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9927200 No.9927200 [Reply] [Original]

Al/ck/ general. Sober 2018 edition.
>I’ll drink to that!

>> No.9927225
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>it's a beer taper episode

Based barley juice keeping the fear away.

>> No.9927227

What's your longest stretch of sobriety? Mine was about a month.

>> No.9927235
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No more blood pressure, panic and heart issues they are only minor so this taper is working and I feel okay. Down to 12 beers a day and I feel so much better now. Hopefully I can get it down to 8-10 this week

>> No.9927242

Seven months, something like 14yrs ago.

>> No.9927244

This past few years maybe 3 days at the longest , damn gnomes fuck me after that

>> No.9927258

I haven't had a drink since new years. I think someone drugged me and I woke up feeling just god awful

>> No.9927260

>tfw withdrawals are finally over
>just in time for payday

oh boy

>> No.9927266

Also a month.

>> No.9927276

It was for a week about 4 years ago. I'm up to a handle of rotgut vodka and in addition a bottle of wine or a six pack per day now so I'm not particularly comfortable with the idea of going cold turkey. And fuck going to a pirate medfag and getting pills and having him do an exam and shit then hearing the timeworn lecture, fuck that noise.

>> No.9927278
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Tonight will be my forth night sober. I want to go buy a 12er sooo bad, but I need to save sheckels and lose weight in a big way this year.

>> No.9927281

Time to celebrate that newfound sobriety. ‘Eh, I’ve proven to myself I can do it. One more night won’t hurt’

>> No.9927288

1 year
did 1 year with a big month long relapse for 3 years in a row

>> No.9927289

I’m on day 8, and hating every second. Got to ‘sleep’ last night at 5.22am. Neighbour’s soon-to-be-poisoned dog woke me up at 6.

>> No.9927343

Is this a meme drink, or good value?

>> No.9927349
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>was up to a fifth every day
>puked blood 3 months ago
>taper and stay loyal to it
>no more shakes
>heart feels good
>wonderful nights of sleep
>can go a good couple of days without drinking

The best part is I don't even want to back out of my taper. It sucks when I finish that last drop of alcohol for the day but at least I'm a lot better of now. Fuck those withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.9927406

first solid shit in weeks. 3 days sober. thank god.

>> No.9927562

Are there any supplements for alcoholics? It seems that everything online is just for recovering alcoholics, not ongoing. I was trying things like b complex, magnesium taurate, zinc, and a few others, but nothing seems to do much for anxiety after eating or my raised heartrate after my first drink, which I assume has to do something with my GABA downregulation.

I'm on multivitamin and milk thistle, and sometimes a b complex. Tudca or udca helps with liver damage, but only if you're not drinking at the time.

>> No.9927564
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>heart feels good

what does that feel like

>> No.9927578

look into l-glutamine.

>> No.9927583

Beating steadily but still emotionally devastated.

>> No.9927600

Oh, another thing, activated charcoal. If you take like 10-20 tabs in a night, it will prevent alcohol absorption, but if you're doing so right before bed it might help your morning. Makes you a more expensive drunk but does have its benefits. Wear black underpants tho

>> No.9927609

im proud of you

>> No.9927628

Had to take two courses of antibiotics for a skin infection so I took two weeks off twice but that was over ten years ago.

Last year, I think I totalled maybe 15 days sober at the very most. Did five of those in a row.

>> No.9927666

>raised heartrate after my first drink
There's a youtube video about that that's shared here regularly, about addiction when booze works as an upper instead of a downer.
I don't have the link or remember the title, but I'm sure some Anon will help.

>> No.9927686

Oh, I saw that one, but basically summizes that it's a major reason why some people are alcohols, and didn't offer anything else.

Will do, also saw this posted last thread
>Try 30-60mg zinc gluconate for a few weeks to balance your electrolytes. Zinc ions electrically stabilize your HR.

>> No.9927696

charcoal does not absorb alcohol.
why spread false shit?

>> No.9927706

Is it not used for alcohol poisoning?

>> No.9927718
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tfw your dick still works

>> No.9927726

A couple of months. I've tried quitting again. Since I moved back home with my parents, and getting on meds and into therapy, I've drank twice. The first time, I had like 4 drinks, but it fucked me up with my meds. Then like 3 weeks ago, I had a Guinness, and that actually got me a little buzzed, but I felt depressed afterwards. I haven't had a drink since. I felt tempted the other night, but otherwise, I haven't had any cravings. I just want to get my life together, and maybe only socially drink, but for now, I want to stay sober at least until I get over my depression.

>> No.9927733


>> No.9927743

Hanging onto that "maybe one day I can drink normally" thing is super annoying. I still do it. 37 yrs old, tons of examples why i should not ever drink again, but i will. Good luck to you man.

>> No.9927756

Is is really just 6 p.m or is my clock lying hard?

>> No.9927764

Yeah, I mean deep down in the back of my mind, I know how easily I will slip down to drinking a lot again. I've told myself so many times that if I were to drink, it would be only socially. Then I end up drinking alone after a couple of weeks.

I just hate the idea of complete abstinence because I do still want to have a social life, and I feel like I'd be a wet blanket if I went out and stayed sober, not even having one or two drinks. Plus it sucks being the only sober one in the group. I honestly don't like hanging out with people if they are drinking, unless I'm drinking myself.

I guess at least I have weed still I guess. I haven't smoked weed in like 2 months though, and I plan on staying sober while I find a new job.

>> No.9927773

Yep. I fucking hate daylight savings time. It's so depressing that it gets so fucking dark before 5 PM.

>> No.9927781

AA people suggest not to make any promises like " i will never drink again ". They suggest just going day to day and doing your best 24 hours at a time. I find thats better than holding oneself to this lifetime deal.

You may drnk again, you may not, but just keep trying! Never give up and you will be OK.

>> No.9927808

Thanks man. I'll admit, I went to AA and I just didn't like it, it just felt like it was too much of a cult to me, but I do like that philosophy of taking it one day at a time.

We may slip up from time to time, but no need to beat ourselves up if we break our sobriety. We just need to be self-aware of what is going on, and not fall back into drinking. I've felt pretty good lately though. I'm still depressed, but I'm at least learning to deal with my depression without self medicating. It kind of helps that I'm on bupropion, and drinking on that shit kind of fucks me up, so even if I slip up, I know I can't have too much or else I'll risk having seizures and even death. I swear that shit potentiates alcohol even more than benzos. I'm not a light weight, but I felt a bit of a buzz just drinking that Guinness a couple of weeks ago. Shit, I even bought some kombucha which had less that .5% ABV and I swear I got a slight buzz from drinking 2 of those suckers.

>> No.9927816
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I love you all, remember that.

>> No.9927824

I'm at 1.75L/week, whisky. I'm hovering between buzzed and drunk from basically 7pm to midnight every night, for roughly the past couple years, only missing a couple days at a time. I was worried about going home for the holidays, but I actually made it a bit over 3 days without any alcohol or physical symptoms. I was just really looking forward to a drink when I got home. No shakes, not really irritable (tried to keep tabs on myself).

Am I just lucky enough to be able to go cold turkey, or am I not actually drinking enough to form a physiological dependence?

>> No.9927852

Start getting up at dawn and go outside in direct light for an hour a day.

>> No.9927868

I get up pretty early, but it's been pretty cold here lately. I should just man up and go for a walk or something though.

>> No.9927870

That’s like five airplane bottles a day, pretty manageable. Still not a good habit to have though.

>> No.9927875

Preferably around noon for maximum exposure.

And walks make you feel great afterwards, almost like you’ve earned your drink.

>> No.9927882

accidentally spent $10 on a bottle of wine I thought was $4, too embarrassed to take it back, tastes like a 4 dollar bottle.

>> No.9927887
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I'm a little behind (and over) schedule, but I didn't get the shakes from the time I woke up to the time I got off work to have a drink.

Getting there! I imagine the next couple days will be critical. Going to have to really watch for serious detox symptoms.

>> No.9927894

>blizzard coming
>city shuts down from 3 inches of snow
>We are going to get 10
RIP stock of alcohol.

>> No.9927897

I have a feeling having your last day on a Friday isnt going to be good frend

>> No.9927901

Mull it if its red.

>> No.9927906


Yeah it might be tough. I still don't really have an activity to keep myself occupied yet.

Any suggestions?

>> No.9927909

Oh ok so during alcohol consumption, that's when I'd take it and I'd feel worlds better the next day.

>> No.9927920

Go have a nice dinner with your parents, if they are nearby.

>> No.9927929

Ehh, I'll pass on the drink. But yeah, I'll go do that. I'm going to try to go outside and shoot some hoops too.

>> No.9927932

congrats. its good to see people doing it the right way.

>> No.9927939

i could've bought a fifth of evan williams for $10 with change and it would've lasted at least a day or two instead of a few hours, wine is stupid.

>> No.9927977

ugh withdrawals are hell, could barely sleep last night and was an anxious wreck the entire day. No beer tonight but i'm shitting like crazy and i'm not sure if it's the last of the wd or the bob evans i wolfed down.

>> No.9927980

I just woke up thinking it was 6 a.m.

>> No.9927995

Jesus sounds like an alcoholic's best friend with the whole turning water into wine thing.

>> No.9927996

get shit done until 6 am

>> No.9927998

Not happening. WD's will eliminate me.

>> No.9928019

WD sleep, even when minor is fucking so bad. I woke up every like 45 minutes, sometimes just freaking the fuck out in near full panic other times just gasping

>> No.9928025

then have a couple shots, just enough to keep them at bay, and then get shit done

>> No.9928032

Do you ever wonder if jesus fantasized about becoming jesus when he was a kid, like how other kids would pretend to be pro football players jesus would sit there and go Aaaand the crowd goes wild for jesus, another touchdown for the son of god

>> No.9928053

little beer would help the withdrawals go smoother

>> No.9928087

It is the worst to be honest, the broken sleep doesn't even give your body time to heal or feel better. The thumping in your chest and nausea are crazy.
Just drink 1-2 beers and try to ride it out.
They may help some.

>> No.9928093

that was after a few, the taper helped initially but quickly faded. I think I'll get some okay sleep tonight, but as i posted in that other post, bob evans gave me fucking terrible diarhea

>> No.9928182

hahaha did the exact same thing a few weeks ago
the trick is not to buy wine unless you know its absolute dirt cheap

>> No.9928203

>actually typing this shit out


>> No.9928208



Because the first step to recovery is constructiveness.

>> No.9928255

or just drink less for a few days

>> No.9928281

Now that’s pro tapering

>> No.9928286

Good idea.

And if you’re sober that’s even better of course.

>> No.9928307

Not having a set number of drinks will make you start sneaking in extras if you’re a drunk.

>> No.9928351

the temptation to drink more is always there regardless if you type a schedule or not
you can also just remember "drink less than yesterday"
once you get below a shitton of drinks per day it doesnt make much of a shit if you have 3 or 4 drinks anyway

>> No.9928399

Think I've done three or four days in the past. Almost up to two days right now. Gf welcomed me home with a can and I was able to turn it down easily. Felt pretty good.

>> No.9928825

did all you niggers die

>> No.9929121


ready to. 12th drink of the night. not more than fairly buzzed. shit's getting expensive

>> No.9929353

Just busy relapsing , i'll keep you posted.

>> No.9929424

Its evening day 4 of 2018 down here and I've managed to stay sober but I'm aching for a drink real fucking bad tonight. How do I stay strong? I wanted to last a week at least

>> No.9929427
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Just got back from the store.

>two nights ago after withdrawals
>haha just one more night and I'll stop
Kill me.

>> No.9929602


17 days now. Thats the longest in 9 years. Before its been 1-4 days then i slip. Really badly.

>> No.9929654

>just drink less lol
having a concise schedule to abide by/measure actual against helps a lot of people trying to taper. maybe it doesn't help you, or maybe it does.

>once you get below a shitton of drinks per day it doesnt make much of a shit if you have 3 or 4 drinks anyway
it does if you allow the number to creep back up. again, having a schedule to stick to is a check on that, and helps you monitor rebound drinking

>> No.9929670

eat. your body wants alcohol, but it also just wants calories and to feel full. splurge on delivery or whatever if you don't feel like cooking or don't have the ingredients at home already. try having a flavored beverage you enjoy that isn't alcoholic, too, like juice or soda.

also, do something to occupy your brain. i like playing online blitz chess, going down wikipedia article rabbit holes, online window shopping, etc. if you have no ideas, you could try something like stumbleupon.

>> No.9929682
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Fug im scared going back to work, 99% sure i will reward myself after one day of shit wagie cuck slave work, just some vodka pls

>> No.9929760

>read that the only way you can survive alc withdrawl/detox is with the help of benzo
>addicted to benzo as well

Time to kys?

>> No.9929774
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Today is ‘fat cat Thursday’ in the uk, wherein we try to tackle the economic disparity betwixt the people and the lizards, by way of spreading the word that high earners have as of today, jan 4th, earned more than the average wagecuck will all year, and people feel pissed off about it for ten minutes, publish a post much like this one, then forget about it because they’ve no idea what should be the first step to tackling the horrendous unfairness, before going back to eating gruel and burning their offspring for warmth.
So join me brothers and sisters, let us together be moderately irritated for a few minutes, pointlessly shitpost our pseudo-understanding of the problem then forget about it and continue sucking off old men in exchange for tendies and rent. Together we can make fuck all difference and give the rich more unnecessary reassurance that we are indeed their cattle.
Gentlemen, TO ARMS!
K I’m bored now. I’ve told you lot, done my bit, someone here will presumably inspire the revolution as a result of my post.

>> No.9929783

Why dont poor people simply get weapons and start killing rich people? Its 99% against 1%. Kill them all.

>> No.9929793
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Dunno where they live or who they are, and more importantly we don’t witness the luxury on which we’ missing out. If people were to see their daughters flocking to mansions to rim your boss just to survive, there would be riots on the streets. It’s not out in the open so nothing happens. How many have you killed? Who would you kill first if you did take action? How would you even find them?

>> No.9929913

Im thinking he would be more of a water-polo guy, you know, all deez niggaz have to swim and I can just walk on over here for the ball.

>> No.9929941
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>Why dont poor people simply get weapons and start killing rich people?

>> No.9930052
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>see this
>think during: holy fuck if this dude can make it anyone can
>he dies in recovery

What the fuck

>> No.9930081
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What's the name of the docu? Google only told me that he is cool and I can't find filename on youtube.

>> No.9930087

>What the fuck
he literally died of withdrawals, a heart attack iirc. poor guy

e-enjoy, anon

>> No.9930091

Search ryan alcoholic, im on mobile n too lazy to find link. Ive never seen someone with a worse addiction, shit was rough

>> No.9930098

3 pints is pro-tier. About 400ml ethanol/day, 40 UK units, 1.42L of vodka. There are people here on the same though.

>> No.9930099

Could always use weed like I did to get off alcohol. I barely remember 2016 and missed half of 2017, but I don't drink or smoke any more and weed is easy as fuck to put down.

I didn't smoke the weed wither just purchased around $1200 worth of high quality THC oil and would eat it.

>> No.9930103

He died of respiratory arrest due to an overdose of benzo+opiates, iirc.
He obviously needed a large dose of benzo, equivalent to his daily consumption of alcohol. We know they don't mix well with alcohol, but it's also true of opiates : it "relax" the body so much it stops breathing (like dying of old age, at least he went in peace.)
He was given opiates to reduce pain, can't remember if it was due to his digestive system being fucked or some random back pain. (Medical marijuana may be a solution to replace opiates in similar cases.) Withdrawals are usually not painful.

The clinic was closed as it wasn't the first death for similar reason, the doc has had his licence revoked.

>> No.9930106

But then he’ll get reefer madness and the entire human race will go extinct. Much safer to just drink the flammable poisons booze corporations sell

>> No.9930117

>He died of respiratory arrest due to an overdose of benzo+opiates, iirc.
even more depressing

>> No.9930201

Well that was sad

>> No.9930219

45 min till the liquor store opens and I can get rid of the shakes

I want off this ride but theres no. Brakes on the booze cruise

>> No.9930232

I literally took a dump in one of my puke bowls in a black out last night

>> No.9930252

>hungover as fuck
>no way I'm making it to work
>fuck, I'm getting fired and I just got this job
>boss calls me
>"did you get my text man? don't come in today bla bla bla bla"
>immediately pour myself vodka+oj

>> No.9930287

not true. lots of people do a beer taper. but if youre hooked to both....

>> No.9930289

jeez louise

>> No.9930324

How do you know you didn't puke a turd?

You need to do a taper. Either home made beer taper, or medical-style benzo taper (or you can do both, but it's complicated to get the doses right. It's not recommended to mix booze and benzo, but you're already doing it anyway.)
It's very hard when you're addicted to both, but it's still just a taper. You can do it outpatient or inpatient. I'd recommend inpatient because it's safer and easier to not relapse in the middle of it, but if you don't have insurance the main difference is that there isn't a cute nurse waking you up every 2 hours of the night to check your vitals, your bed is more comfortable, and your usual liquor store is as easily accessible as it always was (and will be).

>> No.9930366

Fuck, yesterday was my first day without serious wds. I was so happy the worse was over. Annnd now I relapsed all throughout the past 2 days. Time to prolong the suffering. Back to light beer taper again

>> No.9930369

it just gets worse every time. like being on a sinking ship.

>> No.9930386

I feel like an idiot to be fair because why now Imma have multiple days and all I have is 8% beer in the house which is not really prime taper material

>> No.9930394

You arent alone. i did my taper that ended sunday. Now i feel great and wanting to drink again. same position youre in. I dont really have any answers others than try naltrexone. makes the physical cravings a non-issue. but boredom and all the other stuff still makes one wanna drink.

>> No.9930405

Well I am trying to get down to 12 beers a day at least for a few weeks before I slow down. Just trying to be realistic here.

>> No.9930424

Two months. April and may last year, no drinking. I actually felt really good. I'm gonna try it again this year. Hopefully.

>> No.9930427

hey, whatever pace works for you. everyone is different.

>> No.9930430

Not really trying to sweeten the withdrawls, but for me the period AFTER the worst ones are over is always the time i relapse. In fact, during heavy withdrawl I dont even want to drink. The 6-12 months of psyc terror is what gets me every time

>> No.9930435

Well, now you know you can't celebrate your sobriety with alcohol, or relapse in any way. At least not right after a taper.
I did it a dozen times, including several times in detox/rehab, before finally sticking to the wagon. At least for now.
I'm now a year dry, using pot as substitute. It's not perfect, but it's better than drinking a litre of vodka daily.

>> No.9930446

well done lad

>> No.9930451

Question al/cks/:

What do your shits look like?

>> No.9930460
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>get through WDs
>immediately drink again

You rascal.

>> No.9930461

I constantly have diarrhea. Doctor said that an constipation are common with addicts. I always have a sore asshole as well

>> No.9930473

Like an art project, They come in all sorts of consistencies, colors, and smells and NONE of them can be classified as normal. It amazes me the creativity my bowels have each day.

>> No.9930474

6-12 months what? i dont get it

>> No.9930483

Yeah yeah I know
I decided to end my beer taper by drinking a fifth in half a day. And then chase it the next half with 8% sugarymalt beers.
And then the next morning with 6-8 10% pints of club cocktails.
Yeah I feel stupid

>> No.9930488

Quit pretending to be me

>> No.9930493

Anyone else absolutely destroy their life with drinking? I used to have a job, be in school, have my own car, etc..

Now Im on Fkn NEET bux, lost my car, living with family, haven't showered in weeks, living in filth, hide from everyone so I can drink alone

I didn't sign up for this 10 years ago when I started. I want off this Fkn ride except I can't. If I stop drinking I'm on the floor puking. I think I'm gonna end up in the hospital in a few days.

>> No.9930506

It feels like the brain needs a complete reset and during that process I feel extreme anxiety and a general feeling that something "is not right" and just one drink will fix it. Ive been on and off for 10 years. I get through withdrawl and detox every time, but after 3+ months of what I called terror I usually return...

>> No.9930510

Try the same but I find a place to shower and no neetbux so I'm double poor.
I have to panhandle , hustle, daylabor, and scam to afford my hooch.

>> No.9930511

Wine yesterday so a purplish brown liquid, I'm amazed the sphincter can stop the flow of pure liquid.
Sometimes kinda like packing peanuts but a light frothy brown.

>> No.9930522

I remember my room mate and I from detox being kicked out and having town handle in -25 weather to get rid of the shakes

>> No.9930530

Yeah sorry that was mean. I've been there.

>> No.9930532

Well I just got my first DUI the day before yesterday. Feel like my life is destroyed at this point. I'm on welfare, living with family, but those two are more due to a failed marriage, this was just icing on the cake.

>> No.9930533

Oops. Pam handle

>> No.9930539

Shit. DUI is bad. I Crashed a car absolutely shit fa Ed once. How the cops on the scene did g know is beyo d me. I read ended a parked car for fuck sakes

>> No.9930556

I blew almost twice over. I was thinking about buying research chemicals and getting dx'ed with diabetes, since with my experience level I managed to be coherent to the point the interviewing officer told the arresting officer how cooperative and coherent I was. Would have to be able to afford a good defense lawyer though so probably no dice.

>> No.9930573


Cops tan be alright. I remember (sorta) passing out on someone's lawn and being arrested. Told the cop I have a drinking problem and he drove me home instead of to jail. He slammed my head against the car when he found out I ditched my car in the middle of the road when it ran out of gas and I was too drunk to notice

Got a drunk in public fine tho

>> No.9930616

"Bad cop" in this situation was pretty shitty. That's incredible you only got a bit of assault.

I remember I was 19 once, and I'm Canadian in a small city, I got lost when I was piss drunk at 3AM and knocked on some rando door because I thought I was getting frostbite and asked to "stand in your entryway for 10". Cops showed up lel. Drove me home, and that was it.

I totally deserved this one. I just hope I can get a deal.

>> No.9930633

oh ok. gotcha.

>> No.9930640

Lol the shit we do when we're drunk

Yeah I was so lucky. I went to the er the next day for withdrawals and they referred me to the mental health hospital where I could medically detox. Best decision ever.

You got legal aid there? Lawyer won't be cheap

>> No.9930673

There's a chance that I can find a way to get a grand up front and hopefully a payment plan after that. Otherwise, yeah we do have legal aid, would be about 800-1500 total, but the fines that would be reduced would put it at about the defense costs, just a matter of finding someone who will take me.

Family is poor and can't help, don't expect them to, it was my mommy's car.

But I'm 30 and it's a first offense, and I have legit PTSD I can get dx'd in an instant if I can find an affordable psych. I might get out on reckless, who knows. I'm just praying I can contest the intoxilyzer, which was accepted by a judge in Canada to be unreliable in 2016 but sadly is still in appeals so no precedent.

>> No.9930690

I decided to not drink at all in January.

Longest I've made it before was 3 weeks. Think I can make it?

>> No.9930697


>> No.9930717

yeah. you have to not drink though. super hard seeing as you have elbows and glasses

>> No.9930718

yeah if you stay on track

>> No.9930729

Do it faggot. Be a success story from these threads

>> No.9930744

This was partially spurred by the fact that I've been super anxious about work lately while getting horrible sleep. I saw a thing new year's eve about how drinking any alcohol at any time of day (not just before bed) can significantly impact these two things.

So far I've been feeling pretty good, though super tempted (especially at dinner time, when I tend to start my evening drinking sessions). I was even able to get up at 5:30 this morning to do extra stuff before work.

>> No.9930749

it feels like I have to crap every second but I sit on the toilet and a little peanut size turd comes out. I also drank some milk and managed to throw something up that looks like cheese

I think I'm dying

>> No.9930754

Alcohol will fuck your sle up big time. That's why we wake up at 3 am to drink more

You'll pass out but it's not real sleep. You wake up when your body is done metabolizing

>> No.9930756

when is my blood pressure gonna go back to normal? Day 2 no drinking after a short taper afte probably drinking between 8-18 beers a day for like 2 weeks.

>> No.9930790

I quit daily/binge drinking for about six months after my son was born because I just couldn't sleep off the booze anymore. Then he started sleeping better so the drinking slowly increased again over the next two years. Now the wife is three months pregnant and I know I need to stop before the new baby gets here.

>> No.9930793

You'll be good in a few days. If yu aren't too sick grab some chicken soup or something.

At detox they pound us with ginger ale. They say your body is craving the sugar that's in alcohol

Dad is a addict too and he swears by chocolate bars

>> No.9930818
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>get drunk every day of leave
>return from leave
>can't get drunk because I'm 20


>> No.9930819

thanks anon. I can eat but i feel like it makes my heart race or something. could just be anxiety, but the first day of withdrawal was so nighmarish. I only drank beer really, can't imagine what it must be like for liquor alcs.

>> No.9930822

How do you parent as a drunk? Do you find yourself reliable, trustworthy at this point? I'm always worried, yet I'm way more fun, and fun is a big matter when your kid reaches 1 years old.

>> No.9930833

I'm over a liter of vodka a day drinker so I know withdrawals. Steals, paranoia, anxiety, seizures, etc

Youre having withdrawals my man. Like my old man says, crawl into bed, pull up the blankets and convince yourself you're gonna be fine

>> No.9930839

I've been drinking a beer a night on the weekends for the past 3 years.

>> No.9930853

I had to go to work the first day, don't know how i did it. I could barely string sentences together and couldn't stop fidgeting.

>> No.9930854

I can't tell if you are trolling or if this is a success story at this point.
Good on you that you can have only one. Moderation is great brother

>> No.9930863

>tfw you know you need to go to AA or you're going to die early but you keep trying to convince yourself that you're not that bad

i'm going fuck it. sitting in the parking lot is always the worst part.

>> No.9930876

I remember I got this new job at dollar general and the first day was also the first day of wds and I was pouring sweat and stuttering and looking like a madman. Yet I somehow pulled it together long enough to make it through 4 hours.
Halfway through my shift they just said ""yeeah we uh got things covered, we are slow so uhhh go home""
Then tried to pawn off me the new hire to the other 2-3 stores around my county.
I never got another shift again. But damn I got a card with like 28bucks on it and got like 8 bucks of gas money and 20buckeroos of el cheapo booze.
Win for me I guess

>> No.9930880

Sittin in a parking lot tryin to score dope? Or about to go grab booze

>> No.9930909

Aa isn't that bad, my man. Alcoholism isn't a completion. It doesn't matter how much you drink. If you drink once a year and wind up sleeping in your back seat in a parking lot, you're an alcoholic. It's what it does to you.

I've been medically detoxed with ladies who drink a bottle of wine a night. That's like four Fkn beers. I more than quatrople that. It's a physical and MENTAL thing

>> No.9930934

Dunno how you dudes could handle withdrawals at work. I remember passing out in my bosses office when I would drink at work. It was award when they found all the bottles in my locker.

>> No.9930945

nah in the parking lot for the first meeting back

>> No.9930948

It only really happened once but i played it off as i was sick because I sweating through everything.

>> No.9930953

basically i would get real fucked up friday and saturday from quitting time and then all day saturday. I would taper on sunday and feel sort of shitty but manageable. I would then drink a few on monday and then taper back to thursday at which point i would break the taper and repeat the process friday.

Needless to say this got out of hand quickly after a few months.

>> No.9930956

This. I've been sober for four days and I just woke up from like eleven hours of solid sleep, fucking amazing

>> No.9930959


People relapse all the time at meetings. We're Fkn addicts. I've been absolutely smashed at meetings more often than sober. Keep quiet and know that for the one hour your there you won't be drinking.

>> No.9930966

"A man goes to a funeral for an old friend he hadn't spoken to in years. There he meets the friends' wife, who tells him the man died from alcoholism. He says "How awful! Did he ever go to AA?" the wife responds, "Oh, no, he never got THAT bad."

just go anon

>> No.9930969

oh sorry for the confusion. haven't relapsed. 2 days sober and going to first meeting today. I live in buttfuck nowhere so i'm hoping my employer doesn't notice or it gets around that i was in there

>> No.9930972

I usually start drinking around 6pm, kid is in bed by 8pm, then I pick up the pace. So I'm usually just a little buzzed before he's in bed. The thing I dread is that there will be some kind of emergency at night where I have to drive to the ER. So far nothing bad has happened but I know I need to cut back before the next kid gets here.

>> No.9930975

I will anon. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm only 25 so it's kinda weird being there. I did it for 4 months before and the old guys prey on new folk. I miss the community and bullshitting outide the meetings tho.

Just worried about this: >>9930969

>> No.9930978

day 104 here. still no booze, cough syrup, hand sanitizer, or mouthwash. Still smoking pot and around 35 cigs a day. No AA, cold turkey detox with full on DTs and a seizure I'm told the last time too. AMA

>> No.9930998

Samefag here. Good for you man. Aa to me is like these threads, just a bunch of fags you have something common with

Aren't the seizures awesome? And by awesome I mean shit. Last time I had one was in my gfs bed and pissed myself. Was unresponsive for ten hours

Drank the next day

>> No.9931004

People who are anti AA always bring up the relapse rates as a reason why AA doesnt work and it's like.. I think that's more a testament to how fucked up alcoholism is rather than that AA doesn't work. Doctors don't do any better. It's a shitty, shitty 'disease' and I think any small bit of success is a plus.

>> No.9931009

I shit myself and broke a lamp-table-thing. Lost about 36 hours of memory, which is when I am told I was having seizures by a non medical professional that overreacts.

>> No.9931010

>Doctor said that an constipation are common with addicts
That's opiates, your doc is confusing you with a heroin user.
Try to change doc.

>> No.9931018

>Just worried about this (being recognized)

The thing is anybody else who is there is also there because they have problems with alcohol. And I don't think people who go to AA gossip about who's in AA. I understand the fear but I don't think there's anything to worry about.

that being said I've never been to AA but I'm going to my first meeting on Monday. Luckily where I live there's a couple 'young person' meetings a week (I'm 29) which I think will be an easier transition into the AA climate

>> No.9931020

Notice how I said addicts, not Alcoholics? I wind up in detox with people who are on all sorts of shit

>> No.9931023

I might be delusional but I'm a better parent when buzzed, I guess I just feel more like myself, and the alternative I just withdraw and get lazy.

I know it's not sustainable though.

And ya second kid, you're going to need to help the first couple months, you're not going to sleep. And newborns aren't fun. Precious, but definitely not fun.

I hope you can pull it off. I don't know what your wife is like, but unless she has outside support like a mom of her own, she'll need you.

>> No.9931024
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>> No.9931026

You'd be surprised at who ends up there. Honestly I find it easier to relate to the hardcore off the street drunks than the 20 something year old who got clean at 20

>> No.9931048

>'young person' meetings a week (I'm 29) which I think will be an easier transition into the AA climate

Young persons meetings can be good. I did a few. Although the best were the ones with the old timers who have like 10+ years of sobriety. A lot of wisdom in those ones. Young people meetings are good for sharing etc, but the old drunks who are sober have all the advise.

>> No.9931051

To the anon up there, I agree completely about those anti aa people. We do have a shitty "disease" anyone who claims otherwise has never been through it so they dont understand.

To the anon below don't worry about who you see there. One of the steps is not to mention who you do see there.vif anything you'll find a reason to bond

>> No.9931061

A lot of ppl in abusive relationships go to AA, even without substance problems themselves and even if their spouses are clean, they just need the support. It's a mixed bag.

>> No.9931065

I did see someone I knew there. He was some rich fuck that lived down the street from me growing up. I shared with the group that I was an alcoholic who smoked crack with homeless people when I got paid

He talked to me after the group was over. Know what we have in common? Addiction

>> No.9931066

25 years
was about 6 years ago

>> No.9931076

hey anon, you can reference who you want to talk to by clicking on the 99----- number in the top right of each post.

AA was what church should have been sometimes. Rich dude sitting next to some poor smelly guy off the street.

>> No.9931077

My parents were also drunks. I liked them better sauced up too because they were nicer and easier to deal with most the time... then it got dark.

>> No.9931078

Didn't know sober ppl went to meetings. When I was in detox a lot of people got super pissed when al anon came to give speeches

Gives some perspective on to how much we affect others

>> No.9931092

I really like that analogy. Yeah I'm on some old ass tablet that isn't quoting for some reason. I'm having withdrawals and in a massive amount of pain to sit n my computer

>> No.9931106

My dad told my mom in numerous ways that he'd kill her, beat her senseless numerous times, tortured her by throwing 400F lasagna on her because he didn't feel like it that night...he went from charming to monster in a drink or two.

He's dead now, but my mom is a full on drunk with good days, but is on several heavy pain meds so she just nods like a smack head randomly if she's had literally one too many.

Really would be better if I abstained. Cut out for about 2 years with few fuckups until problems recently, now I'm pretty pathetic all over again.

>> No.9931122

Fortunately we have a lot of family nearby, so the wife has a lot of help. Still, the first couple months with the first kid were brutal. I can't really even imagine what it'll be like with a toddler running around this time. Gotta sober up for this so I can be a good dad/partner.

I know what you mean about feeling like a better parent when buzzed though. I get a little more energy and worry less about things if I have a couple beers when I get home from work. I'll end up down on the floor playing with my kid until bedtime instead of just sitting on the couch watching him play when I'm sober and stressed out. I know that is not healthy though and in the long run my kids probably want a dad that doesn't die early from liver problems.

>> No.9931137

Be a sober dad anon. My dad was a deadbeat alchy who ditched when I was four and its haunted me my whole life

I got my girlfriend pregnant and we had an abortion because we were on a meth/booze binge. It was almost a year ago and I haven't even thought about it because I can't deal with it

>> No.9931175

Sounds like mine, he was an alcho and abuser, then my mom left him thinking he'd kill us all, probably true, and didn't ask for a dime in child support because he took life insurance out.
Found out when he died he took his policy out less than a year before his death. Would have given me a chance to go to school as he died when I was 15.

What a horrible abortion situation though, I'm so sorry, and I understand the crisis of trying to make the right choice.

>> No.9931177

noting to deal with. Baby ghosts ain't real.

>> No.9931186
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tfw when you come off a binge, you're on your recovery days, and you get that dank ass super-deep sleep that leaves you super-refreshed. Feels good man.

>> No.9931194

I'm still tortured over miscarriages man, it's so awful to know you have a baby on the way, you're excited, talking about names and life plans and shit, then in a day it all just disappears.

>> No.9931198

The more I come here the more I realize my light addiction is nothing compared to some of the shit you all have been through. Day 5 sober, the shakes and nightmares are mostly gone, sleeping is still rough because I catch myself not breathing occasionally. Super fucking irritable and depressed, but the good news is I can't feel my liver anymore, which is probably a good sign.

I don't know how I'm going to make it past Friday, it was all I could do to not drive to the liquor store after dinner.

>> No.9931208

Shit man. Mine came back I was 14 but I think it made it worse. Showed up to my nans funeral and when my mom was grieving got her to sign a paper saying he doesn't owe any child support. It was mom and nan who raised me and my two brothers. On minimum wage. Mom worked at a thrift store. Nan was so broke all we ever had was stew and milk. She literally locked her door with a jimmy rig of a paint can and a bra strap. Couldn't afford to fix her fridge so she kept it cold against the window

Meanwhile dad was out buying corvettes

>> No.9931216

fuck are you me?
> Day 5 sober, the shakes and nightmares are mostly gone, sleeping is still rough because I catch myself not breathing occasionally

>> No.9931218

Check the settings, top right of the page. Maybe stuff got turned off in the quick reply options.

>> No.9931223

Some people find relief in marijuana cigarettes.

Just gives me the heebie-jeebies though.

>> No.9931231

Proper sleep is one of the best things about sobriety. Right after no more gut pain and absence of the Fear.

>> No.9931270

Can anyone give me advice? I drank pretty much every day all winter break. I stopped on Monday and it was difficult to eat pretty much every night. Last night I was able to eat a lot but this morning i woke up with lower stomach pain and crazy diarrhea. Keep using the restroom and I have to be out of the house in a few hours. My shit is literally highlighter yellow and looks like there is a mucus in there.

>> No.9931282

You'll be fine anon. Maybe some gravol? I get a shot in my ass when I go to detox

>> No.9931298

Mine just remarried another lesser abuser, knocked me around a great deal. She got an ok life I guess though. He treats her like shit but doesn't maul her, so she's got that going for her.

I know the feeling of the level of poverty for using the outside as a fridge. Damn squirrels were clawing at my screen window trying to get at my borscht. Heavy clothes and ambient heat from the adjacent apartments, saves a lot of money.

>> No.9931343

I'd recommend a low dose of CBD edible/oil if they're available in your state. I used to smoke weed and go out of my gourd with paranoia, but I switched to tinctures and it's so much more manageable. Just a few drops under the tongue for a minute and the nausea and anxiety mellows. Luckily I can go to a shop and buy exactly what I need, so ymmv.

>> No.9931358

I climbed off the wagon lads. Life is boring without booze.

>> No.9931399
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I guess you choose pain.

>> No.9931419

Reading these threads helps with my benzo withdrawing

>> No.9931443

Look on the bright side. Life may never be as complete again, but no one near you knows how close to death they stand. If you remember that, you can still smile.

>> No.9931448

>20 hours since my last drink

I think I beer tapered enough, I feel uneasy but not as bad as after former benders.

I feel a strong desire to consume vinegar though. Just had a sip of red wine vinegar and it was good. I feel like my gut biome is bullying me into consuming certain foods for its own good.

>> No.9931453

That's strangely quite a nice thought. Thanks anon.

>> No.9931475

1 month, 2 times over the past 10 years.

>> No.9931485

That's how I feel after having gone through withdrawals and the like.

Normal life feels ridiculously easy when you're no longer either drunk or sick all the time.

>> No.9931507

>strong desire to consume vinegar
I had a surgery and didn't drink for 2 weeks afterward, but whenever I felt the urge to drink I would take a shot of apple cider vinegar to quell it.

>> No.9931517

If you have it, eat the shit out of apple cider vinegar, ginger and garlic. It will give your immune system a minor boost.

If you have the ability, order l-glutamine. Costs 10 bucks, it's been clinically proven to fight alcohol cravings. It's specifically depleted by alcohol so it's a double whammy to recovery.

And tons of b-vitamins. 5-htp is good for mood, l-arginine is good for "get up and go" if you're depressed. Amino acids, well you're probably depleted anyway so it can't hurt. At best it'll give you an advantage. Just don't take 5-htp or tryptophan for more than a couple weeks in a row or you'll crash slightly.

>> No.9931535

>the worst withdrawls starting to ease up
>"eh wasnt that bad could probably take a beer tonight"

I will never understand myself.

>> No.9931540

How bad were they?

>> No.9931542

>this guy
Fuck. That docu was fucking rough. At least he has peace now.

Did it work?

>> No.9931582

you drank too much and now your liver, gallbladder and pancreas are not digesting fat. Happens to most after a bender. Don't drink and lit your liver heal. Eventually you will have normal shits.

It's called steathorria (sp?) and basically alcohol flushes everything out of your system so your body stops even trying to digest fats, hence the gross yellow shits. If it continues def go to a doctor though.

>> No.9931592

If asked last night: I genuinely want to die.
Today: eh pretty rough

>> No.9931596

Haven't eaten in two days.bought two slices of pizza. Puked them up but I have I have a fifth and a half

>> No.9931609

Yeah it worked in the sense that I was able to stay clean for 2 weeks until my followup appointment. After I got a good review at the followup I basically went back to drinking in an instant.

>> No.9931623


>> No.9931662
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>friend tries good scotch ONCE
>acts like he's a fucking connoisseur

I hope none of you guys are like this

>> No.9931668

lol the people here drink steel reserve and bottom shelf vodka for the most part.

>> No.9931699

guy did break himself in half against a tree, and put off treatment until it was way too late.

>> No.9931703

whisky is a god damn meme. It is the dr pepper of alcohol

>> No.9931709

>have appt at 11am with job service
>already know what i will say to keep unemployment benefits coming
>11pm buy 4 x beers for the taper
>now 5am have had 4x 500ml cans plus 2x pints of wine
>have to drive to job meeting in 6 hours
>want more wine
>have more wine
>every day i dont drink immediately my head spins and i want to pass out

>> No.9931716

c-can someone lend me £10 until tomorrow? I have withdrawals pretty badly and I've ran out of money and get paid tomorrow

>> No.9931735

sent ;)

>> No.9931906

No prospects.

>> No.9931909

It sounds like you may need to eat more food.

>> No.9931935

check your private messages
but I expect you to return the favor

>> No.9931951

I genuinely would if I had the capacity to get to my pc in the other room. Sorry lad

>> No.9931972

it's good mate i used wonga

>> No.9931975
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>tfw withdrawal libido

>> No.9931983

i've been wanking non stop. Some wanks feel like I'm gonna pass out but in a good way

>> No.9932009

surely we can channel this aggressive drive into approaching women and appearing like successful hunters of pussy, in order to get pussy

>> No.9932044

thank you!

>> No.9932058

if this ain't real man, i don't know what is.

i woud just crank em

>> No.9932061

No problem. It happens to me all the time.

>> No.9932062

in this crazed state you probably end up like a somali immigrant seeing his first dozen nordic sluts prancing about in skirts.

not worth the risk.

>> No.9932066

>tfw smell of banana bags

>> No.9932073

Holy shit at this point 5 shots of liquor doesnt get me as drunk as
2 beers and actually eating a meal.

I feel so much better when I eat something that has a full meat,cheese, bread, vegetables.
I feel like my body was craving that more than the booze.

Try eating sometimes , if you are able to.
Holy shit I could cry I finally feel good.
Thank you sweet jesus

>> No.9932081

>tfw you wanked so much last week you tore 3 different sores into your dick
>tfw you continued to wank every 2-3 hours even with the sores while in severe dickpain but who cares cus NUTT

>tfw It is finally healing so I can finally destroy my dick again.

Hangover Horn is a helluva drug

>> No.9932095

think its a feeble attempt to try and get just a drop of dopamine into our brains without booze

>> No.9932103

Yeah, the serotonin flood post-nutt does relax me a bit.

>> No.9932113

Fuck this feel

>> No.9932138

>feeling fine, staying dry so far
>suddenly violent bright yellow shits

That's probably not good.

>> No.9932147

You'll probably just have them for a while and they'll go back to normal if you stay clean and eat quality fresh foods.

>> No.9932155

That's what I always felt like it was.
I've got a horrible habit of jacking off at least once every day though.

>> No.9932163


>> No.9932164

Wait till you need to kill a homeless guy to even cum. Then you got problems light weight.

>> No.9932174

I actually take an SSRI so it does make it significantly more difficult to cum. I should talk to my doctor and get off of it.

>> No.9932190
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I started drinking 3 months ago after a breakup. I've been getting drunk every night. I blacked out twice in that time. 1 fifth and a 6 pack of beer would last me a week because I'm 23 years old and lightweight. Now the girl wants to get together again and she has no idea I've been doing this to myself, so I need to get my shit together. I've never experienced withdrawal symptoms, so I'm kinda scared. Do you have any suggestions?

>> No.9932200

1 fifth and a 6 pack of beer a WEEK?
just stop drinking, have maybe 1 or 2 beers a night for the first couple nights to help sleep

people on here are twice your age and drinking that every night, they're the ones going to hospitals man, not you

>> No.9932210

dude do you stalk me?

>> No.9932216

no we're just all like this.

when i have no money i'll drink the cheapest shit.

>> No.9932256

Hang in there. It gets better. I can remember my legs twitching and being all wound up.

It's been 6 yrs for me now - and it took a lot of failures first.

>> No.9932262

I'm 62. I fought that for years too. You already know the answer.

>> No.9932281

that is maybe 21 drinks a week.
or 3 standard drinks a night.

That is not a problem.
Why are you worried? Unless you ramp that up you have nothing to worry about.
Also quit worrying, I would guess at least 25% of the people here drink that much per day.
Do you have stable income? Stable living arrangements? Stable method of transportation? Stable family life?
This is what you should be worrying about you fucking faggot.

>> No.9932334
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There are literally 5'4" 91 year old ladies who drink more than you.

I wouldn't be too worried.

>> No.9932365

Come on guys, its not a pissing contest. If the young kid is looking to open up to someone i say hes more than welcome here.

>> No.9932382

howd you finally give it up? imo the loneliness is what gets me more than anything anymore, as far as triggers

>> No.9932408

Not saying he isn't wellcome, just saying that the dose he's on is bretty unproblematic. It would be extremely unlikely that he would get withdrawals except for maybe a bit of restlessness and sleeplessness.

Of course if it's fucking with your life you per definition do have a drinking problem no matter the amount.

>> No.9932413

That's the kind of thinking that is killing kids who think it's okay to yell at reason and stuff their faces into a pricey grave. Stop it.

>> No.9932419

Go away

>> No.9932457

I know you dont mean that so im going to stay

>> No.9932533

I know that feel from before my drinking problems started.
Get a onahole or something.

You won't have life threatening delirium tremens. You most likely won't have physical withdrawals.
You'll have some light psychological withdrawals though. There isn't much to do about them beside having a good sleep hygiene (usual grandma tips, avoid screens and sport before bed, go to sleep on time, herbal infusions and shit), going outside daily for a walk, eating balanced food 3 times a day and staying hydrated.
Try not to drown your sorrows next time she breaks your heart, alcoholism and withdrawals only worsen.

>> No.9932540
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>girlfriend wants to skype while I'm "sober"
>getting booze after
I don't want to.

>> No.9932580

just catch a buzz without being noticeably intoxicated. who wears the pants in your relationship?

>> No.9932592

nobody likes a deceitful liar

>> No.9932655

Do you know where you are?

>> No.9932667

>get a onahole
But I'm a virgin. I didn't really want to do that first.

>> No.9932730

I don't even like to drink. I just do it now because.

>> No.9932778

Just went from beer to whiskey and have been having chest pains in the morning.

Please tell me I'm not dying. Past 2 days I've talked myself out of going to the ER (only 30). Don't think I can take it any more.

>> No.9932809

go back to beer and taper dude

>> No.9932840

I thought I was playing nice - I went from a dozen beers to half a fifth due to the bloat.

I'm praying it's heartburn, sleeping positions, stress, dehydration, or the cold, but I'm starting to run out of things to blame.

>> No.9932850

its paranoia, itll get worse the more you think about it

>> No.9932862

I love going to work when it's dark out and getting off work when it's dark out. Not even joking

>> No.9932879

Yea, I was a paramedic for about 5 years. That's the worst part.

I'm playing back my patients' experiences and seeing their lives and trying to decide if I'm in their shoes or not ... then I stay there too long and remember what happened to them. Fuuuuck.

Pretty sure it's just panic/endocrinatic, but yea man. Certainly took men my age to the hospital to get roto-rooted.

>> No.9932912

That's not you, that's the booze beast talking. It wants to be fed and it's right in your fucking brain.

>> No.9932923

Am I a fag for liking scotch in a 4:1 water/dram mix?
It's mid-range Islay if that makes it better.

>> No.9932978

its all in your head untill your poop is coloured like its having a merry christmas. atleast i hope thats the fucking case

>> No.9932988

What's the name of the cocktail where you take brown sugar, dissolve it in lime juice, add rum, and then top it off with seltzer?

>> No.9933003
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a Mr. Galaxywide aka The Pantaloons

>> No.9933008

that's a big guy

>> No.9933018
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he took his mask off

>> No.9933046

I need new glasses for my liquor, what should I get?

>> No.9933054

Are you near-sighted or far-sighted?

>> No.9933061

sun glasses.

>> No.9933088

Day 2
Went to AA and could barely spit out words
Shakiness has gone but diarrhea, insomnia and brain zaps have kicked in. My shit is disgusting
Just went to walmart and spent 50 dollars on healthy food, gatorade, sleepy time tea and even bought a candle.

Sorry for the blog post, but going back tomorrow.

>> No.9933151

Thick ones that don't break easily.

>> No.9933154

You're doing good. Keep it up. Be strong. And when you're weak try to fnd strength.

>> No.9933226

gj so far

>> No.9933240

72 hours here, left work early with a panic attack, pulse just came down under 80 BPM, feels good but psychological dysphoria and anxiety is strong

>> No.9933278

brehs why didn't you make Jan 1 day 1 like a sane person

>> No.9933282
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I'm having an "emotional" drinking episode. I miss my cat.

>> No.9933283

i did at 8 pm, went to ER

>> No.9933284

>It's currently 2:57am here.
>My 8 beers failed to knock me out for the whole night so I woke up at around 2:00am, got some water and went back to bed where I lay up til now.
>Fuck this. This is why I drink.
>Every horrendous thought, every question I fear to ask during the daylight just comes zooming in one after the other.
>I got out of bed just to end it. I fucking hate the night.

>> No.9933288
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here for u man, im the exact same

>> No.9933306

it wouldnt miss you

>> No.9933313

No one probably would.

>> No.9933332

Get a kitten?

I've read mindfulness meditation helps with the ruminations and anxiety. Scientifically proved to help to some extent.

>> No.9933342

you should be sad about that instead

>> No.9933356

I'm more sad I lost a friend that loved me because of my negligence than about people who readily toss me aside.

>> No.9933390

You know what? I reckon I probably need to see a doctor about it.

I hate to sound like a pussy but it's the anxiety that always leads me back to booze. I just cannot stand being alone at night, in a room, with only my thoughts for company.

>> No.9933397

try a hot bath and this

>> No.9933438

Thats why going for long walks helps so much.

Gets you out in the wide open world, fresh air. You see people. You get exercise -- which tires you out some naturally. Also releases endorphins. It's great.

I'm in the same boat. Gotta find ways to stay busy and spend time out of the room.

>> No.9933468

thanks guys. I'm really trying this time

because the first i had off of work and needed to taper

>> No.9933770

New thread without linking it when edition?

>> No.9933882
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>> No.9933975
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>> No.9934038

>just threw up all over myself
>anyway here's a new thread

>> No.9934409

Hi all, i'm 18 and all alcohol tastes bad.

I want to post up with a bottle of gin or something but it all tastes like absolute poison to me.

What do?

>> No.9934661

Relapsed last night. Destroyed my bank account, nearly got into a fight and wanted to kill myself. Woke to the neighbors dog yapping st 6am, been throwing up since and shaking like mad from just one night back on the vodka. I am in hell.

>> No.9934769


>> No.9934789

Iktf. I can drink about half a bottle of wine or three beers, a whole bottle or a sixpack and I get mild withdrawal syndromes already.

The heavy drinking days are over, i don’t feel like having to taper every single time I get drunk.

>> No.9935008

that's just crazy enough to work though

>> No.9935228

Woke up drunk. Somehow managed to get a samosa and three empty fifths with me in bed

>> No.9935242

Gin tastes like pine needles. Us old to timers drink vodka.

Not recommended though. Being a drunk is a curse