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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9748408 No.9748408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's western conservatives problem with soy?

>> No.9748411

They're idiots. That's the problem.

>> No.9748415

It's just a straw men and a meme for them.

>> No.9748416

They're terrified of people finding out they're gay

>> No.9748420

.5 shekels have been deposited in your soyboyTm account

>> No.9748426

because soy contains estrogen and they think soy is going to turn you into a fag or a tranny

>> No.9748435

It's plant estrogen, though. It has no effect on humans or animals.

>> No.9748470

>why don't intelligent people want to turn into gender bending doormats?

>> No.9748472

Learn how hormones work.

>> No.9748477



>> No.9748485

expert nutritionists like Faith Goldy and Paul Joseph Watson have warned them against the horrors and evils of the soy bean

>> No.9748487

No significant effect, at least, yes - but they're irrational idiots and don't know the difference between phytoestrogens and estradiol - not to mention that some of the bioactive forms of estradiol need to be administered sublingually or transdermally, not orally.

This goes both ways, with people seeking 'trap-mode' aesthetics with things like trace-level BPA, consumption of foods high in phytoestrogens and even herbal remedies like pueraria mirifica - which are going to do essentially nothing at all except, in the latter's case, slowly box your liver.

The biggest source of estrogen consumption overall - which still seems to not have any measurable effect - is ethinyl estradiol from the urine of (overwhelmingly) cis women taking birth control pills, which typical wastewater treatment does not remove.

It comes from the same Daily Mail-type hysteria around water fluoridation - a lack of understanding of public health and a suspicion of some vague type of conspiracy to, in this case apparently, turn manly men of manliness into weak pathetic sissies. That speaks volumes about the leanings of those suspecting such a conspiracy.

Diet can have many effects on endocrine levels, but nothing even remotely in the bracket of any kind of HRT.

>> No.9748499

Look at all these nu-males afraid of toxic masculinity. Lay off the soy and you might get some poontang

>> No.9748573

I have a shorter explanation than your stupid ass novel of a comment. It's a meme.

>> No.9748586

>actually being this invested in a /pol/ meme

it's a dumb joke that was chosen because it rhymes, jesus

>> No.9748609
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>> No.9748617
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East Asian men have the smallest testicular volume, lowest testosterone levels, and the least sexually dimorphic body in the world.

Is it due to their excessive soy consumption? I don't know. Maybe.

>> No.9748624
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Excellent argument my friend :)

>> No.9748706

Do you really think the idiots at /pol/ give a shit about well thought out arguments? They're either mindless kids who genuinely believe what paul Joseph Watson said or people fishing for easy (you)'s. Neither group cares what you post, link to or show. It'll die down once you learn to ignore it and move on.

>> No.9748730

Sure, okay

>> No.9748772
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Why do western liberals get so triggered by the term "soyboy"?

>> No.9748823
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The truth hurts

>> No.9748833


>> No.9748838

>4 insecure alt reich nu males influenced by some guy that gets paid to push an agenda from st. petersburg
those guys that are amassing guns to kill browns should give a round of bullets to this guys too

>> No.9748845

>/pol/ thinks "cuck" is hilarious
>after a few years it loses its "edge"
>/pol/ thinks really hard
>/pol/ "invents" soyboy
>/pol/ immediately claims everyone is triggered by its usage

reminds me of the "u mad" meme.

>> No.9748850

>>>/pol/ immediately claims everyone is triggered by its usage
Your passive-aggressive reply proves they (or at least, you) are.