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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 807 KB, 2260x1547, Soylent-bottles-close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9970337 No.9970337 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm just too busy with my software development job there's no way I can take five minutes to eat a sandwich like a NORMAL PERSON

>> No.9970341

Cool story, OP.

>> No.9970349
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>> No.9970350

Finally somebody understands

>> No.9970352

>making fun of the mentally ill
Low even for 4chan OP, reevaluate your life

>> No.9970358

Those guys need to work on their hiring practices. Only the guy on the bottom right looks like he should be working at NuMale.

>> No.9971681

Who? I don't see anyone with their mouth agape.

>> No.9971698
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>Black guy in orderly uniform.
Fuck numales.

>> No.9972018

He's the office Bull.

>> No.9973183
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>> No.9973265
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>> No.9973338

Do you remember when summer was only once a year and not everyday? Times have changed...

>> No.9973345


My roomate used to try and eat my deli meat from the bag rather than making a sandwich. Suffice to say I threatened to shoot him if he ate my food again and now I live with a roomate that birthed a kid. She can do whatever I don't really care. If I'm not having sex with you don't fuck with my lunch meat.

>> No.9973677

Is Soylent actually good?
Amazon had a 12 pack of them for $24 a week or two ago so I was tempted to try them, but ended up missing the deal.

>> No.9973687

>naming a product that reminds people of a movie about a food source that was made of people

What could go wrong?

>> No.9973691

It's an epic movie/tv show reference that soyboys will understand and relate to

>> No.9973803

>Is Soylent actually good?
do you enjoy the feeling of cold semen sliding down your throat and growing gyno titties? Soylet is the drink/meal combo for you!

>> No.9973832

Hey fuck off software development isn't a bad job
The culture of it sucks though
Just being surrounded by a bunch of autistic sissyboys all day sucks

>> No.9973962

Literally a job for cucks
>Chad bosses pushing around codemonkeys all day

>> No.9974042

>makes $110k after 5-10 years
>gets to sit on ass and work with asian QTs
>job that takes intellect and problem solving
>get to work on a team with likeminded people

Sounds like someones a little jealous.

>> No.9974155

2 dollars a bottle for an over advertised old person drink. Just get ensure old man.

>> No.9974157

I make that at a chemical plant just turning a couple wrenches and monitoring levels.

>> No.9974178

Prove it.

>> No.9974201

Ok so real shit, I drink the soylent coffiest on many mornings and its pretty good. It takes kinda like a smoothie made of pancake batter and toaster waffles, not *super* delicious but very palatable and easy to get used to. I chose it because I (uni student) don't often have the time to brew a cup of coffee and get something nutritious to eat before my early classes. It has enough caffeine to do the job and does well to supplement my diet since I work out a lot and need more nutrition. So its very healthy and extremely convenient but doesn't taste too bad. Only downside is that it could be a bit cheaper, but buy it in larger quantities (they knock 15% off the price if you get a monthy subscription) and the price per bottle gets down to about the same as a banana + a cheap coffee.

>> No.9974204

>job that takes intellect and problem solving
it's all been solved and if you're a codemonkey you're just nut and bolting software together.

>> No.9974207

>because I (uni student) don't often have the time to brew a cup of coffee and get something nutritious to eat before my early classes.
Get out of bed 15 minutes early you lazy fuck.

>> No.9974212


>> No.9974215

girl in one of my classes last quarter drank one of those soylent coffees everyday, so I asked her about them and she said I shouldn't start and that she was trying to switch to energy drinks. very confusing and not the answer I expected

>> No.9974219

its called blue collar
get off your ass and get some overtime

>> No.9974221

I routinely get up two hours before class, so I sort of agree with you guys, but at the same time I still have a lot of labor and time saving habits so I don't think drinking soylent to save time is that bad. I'm sure it's healthier than a lot of things people eat for breakfast

>> No.9974229

>healthier than a lot of things people eat for breakfast
healthy diets imply varied diets, if you eat the same shit all the time it isn't healthy.

>> No.9974239
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>> No.9974289

>Chad bosses pushing around codemonkeys all day
The trick is to get a developer job under any department other than IT. Most businesses hate their own IT departments because they have autistic ticket based project management where nothing ever gets done, so the departments outside of IT (e.g. Marketing or Sales) are just grateful you're getting them around the official route and also they don't know anything about programming and therefore don't bother even trying to figure out how to manage your work.

>> No.9974312

Female here. Will soylent make my boobs bigger?

>> No.9974318


but i'm vegan and gluten free you racist

>> No.9974325

>tfw working at my six figure software engineering job and just shitposting on 4chan all day

>> No.9974333

>software engineering

>> No.9974348

tru, it's barely even a job since I don't even do any work. feels good, man

>> No.9974361

If you drink enough of it yeah. You need to have soy atleast once or twice per day to get good results though. People that think drinking soymilk once will give them giant triple H OH YEAH BROTHER style tits when it really wont.

If you really want to use soy to up your tit and ass game buy soymilk, drink soylent, eat tofu, and take prenatal vitamins and also do squats.

But you're probably just some big gay fagboy that wants to be a tranny. Don't you have a game at AGDQ to run over estimate?

>> No.9974364

>>tfw working at my six figure project management job and just shitposting on 4chan all day

This is me. Most people would be surprised how many professionals need a place to anonymously shitpost where you're truly free to express your opinions.

>> No.9974372

Thanks. And I am watching AGDQ with my fiance actually.

>> No.9974375

are you my PM, they don't do any work either
where does the money even come from - pretty sure no one does any work

>> No.9974377

You'll be laughing all the way to the unemployment line when pajeet takes your position.

>pajeet can't bolt together software better than I can!!! - import library;

>> No.9974380

good thing I voted for trump then

>> No.9974384


Especially in today's corporate environment, where some little ladder climber will try to get rid of competition by reporting their co workers for "political incorrectness." These and false accusations are all the rage in Silicon Valley. Always have to watch your back.

>> No.9974385

>warehouse I work for has tons of these and I have to pick them with my dirty gloves/hands, place them in dirty ass totes, then ship them off to NY

Lol soyboys are basically licking my fingers.

>> No.9974387
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>You'll be laughing all the way to the unemployment line

Nigga. You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.9974389

as an "anybody but hillary" that also voted for him, if you truly think he's going to change anything, you're a fucking joke

>> No.9974417

How does trump not make you an expensive line item? An expense the company would rather do without?

>> No.9974470

Martin Soylen --- BEEELLLLCCCHH-- God isn't real, marty, and soylent Green is ~~UUUuuuuurrrp~~ it's people, marty

>> No.9975387

>import library;
The absolute state of Python script children projecting their deficiencies onto actual programmers.

>> No.9975395

>actual programmers
nobody hires them, they sit in ethereal heights of academia.

>> No.9975410
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>not coding exclusively in javascript

>> No.9975414

>Just being surrounded by a bunch of autistic sissyboys all day sucks
Stop working where they only hire fresh college grads. Everybody on my team is a grumpy old man.

>> No.9975422

The Bayesian rationalist subculture is one of the most bizarre things in the world to me. Their habits, the mores they select for themselves, runs under so many layers of autism I can't even put it into words.

>> No.9975425
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Forgot pic.

>> No.9975427

Sure is such a great language and easy to us-oh NPM lost a bunch of repos again and now nothing works

>> No.9975443

>she was trying to switch to energy drinks
is she retarded

>> No.9975449

If soy was some magical trick to make tits grow bigger like the autists here like to spew, women worldwide would be chomping down soy by the mouthful.
The levels of estrogen in soy are wholly inconsequential unless you are actually gorging on the shit.

>> No.9975455

explain why tofu eating chinks are all so effeminate then

>> No.9975462

In the past, the "latte-drinker" was the effeminate liberal.

Now it's the soy latte drinker.

>> No.9975506

thanks for sharing

>> No.9975776

Epic blog hahahahhaa so random xD
Where's the upvote button?

>> No.9975865

Far upper right, the x

>> No.9975877
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came here to post this, good job my man

>> No.9975985

coffiest tastes good fuck you all

>> No.9976640

Fuck off back to r.eddit and kill yourself retard.

>> No.9977592

this is true, i ate/drank nothing but soylent for a month and now i have a trans vagina

>> No.9977595

>wagecucking so hard you wolf down a sandwich in five minutes
If I'm eating, it's for no less than 24 minutes

>> No.9977670
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>> No.9977675

>needing 5 minutes

>> No.9977681

Sounds nice.

>> No.9977690
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>Being so severely autistic and disabled that it takes you almost half an hour to eat 1 sandwich

>> No.9977707

I wonder if anyone will someday stop spouting memes and give a link on the science article that tested Soylent and it's influence on human organism.
I assume it couldn't be allowed to hit the shelves if it messed up hormones levels greatly for example

>> No.9977711

They're not.

>> No.9977819

>Not knowing how hormones effect each other or how people behave
Fun fact olives boost testosterone but body builders and men in general don't seem to eat olives on everything wonder why?

>> No.9977841

Too much testosterone makes the body convert it into estrogen.

>> No.9977844

That was back before a large influx of australians and south americans. Now its summer all year around.

>> No.9977884

or he could sleep more and drink/eat wahtever the fuck he wants, why the fuck do you care ? Touch of the 'tism?

>> No.9977909

That's way more healthy than sandwiches you birdbrained ninny.

>> No.9977914

Because olive oil is much easier way to digest it.

>> No.9977937
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Huel is where it's at

>> No.9977966

T b h would rather fall for the soylent meme than the coffee one.

>> No.9977979

Don't get caught up in the breathing oxygen meme, neck yourself.

>> No.9978068
File: 129 KB, 2400x2239, happy looking face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.9978086

Huel tastes like oatmeal and I can't turn it into any other flavor.
Soylent is the better product in that regard.

>> No.9978440

Sadly, I am a fresh college grad, hired on to replace these grumpy old guys that are retiring now more than ever

>> No.9978460
File: 423 KB, 1698x1131, 28953DD5-772D-4992-A4B5-1A103997D872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d be really tempted to try this stuff if it wasn’t FUCKING FILLED WITH LEAD.


>> No.9978493
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>chair lowered to minimum setting to avoid drawing the attention of the phd advisor

>> No.9978555

Why does Soylent shill do hard on 4chan?

Who decided that this place was a target demographic?


Seriously kys

>> No.9978583

>software development
What company? The place I've been at for the last 3 years is hyper laid back and I haven't missed lunch a single time.

>> No.9978616

No joke, but my old roomate and I only really ate deli meat from the bag and rarely made sandwhiches.

>> No.9978831

>My roomate used to try and eat my deli meat from the bag rather than making a sandwich.
> my old roomate and I only really ate deli meat from the bag and rarely made sandwhiches
Since when is this considered a weird thing?
If I want to eat a bunch of honey ham or turkey I'll just eat it. Adding bread to the equation isn't going to make it taste better. I'm pretty sure the whole concept of adding bread and pickles and other unnecessary bullshit started out as a way to ration out limited amounts of meat. Meat supply isn't running out any time soon here in 2018, you're free to just eat as much of it as you want.

>> No.9978872
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>> No.9979688

Yeah, they're nuts. Not sure if most people here know who you're talking about tho.

>> No.9979777

That should include the screencap of him talking about his gag reflex when swallowing cum

>> No.9979797
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>his software company doesn't provide free food

>> No.9979907

>not per capita
Useless graph desu

>> No.9981903
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tfw nobody sells I BRAKE FOR ROKO'S BASILISKS bumper stickers

>> No.9981918

Providing food, washing machines, snacks, etc is to keep you on-site and working past what they pay you for. Why do you think they strongly favour young single guys? No kids/life outside work. SV is a meat-farm.

>> No.9981920

A bit defensive aren't we, buttercup?
Don't bitch about having no time to do anything when waking up a bit earlier solves your whole Fucking issue.

Also, fuck you.

>> No.9981922

Just eat and stop working.

>> No.9982106

This dude was mentally deranged even before touching the stuff. Nonetheless, obviously if you convert yourself entirely into a soy diet instead of making it part of a balanced plan it's going to affect you more than it would non-retarded people.

>> No.9982110

It's not like most people are overly inquisitive enough to find whats really in their food anyway, just shut up and chug works for some

>> No.9982554

some of the flavorpacks they sell are quite good, you can buy a bunch of them as an overall sample to see if any suit your palate

>> No.9982632
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>the amount of welfare recipients increases as the population increases

>> No.9982678

energy drinks can be zero calories, i guess, so maybe she was eating breakfast too and just wanted soylent to be a coffee drink?