to drink when shes around which is always

>> No.9993450

Beautiful digits, friend.

Allow me to explain on behalf of our deranged brethren here, that if he was truly as smacked out in the crackhouse as he claimed, then he was gone for likely at least a full 24 hrs. Depending on how good the heroin was and how much money he had to spend on it, he may have lost track of time completely and nodded out for half a week or more before coming down.

>> No.9993502
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This girl is so perfect. Amazing looking obviously, but hot moron grils are so cute that it makes my dick hurt. I used to play a game wherein I’d see how dumb of a lie I could get an ex of mine believe. It was probably that “you need to hurry home, it’s so windy that the earth is spinning at an accelerated rate, so it’s further from where you are than usual to get home”, and that she should hurry or she might not make it. She was crying when she got back and I had to comfort her by fucking her three times.

>> No.9993560
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x3024, 2601A436-AD1F-434E-83B1-0E7E0D22DA5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into mining cryptocurrencies. This one earns me £300/month, costs £60/month in electricity and cost a grand to buy. More than pays for itself, and it blasts out heat 24/7. So much that I had to put my second mining rig in another room. Even in the Brit winter it’s too hot with my other six cards running.
If it’s sunny where you live, get solar panels and it’s even more profitable.

>> No.9993578

I got a dui last month. Does anyone have any advice on getting a critical need license so I can drive to school?

>> No.9993607

I can recommend getting a bicycle. The bitches love bicycles.

>> No.9993618

I kind of assume it was no longer profitable for normal folks to mine.
I threw my life savings into BTC and Eth in May 2017 and that worked out better than I expected. Never got into mining.

>> No.9993635
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Yeah that eth isn’t messing around. It hit 10 mil satoshi a day or two ago.
It’s still profitable, for sure. Use an auto switching multipool like miningpoolhub.com - it automatically mines the most profitable coin, then converts it to a coin of your choice. I’m mining XMR, because I’m convinced it’ll hit 10mil too.

>> No.9993640

Thanks. I'll look into it further.
It's a good point about it heating your house too. This time of year the energy is hardly a waste at all.

>> No.9993651

Yeah I’m literally being paid for heating the place. Feelstoastyman. Now if I could just figure out a way of being paid for drinking...

>> No.9993659

My commute is about 60 miles.

>> No.9993675
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Sincerest apologies. Jumped the gun. Oh well.

>> No.9994065

Spent the last month in a psych ward. Been sober the whole time. Followed the rules and got out.

I'm going to get so fucking drunk.

>> No.9994119

Well you lasted more or less 56 hours right? Good job for attempting it right after the false missile alarm.

Also you could post your experience here:>>>/r9k/42530295

>> No.9994331

Excuse me sir ! Underage? 22year old ! And Lithuanian ! To my experience you are the underage here !

>> No.9994346
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>Me? The 13th Duke of Wybourne? Here? In the al/ck/ thread? Underage?
sadly, I am old before my time

>> No.9994406

22 is still young as fuck.

>> No.9994411
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What would help you? Ask us.

>> No.9994664

Any Females here?
>Friend calls me at 7am
>Crying hysterical
>Tells me his wife want's a divorce.
>Has hinted in the past about her drinking but never really went to deep.
>4 bottles of wine a day atleast
>wake up in the middle of the night to Drink
>Drink in the morning.
>holds a good job
>blacks out all the time.
>hooked up with a guy blacked out.
>blames himself
>she blames him
>sees nothing wrong.
>Does not wan't help.
I have dealt with addiction
Explain its the addiction that is making her so crazy.
Tell him there is nothing he can do unless she admits she has a problems and want's help to get clean..
She might kick him out, she owns the house.

What can be done in this situation?
Shes telling him she want's space.

IDK, alcoholics are garbage and impossible to live with be around. They suck the soul out of everyone around them who cares about them.
Just like junkies.

Just like I was.

What can be done about this?

>> No.9994673


This is what you deserve for marrying a white woman. White women are only good for disposable jizz rags.

>> No.9994703

ISint this silly, only white women can have white children.
And 1 white person is worth atleast 5 shit skins.
There is nothing without white people.
There is hunter gatherer.

I know your pissed friend as you sit there on the white mans technology in the house a white man designed in a country that was probably conquered by a white man.

But you should just say think you for dragging you sub humans to a better tomorrow.
Remember you would be in the jungle friend.

>> No.9994749

Iori is so cute!

>> No.9994779

I'm about to drink lukewarm Vodka straight out of the fucking bottle in the middle of the fucking day.

>> No.9994934

>beer taper
>get the flu just as it ends

I really hope to die in my sleep

>> No.9995032


>> No.9995033

Are you sure you mean flu? I’ve seen a few people in these threads say they “have flu”. Influenza can kill. Are you sure it’s not a cold?

>> No.9995055

probably a cold but withdrawals are exaggerating it, still want to die though

>> No.9995067

Yeh it’s not flu. Influenza vs a cold is like a hangover vs DTs while recovering from being hit by a truck.
Still, yeah not nice. I for one am drunk, so bugger it all.

>> No.9995108

I'm not an al/ck/ but I just dropped in because I was curious. When I get drunk, I get absolutely awful shits. Do you guys deal with that every single day, or does it get better over time?

>> No.9995149

A heavy liquor daily drunk will have diarrhea everyday, yes. If you don't take it quite as hard you can still have solid shits.

>> No.9995186

Does anyone else get ASMR?

>> No.9995203

How to convince her she's an alkie?
Bet her she can stop cold turkey for a week without experiencing shakes, sweats, anxiety, fear, etc.

If she insists on feeling perfectly OK, well, let her go and destroy herself some more. She'll reach rock bottom at some point.
When she comes back crying, redirects her to a doctor, but don't take her back.

>> No.9995224

Had a rum and coke last night and had this bizarre paranoia at like 10 after I went to bed. Like I could swear someone was watching me try to sleep with my back to the bedroom door. I had to get up three different times through the night to check the doors and behind my fucking shower curtain. Eventually just shut my door and got to sleep around 3. Trying bourbon and coke today to see if it produces the same effect. Easily my least favorite cocktail, but I got a coke with the pizza I ordered over the weekend, so I may as well put it to some beneficial use.

>> No.9995232

Every single day. Usually at least twice or three times a day.

>> No.9995256

Haven't been able to sleep with my back to the door a single day in my life. However, I do have an anxiety disorder on top of constant alcohol withdrawals, I always assume the one time I sleep with my back to the door someone will sneak in and stab me in my sleep and I won't be able to defend it because of my sleeping position. Yeah I have problems.

>> No.9995265

Do you have nice tits though?

>> No.9995821

Can't help people who won't help themselves. Tell him to try for a while.
But eventually you got to give up and move on.
This is life

>> No.9995872

>girlfriend breaks up with me then completely disappears off map early 2016
>start drinking
>hear song that marks subject of one of our last conversations
>feel emotion for the first time in months
Personal Responsibility*10


>> No.9996025

in all likelihood shes fucking other men and not thinking about you at all, unfortunately

>> No.9996319

If she's even alive, that's good enough for me. I haven't been able to find mention of her name in her age range since she vanished. The only thing I'm left with is the wonder if I could have done anything else to ensure her safety.

>> No.9996386

i gave up alcohol before it became a problem

>> No.9996395

good for you faggot. the rest of us just want to die so kindly fuck off

>> No.9996396

Two weeks clean tomorrow lads.

I don't know how i feel about this. Time feels like it's going by to fast. Maybe it went fast when I was drinking but i just didnt care.

>> No.9996467

Opposite for me. Time goes by super slow when I'm sober. Being drunk all the time is like having a really shitty time machine

>> No.9996471
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>he's posting in a drinking thread about not drinking

>> No.9996672

At least they are trying.

>> No.9996679

its been nearly 3 years since i quit; you all should quit asap

>> No.9996724

I am quitting asap. I’ve always been quitting asap.

>> No.9996890

Jesus, is this al/ck/ thread drying out? Not normally this inactive.

>> No.9996891

>life always been shit
>never been smart
>never been able to socialise
>parents ill
>no friends
>no hobby
>dead end job
>in my little free time i chose to get drunk to make my existence more enjoyable
>some normalshitter comes in acting like i'm some monster for trying to enjoy life

>> No.9996896

start replacing booze with weed. Its less damaging to your health, life and wallet

>> No.9996910

This is the best choice, unfortunately most of us are too far gone for this to be a solution. I tried this and now just smoke and drink.

>> No.9996918
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Hahahahahaha yeah!

>> No.9996925

Please tell me that hitter got to fuck every single one of those little cutires.

>> No.9996932

Holy hell fuck you

>> No.9996944

I tried that long ago now I can't smoke without a drink and I cant enjoy drinking without a bonghit so I have 2 addictions now. It does make you drink less having weed around but it's hard to quit both at once.

>> No.9996952

listening to "Wasting My Time" by Default is wasting your time by default.

>> No.9996954

Only if you’re a beautiful idiot.
Are you beautiful?
100% of millionaire alcohol lobbyists agree that cannabis will kill you to death.

>> No.9996956

no wonder you're only fucking dumb girls

>> No.9996986
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Oh I’ll fuck their smart friends too, but it’s so much easier to train idiot girls. It eliminates the whole pesky educational phase whereby they learn WHY it’s imperative that they french kiss my asshole, and have their heads held underwater while I bend them over and make proper use of their reproductive regions.

>> No.9997031

dumb asshole, do a wicking layer, thermal layer, then outer layer, then get comfy under some blankets. waffle knit is your friend

>> No.9997040


>> No.9997047

hope it works. its probably safer to have a few beers on hand

>> No.9997058

i think now might be one of the very few times ive actually felt a little alcohol withdrawal. first day in like 2 months i didnt have at least 6 drinks and im feeling highly anxious tonight, and very cold

>> No.9997067
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>> No.9997073

Fast forward ten years, you’re in a cell, with no memory of why, and the guards just laugh at your screams. Enjoy

>> No.9997083

listen to this anon
I wish I could go back to the very moment my drinking turned a corner and abandon it.

>> No.9997086

shit. this is grim and making me worry

>> No.9997098

Dunno what you want to hear. Alcoholism will ruin you, simple as that

>> No.9997107

You really don't have to worry too much if you go to your doctor on a regular basis for a checkup. The problem most of these anons have is that they stopped going to the doctor. I drank hard for 10+ years, when I hit 30 I went to the doctor and found out I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol due to drinking. I started going to the gym 5 days a week and now my numbers are normal and I still drink regularly. You have to give up liquor permanently for starters, but if you keep an eye on your health you can at least give yourself the best chance at longevity.

>> No.9997116

You’ll lose your mind long before losing your life. You’ll wish you’d died tbqh

>> No.9997120
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You need to stay self aware
This is most likely drinking too much, I was finishing about two fifths of vodka every three days, which isn't crazy but EVERY three days, for maybe a month and a half. So, I said fuck it, I need to at least get my shit together somewhat, this is literally killing me. I still drink now, but I'll have a glass of something nice every other day or so (This has helped me, buying expensive alcohol means I physically have less and I like it more, but I dunno) and I only drink heavily on the weekends, but I make sure not to black out.

Pretty much everyone recommends never touching alcohol again, but I honestly feel like I could stop if I actually HAD to, but I fucking like it so I just keep it under control. Dunno what else to say, but you're definitely not fucked if that's what you're worried about, but you're getting there real fast.

>> No.9997143

>tfw i went to doctor recently and high cholesterol at 23 years old

ah jeez

>> No.9997154

You have to give up either shit food or alcohol anon. Or at the very least exercise. It's up to you, but you won't make it to 30 if you don't make a move. I am shocked by the fact you are suffering with this at such a young age, please do something to help yourself.

>> No.9997169

Also if your good and bad cholesterol are high it's pretty much a wash, so keep that in mind.

>> No.9997194
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Woke to find that there’s booze left, loads of tobacco, warm, money in bank, no piss/vomit on anything and, crucially, I’m home - away from her. 6am and tipsy. No responsibilities today. Holy crap this is cosy. I wish an al/ck/ femanon were here so I could share this cosy.

>> No.9997241

yeah. i just abuse my body constantly. i drink too much, i smoke weed when alcohol isnt available or more likely just do both, i fast for huge periods during the day and once or twice manage to scarf down a massive fast food meal inbetween classes and rushing home because im desperate to get back to my happy place.

the biggest issue is that im afraid constantly and avoid life completely and utterly, i lvie to delute my consciousness with drugs and stare blearily at a screen becaue for those fleeting moments, i feel like time isnt passing. i feel like im not getting older and racing towards my death. its the one time that i feel actually happy. the one time where im not tormented by the failures of my life and drowning in loneliness. and then i wake up the next day wanting to shoot myself, then barely make it to the evening and begin it all again. just like my mother, my father, my brother, both my uncles, all my grandparents and half my cousins

>> No.9997278
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> Started drinking a lot recently
> Brother notices
> "Jeez anon give your liver a rest for a day!"
> mfw

Feels way worse with other people knowing how much you drink rather than you just acknowledging it yourself.

>> No.9997523

just extend your taper for a few days

>> No.9997547


I feel you anon, I used to have that problem as well, though it was weird in that I usually woke up with by back to the door anyway.

Helped me relax a bit more once I started sleeping with a knife under my bed, I know in an actual dangerous situation it probably wouldn't help, but it at least gives me a sense of security and helps me to not worry about shit like that too much.

>> No.9997563

I started to do this when i watched too many dateline murder episodes. Also the maintenance people who work in my building are super creepy. Feel like I’ll get raped and murdered one day. I really need to get a baseball bat instead.

>> No.9997568

This bro...cheers

>> No.9997756

>You have to give up liquor
probably the best advice all around

>> No.9997865

That's only the beginning. It's when they stop mentioning it that you should be worried.

Or you notice that every once in a while a comment about something totally different is actually a subtle remark about your drinking. Or you can tell the subtle looks and tells that other people around you give when they don't want to bring up the topic.

When every fucking liquor store and gas station clerk in your area stops giving you those looks of pity and just start looking at you like a regular fixture.

>> No.9997902


I know that feel. Have one on me anon.

>> No.9997982

Who else is on a first name basis with their liquor store clerks?

>> No.9998021

I can assure you your liver feels worse than you do.

>> No.9998086

Canacuck here. I bought a case of 12 President's Choice Cervezas yesterday. The guy said they taste just like Corona but that was false. Not nearly as good. But I wanted to try them. Anyone else try the PC beers before?

>> No.9998097

Just think about this: my overly emotional brother was able to keep sober even after his long time gf cheated on him, fucked him over and nearly made him kill himself with her twisted bullshit. She is also completely useless and does nothing at home while he takes care of their two kids and does all the house work, and works at a job AND does all this while he has recurring bouts of blood clots in his lower legs.

If he can do it, you can too. Unless you have an even worse story to share.

>> No.9998142

this guy american psycho fucks

>> No.9998165

hope you all are doing ok. on another beer taper. spaced them out about 2-3 hours and now 4-6 hours. doesnt really help with anxiety but it does stop the sweats.

>> No.9998170

never. i refuse to get to know any of them. its embarassing.

>> No.9998486

I miss my step son. I was his dad from 4-12. Talked to him today. He told me he misses me.

So I'm getting blitzed

>> No.9998968

Got good and drunk last night, first time having liquor in at least two weeks I think, and wow, there is definitely a difference between that and wine I think. Anyways won't be a problem not drinking tonight and shouldn't be a problem tomorrow unless I celebrate. Why celebrate? Well I should be on my way to getting my grade 12 in February (I didn't graduate when I was in high school), and I have an interview tomorrow, not necessarily for a job but for a 'back to work' program to help individuals who have a hard time finding a job, which around here is pretty much everyone.

If the interview goes well which I think it will, I'll be on my way to getting a bit of work for 9 weeks. Both are Government programs, and surprisingly enough both will earn me a bit of extra money which. All the same, I'm cutting down on drinking not JUST to save money but also because I don't want to drink myself into an early grave; I would like to live to be at least 65, which isn't asking much these days. That'll give me over 35 more years to live, and I can do A LOT with 35 years. Feels good to be getting my life on track again... the last 5 and three quarter years have been pretty brutal.

>> No.9999006

Im tapering 20 mg diazepam, this is way harder thanks booze. Any success story or expérience ?

>> No.9999024

I just stopped (after using 5-150mg/day for 14 years) and got drunk instead, then tapered booze. Not easy, but there it is.

>> No.9999152

Cold turkey??

>> No.9999202

Well not really, I got extremely drunk instead. But yeah I did just drop the Valium.

>> No.9999221

drinking a few 10% beers
life is hard on me
i dont want to fight anymore

>> No.9999249

just keep on fighting out of spite, anon

>> No.9999272

i had a chanfe of heart
i used to be an asshole due to my anxiety and i hated all living things
after many dreams that huanted me i came back to god(when i was a kid i used to talk to him a lot) and started loving everyone around me with no condition
but even when im peacefull my life is in pain and i cant find anything that will make me feel sane again...

>> No.9999291

talk to your imaginary friend some more. Maybe you will luck out and it won't tell you to touch kids or kill a bunch of people and become the new messiah. Tends to do that.

>> No.9999294

Different guy, but gf broke up with me a month ago and had to move in with my mom at age 26. This is actually helpful advice, thanks

>> No.9999296

im not delusional, i just want some peace
and beliving in something help get it
youre just cynical out of hate to everyone like i was

>> No.9999317

Did your imaginary buddy help you learn to read minds and intent?

If you were delusional, you would be by definition incapable of knowing it.

>> No.9999320
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>> No.9999321

whatever brother
i dont care anymore

>> No.9999432

I've been drinking for 11 years and I've never been arrested.

>> No.9999435

I'm so depressed.

>> No.9999440

Well I think you’re in the minority. Once the psychosis and DTs hit I was sometimes nicked multiple times weekly

>> No.9999450

Well, I'm a massive shut in. I'm unemployed to boot. I just hate being around people.

>> No.9999459
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>anon tells a story about how religion helped him while doing absolutely zero harm to others
Yeah, what a stupid asshole he is. Fuck off.
How miserable and petty do you have to be to have a problem with a man changing himself for the better?

>> No.9999463

I was for ages. After years of living like that I couldn’t stand the torture of being foreveralone, so ventured out in search of vaginas. It was coupled with frequent arrests, but worked so was worth it.

>> No.9999475

Helps to expose yourself to people more often. Not in the "open your trenchcoat" way but the "make words with your mouth so that you can receive mouth-words in turn" way. Sometimes still leads to genital exposure, but in a consensual way.

>> No.9999476

I'm actually in a LDR, so that doesn't really appeal to me. It's been a while since we fucked tho. Fucking November. Kill me.

>> No.9999498

Have a drink, dude. Flawless solution
Pretty sure I want a proper gf again. It’s been 6 years of one-nighters and whores. Nice having a menu of our-of-my-league grils who do as they’re told, but it lacks the satisfaction of having an actual relationship.

>> No.9999504

Yeah no doubt. I wouldn't trade her for anything. There's nothing more enjoyable than having someone who loves the fuck out of you, my friend.

>> No.9999508

I must have fallen while drunk yesterday. My fan is broken, I have bruises everywhere and a bump on my head.

>> No.9999528

you could be a secret agent... so secret, even you don't know it.

>> No.9999535

Do this shit all the time. I once woke to find s chest of drawers at the bottom of my stairs (having apparently fallen/been thrown) and a letter in my door from an unnamed person, threatening to call the police

>> No.9999544

It really makes you wonder why we do this shit to ourselves.

>> No.9999567

Inhibition? I honestly remember asking the lord for a quick death, soon, while asking that it not traumatize my family. Twice.

>> No.9999572

I tried to kill myself at the beginning of last year. Wound up in the hospital when a couple found me black and blue and half frozen on the side of the road.

>> No.9999581

I don't feel suicidal. One of the last bits of pride I have left is helping others; so I feel that now that I'm a burden I wish it could end.

Try to get off the alcohol. Be that 5% that's stronger. There are other things than yourself that can kill you.

>> No.9999593

I've been trying, man. I don't enjoy this way of living.

>> No.9999615
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>tfw almost 29 and still have my braces because I've been too poor to afford appointments

>> No.9999736

Holy shit my shit smells like toxic waste.

>> No.10000078

>26 no friends failed my first Bachelor, no friends, never had a gf evenless old hnads or got a kiss and starting to fail my 2nd Bachelor.

At this point i am drinking almost a bottle of vodka a day, if this shit keeps on till my 30 bithday i koll my self i just hope my mother is dead by then so she isn't too heart broken.

>> No.10000086

fuck, cant even spell

>> No.10000088

>birthday tomorrow
>sober at least
>nothing to show for my 27 years on this Earth

Man do I want a beer right now

>> No.10000103

My body seems so resilient when it comes to alcohol, it sometimes amazes me. I honestly reckon I could give that American rabies survivor a run for her money.

>> No.10000112

drinking a lil sixer of tall boys busch, got a joint of some good weed to smoke. im so depressed and anxious lately, dont have a job and im all alone
About a year ago i went on a 2 week xanax & beer binge and after going through withdrawals, i feel like im not the same anymore. Weed gets me too high and anxious so i can now make a joint last me 2 days where in the past that joint was what i smoked every hour. I stayed sober for a while and all was good until the anxiety hit me bad. I keep my drinking to once a week tho. It used to be an everyday thing

>> No.10000114

You may be a poor speller, but boy can you wish for your mom's death!

>> No.10000125


>> No.10000215

she is an old depressed divorced woman who narrowly survived cancer, i just dont want her to suffer when her fist born just gave up, i want her to pass peacefully. Dosent anyone with a good mother to spare her the pain?

>> No.10000354

How often are just really happy when you drink and you don't know why? For me it's once every 2-3months and it's me right now.

>> No.10000378

you could commit yourself and resources to helping her with her depression and have a reason for being yourself... or use it as an excuse to get drunk and whine. 112 days sober here.

>> No.10000382

I'm almost 27 and one of my front teeth is glued on. I broke it when I was 10 and the dentist glued the broken half back on.

I think he said it would last 10 years at most but the joke's on him.

>> No.10000446
File: 51 KB, 600x568, 65A2FDD1-7081-4754-AF8B-215B7F403C2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fag book .com/OfficialElizaDushku/posts/1769957739689557



>> No.10000464

Probs dead desu

>> No.10000532

17 days sober bros we're all gonna make it

>> No.10000719


>> No.10000835

that would be elevated dopamine and endorphins and depressed gaba receptors

>> No.10001106

I really like that WEBM, but you can be successful while also being an alcoholic. Perhaps a bit more difficult since it's a bit of a monetary drain, but not impossible.

>> No.10001116
File: 24 KB, 325x244, 0419D89A-0C22-43ED-B697-ADC1D0825B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the greatest image of a sad photoshopped cat sat on a pizza that I’ve seen for weeks

>> No.10001157

fuck i cant stop chugging beer

what signs are there to stop? I havent been able to keep track on the exact number

>> No.10001165

fuk u niqqa
getting fucked up on dillly dilly and watching that so 70s, im a loser but feel like a god

>> No.10001199

Is muscle spasms while drinking bad, asking for a friend.

>> No.10001201
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I can't do shit the day after I drink. Maybe I just get too trashed, but it's hard man

>> No.10001205


Drink 2 liters of water at least, eat a potato or banana. Your kidney's are dying. Feed them water.

>> No.10001210

>what signs are there to stop?
See >>10001157
>fuck i cant stop chugging beer
and >>10001157
>I havent been able to keep track on the exact number

Also start tracking number and taper over a week. Take vitamins.

>> No.10001422

IN love with a lesbian!

But I'm a guy!

kill me

>> No.10001424

9 times out of 10, I'm good to go the next day. Here's what I do before/during/after drinking booze, and it seems to work.

>Make sure I'm hydrated well before drinking
>Make sure I've eaten within 2 hours before drinking
>Drink some water while drinking booze
>Drinking typically lasts several hours, eat something when feeling hungry
>Stay up several hours after final drink to enjoy the feeling and...
>While up, drink lots of water
>Have something else to eat before bed if there's any hunger whatsoever
>Make sure lots of water has been drank before finally passing out
>Next morning, drink lots of water, generally will still feel SLIGHTLY drunk
>Coffee dehydrates you; wait a while before drinking coffee; lots of water first
>Take some ibuprofen (Aspirin/Tylenol/etc.) if necessary, but it almost never is

>Stay hydrated and stay fed before/during/after drinking, focus on rehydration in the morning

I've been tracking my drinking for years. Not really for any PARTICULAR reason other than how I found it annoying that some mornings I couldn't remember how much I drank the night before. It's interesting, knowing that I have every drink I've ever drank over the past year or more written down. Back when I had my previous computer, I had every drink I'd ever had since around 2014 recorded. Rum>>>>>>>>>>Vodka>Whiskey>>>>>Tequila. Not much absinthe but I fucking love that shit, and if I could afford it I'm certain I'd have it very often. I like it just about as much as rum, and I don't say that lightly. Moonshine can be fun too. Of course I'm talking about legal stuff, not the hardcore 'out in the woods' stuff. Still, I wouldn't mind trying my hand at making moonshine sometime.

>> No.10001435

Lesbians are generally pretty fucking crazy, dude. Not even in the fun way. Whatever the case, fun way or not, don't stick your dick in crazy. It's not worth it. Still looking for a good Conservative/Traditional Christian girl. Either outright pro-gun or unopinionated on it. Cannot immediately think about gun control when there's a mass-shooting, and must be ok with hunting. Anti-gun is a deal-breaker, no matter the other qualities. Looks doesn't matter much at all.

>> No.10001438

pretty delicious tbqh pham.

>> No.10001462

I met her in a psych ward so I already know she's crazy. So am I.

>> No.10001555

If you guys look deep down into your soul, what is the real reason you drink alcohol?

>> No.10001559

Self medication for mental illness. You?

>> No.10001597
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>when the customer tries to make small talk
Drink your nine dollar beer and shut the fuck up, plus tip.

>> No.10001609

Helps with my anxiety, insomnia, stress and loneliness

>> No.10001631
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General dissatisfaction with life. Watching friends qualify as doctors and still struggling to buy a house. Watching as supermarkets fill with more and more junk food. Not having had sex with pupinia.

>> No.10001652

Aight, but if you're eating so much and diluting all the alcohol, how do you get proper drunk? I feel like if I eat, I'm sober within an hr

>> No.10001666

I'm feeling like a good traditional qt azn wife would be awesome. Seems like they still believe in all the taking care of husband, and they have the best food known to man

>> No.10001681
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I wish I could just sleep for 20 hours, drink a few beers and go to bed again.

>> No.10001685

Does al/ck/ like songs about getting on the wagon?


>> No.10001703

I hate white rappers

>> No.10001733

Why? because black people invent thing and white people improve it?

>> No.10001751

No I just think they all sound like pussies. Except Aesop Rock and Action Bronson

>> No.10001820

It isn't just one thing. I work an extremely stressful job outside of my desired field and it helps me forget and sleep every night. Things I used to like aren't as exciting to me anymore, but they are when I drink. I loved every second of my college experience and I will never have that again. Getting even a little drunk and watching some campus tour videos makes me nostalgia so hard. I'm an introvert and drinking for social occasions is almost a necessity. Marriage is constant compromise that sometimes I don't want to make.

>> No.10001831

eyyyy i met my gf in the psych ward

>> No.10001839

Did you love the girl before marrying her?
Not asking if you were fond of her, not asking whether you ‘thought’ you loved her. Asking whether you KNOW you loved her. I thought (actually more like assumed) I’d been in love, until I had.

>> No.10001841

chance the rapper
childish gambino

>> No.10001849

the idealist version of love is a meme.

>> No.10001859

Bet you can’t even define love. I know I can’t.

>> No.10001874

I don't listen to faggoty music, friend

>> No.10001889

Man I feel the same way. Been outta college for almost 5 years now, and I consistently get hyped for rave videos

>> No.10001902
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>> No.10001931
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9 PM

>> No.10001956

Anybody else here like cocktails? I've been experimenting and making a bunch of cocktails and shooters for the last few nights since my home bar is finally looking like, well, a home bar, and not just a random collection of shitty alcohols on some loser's desk.

Can post pics of cocktails/shooters I've made if anybody is interested.

Anyone have any simple recipes that look pretty? I personally hate it when a recipe calls for a cl of some weird, obscure and expensive liqueur that's not used in any other recipes.

Can share some really simple recipes again if people are interested; I'm a newfag to this board and don't wanna shit up the thread if that's not what you anons are about.

>> No.10001962

I can't, it largely enters around sexual attraction, trust, pair bonding, and pheromones.

>> No.10001967

I was just sayin, black rappers can be pussies too.
not all negroes are as hard as those in your interracial cuck fantasies

>> No.10001976

Does shitty $5 vodka and diet mtn dew count as a cocktail?
I agree. I just have seen way too many macklemore copycats and that's what I think of when it's a skinny white man rapping

>> No.10001990

I won’t be so bold as to suggest you’ve yet to fall in love. I do wonder though how many elderly couples would agree with this definition, and I’d confidently assert that this in my experience is a description of lust, not of love.
I’ve entirely too much of a headache to discuss this further though, sorry.

>> No.10001995

I totally count my shitty ethanol-with-food-dye whisky and mountain dew as a shooter, so yep. It's just kinda a shit one.

>> No.10002048

those elderrly couple were initially in lust. everyone gets that way. it is how a relationship starts. after that, you form trust. I forgot to mention compatibility, but this is also key and happens after initial attraction. .pair bonding is obvious and requires no explanation.

pheromones are a differnt story. I believe they are pat of the magic of love.

>> No.10002063

>Does shitty $5 vodka and diet mtn dew count as a cocktail?
mountain dew is a horrible mixer because the liquor cuts right through the mt dew flavor. SoCo and mt. dew for some reason works, that is if you are young enough to still stomach SoCo.

>> No.10002070

All I got is a 2 liter of mt dew, a 2 liter of sprite zero, and a bunch of la croix carbonated waters (which are surprisingly good for mixing with gin and vodka)

>> No.10002087

“Trust” is probably one of the better descriptions of love I’ve heard. I trust my brother though, but the love I have for him is obviously very different from that I have for my oneitis. I think asking what love is, is as futile a question as is that of the universe’s origin.
Sorry, don’t mean to sound like a philosophy student after smoking a bowl. In too much discomfort to get into this stuff. Hope your wife is at least a hottie.

>> No.10002099

hot enough to draw unwanted attention. a shame, imo. oniticism is not love, also imo.

>> No.10002120

The problem of today is that real trust is so hard to come by. We definitely live in "generation me" and people will stab you in the back and try and use you to get ahead. I've experienced it all my life and words cannot describe how awful it feels to have to call someone out and end a friendship/relationship after all the work you put in because you find out they're phony.

>> No.10002145


>> No.10002163

Anon pls.

>> No.10002189

al/ck/ my brain feels far more fried after a month of sobriety than it did when I was hungover every morning for over a year

what's happened to me

>> No.10002232

Have you been having regular wds?

>> No.10002243


I had 2 weeks without it. Broke on Saturday.
I really need to stop though, have been having constant heartburn and pain in my stomach to the point I haven't been sleeping. Too scared to get checked.
From lack of sleep or alcohol or both I've been getting a lot of sleep paralysis too. Alcohol helps me sleep, but my stomach hurts so bad the next day and then my whole abdomen feels tender to the touch.
Was drinking a minimum of 10 beers on Friday, Saturday another 10 and sometimes Sunday too. If I had 4 day weekends, I'd spend em drinking every day. Would only eat 1 time each day. After that usually couldn't stomach anything and would puke it out immediately.

>> No.10002250

I'm honestly bored as fuck. All the things I do drunk are fucking mind numbing sober. Why do you think people drink at parties? At the end of the day throwing ping pong balls into solo cups and talking shit around a table is only interesting for so long, but if you're drunk you can do that shit every weekend no problem. Vidya is boring as shit, but play some shit drunk with friends and you're gonna have a decent fucking time, same with shitposting on 4chan, cleaning, cooking, etc.

Gotta keep a buzz going or I get restless and bored.

>> No.10002254

>Too scared to get checked.
Anon whatever is wrong with you is already fucking wrong with you, you can't just close your eyes and hope it goes away.

>> No.10002256

Don't ever be too scared to go to your doctor. What you are suffering from could be something easily treatable, and by you ignoring it you could be missing out on years of wonderful drinking ahead of you.

>> No.10002370

Any lads on here have possible liver conditions? Doctors told me I have NAFLD, and told me to not drink, but I can't not. May be fucked, mate

>> No.10002403


I'm going to assume that means withdrawals, but no.

>> No.10002406
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best mixer/chaser in the world

I can pour a half vodka/half sunny d and not even taste it
I use garbage $10 half gallon vodka and this shit still goes down easier than fanta

>> No.10002483

Fuckin red sunny d? where do they sell this?
Then I'm sure you're fine m8

>> No.10002578

>where do they sell this?
literally every grocery store and dollar store

>> No.10002753

>not drinking a handle of bartons straight from the bottle

Underage get out, any money spent on mixer can be spent on more booze.

>> No.10002943

Turning 21 on the 6th next month. What is something I can try that isn't strong but tasty. Something you'd recommend to someone's firt time drinking.

>> No.10002948

*First time drinking


>> No.10003115

I am a fucking /nigger/ but I am trying to trap some good songs in this thread

>> No.10003238

I've done it, I've finally hit nonfucntional, 26 m Ausfailia, wew lads

>> No.10003248

at least I'm eating for the first time in 3 days.

>> No.10003250

>wipes tear from eye
We’re proud of you, son. We knew you’d get there.
>hand you a golden piss bowl

>> No.10003351

fuck you you condescending prick/cunt

>> No.10003446

I can drink 4 bottles of wine a night for weeks but I can't drink straight liquor.

Is there any that doesn't taste vile?

>> No.10003454
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>> No.10003717



>> No.10004087


>> No.10004104

There are different types of love m8, not just one definition. Romantic love is a meme. I'm too tired to go into the rest

>> No.10004109

probably your brain/nervous system are having a hard time with the stress of no alcohol.

>> No.10004184

I've been 5 days sober, mostly because I had a fever and no energy, but now the fevers mostly gone and my throat is also almost completely recovered. Still gonna try to keep this going.

>> No.10004207

I don't find that eating/drinking dilutes the alcohol. Here's how my drinking often goes...

>Start sometime between 3-5PM
>Drink fast
>Good buzz or lightly drunk within an hour
>Nicely drunk within two hours
>The drinking goes on for between 1-3 hours, depending on what I drink and just how quickly I'm drinking
>Once I'm at a good level, I stop, or slow to only 1-2 drinks per hour
>In the case of only slowing to 1-2 drinks per hour, I will ultimately drink more water than alcohol
>Severely drunk by 3 hours, lots of fun
>Even after the final drink is drank, the alcohol recently ingested still takes time to get in my system to further my drunkenness
>Stay up a good 7-8 hours at least, ideally, after the first drink, to enjoy the full effect
>Ideally, pass out before I begin to sober up so as to avoid drinking more late at night
>Drinking late at night is generally regarded as a waste because I'll typically fall asleep not long after, thus not riding the drunkenness

Some mornings I can't fully remember the night before, some mornings I feel a little bit dizzy and MIGHT have a slight headache but it's rare, and though I drink over 100 times a year (down from over 300 times a year between 2013-16), I only puke perhaps once or twice a year. Getting 'severe' hangovers which has actual nausea is likewise very rare, and 'light' hangovers are MAYBE once every month or two if that. A light hangover being slight dizziness and a slight headache that might not even require ibuprofen. Just because I stay hydrated and fed, doesn't mean I can't get drunk. As for how MUCH I drink, 200ml of ethanol is basically the minimum for a good drunken night, and 325ml is towards my upper limit for a REALLY celebratory day, often starting around noon or 1PM and going on until some point in the evening. I had such a day on New Years Eve as I recall, or Christmas, one or the other. Had right around 325ml worth of ethanol in rum, stayed fed/hydrated, felt amazing the next day.

>> No.10004248

I'll even include my drinking on Christmas Eve.

Dec 31 2017 11:58
London Dock 15ml*

*57.1% rum, I pour a half-ounce (15ml) shot, then pour in around 20ml or so of mix, generally lemon water. Simple, cheap, tasty, and a bit of vitamin C

Also, I organized the drinks so there's 10 per line, or in other words, 5oz of 57.1% rum per line. I'll also note that I was not 'speed-drinking' as it were, I was going to take my time and enjoy my rum throughout the day, which I more-or-less did, and did some late-night drinking when the fireworks hit; I watched them from my bedroom window. Looks like I had 21.5oz of London Dock that night, actually.That's actually 368ml of ethanol... damn... but yeah it was spread out all day so my body was breaking it down in my blood while I was still drinking. Your body automatically starts breaking down alcohol slowly as soon as it gets in your system. Takes about 8-12 hours or so to break it all down entirely I think.

>> No.10004411

Thread is on the last spot of the last page bump