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File: 14 KB, 600x434, alcoholic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9876944 No.9876944 [Reply] [Original]

Crippling Alcoholism General

>trying to stay semi sober around relatives edition

>> No.9876999

That feeling goes away after a while.

>> No.9877015

for youj

>> No.9877044

Been deathly sick for the past week been unable to mix meds and booze. The first sip tomorrow is going to feel so amazing.

>> No.9877063

My balls hurt so bad It's not even funny.

Idk what I did to them last night but they ache like a sob

>> No.9877071

Maybe for you, but I can't stand feeling dirty in the slightest.

>> No.9877243

Idk why I can't stop drinking in the morning. 2 days ago I did and I felt like shit was angry frustrated tired isolated. Yesterday I didn't had a literally wonderful day. Drank in the evening no withdraws or anything. Literally say to myself Every time I don't day drink...gee wiz that was nice. And today once again to the gas station to get booze in the AM looking like a fucking chump....and now here I sit about a hour before work. Had my last drink at like 10am...so now I'm irritable don't want to face the day. Fuck I want off this ride...why the fuck can I just not wait till the evening like everyone else. Why do I perpetuate such a shitty buzz when I know it's going to suck. Bah!

>> No.9877274

Try LSD or psylocibin, it works wonders on alcoholics, look it up bros

>> No.9877333
File: 25 KB, 650x325, premium-jenever-homepage.47571b5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crawling in your own filth is good for your immune system anon.

>> No.9877350

I already pick my nose and eat it. That's good enough.

>> No.9877370
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You're doing god's work anon.

>> No.9877396


This is more disgusting than alcoholism could ever be.

>> No.9877422

the lack of sunlight today is telling me to get day drunk

>> No.9877423
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It's my birthday tomorrow. Going on 6 years no sex.

>> No.9877442

Gl anons.
I didn't even visit sisters or mum bc alcoholic. My poor wife wanted to go but I have no license from being caught drunk driving. If I see senpai I'll be driving 18hours in total.
Managed to get a job last month after 7 months getting drunk at 9am daily, so have to drive car with no license every weekday. Just gotta make it through the next 3 weeks and I can get it back again.
On Fri night my mrs asked for take-out. I was rotten drunk bc new boss let us go home at lunch. Drive to takeaway. Drunk af so I park beside him thinking they would never guess if I parked there.
Go order take away. Talk to female cop waiting for food before I go back to my car. No shits given.
I really need to stop drink driving though. 4 dents/scratches in my car. All last year. All while blind drunk. I guess at least I'm not getting as drunk this year bc zero accidents.
Alcohol has ruined me.

>> No.9877451

Him being cop*

>> No.9877490
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I'm on year 6, almost 7, of not even directly talking to a girl
I wish it was as easy as high school

>> No.9877494

this is a sad general

>> No.9877495

Be careful, you barely feel drunk on it so you keep drinking

>> No.9877498

Not him but. Worst shit is when people say: you'll find a nice girl someday, and you realise you're too much of a mess to get together with someone; so it's all on you.

>> No.9877499

Hire a hooker.

I fuck a hooker or get head from one about once a month.

>> No.9877505

How do i not die? even drinking a half pint turns my insides into pain the next day

>> No.9877511

>trying to

No you aren't with your fucking off topic spam, you fucking tosser.

>> No.9877513

yeah pretty much the only reason I never approach girls or talk to anyone is because my life is in shambles already and I figure why burden some poor girl with an alcoholic boyfriend
I need to get my shit together before that

>> No.9877523

What's even worse is knowing with certainty that you won't have sex ever again.

>> No.9877599

drank for the first time in like 2 months last night, my retardo ass stayed up till like 6am drinking a fifth of bacardi while talking to some dingleberry off of omegle, woke up this morning anxious as hell and can barely leave my room, i took a big old shit in my britches also and i took my shitty pants off and it stunk so bad i had to put them back on to hold the shit smell in. hopefully by tonight the anxious will go away enough i can take the doo doo britches to the sink to wash the doo doo off or i may just throw em out the fuckin window

>> No.9877647

You are typing in shit filled pants? Omfg lmfao.

I have done a few wet farts as an alcoholic who does a good 5 runny shits a day but I've never fully shat myself and I can't imagine living in shit filled pants. Go take a shower and wash that literal shit.

>> No.9877657

what the fuck anon

>> No.9877670

I progressed rapidly from drinking 2L of beer every night (for probably a decade) to half a liter of vodka every day in around 4 months and been there for a month. This is fifth night in a row that I have, with no real intention, drank only 2-3 beers a night. I'm confused. I should be hammered by now, and yet I'm sitting here with a half a beer for almost an hour. It's like I keep forgetting to drink, as ridiculous as that sounds. Nothing significant has changed in my routine. Any ideas?

Jesus man, get a grip

>> No.9877744

So, you're worried that you're drinking less?


>> No.9877760

Well yeah, I'm kinda surprised that my free fall into alcoholism not only stopped, but did full on reversal. I'm basically worried that it's not a symptom of my body shitting the bed in some major way.

>> No.9877784

Go see your doctor

>> No.9877793
File: 2.63 MB, 2448x3264, 20171223_115650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th a day for 10 years.

Perfect if not better health markers and bloodwork.

New amsterdam today. Its almost noon.

>> No.9877947

H-heh, good luck that have one of those

>> No.9877955

Yeah whatever, buddy. My immune system is probably the reason I've been drinking like a fish for 11 years and as of 2 weeks ago my blood work came back A-OK.

>> No.9877964
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>> No.9877965

Think i'll just drink one beer tonight and try to call it a day from there. I've been too dehydrated lately. Even got a white tongue atm.

>> No.9877976

NEVER trust a fart when you're an alcoholic.

>> No.9877979

Easily the worst part for me. I find myself running to the bathroom constantly because I can never tell if I'm gunna fart or shit myself

>> No.9877983

I've never related to anything more in my entire life.

>> No.9877993

I broke my 830 dollar galaxy s8 last night in a rage

That's about 2500 in broken cell phones in the last 2 years.

>> No.9878007

Anyone else get awful panic attacks during your hangover?

>> No.9878037

Someone's giving you baclofene without you realising? That or liver failure. What does your shit look like?

That's withdrawals. It can kill you and will give you brain damage.

>> No.9878065

yeah. hangovers just give me an anxious feeling in general like I did something horrible the night before even though I didn't
i've found that taking a bike ride or jog helps a lot. gets rid of that cloudy feeling

>> No.9878067

>Someone's giving you baclofene without you realising? That or liver failure. What does your shit look like?
I live alone, neet shut in. No yellowish discolorations on sclera or skin. Shit, no noticeable changes, less watery since I've taken in some actual food past few days. No blood or weird colors, but I'll pay attention the next time I take a dump. Only major change seems like my sleep has gotten a bit better and longer. No shakes, anxiety or other withdrawal symptoms, I'm still drinking, just an order of magnitude less.

>> No.9878185

Who here /sober for holidays/

>> No.9878322

10:25 am here and still sober.
Only 3 bottles of wine yesterday and I am going to try and not buy today.
Wish me luck!

>> No.9878337

Good luck, man

>> No.9878351

OH nice. Thanks anon. I really think I can make it. If I don't I'll just be hungover and miserable Xmas day and no where open to buy alcohol so I know to have a good day tomorrow I can't drink today. 10:34 and not a single craving.

>> No.9878375

It looked like my annual winter depression would pass me by this year, but it arrived right on time on the first day of my 2-week vacation. Slept 15 hours yesterday, today I'm getting drunk to dull the pain.

That's your neurotransmitters messing with you. Goes to show that it only takes a bit of a chemical imbalance in your brain to produce feelings that have no actual social cause.

>> No.9878567

too close to home

>> No.9878584

If you ain't wearing a diaper, you ain't drinking shit

>> No.9878632
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>your parents have accumulated lots of booze for Christmas, yes?
>just sneak down and drink it
>you can replace it tomorrow
>drink all of the the precious booze
>all of it
>drink it

>> No.9878677

kek, I've got almost 2L of 57% liquor to enjoy from tonight to New Years Eve. So far I've drank less than 300ml of it, and in all likelihood will have less than 300ml until I'm finished for the night. Will drink again on Christmas, then one or two days I'll drink before New Years eve, and finally on New Years Eve I'll finish. Got about $45 saved as 'fun money' to enjoy on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Pub, restaurant, whatever. I figure I'll use it to get several cheap take-out or fast food meals, though tomorrow for breakfast of Christmas Eve I'm planning to go to an actual restaurant to sit down and enjoy basically the cheapest breakfast they have available.

>> No.9878692

Fuck being sober around relatives,
my uncle just died so now I HAVE TO WATCH THE GRANDMOTHER.
unless i do away with her, but its okay because i contacted the agency and I may get 128$?! to watch her
and thats enough money to pay off the gnomes to leave me alone FOREVER.
AND I CAN BE SHITFACEDHAMMERED 24/7 and no-one can stop me.
get on my level you gnome-sympathizers

>> No.9878698

dumbass, why break your phone when there are plenty things around you to break instead.?

>> No.9878743
File: 1.26 MB, 2174x2900, 6BF78E72-66C4-45BD-B960-7BE496BCDF8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9878760

>you can replace it tomorrow

>> No.9878975
File: 47 KB, 640x480, London Dock 1140ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had shown that picture before, you lazy bastard! Might I share in your laziness with what I drink tonight. May we lovingly and thoroughly pickle our livers.

>> No.9878984
File: 322 KB, 746x596, Firearm Valhalla Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I might as well share that I've got 6 of my 10 books going for free on the 24th. It had been on the 23rd as well but I hadn't mentioned it.


>Living Amongst the Dead
Hardcore and nitty-gritty zombie survival that also includes a feminist being thoroughly put in her place.

>Living Amongst the Dead: Dark Days
The first sequel of four, starts with quite a bit of action and shooting as well as bayonet usage.

>When her No means Yes
A drama erotica that had gotten a 5-star review not long ago from a woman I had ghostwritten for.

>Firearm Valhalla
Novelette action, took the picture for the cover myself in fact I'll include it in this post. 10 points to whoever can name all three rifles. Here's a hint; they were all manufactured during WWII.

>To Take what is Needed
An erotica I wrote for a woman on Fiverr, she was fine with me publishing it. Includes elements of kidnapping, BDSM, rape, but has an interesting twist at the end. Women are strange creatures.

>The Delicious Addiction of Oppression and Outrage
My first non-fiction, and my 10th book. Something of an experiment, and to the best of my knowledge it's filled with facts which is an element which the left seems to hate.

For my fellow drunkards who decide to give my stuff a go, I hope you enjoy it. Cheers!

>> No.9878988


fucking saved

>> No.9878998

>tfw you spend your thursday night with a rifle in your mouth and a bottle of whisky in your hand because you feel like you're already dead
ya know?

>> No.9879010

an entire rifle? I'm impressed!

>> No.9879019
File: 58 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-12-23-23-21-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this hilarious. Most hardcore conservatives I've met are divorced losers who drink too much and have retarded hobbies. Anyways, good luck on your shitty books senpai

>> No.9879027
File: 1.53 MB, 2304x3070, F4CCC739-C637-4A3A-AED0-BF2C33E98535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New pic

>> No.9879044
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nigga do u know where you are? in all seriousness tho we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

>> No.9879061
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Nigger or nigger lover detected

>> No.9879074

I shall continue writing whether you like it or not.
Fuckin' eh man, was just joking to begin with. I'm bloody drunk at the moment, 17oz (around 510ml) of 57.1% rum, drank, and damn don't it feel good! Cheers!

>> No.9879081

Man, I’d be shit faced. You can easily out drink me

>> No.9879088
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> trying to stay semi sober around relatives edition

Opposite for me, when Christmas rolls around I feel like I have to be pretty drunk in order to be able to socialise properly with all these people I don't remember. Sucks having anxiety.

>> No.9879116

Good idea smeagul.
I been jacking sterling wine like I'm Archer

>> No.9879128

Cheers! And marry Christmas to all the al/ck/s
Any good at bar on christmas stories?

>> No.9879158

Was the uncle married to the grandmother?

>> No.9879212

I am quite shitfaced and it feels great, cheers!

Cheers to you too! Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, whatever Christmas you like! Fuck political correctness, it's for pathetic bitches!

>> No.9879236

>tfw live in a small town in the Midwest and even grocery stores have “merry Christmas” signs

Political correctness is confined to the shithole college campus here

>> No.9879262

... I'm in fucking Canada. Seriously, be proud to have a leader like Trump. Trudeau j.r. is a God damn embarrassment and I will die happy that I voted for someone OTHER than him. I'm ashamed of my countrymen. You can get arrested for intentionally using the wrong pronoun or criticising Islam. Well all the same, fuck that, I will criticize that goat-fucking miserable religion all I fucking well want! I'm fucking writing about it! FUCK TRUDEAU, THAT KEK MOTHER FUCKER! HE'S RUINING MY FUCKING COUNTRY!

>> No.9879265

I fly back to my flat on boxing day. I can't stand being around family anymore it's like they still view me as a wee teen. Aside from genetics I have had zero in common with my family for about a decade or so.

>> No.9879270

heh, Canadians.

>> No.9879302

I sincerely hope more Canadians wake the fuck up and start thinking like you. Fuck islam

>> No.9879330

I'm ashamed that my countrymen voted for a cuck.
FUCK Islam! I was called 'Anti-Muslim' just for criticizing that terrible religion! I'm fucking ready to go to jail for the sake of freedom of expression! Fucking Trudeau, just thinking of him makes me sick. Trump CARES about Americans! Trudeau only cares about fucking goat-fucking child-molesting brown people! FUCK!

>> No.9879334

Calm the fuck down, keyboard justice warrior.

>> No.9879351

Same thing happened to me, anon. Went from drinking a fifth of Aristocrat a day to one beer a night before bedtime. I don't know what happened but my bowels thank me for it. I was throwing up constantly, even after one beer with the guys, because my stomach lining was so irritated and my acid reflux was so severe. I was also taking 6-10 wet shits a day. Honestly thought there was no recovering from that tailspin, then, out of nowhere, it just stopped. I actually think it might've had something to do with the LSD I was taking at the time, like >>9877274
this anon said.

>> No.9879365

Wray & Nephew Overproof?

>> No.9879367


>> No.9879390

Something’s got to give

>> No.9879428

margarita makes me more fun to be around.

>> No.9879432

I got really drunk this friday that just past and was out by myself.

All I remember is getting thrown on my ass by a security guard...or someone...then I was arguing with some random cunts.Honestly surprised I didn't get my head kicked in.

>> No.9879445

Went to the club last night and made out with some fit brunette ass but lost her in the heat of the moment and shit closed down. Walked home disappointed.

>> No.9879484
File: 79 KB, 500x739, 48A13187-EC1C-48C0-9850-414E6DD0E7B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my parents got divorced my mother and I lived with my grandparents. I remember when my intoxicated father broke into my grandparent’s house and fell asleep on my grandparent’s bed. My aunt was watching me at the time and we walked past the bedroom and there was a big lump under the blankets and my aunt said to me “doesn’t it look like someone is sleeping there”. I guess she went to take a second look and freaked out. When the cops areived they didn’t arrest my father but I remember the cops standing at the bottom of the stairs calling his name. He stumbled down and my uncle picked him up. To this day I wonder what he wanted to do. Maybe talk to my mother when she got home that night?

The shit we do when we are drunk. Lol.

>> No.9879489

my dad has been drinking shitty $9 vodka out of a Tito's bottle. the worst part is the cycle, i want a couple shots but don't wanna buy a whole bottle or a 4 pack of cheap beer at the gas station so i sneak a couple, the bottle looks noticably lower so i buy a bottle to replace it, end up drinking the whole thing, not drunk enough at like 2am so i sneak some more..

>> No.9879493


>> No.9879495

I cant even imagine shitting mypants, taking them off, and deciding to put them back on to 'hold the smell in'

for fucks' sake anon, I hope you live alone. get your shit together. I can't even stay in piss soaked underwear, I can't imagine doo-doo britches

>> No.9879503

can't tell if you're being ironic or not and I think Trudeau is a shit but you can't blame single out islam for that kind of shit, it goes on in all the abrahamic religions. Just admit you're racist, it has nothing to do with religion.

>> No.9879510

I kind of do yet don't miss those nights. When I drink alone I'm fine, but in groups I get violent. So I choose to be a closet alcohol.

>> No.9879511
File: 59 KB, 600x923, 719D7405-D24B-40D3-9E69-DCC0AAA22180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sandniggers and fuck sandnigger lovers. Go suck Muhammad’s cock

>> No.9879520

I've finally decided I'm sick of living where I live, I'm going to move to a $350 a month "trap house" in Detroit and stop paying my cell phone bill and my car/insurance.

With the money I save on rent I'm going to buy a bushmaster XM15 for protection and enjoy what life I have left before a nigger kills me for being white or running my mouth drunk.

I'm sick of paying fucking 1400 a month to live in the suburbs and hating my loud ass neighbors.

>> No.9879525

>it goes on in all the abrahamic religions

but not in equal proportions, and they're not all motivated by religion
>Just admit you're racist
Islam isn't a race

alcohol is great, sucks it's forbidden in Islam

>> No.9879526

Saline here.

Fuck niggers

>> No.9879533

How's Saline? I've only driven past it before

I live in Novi, I fucking hate it.

Over the last 10 years It's gotten progressively worst and worst (crime wise) and the population is increasing so much that driving anywhere takes a fuckin hour just in traffic.

Fuck paying 1400 a month for that shit.

I was thinking about SW Detroit/Mexicantown. Not THAT bad but bad enough that It's cheap housing.

>> No.9879540

Move to Adrian, Jackson or anywhere else in the boondocks before Detroit. It’s cheap in the sticks. You may have to drive a while to get to work but it beats living around blacks. Some of these small towns are cheap to live in like napoleon, Brooklyn, manchester, etc

>> No.9879543

I'll check them out on zillow.


>> No.9879562

move to north georgia and get a $400/mo studio apartment
its all diabetic white fat fucks and some Mexicans that keep to themselves

>> No.9879566

I think anon's uncle was the primary caregiver for his grandmother, and now that anon's uncle has died anon must take care of his grandmother.

>> No.9879572

I hate you people so much

>> No.9879631

Where at? Lived in Forsyth

>> No.9879635


>> No.9879679

got news of a friend in a terrible accident yesterday all because of a drunk driver. the friend had to see his own intestines lying on the roadway and the other passenger is critically injured. please dont drive drunk anon, its not worth it and may change your life forever in thr worst possible way

>> No.9879689

That's horrible anon.

I was parked in my car outside a pup with food I'd walked across the street to buy. Police still arrested me as drunk driver bc I blew .064 and limit is .05. I was arrested bc while engine was not on I had keys into ignition listening.
Really pissed me off when the police officer statement said that I was reversing out when they caught me.
I was gonna wait about an hour before driving but cops love to earn their keep through fines in Australia.

I hope your friend makes it anon.

>> No.9879700

Listening to the radio*
Yeah drink-ish right now. Half way through third bottle of wine buy feel 90% sober fml fml.

>> No.9879748

Just a tip, if you want to sit in your car drunk and not get harassed, use the passenger seat. Lean over to put the keys in if you have to.

>> No.9879780

They gotta make their quotas and income.

Does not fucking work. Just try it. Do it. I hope you fucking do. I will bet it works. It will definitely work. I promise.

>> No.9879782

>They gotta make their quotas and income.


The police don't actually give a fuck about the law or you, They are more focused on quotas and keeping their jobs.

Anyone who tells you cops don't have quotas are lying to you.

>t. son of Ohio state trooper

>> No.9879783

Fort O
Chattanooga is slightly farther north and isnt much more expensive but it's like 25% black

>> No.9879788

I'm not him, but it's so weird: I have seen so much of the inside of not only mine, but other people's bodies, that I think I'd be okay with it. I'd probably be like, "well, this is how this is gonna go," and just suffer until I die. It's a weird thing to think for someone who isn't in the medical industry, although I think there are more than a few medical professionals who would do the same.

I take no pleasure in it, but I'm pretty sure if I found myself at the side of the road, or anywhere really, with my guts out, I'd probably say, "yeah, this is how I imagined it would happen." The worst thing would be to survive.

>> No.9879799

Any of your experience this due to withdrawal, or anything similar?

When I was trying to fall asleep last night, when I was sorta drifting off I started feeling extremely lightheaded and like my face was going numb. Also heard someone shout my name when I got a little more conscious.

>> No.9879801
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>pressured to stop what youre doing and go out and buy things people dont need in ""celebration"" of the King Of The Jews' birthday
>have to work because everyone else is calling in on Christmas
>fucking crowds everywhere
>cant drink because have to work
>have to clean up area because of having people over

objectively the worst holiday
>b-but muh warm indoor temperatures, warm drinks and gifts i dont need
shut the fuck up you literal child

>> No.9879803

Don't forget in most states selling alcohol on Christmas and Christmas Eve is illegal

>> No.9879831

Bottle shops in Australia are allowed to be open until 10pm Xmas eve Bc govt wants their Gibbs me dat no matter how many drunks drive while plastered after they realise that's their last chance to buy for 36 hours. Fuck the road toll, Taxes!!!!!
Thanks Au Govt we have faith in your tactics and system said no one ever. not ever not even once.

>> No.9879838

Because it's the worst beer I've ever drank, I'm cutting Steel Reserve with lemon juice. And I'm drinking it right now because it's the cheapest. Being a fan of pale ales and imperial stouts, this is almost torture.

Still better than being sober, desu senpai.

>> No.9879849

Does anyone else get hungover way too easily? I can drink a fuckton of water and eat and whatnot, and the next day still feel my head being swallowed by my head being swallowed by my head.

Tips? (Other than "Not drinking." Tried that, doesn't work.)

>> No.9879863

2 and a half hours till Christmas here. Have cut down significantly on drinking lately, but have been binge eating and then making myself throw it up for the last week and it's getting out of control already. I'd feel better about it if the gym was open for the next few days.
If it's not one thing it's something else, from years of drug addiction, to narrowly escaping alcoholism, now this.

My landlord is kicking us out in Feb to demolish the house and my roommates are absolutely no help in looking for a new place, just sit there getting high all the time, so I'm just going to find one for myself and let them deal with their mess, even if it costs several hundred more per month. Was going to get myself a new laptop for uni but now that money will most likely be spent on bond and moving costs. Everything's up in the air right now and my psychologist is on break.

>> No.9879873

I've always gotten really bad hangovers. The only thing that works for me is popping 400 mg of ibuprofene before going to sleep. That will usually prevent the crippling headache. Sometimes it doesn't, then I down 30 drops of metamizole after waking up.

Taking a shower 15-20 minutes after waking up also helps me feel better and less tired and sluggish. Also, avoid smoking or if you live in a country where smoking indoors is still allowed, try to go for non-smoking venues. My hangovers are a ton worse when I've inhaled a ton of smoke the night before.

>> No.9879882
File: 11 KB, 960x648, 86AF3057-D780-4F1F-81CC-9815C3AE6A20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could the children screaming “NIGGERS” please go back to the /pol/ playground? Thanks for trying to save the world with your vast array of secret knowledge, sorry that nobody understands you, that life is unfair and that they JUST WONT LISTEN to your furious ranting about stuff they’ve decided is irrelevant considering the bigger picture, but your screaming is totally out of place here, you are a PAIN IN THE ASS. Please, PLEASE FUCK OFF.

>> No.9879889

>posting in a thread that belongs on /r9k/
>complains about cross board posting

>> No.9879890

drink unflavored vodka

>> No.9879921

>autistic screeching

>> No.9879926
File: 175 KB, 549x668, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pls go

>> No.9879931

>Hi my name is Anon, this week da internet raycisum made me drink again.

>> No.9879964

You want them to stop talking about niggers because you are a racist piece of shit who can't deal with reality. Niggers exist faggot. Nigger only means black anyway. Black like your soul. Why don't you petition for the country of Nigger in Africa to be renamed? If not please drink yourself to death pronto to remove your cancerous body from the planet.merry fucking Christmas to everyone but you.

>> No.9879971
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It's my culture.

>> No.9879992

Listen to yourself ffs. Absolutely poisonous, vile people. /pol/ would completely ruin al/ck/ with their ranting. Not welcome here, be nice or go find a babby board where there’s nothing left to ruin.

>> No.9880001

Not sure why you're raving about /pol/, he's right: Christmas is awful. I plan on having my once-yearly pot brownie and going to Chinatown and having dumplings alone on Christmas. Then I'll come home and crack open a 20 year old bottle of rioja and phonepost on 4chan while watching Law and Order: Sex Crimes Unit, probably jack off to some vintage Australian pornogrpahy, and go to sleep.

>> No.9880002

God dammit, who linked us on /pol/
Happy new year al/ck/, not spending Christmas listening to the brat brigade doing its rounds to ensure that everyone feels shit. See you in 2018.

>> No.9880003

is this some kind of psyop to discredit bona fide complaints about /pol/? go back to russia, vlad

>> No.9880008

I'm pretty sure you can "criticise" Islam, but not be a racist asshole. Not sure you can understand the difference, it's too subtle for a simple minded "person" like you.
You could move to Israel or USA, I'm sure they'll be more understanding.

Once and for all, it's illegal to be on the driver seat drunk, driving or not. You have a passenger seat for your drunken naps, use it.
If cops decide to be an asshole and fine you anyway, you can contest it because you couldn't possibly reach pedals.

>> No.9880090

>Drank a 12 8%ABV beers last night while watching a movie with my family
>Don't remember what I did at all

God dammit, another one of these days

>> No.9880116
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First year I've ever been alone for Christmas Eve/Christmas morning. Kind of depressing.

>> No.9880118

No tips for surviving Christmas depression?

>> No.9880124

>I'm pretty sure you can "criticise" Islam, but not be a racist asshole.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. You can't criticize Islam without people practically breaking down your door to scream "NOT ALL MUSLIMS!!!" and accuse you of being racist, because fuck what their book actually says, not all of them are like that, Christians bomb things too, muh abortion clinics, bitch bitch bitch.

>> No.9880128

It's only one week until New Year's, you weenie.
Personally I hate New Year's more because there's literally nowhere I can go to escape the fucking fireworks noises ALL night long, even though my city has a CITY-WIDE fireworks ban.

>> No.9880262

Nobody here is doing that, we’re asking you to fuck off and stop shitting poison all over the thread. Do not give a fuck about your politics, sod off and be an angry kid elsewhere

>> No.9880281

Every time. Some ferocious virgin gallops in and pontificates about /pol/ at the top of his lungs, so the thread goes to shit. Why do they do it? Don’t they realise how utterly infuriating and out-of-place they are? Awful people. They cause absolutely nothing but irritation.

>> No.9880285

steele reserve is in fact torture

>> No.9880287

good times, good times :)

>> No.9880298

this eve in chilling with a bottle of rum
i usually don't talk much in those threads, just one post and lurking

enjoy your drink anons

>> No.9880309

>Why do they do it? Don’t they realise how utterly infuriating and out-of-place they are? Awful people. They cause absolutely nothing but irritation.
That is exactly how serious /ck/s feel about you al/ck/s.

>> No.9880321

Yeah every now and then I step into one of these threads and some guy starts screeching like this. Last time it was about iPhones and he accused me of being the cause of all his personal problems. Like, is my name ethanol? I usually gloss over these threads by instinct but when something catches my eye, it's always some histrionic borderline personality disorder nonsense.

>> No.9880324

How do i quit smoking while drinking. I don't feel like having a smoke at all when sober but when drunk i smoke like half a pack in a night.

>> No.9880327

So what? We know we’re not welcome here, we just don’t care, it’s not like we’re trying to recruit alchies.

>> No.9880330

Two different people, sorry to burst your bubble

>> No.9880339

Near enough impossible in my experience

>> No.9880371

I was in the same boat. I ended up buying a vape box. Douchey as it may be, it's worked. Tastes better, smells better, and I don't hack a lung up in the mornings now. Cigarettes taste bad now. If there's a brick and mortar store near you, find a juice flavor you like and run with it. Make sure you get an adequate amount of nicotine too. I'm running at 6 mg now, but I'll step down to 3 at some point.

>> No.9880449

Might give this a try if i can find a store that sells them. You can't order them online where i live, not even the nicotine free ones.

>> No.9880473

Are you a dog?

Vape. It works well to stop smoking.
You don't need a steam locomotive, they'll make you cough anyway.
iStick 40W by eLeaf and GS-Air M with 1.5 or 1.2ohm coils is good to start, or same mod/battery and a Nautilus. 12mg/ml nicotine juice.
Where are you?

>> No.9880499

Found the indian

>> No.9880505
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>> No.9880554

we all do

>> No.9880586

What do you drink exactly?

>> No.9880671

My knuckles have started going bright red when I drink, anyone else get this?

>> No.9880682

Weird physical feelings and auditory hallucinations are the edge of where it gets really bad. Take a break now.

>> No.9880686

yeah it's a shame that has to be mixed in with people whining about not having sex for years and talking about shitting their pants

>> No.9880691

>pretty sure some people are planning to jump me

wat do
should i finally just drink enough to kill myself and save them the trouble

>> No.9880692
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>> No.9880695

The poster he responded to literally just did a version of that. Along those lines though the problem is islam seems a whole lot less willing to accept criticism than christianity

>> No.9880704

Dude if you're okay with talking about it I'd love to know what you did to have people that angry with you

>> No.9880733

i didnt even do anything wrong, i just live in an incredibly shitty area where people are looking for an excuse to stab someone

>out walking my dog
>round a corner and a woman is walking 2 dogs, bullmastiff and staffordshire terrier
>they see my dog and immediately start going ape shit, barking and growling
>they are pulling her around and she clearly isnt able to control them
>ends up letting go of the staffy and it runs straight towards my dog
>"just pick him up, hes friendly!"
>not a fucking chance
>kick it when it gets close before getting to my dog, luckily thats all it took and it runs back to her
>she shouts something at me but i couldnt hear her properly and just left
>couple of days later see her again and shes with some guy, she tries to subtlety point me out to him
>after that, different guy comes up to me when im out and asks if im the one that kicked the dog, say i am cause it tried to bite mine
>"alright, just wondering" then he walks off

im wondering if she has just lied to some guys she knows about how it went down to get revenge for me kicking her mutt

>> No.9880757

that is 100% what happened. but here's the thing, chicks with pit bulls are never right in the head, and guys who put up with chicks like that are used to that kind of crap. he was just going through the motions to avoid a hysterical breakdown on her part

>> No.9880761


Autistic level social interaction confirmed. There are at least several ways you could have handled this situation diplomatically. Yes, even after being a dog kicking robot.

>> No.9880790

Avoiding booze today, but I am going to drink a bottle of robotussin DM

>> No.9880793

That's a tough one though, the dog could have been aggressive and it could have torn the guys dog up. It's just different when you have your dog. My neighbor is terrified of dogs and one time my friendly old golden retriever walked over to her house expecting some petting and instead the cunt kicked my dog in the ribs several times. I genuinely wanted to body slam her into the pavement, fucking stupid neurotic mess of an old woman.

>> No.9880794

>with a dog
You seem like the autist here

>> No.9880810
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you're getting hate but I've done the same to dogs that break free and try to eat my 20lb dog while we're out walking

pic related is my homeboi

>> No.9880821

What do you goyim do when you're drinking alone? Every single time I drink I end up extremely bored, I look for things to do, when I can't find things to do I start watching completely retarded shit like reaction videos or those Watchmojo top 10 videos.
What do you do to keep yourself occupied while drinking? I really do not want to watch another retarded Game of Thrones reaction video.

>> No.9880831

Listen to very loud music and browse 4chan

>> No.9880840

My taste in music is very specific and I usually just listen to the same album over and over on repeat. Currently I am listening to nothing but Turn on Bright Lights by Interpol. Most music I get recommended I can't even stand.
Browsing 4chan is also fucking boring.
I am already listening to music and browsing 4chan right now, and it's terrible.

>> No.9880844
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>cant drink because have to work

>> No.9880851

Work has never stopped me from drinking.

>> No.9880854

It is boring yeah but it passes the time nicely.

>> No.9880859

a bunch of the people i work with are all addicted to pain killers so they cant judge me for drinking before work

>> No.9880863

If it did I wouldn't be here asking people what to do when you're bored and you have nothing to do when drunk.

>> No.9880893

if you're any good at this you should be able to work with a solid buzz. don't go to work all fucked up but 4 or 5 shots under your belt should be no big deal

>> No.9880994

its 11 am and i'm drunk as shit

>> No.9881016
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Merry Xmas /ck/.
I hope you motley crew have a good day and a successful 2018.

Pic related is my mrs. Not talking to me bc I went to bed too early last night bc drunk and sleepy. 5am and thinking to open a bottle of wine. Only have 3 for the next 28 hours, so I'm cutting it close.

>> No.9881024

I'm addicted to both. Painkillers for my back and alcohol for my head.
Thanks anon. U2. Gl with your day. Less drinking in 2018 I hope for all of us!

>> No.9881027

>be me
>get involved with a qt3.14 that I've had a crush on for about a year
>she is hot as fuck, 8.5/10
>tattoos, pierced nipples, fine fucking ass my kind of thing
>things get hot as heavy and it's clear she wants to fuck
>my body absolutely does not obey me and I can't get it up

time to an hero

>> No.9881035

>when this life makes you mad enough to scream but sad enough to tear

>> No.9881037

>tfw no qt to watch me drink myself to death

Why live

>> No.9881040

>sinking fear that I won't be able to get drunk tonight
going to buy some mulled wine or some shit to make it seem festive

>> No.9881043

This is my 2nd year alone on Christmas.

Not as painful as the first, But still plenty sad/depressing.

I'm hoping I finally die of cancer in 2018, I've had it for 4 years so far and I'm still fucking alive.

>> No.9881062

Try watching better videos. Idk, even veritasium is better than these crap. You'll eventually have better suggestions than stuff for the brain dead.

>> No.9881076

Sob story shit like this only gets attention on these threads. Thanks for the blog post faggot

>> No.9881082

I put some cinnamon in my frosty jacks. That’ll be my Christmas dinner I expect.

>> No.9881085

if you are alone, perhaps you deserve to suffer. People apparently find your presence distasteful

>> No.9881087

On this basis you should be alone too.

>> No.9881096

My tummy hurts, scotch was a mistake - I ended up buying beers anyway so why did I switch to scotch? Thankfully I somehow retained self-control and I have beer and lots of scotch left

>> No.9881102

How's everyone's miserable Christmas Eve going?

>> No.9881120

Broke and having withdrawals

>> No.9881121

Wow you sound like a sour faced cunt

>> No.9881124

I prefer she doesn't watch bc ashamed I'm an alcoholic. she's usually on couch beside me fml.
Someday I'll grow the balls to quit. Or deservedly so, I'll die alone and broke.

>> No.9881125

That was me about 6 days ago down to the broke thing, and I've been sober since. You can do it, man.

>> No.9881128


T. A dry drunk

There is nothing courageous about running out of money

>> No.9881130


>> No.9881135

I've really come to appreciate wine this holiday season.

>> No.9881167

I could and can afford alcohol, I don't want to. I'm pretty fucking sick of that life. But I definitely don't have the money I used to thanks to alcoholism.

>> No.9881182


Going over to the first family get together in like 7 years (last time was a funeral) in an hour. The only way I am getting through the next 3 hours is alcohol.

>> No.9881208


>> No.9881283

This is blog post general.

>> No.9881295

are you colon cancer bro?

>> No.9881301

No, I have non hodgkin's lymphoma

>> No.9881306

damn, that sucks man. Is it terminal?

>> No.9881309

How you getting home anon? Many rbt's there?

>> No.9881313

Yeah, It's been terminal.

I stopped treatment 2yrs ago because all of the negative side effects. Haven't been to a doctor in about 27 months

>> No.9881321

That's awful anon, I can't imagine living with death hanging over my head. Are you still able to do every day stuff or what? Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious.

>> No.9881324

this is my first year totally alone on christmas...no friends or familiy within 2000 miles...hopefully this THC infused coconut oil and vidya will help distract me from the blues

>> No.9881347

You gonna make it anon.

>> No.9881349

I don't have anything better to do, I don't mind the questions. Just watching citizen four and drinking

What do you mean by everyday stuff?

I haven't worked in about a year, I quit my job.

I'm able to go grocery shopping, cook for myself, live alone, ect.

But physically I'm often too weak to do any hard manual labor, Including shoveling snow or mowing the lawn.

I have known I'm going to die of cancer for 4 years, I was very shocked and stunned for a full year after receiving my diagnosis. Now I don't give a shit anymore, I just want it to be fast and for me to be drunk when I go.

Drinking helps with the depression and death anxiety

That's life.

We don't all get a good hand

>> No.9881358

Are you in physical pain?

>> No.9881362

Yes. In my chest and stomach

>> No.9881363

What are you gonna do when you can't really move or breathe properly if you live by yourself? Hospice or just lie there and die?

I hope I never experience anything like that because I would just go to Switzerland to a euthanasia clinic, I don't want an agonizing, drawn out death.

Are you in America?

>> No.9881364

Are you on non-prescription painkillers or are you just relying on the alcohol to numb the pain?

>> No.9881372

I call bullshit. You do not have cancer. You are an attention pig and that is why you are alone.

>> No.9881379


I've though about suicide but I don't think I could do that to my mother, I'm almost certain she would kill herself If I killed myself.

She was absolutely devastated after she found out my diagnosis, She quit her job before I quit mine. She just was unable to function...Crying 12hrs a day, Not eating, abusing xanax, ect.

It really affected her finding out I'm dying, More then anyone else in my family....Even me.

I think my mother will likely move in with me to care for me when I'm finally unable to do basic tasks.

I have prescriptions for opioids and opiates but I don't take them. I prefer alcohol and I can't mix the two so I would prefer JUST alcohol

I don't give a fuck what you think, I don't have to prove shit to you. Go fuck yourself

>> No.9881384

But aren't opiates nice as fuck? Have you tried them?

>> No.9881392

Cancer really is a family destroyer holy shit. I hope your mother can make it through the other side when things go tits up more so than they already are.

>> No.9881393

Also, have you thought about trying all sorts of drugs? Heroin especially. I mean, you're gonna die anyway, might as well give em a try.

>> No.9881395

Yep... pity party. You should feel bad. Other people are sick for real.

>> No.9881424

>family destroyer
it really is
my brother actually left his wife when she got breast cancer, he tried to stay but it was too hard and I can't even blame him
lympho-anon is at least lucky enough to have his mom care for him whem he gets weaker

>> No.9881444

your brother sounds like a tit man.

>> No.9881449

Did she survive? That's kinda shitty bro

>> No.9881463

Ugh. Where do you live?

>> No.9881477

He ironically always said he loved her for who she was, eve when it was just two of us talking, I guess it was 'sour grapes' thing since she wasn't attractive at all
after he left her she never contacted him, but from what I heard she survived, the boob got cut off and she had chemo or something after the surgery though

>> No.9881504

Haven't had the sweats in a month so I'm fine for holidays.
>But wait
There is still time. I'm drinking in a parking lot. If they love you it will be fine anons. And if they dont love you fuck them.
Merry Christmas

>> No.9881533


Your brother is a piece of shit, my gf since I been with her has had a double mastectomy and reconstruction from breast cancer and I don't give a fuck because she's still the same person that I love. It's life-fucking enough to go through that let alone your husband leaving you at the same time because he's a fucking pussy. Fuck I am mad

>> No.9881545

spending xmas with my dad so he's in one room drinking while i'm in another doing the same

>> No.9881548

this is my life every single day, we can go more than a week without seeing/speaking to each other kek

>> No.9881554
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Smoke a tiny bit of weed in the middle of it

Makes you eat more, drink less and go the sleep earlier

>> No.9881557

I wonder how many single guys there are who are alone for Christmas, and who are at this moment, hanging from a ceiling beam. I feel so bad it’s like I’m about to panic.

>> No.9881560

A lot. Just push through as best you can, the holidays are always the worst.

>> No.9881561

Who cares you are mad? You sound like a huge poetry writing pussy.

>> No.9881565

How many indians are on this world with shitstains on there left hand?

>> No.9881566

Meh, I wouldn't find my gf attrative anymore with fake tits. Tough luck.

>> No.9881586

Jelly anon. I get the sweats so bad. Alcohol has given me diabetes so red face/palms/soles of feet and sweat like crazy. Luckily my wife has befriended an elderly couple 3 houses up and they let us come for a swim whenever and aircon at work and 3 at home so I manage. Diabetes meds prolly helps too but I'm scared to take blood test bc my dr will know I'm still drinking heavily when I say I'm not.

>> No.9881590

Don't lie to your doc. He is not a cop. Take the guilt trip and let him assess your actual health. My mom used to do this, and I would narc her out for lying.

>> No.9881593

I went through really bad withdrawal a year ago when I was drinking morning till bed and tried to slow down. I put myself in a detox clinic to get through the worst of it and now I dont drink more then two days in a row at night. Also If I do drink two days in a row I dont drink for a week after because I am so terrified of my body needing alcohol to function. I never ever want to go through DTs ever again. Drink safe Anons.

>> No.9881596

>lying to your doctor

When the paramedics pick you up after you fell down the stairs, do you tell them your wife beat you up?

>> No.9881616

Rabbit hole goes deeper. My back is fucked truly. The drugs he prescribes get me through the day while the alcohol gets me a good 4 hours sleep at night. I couldn't function at work without the opioids to get me through.
Sitting with a cold pack on my back right now to delay the need for alcohol/meds, but I can only last so long before I need something to make life worth living.

>> No.9881623

Why not use opioids for the pain and sleep meds for sleep?

>> No.9881632

doctors are just going to tell you to stop drinking

and if that's not what you're going to do then they can't accept that

you're either forced to lie to your doctor or just not go at all

>> No.9881634

Understood, but you gonna die. Your liver is fucked on that mix. It might not hurt now, but it will.

>> No.9881638

Bullshit. Yes, some doctors will do that. But those doctors are shit. My doctor has long realized that I am not going to stop drinking. He's adapted.

>> No.9881660

I had a doc that was over-perscribing me hydrocodone for migraines. I checked myself into detox for booze once, and he cut me off as soon as the report hit his desk. Guy has a reason to worry about losing his dope.

>> No.9881671

Oh it hurts now. That dull pain right there. I should just an hero bc I don't deserve to live on this planet. I tried a few years ago but stupid Audi with clean emissions after 20 mins I just rolled out of car.
That's why ex-wife divorced me essentially but she was a self absorbed bitch who created my alcoholism to a degree keeping me in Japan for 10 years after the deal was forever only 1 year. God I wish I never met her. Also kinda wish I never met current wife bc she deserves so much better but I'm too selfish. I hope my crypto pays out well soon so I can leave her filthy rich soon after I'm gone.
She is not lacking anything now bc my work pays well but I won't lie; she deserves way better.

>> No.9881683

You got access to weed or benzos?

>> No.9881711

Easy access to weed but my mrs hates it worse than alcohol. Benz just ruins my ability to kick ass at work. (I actually don't do half bad at work, as far fetched as that sounds - need something to stop me drinking from 9am every day.)

>> No.9881721

benzos cut the shakes and makes DTs non-life threatining.

I think you know its time to find a new way. You can get smart or dead. I wish you well. I know it sucks.

>> No.9881800

im not that much of a madman. can barely do my job sober

>> No.9881808
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I’m fine. I’ve nothing to panic about. I finished my taper, and lots of people endure savage loneliness at Xmas, it’s all good. I will not relapse on the bottle I’ve got left after tapering. Nah. I’m fine.

>> No.9881812

guy... you already hit it didn't you?

>> No.9881815

Thanks anon. I'm hitting the grave well before 50 if I don't fix my shit.
I guess a major issue is that I don't see fun in life after 50.

>> No.9881823
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No, I-I f-feel strong. I worked hard to get here but I’m sober now, it’s great, it’s just what I wan... HELP

>> No.9881839

remember your DTs. Remember alcohol intollerence.

If you don't remember those things, you can drink.

>> No.9881844

Jesus you sound in a bad way anon. Wanna shar cliffs?

>> No.9881850

I’m actually within walking distance of the seven sisters cliffs right now. So many times I’ve drunkenly stood 1cm from the edge.

>> No.9881851

Anybody know of anything that helps with quitting? I dont think I'm in deep enough to hit full DTs but I'm having a hell of a fucking hard time just keeping away from the damn bottle. Ive tried tapering but i end up just day drinking and keeping a light buzz instead of doing shorter binge drinks.
Ive got a psych worker thats willing to throw basically whatever at me if it curbs my drinking

>> No.9881856

Why are you in different rooms?

>> No.9881860

Thousands of pounds worth of medgrade weed and a week’s worth of Valium, plus shitloads of cans of strong cider for tapering. That’s what got me sober. Drugs and alcohol.

>> No.9881861

weed. some other carrot to dangle. Addicts need a mood altering... something to chase.

>> No.9881870

Weeds illegal here so nice there. Valium is possible but i take dextro and she doesnt like prescribing heavy sedatives to ADHD patients.

Any prescribable suggestions?

>> No.9881884

if you are serious... camprol. If you let it build up in your system, alcohol will not work on you unless you really really overdo it and break through.

>> No.9881895

because communication is difficult

>> No.9881899

>seven sisters cliffs
I'm coming to save you anon

>> No.9881905

The thing is I never become interested in anything without drinking. Once I have a handful of drinks in my I instantly start to enjoy doing things again.

>> No.9881929

I’ll be at the bottom dressed in red

>> No.9881931

feel good
drinking gin

will be depressed later for sure
keep drnking i say

>> No.9881932
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>its an eggnog episode

>> No.9881950
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Christmas coming up, no big deal. Just avoid dealing with shit like usual, except at every given opportunity, the people around me make the effort to make me feel shittier about my fucking bleak existence. One of their favorites is bringing the presents. Why. For fuck's sake what kind of fuck badgers someone and condescends to them about not having shit while bragging about what they have. So I got a nice big bottle of good shit I shouldn't be spending money on, cuz fuck it. I'll treat myself. Only way I can keep my shit together at this point, or I might just strangle the next fuck that condescends to my face.

>> No.9881970

As formerly working a job in animal medicine I can say you were completely in the right. The person in the wrong was the woman who couldn't control her own animal. You don't know what her animal might have done. You handled it very well.

>> No.9882015

If you can't taper with booze (it's very hard), taper with benzo. It's the medical way, usually under medical supervision in case of DT but good as outpatient rehab if there is low risks.
It's as addictive as booze and has the same withdrawals, without a magical drug to taper it, so it's a fucking pain to quit. Quitting both booze and benzo is absurdly hard. So don't get addicted to benzo, and really don't get addicted to benzo while drinking.
Also vitamin B and the like, prevents brain damage.

>> No.9882016
File: 219 KB, 1024x1365, 27DA0C06-1666-4A1A-B634-29A2CD57F3BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas Day in 22 minutes. Fuck, why can’t I just have a nice gf for a change. I’d kil for an gril to cuddle up with in front of the electric fan heater with an a4 printout of a cosy, open fire on it. Someone to buy a thoughtful present for, put a Santa hat on, pull crackers with and ultimately spawn babbies with, for even more opportunities to refuse to be old, and instead relive the childhood Christmas feel by prepping Xmas for an mini-me.
>looks out of window, glancing at strings of coloured lights on peoples windows, silhouette of a Christmas tree in someone’s lounge, shops all have lights off, everyone is at home doing Christmas sex up their wives, looking forward to a feast and presents in the morning
>looks around room - piss bottles, puke stains, empties and rot
>pulls another cracker with himself

>> No.9882029

>Fuck, why can’t I just have a nice gf
>looks around room - piss bottles, puke stains, empties and rot

I think these may be correlated anon

>> No.9882052

Just occurred to me that Americans won’t know what crackers are. They’re a toilet roll containing an unfunny joke and a plastic dinosaur. A Brit tradition at Christmas time.
If they don’t like me just because of the rotting piss and the mould, they’re inevitably going to leave the first time they wake up being blasted by vomit and diarrhoea. Pointless.

>> No.9882057

Well i hope you find that gf buddy but personally I'd try work on the mouldy piss

Merry Christmas nonetheless

>> No.9882063

do you try to engage with females? I'm a balding alcy with low confidence and bad social skills but I managed to get a really lovely gf just by not giving up on it. You can do it anon.

>> No.9882080

Oh I drunkenly hit on everyone, getting laid isn’t the problem, getting a gf is.
I’ll think about it. Cheers, hope Santa has something big for you. Not in a rapey way.

>> No.9882084

Why? Do you prefer the ONS scenario as opposed to settling down? You probably won't find a gf in a nightclub desu

>> No.9882107

I’m just attracted to crazy girls. Typically damaged, good looking, spoiled little shits who are totally unreasonable yet still get their way. The sex is legendary. Dating them in any serious way though would be suicide.

>> No.9882482

I bought a bottle of supposedly sealed gin and it leaks a little bit when I set it down on its side; the inside of the grocery bag I carried it in smells like gin.

Did the liquor store steep some bottom of the barrel vodka in juniper berries and sell it to me as gin?

>> No.9882798
File: 536 KB, 616x546, Home of Gnome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this gnome is stalking me, he is outside my house.
I am freaking out what do i do.

>> No.9882817

Did you start doing drugs again?
Are your pets safe?

>> No.9882830

he killed his squirrel (which was a prisoner)

>> No.9882836
File: 23 KB, 327x361, rb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Reviewbrah getting revenge.

>> No.9882847


>> No.9882862

What's wrong, anon?

>> No.9882874

Been stuck at my mom's house with no car for the holiday weekend. My mom already knows I'm an alcoholic and I wouldn't put it past her to check my bags. Ended up sneaking out with my sister in law this afternoon and we shared a pint of whiskey and smoked some weed. My brother was pissed, but whatever. We needed to get out. At dinner had like 3-4 Miller lites and two glasses of wine. This is very light drinking for me.

>> No.9882899

Is there a thread for people that don't have control issues with their alcohol?

>> No.9882900

Anyone else do terribly this time of year? I get the worst nightmares around Christmas time.

>> No.9882911

I dread christmas. It drags me down and I'm forced to celebrate it. I don't even know why it drags me down but it does

>> No.9882917

I'm not an alcoholic but I know if I start getting drunk frequently I'll probably turn into one.

What do

>> No.9882918
File: 30 KB, 368x368, 1415253338626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got even more bad news. Caved and bought booze after being sober for 9 days.

>> No.9882937
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, morimori beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever do the anime thing where you chug a beer and let out a giant sigh of satisfaction?

>> No.9883021

Do you think it's better when you're dead?

>> No.9883028

These threads double as general booze discussions.

>> No.9883058

There's beer, wine, and whiskey threads regularly. This is for those with alcohol addiction and deteriorating health. And for those who feel better they're not in the same boat.

>> No.9883111

keep going and end up in this thread

>> No.9883121
File: 195 KB, 946x1258, woodstockvanzilla_2__48811.1395294583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>night before Super Bowl 50
>supposed to hang out with a friend, chit chat, have drinks
>friend bails on me for girlfriend reasons
>get pissed off, drink the whole bottle of shitty whiskey by myself (pic related)
>in about 20 minutes
>rapidly get increasingly drunk while TeamSpeak-ing with other friends
>stumble to bathroom, sit on toilet, projectile vomit into tub, black out for a while
>come to hours later, stumble back out to computer, rejoin the chat
>"dude, we thought you died"
>massive headache rest of that night and the next day until I got properly stuffed with football munchies at a Super Bowl party

And that was the last time I had more than a token amount of alcohol

>> No.9883350


How to not be an alcoholic for dummies.

>avoid drinking during the week, or days that you work.
>Only drink when it is dark outside.
>Only drink after 5pm.
>Never, fucking ever drink before noon.
>drink beer.
>if you drink liquor, never ever drink it straight. Mix it with diet soda. Drinking it straight will lead to black outs, and bottles disappearing.

That is it. Now go drink what you want. I have never blacked out in my life, I have only had a couple of hang overs. I drink about 4-6 drinks a night on the weekend.

I'm a total normal who is better shape then all the fat fucks who claim they are healthy who don't drink. I'm married, have a normal life, normal job, got to church every Sunday.

>> No.9883387

You are not an alcoholic. You are a know it all asshole.

Alcoholics cannot stop drinking. That is what it means.

>> No.9883396

I know I'm not. Read my post dumb fuck. Follow those rules.

>> No.9883404

this is a thread FOR alcoholics... you are a discount nigger.

>> No.9883420
File: 150 KB, 640x361, feels about right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alcoholics cannot stop drinking.
They can, though. That shit is like an on/off switch. It's just very easy to flick it on instead of trying to keep my shit together sober. That doesn't mean there is some magical force preventing you from not being a piece of shit.
>I say drunkenly like a piece of shit who is probably about to drink more like a bigger piece of shit.

>> No.9883433

Been dry for years. Still an alcoholic. Can't touch it or its on again.

Do you not know what words mean?

>> No.9883443

I"m trying to help retards like you. Whatever, make sure you pay your rent to people like me. We will evict you.

>> No.9883450


Drinking out here tonight alone Bros

Again n alone this year

Think that acid tab is done and over with but Christ these feelings won’t go away

Should I ask out a roomste of mine? She already has a boyfriend but fuck it

She is super cool and really fun to hangout with watching movies late night

But I think I love her

Been having these feelings for months since i met her

What you guys think? Go ask her out when she gets back ffrom her family?

Also drinking the rest of my don Julio tequila

Both of them
Gold and silver

Hmmm they’re good

>> No.9883468

Also doesn’t help I stood out here for 4 hours outside my patio smoking and running out of cigarettes before she even noticed me

Also last good bye was me asking bumming her for a smoke before she left and left like “merry Christmas” in a raspy smokers throat

>> No.9883488

>Do you not know what words mean?
It means you have no self accountability because no one is making you but yourself. Damn. I'm a piece of shit, but at least I have the self respect to understand the choice I'm making.

>> No.9883497

I'm not drunk but I want to fufck a loli fuuuuuck loli

>> No.9883501
File: 3.00 MB, 300x245, 1408147034357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

al/ck/ is obvious containment thread. where are the al/ck/ posts outside of these generals?

>> No.9883517

Fuck I'm drunk now I want to fuck loli what do I dooooo

>> No.9883520

visited my mum at rehab for xmas.. holy hell there were so many qt's there, suddenly rehab doesnt seem so bad

>> No.9883565

merry Christmas lads

>> No.9883595
File: 23 KB, 387x290, Ambitious Gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnomeman here
so i fucked up maybe
so first
> try and get clean off malt liqour and 6$ a 750ml vodka
> get 24 case of sumthin weak to tide me over
>halfway through chuggin the budlight my ex messages me or maybe i messaged her idk
>commence 3 hour sexting session.
> I FORGOT I WAS LOGGED IN to FACEBOOK (my cellphone has no service so i messaged her and sexted through facebook) on my wife's phone.

When she wakes up she may see it but it is a 30-40% chance that i am still logged in on her phone but this risk is hurting me.

If my wife sees this than i better pass a muthafucking speech check or i am boned.
also gnomes put a symbol on my backdoor. fuck those guys.
Litterin all over my back porch
not on drugs , just drunk
I DID NOT KILL THE SQUIRREL I let him loose in a statepark with other squirrels once he was big enough to fend for himself

>> No.9883599
File: 10 KB, 276x206, UndercoverGnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shotgunning four 12oz beers back to back will NEVER replicate the feeling of liquor.
I know the beer is better for me but the liquor is much more euphoric and fun. Yet I cannot control myself If I buy a bottle and will just down the fucking thing in a few hours.
Light beer is gay
I am sick of light beer.
but i can stay buzzed and not have a terrible panicky shakey feeling like from liqour

>> No.9883604
File: 341 KB, 1600x1000, BabyGnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jerk off and go to bed you fucking perv.
Or sext your ex.
Loli is pedo and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise so save your breath.

>> No.9883606
File: 142 KB, 960x731, Feral Gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas man, Cheers!

>> No.9883697

what's with the watermelon? are you guys black?

>> No.9883889

There are frequent booze threads in which people pretend to enjoy whiskey, al/ck/ is specifically for discussion of alcoholism

>> No.9883896

Can you post pic of backdoor symbol?
And you can delete messages in FB chat (at least on computer I have this option, on the "..." next to each chat bubble)

Beer isn't the problem, taper is. Of course it sucks, but it's necessary sometime.

I suspected the gnomes to be black or Mexican kids at one point, but it doesn't fit the description.

>> No.9883905
File: 67 KB, 300x250, 9B4B9F6D-3C3C-4FC1-AE86-F1FB49009816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Santa has forsaken me, no identical twin sister teen girls in my stocking
That’s it, final straw. I’m turning rogue.

>> No.9883945
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>> No.9883948
File: 416 KB, 1280x1853, A132F6DD-7809-49CF-9D07-E82615802E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9883952
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>> No.9883955
File: 232 KB, 1000x1186, 22BF8B3E-2A42-413D-91B7-1D0E559FE733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9883956
File: 854 KB, 640x800, FA666A20-2940-40B8-992D-E6B8C85ED677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9884188

I've been dating a girl for three months and we finally got into the whole "past sexual partners" conversation.

9 dudes. This girl has fucked 9 dudes, me included, at the age of 27. Am I some sort of Puritan for thinking this is a lot? And she said she only "loved" 2 of them. How low are your standards for fucking when you have sex with people and don't love them? I've had sex with 4 people and i loved all of them. I think one night stands are gross. Why am i so weird about this?

>> No.9884206

>How low are your standards for fucking when you have sex with people and don't love them?
She has sex and makes love, two different thing. It's a 20th century thing, started in the 60's with the invention of birth control.
I'd say you've been brainwashed by /pol/ or incel or something, but maybe you come from a community that hasn't colour TV yet.

>> No.9884233
File: 87 KB, 736x556, 5CE65257-2D38-4E2E-99DD-78A09131E490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex had squelched 16 guys, and who knows how many grils, by the time she was 12.
24 by the time we got together. 25 the day before we split.
Ive fucked enough girls in relationships to believe that many if any are faithful. Whatever, I’m not either.

>> No.9884291


Cookin christmas breakfast for the family and leaving an offering outside for the gnomes.
Gettin turnt off some light beer but it is acceptable because it is CHRISTMAS

Chikin dumplins and greenbeans

>> No.9884295
File: 461 KB, 1920x1200, 8uGig2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry christmas al/ck/! tapped a bit into the left over champainge from last night. not going to go too crazy some snow dropped and i still gotta drive to my moms and dads later and im sure the wife wont want to....bleh i hate christmas. but i wish you all a happy day.

>> No.9884306

Me brainwashed? You're brainwashed if you consider the idea of casual sex to be something that wasn't socially conditioned, you said so yourself. Women that have lots of partners are less likely to stay committed. They use sex like a drug and are always searching for the next high.

How can you say she was faithful when she cheated on you?

>> No.9884328

Oops, I meant unfaithful, lol
Happy Christmas dude! I just went to take my food out and it’s raw, my oven is broken, shit you not.

>> No.9884334

Jolly Jesus day bruh
That still doesn’t make sense. I meant to say “not many if any are faithful”. Nm

>> No.9884335

Casual sex was the norm before middle ages too (or maybe some other point in History, I don't know), it's the whole idea of faithfulness that's socially conditioned.
At this point, there isn't much that isn't some sort of social norm in our society anyway. Unless you want to live like an animal in a cavern of some sort while refusing to speak an articulated language.

>> No.9884342

>tfw didn't even get socks for xmas
>got toothpaste

time to drink

>> No.9884350


>> No.9884355

who the fuck has double digit sexual partners by the time they are 12

>> No.9884359

Victims of sexual abuse and incest? Sick hentai characters?

>> No.9884410

Sluts. Watch the movie nymphomaniac, it so precisely describes her that when I gave her a copy, she never spoke of it again and changed the subject if it was hinted at.

>> No.9884569

probably my worst Christmas in terms of alcohol use. i'm going through withdrawals and all i want is a few shots of whiskey. there is no booze and i can't leave because my parents know it will be for alcohol and they'll kick me out if they catch me drunk again

>> No.9884897
File: 21 KB, 655x509, C31C80DE-1AB3-45C2-842E-05D542EF1772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to 404
>too depressed to make new
>only person here anyway
>al/ck/ only social interaction I get
>sprinkles more cinnamon on frosty jacks 89p trampcider

>> No.9884900

Yeah that’s no way to spend Christmas. Couldn’t you have bought in advance and smuggled in?

>> No.9884909

Anon, here >>9884362

>> No.9884931

Thanks dude

>> No.9885023

>knocked over my piss jug
>wiped it up with dirty clothes
>sprayed a fuck load of deodorant/aftershave

the perfect crime