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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 512x384, 1512629837959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9818632 No.9818632 [Reply] [Original]

>32 years old
>had 5 drinks last night
>feel like rancid shit today

>> No.9818687

maybe you shouldn't drink like you used to, grandpa

>> No.9818742

>33 years old
>drink everyday for years
>organ damage
I'm not sure where you're going with this?

>> No.9818825
File: 19 KB, 300x626, 1f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink you have

>> No.9818829 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 837x892, 1485363833657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25ish years old group of friends who started working recently
>decide to go out and "party like in the good old days"
>everyone's feeling tired so we go home at 1am

>> No.9818850
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>29 years old
>drank like an asshole for ten years, now sober for nearly two
>feel great every day

>> No.9818858

>27 years old
>wife is chronically ill and will be for the rest of her life
>fired from my job of five years right before xmas
>smoke weed to feel better
>drink 2 40 oz colt 45s a night to feel nothing
>dont die in my sleep

>> No.9818861


>> No.9818863

Drank 3 gin and tonics and a bottle of wine last night. Considering calling in sick.

>> No.9818864


>> No.9818871

>masturbate every day for 10 years
>tell bitches off left and right
>stop masturbating for 3 weeks
>get the urge to fuck anything that moves

>> No.9818872

Wow are you really a mod?

>> No.9818878

>wah wah my wife is sick pity me instead i'm the one who ACTUALLY has it hard


>> No.9818880

Just turned 30. Been drinking pretty heavily with friends throughout all my 20's. Kinda slowing down now though.
Had 2 beers and a whiskey last night and felt so sleepy. Called it quits around 11.

>> No.9818927

>roastie slut gets sick and settles down with a dumb beta cuck
You deserve it tbhfam

>> No.9818964

>20 years old
>drink 14 beers and pass out before I remember to drink any water
>pounding headache the next day and ingesting anything makes me vomit

>> No.9819027

>was sober for a month
>had 8 pints and some vodka on friday
>woke up with a bruise on my head
>mud on my jeans
>lost or left my phone at some girls place

Well at least I didn't wake up in a hospital this time, whenever I relapse I just have no brakes and I fuck shit up, all I remember is I was arguing with this chick and the next moment I'm somewhere on the street realizing my phone is gone and the next part is I'm home feeling like shit.

>> No.9819040

LOL pussy

>> No.9819291

>ywn be a junkie piece of shit who blacks out like a faggot every time you drink

>> No.9819371

also, eat something before going to bed

>> No.9819402

Shut the fuck up

As a former addict who actually had a real substance abuse problem, reading aboutnyour post ironic self identification of your non existant addiction as a result of your college existence makes me hate u so much

>> No.9819407

>waaaahhh i'm a better/worse addict than you are!
nobody cares

>> No.9819417
File: 333 KB, 960x1402, blogs_youngandhungry_files_2010_04_demon_alcohol_opt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back. We miss you.

>> No.9819418

goddamn, why is everyone on /ck/ so fucking old?

>> No.9819424
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No thanks

>> No.9819427

We've been here a long time.

>> No.9819437
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Are you me?

>> No.9819454
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Wow, not even him, but the salt is real holy shit. Stay mad virgins.

>> No.9819464

you aren't an addict.

>> No.9819511

Great reading comprehension dipshit

>> No.9819575

>i wanna kill myself because of life choices i committed to that barely effect me and my shitty work ethic
>pls tell me i'm valid
>wah wah the salt is real baby cucks!

Some of us have real problems anon. Keep being a shitty manlet husband and lurk moar

>> No.9819609

>wasted after 5 drinks
youre a lightweight. next time eat a good meal first and drink plenty of water during and after drinking

>> No.9819616

30 is the new 20

>> No.9819617

>next time don’t even get a buzz
Great momscience

>> No.9819636

Wtf are old people doing on 4chan? Some of you are like old enough to be my dad

>> No.9819684

>when I'm older than 25, i'm going to stop using the internet altogether

>> No.9819709

what wrong with your wife m8?

I have Crohns Disease

>> No.9819714
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>Miguel Serra

>> No.9819717

no u!

>> No.9819724

ikr, what is this retard thinking

>> No.9819725

I'm a virgin with diabetes

>> No.9819748
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>37 years old
>roughly a fifth of vodka everyday for the last 13 years
>kidneys failing, spit up blood in the AM, solid poops have long been a thing of the past
You're on the right track, sport. When you get to where I'm at your drinking becomes a lifestyle. It's like being a cowboy.

>> No.9819754

Stop drinking and smoking and start hustling, your wife fucking needs you

>> No.9819763

Shoo shoo! Back to /alck/ you pests

>> No.9819780
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Drink more water, and drink lots of water before you go to sleep next time.

>> No.9819790

your organs can eventually heal themselves if you give up drinking for a few months/years

>> No.9819861
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>31 years old
>drank an entire bottle of sherry last night
>feel dandy today
maybe you're just drinking trash OP

>> No.9819870
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is it ok to take milk thistle while you drink? baby, i'm talking drinking every day and taking milk thistle every day

>> No.9819872

what kinda organ damage you got?

>> No.9819961

i drank too much and accidentally slammed the pantry door on my cock

>> No.9819986

>almost 24
>serious drinking began at 21
>don't even get buzzed anymore

>> No.9819993

>35 years old
>buzzed twice, never drunk
>look 10 years younger than my high school classmates

Feels good

>> No.9820014

Yeah anon some packaged meme grass will totally prevent the scientifically proven harmful effects of heavy drinking. Be sure to stock up on fish oil too

>> No.9820053

Probably true, but that would require me having to not drink for a couple months/years. This is no longer an option.
Yeehaw faggot

>> No.9820061

fucking kek

>> No.9820102

The important inside parts.

>> No.9820128

A for effort

>> No.9820138

Because we stopped hanging out on the other boards before they're full of 14 year olds.

>> No.9820155

You shouldn't have given her your AIDS

>> No.9820400

>look like old shit and didn't even do anything wrong
lol love my body

>> No.9820418
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Buncha fucking kids in this thread, quit breathing my air you rookies

>38 years old
>been blackout drunk almost everyday since I was 22

Get on my level kids. Never had a GF, can't hold down a job, no skills, ....college degree but so what... sister dead when I was 21, dad dead, ...can't kill self cuz mom is still alive. Lifetime of self-hatred. Lose self with alcohol and internet.

I'm going out Jeff Hanneman style

>> No.9820567

gott damn you are almost like my dad

>> No.9820582
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>23 years old
>chug water even when sober as a habit
>pass out from drinking
>wake up 95%, just slightly tired

>> No.9820587

Don't get hyponatremia.

>> No.9820591

I salt my food, sodium is healthy.

>> No.9820788

How about you stop being a lazy piece of shit and take care of your wife?

>> No.9820801

>21 years old
>drink 14 beers and pass out before I remember to drink any water
>Wake up feeling completely fine and feel superior to people who get hangovers

>> No.9820808

look around you. this is what adult life does to you.

>> No.9820816

what shard is that?

>> No.9820835

My old roommate got crohns from accutane so bad that he was laid up in a hospital for a year and had to have most of his colon removed. the doctors described his colon as "being like jelly". so he wound up with an ostomy bag, which was pretty cool because he could take a shit while standing up with the ease of a normal guy taking a piss. he told me one night that he hadn't gotten laid in the 5 years since the crohns, so one night some of our coworkers and i chipped in on getting him a hooker.

>> No.9821221

I have a strong suspect that the first pare of this story is more common than one would think. The moment I realised it is the moment I gave NoFap more credit than I used to (though not for me since I do fuck no problem)

>> No.9821599

>wah wah I don't have a wife or even a gf for that matter

join a dating app you absolute manchild

>> No.9821615
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>roastie slut
>beta cuck

Omega male detected. Do not engage

>> No.9821621
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>I wanna kill myself

I'll bet you do

>> No.9821679


the only thing that is still enjoyable when you get old is food

>> No.9821686

Sneedcraftian post my friend

>> No.9821702


every now and then I'm reminded of how utterly garbage our cumulative existence is

>> No.9821709

that's actually because you're a low test beta pussy

>> No.9821712

>middle aged alcoholics who spend all of their time spamming mcchickens on an indonesian fishing forum

wew lad

>> No.9821724

>30 is middle aged
You're very clearly the underageb& posting the mcchickens

>> No.9821734
File: 29 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get drunk every day for a year straight
>Can't even get drunk now, just get sleepy
>Can't fall asleep without booze anymore

>> No.9821738

>2 drinks with coke and 50ml of vodka
>3 dark beers
>1 shot of gimmicky fruity vodka with strawberries
>my stomach feels like it has bricks in it hurts like hell
Kill me now.

>> No.9821781


Is /ck/ for old people?

t. 35 yr old

>> No.9821786

your 25 year old self here. your face is different from the drinking. cut back now. peace.

>> No.9821790

this goes for you too, lad. either cut back on drinking or start getting high if you can't. it's not worth being an alcoholic as you get older.

>> No.9821793


>> No.9821797

why drink?

>> No.9821811

>30 years old
>had a bottle of wine, 6 beers, and 2 vodkas last night
>feel great today
sucks to be you, grandpa!

>> No.9821833

alcohol is the best drug

it's also the worst drug

>> No.9821859

Old drunks, yes.
t. 33 and a drunk

>> No.9823624

>be alchy and smoker from 18-21
>by 22 I am done with both, have a modestish gf, spend my free time working on skills and furthering knowledge
>23, now, have a beer or 2, or a mixed drink or a glass of cheap red wine, Im already sleepy by 7pm

wtf is wrong with me

>> No.9823657
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>28 years old
>drink an entire bottle of wine and four tallies of strong beer
>wake up at 1am with a strange vigor and play vidya while moderately drinking until 5am when I get ready to go to work
>feel kind of spaced out at work but I work in a slowly going out of business factory so it doesn't matter
>buy a bottle of whiskey on the way home

>> No.9823716


its a comfy board with little pol cancer. many oldfags take refuge here

>> No.9823802
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, 1508840267967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 years old
>sipping a glass of cheap lambrusco wine while reading about alcoholics on the Food & Cooking board of 4chan
>in my University of Oxford dormitory previously inhabited by renowned thinkers, politicians, writers and scientists
>smiled and clutched my duvet at the memory of French kissing an aristocratic girl last night in her dorm after watching Lilya 4-ever
>tfw she tells me all about her childhood friends and how their parents were politicians, barristers, chief executives and other people occupying the most high-paying positions in society
>tfw she invited me to stay over and I said I'm not ready which made her smile and whisper "Congratulations, you passed" in my ear
>tfw walking around Oxford alone on a chilly, dark and somewhat foggy night and feeling dozens of potential novels, poems and short stories flooding my subconcious
>no lecture until tomorrow afternoon so I eat a large supper prepared by humble (poor), submissive catering staff
>currently sitting in my dormitory watching students dressed in fashionable thick coats walking around the quad to and from their lectures
>literally just took a sip of wine and then smacked my lips and said "mmm aahhh" after yet another Peak Experience here at the UofO
>will probably do some reading to prepare for my lecture this tomorrow, may meet up with "the guys" (my largely privately-educated friends) to discuss the topic of the lecture beforehand

Yet another day of academic bliss. I still can't believe it. Are there any decent Campus Novels set at the University of Oxford that could remind me in a few decades' time how perfect this place is?

>> No.9823826

>25 years old
>chug a couple beers
>feel like shit
>get bad dhiarrea

>> No.9823846

/ck/ is a chill place that does not attract younger people. Is a 15 year old boy most likely going to more interested in cooking or vidya?

>> No.9823852

Doesn't surprise me, interest in cooking tends to develop with age, plus there's some career chefs/butchers/other people in the food industry here.
t. 32

>> No.9823854
File: 399 KB, 500x355, 1512411291657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw 26 year old male
> tfw getting high and drunk af every weekend the past ten years
> tfw body can handle my degeneracy
> tfw fucked a 19 yo qt3.14 on friday, fingered a milf next to me in a bar on saturday
> tfw when not even attractive but just dont care anymore and grab em by the pussy
> tfw when you have money and can shitpost from work on an ethopian agarculture board
> tfw got money, get pussy and have a pretty good life

>> No.9823856


Wew lad.

>> No.9823928
File: 17 KB, 300x364, 1508081631025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would seem so

t. 18 year old

>> No.9823935

Why not? We've always been there for you.

>> No.9823948

>Miguel Serra

>> No.9823973


>> No.9823978

>half japanese
>going to look 19 until i'm 50

>> No.9824035

>Come home to relax at my computer after a long day of working at my computer.

>> No.9824063

Are you a cute Japanese grill?

>> No.9824084

I can definitely tell a noticeable difference in my face, and how my body feels from cigarettes, and alcohol. It really ages the fuck out of you, and I am only in my mid 20's, but i am also careless about my future, and do not take care of myself.

>> No.9824099

idk about milk thistle, but 2 capsules of l-theanine before going to sleep virtually eliminates the "head" hangover/fogginess, if that makes sense. mentally you still may not want to do anything, but physically you feel good. i've tried a lot of hangover remedies, and this is the only one that's measurably done anything.

enjoy it while it lasts pal. each year *will* get worse.
t. 28 y.o.

>> No.9824110

Dude that is like my secret. I always take milk thistle when I drink.

>> No.9824229

>about to turn 27
>just started drinking a few years ago, clean boy for ages, now drink a bottle of wine once a week.
>wake up feeling rough but it's a good feeling cause I refuse to drink alone.
>lost 90 pounds since highschool
>finally got friends and a girlfriend(that isn't a huge cunt(unless she's playing a moba or something)).

Lifes not all bad, find something to strive for.

>> No.9824857
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>23 years old
>4 Desperados
>wake up like shit

>> No.9824914

more like Anus Infernal

>> No.9824930

>cheap lambrusco wine
Love that memory

>> No.9825349

Who /doesn'tgethangovers/ here?

>> No.9825371


>be 23
>have a really good diet and exercise
>get very drunk maybe once every month or two at parties, gatherings
>Literally not once have ever had a hangover in my entire life even after getting so drunk at a few parties where I couldn't walk straight

Wow it's fucking nothing. I don't get it.

>> No.9825431

>even after getting so drunk at a few parties where I couldn't walk straight
That's nothing. Try drinking till you pass out and don't remember anything. I've done that with still no hangover

>> No.9825439

I've only ever blacked out once and that was on LSD, it sucked cock and don't plan to black out ever again

>> No.9825474

are people in their 30's really old?

>> No.9825572

to a 19yo vegan soyboy faggot, yes, because he won't even live that long

>> No.9825587

funny post

>> No.9825624

>former addict

>> No.9825653

Maybe you have Celiac's

>> No.9825676

You fuckin old dude

>> No.9825689

So I drink 25 Oz's of Natty daddy and a 40oz of steel reserve a night. Gaining weight from this , how many shots of rum or other liquor will get me this feeling but with less Calories?

>> No.9825702

probably 5 or 6 shots. You will still gain massive weight from drinking liquor, but possibly less than all that beer. Every shot has around 100 calories if it doesn't have any sugar added.

Dont drink that much regularly. You will get fat, fuck your liver and kidneys up, feel/look like shit, and get depressed. You will become dependent on alcohol and it will start to effect your life. Its not worth it, its fucking retarded, dont do it.

>> No.9825711

That's still better than I am at right now with like 800 Cal's just from booze. I'm at the point where my body is fucked up from it already and gained tons of weight . Even though I work a physical job and hit the gym 3 times a week and play ice hockey on the weekends

>> No.9825738

I used to drink half a fifth a day for a year and a half. Gained probably 40 lbs and developed a fatty liver and elevated liver enzymes. I stopped all alcohol for almost a full year and my liver enzymes are normal again. My liver still hurts from time to time from the fatty liver but it is healing. After I was sober for a while I started to realize how stupid and weak willed drinking is. Drinking because you are sad and fucking your life up and the lives of others around you is one of the most selfish/destructive/retarded things you can do. Sometimes people just have to try it themselves to realize that, the problem is some people wont be able to stop and will end up killing themselves from the alcohol or otherwise.

>> No.9825740

I want to add half a fifth was the minimum, sometimes I drank a whole fifth, other times inbetween. I started off with titos vodka but had to switch to cheap shit because I was going through so much alcohol a week. It was at least $150 per week at first.

>> No.9825750

Also while im telling my story I want to emphasize how shitty it is to go to the doctor for something unrelated then have him ask about your wait gain and drinking habits, watch him get all concerned when you tell him how much you have been drinking (which obviously is half as much as you have been actually drinking) and then order a ton of tests for you, have him try to convince you to see an addiction specialist etc. Then I had to get an ultrasound and like 5 blood tests to test for all sorts of conditions that could be fucking my bloodwork up. It was not fun, its fucking embarrassing and a terrible experience. Then on your file at the doctor you have SEVERE ALCOHOL ABUSE/ADDICTION written on your shit for every health care person you ever see again to ask you about.

>> No.9825756

>24 years old
>two months without drinking because of medicines
>feel great but kinda meh

>> No.9825947
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>she invited me to stay over and I said I'm not ready which made her smile and whisper "Congratulations, you passed" in my ear

>> No.9826030
File: 455 KB, 256x256, XgUZe0K.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 23
>eat Taco Bell Cravings Deal and Jack in the Box Munchie Meal in one sitting
>wake up the next morning feelin' fine
>getting hungry
>eat 2 big macs w/fries for lunch, 2 whoppers with fries and nuggets for dinner
>wake up the next morning feelin' a-okay

How long can I keep this up?

>> No.9826049

That was completely untranslatable.

>> No.9826057

mid to late 20s, I used to be like you. Now I eat very little and work out regularly or I become a big fat ass. Enjoy your remaining time but be forewarned.

>> No.9826101

In SEA my liver aged 3 years in 30 days

>> No.9826120

You are inevitably going to be a land whale. Had a friend just like you, around 26 his metabolism wasn't having it anymore, gained a shit ton of weight, realized it is a huge pain in the ass to lose weight, doesn't know how to cope with it and is extremely depressed now. Better clean your shit up anon.

>> No.9826165

>Drink 8 beers and half a bottle of Whisky/Vodka every night for three years

This is not going to end well

>> No.9826270

>those nested parentheses
Go back to /g/

>> No.9826276

Cut down ASAP dude

>> No.9826299

i never really drunk but boy i almost killed my dick with whores and porn

>> No.9826306

>be Mormon
>never consider booze
>get into heaven despite being in a cult

>> No.9826309

You are just getting in the ground like everyone else. At least your flesh wont contaminate the soil like all these addict putrid fuckers.

>> No.9826318

This is true for some of your organs but the liver is the most susceptible to permananent damage. The liver will attempt to heal itself with little nodules of healthy tissue but won't be able to do much since great portions of the liver is scarred, which leads to cirrhosis.

>> No.9826324

>Drank a fifth of whiskey last night
>Still made it to work at 6am by not being a pussy

>> No.9826329
File: 34 KB, 410x436, reserve capacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doctorfag here. allow me to explain Pic related

This is how reserve capacity works.
>you are the entire circle.
>the dot in the middle is your homeostasis - the point at which you are the most optimize and you feel the best.
>the red represents your reserve capacity. the closer your body systems are to the dot, the less of your reserve capacity you are using and the better you feel.
>as you age, your black dot gets bigger and the red area gets smaller
>when you're young, you can go out and eat a pound of gummy bears, play soccer for 3 hours, watch TV, eat 16 pieces of pizza and then fall asleep for 10 hours, then wake up and feel fine.
>try to do that at 30 and you're probably going to wake up with heartburn.
>Try to do that at 60 and you're not going to wake up at all
>when you're 21, you can drink like a champion and your reserve capacity will handle your recovery
>when you're 32, you burn up a lot of the reserve capacity forcing your organs to process poison and killing brain cells. But you'll live
>do this when you're 60 or 70 or 80, and you won't

drink up!

>> No.9826333

>>feel like rancid shit today
You are feeling the effects of poisoning yourself, dummy

>> No.9826351

>It's Oxfordposter
>on /ck/
Oxford's food must be pretty shit if you're here. Maybe you can go and spam /lit/ again.

>> No.9826657

but 30's is like the defenition of middle aged, my dad is still in his 30's lol

>> No.9826665


>> No.9826676

>As a
Stopped reading.
Back to Ribbit.

>> No.9826744
File: 32 KB, 1080x310, Screenshot_20171212-095852~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30's is like the defenition of middle aged
You and your father are both retarded

>> No.9826777

lol ok, 45 to 65 is literally grandad tier not middle aged, keep being delusional.

>> No.9826791

>39-18= 21
Your dad forgot to pull out while drunk.

>> No.9826796

It's literally the definition

>> No.9826837


>> No.9826840

Been here since habbo hotel shit, I'm nearly 26

>> No.9826865

I just drank a 6 pack and had sex with my hot girlfriend the other night and we are both dropouts

>> No.9826868

Me too, but i'm 21. I'm glad it's all anonymous, I'm sure some of my posts would haunt me otherwise.

>> No.9826908

I'm 28 as well. Literally used to be the god king of booze but it doesn't last. You keep it up it WILL get worse. I had to cut back a long way. Be careful little 23 year old babby, I don't want you to travel down the road of alcoholism.

>> No.9827026

Women say exactly the opposite of what they mean. Every fucking time.

>> No.9827029

were you there on a sex tour?

>> No.9827333

That kitten is gorgeous.

>> No.9827363

yeah, too bad about what happened to it, but that's what happens when a fucker from /b/ wants attention

>> No.9827371
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>Congratulations, you passed
Did she tip her fedora?

>> No.9827461

Thanks for sharing anon

>> No.9828994
File: 49 KB, 616x699, 1506358363792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't drink often. Mostly during the holidays
>Have a few drinks and shots
>Neck muscles start tightening up every time
'Fucks wrong with me, guys?

>> No.9829036

I bet u take aspirin on ur last Busch lite and expect to be good in the morning.

>> No.9829040

Sup chef

>> No.9829075

>20 years old
>have never had alcohol in my life

>> No.9829149

u have shit electrolytes
drinkan makes u make more piss to flush the poison, u don't have the electrolytes to compensate so ur muscles go spaz

>> No.9829206
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>24 years old
>only drink water and watch what I eat
>feel pretty dang great everyday

>> No.9829238

>28 years old
>haven't had alcohol since 2015
>daily pot smoker for 10 years, but quit 7 months ago.
>benzodiazepines daily for the past 5 years, a month away from the final cut in my long and agonizing taper.
Almost ready for the clean life. Unfortunately I feel like fucking garbage all the time, but I'm hoping it's just because of protracted benzo withdrawal that will improve eventually.

>> No.9829241


Hi Brit

>> No.9829250


If you're an alcoholic, it pretty much is middle aged

>> No.9829259


Me,I guess

But it's probably because I'm only 21

>> No.9829297

>Drank every day from age 21 to age 34
>18 pack of beer a day at the worst
>Developed stomach problems
>Got ulcers on my esophagus from hangover puking
>Kept drinking
>Liver started failing, skin starts becoming jaundiced
>Finally go to the doctor
>He tells me "You will die unless you quit drinking"

No alcohol going on a year. Health problems are completely gone. The human body has a remarkable ability to bounce back from catastrophe. I still get a hard craving if I see people drinking or especially if I go to a gas station and see the alcohol on the shelves, so ready and easy to get, but seeing my uncle die from alcohol-related illness, I would never go back to that life.

>> No.9829333
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Although I have relatively little experience compared to many of you here, I'd like to leave a note for those around my age and drinking more than we probably should. I realized drinking had cemented itself in my head as being something potentially fatal if not curbed when I found myself thinking of activities coming up and only imagining how much better they'd be if only I had some 40s with it. This isn't to say I hadn't previously thought about my alcohol usage as way out of whack in terms of frequency and amount, but if I had it my way after even two beers I'd feel that I want to drink every day until I died, but sober I know this is a dumb path. Another thing that got me thinking was when I realized around last year that I would probably trade a social life, career, etc. for an apartment somewhere, a minimal livable income, and alcohol for the rest of my life. There is no way that thinking this way can be beneficial for anyone, and if you think this way you need to ask yourself is that is actually who you want to become versus all you can be.

Anyways, just wanted to say that if you have thoughts like that it might be time to cut back. I believe that part of the reason many in my social circle drink a lot is because we do not have things to do at night besides drink and use YouTube, etc. That part has to be fixed on your own.

As painful as it sounds, I think abstinence from alcohol is the only way out for people like us

I tried my first four days sober last weekend and have found an insane amount of productive time in the day and really enjoy it

I hope that others take my word here and try cutting back step by step while you still can before it gets to the point where you can't quit and the damage to your liver, esophagus, and brain is done

>> No.9829357


I'll also add that buying six packs of diet root beer to drink instead really helps

>> No.9829358

>go to 3 shows past week
>drink every night
>get less than 6 hours of sleep every night
>feel fine

Better go let the doctors know I can't come down off my lithium yet.

>> No.9829404


>> No.9829410

good for you brother

>> No.9829717
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thanks, man

>> No.9829728

yes you fucking retard the internet is for young people.

>> No.9830992

I used to be young

>> No.9830999

thanks Dr.Fag. This is actually pretty interesting.


>> No.9832817

Like the other anon said, the other boards are filled with teens who are really annoying. Anytime I joined a discord link posted (also, i was thinking wtf is discord?) it was a bunch of underageb& fags giggling and saying dumb off topic shit.

>> No.9832846

then you should leave, go retire to facebook, you will fit in with all the old people posting cat pictures

>> No.9832872

>feels good every day
>goes on 4chan

I don't think so

>> No.9832877

Weed has the same issue. I've smoked almost every day for the last year and a half and i've got the same situation. It's not like i've got a physical dependency or anything but it's a real test of willpower to not smoke when i'm just sitting around my apartment or something. Habits are way stronger than addictions, it seems.

>> No.9832893
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I should leave because you're an underageb& little faggot? Nah. I'm good.

>> No.9832921

>be OP
>order well drinks of the cheapest nature
>don't drink any water before bed
>wake up dehydrated
>goes to grab soda/coffee that doesn't fix hydration

>> No.9832939

How many of you feel like it's a very real possibility you'll end up a homeless drunk? I'm making a beeline towards that reality.

>> No.9833185

Hold on to your memories to the best of your abilities, because the real world is much, much harsher and less forgiving. Especially to insufferable shitbirds like you.

t. elite school alumn

>> No.9833213

Only time I've ever had a hangover was when I accidentally drank a whole bottle of hard cider and literally nothing else that day. I wish I had died in my sleep.

>> No.9833250
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Holy shit, get help. You're on the fast track towards completely destroying any chance at a normal life before your life's even started. Also, how fat are you?
White trash, underage b&, or both?
Nice work getting clean, keep on keepin on!

>> No.9833274


>eat 5 tendies
>pepto on the rocks for the rest of the day

>> No.9833281
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>24 years old
>get black out drunk every weekend
>sneak in a couple of drinks during the week
>can't socialize without being buzzed

am I going down a dark path bros

>> No.9833283
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>> No.9833303


I was here before you - what else did you think we'd do? Go to facebook? I don't know anybody on facebook, I am an old anonymous.

>> No.9833320

Yup! I was like that at your age now I'm thousands in debt, lost everything and in detox once a month

Wait till withdrawals start

I'm 28

>> No.9833348


Non drinker cortex looks like a squinty lion. Moderate drinker looks like a carved halloween pumpkin.

>> No.9833352

So glad I don't drink. Pic confirms drinking makes you a brainlet.

>> No.9833374

what was the criteria for the moderate drinker?

>> No.9834184

I could beat you to death with my bear hands, disgusting little queer.

>> No.9834707

Maybe drink more and stop bitching. Godamn. hair of the dog dude. hair of the dog

>> No.9834763

>24 earth years old
>drink a shit load
>down 2 glasses of water before bed, keep one on night stand
>wake up a groggy, drink water and go back to sleep
>wake up later completely fine
i love water

>> No.9834778

1 beer every 3 months

>> No.9834993

>not being in the gianicolo hills overlooking rome

>> No.9835671

brit? most of us are binge drinkers from 16.

>> No.9835679

lol no.

>> No.9835721
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>> No.9835755

>be 21
>pretty sure alcohol effects me like cocaine or ecstasy
>can only sleep for a few hours after heavy drinking, have to force myself to sleep more
>don't feel hungry at all the next day
>have to drink really quickly, have about 10 pints in 4 to 5 hours when ideally I'd have half in that time

What can I do lads? Might just quit drinking altogether or get Naltrexone

>> No.9835764

git gud

>> No.9836075

Alcohol is like poison to your system, what do you expect?

>> No.9836089

>don't drink
>hey can I buy you something?
>oh, I appreciate it but no thank you
>ohh man, I'm sorry, how long have you been in recovery for?

its amazing how people assume you have a problem with drinking because you aren't drinking I'm probably the only one there who doesn't have a problem with it

>> No.9836417

When I was in my younger 20s an acquaintance of mine kept insisting to buy me a drink, I had to refuse his nagging dozens of times and eventually had to raise my voice because this fucker wouldn't take a god damn hint.

>> No.9836456

Alcohol does not help with sleep in long term, at all. When your body is done metabolizing the liquor you'll wake up

I'm on naltrex one too

And Prozac, propanelol, gabepentin, bus par, a few others..

T. Alike

Get off the ride kiddo

>> No.9836472

I hope you get molested down some alley in Cowley

>> No.9836475

If I could get you a beer of five, I would.

>> No.9836814

Comorbidity is a bitch huh