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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 200x258, 7647685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9829179 No.9829179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm 41 years old and will be going to prison tomorrow.

I should be out when I'm 71, if I'm lucky.

What meal would you have for probably your last day of freedom, /ck/?

>> No.9829184

well i’ll just get this out of the way:

what for? white collar crime or did you rob a gas station or something?

>> No.9829186

I killed a few crackheads who stole my car.

>> No.9829187

I wouldn't eat anything memorable. It will make being inside far more difficult as you will remember your last meal while choking down your nutriloaf.

>> No.9829189

>30 years for robbing a gas station

Yeah no this anon actually did something for real.

>> No.9829190


Christ. Why? Why not just given them a thrashing and be done with it?

>> No.9829194

Cant say I blame you. Good luck man.

>> No.9829196

I'm highly territorial.

>> No.9829200

May I ask who those assholes were? And why they thought it was a smart idea?

>> No.9829218

what is your favorite food op?

>> No.9829228


what a shitty excuse

>> No.9829236

Fuck your country for imprisoning you for that. Drug users and career criminals are becoming a real fucking problem everywhere, you did the world a favour.

>> No.9829239
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You fucking deserve it. Just hang yourself. I hope you get raped.

>> No.9829242

op, please tell us, what is your favorite food

>> No.9829248

Furfag kys

>> No.9829251

this, the killing of criminals in order to protect ones property should not be illegal
legalize vigilante justice
eat a lot of food that loosens your bowels so you will be ready to get raped in the showers boy

>> No.9829257

I hope he will kill first fagg that touches him.

>> No.9829266
File: 65 KB, 595x404, joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick

>> No.9829277

why would you lie about this?

>> No.9829299

So they actually let you out on bond for a murder charge?

>> No.9829310
File: 90 KB, 800x600, leg of lamb (3 of 4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll respond in case you are not lying and what you did is a victimless crime
>butterflied lamb chops-rare like the good lord intended
>side of extra hot horseradish
>sauteed asparagus drizzled with garlic butter
>brown wild rice
>a side king crab legs
>a salad to start off the evening
>a bottle of makers mark

>> No.9829314

what about OPs picture
is it real?

>> No.9829315

An attractive woman. Very attractive. One you'll remember for 30 years.

>> No.9829339


You're highly stupid. Hope it was worth losing a good chunk of your life for.

>> No.9829346

Why are you on 4chan instead of fleeing the country?

>> No.9829353

An Hero. Go out a free man.

>> No.9829841

You would not be here if any of this actually happened. There's no "I'm going to jail tomorrow guise.". You would already be in jail awaiting trial and from there you would go directly to prison. And there's no way you would be able to afford bail for a multiple homicide.

>> No.9829865

Very good post.

>> No.9829871

Not for much longer. Don't drop the soap.

>> No.9829879


Fried chicken, roasted and smashed red potatoes, gravy, collard greens, buttermilk biscuits, coleslaw, an ice cold 40 oz of King Cobra, and a whole watermelon.

>> No.9829988

You're highly retarded is what you are. Enjoy your thirty.

>> No.9829992

You don't get to kill someone who isn't an immediate threat to your life. Let alone someone who isn't a threat to your life at all. Go live in some assfuck third world country if you want vigilante bullshit.

>> No.9830006

>going to prison for doing Gods work

>> No.9830023

>nobody on /ck/ saw American History X

>> No.9830024

>wahhhh muh degenerate crackheads have a right to a trial
lol no

>> No.9830026

lol yes, its called civilization

if you dont think people deserve a fair trial maybe fuck off to somalia, youll love it

>> No.9830032

You sound like you're 14 years old. Yeah, they do have a right to a trial. You don't get to say who dies and who doesn't. Like I said, go live in some assfuck third world country if you don't like basic human rights.

>> No.9830037

>lethargic and increasingly activist court system is the sign of civilization
A dying civilization maybe.

>> No.9830039

>basic human rights.

>> No.9830041

>criminals and drughead are people
That's where you are wrong.

>> No.9830049

Guaranteeing all citizens a right to fair trial is not "lethergic and activist" you absolute retard

>> No.9830057

If that "citizen" is doing a crime of any relevant degree he looses his right of bodily integrity.

>> No.9830060
File: 96 KB, 1305x715, burnoutorfadeaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lasagne, salad, garlic bread and a nice bottle of red wine. or two.

also do you think it is better to burn out or fade away?

>> No.9830064

are you american? ask trump nicely on twitter to pardon you. i'm only half joking its worth a shot

>> No.9830069
File: 121 KB, 563x750, Dandelions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? And who decides who actually did what without a court system?

>> No.9830076

Those which are the victims of the crime.

Still shit from someone, get shot.
Try to rape someone, get shot.
Try to abduct a kid, get shot.

You don't need to act like the punisher, but every citizen should have the right to go full force against a criminal acting against them. It's no rocket science. That's why states with open carry and easy gu laws have lower crime rates than liberal shitholes with gun regulations. A criminal wont risk that much shit if he knows that it might get him killed.

>> No.9830079

Not to mention a triple homicide trial can take many, many months including the appeal process, they will already have been chains for a long time before a verdict has been reached

But to just straight up answer the question I'd go for a KFC. Not going to taste anything close in prison

>> No.9830081

brb killing that hobo who ask for change. I mean tried to stab me wtf

>> No.9830082

>Those which are the victims of the crime.

I think your retarded posts prove you are criminally insane, does that mean I can shoot you? Fucking retard

>> No.9830096

>Those which are the victims of the crime.

I could decide right now that you have committed a crime against me and murder you, if you had your way.

Courts and laws decide what are crimes, not retards with guns.

>> No.9830099

>You don't need to act like the punisher, but every citizen should have the right to go full force against a criminal acting against them.
Cool, I would like to have the right to kill people for whatever affects me negatively. Insurance scam? Loud music after 10 PM? His dog craps in your yard? """""""""Stare rape"""""""""? Kill.

>> No.9830108

>I could commit a crime
And you would get shot as well after the court would have seen your deeds. The point is that if you kill someone while you are the victim, you should not be charged, retards. Just killing someone and claiming he or she did something, is murder if there aren't any signs of such an incident happening. People who would kil someone without any reason, will kill someone either way if they can get away with it (eg homeless person somewhere where nobody will be looking).

If a woman kills her rapist, she did no wrong. If therapist would not have raped her, he would still be alive.

It's not hard to distinguise what constitutes as fatal crimes and what not. Social consensus is the rule. Most people would kill murderers, rapists, child molesters or druggies. That'S the will of the peopleand the people should have the full right to repend such trash.

>> No.9830112

>courts are gay
>wait we need courts
Keep backpedaling, Antonio.

>> No.9830114

I never said courts are gay, Im not an ancap, retard. I am just speaking in favour of victms instead of giving more right to perpetrators than victims.

>> No.9830115

>Social consensus is the rule. Most people would kill murderers, rapists, child molesters or druggies. That'S the will of the people and the people
And yet the majority was in favor of abolishing the death penalty, so I guess the social consensus is that you can't kill people and "most people" wouldn't kill anyone.

>> No.9830119

>And you would get shot as well after the court would have seen your deeds.

I thought you said criminals shouldn't have a right to a fair trial? At least stay consistent with your retarded bullshit, moron.

>> No.9830122

Perpetrators still deserve a fair trial to actually determine if they were perpetrators.

The word alone of some redneck gun nut is not law.

>> No.9830125

Who needs courts if I can pull the trigger on a nigger if I feel threatened?

>> No.9830128

>Most people would kill murderers, rapists, child molesters or druggies

One of these things is not like the others, republitard. A person doing drugs hurts no one but themselves, why should they be killed simply for putting chemicals into their body?

Should people who drink alcohol be killed? Its the same exact thing, alcohol is a drug too.

>> No.9830138

>majority was in favor of abolishing the death penalty
By the state, yes, mostly due to wrong positives. In my book a death penalty should only be made if the perpetrator is caught red handed. State mandated death penalties also aren't the same as a victims taking everythig in its hand to safe himself, no matter the tool for the perpetrator.

>criminals shouldn't have a right to a fair trial
Obviously speaking of criminals when they commit a crime eg stealing shit, beating someone up etc.

>Perpetrators still deserve a fair trial to actually determine if they were perpetrators.
Idealy maybe if the victim lets them live or if there is no reason to kill him because he is already detained, but if you have to act and kill a criminal acting on you your own safety and right to bodily integrity is higher than the bodily integrity of a person chosing to harm you.

>A person doing drugs hurts no one but themselves
>what are crimes to get their stuff financed
Most actual addicts are parasites.

>> No.9830145

>they commit a crime eg stealing shit, beating someone up etc.

How do we know if they actually commited a crime without a fair trial? Just by your word? That's not how law works retard

>> No.9830150

How do we know someone did a crime if they aren't caught? Just by your words? That's not how law works retard.

>> No.9830155

>but if you have to act and kill a criminal acting on you your own safety and right to bodily integrity is higher than the bodily integrity of a person chosing to harm you.

I could say that you were harming my bodily integrity by making these retarded posts and then shoot you, and you say that should be legal and there should be no trial since you were obviously a criminal?

>> No.9830158

Call the police dipshit, they exist for a reason. If you kill someone for shitting on your lawn then you're going to jail.

>> No.9830166

If someone gets shown to have killed someone without a reason he gets llifetime or death if caught red handed. A sane person who doesn't want to kill someone will only kill seomone if actual need be, a person which wants to kill someone will most likely do it either way and probably never be found out. Just check out the missing person list from this year alone.

>gets raped
>gimmi a sec, rapey boi, gonna need to call the cops
>breaks neck

>sees a kid getting abducted
>calls cops and gives car number
>cops find three weeks later the rotten corpse of the kid
>perpetrator might or might not be found to kill another

Calling cops is not always an option and I for one are not willing to risk my bodily integrty just to give the perpetrator the right to say he dindu nuffin and get 4 weeks social service after raping me, because muh difficult childhood, while I'm traumatized till I die.

>> No.9830174

Cops work like every citizen should work.
You behave or risk to get shot.
If cop is found out to have missused his gun, he gets jail time.

You tards should understand that if you don't want a police stte where nobody else is safe and all depend on the force which might or might not be corrupt (especially if you screech about muh evil administration), you should be for the same rules for every citizen which a cop gets. Cops are just normal people without no greater personality or moral compass than anybody else.

>> No.9830175

>If someone gets shown to have killed someone without a reason he gets llifetime or death if caught red handed.

Just like OP is getting jailed for killing some crackheads for no reason. I'm glad we agree that criminals deserve fair trials now.

>> No.9830177

Never said anything about the OP.

If he got inside their home and vendetta style wanted to take some out, he got it comming.
If they attacked him and he killed them trying to not get killed himself he should not get jail.

>> No.9830181

Cops actually know the law, and know when it is okay to shoot to kill. The average joe does not.

>> No.9830183 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 1180x788, rodrigo-duterte-du30-philippines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u guys would do great in my country lmao

>> No.9830186

>going away forever
Fuckit, i'm trying human. What're they going to do, add more years on after i'm dead? If I never get to be free again i'm going to find out what my fuckface neighbour who parks in my spot tastes like.

>> No.9830189

>The average joe does not.
Why does someone who can legaly vote, not know the law of the state he is living? Are you people nothig but bugmen? And it's pretty easy to know when to shot someone. Cops learn it in like a week. If you can't learn how to defend yourself and people around you, you shouldn't vote for shit legislature in the first place. Be a responsible person instead of asking for a nanny state.

>> No.9830192
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>> No.9830193

>Drug users and career criminals are becoming a real fucking problem everywhere

I just smoked half a gram of weed and my only crime thus far is annihilating all the food in my pantry.

Should I be killed? Fuck off you conservative moron.

>> No.9830199

>Why does someone who can legaly vote, not know the law of the state he is living?

Dont ask me, but its a fact that most Americans dont know their laws.

>> No.9830205

>acting liek he desn't know the difference between criminal fulltime druggies and smoking a blunt twice a year
Stop beeing retarded.

Speaking of which, stupidity should be a crime against humanity.

>> No.9830206

>he only smokes a blunt twice a year

lmao pussy

>> No.9830211

Addicts are people suffering from legit mental issues, not people who deserve death.

>> No.9830213

Well, time to change that instead of dumbing them down even more, don't you think? Just look to switzerland. They can buy heavy artilery if they feel like it, but they are also one of the most politically aware people on this planet, voting for every single shit legislation.

Responsibility breeds resposibility, a nanny state breeds stupid bugmen which wait like sheep at the slaughterhouse.

>> No.9830214


get big and strong op make the prison your bitch

>> No.9830221

>mental issues
Self chosen. If they don't accept threatment and cause crime, they are criminals. If you can't handle the shit you are taking, you have nobody but yourself to blame. We have tp stop threating people like children. You don't drink a gass of vodka and become alcoholic or takes coke after partying once.

>> No.9830222

fuck that he should be committing sudoku on top of a mountain rn
i mean thats what i would do

>> No.9830233

Accepting treatment means recognizing your illness which isnt always possible in the deeply ingrained addicts. They essentially become dopamine slaves to their drug of choice.

>> No.9830234
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>going to prison for 30 years

If you're not trying to run or killing yourself then you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.9830237

enjoy sharing your cell with more territorial and aggressive convicts

>> No.9830238

You're naive

>> No.9830239

Eat as much Indian food as you can. Start right now and keep eating to the moment they book you. Do not shit at all either. The moment you get in prison, find the biggest, blackest thug you can find and shit all over him. If done right you can have a continuous stream of vile shit going for 2 minutes straight. If you do this correctly no one will give you shit and you will win the respect of all the inmates and guards.

>> No.9830240

>fuck off you conservative moron
>should I be killed?
Yes you need to be stuffed into a fucking oven and incinerated you dirty hippy cunt

>> No.9830243

Good thing your views are dying out

>> No.9830244

Doesn't matter if your acting cause crime you are a criminal, having an adddiction only means you get a second chance for treatment as long as your haven't caused much problems. As soon as you do a significant crime )armed robbery) you lose that protection, because your actions might have harmed another person.

Chosing to take drugs is the first step, not accepting the adiction the last one. If you are so weak willed, you will do anything for drugs, in which case you are harmful t society.

>> No.9830247

Actually I am in psychological therapy for the last 10 years due to addiction and mental issues. So much for naivety. I guess you have written self- responsibility wrong.

>> No.9830249

>what is incrimination
>what is corruption in general

Laws protects us not only from criminals but from ppl who abuse the system itself

>> No.9830251

Not in your lifetime matey

>> No.9830252

Jokes on you. Actually atheistic liberals are dying out due to not having kids.

Where did I say anything against laws, kiddo. Read rge thread before replying.

>> No.9830255

Actually more and more republicans support the legalization of weed :^)

>> No.9830263

I'm not even american and don't really care for weed. We can smoke it here everywhere. It only selectes for more self-responsibility if you can take it legally, which is why I am more in favour of legalizationw while also making crimes for financing drugs much more harder. you are the master of your own fate, anon.

>> No.9830265

you forgot to say degenerate, commie and libtard

>> No.9830267

>If you are so weak willed, you will do anything for drugs, in which case you are harmful t society.

Its not about being "weak willed" its about literally having severe mental issues that drive you to criminality for your fix. If they actually commit crimes they should be jailed and forced into rehab.

>not accepting the adiction the last one

Not accepting addiction isnt a step one willingly takes, its a symptom of their severe mental issues.

>> No.9830274

Nice meaningless buzzwords anon

>> No.9830278

So, you accept that those issues make you do everything, even harm others. With the same argument you could claim that a rough childhood makes you do things, meaning lower sentances for druggies and single-mothers adults, which is completely absurd.

If someoe can't controll himself or accept help he is only a danger and needs to be put out. Nobody choses to be a single-parent id at least, but taking drugs and getting hooked is purel your own fault and nothing anybody has to pay with their bodily itegrity for.

I I would not haven taken help and mugged someone, I would forgive the person for killing me. You don't get to blame otehrs for your own actions.

>> No.9830283

Idgaf if you waste your life and brain cells smoking crack as long as your nowhere near me when youre doing it or are under the effects of it.

Im also pretty sure that castle laws apply to cars.

>> No.9830286
File: 5 KB, 194x259, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses cuck
>makes fun of other buzzwords

>> No.9830288
File: 136 KB, 546x700, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indulge in something fancy. Some sort of high class restaurant or something.

>This thread
We /pol/ now.

Just stay on topic and answer his fucking question.

>> No.9830294

>So, you accept that those issues make you do everything, even harm others.

Yes thats how mental illness works

>With the same argument you could claim that a rough childhood makes you do things

No you cant, because having a rough childhood doesnt inherently cause mental illness, heavy drug use does.

>If someoe can't controll himself or accept help he is only a danger and needs to be put out.

Why kill them when you can rehabilitate them and create a productive menmber of society? Should anyone suffering from mental issues be killed?

>> No.9830295

whats the matter, your Christian devote housewife cucked you with some afroamerican?

>> No.9830298

Most people can become addicted to hard drugs after a single use. People decide to take drugs for many different reasons but none of those reasons deserve death. Can people not make mistakes?

>> No.9830302

>because having a rough childhood doesnt inherently cause mental illness

citation needed

>> No.9830303
File: 239 KB, 444x500, 1511068165275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I shitpost in this thread once and some /pol/tard picks up my mantle

>> No.9830305

A bullet, not much point in coming out too old to work with no retirement.

>> No.9830307

Source is common sense retard. There are many ways to have a rough childhood and not all of them will cause mental issues

>> No.9830310

> because having a rough childhood doesnt inherently cause mental illness, heavy drug use does
Wrong. Single-mother households are the highest risk factors for mental instability while you can do drugs without becoming a drughead. People can even do heroin twice a year if they are strong willed.

>Why kill them when you can rehabilitate them
You can' rehabilite someone who doesn't have to will to stay clean. You also can't ignor their crimes just because they are druggies. If you do the crime, you pay the price, no matter how fucked u you are due to drgs, mothers or else.

Jokes on you again, Im a christian housewife posting on /pol/ from an white ethnostate.

>> No.9830314

Non of them do, but doing a crime will get you the same sentance, be it by the justice department or your victim. That's the whole point. You don't get special treatment because you have a hard live.

>> No.9830315

Do want

>> No.9830318

>if they are strong willed.

You mean not addicted. There are rare examples of people who dont autmatically become addicts after taking heroin but its not the case for 99% of people. It has nothing to do with will. I guarentee that if you did heroin right now you would become an addict, because that is how the brain works for most people.

>You can' rehabilite someone who doesn't have to will to stay clean.

Who says they dont?

>> No.9830324

>Self chosen.
objectively untrue. yes some substances further the development of mental illness (everthing hallucinogenic) but some drugs help with the symptoms of said illnesses. For example a schizophrenic is someone who´s brain is not wired correctly. This is because he is missing a "filter" every normal person has. Since the brain can not cope with the overflow of external input it causes problems in the way your thoughts and emotions are handled by your brain. If you now insert an artificial "filter" for example alcohol (up to 2.5 promille blood alcohol) or benzodiazepan you limit the exposure to external input and help the schizophrenic. what i´m tring to say is that many seriously mentally ill people use drugs to self medicate because the available medications are really invasive and can literally kill you. Maybe not everything is black and white.

t. social worker who works with mentally ill and homeless people (in a bigger city in germany).

>> No.9830332

I was an addict, faggot. I don't care for druggies. If you don't get help and do a crime, you are guilty and should not be surprised if someone take sjustice in their own hands.

True, but those people are already in threment to get their stuff, and should get help there. If they buy their stuff illegaly because no medic wants to give them a new recipe and says they need help, it's still self-chosen.

That's actuall exactly what my case was. You have always a choice.

>> No.9830335

PS: I'm living in germany and know quite well that there is more than enough safety-mats which catch those people, if they are willing to accept that help. Most hobos don't, just like druggies. There is abolutely no reason why you would need to be homeless in germany due to Arge. It'S mostly just the end of a long route of having fucked up badly.

>> No.9830339

>I was an addict, faggot.

I dont think so. If you were you'd have a lot more sympathy to addicts and their plight. Im not saying they shouldn't be jailed or something but advocating their outright murder just for something like theft is pretty retarded.

If they kill someone thats a different story, but most addicts dont murder people.

>> No.9830343

News flash retards, the vast majority of addicts dont commit crimes beyond the crime of their drug use.

>> No.9830346

> You have always a choice.

i think so too. But tell that to a chronic Schizophrenic who can (on a cognitive level) not understand that it would be better for him to take his medication every eight hours. i was just arguing that there are certain cases in which people are better of drinking/taking drugs (on a medical level). Alothough this obviously is not the case with Druggies stealing cars to shoot up or people using painkillers to get high.

absolutely correct again. You could still argue that these people have undiagnosed illnesses and CAN not accept this help.

grüße aus frankfurt

>> No.9830352

>If you were you'd have a lot more sympathy to addicts
No, I hate people who act as if druggies are poor people without their own faults and unable to catch theselves. You are making them children instead of responsible people.

>If they kill someone thats a different story, but most addicts dont murder people.
No, any crime is a crime. You don't get any bonus points for bringing yourself in such an sitation.

Well, at the point where they aren't willing to change, they are lost in my eyes and have nobody but themselves to blame for their fate. Others can only offer, if one doesn't to his part, it's nobody else problem.

In the end the victim doen't care if yu steal his car for drugmoney because you're addcited or because your just want some quick shekels for a new phone. Justice has be done, and if that person warns you and you get shot while trying to rob someone, at least you don't need to get your next fix.

Mein Beileid, aber Düsseldorf ist auch nicht viel besser.

>> No.9830358

Addiction is a mental illness anon, its not always a choice to stay hooked.

>> No.9830362

>Well, at the point where they aren't willing to change, they are lost in my eyes and have nobody but themselves to blame for their fate

i still think that some are willing but not able to change (but in the end it´s all semantics). actions have consequences, it´s as simple as that

ich komme ursprünglich aus bonn/köln aber die habaks sind überall. sad times we live in

>> No.9830372

>as if druggies are poor people without their own faults and unable to catch theselves

But the thing is anon, this is exactly what some druggies are.

Certainly not all, and maybe not even most, but definitely some.

>> No.9830373

It doesn't matter. If you can't control yourself or get help, you are only a danger to others. I know what I am talking about, I have to fight it daily for longer than most of you people know how to use a keyboard. People have free will. If my will is to do drugs or not get help, the consequences are mine also. The reasons why I chose the things I do, are irrelevant.

Sad indeed, and it doesn't get better, on the contrary, it seems I see more and more druggies, and worse yet, more and more aggressive druggies willing to fight you if you even look the wrong way, which will still blame everything on everyone else, making themselves the victims.

>> No.9830378

Your own fault then.
Either do it in a way you dont get caught or do nothing at all.
Something tells me you just shot up a crack den in blind rage.

Godspeed my friend. Id probably kill myself before i got to prison for 20 years with 40 years of age.
I wont eat anything id probably just overdose on a drug cocktail and be done with it.

>> No.9830379

Would you care if you get robbed by a "poor soul" financing their addiction or a gangbanger his new flat TV? No. You might have simpathy, but that's where it ends. If thet druggy risks your ability to work or even your health, he had it comming. Considering how many of them live, death can be a preferable alternative.

>> No.9830381

>If you can't control yourself or get help, you are only a danger to others.

And your solution is that they should be shot and die in every circumstance? The world isnt so black and white anon. They can still be forced into getting help.

>> No.9830387

If they do the crime they ay the price, like any other criminal. If they live, they can get parallel tretment, if they don't they had time to get it inb4. Yes, cleaning out trash people from the landscape might not be pleasant but it is a healthy solution for every other person living there.

They had all the time and chaces in the world before getting criminal. They made their bed.

>> No.9830388

25 pounds of GARLIC BREAD

>> No.9830389

>Would you care if you get robbed by a "poor soul" financing their addiction or a gangbanger his new flat TV?

A lot of drug addicts dont commit crimes beyond drug use, anon. Why are you assuming all addicts commit robberies are kill people?

>> No.9830394

>Why are you assuming all addicts commit robberies are kill people?
It's like you people are high on retardation.

I am only taking about criminal druggies you fucking morons. God lord, you and your likes should be shot for beeing too stupid to read the full text inb4 bitching about druggie criticism. How fucking often have I to repeat myself?

>> No.9830407

>I am only taking about criminal druggies you fucking morons

Show me the post where you specifically mentioned that. All your other posts just refer to "druggies" as a group and call them criminals who have no control.

>> No.9830414

You sound angry anon. If you dont like public discorse then maybe fuck off to 9gag

>> No.9830420

>Show me the post where you specifically mentioned that.
I literaly said the same fucking thing in nearly all my fucking posts you dense Mutterficker. Stop smoking weed if it makes you that menataly slow for fucking fucks sake.


>> No.9830421

Repeating onself multiple times because a moron can't read is enraging to any sane person. That's why nobody likes potheads.

>> No.9830426


This post here


Literally illustrates that you view all addicts as criminals. I have simply been operating off of the information you gave me, moron.

>> No.9830433

You're the only one who cant read, heck, you cant even read the things you typed yourself.

>> No.9830435

I made a clear distinction between using drugs and beeing criminal due to drugs. Be thankfull that god is merciful towards potatoes.

>> No.9830437

No you didnt. You made a distincion between casual drug uses and addicts who you then labeled criminals in the same sentence.

>> No.9830445

>Be thankfull that god is merciful towards potatoes.

He clearly is since you're still here.

>> No.9830447

Text comprehension not found. Pretty common in druggies.

Context, moron, read what the anon before has said and to what I am replying, if you don't undestand that those are tweo extrems and that I never said that all druggies are criminals (which is only a thing you have nterpreted) it's not my fault. Ask next time before chimping out.

Wew, such a comback. You smirked while rocking back and forth while typing it, didn't you?

>> No.9830451

I totally understand. The bad thing is you're gonan become intimately acquainted with a fuckload more of crackheads inside.

>> No.9830462

The first post said "Drug users and career criminals are becoming a real fucking problem everywhere"

and the next post (which you replaied to) said "not all drug users are ciminals"

then you said "there's a difference between criminal fulltime druggies and smoking a blunt twice a year"

All ive been saying since then is that not all fulltime druggies are criminals, like you literally implied.

>> No.9830463

Literally said that it's about done crimes and that your addiction doesn't matter.

>> No.9830467

Well, you sound like you could have been a danger to normal civilians at some point. Thankfully it was only some crackheads.

>> No.9830468

>Wew, such a comback.

Oh like you didnt get your potato joke straght out of 2012 lmao

>> No.9830471

I said in every post that it's about the crimes they do and that their addiction should not be part of the equation, just like a single mother should not be. It's all been about CRIMINALS not beeing treated better because they have an excuse. How densse do you have to be to not be able to understand that while I was making it clear in every single post?

>it's a "the 90s called" joke
Like pottery,

>> No.9830479

>>it's a "the 90s called" joke
>Like pottery,

>Its a pottery joke


>> No.9830491

>I was making it clear in every single post?

No you didnt, you even implied it a second time when you said

"If someoe can't controll himself or accept help he is only a danger and needs to be put out."

>> No.9830497
File: 35 KB, 450x315, ceramicpenis1R_450x315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>it's a "the 90s called" joke
>>Like pottery,

>>Its a pottery joke


>> No.9830504
File: 1.00 MB, 218x228, FmYjcHV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you didnt

>If they don't accept threatment and cause crime, they are criminals.
>if your acting cause crime you are a criminal
>which is why I am more in favour of legalizationw while also making crimes for financing drugs much more harder
>I I would not haven taken help and mugged someone, I would forgive the person for killing me. You don't get to blame otehrs for your own actions.
> You also can't ignor their crimes just because they are druggies
>doing a crime will get you the same sentance
>No, any crime is a crime. You don't get any bonus points for bringing yourself in such an sitation.

>> No.9830508

then why do you keep implying addicts are criminals in your posts?

you imply it again here

"taking drugs and getting hooked is purel your own fault and nothing anybody has to pay with their bodily itegrity for it"

as if all addicts are out for your body integrity

>> No.9830516

>then why do you keep implying addicts are criminals in your posts?
I didn't imply that, thats what your stupid almond interpreted my fucking obvious posts to mean.

>"taking drugs and getting hooked is purel your own fault and nothing anybody has to pay with their bodily itegrity for it"
>nothing anybody has to pay with their bodily itegrity for it
It's literally fucking there you moron.

Lets deconstruct that sentance:
>taking drugs and getting hooked is purel your own fault
Meaning: You chose to take drugs, your free will
>nothing anybody has to pay with their bodily itegrity for it
Meaning: If you do something, you have to accept the consequences as nobody has to suffer because of you.

Good lord, anon, I'm really concerned for your almond activation.

>> No.9830529

10/10 derailing anon
Ever thought about joining the shill force?

>> No.9830531

Oh I understood the sentence, the problem is the sentence implies a cause and effect, the cause being addicts and the effect being criminality.

Which I tried to argue wasnt necessarily true because not all addicts are criminals.

>> No.9830544

>fucking obvious posts

Just as only retards can understand what other retards say, only retards can comprehend another retard's posts.

Sorry anon but im just too smart for you i guess.

I gotta pass the entry exam first

>> No.9830549

>caue and effect
Do you know what the word "if" means?
Do you know what the difference between "if" and "when" is?

Once again:
>criminals should be shot
>addicts which do a crime are criminals
>>"which do", meaning: incudes individuals having trait A "beeing a druggie" and B "beeing a criminal"
>criminal druggies should be shot

Everything else is your emotional interpretation.

>> No.9830552
File: 37 KB, 800x450, 24836436384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry anon but im just too smart for you i guess.

>> No.9830555


Go the fuck back to /b/ you fucking subhuman

>> No.9830595

>That's why nobody likes potheads.

Not being a pothead in 2017 is like not being white in the 1800's, its just stupid.

>> No.9830612

>smoking the literal opium for the masses in a time when the state ligelizes it to make you a couchpotatoe agaist going out on the street and fight for your rights and future generations
>thinking you are anything else than a usefull idiot
The only point in which you are correct in your comparison, is that the majority was as white as the current voter is stupid.

>> No.9830614
File: 52 KB, 750x596, news-bronson-obit-tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies just want to live our lives in peace. batshit conservative gun nuts would literally promote policies that create rampant out of control crime if it gave them an opportunity to shoot someone.

why do you suppose that is?

brotip: if you say "everyone is out to git me" your answer is disqualified. nobody is out to "git you", cleetus.

brotip2: if you say "if you aren't a batshit crazy wannabe murderer, you don't live around le scary nig nogs". I literally ride the train with them every day, stop being a pussy, cleetus.