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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 634x613, 3B7E756300000578-0-image-a-32_1482075236024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9954471 No.9954471 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really think donuts are a feminine food that they needed to market them specially to men?

What are some gendered foods?

>> No.9954482


>> No.9954500

>Put sausage in donut, market it as a non-binary snack to virtue signalling soy boys.

>> No.9954503

That's a kolache. They're popular in Texas

>> No.9954513

Uhhhhh off the top of my head, steaks are supposed to be masculine.

>> No.9954514

flyovers think everything that isn’t steak and beer could turn you gay

>> No.9954518

clams are pretty manly. your mother serves a great clam

>> No.9954566
File: 242 KB, 1920x1052, Niederegger-Maennersache-Classic-Mini-Marzipan-Brote-5St-175g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyboys love buying shit labeled "for men" and marketing is catching wind.

>> No.9954739

No, she serves steamed ham

>> No.9954828
File: 61 KB, 1065x722, Contrail.fourengined.arp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine is for women to put on airs and beer is for RRRAWWRRR real MACHO men with BALLS and NUTS and ASS FOOTBALL RRRRRAWWARRRRRR HOO AAH

If you can't handle this VERTICAL EPIC IPA, you don't deserve my sumpin sumpin, MUH LAFROOOG MUH PEAT MONSTER

>> No.9954859

Flyovers thinking donuts make them gay is possibly the most insane theory I have ever read on this site

>> No.9954862

>beer is for RRRAWWRRR real MACHO men
but thats wrong the meme macho drink is whisky retard

>> No.9954864

Wine is for old women though. Beer is for everyone though

>> No.9954902

I'll be flying over you in 2 weeks, I'll wave to you from on high

>> No.9954925

instead of having a round hole (like a mans ass hole) it should have more like a long thin slit with a little pink gumdrop at the top for the clit

>> No.9954937

Eating sausage is too get bro. Do you like to eat dick? I myself have only been eating CUTLETS since I discovered that eating sausage is for FAGS.

>> No.9954943

Wine is the Apple of the alcoholic beverage world. Way inferior to the competition, and oddly expensive relative to quallity, but very good at marketing to women who don't know much about the subject

>> No.9954948

How can you eat anything "mini" and still fall for the "for men" marketing schtick. One of the staples of the stereotypical "male" is obscenely large portions of unhealthy food. Take your prissy mini marzipans and stick em up your cunt, m8.

>> No.9954962
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>> No.9954975

>snack like a man
The word snack is feminine sounding enough to cancel out the "bronut" which itself already sounds like reddit nu-male soyspeak. They might as well be shaped like cocks and filled with cream

>> No.9954979

Why are feminists so insecure about men expressing themselves?

>> No.9954983

I'll make sure to take a picture of you from my iPhone

>> No.9954984

I used to know a guy who wouldn't eat hot dogs or popsicles or anything phallic looking, even a sub. he would have to cut/tear them into chunks first

>> No.9954994

Doughnuts were unisex to begin with though? This is retarded

Tastelet detected.

>> No.9955007
File: 105 KB, 600x340, Blog_Gray_Black_and_Blue_All_Over_A_Stroll_Through_the_Land_of_Man_Brands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a cynical ploy to sell shit when gender really doesn't need to be a factor, it's not men expressing themselves.

>> No.9955013

I use peat monster for making cocktails

It isn't good

>> No.9955068

fucking reeks of coastie dumb trend shit

>> No.9955082

I have relatives in the midwest this is actually true

>> No.9955088

No it fucking isn't midwesterners don't give a shit about gay people

>> No.9955100



>> No.9955102

my fundie antivaxer cousin in the midwest won't let his kids drink water from a plastic bottle because "it has hormones"

I assume he got that from alex jones

>> No.9955110

There are men that don't wipe their asses after they shit because they feel that it's gay to have anything touch their asshole, like the toilet paper.
They would most definitely think that regular donuts are for faggots.

>> No.9955124

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.9955128

meanwhile beer puts more estrogen into your body than a prescribed injection

>> No.9955145

He's definitely in the closet. Try giving him the sucky sucky.

>> No.9955154
File: 8 KB, 224x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mighty WIDF is here to save wisconsin's honour (note the sophisticated british spelling)

>> No.9955186 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 614x768, 1515449984912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t. soyboy

>> No.9955198

That's not a thing that anyone anywhere has ever said. You should probably go back to tumblr.

>> No.9955210

t.faggot who saves an image from /ck/ and posts it again on the same fucking board a couple hours later like a fucking retard.
Next-level unoriginality right there.

>> No.9955212

"Bronut" just makes it sound gayer. Not to mention that it looks like they made them into big long phallic donuts instead of the usual round ones.
If I saw this in person I'd assume that they're donuts for gays.

>> No.9955258
File: 138 KB, 831x650, 1512427709962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture best decribes you reddit migrant faggots. It's everyones job to constantly harass you faggots until you disappear, enjoy another picture of you.and you friends.

>> No.9955295 [DELETED] 

Native Texan here, can confirm kolaches are popular as all hell down here. Every gook with a deep fryer sells them. Don't know about the Western Reaches, but here in the East boudin kolaches are very popular.

Would say they come in a doughnut though. Some, like the Earl Campbell's Sausage kolache, are wrapped in a very buttery, flaky pastry. Very similar to croissants. Other kolaches come in a more simple roll that is savory not sweet.

For a "Czechfast" have a kolache and a "nice" Czech beer. The more gimmicky the better. Prost!

>> No.9955301

You sure showed me what and oldfag you are, retard.
Fuck off back to /pol/ or reddit. I don't care which as long as you stop shitting up the cooking board.
Nobody here cares about your identity politics.

>> No.9955311

Native Texan here, can confirm kolaches are popular as all hell down here. Every gook with a deep fryer sells them. Don't know about the Western Reaches, but here in the East, boudin kolaches are very popular.

Wouldn't say they come in a doughnut though. Some, like the Earl Campbell's Sausage kolache, are wrapped in a very buttery, flaky pastry. Very similar to croissants. Other kolaches come in a more simple roll that is savory not sweet.

For a "Czechfast" have a kolache and a "nice" Czech beer. The more gimmicky the better. Prost!

>> No.9955319

>says the guy whose entire life is based around identity politics
Ok, now that i've won the argument, i'll go back to /pol/, stay off of reddit faggot.

>> No.9955344

>off of
Maybe you should have stayed in school

>> No.9955347

>Donuts with holes
For effeminate bottom bitches, which has been jewed into paying more for less

>Donuts without holes
For alpha apex males that understand that flat pastries are the best for putting sprinkles on

>> No.9955349
File: 209 KB, 500x705, okay-so-my-husband-is-turning-me-off-weve-been-28306013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9955358

antivaxxers are way more common on the coasts, especially the west coast

>> No.9955364


The plastic actually does leech into the water dilshit. Plastic is full of xenoestrogens. Guy is a fool either way since tap water is just as loaded with the stuff.

>> No.9955368

no it doesn't

>> No.9955375

>I’m going to eat some bronuts

Did they not think that through?

>> No.9955381

Do you believe that is a true story?

>> No.9955383

So that's some kind of ironic gay thing, like a donut shop in SF right?

That anon is exaggerating but I have heard flyovers insist that sweets in general are women's food.

>> No.9955387

I think you'd know a lot about prescribed estrogen injections.

>> No.9955398

Massive retard tier

t. tranny

>> No.9955411

>but I have heard flyovers insist that sweets in general are women's food.
No you haven'. Especially not donuts, sweets primarily refers to candy and shit anyways, not fried dough

>> No.9955479

dude bronut in my mouth

>> No.9955519

A real man eats ponuts

>> No.9955561

Yes, I have, and it included things like donuts and other pastries in general. For some reason anything sweet is considered women's food, I don't know why they think that.

>> No.9955591
File: 2.75 MB, 624x380, food that virgins will never understand.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9955597

I definitely associate women with chocolate, especially sweeter milk chocolate, and maybe candy
but I don't know anyone who has ever associated donuts with women (or even really think of donuts when sweets are referred to). If anything I would associate donuts more with men

>> No.9955613
File: 1.84 MB, 1883x2291, cops and donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>associated donuts with women

That's because everyone knows donuts are associated with COPS.

>> No.9955618

Whoa bub they got boudin kolaches

>> No.9955627

When I want to poison myself with donuts, I go to Glam Doll for some vegan donuts. No toxic masculinity there :-)

>> No.9956347

Is it a bronut, as in Alton Brown's biscuit dough doughnut, or just stupid marketing?

>> No.9956361
File: 23 KB, 480x480, gallery-1464275392-underwood-wine-cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9956416

Sweets are for women and children. I'm sorry that the truth makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.9956567

This is the stupidest fucking post I've ever read

>> No.9956584

Fake and gai or retarded outlier
Pick one

>> No.9957008

They range from pretty good to breddy gud depending on the quality of the boudin. Shit is nice. I think I might stop for one on my way to work now

>> No.9957019

laphroig is disgusting

>> No.9957168

>flyovers insist that sweets in general are women's food.
that's because they are, but for coasties feelings are more important than facts so now we can get arrested for using "he" to refer to a boy and if a straight white male would rather have steak for dinner instead of cream puffs that makes him a bigot

>> No.9957194

marketing was a mistake

>> No.9957241

anybody see those mancave meats in the store?
its meme shit like ground beef with bacon and cheese mixed into it already and it comes in a box with some "tough" wanna be ex con bearded chef with shitty hipster tattoos on his arms on the front
and thats just a cover flap which you flip open and theres a heart shaped viewing window and the meat always looks grey and oxidized. So you can tell nobody is buying it

I dont think I've seen marketing more off putting because I don't know who it appeals to. men certainly aren't buying it
>men are your target demographic
>make a product in the fresh section and not frozen
they deserve to fail

>> No.9957250

u wanna eat my male yogurt?

>> No.9957260

Its to capitalize on the frail masculine egos of coasties

>> No.9957263

Guarantee you no actual flyover hick buys anything labeled “bro”

>> No.9957264

>Made for men... BY men... FROM men...

>> No.9957267

yanks seem to believe wine is for women

>> No.9957278

Americans are really weird about wine in my experience. I guess because European countries are always bragging about theirs they have some sort of inferiority complex.

>> No.9957304

It's a few issues. First, Americans are taught to fear alcohol from birth. They are told it's the forbidden thing for grownups and their entire family will go to jail forever if the forbidden thing is tasted by anyone under the age of 21. So they naturally grow up with a dysfunctional attitude towards it, "you're not my real dad" sort of thing.

Second, they approach the magical age of transformation with fear and trepidation. They fear humiliation above all, and they research autistically what drink to order so that they are not publicly shamed for ordering something "gay" or "weird" or "pretentious".

Lastly, there are many food deserts in America and therefore the only way for people to learn about food other than government cheese and coca cola is through hollywood films. Hollywood films obviously are not documentaries, but if your only exposure to wine is, say, the "wine tasting" scene in a Steve Martin comedy, or Ferris Bueller's Day Off, or some such, then of course you will naturally grow up thinking that wine is a sort of test imposed by the "haves" on the "have nots" to prove whether they're allowed access to nice things (it is expected that any REAL AMERICAN should fail, since that is what the protagonist always does, thus proving his trustworthiness and lack of guile).

So there is an entire genre of media that has developed that caters to this conceit, that all nice things are just a means of separating the classes, and that loyalty to your own dictates that you should express contempt and ignorance of anything other than what you're used to. Otherwise it's pretentious.

>> No.9957345

What the hell kinda place charges 3.40 for an eclair?

>> No.9957349

Is that a lot or a little? They're $8 at the spot below my work.

>> No.9957358

For a single one? Most grocery stores near me sell all single donuts for less than 2 dollars.

>> No.9957370

Well yeah I'm talking about a place that doesn't suck, not some carrageenan and HFCS thing from the Walmart "bakery". I imagine you can get sushi and eclair in one stop for under $10, yes?

>> No.9957376

Pingus :DDDDDD

>> No.9957381


I laughed

>> No.9957429

Huh, this actually seems like it makes sense. I've got relatives who live in America and while they're kind people, I've never met anyone with such an insecure and hostile attitude to anything they think is 'above their station', and trying new foods (or experiences) is weird and pretentious.

>> No.9957437

>tfw swallow his bronut

>> No.9957601

How fucking detached from reality are you /pol/fucks? Legit no one cares what you're having for dinner.

>> No.9957613

Nice /pol/ tier science retard.

>> No.9957623

What makes it a bronut?

>> No.9957635

...What? Is that man autistic?

>> No.9957721
File: 216 KB, 583x418, 1500913906090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm gay but at least I'll never be as big of a faggot as this anon.

>> No.9957727


>> No.9957730

>insist that sweets in general are women's food.
They kinda are though

>> No.9957762

>slavs promoting hate on social media
>implying his name is actually "dave"
Nothing new here

>> No.9957775
File: 914 KB, 1280x720, hw_bundy_trial_ap_577787274204_day01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the west coast also has a lot of rural areas full of right wing crazies

But at least there are pockets of humanity

>> No.9957784
File: 28 KB, 460x350, bonbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bon bon's

>> No.9957789

you really should fucking leave faggot

>> No.9957791

>/pol/ intellectuals

>> No.9957794

>Not giving your phallically shaped food head in front of your friends, staring them down to look for signs of weakness
What a fag

>> No.9958002
File: 128 KB, 602x596, johnnys-cake-without-the-tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder WHY someone photoshopped this.
Someone looked at the original pic and thought to himself "this doesn't make the mentally ill transperson look bad enough. I should add a hammer and sickle to the cake"
Maybe it's the same kind of person who feels a need to circle the funny part of a photo in red no matter how obvious it already is.

>> No.9958054

There are extensive studies on the effects plastic bottles on water. Ever hear of BPA? It seems like you're just being willfully ignorant so you can sneer at people who believe "crazy conspiracy theories"

>> No.9958090


Liberal hippies were the primary antivaxxers, not conservatives

>> No.9958095

t. jenny mccarthy

fyi, BPA has been banned for years, and plastic exposure to food is mostly just a problem if you're heating it, like in a microwave. plastic also touches your water in the pipes, and in packaged foods, both of which should be much bigger concerns because you generally have no idea whether it's happening

fixation on an occasional cold water from a plastic bottle maybe once or twice a month is bordering on mental illness, kind of like fixating on the 1 in 20 million or whatever it is that experience adverse side effects from a vaccine

>> No.9958106

in the 90s they were, sure. at the time this "debate" first surfaced, highly educated liberals were among the first to find out about it, and among the first to take up the idea that vaccines might be bad. that's just because liberals are more receptive to new ideas, even ones that might be wrong.

the antivax crowd has been largely comprised of uneducated idiots in the last 10-15 years or so, since liberals have abandoned their opposition to vaccines in light of prominent experts coming out against the antivax movement.

>> No.9958252
File: 566 KB, 1280x1707, sexmelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was deleted? Will the mods actually delete obvious /pol/ posts if someone reports them?

>> No.9958520


No, even now it's the same

>> No.9958587

Or, you watched Sideways and have a hatred for Merlot despite never having had a single glass, but you LOVE pinot noir.

>> No.9958588
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>> No.9958609
File: 53 KB, 920x612, douche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you LOVE pinot noir despite never having had a single glass of that either

>> No.9958641

anyplace in fairfield county ct where I can get some.

I used to love them when I lived in Houston.

>> No.9959497
File: 62 KB, 960x960, B0039LMTBU_venus_201404151_4627_lg._CB351105164_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really think disposable razors are a masculine tool that they needed to market them specially to women?