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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9794553 No.9794553 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to build muscle on a diet of rice, beans, corn, squash, lentils, broccoli, and cheese?

>> No.9794559

Sure, but you might end up looking like this fucking joker

>> No.9794577

How can you look this big and muscular, but at the same time soft and feminine?
Is he cycling roids and estrogen?

>> No.9794578

that dude is gay

>> No.9794594

is there a word for the male equivalent of butterface? because his face looks fucking retarded

>> No.9794605

well first thing you gotta do is shave off all body hair...

>> No.9794624


>> No.9794641

It's roids plus a large caloric surplus aka bear mode on roids.

>> No.9794686

He lifts and probably roids but doesn't count calories so he doesn't have that hardbody low bodyfat look.

>> No.9794715

Dude must make women wet left and right.

>> No.9794719

Imagine being this body image warped. How long did you browse /fit/ my friend?

>> No.9794725

His women are his left and right

>> No.9794751
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, 24331838_459370357792609_2100547468000231424_n.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but can you get big on OP diet?

>> No.9794774

Theoretically if you eat enough. Eat a lotta dat corn.

>> No.9794792

he's also wearing slut clothing for some reason.

>> No.9794817
File: 417 KB, 1600x1176, gettyimages-73458437_custom-a4dd353e7fdbc93125a83d48e4753125c18bbf7d-s1600-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a given definition of big.

>> No.9794833

>slut clothing
that's underwear, anon

>> No.9794869

I should point out that you will not get THAT big without roids and without roids you could run the risk of just looking fat.

>> No.9795297

>that's underwear, anon
Oh sweetie. it's slut clothing.

>> No.9795486

how is a dude wearing a sports bra NOT considered gay

>> No.9795496

Yes, just eat enough beans/lentils/cheese

>> No.9795500
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Imagine being so deep in the closet you think that that is acceptable undergarments for a heterosexual male.

>> No.9795505

Confirmation i'm not gay because the guy in OP's pic is legit making me feel disgusted, something is wrong with his body and face.

>> No.9795513


maybe he's not a heterosexual male, you faggot.

>> No.9795515

yeah I think it's safe to say you're not gay, m8

you could suck as many cocks as you want all day and not worry about deriving and pleasure from it

>> No.9795542

What sort of diet do you need to have sex with this?

>> No.9795570

Nigger he's fucking gross.

>> No.9795572

Then he would know those are slut clothes. Do you think gays don't know who the sluts are?

>> No.9795581

I've been a vegan for over 3 years and the only times I've been able to build muscle was when I drank 2-3 servings of protein powder a day. You really can't eat more than a cup (dry) of lentils or beans a day without getting constipated, so they're not that great for a primary protein source. I mostly got my protein from powder, whole grains, spinach, broccoli

>> No.9795597

While his face isn't all that great, he has a very nice body. Your post is like reading fat women's comments on instagram models photos.

>> No.9795608

Those are some terrible abs. Jesus

>> No.9795618

Nah, I'm not attracted to that whatsoever. His proportions look very strange.

>> No.9795643

In what way? He looks fairly well rounded. Just has some fluff.

>> No.9795656

this is why you skip leg day. that looks like shit, lads

>> No.9795668

not because of his legs..

>> No.9796467

lol he has two separate zelda tattoos. that's gayer than the clothes or the pout.

>> No.9796872

>YWN never have your skull crushed between those thighs


>> No.9797065

His hips are really wide

>> No.9797073

It's like he's fat but not fat. The fuck?

>> No.9797079

3, actually.

He looks great from the back but something about him from the front is fucking my eyes up. It's not that he's unattractive (well his face is) he's just....what the fuck?

>> No.9797091

Probably a small bulk being done with his workout. Probably a 600-700 calorie surplus, along with a cut in the future. If he lose 10-15lbs he'd be shredded.

>> No.9797134

There's also the fact that his "abs" don't go with the rest of his body at all. His whole waist area looks weird.

>> No.9797138


>> No.9797154

take the right steroids and you'll build muscles eating cheetos and jacking off to anime all day

>> No.9797321

He is short. You can't fix that.

>> No.9797332


>> No.9797348

Possible, yes!

Easier than eating meat and other things, no.

>> No.9797354
File: 6 KB, 182x185, 41597_2306433266_4613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some uncanny valley shit

>> No.9797361

No its because his hips are too wide

>> No.9798599

You can get big on just about any high calorie diet save for maybe an all sugar diet or an all fat diet. Looks like OP's diet would hit the right macros if the calories are up there and it's very nutrient dense at the very least.

>> No.9798611
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think about rice pasta?
Picked up some bulk brown rice pene from winco the other day and I can't even taste the difference.

>> No.9798628

Why? He’s big and muscular but not ripped. He’s wearing skanky bitch clothes, and he’s either obviously a homo or he’s posing as one for the pictures. I suppose you couldn’t have meant this sarcastically but there is nothing attractive about him.

>> No.9798636

I can concede that his underwear are underwear (although they still look gay) but you can’t tell me that top is “just underwear”).

>> No.9798649

Why? Do you have celiac or were you just trying something different to see what it’s like?

>> No.9800715

why cant you add eggs to your diet or greek yogurt

>> No.9800728

maybe the top is for blood flow or something

>> No.9800752

Oh, I know what organ it improves blood flow to...

>> No.9801373

No, wheat gives me acne and I really like pasta so it was hard to give that up.

>> No.9801918

Yes as long as it's portioned and you use protein supplements

>> No.9801927


My dad just walked in as I had this on the screen.

I feel like I should tell him something.

>> No.9801935


chanko-nabe is the shit

>> No.9801941
