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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 380x380, sfb-cbsmoothmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9827813 No.9827813 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy my girlfriend a small bar of some fucking amazing chocolate for christmas. Recommendations?

pic related???

>> No.9827820
File: 28 KB, 520x520, hershey milk chocolate bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get her some stupid artisan shit that tastes the same as everything else but costs 10 dollars a bar, get the tried and tested chocolate that everyone loves

>> No.9827825

Is she fat? Don't buy fat chicks chocolate for Christmas. Speaking from experience here.

>> No.9827828

no american chocolate please


>> No.9827832

Everyone knows you're baiting for obsessedposting

>> No.9827853
File: 74 KB, 667x375, kinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy her marabou or kinder buenos

>> No.9827869

I would give her something with spme permanence. She'll eat the candy bar and then forget about you. Actually, she'll probably blame you that the chocolate bar is gone.

>> No.9827880

this brand is good stuff.


>> No.9827881

once had a >75% french dark chocolate, la valhorn (something along those lines) with lavender, great aroma and taste

>> No.9827884

>small bar of chocolate for christmas
yeah, stop being so stingy and get her a selection of chocolates. visit a chocolatier's, you're bound to have one somewhere in driving distance. get advice from them, not from a fucking imageboard on the internet

>> No.9827888
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Seconding Buenos or Ferrero rocher's

>> No.9827900

Ferrero fucking sucks.

>> No.9827901

t. Cletus

>> No.9827907

why does everyone on /ck/ say Hersheys tastes bad? tastes fine to me? nothing special, but not disgusting like you guys make it out to be. are my taste buds retarded?

>> No.9827908

Go to a chocolatier. Get a small box of truffles or some crap like that. Don't get a fucking candy bar. That said, Milka>Hershey's.

>> No.9827910
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>> No.9827940
File: 41 KB, 475x475, signature-milk-chocolate-biscuits~~79035-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get these chocolate godiva biscuits. They taste fucking amazing.

>> No.9827946

>don't get her some stupid artisan shit that tastes the same as everything else but costs 10 dollars a bar,
I hate you

>> No.9828011

Does valentines day consist of putting on your good dale earnhardt hat and buying a box of ferrero rocher?

>> No.9828292
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ritter sport

>> No.9828323 [DELETED] 

I'm not OP
But I want some very good chocolate with nothing in it I don't want caramel I don't want butterscotch I want plain dark or milk chocolate

>> No.9828334
File: 244 KB, 405x400, lindt_swissclassicbar100g_surfin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get her a bar of Lindt Swiss Classic. Simple and elegant.

>> No.9828337
File: 3.84 MB, 3664x2748, dscf0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poke around your city for a proper chocolatier, no sense buying a candy bar as a christmas gift

>> No.9828346
File: 113 KB, 620x345, orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for the faint of heart

>> No.9828348


>> No.9828360

I'm American and I grew up with Hershey bars...then I grew up and eventually had real chocolate. In comparison, Hershey's chocolate tastes rancid. It might have something to do with them using rancid milk, or milk powder or something like that. I don't know. I don't care. I hate it.

I also now hate milk chocolate too, but that's for a different rant.

>> No.9828369
File: 86 KB, 425x280, 862025b651c02b33bd8a4f5804b63a63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from Europe or USA? Get some fancy Swiss chocolate, buy pieces for a hand picked chocolate box.

>> No.9828373

This is good stuff.

>> No.9828376


Also, just grab a sample of a few things and make a fucking date out of it.

I'm not 100% certain that bitches love going to fancy chocolate places and picking out fancy chocolate from an impressive assortment of awesome chocolate...but I'm willing to bet that bitches love going to fancy chocolate places and picking out fancy chocolate from an impressive assortment of awesome chocolate

>> No.9828404

Why are the swiss always so god damned good at everything?

>> No.9828412

>muh gun laws

>> No.9828514

>fine milk chocolate

is that marketing strategy working out for them

>> No.9828762

Why would you want to come out on christmas its fucking awkward?

>> No.9828929

Because they don't allow niggers to be citizens

>> No.9828933

Hate Hersheys too, but milk chocolate is far superior to dark

>> No.9829074

It's made from mixture of fermented vomit and shit guess some people like that

>> No.9829191

Lindt, Ghirardelli and Godiva is the best thing you can buy in your local walmart

>> No.9829281
File: 70 KB, 800x800, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had some of these and they were amazing.

Also where are you from?

I brought some Green and Blacks assortment box from the UK to my mother when I visited her and she really liked them. Also some Godiva, Divine, etc.
The Divine ones were pretty good.

>> No.9829548
File: 39 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9829559

Hershey does taste different from the more pricey chocolately options
When the Eurocucks mentioned that Hershey chocoltae had a vomity overtaste, I can now untaste/unsee.

>> No.9829568

Butyric acid is what makes Hershey's taste like vomit.

>> No.9829573

Haha nice meme I get it because if you eat godiva biscuits you must be gay haha true comedy

>> No.9829576


>> No.9829584

Hershey bars are neither made from vomit or from spoiled milk

They just add butyric acid to it

>> No.9829585

I seriously want to know how much you are planning to spend that you specified a “small bar of chocolate” for Christmas. I don’t see that costing more than $5-$10 - which still shouldn’t be that outrageous outside the states.

>> No.9829602

Huh. I have never particularly cared for Hershey chocolate (Nestle still tastes cheap but at least more like regular chocolate) and I’ve often wondered what it was originally like that it managed to become famous... but I could never quite put my finger on what I disliked about the taste. I am not keen on the texture either but now that you all mention it tasting like vomit, I can actually sort of understand why you would describe it that way. Thank you.

>> No.9829605

I eat "real" chocolate all the time and still enjoy hershey's whenever I happen to eat it. Just stop being a bunch of tastelets

>> No.9829607
File: 72 KB, 880x495, valrhona-and-rum-tasting-at-constance-le-prince-maurice-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valrhona is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to ultra-premium chocolate. The company is the largest wholesale distributor of ultra-premium cocoa beans in the world.

>> No.9829623

Guittard is superior to all 3. Next closest would be Lindt. Ghiradelli is like the Hershey bar of “fine chocolate”. I’d definitely take it any day over a Hershey bar but I’d take nearly any other “fine chocolate” over it.

>> No.9829626

butyric/butanoic acid is the defining factor of rancid butter, parmesan cheese, and vomit. Americans have literally become accustomed to eating vomit flavoured chocolate

>> No.9829669

No, no. You want to get her those in the 70% or 82% bars. But yeah, that's good chocolate. One of the best chocolates made in the states. Ironically, they were bought by Hershey's some years ago. Yes, Hershey's has the distinction of making both the worst chocolate in the world as well as some of the best.

>> No.9829697

>mfw slightly disgusted last time I ate a hersheys bar yet I couldn't put my finger on it
>this whole vomit thing makes sense

>> No.9829715
File: 92 KB, 500x667, Best chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find some on amazon, Its the best.

>> No.9829737
File: 141 KB, 601x419, chip_5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I really love Dove and Godiva chocolate so you can't go wrong with either of those.

I also found these at target and they're amazing and made with belgian chocolate.

Highly recommend.

>> No.9829757

>belgian chocolate
Belgian chocolate is a meme.
t. ate some

>> No.9829847

Kinder white is where it's at
But ferrero tastes bad

>> No.9829853
File: 5 KB, 175x289, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a flaw

>> No.9830178

>i'm a tasteless cuck

>> No.9830201


>> No.9830217
File: 223 KB, 566x445, British Holocaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find a flaw

>> No.9830248


>> No.9830262

I like El Rey chocolate. The 40% milk and the non-deodorized white are fairly special.

>> No.9830268

El Rey is far cheaper and just as good.

>> No.9830271

>non-deodorized white

>> No.9830328

look at these guys

you just now their chocolate is going to be amazing

>> No.9830330
File: 102 KB, 1100x733, mast.brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.9830336

>Wow they even took the time to scatter the chocolate with white chocolate flakes.
>Wait a minute, this doesn't taste like white chocolate

>> No.9830456
File: 32 KB, 458x321, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't really like bueno cause of wafers but my favorite chocolate of all time since i was 3(i think) is this.

>> No.9830565
File: 368 KB, 885x677, lindt_hello-bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore everything else posted so far.

>> No.9830587

How much soy product are these boys putting in their chocolate? I mean jeeze...

>> No.9830613

Typically white chocolate has the bean's scent removed but El Rey doesn't do that. Has a more nutty taste.

>> No.9830622

Well they should cut that shit out. Why not add some more milk, vanilla or something. Fuck, anything but vomit extract

>> No.9830624

It's just remelted valhrona. Plebs who think good chocolate costs $10 for a little bar when they could just buy bulk high quality chocolate from a baking supply shop are the reason the mast bros got big. I see no problem with this, they weren't selling bad chocolate. On the contrary, it was better chocolate than the average ameritard has ever tasted. People just got triggered because they look 'hip'

>> No.9830626

This thread really revealed the flyovers on this board.

PROTIP: If it's available in a supermarket, it's not fancy.

>> No.9830632
File: 110 KB, 2048x2048, 17854980_622516001265278_2457903548431362941_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these bad boys.

>> No.9830661

>his supermarket doesn't have fancy goods

My, just how poor are you?

>> No.9830672

PA representing. Hershey's is good. I have a small shop near my house who makes what some would call "real chocolate." Of course smaller places that don't produce mass amounts are better. For everyday typical chocolate, Hershey's is good. It doesn't have a vomit aftertaste to me. Besides, most "fancy" cheeses have feet/vomit tastes and smells so gtfo with that. You're not eating vomit/shit/feet don't be a child.

>> No.9830681

t. slave state flyover who thinks Dagoba is "fancy"

>> No.9830688

I'm sorry that you live in a pretend city and not a big boy city, but here in the first world fancy supermarkets have fancy goods and services.

>> No.9830701

Amedei or Michel Cluizel for the big guns. Also, something by Willies Cacao.

>> No.9830718

atlanta is not a "big city", cleetus

>> No.9830727

Is it really as hard to get decent chocalate in USA as the memes say or is it just appropriate to give your gf a supermarket-tier bar for christmas?

>> No.9830730

if you're 12, or dirt poor, it's acceptable

also keep in mind flyovers think that lindt is fancy so scharffen berger must be exclusive luxury chocolate

>> No.9830733

Its easy to get good chocolate here. There are high end US brands and Euro imports are common too. Its only the cheap shit big brands from a gas station or supermarket checkout line that suck.

>> No.9830751

I've seen them for 85p

>> No.9831004

ferrero is the brand name
rocher's is that specific chocolater name you retard

>> No.9831007

i dont know i dont live in the USA
but just order it off amazon buddy

>> No.9831010

also eurofag here
i tried hersheys cookies n chocolate bar once
and i personally thought it tasted fine

>> No.9831011

I like K'ul chocolate because I live there and it's covered with buzzwords :D

>> No.9831018

These are pretty fucking good.

>> No.9831041
File: 4 KB, 325x155, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Best candy in America, owned by Warren buffet too.

>> No.9831042

Too bad because there a a few places in Hawai'i that make small batch bars from cacao grown in Hawai'i... some of the best chocolate ever.

>> No.9831049

Vosges Haut is better.

>> No.9831058

Trader Joe's dark chocolate lover's 85%
not a fancy brand but it's very good, nothing I've had tastes like it

>> No.9831062


>> No.9831095

>Better than See's

>> No.9831214
File: 204 KB, 670x800, DSC_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bag of cocoa-dusted almond chocs is an elegant treat. Also, Guylain's sea shells are an inexpensive but impressive entry-level fancy chocolates. Loacker's dark chocolate tortinas are addictive so avoid unless you like the bbw.
Don't know it
Surprised me how trash it is
We need to go higher
Looks plain incredible

>> No.9831321
File: 361 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get her one of these and explain to her that she has to eat it all

>> No.9831325

how can people dislike rochers, I am shook

>> No.9831390



>> No.9831421


This a good friend of mine and his chocolates are orgasmic I recommend any of the wine truffles or the caramel with smoked sea salt but truly they are all amazing!

>> No.9831425

Don't fall for the dark chocolate meme and subject her to such torture. Anything above 80% tastes like chemicals and nothing else. Chocolate is meant to be paired with sweetness.

>> No.9831431


>> No.9831696

could have sworn it was 95%, but when I checked on amazon it was only 85%
maybe amazon only carries the normie tier
the Trader Joe's stuff tastes like a mouthful of cocoa flowers, you just eat shit brands

>> No.9831826


>taste and smell of feet
>a bad thing

anon, you really don't appreciate the finer things in life, do you?

>> No.9832064
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>> No.9832225

Make your own. That way it's more romantic.

>> No.9832240


Don't want her to get fat, eh?

>> No.9832339

Fuck, never seen those chococandies!

>> No.9832377

If you insist on chocolate get her a nice box of truffles from a chocolatier instead. A fucking candy bar will make her think she's not worth much to you as even a "fancy" one won't run you more than ten bucks. However, I would opt for something of permanence that she'll make use of, something homemade and thoughtful, or some kind of ticket to an activity together over food.

>> No.9832407
File: 511 KB, 1500x1478, 91mfHQ75-0L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite chocolate

>> No.9832790


They've gone way down hill in the past 10 years-ish

>> No.9832799

I dunno brands but I have relatives that are dutch and when they come visit they always bring some bomb ass dutch chocolate

>> No.9832816

Hershey's doesn't use the exact same chocolate for their combination bars as they do for plain chocolate.

>> No.9832866

still tasted fine
except their white chocolate tastes waxy tho but its coo....

>> No.9832904
File: 591 KB, 2829x1590, 2017-12-13 16.31.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9832920

they sponsor Pepin so it's probably good

>> No.9832925

Make them yourself... dead easy.

>> No.9832932

just give your " amazing gf " some double quarter pounder

oh sure shell chocolate


>> No.9832945

this is the face of sugar addiction

>> No.9834504


>> No.9835545


>> No.9835571

Fuck that, take a trip to Hershey Park with your GF and have hot, sweaty, chocolate sex.

>> No.9835597

Go to a chocolatier and ask for a bar of milk chocolate.

If it's made in house it's probably better than anything mass-produced and packaged in a factory.

>> No.9835966

Hmm... no hiss

>> No.9836743

I CTRL-F'd Royce Nama when I opened the thread but didn't see anything, thank god I scrolled through before posting. OP if you want some major brownie points from your gf you buy these, some of the best chocolates money will buy.

When my dad went on business trips to Japan he's always bring a couple boxes back for the family, good times.

>> No.9836805

A perfect gift appeals to an emotional basis. And while Chocolate on it's own may seem rather cheap even if she likes it, putting it on the side of something bigger is still a viable option.
Also, there is always a legit chance that they agreed to not make each other big gifts because for example, they both might be broke.

>> No.9836934

I use this to make hot chocolate

>> No.9837297

99% tastes like feet

>> No.9837346
File: 79 KB, 746x583, 5A2EDFA2-69EA-4813-ACBA-706E1F0C9266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9837483
File: 1015 KB, 1568x3339, sarotti-no-1-sao-tome-kakaosplitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best chocolate ever coming through.

>> No.9837490


>> No.9837499

Buy some milka, remelt it into one solid bar, sprinkle some shit on it, like dried rose leaves and wrap it in foil.

>> No.9837519

mein neger!

>> No.9838144

I've taken pastry classes where we used Callebaut chocolate, so once I was exposed to higher quality chocolate, I couldn't help but notice that Hersheys chocolate had an aftertaste like sour milk. Especially their milk chocolate. Ugh.

>> No.9838180

it tastes sour and has a disgusting waxy texture. hershey's special dark is edible if someone offers it to me, but i'd never purchase a hershey's product intentionally

>> No.9838270

I thought i was the only one that liked these... Noone i talk to has even heard of them

>> No.9838285

Not anymore, they started out remelting and then started making their own terrible chocolate.

>> No.9838330

my ex once got me one of those big reeses for christmas and we both tried to eat it but could barely make a dent in it
i miss being happy like that

>> No.9840305

I don't see the problem here.
In all seriousness, it's a helluvan acquired taste, but it can be enhanced with good coffee, or you can have a bit as a primer before tasting some 90%, really brings out its sweetness.

>> No.9840313

Oh lawd, now I want this.

>> No.9841084

It's good stuff! I like that a lot of the complexities in the cocoa really shine in the 100%. Highly recommend to dark chocolate fans.

But, while it is very flavorful, with the bitterness and lack of any sweetness (seriously, good black coffee is sweeter) I don't recommend it unless you're already into super dark chocolates.

>> No.9841095

Why not just get pic related? Looks good to me.

>> No.9841972

this is still a thing in germany, obviously in different packaging. it's just caffeine chocolate. 5/10, wouldn't give it to my girlfriend for christmas.

>> No.9842335


>> No.9843031
File: 105 KB, 1048x609, Chuao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are fucking delicious

>> No.9843774
File: 39 KB, 532x342, munz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of this thread I just ordered some imported Swiss chocolate as a last minute Christmas gift. I got this one and another one http://prod-uc.myob.net/b69f0672e838bd6dfb34f91ab824e304/gallery/1507329144-maestrani_news.png-detail.jpg which looks nice as fuck.