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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9947107 No.9947107 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this gimmick food?

>> No.9947113

I think it tastes very good

Go Fuck yourself

>> No.9947123

Just make a dish using the same broth.

>> No.9947129
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>> No.9947158


You’re kinda fucked in the head if you don’t like hotpot...

>> No.9947166

There's no benefit over making an actual dish except for the novelty of "haha I'm cooking it myself at the table!"

>> No.9947233

You're literally doing half of their job for them by cooking the food yourselves. Cu/ck/s actually pay top dollar for this in the name of trying to be unique.

>> No.9947240
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t. soy boy

>> No.9947262

Because it's fun to leisurely sit around a table slowly eating varied and unique foods laughing and good naturedly joking with friends of both sexes. I know that concept seems foreign to a shutin who's social interactions consist of screaming at his mom, fucking his sister and getting ass ravaged by his mom's bf.

>> No.9947269
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Pay extra money to cook your own fucking food.

>> No.9947279

>generic cuts of beef/pork, tripe, and some leaf/shrooms

>> No.9947318
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>All these dumb replies.
My local place does this for $30-$40 tops. And that's a shitton of food for four people.
You can make it at home for fucking cheap, how is this a gimmick.

>> No.9947383

>thinking the issue is price

>> No.9947394

You're right, the issue is autism

>> No.9947496
File: 51 KB, 568x562, 1514743459830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"that's a lot of food for $40"

Served plates of cheap veggies and wrappers along with paper thing slices of shit tier meats.

>Lots of food

>> No.9947508

>haha I'm cooking it myself at the table!

Yeah, and that's fun as a novelty. Are you too fucking stupid to understand that?

>> No.9947519

For like 5 minutes max.

>> No.9947906

because it's tasty and fun to do with friends, but you wouldn't know that, you fucking gay friendless loser.

>> No.9947947

Sharing entrees is tastier and just as fun, unless you're a child.

>> No.9947972

well you cook it so

>> No.9947995


>> No.9948024

The point is to cook the meat until it's cooked outside but still tender. You can't do that by dumping all the meat in the pot at once.

>> No.9948067

no its because you get to eat the food pipping hot. only non-asian retards would fail to understand this.

go back to eating your burgers and fries dumbfuck.

>> No.9948118

>cooked outside
The meat cuts are very thin.

>> No.9948125

steak and vegetables are gimmick now? show me something you think isn't a gimmick op, you fuck shit.

>> No.9948127

What the hell is a generic cut of meat?

>> No.9948135

>gimmick food
Rethink your life.

>> No.9948146

>go to one of these alone
>eat a four person meal to myself
>not a sumo wrestler
Should have gone somewhere else to gorge. Those chinky dinky slanty eyed fucks judged me way too much
>inb4 ur a fatass
I'm only 278lbs at 5'6 so none of that

>> No.9948157

>Not having friends
Thai hotpot>Chinese hotpot>>>>>shabu shabu

>> No.9948174

>I-It's fun with friends!

>> No.9948183

Looks like a blast. And ignoring the "fun" and "community" components, there's still the fact that it will taste different than a dish made beforehand, and will be much hotter as well.

>> No.9948185
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>I'm only 278lbs at 5'6 so none of that

>> No.9948191
File: 508 KB, 1600x1594, Nantucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a little bland yes, but still tastes pleasently. As does alot of popular food.
Most of all, its a "fun" thing to do with friends, as its not simply eating but a less conventional way of consuming it.
That break you down for you enough there buddy?

>> No.9948296

>Most of all, its a "fun" thing to do with friends, as its not simply eating but a less conventional way of consuming it.
One might even call it a gimmick.

>> No.9948313

>you can't serve food piping hot at a restaurant unless you make the customer cook it
it's a gimmick. why even bother denying it, it still tastes good and is fun

>> No.9948342

I think he's upset it involves friends.

>> No.9948371

thats exactly what i was getting at, OP seemed to have the answer infront of his nose and didnt see it.
also probably this >>9948342

>> No.9948430


That looks superb.

>> No.9948451
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>I'm only 278lbs at 5'6 so none of that
nigga your bmi is 45

>> No.9948465

You sound like you have much experience, edge lord

>> No.9948474

Dude I'm 6'4 and 230
And I am fat
Go for a walk and try not to die of exertion

>> No.9948495
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>> No.9948513

I am 6' 6" and 220.
And I am not fat.
How bout you go get me a soda.

>> No.9948572


>> No.9948607

The point of it, like most Japanese dishes, is it's social. You don't go and eat nabe, sukiyaki, yakiniku, shabu-shabu and so forth by yourself. You do it with a group of friends or family and drink heavily while watching the delicious food cook in front of you.

The trick is to make other people talk more so they get distracted, giving you more time to get the food.

>> No.9948685

>I'm only 278lbs at 5'6
You are under 1,70 and over 125kg.
I'm 1,95 and 110kg, and I am fat.
Guess I'm anorexic by american standards

>> No.9948726

Another Asian meme food that is now trendy. I can’t for hot pot and bubble tea and sushi to die.

>> No.9948779

kys faggot, "non-asian retards?" go suck on raw fish cock, I'll have you know you can suck soy cock faggot. my ability to create an inventive retort is apparent by my redundancy

>> No.9949643

I always choose one of these places for birthday dinner. It's fun, relatively cheap and memorable for a 'special' occasion. Plus everyone can try things like intestines or stomach for only $4 or so.

>> No.9949652

tastes good and is fun to make with friends at a dinner party. doubt you would know about that though OP since you probably dont have any friends

>> No.9949684

>massive butthurt detected

>> No.9949696

>Sushi is a meme
Shit has been popular outside Japan since the 1980s. People are discovering foods in Asia, and they're sticking because they're good

>> No.9949714

I like the mini-pots.
That way you can flavor your soup without worrying about someone else screwing it up.

>> No.9949726

Looks like something fun and different