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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 500x334, beefheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9982412 No.9982412 [Reply] [Original]

>extremely lean
>more flavour than any steak
>cheap as fuck

My go-to is the beef heart. Honestly, I can't get why it's not on the same pricetag as "regular" meat.
So gamey, yet so neutral it goes with any combination of fat and herbs. Perfect texture until medium or in slow cooks. Very nutritious.

Extremely high iron content makes it even more pleasing to women, great choiche for a dinner-at-home date.
Suitability to stir-fries lets you show off.

>> No.9982415

Steak shouldn't be that red

>> No.9982443

Maybe because it's not steak....

I like using chicken livers in thai green curry. Get a nice gamey flavour that mixes well with the green curry flavours, and it stays moist and tender, even after a long cook time.

>> No.9982450

Good for tropical hotdog nights.

>> No.9982695

Fried cow lungs. Slightly crispy but still spongy.

>> No.9982744

My nigger. Lungs are pretty good, I have a soft spot for fried intestines.

>> No.9982756

All offal rules but nothing even comes close to tripe for me. Delicious in every form.

Maybe cow's eyes. Maybe.

>> No.9982793

Beef tongue and heart are my top favorites. Foie gras, while difficult to find where I live, is great, but I usually have to resort to making my own chicken pate.

I've never had sweetbread, but seriously interested in trying it. Rarely I enjoy tripe, but my friends mom makes excellent menudo. I'll never eat brains.

>> No.9983109

Tripe and sweetbreads are god tier
Liver and heart are bretty good tier
Lungs are ok tier
brain is bottom teir

>> No.9983129
File: 1.09 MB, 2016x1512, 20171209_165539-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken hearts might be my favorite. I also love liver of all types

>> No.9983139
File: 519 KB, 1667x1317, 20180105_202807-1667x1317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some liver and onions I had recently. God tier comfort food.

Interested in trying pork brains

>> No.9983145

Only offal I eat is Liver because it's,extremely healthy. I don't like the other kinds :/

>> No.9983159

Can I cook liver in a non stick pan?

>> No.9983218

Food existed long before teflon fella.

Yes, it just requires you to heat the pan and oil up properly before sauteing or frying the meat, and not fucking with it until it is ready to release on it's own.

>> No.9983446
File: 35 KB, 661x491, meusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet "bread with spleen", a popular sicilian street food.
Veal spleen, lungs and finely chopped trachea (for crunchyness). Pre-boiled, sliced, fried in lard, stuffed in a sesame bread. Lemon juice or caciocavallo cheese traditionally complete it, I personally like a parsley sauce.

Got a confession, I never tried any chicken organ. Herd chicken liver is "better" than beef liver, how does it compare? Milder?

>> No.9983453

Fried chicken livers are old people food, and a pain to cook. You have to put a metal shield over the fryer basket, because they'll pop and splatter hot grease everywhere. Every time I got an order for them, sure enough, it was a table full of geriatrics that ordered it.

>> No.9983484

Gizzards and liver can be fried like >>9983453 said but they can be just sauteed as well I used to sautee them for the dog and myself as a kid. Only advice is to soak it in milk overnight. It is GOAT if cooked properly, texture is a bit off putting to some people though.

>> No.9984064

I've had
>fried liver of steak
>minced paté of liver of steak, pork, duck, chicken and goose
>heart of steak, pork and duck
>kidneys of whichever animal you put in "steak and kidney pie (ox, according to the recipe I'm looking at right now)
and while it's technically not offal, I've had duck's neck and gizzard.

All of these are from "ok" all the way to "really good" if prepared correctly, but I never do it myself.

>> No.9984086

Chicken hearts are great and my grocery sells them for $1/lbs.

>> No.9984101

Switch liver and brain and your correct

>> No.9984105
File: 22 KB, 478x253, Lord Humungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steak shouldn't be that red

>> No.9984117
File: 234 KB, 650x650, dim-sum-chicken-feetth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livers, chicken hearts, beef tongue and tendon...

I've always wanted to try sweetbreads.

Does stuff like pigs' ear and chicken feet count, or are we only talking internal organs?

>> No.9984131

>You have to put a metal shield over the fryer basket, because they'll pop and splatter hot grease everywhere.
Anon I...
Most meats should be allowed to dry on the exterior to prevent this, to aid browning, to prevent sticking, and to discern intelligent people from millennials. You're not supposed to throw a cut of meat from the packaging into the skillet you tard.

It's mostly geriatrics that order food like this because they aren't picky fucks raised by the hippies who didn't believe in disciplining spoiled children. Get whatever you want is a terrible way to raise a kid; especially with food.

>> No.9984152

>Most meats should be allowed to dry on the exterior to prevent this

and how exactly is that supposed to prevent the internal fluids from reaching boiling, popping the gizzard and launching grease out of the pan?

Take your time, I'll wait.

>> No.9984183

Beef tongue is that absolute best, you could cook it for a week and it would stay nice and juicy

>> No.9984412

I really wish one of our mexibros would post a recipe for how they make those lengua tacos that are so fucking goat. I can't seem to duplicate it.

>> No.9984430


I really like lamb's liver.

>> No.9984786

every instance of intestines/liver i have had smell like somewhat like feces and taste like the smell. is this how its supposed to be or am i just getting unlucky?

>> No.9985242

Chicken liver is nice. I plan on cooking some in the microwave at some point.

>> No.9986955

When I was a chef, I found a game butcher at a local fish market (Sydney, Australia). They used to get fresh duck liver in a couple of times a week. I'd go down at dawn on my day off and get duck livers that were literally two hours out of the bird.

Took them home and fried them up then made pate. Even had pate pots made up. I used to crank out about 2kg of pate a week.

Favourites: Pate with armagnac and almonds, pate with redcurrants, pate with pickled pepper, pate with scotch and onions.

Fresh duck liver is fucking amazing.

>> No.9987454

Heart is amazing, especially chicken hearts.
I love liver too. Cant fucking stand intestine, i tried it liek 5 times at different places and i just cant stand it. Normally I eat everything but intestine and lung are my nemesis.

I also fucking love roasted bonemarrow if that counts as offal.
And any kind of bloodsausage, im a sucker for bloodsausage.

>> No.9987755

>every instance of intestines/liver i have had smell like somewhat like feces and taste like the smell. is this how its supposed to be or am i just getting unlucky?

Both. It tastes exactly like it's supposed to, and you are unlucky because you have the genes that code for that taste. Others without those genes will eat the exact same product and not notice.

That sounds weirder to me. Liver tastes like iron and murder but not particularly like feces.

>> No.9987853

Fried liver us gr8

>> No.9987871

I've been meaning to try out chicken hearts but I have no idea what to do with them. Any suggestions that doesn't involve a grill?

>> No.9987889

Grilling them is the only way they even become kind of edible