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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 900x576, ronnietacobell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9942400 No.9942400 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Taco Bell so associated with depression?

>> No.9942404

The beef is made of frowny faces.

>> No.9942411

It's not taco bell, bit fast food as a whole. Not cooking your own food can be associated with lethargy, a symptom of depression, while not going out to a proper restaurant may be a result of lack of friends and funds, both of which can contribute to a melancholy state.

>> No.9942653

Self harm is associated with low self-esteem hence eating shit.

>> No.9942670


Fastfood changes your brain chemistry.

>> No.9942724


Bullshit you fucking faggot organic soyboy. Show me the proof of this. Retards like you are just afraid because ohhhhhh spooky chemicals but I wat taco bell and mcdonalds 5-7x per week and I am an intelligent well adjusted adult who contributes to society. I guarantee you're probably anti gun too. People who are anti fast food are fucking redsit soyboys.

>> No.9942735

It changes your gut chemistry which affects your brain. He's not wrong.

>> No.9942745

>because ohhhhhh spooky chemicals
It's because of the massive fat, sugar, and salt contents you inbred hick. Gorging yourself on that stuff endlessly changes your brain chemistry because evolution never prepared us to have such abundant access to it.

>> No.9942746

anyone who gets this defensive over a fucking 4chan post is not a well-adjusted adult.

>> No.9942748


Not to mention releases dopamine in the brain. It's a drug. A pleasurable drug.

>> No.9942767

That soyboy might have a point.

>> No.9942771

Calm down, psycho.

>> No.9942780


Anyone who needs to emphasize they are intelligent are probably not intelligent.

>> No.9942785

your blood vessels will thank you when you're 29

>> No.9942790

Look at how mad fat people get when you say anything negative about fast food.

>> No.9942813

>i get all my information from facebook: the post

>> No.9942981
File: 81 KB, 513x373, 1454207188667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am an intelligent well adjusted adult who contributes to society

>> No.9942995

This is a work of art

>> No.9943035


I have a great job making bank in construction at $21/hour. I have a mortgage on a house I OWN, a truck and another car and make enough money to eat like a king and do whatever I want in my life. My tax dollars go towards supporting useless degenerates and undesirables like half of the people that browse this site. Fuck the welfare state.

>> No.9943055


You really think that the universe just went "bang" and a bunch of apes showed up on a perfect habitable world that magically came from no where and that humans, the most intelligent species just came from monkeys? Shut the hell up

>> No.9943068
File: 803 KB, 625x619, dont join the army.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 an hour

um sweetie

>> No.9943073
File: 90 KB, 500x501, 1476321921659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9943082

>when a normalfag REEEEs on 4chan
I have a free house, free food (eat anything I want with my monthly SSI, i have aspergers), and can buy whatever i want - AND i don't have to work

>> No.9943089
File: 108 KB, 409x409, nii361izm6ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being cucked by your boss and ol'Donnie while we live in freedom

>> No.9943106

takes me back to highschool when my friend was severely depressed. He used to buy a mexican pizza every day after work and eat it off a tv dinner tray in his bed
then one day he put his AIM away message up as "ending it all"
and went dark, and nobody could find him for 2 days

he didn't go through with it. He just drove east as far as he could until he hit the end of the road and moped by himself while listening to christian rock music

>> No.9943121
File: 25 KB, 400x283, 1500468639461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a great job making bank in construction at $21/hour
Delusional poorfags are the funniest people on /ck/

>> No.9943125

How many times have you posted this image since new years?

>> No.9943131
File: 126 KB, 736x951, 2b5b30aeb4ec6fb2166cf836c189380e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a mortgage

that is NOT a good thing numskull

t. real estate agent

>> No.9943158

Why are you people on /ck/? Get the fuck out, this is a cook's subforum

>> No.9943160

$21/hr isn't bank, it's not even median income.

>> No.9943197

> I have a mortgage on a house I OWN
>house I OWN
lmao brainlets man when will they learn

>> No.9943205

These are more powerful than Super Size Me.

>> No.9943229

>I have a mortgage on a house I OWN
Bruh, you don't own that house, the bank does. That is how mortgages work.

>> No.9943232

There are people like this in real life

>> No.9943272

>$21/hr is a lot
It’s depressing how the GOP has convinced these poor simple rubes that they’re “winners”.

>> No.9943296



>> No.9943317


Yeah there are. Brainwashing at its finest.

>> No.9943876


Organized posting

>> No.9944017

Try listening to the loony tunes AM radio talk shows sometime. Don't forget, in great swaths of the country from Indiana cornfields to Mississippi cottonfields that's how they get the bulk of their information. How do you think we ended up in this current hell?

>> No.9944106

Here's a little tip from me to you.

Find the Taco Bell in your city that's attached to another business, like a Taco Bell / KFC / Pizza Hut.

Most of the employees there are negroes who care more about chicken than burritos.
When you order stuff off the dollar menu, they'll put WAY TOO much food on it.

>> No.9944122

>$21/hr isn't bank, it's not even median income.

Do you think he'd be making more money than that in a gulag, comrade?

>> No.9944124

There's one near me that has a KFC attached, may try that

>> No.9944396

>dude just buy a house with cash!

>> No.9944409

the chicken ones suck, the nacho ones are better

>> No.9944711

>t. Soyboy

>> No.9944729

Grillers are a scam, period. When they were $1 they were great. Then they doubled the fucking price.
Right now Stackers are the fucking shit, it's literally a half-price quesadilla.

>> No.9946017

Well this post just proves the point about fast food affecting one's brain.

>> No.9946278

>fast food 5-7x a week
fucking americans

>> No.9946289

>$21/hr is a lot
I'm guessing you just got the job. I make $22/hr right after a near minimum wage job and the luster of it wore off after a couple weeks when I realized things are still expensive.

>> No.9946397

Haha $21 an hour, I'm dying. That's like minimum wage in the liberal shithole I live in.

>> No.9947033

If you're this retarded you can't possibly be a good realtor.