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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9850456 No.9850456 [Reply] [Original]

emptying your brain into a green bottle edition

>> No.9850479

Enjoy your piss water.

>> No.9850488

Im so far down the road of alcoholism that three days of 18 or less beers gave me some withdrawals recently. im only just now out of the woods from that.

I cant imagine what it would have been like if i were a liquor guy.

>> No.9850504
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If your whole brain fits in one single beer bottle it had too little volume to begin with, just keep drinking.
In unrelated news, did any anons try this? I had it the other day at room temp and shit was cash. Highly recommend.

>> No.9850547

Hurt my back really bad.

When I was really shitfaced yesterday I lifted my ATV up by myself to get it sideways on my trailer so my dad's would fit as well and this morning I woke up and It hurts to breathe in and my back hurts so bad I can barely sit up put if bed.

Solid 8/10 pain. Worst then when I fell off the roof last year.

Im laying in bed drinking vodka for pain and laying on a heated blanket. Nearest hospital is 200+miles away and I don't have health insurance

Wew lads that hurts

>> No.9850559

Sounds like you need an anti-inflammatory like aspirin or ibuprofen as well. Tearing muscle and other tissue is what you did and those meds are good for it.

>> No.9850573

I wish I had the energy and sobriety to drive to the store and do that, But I don't drive cars drunk and honestly not even sure now putting on clothes (especially a shirt) wouldn't bring me to tears with pain.

Looks like I'm going to have to tough it out for a few days, Thank God I bought plenty of liquor Thursday.

>> No.9850601

you could always try to get a doctor to get a house call, cause this shit can last WEEKS depending on how bad the inflammation is.

>> No.9850627

Really? Fuck!!

I don't make much money and live in a flyover 200miles from the nearest place considered a "town" that has a hospital. I could never afford a house call doctor....

Guess I better get used to this for awhile

>> No.9850629

Damn, dude. You really should see a doctor. Messing around with your back shouldn't be taken lightly, otherwise you can easily get chronic back pains. Is there any way to get to a doctor (well you should probably also get a CT/MRI) that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg (or in this case your fucking back)?
Anyway, Skol!

>> No.9850630

If I had gone back in time and told young me how much back pain actually hurts I never would have believed it. I have to lift stuff for work and I've tweaked my back a few times and the pain afterwards is indescribably painful, makes you wish you were dead

>> No.9850642

Don't forget to take your B vitamins kneegrows. Benfotiamine, B100 complex, and Methyl B12.

>> No.9850655

So, is this the absinthe thread then? Because I'm more of a bourbon whiskey guy...

>> No.9850656

Yeah I just recovered from weeks of back pain combined with carpal tunnels otherwise known as wank cramp. If you really can't see a doctor and shit and it doesn't improve you should at least try and eat some supplements as >>9850642
mentioned, also magnesium.

>> No.9850664

stop going around my filters you dumbfucks.
put your shitty general title in the body of your post or take this garbage to /trash/ where it belongs, you fucking autists. you have 3 of these dumpster fires up already.

>> No.9850674

Actually, you'll only need the doc to write you a prescription, so if you have some junkie friends that might be a cheaper alternative
Last one reached the bump limit after we told you to fuck off ;^)

>> No.9850679

I can't afford that. I'm just going to have to tough it out

No shit.

I've never had this bad of pain before in my life. I literally fell 2 stories off my roof onto a concrete pad last year and it didn't even come close to hurting this bad.

>> No.9850687


>> No.9850716


>> No.9850740

>I can't afford that. I'm just going to have to tough it out
Really sorry for you. You probably have a disc herniation and could get one simple shot in your back, which would make the pain go away. Think about it, try to get onto your parents insurance plan or whatever.

>> No.9850770
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taper day turned into drunk night
why do i do this

>> No.9850816

who back2back tapers here

>> No.9850819

Could be a pinched nerve or something. Be careful, bro.

>> No.9850824

My parents pay enough for their own medical insurance, Thanks to Obummer.

You know I would have to get a whole second job just to pay for medical insurance?

Also I can't get on my parents insurance, They stop allowing that at 25. I'm 31

>> No.9850828

God bless the United States of America

>> No.9850835
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>> No.9850845

because you dont want it back enough. once you taste the terror of serious withdrawals... then youll take it more seriously.

>> No.9850852

feels bad bro, gonna buy some beer soon. I woke up at 5pm having slept for 12 hours and surprisingly I'm not withdrawing (yet)

>> No.9850873

ive been to detox im scared as shit of withdrawals, that's why i dont stop

>> No.9850881

yup me too>>9850835

>> No.9850884
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Im not the smartest man, but after about 15 years of 10 beers and vodka night after night I started getting really bad pains. Bending a certain way would feel like needles on my left side. Somehow Ive managed to only drink 1 or 2 days a week. Weed kinda helps.

>> No.9850892

I would give half of whatever life I have left to have an alck gf to have a relationship with. I could even do without sex as long as she loved me

>> No.9850894

Had 2 drinks last night, woke up with cloudy yellow piss.
Im still waiting for tge results of my bloodwork from my pissing doctor.

>> No.9850942

Again, title goes in title. Learn to filter.
Also we're drunk and this is 4chan, so deal with it. You could also just click [-] every other day, it's not that hard.

>> No.9850963

I get some wicked wds from like 45 beers a day
I only buy 6 packs now

>> No.9850965

that's impossible...45 a day is impossible
i am a hardcore alkie saying this

>> No.9850969

time for kimchi and a detox

>> No.9850973

I know an alcy that can down that many maybe once a week, but i agree - per day that has to be impossible

>> No.9850974

Try some meth to cure pain

>> No.9850986

mfw that "on my way to my dorm room with a perfect pizza" thread from 12/8 is still on the board and al/ck/ is needing new threads every 18 hours

>> No.9850993

I used to drink 30 in an 8 hour period every day for years. 45 in 24 hours isn't unheard of

>> No.9850994

I was having seizures and shit for four days after that. I counted empty cans and divided by the number of days since starting....about 45 6% beers per day, yeah
It was just after getting fired from the third great job in a row

>> No.9850998

dog damn, sounds rough

>> No.9851000

well fuck, good job boys...any good seizure stories?

>> No.9851039

>nearest hospital is 200+ miles away
Jesus Christ. I'd fucking be too wary to do a single thing.

>> No.9851056

>they stop allowing that at 25
Dude it hurts so much. My parents always wanted me on their plan in case anything should happen, and right when the actual shit went down I was a few years out of the window. I'm 28 and had to get a hip replacement.

>> No.9851074

I hear that hip replacements aren’t always totally cosy. I thought mainly 90yo’s needed them

>> No.9851109

sorry to hear that. i know how bad that place is to be. but you can always try the beer taper.

>> No.9851114

I had mine done by a great dude who really knew his shit. I was up and physically walking the day after the surgery. I just had to rehab it a bit, take some hydros and follow the physical precautions.
I feel totally normal today, it's like a miracle. I think about it every day of how thankful I am to have my new hip, the pain when the joint collapsed was easily the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life, beyond anything.
The thing is what I hear is that knee replacements are much more painful and take forever to renormalize, a huge window of recovery in comparison to a hip replacement.

>> No.9851131

I once had a seizure after donating blood. Wasn't fun.

>> No.9851137

shit in the blood donation area? did they haul you away to ER? or later on

>> No.9851143
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nice name by the way

>> No.9851173

It was right after the 0,5 L had gone into the bag, I felt wuzzy, called the nurese, but it was to late. I felt like my head was stuck in a piston-driven propeller airplane. I woke up with massive throbbing in my head and they were pushing 2 L of fluid into me (and by pushing I mean they were squeezing the IV bag through the same port that I had donated blood with as fast as they could) after 4 L of fluid they told me to rest a bit and then released me. No ER, no nothing. The doc told me it was a very rare side effect of blood loss. I went home feeling pretty much fine, bought 3 bottles of wine and probably thanks to the fluid had 0 hangover the next morning.

I forgot to turn it off, was triggering someone on /his/

>> No.9851179

He'll probably end up on opiates some day. OD in the front seat of his car outside of a McDonald's.

>> No.9851185

Wait, so if I get too drunk, I can simply slit my throat, perform a blood transfusion, and avoid a hangover?

>> No.9851192

Yeah, but that guy that got that pizza probably posts here too..

>> No.9851206

That really isn't how it went off. I was sober when I donated, and it was in a medical facility without any throat-slitting, but I think if you pump yourself full of IV-fluids (not just NaCl, but with other salts and shit) you will get less of a hangover.

>> No.9851336

Alternatively, you can drink water while you drink alcohol to avoid dehydration, the main cause of hangover.

>> No.9851347

I can't determine the proper way to taper.
Reducing by 2 drinks/day makes sense if you drink a lot, but what about when you get to the point of 2-4 drinks/day

Should you go 4->2-> or 4->2->1->0.5 or 4->2->1->1->1->1

If you take a substance you've had every day in some amount for years away it could be bad.

>> No.9851354
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One thing I never understood is how people consume alcohol with meals makes me sick just thinking about it. I like to drink on a settled stomach hours later

>> No.9851376

I went from 18 a day for a month to none

Don't be a pussy

>> No.9851529

Same here! Especially wine or beer. Just gross!

>> No.9851536

Below four or five beers a day just space it out as long as you can, basically. Maybe two beers all day the last day.

>> No.9851590
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I prefer to drink on an empty stomach, get that buzz going and then start cooking some delicious drunken combination of ingredients

>> No.9851624

Drank 70cl of 40% and an unknown amount of vodka.
Threw up, but didn't have a hang over or anything.

Am I an alcoholic yet

>> No.9851657

Probably. Not a bad one yet until you get withdrawals.

>> No.9851679


>> No.9851684

Nobody said this was a pissing contest you annoying bitchass.

>> No.9851860


>> No.9851951

I need serious advice.
>been al/ck for almost seven years
>in the last two it’s escalated to averaging 1.75l of vodka per day
I posted last thread but I don’t feel like I’m having much luck. I get the shakes so bad after about 8 hours without that I can’t use my phone, and I sweat something crazy w/ the hot cold hot colds.
I want to taper, but drinking every time I feel shitty is what got me in this situation.
What’s the next logical step down/ how long will I need to taper before being rid of these symptoms?

>> No.9851961

Please don’t say benzos, I can’t go to a doctor because I don’t want to be blacklisted as an addict for my entire life.
I’m also noticing phantom organ pains.
I believe that I can do this, but I’m just wondering if anyone has had any true luck coming down from this level.

>> No.9851965

Get to the er dumb dumb

>> No.9851968

I haven't been here in a few months. Is smirnoff bro still alive? I started taking kratom and, despite managing a liquor store, don't have an appetite for any more than one or two beers most nights.

I kinda miss the masochistic comradery here, but I prefer missing waking up sweating and shaking every night more than I miss you faggots. (Yes, eating several tablespoons of powdered asian plants makes me more of a faggot, but I'm finally free of crushing withdrawal symptoms and the lingering shame that came with my drinking behavior.)

>> No.9851975

Should I spend $30 on a bottle of rum I really like or should I spend $60 on a video game that I will probably like?

>> No.9851977

Google HAMS beer taper. Drink a regular beer every hour on day one. They list the entire process. 1.75 L is basically a medicL emergency. Tapering should work, and theres always the hospital. Ive done both. Now is not the time to quit drinking. Taper for a few days then reassess. The point is to avoid shakes and sweats.

>> No.9851978

How long did it take you to get through a handle? And youre doing a handle a day?

>> No.9851982

You're in pretty bad shape. You could be looking at seizures and DTs. Start taking vitamin B complex and some milk thistle. Stay away from fatty foods. And your probably going to have to go to the hospital. You risk brain damage without proper treatment. Good luck.

>> No.9851992

Get both, you can drink away your disappointment when you hate the game, but you can always return the game, ypu cant return the regret of buying it. Besides, with that 60 bucks you can get 2 more bottles, ammirite?

>> No.9851997

No, I have patience and I do not want anything like this on my medical record.
Personally I can’t stand beer, but I will definitely look into that. Thank you, anon.
It takes me one day to get through a handle, so yes.

>> No.9851998

Just buy some high strength cider/beer (I use 8%) try to reduce your intake as much as you can, and only drink if withdrawal becomes unbearable. If you’re not a little uncomfortable it’s not working, at least not quickly. A week or two of that gets me past the acute stuff.

>> No.9851999

Forget tapering, that doesn't work. Completely isolate yourself from access to alcohol, with doctors. Check into rehab. If you're dropping 1.75 of vodka every day and getting the shakes, you need to stop and get away. Or don't, it's your choice.

>> No.9852011

I’ll go out and get some of those. Really trying to avoid the hospital, but I’ll bear that in mind.
I can do cider but I hate the sugar content. That’s a good alternative to beer.
This seems like the opposite of advice considering I don’t want to have a seizure.

>> No.9852014

You can bypass the whole blacklist procedure if you're smart, go in there and claim acute social anxiety or some sort of anxiety disorder. Don't admit to drinking AT ALL. Not even one beer a week, lie, lie, lie. There's a substantial difference between being prescribed Xanax for anxiety or a traumatic situation and needing it to get through withdrawals and yes the latter will fuck up your insurance rates and put you on a "blacklist". Honestly though, unless you really need them to get sober I wouldn't mess with benzos, they're just as bad as alcohol in a lot of ways and in some ways even worse

>> No.9852022

Thanks for all the advice, anons. I’ll post an update later in the week if anyone cares.

>> No.9852031

drinking yuengling while watching old Christmas Simpsons episodes, also a small dose of valium. Comfy

>> No.9852032

>with doctors
Have you ever tried tapering down on cigarettes? Doesn't work. You need to be far away from it, with doctors to take care of you and get you back on your feet. You're not going to taper off, you need to get away from access to alcohol and learn how to live again.

>> No.9852035

Post results of your cmp, let us know if your liver is okay

>> No.9852041

I wish i could be this level of alcohol again. I miss those days.

>> No.9852052

Do any of you get drunk at your place of employment?

>> No.9852062

alcohol with valium is honestly just a god tier combo. great for zoning out in front of the television. nice to feel relaxed and have a moment without my mind and heart racing with anxiety.

>> No.9852069


Yeah od'ing is awesome


>> No.9852081

You can get benzo at your regular drug dealer or on the darknet, without being blacklisted as an addict for the rest of your life. Hopefully.
Also, see if there are anonymous and cheap/free places that can help you. And if your doc has to report you to whatever Agency. You're not the only one in this situation, there may be solutions.
Reddit sidebars can have helpful links.

Tapering to quit 1.75L of vodka daily is going to be very hard since you'll still need to drink quite a lot, enough to make you unable to control your taper.
I find it easier with pills, since I hate them enough to not just chew them like sweets and get addicted to them.

He's alive.
Good on you Anon. Take care not to get addicted to kratom. It's less addictive than booze of course, but still addictive. (Main problem would be falling back into boozing when the effects lower or when you quit.)

Online piracy and two bottles of rum.

>Personally I can’t stand beer
Good. It may help.

>Risk of death ~2% (treatment), 25% (no treatment)
Go drown a cat or kick a dog or something, your trolling is ineffective here.

It's also absurdly hard to quit once addicted, and very addictive.

>> No.9852093

>can't stand beer

surely it's preferable to death or brain damage?

>> No.9852116

Yeah, and an ethyl alcohol solution of 0.2g afghan tan w/2mg alprazolam IV'd together plus a side of bourbon and a few bong rips felt pretty damn nice most nights, but the nights I struggled to breath were not very fun. Just because something felt amazing doesn't mean it merits repeating, much less suggesting.

>> No.9852119

i was drinking almost all day everyday at work for the last 4-5 months before I decided to leave

wake up drink vodka until I can bear the thought of facing the world, take water bottle of vodka with me and down half before anyone else got to work then the other half during lunch

>> No.9852145
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I like some drops of this on my food every now and then but I had a Bibimbap (?) at a korean place called angry chicken (which makes great chicken btw) and it fucked me up real good.
Second place would be entrecote marinated in chili oil which fucked me up and gave me instant diarrhea while we were eating at a friend's place in france

>> No.9852158

>tfw so wasted you post in the wrong thread
I'm so sorry guys ;_;

>> No.9852171

Glad to know that fucker is still kickin'. And yeah, I'm quite aware of the addictive nature of kratom (the relevant alkaloid groups have the very similar behavior as opiods). I ended up being an al/ck/ for a few years after I kicked fent/hydromorphone, which had gotten me out of heroin, which had gotten me out of meth (nodding out is a lot more fun than being gakked for days).

For the time being I don't mind being dependent on few 4-6g doses of kratom per day, I'm very aware that I'm dependent and temporarily cut my dosing once a month as a half-assed attempt to see what life might be like 100% sober. Regardless, it's giving me a life I actually kinda want to live, which is a shitload more than I can say about 750ml-1L per day drinking.

>> No.9852177

Hey, capsaicin faggot myself. At least you posted Marie Sharp's and not the Belizean jew (Melinda's).

>> No.9852180

Can you get into more deets about the benefits of kratom?

>> No.9852193

how possible is that with a low dose? 0.25 mg

>> No.9852210

I got that shit on discount when my local grocery store was cleaning out and I was having serious withdrawals until I found out I could get a 300ml bottle at amazon for 7 bucks

>> No.9852213

I'm wrapping up paperwork and closing up shop at work right now. Wanna get out of here before my Vietnamese carryout place closes. But yes, I would love to pass along my anecdotal evidence (i.e. personal experience) regarding kratom. I'm still fairly new to it myself (only a few months), but it's weird as hell to be at home with a fridge full of rare beer, a cabinet full of nice whiskies, some wodka, and rum, but not even find them appealing while playing vidya or watching shows. Not saying I went dry or anything, but it's been kinda surreal to be lounging 20ft from a collection of top-shelf sauce & brews, but get up for a LaCroix instead.

>> No.9852223


Get an oat filled bag you can heat in the microwave and get a 'massive' one. They're far better than a heating pad. We made our own, but you need one that weighs a few pounds. The dry heat lasts for about 2 hours. saved my life.

>> No.9852225

Valium isn't produced in 0.25mg (at least here in the states). You must be thinking of Xanax/alprazolam, or you're cutting Valium into tiny fractional bits.

>> No.9852242


I knew that was you on the video, killing Yuenglings.

>> No.9852243

you're correct, it is alprazolam. i mixed up valium with xanax. can taking small doses of xanax like that and having some alcohol be fatal?

>> No.9852294

>can taking small doses of xanax like that and having some alcohol be fatal?
It's an anecdote but I know someone who takes xanax regularly and also drinks regularly and he's never wound up in the hospital because of it as far as I know.

>> No.9852308

Have you tried pot? That's what I use to stay off the booze but it's becoming a problem. I've been thinking about kratom, but I'm not sure if it's better or worse.

Small doses won't kill you, but this mix can make you drown in your puke in your sleep with no warning. Also give horrible black outs (If someone can post the greentext of the guy who went to a job interview.)
Also it's very addictive and far worse than booze alone to quit. Booze being reportedly harder than crack, meth or heroin to quit.

>> No.9852325

>meant to get beer
>got rye instead
looks like im not making christmas

>> No.9852329

i work in tech there's beer and wine in the cafeteria and company sponsored happy hours at 3 PM once a week so yes of course

>> No.9852331
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>Also give horrible black outs (If someone can post the greentext of the guy who went to a job interview.)

Oh I think this is it.

>> No.9852357

thanks, lads. it is not something i do regularly, only on occasion i take the small dose (.50 mg at most) with either a few glasses of wine or beer. but i never have gone extreme with it. you've made me be more aware of what of i am doing.

>> No.9852363

Combining two strong CNS depressants will always run the risk fatality due to respiratory depression--regardless of tolerance. Few years back I lost a buddy who was scripted clonazepam when he figured it would be fine to take his normal evening dose, have a few beers, and then partake in a fraction of a 100mcg fent patch.

>> No.9852368

>100mcg fent patch.
Did he cut open that patch for a quick hit?

>> No.9852383


>> No.9852398

Most of us were squeezing the gel onto tinfoil and letting it evaporate leaving a dry film that was ezpz massive rips for freebasing. Since we found the foil, a pen barrel, and lighter on the coffee table next to the couch the next morning, while he was cold to the touch and face down in a puddle of vomit, I'm pretty certain he hit some freebase. But normally he'd cut his clonazepam dose by at least half and avoid drinking when fent was around. And fent wasn't around when the rest of the household crashed out for the night--turns out the poor sob walked up to the bar to meet someone and get a fresh patch.

>> No.9852436

>take uber to parents house
>mothers birthday today
>everyone and their mother from my family is there
>had about 10 shots of vodka, but not drunk. Just relaxed
>sister in law goes to hug me
>whispers "you shouldn't drink so much, we all love you and don't want to lose you"
>feels the rest of the day

>> No.9852448

I take xanax and drink daily, I've taken 8mg and 13 shots before getting on a 15 hour flight to sleep longer.

modern benzos are almost impossible to OD on, Even if you mix them with alcohol. Xanax LD50 is so high It's almost impossible to die from them alone even if you had 400mg.

The only thing you need to be worried about is mixing them with opiates or opioids AND alcohol

>> No.9852473

So my chingchong carryout place has a 30min wait, so here's a quick rundown based on my experience: It's no silver bullet, but I've almost completely lost most desire to drink since starting a daily kratom regime. My dosages are irrelevant for you since everyone is different and I had a deep background of opiod abuse before ever even trying kratom. I'd suggest a white or green vein variety for morning/daytime and a red vein or bali gold for evenings (bali gold has been my nighttime al/ck/-repellent of choice for the past month. If you order online, gaia and krabot are my two favorite vendors. For brick & mortar headshops just pony up for OPMS Silver Maeng Da. The actual effects (I started with 1-2g doses) seem to be akin to a light hydrocodone or codeine buzz. And I can't shed any insight into this aspect, but for whatever reason I loose my taste for beer or booze while running even a mild kratom buzz. No fucking clue how that works, but I'm sitting on a collection of primo whiskey and beer at home, but if I get an urge to drink one is almost too much and I have trouble enjoying the second half of a pour.

In terms of specific "benefits": I was waking up in the middle of the night to chug some vodka so I could sleep again. I'd have a couple pulls on my way to the shower in the morning before heading to work. I'd make it a few hours into my shift before starting to kill 50mL nips and 200mL bottles, and by the time I closed at night I was probably wasted, but I just felt normal without the sickness of being sober. Then the whole thing repeated each day ad naseum. I'm openly dependent on kratom, but it doesn't fuck with my life, inhibit my ability to go do things like meet a friend for lunch somewhere fun on my day off, or cook some overly labor intensive shit like a table full of banchan w/beef bulgogi. Before I couldn't manage to do much other than drink/work/drink/drive home/drink more/sleep/drink/sleep more/wake up/drink/etc.

>> No.9852474

fucking this, i have done like 15 mg xanax with a fifth of scotch more times than i can count, obviously it's black out city but you're not going to die

i think the fent is where you go wrong, don't mix opiates alcohol and benzos but just alk and benzos are ok 95% of the time especially if you have any tolerance at all

>> No.9852476


This guy knows what he's talking about

>> No.9852479

>tried pot
I was a moment-I-wake-up-till-moment-I-pass-out smoker from my late teens till my late 20s. Recently I've had issues with paranoia from getting too high (my own fault for hitting wax without a decent tolerance), but the big factor is that I can't smoke before or during work and still do a job that I'm proud of. Kratom on the other hand has been great for muting anxiety in the mornings and daytime which allows me to perform particularly well at work, which is more than I can say for drink or herb.

>> No.9852482

sadly i do. went to detox twice for combined benzo and alcohol addiction

but, again, didnt die ever or even come close, even on my highest doses

>> No.9852508

Go to hospital.
My grandpa fell off a rooftop and hit the side of a truck under his armpit on the way down. He didn’t go to the hospital and he died of a blood clot the next day. Don’t fuck around with health

>> No.9852515

Anybody ever have a typical white trash meth phase?
>not at all the kind of person to ever do meth
>best mate starts doing it since some Mexican sold it for cheap
>we start hanging out in his garage all day and night smoking and snorting meth, with our white trash and Mexican friends, working on motorcycles and listening to Rahowa and Skrewdriver
>mate and I look at each other one night, we've gone too far, right?
>painstakingly quit
>but out friends in the periphery are probably Holodomor looking victims for life
bad as that drug was, i still miss those times.

>> No.9852556

>He didn’t go to the hospital and he died of a blood clot the next day
Family friend moved a TV from one room to another, dropped it on his toe. Also blew off hospital. Died from a blood clot same day.

>> No.9852562

I was the same way with pot. I grew up in CA, had a medicinal license from 18 to 28, smoked everyday all day, but at one point no matter what strand I was smoking, how I was taking it, etc, it started making me unbelievably paranoid. Especially if I was around other people.

>> No.9852579

Is there any way to tell if you’re at risk of getting one after an injury?

>> No.9852607
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got bloodwork done and it all came back okay, but i still feel like im dying/my shits are disgusting

liver enzymes were fine, just barely elevated. probs need blood pressure meds again but idk. it feels like a spiritual pain.

i feel broken. got my bloodwork done in the er cause i threw up a little blood from vomitting so hard. im a beer alc but i always feel like shit.

kinda pathetic. got good blood results so i went and got drunk. i have a good job, great gf and good senpai. why am i like this? no one knows how bad i am. only 25 too.

just gonna watch fargo and finish off this 12 pack.pic unrelated my last homebrew. that ayn rand book was shit btw

>> No.9852615

dont hang out with nonwhites

>> No.9852618

What’s your height and weight?

>> No.9852626

6'4, 235

aside from drinking i lift and relatively fit

>> No.9852627

i remember your ER pics the the other day. glad you are ok. i feel broken too. thats a good way of putting it. even after 5 days sober. or 8 days.

>> No.9852638

>not at all the kind of person to ever do meth
>does meth

something doesn't seem right here

>> No.9852658

thanks anon. was a real scare.

as soon as it happened it was one of those, "oh fuck" moments and immediately went to the ER.

how is your sobriety going? i did 4 months once and the first month was the worst. crying for no reason, anhedonia etc.

hang in there tho. after that first month life felt good.

>> No.9852662

>never really drinks
>drinks once and full blown alcy

dont be a dick

>> No.9852671

also why

>> No.9852673

>honor student
>chemistry focus
>ask only druggie I know if they can get me LSD since I was obsessed with TOOL in high school
>takes my $40 and a few days later hands me a bag of dope and says, "it's more fun than tripping"
>despite my better judgement I accepted it instead of making a futile attempt to get my $40 back
>three years later I'm dropping out of my uni's chemical engineering program to go to Hazelden inpatient rehab
>finish inpatient but instead of going back to uni, relapse within a week of being out since my weekly CMA meeting was only a few blocks from my dealer (yeah, in hindsight I wanted to relapse)
>go entirely off the rails and end up cooking dope for some azn crew that had a decent lab setup
>couple years after that we shifted to MDx synth
>I bailed on them and vanished into the rave scene for 4yrs or so
>finally stopped the amphetamine habit and transitioned to opiods and downers since it turns out you can actually work a real job if you sleep and eat more than once every few days
>manage a liquor store these days and spent a good while lost in the bottle before discovering kratom
Life is actually pretty good now. Just snagged some tasty chink grub from an old slope named 'duc' and I'm heading to my couch to finish rewatching The Wire while I eat till it hurts. Life is all right, bros.

>> No.9852674

Well there has to be underlying reasons why you drink right? That's why we all do it (beyond moderation). Childhood/school/college/social etc can all impact our wellbeing.

>> No.9852692

Just wondering why high blood pressure when you aren’t overweight

>> No.9852693

almost got molested by a retarded guy when i was like 11 but i kicked him in the face and ran away. beyond that no real traumatic shit aside from a few weed induced panic attacks that lead to chronic depersonalization.

>> No.9852698

drinking will give it to you and i have a family history/i vape all the time/genetics

>> No.9852715

do you have hobbies anon?

>> No.9852724

i'm slowly writing a novel, i like to workout and love old movies. Im a decent guitar player but i dont play much anymore

>> No.9852748

Only if you take too much

>> No.9852755

Triple threat, dude was asking for it

>> No.9852758

No idiot, you just have developed a high tolerance

>> No.9852761

Good for you mate.I hope you find happiness without the need for a drink. You have a hell of a better life and choice of hobbies than a lot of us.

>> No.9852775

Southern california, my man. there is a degree of overlap between low class whites and Mexicans. in fact, the Mexican who originally dealt, wound up being dealt to by my mate, kek. though we wound up exiling the Mexican fuck for stealing from day laborers. but honestly, despite our soundtrack of "white power rock," we always kept the garage door open. Mexicans who worked and lived in the neighborhood would stop by with cases of modelo just to bullshit and see what we were working on, even if they themselves weren't using. i can get on with a working class spic far better than a white snobby liberal in California.
i just mean i don't necessarily fit the profile. my mates were all tradesmen and alcoholics, already using drugs (just not meth). i went to a top tier uni and majored in a STEM degree. worst i ever did was pot before the meth spiral. but i didn't choose them as friends, we were childhood buds.
makes what i did sound small time. shame about the education, but at least you're at a new place you're happy with. good on you, m8.

>> No.9852779

Drank too much, can't show up to work like this I'd be fired on the spot. Time to feign car problems, again.

>> No.9852789

>i can get on with a working class spic far better than a white snobby liberal in California.

I can get that. soyboy whites are worse than spics

>> No.9852803


soyboy soyboy's are always so soyboy they can't even soyboy their way out of being a soyboy. Amirite, Soyboy?

You sound like a child beaten in the head early in infancy.

>> No.9852818

found the soyboy

>> No.9852821

Not alcoholic but enjoying a small glass of bloot reer. It's half a glass full of cheap vodka and the other half is filled with root beer. A drink invented by drunken buddies when we were in high school.

>> No.9852829


I actually make it at home.


I know you're an autistic shut in, but you should watch the video so you don't feel so alone.

>> No.9852834

>people saying soyboy unironically in this thread
underage drinking is a crime please do not do that.

>> No.9852835

and i swear that ill never stop loving you
and ill die by your side if you want me to
your eyes so frail
burdened with sadness
such a pure heart, lost in the madness

>> No.9852839

Is there anything yeast CAN'T do?

>> No.9852842


They're people with bees in their heads. They can't create a sensible thought to save their lives. Best case they end up in therapy, worst is eating pills to death.

>> No.9852847


clean out a vagina with any effectiveness. Wait, I think it does that too.

>> No.9852853

kill niggers

>> No.9852856

This is very important.
You’re at risk of brain damage because of a thiamine deficiency. Please search wet brain.
Please keep us posted.

>> No.9852857


how about kill kids awake after their bed time?

>> No.9852861

oh man i just got btfo by (You)

>> No.9852867


no, you beat yourself. in front of everyone.

>> No.9852874

Shit can live in colonies on top of your skin and burn it off, which just happened to my shoulders. What the fuck yeast? I love my beer but what an obnoxious organism.

>> No.9852875


>> No.9852881

get a job apparently

>> No.9852890

Whole milk hot chocolate with peppermint oil and whipped cream vodka.

>> No.9852897

Is natural vaginal bacterial flora yeast? I know it stops mycosis from setting in when it works correctly, but I don't know if they qualify as yeast.

>> No.9852899

Seems weird that this would still be a thing in the age of soaps and hot running water.

>> No.9852904


Yeah I think normal vaginal flora is a yeast. I'll google it.

>> No.9852907

Antibiotics get rid of them, not regular soap.

>> No.9852913

Naltrexone anon from old thread, how'd it go?

>> No.9852915

enjoy, bud

>> No.9852918


lactobacillus is a yeast it seems.

>> No.9852919

make me crave cummies

>> No.9852922

I have a job interview tomorrow but I think I'll be too drunk to go. Shit pay anyway.

>> No.9852925

What job?

>> No.9852936

Controls engineer. They're offering ~$20k less than the national average in the same field.

>> No.9852937

It’s a bacteria. A probiotic.

>> No.9852940

You're planning to be at least a bit drunk during a time when you're supposed to have an interview?

>> No.9852943
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Why are you on 4chan?

>> No.9852953

At this rate I'll still have alcohol in my system from my beer taper. I wouldn't recommend it regardless, they only notified me today.

>> No.9852962


You're absolutely right. Brewers use it in combination to the yeast.

>> No.9852987


That's an electrician that knows how to program a PIC, right?

>> No.9853000

Yeah, that's one area - Industrial Automation. This job opening is more software development.

>> No.9853004

Yeah, even alone in my apartment, watching some show, I'll rip some good flower or a dab and 20min later realize that I haven't even been paying attention to the show; instead I spent 20min running an internal monologue of beating myself up over stupid, shitty decisions or retarded shit I've said. Getting lost in a bottle for a long while only made that worse, since being a 24/7 drunk results in nonstop ammunition for self-loathing.

Recently though, I can smoke one light hit without the introspection hell. Makes me miss having a massive THC tolerance and being nothing but giggles and perma-smiles after a heavy smoke session. Dunno if what specifically changed over the years, but it doesn't seem worth it to forcefully increase tolerance just to see if gettin' hellablazed420smokeit stoned can be enjoyable again.

>> No.9853010

>Don't be a pussy
18 is like a football game and some counterstrike source btw

>> No.9853012


Sounds like more fun, ML factory work or upper languages?

>> No.9853017

Took off work early to get vodka. Holiday anxiety is killing me.

>> No.9853027

It was actually maybe the Castile soap I use that left my skin oilier than usual, allowing the growth to explode. Everyone has this on their skin, even you, it's probably the most common skin infection on earth.

>> No.9853032


I built a bunch of ten-bond industrial testing units for 3M back in the day. That and some dental UV devices. Being in the back room is good work.

>> No.9853041

>Brewers use it in combination to the yeast
You mean one could brew vaginal beer?

>> No.9853043

I don't know yet lol. The job listing was pretty vague. I'm pretty sure they use Allen-Bradley stuff, however I think the position is for higher languages and a bit of ModBus/RS-485/AS-I magic. When I find out tomorrow I'll post results.

>> No.9853051


Good luck, you'll do well.

>> No.9853090

Do al/ck/ threads actually help you guys? Or is it just a shitshow everytime looking to see who has it worse? It's kind of the saddest generals on the website. Enjoy what you enjoy I guess.

>> No.9853097


what do you think, hobo psychologist? People try to relate with other people. Now you know. Like watching kids play with legos.

>> No.9853112

Dude that sounds awesome depending on the job.
The only thing I have done is measured holes for back hoe operators with a faterade.

>> No.9853165

It almost hurts as much as being lonely. Love is a double edged sword

>> No.9853168

Sounds suspiciously like alcohol withdrawal caused anxiety and you took off work early to buy alcohol to get rid of your anxiety.

>> No.9853221

I appreciate the kind sentiments, bruv. I'm far from "happy" with where I'm at now, but that's on me since I've passed up the same network engineer position three times in the past two years (got a couple good friends in that field who I share OVH boxes with) due to fear of failure since my life was in shambles, tumbling somewhere through the ethyl abyss. I'm just gonna chug along and enjoy how much better day-to-day life is without the constant urge to soak my brain in ethanol.

I suppose the cut of my jib is that there's no objective measure of "small time" or "big time". By nature, life is an entirely subjective experience. Once we are independent adults we reap what we sow--regardless of what personal circumstances or good/bad decisions have lead to the moment, minute, hour, day, or daily routine in which any of us currently exist. Part of me misses that part of my life (had a 320GB HDD of nothin but mmf & gangbang porn to set the mood when girls were around our lab), but I wouldn't trade my current dull life of full-time work for anything now that I'm out'a that shitshow.

>> No.9853263

Yeah, he (and most of us) had combined them fine umpteen times without issue. We all knew it was risky shit, but we had already hit someone with a nalaxone shot earlier that week. The big fuckup of my buddy that punched out in 2013 was going in hard without anyone else awake to help.

>> No.9853266
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I rarely post here, do you lads rotate liquor stores or do you just stop giving a fuck after awhile? I rotate between two. I get a handle of vodka from one one Friday and get another handle from the second on Saturday. Two handles is enough to get me through a week. They recognize me when I come in, I'm hoping they think I'm just a mud level alcohol who drinks a handle each week, mostly on weekends.

>> No.9853296

i rotate. its never pleasant to get on first name basis or where they bring up some thing you talked about last time, like you are friends.

>> No.9853341

I rotate three stores throughout the week, but when I'm absolutely plastered I don't care. They know I'm an alcohol but I always shower and put on decent clothes when I go to get more liquor. It's pretty retarded but it makes me feel like they might think that I'm high functioning.

>> No.9853364

I used to buy 3-4 handles a week from the same Indian guy at the liquor store by my house. He had a running joke about me having a money printing machine because I often paid in $100 dollar bills. And he would always complain about people buying something cheap with a credit card because of the transaction fee. I got to know him a little bit and he didn't care that I was a reckless drunk because I gave him so much cash.

>> No.9853375

I manage a liquor store. I love our regulars. I get to drop the "proper" and "polite", super-friendly retail persona I maintain at work. I'm guessing most other wageslave retail alcohol clerks, managers, booze-dorks feel the same. I'm legitimately bummed because I pointed a local al/ck/y to Cinerator (~91proof) instead of stopping by 3-5 times per every fucking day for four or five of our 100mL Fireballs. Still no fucking clue how someone can stomach that much sugary shitbooze erryday.

>> No.9853403

D-did you drink all that in a week?

>> No.9853410
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Do you know why alcoholic buy smaller bottles? I don't understand it myself. I buy the biggest size because it's cheaper and saves time. If it came in a bigger size I would get that size.

>> No.9853415

>complaining about running cards (fuck AmEx) for lowbuck rings
Yes. I love it when some trophy wife wanders through my shop, wastes my time browsing and talking on her phone, and ends up only buying a 375mL of Absolut and a 20oz diet coke paid with an AmEx card.

>> No.9853425
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Similar story
>I'd always buy a certain brand of high ABV, but very unpopular, beer because autist
>randomly find a dodgy asian liquor store near my house one day
>they sell the same beer at ~-20% price
>go through a phase where I would buy beer exclusively from them every day
>had a few conversations with the guy running the shop, but his english was poor
>"Oh hot day, you thirsty man!"
>no homo
>eventually decide that I need to cut back on drinking for a while
>go for a few months without a drink
>driving to work one day, stopped at a red light right next to this asian liquor store
>look through the door and see towers of beer slabs that I used to drink
>just sitting there
>mfw the asian guy purchased a load of beer slabs that won't sell because I don't drink any more

>> No.9853428


They do it because they have literally no self control. If they buy a big bottle they'll drink it just as fast as the small one. Portion control is the only thing keeping alcohol poisoning away.

>> No.9853435

Outside of old people and non-drinkers who are buying small bottles because it takes them a year or two to go through a 750ml of anything?

>> No.9853446

My local gun shop literally does not take credit cards for this exact reason. They do have an ATM, though.

>> No.9853448

Yeah. I drank like that for about 5 years. My life was a nightmare and I stopped completely 6 months ago. I'm too scared to even have a beer now. But I could drink a handle in one night if I had a few energy drinks with it.

>> No.9853449

Fauka yoo!

>> No.9853462

I refuse to shop anywhere that doesn't take card. I don't carry cash on me and if they can't be assed paying that transaction fee then they deserve to go out of business.

>> No.9853487

Cry more faggot I'm sure they don't miss you

>> No.9853546

What's your thoughts on drinking a fifth in three hours two days in a row with 16 hours in between? Im almost certain ive got some damage to my body. Did your body hold up well? Im legit scared.

>> No.9853782

What's the best clothes/blankets/sheets for sweats?

My only specialty is I will periodically flap my blanket to prevent from becoming to sweaty.

>> No.9853799

Hey, looks like we had the same weekend! You are gonna be fine. Probably gonna be hard to fall asleep. Drink your agua

>> No.9853865

I sleep with my feet out of the covers with a fan directed at them. I could be swimming in lava and I'd be right if my feet had a cool breeze on them.

>> No.9853877
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Drinking for three days straight feels.

>> No.9853879


no matter the weather if you have a sheet, a duna, and a fan going you'll always be maximum comfy, the trick is just to know when to stick your feet out from the blanket, since having cool feet can heavily affect your overall body heat.

>> No.9853881

Yeah my gallon binge was 2 and a half weeks ago, and im still having kidney pains and pissin clouds. Im hoping my paranoia is a withdrawal synptom. Ive been obsessing about it for a week

>> No.9853891
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> mfw have to get shitfaced in order to be able to emotionally enjoy games and TV shows

Annoying as shit since being drunk also makes it really hard to pay attention to that stuff.

>> No.9853905

Gallon over how long? Also just make sure you eat healthy, protein carb fat balance, fruits and veggies. My diet gets so bad while binging and takes close to a weak before I can get a good workout in

>> No.9853911
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liquid shits please stop

>> No.9853917


Lol yeah. At least I don't game as much now. I played chess sober today it was great.
Well being sober as in mild hangover with a double white russian in me

>> No.9853927

Your renal system is retardedly good at its job and healing, so either you've been chugging fifths every day for years
I assume you've been chugging water like a fucking nutjob? If so, go to a doctor. Cloudy piss is a sign of dehydration, but if you're drinking enough then it could be mild kidney damage. It's *likely* not because of a single binge, since alcohol only fucks with the kidneys by dehydrating you, and thats a short term effect. If you'd done enough damage to your liver to cause consistent kidney problems, you'd know. Your side (right side, right where your ribs start to curve away) would hurt like a motherfucker.

Just go to a doctor for a checkup.

>> No.9853930
File: 29 KB, 826x442, e483855817b1aad1f8e09be18dad65fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duna? This is all I could find on google

>> No.9853933

>Stop drinking for two days
>Eat properly
>Have first solid shit in months
>Causes my hemorrhoids to bleed

>> No.9853953

That's just how god made you, anon

>> No.9853957

And I hate him for it.
It means every time I get assfucked they stop cause their dick gets blood on it

>> No.9853968
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Sorry, I spelt it wrong, it's doona.

Something like pic related, you don't always have to sleep with it on, but I like to even with summer, again, you just have to know when to stick your feet/arms out to be cooled by the fan. Also a good idea for the doona cover to not be super fluffy or anything, should be a smooth polyester feel, which also helps in hot weather.

>> No.9854005

Same here. Though the liquid shits make for some quick bathroom breaks when your usual mark was around 50 minutes of frustration. I call than an improvement.

>> No.9854015

A gallon over two days, each day consisting of roughly a 3 hour binge, nearly finishing the bottle.
I have been drinking lots of fluids, but the dowmside is that drinking too much electrolytes and water can also cause cloudy urine. Im surw my liver is fine. It hurts a little sometimes, but overall everything seems to be wotking fine. My piss is only cloudy in the morning ive noticed so far.

>> No.9854027

You're probably fine if its only a once-a-day thing. My piss is always foamy as hell in the mornings and I get bloodwork done pretty regularly because of medications I take.
If your kidneys keep hurting for another week go get it checked out to be safe, it'll at most be a bit of bloodwork and a followup call.

>> No.9854038
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>> No.9854055

That looks fucken perfect. Next time I'm binging I'm gonna be hitting up bed bath and beyond. Wonder how often their cashiers get hit on by drunk bastards

>> No.9854060

Where do you buy a gallon of liquor ?

>> No.9854074


Same place you get a Liter-a-Cola.

>> No.9854139

Gallon is roughly 3.75 liters

>> No.9854141

Ok no cream.

>> No.9854161

I wouldn't stop =)

>> No.9854165
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>> No.9854174
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>> No.9854177

Every time I destill a batch I make 4.375liters of booze. That's more than a gallon, no?

>> No.9854194

A gallon is 3.7L, so yes

>> No.9854207


thanks, I get confused by long tonnes and imperial gallons.

>> No.9854210

thats like 300mm

>> No.9854519

any satan in

>> No.9854596

I used to rotate between 3-4 stores buying vodka everyday

Now I just go into my local place and buy 2 handles of vodka at a time, I've stopped caring and it's also the best place because nobody there tries to talk with me

>> No.9854616
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White cotton everything.
I gave up with sheets some years ago. I just chuck everything away and replace it if it becomes unbearable. Pic is the result of a 2 week smack and booze cold turkey sesh which lasted about two weeks. Kind of give up caring about the quality of your bedding when you’re percolating assorted deathjuices through your bed 24/7.

>> No.9854640 [DELETED] 
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idk, white I guess


haven't washed my bedsheets in god knows how long

i'll just go buy some new ones eventually

hard to care about it when the rest of my house is a mess and I'd just mess them up straight away again

>> No.9854673

I got sick of rotating, now I just go to the cheapest and closest one. It gets a lot of business so I don't think they remember me.

>> No.9854817

Does anyone else's heart rate go through the roof when they are withdrawing? I swear to god it makes me so scared that I have heart problems. I don't think I do though, because if I did I would be out of breath and I would be light-headed. I just think its my body telling me it needs alcohol.

It's been two days since my last drink and I still feel like I'm in withdrawal still. Not as bad, but my body still feels really strange.

>> No.9854849

Yeah that's normal. Sweating and headaches too. Can take several days to shake them off

>> No.9854930

what's the longest you've drunk continually without being sober for more than 30min after waking up etc and what were you drinking?

no need for boasting pls, we're all degenerate scumbag alcoholics just be honest

>> No.9855034

How do you expect us to remember? I recall being drunk for 2 days straight bavk when i started drinking on menirial day weekend a few years back

>> No.9855091
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Red wine crew checking in

>> No.9855095

Forgot my song


>> No.9855109

>Grey poop crew checking in

>> No.9855127

they're more black than grey

>> No.9855128


>> No.9855159

300mm is close to a foot. Not a volume.

Acute withdrawals peak around day 3 and last a week or two. Then there's PAWS (post acute withdrawals) that can last years.
Palpitation are part of withdrawals. You can die of a heart attack caused by withdrawals. Always taper, never cold turkey.

I don't know, months, years maybe. I wasn't exactly counting days.
I was drinking vodka, a 75cl bottle per day.

Liquid orange and oily shit crew checking in. (Pancreatitis if anyone wondering.)

>> No.9855185

you went years without being sober for more than 30min?

>> No.9855245

When I was deep into alcoholism, I used to wake up withdrawing (but still with alcohol in my blood) even though I fell asleep blacked out a few hours earlier, so I would drink within 30 minutes of waking up.
Also when I was deep, I would forget to eat for days and have acute pancreatitis, terrible belly pain with nausea and vomiting, forcing me to greatly lower my intake, and occasionally sending me to ER (where I'd go out only once actually sober for a few days.)
I probably spent a few years of daily drinking without quitting, before trying at various intervals with more or less success.

I didn't work, thanks to inheritance money. Being "rich" isn't always a good thing it seems.

>> No.9855303

Dunno. Easily months, probably over a year. The only reason I even open my eyes before drinking is if I’ve run out.

>> No.9855343

What kind of cars do you guys have? Or do you have cars?
>tfw nearly new 2012 Evo X MR in dat perfect tarmac black
>fully loaded, 32k miles, perfect condition
>never drive it because I drink so much

I've maybe driven it 10 times this entire year, I usually just walk to the liquor store

>> No.9855351

I ride a Yamaha MT-07. Great on gas and more fun than driving

>> No.9855360

Maybe like 3 days

>> No.9855372

what do you do for a living?

>> No.9855373

Nice! I used to have a 2006 gsxr but it was stolen and never recovered


>> No.9855379

I work for Johnsons controls 3 days a week. I walk to work because I drink while I'm at work

>> No.9855395
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>paying for a car you don't even use

>> No.9855398

I wasn't such a severe alcohol when I bought it. Shits gotten worst familam

>> No.9855420
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>tfw want to drink
>haven't had booze since Saturday
>only size the store near me sells bottles in is 1l

>> No.9855441

the only problem i'm seeing here is that you haven't had a drink since saturday

>> No.9855466
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Just got back. Caved

>> No.9855562

Called in sick due to hangover. Rarely do that. Think I’m spiraling.

>> No.9855589


This depresses me. I know what's going on in this guy's head the whole episode.

>> No.9855640

I did this this previous weekend. But it was only 500ml/day, not 750. I tapered yesterday with 4 beers. I think I’m okay.

>> No.9855652

I tapered with what was left of my vodka. Just guessing doses. I nevee had very noticable withdrawal symptoms, just anxiety and paranoia

>> No.9855758

>taper meme

desu I think there's very few people here who need to taper in fear of serious medical problems

when I've gone cold turkey I feel like it's a deserved punishment for my alcoholism, I'll deal with some severe anxiety and hallucinations and sleep deprivation because I knew it was coming when I got to this point in the first place

tapering with beer just seems to be a self-pat on the back for attempting to go sober when you're not doing that

>> No.9855786

Ive passed out drunk 4 of every 5 days since I was 22 (29 now) and I've never had the shakes or anything beyond mild hallucinations

Most of the shit itt is bs but it's comfy

Btw where is the Latvian?

>> No.9855855

the only thing that depresses me about these episodes is that these people think it's a good decision to feature themselves on this program

how vain/unaware of reality do you have to be to not see these programs for what they are and think it's a good idea to feature your business on them

>> No.9856043

I just cut off a white sore in my mouth from dipping with a razor blade, All I can taste is pennies now

>> No.9856086
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>> No.9856108

Dipping? I dip tobacco. What are you saying?

>> No.9856112

You all are the biggest bunch of pussies. People the world over have problems with alcohol. They dont wallow in their sad sack of shit self pity though. You get the fuck up and deal with it. Whining like some bitches. Also Ford’s Gin is top tier.

>> No.9856121

>t. Daily poster

>> No.9856127

Will my family doctor refill my xanax script before withdrawals hit? That’s today’s entertainment folks, tune in later for an update.

>spoiler he’s not giving me jack shit I bet

>> No.9856136

>admitting your problems to a doctor

>> No.9856141

It'll give you oral cancer

>> No.9856147

I hope you're joking

>> No.9856149

Are you just greentexting snarky remarks to everyone?

>> No.9856151

>telling your dr the truth
>asking for an early refill on a CDS

lol no he's not giving you shit. Also if you are in the U.S. there is a database doctors and the DEA use to prevent drug seekers from obtaining CDS's. You are about to earn yourself a spot on that list

>> No.9856157

>They dont wallow in their sad sack of shit self pity though
Um, that's kind of alcoholics whole schtick

>> No.9856164

My gums are recessed but I feel infinitely better than when smoking

>> No.9856167

Mine are too.

Still prefer dipping over smoking though

>> No.9856174

What do you dip? I'm the Ethiopian. Ran out of the Grizz and Cope I bought back in the States so I'm smoking again.

>> No.9856182

Skoal wintergreen

>> No.9856189

Where are you from? I hate Skoal products but I'd kill for some now

>> No.9856196

Maine, U.S.

I've never dipped any other brand then skoal, I first tried it at 16 and stuck with the same flavor and brand.

>> No.9856203

I'm perfectly happy to die that's why i drink excessively

had a car crash months back (wasn't driving not alcohol involved) and was injured quite badly probably got internal injuries definitely had some fractured bones

just wish I had been gravely injured instead

>> No.9856216

I'm going to a wedding in Maine next June. Any good motorbike riding roads?

Try copenhagen straight. Just take one decent pinch. No burn and a slow, progressive buzz

>> No.9856224

I'm not really sure as far as motorbike riding roads.

Do you mean dirt bike or motorcycle?

I live in Eastport, I just ride my ATV on the streets. It's technically illegal but the police have never said anything to me in 10+ years. As long as you don't ride like an asshole in town they don't give a single fuck.

>> No.9856227

Is drinking 2 40ozs a night for 8 considered an alki? My parents think so, but I still get to work, hit the gym do what I need to do during the day.

>> No.9856232

It's going to be in Wells, Maine.

>> No.9856234

Pic related lol

>> No.9856238

8 what

>> No.9856272
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Who /smoking in the bathroom/ here?

>> No.9856316

Well, they get a free redesign of the place, free furniture, a menu made by a world renowned chef for free. All that in exchange for some public humiliation that isn't even too bad (even the alkie is presented in a positive way at the end, even if we alkies know he'll be back drinking a month or two after his rehab and will have to return to rehab several times.)

There are two person you shouldn't lie to : your doctor and your lawyer. Coincidently, there are two wives you should never have sex with.

Considering the opiate epidemic going on in Murica, I doubt what you're saying is true or effective in any way.

You could be a functioning alcoholic, that's very common. Quantity isn't a good indicator either.
When you stop for a week, do you have physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms?

>> No.9856462

Is there anything more comfy than hot choco with rum when it's snowing outside?

>> No.9856479

lucky approves
hot coco with hash oil

>> No.9856488

>hot coco with hash oil
Oh fug I gotta try that

>> No.9856496

you'd like it, hitler. just let it cool off enough or you'll boil the fuck out of your mouth like I did the other day.

>> No.9856510

Will do, gotta get my hands some though. Me and my mates were planning to get a whole bunch of cannabis related shit for after the holidays and just lock ourselves in for a day trying everything out.

>> No.9856526

Oh, I assumed you already knew your shit (no pun intended).
It's pretty simple but takes a while. For edibles I usually use https://wakeandbake.co/cannabis-infused-coconut-oil/ and weed I vaped so I don't have to decarb it. Note that edibles hit you way slower but last longer so they can fuck iexperienced users over pretty easily compared to a joint

>> No.9856552

I know I can make my own mate, I'm just not sure if I want to just put 7g of weed aside for oil. I'm kind of a poorfag.

>> No.9856574

what's more depressing than the people in that show is the people who believe everything they see on that show

>> No.9856578
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If you have a decently low resistance and aren't a regular user 5g should be more than enough for a while but as I said I use vaped weed myself, so consider that if you want MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY

>> No.9856584

Been thinking about getting a vaporizer. My mom got one recently so I might try that. Usually me and my mates just smoke joints or shisha.

>> No.9856601

I highly recommend the WISPR 2. It runs on propane/butane and is pretty much idiot-proof. I had mine for about 3 years now and it still works fine. Pretty cheap too, at least compared to other protable options. Much less wasteful and it might save you from coughing up black things at some point

>> No.9856605

I'll look into it. Thanks man.

>> No.9856628
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>Can I talk to you alone?
>By alone I mean you, me, a dozen people in the room and millions spectators

>> No.9856637

>bottled beer


>> No.9856645

No problem, DUDE. I think you'll agree vaping/oil is pretty great, especially when you're alone. A J every now and then is great while having a beer with the mates but tobacco is expensive around here and it doesn't do shit, plus 75% of my grandparents died of cancer, so It ain't the smartest choice for me.

>> No.9856657
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Alright al/ck/ I need to learn to drink. I have at most had a glass of wine with a meal or attempted to drink a beer (didn't like the taste), and I don't really taste anything but alcohol with wine, so you can imagine how stronger stuff is. I am not interested in getting drunk at a party, but I want to be able to hold a glass in social situations and if I'm offered a drink as part of a business deal (happens a lot here in Europe), I'd prefer if I didn't have to force myself to drink something that tastes like pure alcohol to me.

With that said, what's some good stuff to start with to build up a palate? Doesn't matter if it's pricey (within reason), especially since I'm not looking to get drunk and will just drink small quantities.

>> No.9856659


>> No.9856696
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Light cider (would recommend coopers but it hasn't got much sugar if you're into that you might prefer girly stuff sike sommersby), or corona

>> No.9856733

Do like Sarkozy did : close your lips, fake-drink, put the glass on the table and don't touch it any-more. It's not noticeable without taking attention to it in most cases, but will be during a dinner. In this case, say you're on antibiotics and will only cheers but not drink.
Or get used to drinking red wine without making a face by drinking regularly. It's not like you can add ice or coke in a formal setting anyway. Also you'll learn your limits and avoid making a fool of yourself drunk in public.
Obviously, don't over do it.

>> No.9857254

You nailed the introspective paranoid down to a T. That is exactly how pot started affecting me.

>> No.9857290

more you drink, the better it tastes

>> No.9857293

finally took a poo
wansnt pretty
watching aliens probably wont do much for the nighttmares implyimg ill have avny

>> No.9857299

show me your poo anon

>> No.9857466

Doctor denied my Xanax refill. Darkweb suggestions?

>> No.9857872

Consult a different doctor. Did you request too much or something, alerting them you may be an addict?